June   If you speak any faster
Release Date: 2005

 Full ReviewRatings (38) Give your Rating

1.5 very poorJared Floryan | October 1st 14

At its feeble-minded core, If You Speak Any Faster is boring, derivative, and shows that this band has acquired no special flavor. Aside from being another cookie-cutter pop punk group trying their hardest to channel their inner Fall Out Boy and The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus at the same time, that is. June's songs can be very infectious, but they're clearly stiff and without any character.


5.0 classicmuiscklolol | September 20th 23
3.5 greatbellovddd | January 31st 23
3.0 goodtinytim | June 3rd 22
2.0 poorGet Low | April 14th 22
2.5 averageOobaloo | September 28th 21
3.0 goodHipFish | September 7th 20
2.5 averageLucman | December 31st 19
4.0 excellentLightAndGlass | October 11th 18
3.5 greatNbehre11 | May 18th 18
3.0 goodelry2k | February 20th 16
3.5 greatRogerthecat | December 11th 15
3.0 goodPikachuRapesYou | February 6th 13
3.0 goodnickurgero92 | October 13th 12
2.5 averagepedenator | January 15th 12
2.0 poorruined7 | November 1st 10
2.0 poorsippe729 | September 16th 10
3.0 goodDelete my account please | November 14th 09
3.0 goodfaithnomour | October 27th 09
3.0 goodxdragonxfirex | August 19th 09
3.0 goodcleary21 | May 25th 09
2.0 poorbc013 | April 7th 09
3.5 greatYYyattyYY | February 21st 09
3.0 goodxmOBSCENEx | November 12th 08
1.0 awfulfive2one | October 25th 07
2.0 poorrentford | October 14th 07
3.0 goodBchop13 | February 24th 06
2.5 averagealtrockdude | February 19th 06
3.0 goodNisey
2.0 poor(>dragon~guitarist<)
4.5 superba7xdrummerboy
3.5 greatGavin
2.5 averageMistakenBassist09
3.0 goodsoundslikeseth
3.5 greattelallurfrnds22
4.0 excellentdam_it_chris
2.5 averageencmetalhead

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