
Reviews 6
Approval 95%

Soundoffs 26
Album Ratings 1517
Objectivity 73%

Last Active 05-23-15 6:44 pm
Joined 12-13-12

Review Comments 4,389

shoutbox » all posts 
  • bighubbabuddha I recc The Mars Volta - Frances The Mute (Froosh does the solos)
    May 23 04:15 PM
  • bighubbabuddha **** someone on Sput with great music taste
    May 22 05:20 PM
  • SteakByrnes pretty neat sound! Sounds kinda old school 00s core but also sounds like edgy anime intro core lmao but in a good way. They new?
    May 15 02:14 AM
  • Flugmorph i responded to your question on my hololive list in case you missed it
    April 10 07:09 AM
  • discovolante Hmm? some albums off the top of my head:?Maximum? by MAX?Love Brace? by Tomomi Kahala?Junjou Karen Otome Moyou? by Yuki Uchida?Dance to Positive? by TRF?Original Tracks Vol. 1? by Super Monkey?s (the first group of Namie Amuro, except these songs are much more in vein with electro-dance-pop)Hopefully at least some of these will be up your alley!
    February 11 02:54 PM
  • discovolante It?s an absolute classic!
    February 6 09:33 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell extremely belated Akina Nakamori - Fushigi follow-up for you (plus a bunch of other stuff you'll recognise)
    September 27 03:07 PM
  • Sowing fantasy draft 6pm EST today
    August 28 12:20 PM
  • Sowing Link to Fantasy Football Community:
    July 31 08:25 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell HI thank you so much for expressing interest in Sputmix 2023! There is one (one!) bureaucracy barrier for you to overcome - please hit up this form and send your info over asap, so I can get a database going and pin down what this thing is gonna look like. Love!
    July 22 06:42 PM
  • samwise2000 Oh yea Citron is one of Seikos best. My personal fav is The 9th Wave, pretty much front to back bangers with rlly solid production
    July 18 03:45 PM
  • samwise2000 Been on another Akina Nakamori Binge lately, have you checked some of her more recent work? Its honestly pretty great. Compared to Seiko, I feel like she has an aura of mystery to her which makes her music so alluring to me. Both are great ofc but Akina is the queen for me
    July 11 11:11 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell oh damn, yeah this is cool - cheers for the rec! don't know much about '80s jpop/kayou outside of the odd city pop jam, but it's dope to see she dropped this as an idol
    November 4 02:04 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell oh damn, yes!! sorry i saw your comment on the Taeko thread but forgot to follow up because i'm an idiot - tuning in now!
    November 4 01:56 AM
  • YakNips i need croked sun
    October 15 04:19 AM
  • YakNips how. are. you today. i would like to hear you say
    July 18 10:41 AM
  • samwise2000 Oh nice! Yea pretty much all of her post '76 material is amazing. Im partial to Dramatic (even wrote a really s***ty review for it like 2-3 years ago LOL). A Face in a Vision is fantastic too. A lot of Akina Nakamori's early work is very Momoe influenced, so its cool seeing the progression in her work.
    March 6 06:54 PM
  • samwise2000 Saw you rated some Momoe Yamaguchi albums! Thinking of checking out any more of her stuff?
    February 22 05:42 AM
  • discovolante Hey man, no shame in that. Onyanko Club is some quality corny JPop! Lol
    November 7 08:39 PM
  • samwise2000 Oh hell yea I love Akina Nakamori, Bitter and Sweet is probably my favourite of hers but Fushigi is super unique too and has some killer production!
    June 29 06:01 PM
  • normaloctagon more vibey 80s and 90s stuff, maybe you'll find something you like maybe not : ) cheers!
    April 19 07:16 PM
  • discovolante Most definitely, man! She?s a legend!
    April 14 10:35 PM
  • AlexKzillion No I'm not running one this year... not only because of covid most likely ****ing s*** up for everyone, but also because I felt like last year the league was barely active after the first couple weeks (myself included).
    September 2 09:27 PM
  • ConcubinaryCode You ever find heroine by FFtL on vinyl?
    September 5 03:43 PM
  • YakNips bro you heard this?
    May 9 12:25 AM
  • Haelaeif oh, sorry for the double-post. I expected the textbox to clear..
    October 12 04:45 PM
  • Haelaeif np, thanks for both taking the time to make it and to engage with your listeners. I really enjoyed them, and I think they are growing on me more with further listens, too - I don't know how long you've been making music, but keep doing it.. sorry for the late reply, I never expect to see anyone on my profile
    October 12 04:44 PM
  • foxblood We'll Dodge It On The Way Back is the same band, but mostly different members and both vocalists are gone. it's different genre-wise too. That was their next attempt at a band after the scene was dying. I've only heard a couple tracks from that. Cool! I'd love to hear that stuff.
    August 10 05:11 PM
  • foxblood Awesome! I'm glad you listened to it and enjoyed them. I find Fairview to be extremely charming, the screams are bad but so good at the same time. Yeah hopefully that song will resurface one day, I want to hear it lol. I really miss when there were local bands like those. Didn't you say in a thread somewhere that you have a rip of some myspace band?
    August 1 04:43 AM
  • foxblood The intro song for Tetragrammatron and Revised are prob my favorite tracks. I like all the Fairview ones too, I wish I had more.
    July 17 12:37 AM
  • foxblood let me know if there are any problems or anything, hopefully I did it right.
    July 16 07:09 PM
  • foxblood There it is! Please let me know what you think of the stuff in there, that's some of the most nostalgic music ever for me. I really wish I downloaded more stuff from myspace back then since it's all gone now.
    July 16 07:08 PM
  • foxblood core
    July 16 07:06 PM
  • foxblood I'm putting together that myspace core collection for you, I didn't forget :)
    July 15 05:39 PM
  • foxblood finally did that myspace list
    June 15 09:46 PM
  • foxblood good idea dude! I'll keep that in mind, I will at some point
    May 24 03:48 AM
  • mindleviticus Appreciate the listen on my last album thanks a lot man!
    May 13 11:40 PM
  • NeurOHMancer hey man, why don't you trust us??
    May 3 11:38 PM
  • alamo so youre 33% of the people on this site who listen to cícero
    April 26 04:30 AM
  • cold I appreciate it, I figured I would ask my friends and people on here first before I went the discogs route. Thanks for lookin' out :]
    April 12 10:04 AM
  • foxblood have you heard Strawberry Switchblade yet? nice Bowery Electric Beat rating.
    February 19 01:02 AM
  • foxblood the ann steel album is on spotify under Roberto Cacciapaglia as a comp
    February 11 10:08 PM
  • foxblood Grace Jones - Nightclubbing is worth checking. Ann Steel - Ann Steel is another bizarre and one of a kind classic.
    February 11 10:06 PM
  • foxblood yup, I'm so glad you like it. it's one of my 5's, that's a breakthrough album imo. also Grace Jones - Slave To The Rhythm ripped her off yet is more well known. it's a unique album with a lot of genre influences to it. the Is That All There Is? - EP and her first album are good too.
    February 11 06:48 PM
  • Rowan5215 haha its always a bit dead when I hop on cos of timezones and all. almost gave up after that first ep but last night was superb. gimme ur thoughts on The Body pls
    January 12 02:27 AM
  • KjSwantko Thanks for the post on my list. I have no idea what the hell I'm doing yet lol, but starting to feel better about it
    January 10 05:34 PM
  • YakNips me waiting on new white seed
    December 17 01:04 PM
  • DoofusWainwright Sorry, you said 8th of December. I will check it when it comes out and think about reviewing then - I need to read up on Matt a bit more, I literally just know half his discog and next to nothing about his own history/story.
    November 27 04:44 PM
  • DoofusWainwright Got to be honest I'm not really writing much on the site at the moment, when is it officially released? Just not sure I can make any promises right now.
    November 27 04:32 PM
  • JS19 Got a few issues to work out with some resonance problems and mastering ect but will see. In terms of how I did it - i mostly just played about with Reason and some native synth creation tools, then recorded live takes from a MIDI keyboard for each instrument. I'm sure there are probably better ways but it seems to work to start out
    October 17 01:21 PM
  • JS19 Honestly thanks so much for giving it a listen man, really appreciate that. I won't lie and say that track wasn't recorded semi-improvised and in one take for each instrument so hopefully when I get the time to actually write properly my stuff will improve (i'm currently starting a phd so free time has been limited ha). But yeah I'd love to get some more stuff down when I can
    October 17 01:18 PM
  • JS19 Dude sorry i never replied to your shoutbox. It took ages but I finally attempted to make some music. I'm not good yet but I'm hoping if i keep making stuff in my free time I'll get better! Probably will post random stuff I make to if you ever feel the need to check out some amatuerish ambient/whatever music
    October 15 03:02 PM
  • DoofusWainwright I like the idea of reviewing it but...I was trying to keep my love of that album under cover until my end of year 'best albums' list too.
    September 29 07:45 AM
  • foxblood thanks man i appreciate it. glad you're enjoying the genre
    September 16 08:23 PM
  • Keyblade haha thanks broski. u gotta make that gaze list man, the people have spoken
    September 13 05:11 PM
  • DoofusWainwright There's something I really like about his style, was listening to the old Elvis Depressedly and Coma Cinema albums and suddenly wanted to track down whatever he was working on right now. Album is still growing on me, he's come up with something with its own perfect atmosphere again.
    May 27 05:50 AM
  • BMDrummer **** yes man, i play the 2nd white seed album all the time in the music store i work at. would love to hear moar
    May 27 03:41 AM
  • BMDrummer white seed ever coming back??
    May 16 08:17 PM
  • kascetcadettt here's a thread where you can discuss how fantastic it is to be a part of this moment: \\\ don't be scared to share the news with other guys in case i missed someone out and keep shining in the light of this beautiful rock n roll fireplate, god bless, hasanmedia represent
    April 19 10:28 AM
  • kascetcadettt sieg hi it's-a me smooth brotha from the umpteenth block taggin' em trainz comin' from your favorite station, word on the street is (artuma is gay) my new album came out recently and if that's the last thing i ever do let it be, leavin' the link in your hands my man: \\\ feel FREE to 1 it if u didn't like my agressive self promotion campaign, feel FREE to thank me if this album saved your life
    April 19 10:27 AM
  • onionbubs lolllllll the only problem is my computer wont open rar files for some reason
    March 31 07:25 PM
  • ScuroFantasma Sup man, been a while ay, how have you been dude? Still making music?
    March 30 10:07 AM
  • onionbubs ive heard a few of them (autumn leaves and last call). where can i find the others
    March 24 11:04 PM
  • onionbubs been meaning to get around to that. i'll let you know what i think when i finally give it a spin
    March 16 09:01 PM
  • Asdfp277 eh, i just didn't feel it v much. it's very like ricky eat acid so it was just like another way of saying the same thing
    January 8 01:19 AM
  • YakNips i know it seems kinda tough but really it's easy enough
    January 5 05:10 AM
  • mindleviticus and no worries dude I really like that kind of lo-fi ambient; it's nice for a kind of sleep paralysis state like early in the morning.
    December 5 07:43 PM
  • mindleviticus Haha thanks, if you review it I'll tell you the magic formula.........lmao, I just used samples and mixed and arranged them in a way I thought was cohesive
    December 5 07:42 PM
  • mindleviticus just saw your comment on the list. thanks a lot dude!
    December 5 02:45 PM
  • JS19 Will definitely see if I can set something up over Christmas - when I have some time. Thanks again man, you've been so helpful!
    November 29 12:09 PM
  • JS19 Thanks so much dude, I will have a mess around with that kind of set up when I have some free time (PhD life...) and see if I can make the kind of sounds I am wanting and go from there! I actually have a copy of FL - would it be useful to find a MIDI keyboard and an audio interface and try and work that into something as well?
    November 24 07:43 AM
  • JS19 If you could it would be great - my main problem is that I can't play guitar - I'm a keyboardist/pianist. You reckon it would be useful to learn? What would you say were the things I needed to acquire/get to know to get started?
    November 23 12:26 PM
  • BlushfulHippocrene Thanks, mate, I appreciate that a lot. I listened to Yacina's Reverie, which I loved, I'll check Overflow soon. Thanks again!
    November 23 12:23 PM
  • JS19 I love your Crooked Sun stuff but definitely the white seeD stuff is more the direction I want to try some stuff out in - I just don't know where to start even at a most basic level. I can compose for instrument-based music really easily and have got solid theory/skill there. Just can't make the step to more computer/synthetic based stuff, it seems so alien to me . Thanks man, I honestly appreciate
    November 22 10:54 PM
  • JS19 Dude, if you have time could you give me some idea of how you go about making music - software/instruments/equipment that kinda stuff? I really really want to get into making similar stuff but I just have no idea where to start!
    November 22 09:11 PM
  • theacademy vita is the lifeblood of the true gamer
    November 21 08:55 PM
  • YakNips when he sings "i've got a crush on a girl" all i hear is "i swear i'm not gay"
    November 16 07:09 PM
  • YakNips it has perfect 90s emo aesthetic but the lyrics are so cringe lol
    November 15 06:49 PM
  • hal1ax my maaaan
    November 15 04:12 AM
  • elliootsmeuth I need to check more Coma Cinema tbh
    November 15 03:31 AM
  • hal1ax ohhhh shiiii i need those heroin party trax now
    November 15 03:31 AM
  • hal1ax ya i actually enjoyed the drum n bass track a lot -- "on the floor beneath the cross"
    November 15 12:43 AM
  • hal1ax That critique is aimed at talk to you soon. As for I am happy... I actually dug that one a bit. Love his glitchy ambient stuff
    November 14 10:25 PM
  • hal1ax Umm , I didn't love it. I guess it was pretty ambitious, as it treads through a pretty eclectic array of genres, but overall I didn't really love anything on the record. It had some nice moments for sure but nothing rly tickled my fancy
    November 14 10:23 PM
  • YakNips not a bad idea there
    November 8 02:29 AM
  • elliootsmeuth Woah I didn't know either. That does sound sick. What I would do to have it on vinyl... Just chillin in a dark room with that on in the background sounds perf.
    October 9 05:35 PM
  • Asdfp277 swag u
    October 6 09:31 PM
  • laughingman22 I would love to hear your answer to this
    August 26 08:56 PM
  • Rowan5215 Haha yeah its more not wanting him to die for Buffy's sake cos you don't want to see her sad, least that's how it was with me
    August 24 01:30 AM
  • Rowan5215 if you need more Joss watch Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog which is an absolute classic
    August 21 03:41 AM
  • Rowan5215 yup I've seen Dollhouse. second half of the first season and first half of the second season are really damn good, rest is mostly bullsh*t
    August 21 03:40 AM
  • Rowan5215 haha no that's definitely the point with Dawn, you didn't miss anything, just keep watching you'll see what the dealio is
    August 21 03:34 AM
  • Rowan5215 oh yeah, good lad. as I probably mentioned s5 is easily my favourite season so enjoy that shi
    August 21 03:24 AM
  • Rowan5215 which season? do you still prefer Angel or you back on the Buffy hype train?
    August 21 03:14 AM
  • Rowan5215 yeah I don't think it's netflix's fault, iirc the place they got these remasters from already had the edited version but still. where you up to now man?
    August 19 03:40 AM
  • Rowan5215 I heard about that, apparently they cut down some episodes though, like Once More With Feeling which absolutely need to see the full version of
    August 19 02:57 AM
  • BADBOY nah brah
    August 11 01:12 AM
  • BADBOY dad?
    August 11 01:04 AM
  • BigPleb Trying to get more recognition for these guys, think you'd dig:
    August 10 10:32 PM
  • LotusFlower The show was limited to about 1000 copies or so on the Adult Swim store as an exclusive and contained a lot of bonus features. So its considered a rare item now and days. Kisscartoon has all the episodes up and so does the Adult Swim website (but their video player is garbage).
    August 2 03:07 PM
  • Rowan5215 Yes lad! S5 of Buffy is one of the all-time GOATs imo. Bring tissues for episode 16 though, damn. And yeah Adam wasn't actually supposed to be the villain of that season, the professor was but that actress left halfway so they had to improvise. Same with the Oz leaving story :-((((( was supposed to be the whole season but Seth Green left early. So yeah it had its problems but how ****ing good is Restless??? Three Cheers banger after banger nonstop agreed
    July 24 01:55 AM
  • TenSecondsToThink i find it weaker as well but i still like it a lot and don't panic is my favorite song of hers. once i fall in love with an artist they can't really do anything wrong anymore, as long as i believe they're writing focused and seriously. i've learned that years ago with thrice.
    July 12 06:15 AM
  • onionbubs tis a shame man. someday theyll all understand its beauty
    June 23 12:18 AM
  • Rowan5215 Riley is like if white bread was a person agreed but I personally really enjoy his story in s5, maybe just me though. Glad you're still enjoying it, neither season is exactly the best of either show tbh but the next seasons are both like my favourites
    June 19 05:26 PM
  • romulanrancor hey man, you started playing lost odyssey yet
    June 12 10:27 PM
  • laughingman22 Thank you for the complements. If you are ever feeling down hit me up on facebook or whatever and we can be anti-social together
    June 6 11:40 PM
  • laughingman22 Hey it has been awhile. How have you been? I just put another album out under the The Phonies, I would love it if you checked it out
    June 6 04:52 PM
  • Idleness
    May 30 08:55 AM
  • CalculatingInfinity
    May 27 11:45 PM
  • Rowan5215 Even Joss despises Beer Bad lmao, I'm pretty sure they got paid to make an episode about the dangers of alcohol or something so they kinda pooped it out. But yeah things pick up from there. Yeah not only TV shows either, Twilight pretty much stole their whole thing from Buffy and Angel
    April 18 04:46 AM
  • Rowan5215 Beer Bad is the worst it gets don't worry, the rest is all better. Glad you're liking Angel, I wasn't in love with S1 mused but there are great things to come
    April 18 03:41 AM
  • Rowan5215 A lot of people hate the overall arc of that season which I understand, although I enjoy it myself. Its definitely a growing pains season between old Buffy and the very different show which starts in S5. Having said that 4 has arguably the two best standalone eps of the show and even of all time (#10 and #22) so enjoy those! So glad I got someone else into it haha
    April 18 02:51 AM
  • Gleam hi! found the cool spot album to be highly enjoyable, especially the fourth song (found it unbelievably moving, what a stellar track). also listened to bulldog eyes and soccer mommy (amazing and great, respectively). thanks again for all the recs! you're a rad person.
    April 16 03:55 PM
  • YakNips it's aight, those DP pop were pristine though and i feel like she can't really live up
    April 16 01:27 AM
  • user accept my friend request you nit
    April 13 09:01 PM
  • Rowan5215 Yeah Amends is a beautiful episode, I really need to rewatch. I wasn't lying when I said this was my favourite show ever! I have a lot of love for the X-files but its consistency is erratic at best. With Buffy even a bad episode will have fantastic character moments and important information so that almost none are skippable. Still my favourite protagonist team ever tbh
    April 11 11:03 PM
  • BandNewbac It's long af so i understand haha. not sure what you'll think honestly but i'd love to hear your thoughts! i'm actually almost done with my next one at this point lol
    April 11 08:03 PM
  • Rowan5215 There's one episode called Amends that deals super well with the fallout from Angelus imo, it's probably coming up soon where you are. Other than that one yeah its kind of left by the wayside. Nice going - I think you can pretty much alternate episodes of twos from each and you'll be fine. S4 of Buffy is extremely polarising I'm interested to hear how you react
    April 10 12:23 AM
  • Gleam so damn tight, man. i actually 5'd it. it's that good, it blew me away. thank you!
    April 10 12:05 AM
  • Rowan5215 I will say that s5 of Angel is maybe the best season of anything Joss has ever written, although I'm super-biased to Buffy so it's hard to say objectively, but everything about that season is ****ing glorious. The other four seasons go from pretty great to really bad, but it's worth watching to the end
    April 9 03:32 AM
  • Rowan5215 Acid Holo is soooooooooooo good though. I also really like how all the tracks flow together, much more satisfying listen on the whole. The whole hell dimension thing is kinda lazy but I love evil Angel, although it's kind of a storyline with diminishing returns because of the shock value factor. Early Angel season have a tonne of tie-ins with what's happening with Buffy so you might want to actually watch them side by side (s1 of angel goes with s4 of buffy, etc).
    April 9 03:31 AM
  • Rowan5215 I'm actually liking it a lot more now than I initially thought. Acid Hologram, L(MIRL), Gore and Hearts Wires all go hard as ****. Only bad tracks are Prayers/Triangles and Geometric, HUUUUGE improvement over KNY. Also yeah Angel is frustrating as hell, once he gets his own show he becomes a lot more likable but he's a bit of a wet blanket till then
    April 9 02:03 AM
  • YakNips btw where's my chord organ
    April 8 02:47 AM
  • Rowan5215 new tones is mediocre but still better than the last two tbh
    April 7 02:22 PM
  • YakNips lol there was an article on the first single but it only got one comment cause who is gonna recognize the name "minor victories", but yea that new single is gorgeous and the first one is decent
    April 6 09:30 PM
  • YakNips
    April 6 05:46 AM
  • Rowan5215 Haven't even heard Gore yet, assume it's not as good as the worst episode of Buffy agreed. Where you up to now?
    April 6 05:30 AM
  • user this is amazing
    April 6 05:02 AM
  • user are you ****ing serious dude
    April 6 03:56 AM
  • Rowan5215 I love you more than life itself
    April 6 12:09 AM
  • Rowan5215 you just got to the Halloween episode? haha there's a bit more of badass G to come lemme tell ya
    March 29 06:30 AM
  • MyNameIsPencil dude thanks so much for the SNW demos haha
    March 27 06:57 AM
  • Rowan5215 the last episode of season 1 is probably the first truly great ep, although there's some good stuff scattered in s1 for sure but s2 is where it really begins. enjoy the ride!!!
    March 20 08:34 AM
  • user sorry I was watching digital porn on my HD television
    March 19 05:27 AM
  • Mikailov Oh yes. His cover song was featured in a Brazilian interview with The Strokes. I liked it so I looked him up and that's how I found his 2011 album. Listened to the whole thing and fell in love with it. Didn't dislike a single track. Couldn't imagine a better introduction to the Portuguese language. Just noticed that I didn't rate the other album. Gonna give it another listen first. Kudos to you for good taste!!
    March 17 08:29 PM
  • Anthracks It's beautifully symmetrical.
    March 16 03:56 PM
  • Anthracks You have a really good join date.
    March 16 04:58 AM
  • AlexKzillion I thought it was the right time to it to a more recent picture of her lol.
    March 15 11:52 PM
  • Rowan5215 alyson hannigan is way cuter but you won't realise for a while :3 S1 is campy as **** and terrible in a good way for sure, but it gets darker and more mature (and more experimental) as it goes on. From 2-6 is pretty much one of the best runs in television!!
    March 14 04:07 AM
  • Rowan5215 watch buffy manbro
    March 14 01:31 AM
  • someguest Kiss my mother****in' ass.
    March 13 06:13 PM
  • unclereich always lookin for recs my dude thanks.
    March 12 09:57 AM
  • unclereich There arent a lot of people ive met who like it man.its cool to hear someone else love it as much as i. Its probably the most emotive piece of art ive personally discovered.
    February 26 04:22 AM
  • Mystletainn White noise superstar is top tier shoegaze for sure
    November 9 06:31 AM
  • Mystletainn Your description sounds interesting, I'll bump it up my shoegaze priority list.
    October 15 10:13 PM
  • Mystletainn I think I have that album, I first heard supercrush and found it pretty generic so I wasn't very enthusiastic about exploring their other albums. I did plan to get to it eventually, is it better than supercrush?
    October 15 04:33 PM
  • KILL check this bro
    October 9 12:28 PM
  • Greem Hi! Here's my new album - I'll be glad if you check it out. Thanks.
    October 5 02:41 PM
  • BMDrummer oh yeah this one is gonna be much shorter and hopefully contain stuff from people who actually make good music, so far it is sounding quite good :]
    September 17 09:38 PM
  • BMDrummer why yes, you would fit too because you actually make good music
    September 16 01:12 AM
  • BandNewbac my bands new single, if you're interested
    August 15 12:09 PM
  • laughingman22 Hey are you still down to work on some material together?
    August 8 04:59 AM
  • laughingman22
    July 29 07:34 PM
  • BandNewbac yeah that'd be cool, listening now sounds really awesome. i'm well on the way with the BB tunes for the split me and Yak are doing, its going pretty while. definitely going to be quite different, hell i even sing (quite) high pitch on one track.
    July 24 07:04 PM
  • BandNewbac haha thats okay man, yeah i reckon you'll dig it. takes a while to grow but there's a real pay off
    July 24 04:55 PM
  • BandNewbac yo, you should check out Iceage - New brigade
    July 17 07:17 PM
  • oltnabrick did u check keef out yet?
    July 14 03:42 AM
  • BandNewbac it one of those records that sounds far better on vinyl too
    July 13 09:22 PM
  • BandNewbac yeah man. i'm a pretty big fan
    July 13 09:15 PM
  • laughingman22 yeah hit me up on facebook with the ideas and inspirations, Erik Sheader-Smith is the name if you needed to know
    July 11 08:44 AM
  • oltnabrick 'Sorry 4 The Weight' and 'Finally Rich' are good starting points. If you like those get 'Nobody' and 'Almighty So'
    July 11 01:54 AM
  • oltnabrick uhhhh yah dude
    July 11 01:17 AM
  • BandNewbac Yeah it really is. ah that sounds sweet looking forward to it.
    July 10 07:13 AM
  • laughingman22 yeah it is a bit hard to collaborate over the internet. usually Judio! and I write songs individually and then send them to eachother and have long conversations over facebook on what we want to change or what we want the other to record. We both usually use garageband to record so it is easy to email and edit the projects, but you and I can work around that if you don't use it. If you have an idea or concept you would like to work on just let me know.
    July 10 05:43 AM
  • laughingman22 yeah I would much rather collab with you on some tracks, after I satisfy my current funk phase with the SSM maybe we could work on something dream poppy/ ambient/ beautiful or whatever your feel like
    July 9 05:33 AM
  • laughingman22 Yeah the sugary sweet videos are the only animations I'm willing to share, the rest have only been tests or school projects. But yeah I should animate more often. That really ****ing sucks that you still have to deal with being sick all the time. If you are willing we should makes some music together soon, even if it is just a split or something
    July 8 06:28 AM
  • BandNewbac Thanks man, yeah its pretty busy musically over here atm. I take the material with my band far more seriously so the album is stressing me the hell out to be honest. Ive been listening to forgetting what is real like crazy at the moment too. You got anymore material in the works?
    July 8 06:15 AM
  • Judio! Yeah man, I'd say this newest album is going to be our most experimental yet. So far it's not sounding anything like our previous LPs ;)
    July 8 02:20 AM
  • laughingman22 life is pretty good at the moment, been working hard and recording a lot of music lately. Just got back to animating as well. How is life treating you?
    July 6 10:35 PM
  • Judio! Sup dude. I'll been doing well, keeping busy but my schedule is thankfully beginning to clear up. Glad to hear you're enjoying the demos! Between you and me, that last demo I uploaded, Tabloid Journalism, is a demo for the new Sugary Sweet Machines LP ;)
    July 6 06:06 PM
  • BandNewbac really stoked to hear youre enjoying the demo still though man, means a lot.
    July 6 04:51 PM
  • BandNewbac yeah i believe the new songs are gunna go towards a split with Yak of some sorts. i'm also recording a full length with my band in august so i'll probs make a list to promote that.
    July 6 04:51 PM
  • BandNewbac i've actually just finished two more songs, why?
    July 4 02:33 PM
  • oltnabrick
    July 3 01:21 AM
  • oltnabrick
    June 25 12:13 AM
  • oltnabrick do you like the new cover?
    June 18 04:48 AM
  • YakNips i cant believe how much you enjoyed it either tbh. im glad you get it tho. i gotta head to work now tho which blows but i will have paramore in my head to get me through the day
    June 12 09:31 PM
  • YakNips well i think she dismissed cause she really doesn't look like hayley williams at all lmao. but yea that's why i love it, it's so consistently catchy and fun but also no two songs are the same. but dude you gotta listen to as the roots undo, it's the definition of a skramz classic. i mean it's almost got 2000 ratings, that's even more than american football
    June 12 09:14 PM
  • YakNips lol that makes it sound sad but yeah pretty much. i may have also drunk texted alex and told her she looks like hayley williams. also bruh have you never jammed circle takes the square?
    June 12 09:05 PM
  • YakNips dude i know it riffs hard and is fun as ****. it's even better after drinking a whole bottle of wine too
    June 12 08:59 PM
  • YakNips also i would text you this but you don't answer sometimes lol but keith latinen (the guy from empire empire) just FORGAVE ME and i am so happy. i'm finally starting the process of paying everybody back and he said that he wants to meet next time they play a show around here and i'm so happy
    June 12 02:00 AM
  • YakNips i mean i'm just feeling really sentimental cause my last school of rock show is coming up and i've met a lot of cool people through there and i'm moving soon too so i just got those sort of blues so i turned on the first half of that album in the car and it was just like fuuuuuuck
    June 12 01:39 AM
  • YakNips i threw it on a cd with the flcl soundtrack so im probably gonna 5 it soon tbh
    June 11 10:20 PM
  • YakNips dude what happened to your basement 5
    June 11 09:23 PM
  • laughingman22 yeah...
    June 8 05:29 PM
  • MuhNamesTyler Thanks for the link bro, I dig it.
    June 5 04:31 AM
  • MuhNamesTyler Hey what's the band that the lead singer of Basement started?
    June 1 04:00 PM
  • BandNewbac its cool man i really enjoyed it
    May 30 10:33 AM
  • Greem nice album indeed. btw this is my project, if you are interested
    May 30 05:33 AM
  • puntugruhm nice! glad you like it.
    May 28 07:41 PM
  • puntugruhm ah it was my pleasure, i enjoyed it.idk try this..
    May 28 03:17 AM
  • puntugruhm it's really cool dude. i jammed it yesterday and twice this morning. probably gonna change my rate to 4.0. I really appreciate you contributions to the music world, you've done a fantastic job with this album man.
    May 28 12:48 AM
  • oltnabrick never xD
    May 27 07:21 PM
  • edanolem no problem homie, rly enjoyed the album, I'll make sure to listen yo the other as well
    May 27 06:34 PM
  • Jots hey G, sorry didn't reply to your earlier post, will check that soon. and hmmm honestly anything I've reviewed recently gets my recommendation. there's some upcoming releases I'm kinda looking forward to also: Institute - Catharsis, Helm - Olympic Mess, SOAK - Before we forgot how to dream.
    May 25 01:25 AM
  • YakNips for u
    May 24 04:44 AM
  • YakNips heartbreak cant phase me
    May 24 04:39 AM
  • laughingman22 I can't really point to any specific song because I was working on something else while the music was playing, but the first song was beautiful and the vibes of the second half of the album really drew me into the music. When I give it another listen I will tell you my favorite tracks.
    May 24 01:40 AM
  • laughingman22 hey just wanted to say new white seeD is amazing
    May 23 10:38 PM
  • itchybutthole man that was sweet and made me feel good tbh , will message u soon brotha tbh
    May 22 09:34 PM

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