Underoath   They're Only Chasing Safety
Ranking: #175 for 2004

 Full ReviewRatings (2816) Give your Rating

1.0 awfulIntransit | June 2nd 07

This album is literally how AIDS was created. Some Ethiopian randomly picked up a copy of this in the United Nations aide package for the day, and instead of stale saltines, was stuck listening to this generic shitheap of a record. The screaming is atrocious, the singing is mediocre and generic, and the band is just so uninspired and cliche that it's hard to find a single redeemable quality about this album. Don't let anyone fool you; this is easily one of the worst albums ever. The lyrics sound like they were carbon-copied from Linkin Park with a few Biblical references thrown in just to up the pretentiousness. Fans of new Underoath should stay far away from this, fans of old Underoath should stay far away from this, and fans of this record should put a bullet in their skull.

12 Bumps | Bump

1.5 very poorIluvatar | June 26th 06

So, underOATH used to be really, really, really bad. But before that, they were decent. This is when they were really, really, really bad. It sounds like a pop band trying to be really hardcore and impressive with their musicianship, but instead its faux-christian lyrics (by this point they had begun to shed them) and bland musicianship. Why the 1.5? Spencer is one of the most god awful vocalists I've ever heard. I honestly want to punch Hilary Duff in the mouth when I hear him scream, but since I don't know Hilary Duff, I just punch the picture of her I have in my room, but as theres a concrete wall behind it, my hand just starts to bleed and get infected and stuff...

7 Bumps | Bump

5.0 classicFirebreather21 | November 27th 07

I think that underoath is an extremely talented band, and this is my favorite album of theirs. This is a good metal album to listen to, every song is amazing and theirs not a single track i wouldnt listen to. This was the first underoath album i listened to and it is definetly in my top five best albums!

5 Bumps | Bump

0.0 Fort23 | June 28th 07

Before Underoath became great, they were average, and this record proves it. Spencer had screamed very well in his old band, but on this record he is trying to duplicate what dallas Taylor did, and with extremely mediocre results. Therefore, Aoron does much of the singing which is fine:he is very good. But mediocricy overcomes, and the album turns out to be very bland. The lyrics are rather generic, and to live up to the cleverness of Define the great line. While it is overalll a bad experience, highlights include dangerous buisness walking out your door, A Boy Brushed Red Living In Black and White, and Reinventing Your Exit.

2 Bumps | Bump

2.0 poorFull Collapse299 | July 21st 06

UnderOATH's darkest hour is responsible by this album. I can't help but be disapointed by the whole band and what they brought to this album. Is this really the same band that made The Changing Of Times, minus Spencer? Generic lyrics and myspace headline quotes are about everywhere. Highlights include Aarons singing but it doesn't help or enhance Spencers sloppy and screechy scream.

2 Bumps | Bump

4.0 excellentYRI | October 28th 20

Not unlike what they would go on to do in later albums, but it's easier to digest and thus a fun listen.

1 Bumps | Bump

4.0 excellentdavezillaMP3 | August 19th 20

while it is clear spencer joined the band last minute to replace taylor as he spends most the album with high screams, this album is the sequel to "the changing of times" but superior in every way, every single song, even the weak cuts like "Down, Set, Go" are memorable. While my nostolgia of this really wants to give it a 5 their are a few points here there are some dips on this album here and there, this album still holds up really really well.rRecommended Tracks: "Young and Aspiring", "A Boy Brushed Red, Living In Black And White", "Reinventing Your Exit", "It's Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door" and "I'm Content With Losing"

1 Bumps | Bump

4.0 excellentStonedManatee | August 3rd 19

Best Christian screamo you will find in the the mid-2000s.

1 Bumps | Bump

5.0 classicRisodo | May 20th 18

"They're Only Chasing Safety" is one of the best things i've ever heard in my life, and i will never really care about criticism, even if some are constructive. Underoath is a very conceptual band, but it seems that it was right here that they managed to give a life of their own to their work. I discovered the sound of the band when i met the love of my life in 2014, so i'm suspicious to always release several compliments for their work that accompany me on this journey of life.

1 Bumps | Bump

3.5 greatJared Floryan | April 9th 18

The first record in Underoath's career to feature their most well-known band lineup, it's not difficult to look back on They're Only Chasing Safety and think of it as a classic... Well, okay, the album's really a classic in the scene and that's it. In hindsight, this record was a big ball of awkward cheese from a lyrical perspective, and even the music present was structured in a way that's a touch cringy. Normally I wouldn't pull the age card, but the me at either 11 or 12 years old would be glorifying the crap out of this one. But even with that being said, I still enjoy They're Only Chasing Safety, warts and all. The vocal dynamic split between Spencer and Aaron wasn't refined yet, but the both of them gave generally good performances, and the instrumentals were more than serviceable. Oath's fourth full-length was also drowned in hooks, so it didn't disappoint in the catchiness factor. This poppy post-hardcore-meets-emo release shouldn't be forgotten in spite of the issues that can be found. Light 3.5. Angel recommends: "A Boy Brushed Red Living in Black and White," "It's Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door," "I Don't Feel Very Receptive Today," "I'm Content with Losing," and checking out the Special Edition art done by Jacob Bannon cuz the regular cover sucks.

1 Bumps | Bump

5.0 classicmoshpotatoes | May 13th 15

You know a band is talented when they can make good metalcore without breakdowns.

1 Bumps | Bump

0.0 Ghost22446 | August 8th 14

One of reasons why I hate so-called "emo music" and, especially, post-hardcore. Generic vocals? Check. Lyrics that
85% are about suicide and breakups? Check. Bland instrumentals mixed with electronics? Check. Godawful
screaming? Check.

1 Bumps | Bump

5.0 classicTylerLamberg | May 3rd 13

Why did I give this such a high rating? Firstly, Underoath is one of the bands that first
got me into music with any sort of screaming. Secondly, after listening to this album fairly
persistently the past 3 years or so, I still love it. Thirdly, while this isn't ground
breaking material, it is all done top notch and works perfectly.

1 Bumps | Bump

5.0 classicmclovin99 | April 30th 11

its hardcore/emo shit i know, but its one of the most important pieces of music i own and i still love every song to this day. the screams and cleans mixed perfectly together to form a catchy emo mess. but its my mess.

1 Bumps | Bump

4.0 excellentZoidbergQuestion | April 9th 09

I can understand why people don't like it. To me, though, it's a great album. The screaming/singing combo is great, and the songs flow really well (for the most part). Pretty cool.

1 Bumps | Bump

4.0 excellentthedarkestred | October 6th 08

Good album!
A little poppy at times... or a little too electronic with drum machines and stuff in some parts
But overall i would say this is quite a good album for the screamo/post hardcore genre

1 Bumps | Bump

4.5 superbsharksinyamouth | October 2nd 08

underOATH would probably have to be the best metalcore band out there. With Parkway Drive running close. This is the breakthrough album which scored them their success, with the new screamer. This album is more of a catchy screamo album, the only one that i couldn't call metalcore. Aaron Gillespie's vocals are the main highlight bacause that kid can sing pretty damn good. With a strong opener as Young And Aspiring to the catchiest song on the record, Reinventing Your Exit, and the quiet yet amazing anthem, Some Will Seek Forgiveness, Others Escape, this album will definitely not disappoint.

1 Bumps | Bump

3.5 greatMattRTS | September 29th 08

Good post-hardcore album with sometimes annoying screaming. Not original, but definite
signs of what came with DTGL & LITSOS.

1 Bumps | Bump

4.0 excellentValentineGIL | June 1st 07

I agree, but I'm also a big fan of underoath.. As a devoted litsener I love the album, but unfortunately it's not their best.. A good review though!

1 Bumps | Bump

5.0 classicletitbebroke | October 22nd 06

This is the only album by underoath which i really love. Form Reinventing your Exit to I'm Content With Losing it is an album made up of sculptured melodies to perfected screaming fits. Every guitar progressin is unique and every rythm has its own way of getting you hooked. This is one of the best albums going around and if you havnt heard any songs by underoath then i would seriously recommend you go out and by this album. I woul have to say that the best song on the album is 'Reinventing Your Exit' followed by 'I'm Content With Losing. However i love the intro to 'A Boy Brished Red, Living in Black and White', the feel and emotion in that song just gets me every time and i actually feel excited before i listen to it.

1 Bumps | Bump

2.5 averageDamrod EMERITUS | July 13th 06

Yeah, I know. Many people love the band and this album to death. I do not though. I enjoyed songs like "Reinventing your exit" for a while, but overall I find this album too generous and exchangable. There are, for me at least other bands that do the thing better.

1 Bumps | Bump

2.0 poorRaichuzilla | October 13th 22

prob about the best mccore can do tbh


3.5 greatBarksdale | June 12th 22

Best Tracks: Young and Aspiring, A Boy Brushed Red Living In Black and White, Reinventing Your Exit, It's Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door, Down Set Go, I've Got 10 Friends and a Crowbar That Says You Ain't Gonna Do Jack.


3.0 goodeljonny | November 18th 20

Immature with moments of brilliance that really exploded on the Deluxe edition with "I've got 10 Friends and a Crowbar...".


4.5 superbmann28 | February 21st 20

Would be a 5/5 if it wasn?t for the terrible closing song.


3.0 goodBtwntheAKIRAndMe | December 2nd 15

Mid 7 out of 10: I'm not going to act like this is my favorite release in the world, but holy shit it gets super fun. It's like Taking Back Sunday with more harsh vocals than just a guest feature. I totally see why many people don't really like this LP, as I use to HATE it. However, I really found a pretty decent liking for it.


3.5 greatjimmy24795 | May 12th 12

A fairly consistent, extremely catchy, and fun post-hardcore album to listen to. More fun to listen to songs individually, or else it gets a bit repetitive


2.5 averagemedonthaveusername | February 13th 12

I thought this album was ok, just sounds like any screaming ban to me.


4.0 excellentBaseballJames | October 18th 11

Spencer sounds a lot more focused on later records, but his debut was admirable. Very good songwriting on this record, favorite track has to be "It's Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door".


0.0 matthewebster | August 16th 11

This album was my childhood. Every song is catchy, while not ground-breaking, this album is always an enjoyable listen.


0.0 RaiseHail | May 2nd 11

so good its crazy. i love this album with a passion and if you dont like it suck a dick.


2.0 poorOriginalityAdvocate | April 10th 10

I rated this album low specifically because I listened to it years ago when I was a teenager. I have since found better music. You should do the same. Don't worry if you haven't, you will eventually little guy!


0.0 xXJakeypooXx | April 26th 09

it is a amazing album
i know underoath made literally the biggest musical change when dallas left but in my opinion they did it for the best
and im really happy aaron is sing alot more
he has a beautiful voice


3.0 goodxmattxhardcore | November 28th 07

I still don't think this album is as bad as everyone is making it out to be, it's just above avg, but it has it's good and bad songs. Songs like "Reinventing your exit", "Its dangerous business walking out your front door" and "Young and aspiring" are pretty damn good. This is much better than their previous works in my opinion. However, Define the great line is killer.


0.0 NOTINTHEFACE | June 1st 07

Definitely not a classic. Yet it's not as horrid as many would like to think it is. Spencer's screaming is indeed awful, and the guitar riffs are indeed uninspired, yet the hauntingly moody melodies hook songs such as "Reinventing Your Exit" and "It's Dangerous Business...", both of which are, IMO, impeccably well-done songs, if uninspired. Still, UO can do much, much better.


3.5 greatpositivefingers915 | June 1st 24
3.5 greatJohnagan | May 10th 24
4.5 superbKnubbelnase | April 30th 24
3.0 goodSinNanna | April 21st 24
2.5 averagegregorgojira | April 5th 24
3.0 goodBro has djent in his pie | March 23rd 24
3.5 greatjustsomelad | March 15th 24
3.5 greatPiem | March 13th 24
3.0 goodSirMathBoi | March 11th 24
4.0 excellentgrandbazaar | February 10th 24
3.5 greatGeorge Browne | January 3rd 24
4.5 superbabinge | December 28th 23
4.0 excellentHauntMe | December 18th 23
4.5 superbMbranch | December 8th 23
3.5 greatUnsaidxpl | December 4th 23
4.5 superbbuzzy | November 28th 23
3.5 greatBen STAFF | November 23rd 23
3.5 greatAlecBaldwin | October 26th 23
5.0 classicMasha2k | October 17th 23
2.5 averagebreadisdead | September 25th 23
3.5 greatbattleinthenorth | September 14th 23
5.0 classicEhVeryHeryWeffle | September 2nd 23
3.5 greatjustnoiseofficial | August 5th 23
2.0 poordempsey670 | July 30th 23
4.5 superbbecomingamirror | July 27th 23
3.5 greatFunJan | July 24th 23
3.5 greats0nicx | July 19th 23
4.0 excellentantiserendipity | June 18th 23
3.5 greathrpirate | June 15th 23
2.5 averageLokitheTrickster | May 15th 23
3.5 greatEyes4you | May 10th 23
2.5 averageitsalargeboat | May 9th 23
3.5 greatEXSCHISM | April 7th 23
4.0 excellentBiggtriksta | March 28th 23
3.5 greatcalmrose | March 21st 23
4.0 excellentAdamTheKirk | March 20th 23
4.5 superbNikolas | March 16th 23
3.5 greatSixteenSaltines | March 9th 23
2.0 poorrazedtotheground | March 8th 23
2.5 averagerandom | March 8th 23
2.5 averagemeyert25 | March 7th 23
4.0 excellentmadcowdisease | March 6th 23
3.0 goodSam292929 | February 5th 23
4.0 excellentJeanfreddy Gutierrez | February 2nd 23
4.0 excellentbellovddd | January 26th 23
4.0 excellentKillingMoon | January 26th 23
3.0 goodTimmy | January 19th 23
4.0 excellentSatcomAngel | January 11th 23
3.5 greatautosacrifice | December 28th 22
3.0 gooddballs | December 14th 22
4.0 excellentGunny87 | December 8th 22
3.5 greatCowboyPitstomp | December 6th 22
3.0 goodOlegsandr | December 6th 22
4.0 excellentchronoclast | November 25th 22
3.5 greatartificialbox | November 21st 22
3.5 greatDjang0 | November 16th 22
4.0 excellentmemnite | November 10th 22
4.5 superbmrManxxx | November 2nd 22
4.0 excellentTravis S. | October 13th 22
3.0 goodI highly doubt he put himself through that length of experimental techno | October 8th 22
4.0 excellentthosemadsounds | October 8th 22
3.5 greatLaKeSRiVeRn | October 7th 22
3.0 goodThe fact of the matter is Ulcerate is one the greatest, most important bands of our generation and i | September 30th 22
3.0 goodJust Tim. | September 28th 22
4.5 superbJoseBeto91 | September 27th 22
5.0 classicpchiches | September 27th 22
2.0 poorMantisTobogganMD | September 22nd 22
5.0 classicLongshot797 | September 21st 22
3.5 greatCouldntthinkofone96 | September 16th 22
3.5 greatarealboy | September 12th 22
3.5 greatgianttalkingpickle | September 7th 22
3.5 greatLSX | September 6th 22
4.5 superbtrackbytrackreviews | September 5th 22
3.5 greatjpturk21 | September 1st 22
2.5 averageMatyMasaryk | August 31st 22
4.5 superbFnTom | August 29th 22
4.5 superbJopa26 | August 28th 22
3.0 goodThatGuy13 | August 23rd 22
3.0 goodReviewsAndSuch1221 | August 16th 22
3.5 greatAmputatedAbortionist | August 16th 22
3.5 greatTomcat13 | August 13th 22
3.5 greatFireFades | August 10th 22
3.5 greatcallan98 | August 7th 22
4.0 excellentRedstag4 | July 15th 22
4.0 excellentbeej23 | July 7th 22
2.5 averageWildCardboiii | July 6th 22
4.0 excellentMelvination | June 19th 22
4.0 excellentFredbearAviators | June 17th 22
3.0 goodwasteofpaint31 | June 16th 22
3.5 greattommyhoover64 | June 8th 22
4.0 excellentcamxv | June 6th 22
3.0 goodibecryst | June 5th 22
3.5 greattmchugh117 | May 28th 22
3.0 goodryanwolff | May 27th 22
4.0 excellentPikmar | May 20th 22
4.0 excellentLeDemonLemon | May 15th 22
3.0 goodfathergascoigne | April 19th 22
4.5 superbTommaso | April 18th 22
2.0 poorDempsey45 | April 8th 22
4.0 excellentZalr | April 1st 22
4.0 excellenttheDanger | March 31st 22
4.5 superbDeguiremaster | March 29th 22
4.0 excellentnotagenius | March 29th 22
4.0 excellentbournellexpire | March 1st 22
3.5 greatWastelandOasis | February 25th 22
3.5 greatpatrickbuit | February 21st 22
4.0 excellentJosh | February 20th 22
3.0 goodSquiggly | February 10th 22
4.0 excellentMatt | February 8th 22
4.0 excellentthedevilwearsnada | February 7th 22
4.0 excellentGet Low | February 1st 22
4.0 excellentVusra | January 28th 22
3.5 greatTeal | January 27th 22
4.0 excellentPloKool23 | January 25th 22
2.5 averageqt | January 25th 22
3.5 greatThuckabe | January 23rd 22
4.5 superbjciccotelli | January 22nd 22
4.0 excellentalcnet | January 21st 22
4.0 excellentemptyhanded789 | January 19th 22
5.0 classicWilly777 | January 18th 22
3.0 goodrafalafa | January 16th 22
4.5 superbReverseFunnelSystem | January 16th 22
2.5 averageapplesncyanide | January 16th 22
4.0 excellentiasookia | January 16th 22
4.0 excellentefp123 | January 14th 22
4.0 excellentFranzSchubert | December 27th 21
4.0 excellentholdbacktheday | December 23rd 21
3.5 greatYesMaMan11 | December 17th 21
3.5 greatDJD1ed | December 11th 21
4.0 excellenthorsedumpster | December 8th 21
3.5 greatBrock619 | December 4th 21
4.0 excellentC0unterparts | December 1st 21
3.5 greatVARYHARRYWAFFLE | November 23rd 21
4.0 excellentysllew | November 18th 21
4.5 superbkashewy | November 13th 21
3.0 goodBrian Meeth | November 12th 21
4.5 superbtekth | November 8th 21
5.0 classicHeavenlyGirl | November 7th 21
4.5 superbBigBoofZone | October 29th 21
4.0 excellentZeist | October 20th 21
5.0 classicMarkTheDead | October 12th 21
3.5 greatfsufan823 | October 9th 21
3.5 greatmetalhead97 | October 5th 21
3.0 goodCerbyrus | October 3rd 21
3.0 goodbrandaao | September 21st 21
3.5 greatelli, evermore. | September 19th 21
4.0 excellentthomasc2112 | September 17th 21
3.5 greatGorey13 | September 17th 21
2.5 averageLilPeep | September 11th 21
4.0 excellentXizon | September 8th 21
3.0 goodkolektivpigeon | August 31st 21
5.0 classicToxicSailor | August 9th 21
3.5 greatxlev | August 4th 21
5.0 classicg40st | July 23rd 21
3.5 greatthecheatisnotdead | July 18th 21
4.5 superbMateo Ottie CONTRIBUTOR | June 23rd 21
2.5 averageIncandenza | June 22nd 21
4.0 excellentrevenantpilot | June 17th 21
3.5 greatTristan Matheny | June 9th 21
4.0 excellentYou are the internet equivalent of smegma | June 7th 21
4.0 excellenthal qaeda | June 1st 21
3.5 greatBohemianAle | May 26th 21
3.5 greatderkaderka | May 25th 21
3.0 goodZoddHand | May 18th 21
3.0 goodFurtherDown | May 2nd 21
4.0 excellentBogdyB88 | April 30th 21
5.0 classictinytim | April 12th 21
4.5 superbRemcheck91 | April 11th 21
4.0 excellentV3XED | April 7th 21
3.0 goodReturnofCanadaPants | April 4th 21
4.0 excellentvheissu | March 29th 21
4.5 superbMattyYoung | March 18th 21
2.0 poorSlothy Seconds | March 7th 21
3.0 goodDurrzo | February 19th 21
3.5 greatFlashGun2 | February 17th 21
3.5 greatMaverick821 | February 14th 21
4.0 excellentGrandpa | February 13th 21
4.0 excellentNoam Chomsky | February 9th 21
3.5 greatKerimLuca | February 6th 21
4.5 superbsoggytime | January 13th 21
2.0 poorHideYourDisguise | January 13th 21
3.0 goodDocAtlas | January 5th 21
5.0 classicGod of terror, very low dost thou bring us, very low hast thou brought us | December 8th 20
4.0 excellentPrimordialSound | December 5th 20
3.0 goodRicky Medina | December 2nd 20
5.0 classicGPooch21 | December 1st 20
3.5 greatfatihcoskuny | November 14th 20
3.0 goodkatsume1782 | November 12th 20
5.0 classicghostxmosh | October 30th 20
3.5 greatBrabiz | October 19th 20
1.5 very poorSenetrix666 | October 19th 20
5.0 classicAggroCrag | October 16th 20
3.5 greathomeyaloney | October 16th 20
3.5 greatLastBreath | October 11th 20
3.5 greatghanson1 | October 7th 20
4.5 superb3and6vs6and0 | October 4th 20
4.5 superbVeks | October 1st 20
4.5 superbThomas Soto | September 29th 20
3.5 greatSkiiddz | September 25th 20
4.0 excellentzschab | September 22nd 20
2.5 averageroguedevil | September 8th 20
3.5 greatItsTheSquirrel | September 5th 20
3.0 goodvult | September 2nd 20
3.0 goodLastRites442 | August 30th 20
3.5 greatYour #1 Most Loved Semiaquatic, Egg-Laying Mammal | August 25th 20
3.5 greatcowbeef | August 7th 20
4.0 excellentbigweinerdon | July 29th 20
4.0 excellentReini Eden | July 17th 20
3.5 greatOohFrittata | July 15th 20
5.0 classicDaniel Morgan | July 9th 20
3.5 greatchaz1254 | July 6th 20
2.0 poorSource | July 6th 20
3.5 greatAddy1997 | June 16th 20
3.0 good0GuyMan0 | June 15th 20
1.5 very poorSatellite | June 13th 20
4.0 excellentblitzmesser | June 6th 20
3.5 greatChrimzonCanine | June 5th 20
3.5 greatjounik | May 29th 20
3.0 good28Gloom | May 9th 20
4.5 superbViot | May 6th 20
1.5 very poorPhilthereaper | May 3rd 20
4.5 superbHalez | April 30th 20
3.5 greatobzen117 | April 28th 20
4.5 superbDavidPrincipe29 | April 25th 20
3.5 greatAxeToFall93 | April 21st 20
4.0 excellentElAlbert94 | April 11th 20
4.0 excellentJazzyJoosh | April 3rd 20
4.0 excellentFutures | April 1st 20
4.0 excellentjgsports37 | March 30th 20
3.0 goodDecapitat3d | March 26th 20
4.0 excellentMassHysteria | March 19th 20
4.0 excellentbatstevens | March 13th 20
3.5 greatalexkea | March 5th 20
5.0 classicDerek | March 1st 20
3.5 greatThatsuitisblacknot13 | February 27th 20
2.5 averageStacyPeraltaUndergro | February 23rd 20
4.0 excellentKayCato | February 22nd 20
5.0 classicjoobdoob | February 20th 20
4.0 excellentShooterMcGavin | February 18th 20
3.5 greatAddiQui | February 7th 20
4.0 excellentbenny06 | February 5th 20
4.0 excellentkappakappa | January 19th 20
4.0 excellentgravityswitch | January 18th 20
3.5 greatRedBol | January 16th 20
4.0 excellentbSmith | January 12th 20
3.5 greatMaxTwoKids | December 25th 19
5.0 classicaotylistmaker | December 21st 19
3.5 greatCloudwalker | December 18th 19
5.0 classicyatyatfleeto | December 12th 19
3.0 good5secondsofsummerfan | December 6th 19
3.5 greatmemedhussar | December 5th 19
4.0 excellentFrankTheDog | December 3rd 19
4.0 excellentKrillBoi | November 27th 19
4.0 excellentDiGio991 | November 22nd 19
2.5 averagemEyck07 | November 18th 19
2.5 averageIAmScott | November 18th 19
3.0 goodXirae | November 11th 19
4.0 excellentTheClinched | October 27th 19
3.5 greatry8919 | October 26th 19
4.0 excellentZeuzo | October 20th 19
4.0 excellentTearDownTheSky | October 20th 19
3.5 greatha99yc0y0te | October 12th 19
3.5 greatJustAMusicFan | October 3rd 19
3.5 greatSuperSonic2324 | October 3rd 19
4.0 excellentShane Ryan | October 2nd 19
4.0 excellentjohn | October 1st 19
4.0 excellentAdrianQuinn | September 30th 19
3.5 greatmarkfromearly | September 26th 19
4.0 excellentBounty | September 24th 19
3.0 goodAeon89 | September 24th 19
3.0 goodAcole9 | September 10th 19
3.5 greatRay91 | September 4th 19
3.5 greatKrispyTips | August 31st 19
3.5 greatMojito | August 29th 19
5.0 classicVigorRos | August 26th 19
4.0 excellentpomerlep | August 14th 19
5.0 classickodama | August 4th 19
5.0 classicoltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick oltnabrick | August 4th 19
4.0 excellentpiercethesirens | July 17th 19
3.0 goodXSebbyMcMuffinX | July 17th 19
3.0 gooddecisions | July 16th 19
4.0 excellentpeekatoad | July 16th 19
5.0 classicjoewelkie | July 8th 19
4.0 excellentjrlikestodance | July 8th 19
5.0 classicElement | July 7th 19
4.0 excellentmikejulian222 | July 4th 19
3.0 goodian b | June 19th 19
4.0 excellentPikazilla | June 19th 19
3.0 goodJeetJeet | June 17th 19
2.5 averageryanbiscuits | June 12th 19
4.0 excellentSaveBandit | June 10th 19
4.0 excellentjosh | June 10th 19
4.0 excellentblackenedtoast | June 8th 19
4.0 excellentgreyofthedawn | June 3rd 19
3.5 greatSpicyPikachu1 | May 24th 19
4.5 superbmorbidstuff | May 19th 19
3.5 greatwhitebells | May 18th 19
4.5 superbangrytortilla | May 17th 19
3.5 greatLacking | May 9th 19
4.0 excellentAdamn | May 8th 19
4.0 excellentFreedom | May 8th 19
3.0 goodmaahmacon | May 1st 19
3.0 goodaledafers | April 29th 19
3.5 greatJdub621 | April 25th 19
5.0 classicLasernair | April 14th 19
3.0 goodJonWedge91 | April 8th 19
2.5 averagefrostwalkwithme | April 5th 19
4.0 excellentcam15 | March 22nd 19
4.0 excellentNat S. | March 20th 19
4.0 excellentxfortinx | March 16th 19
1.0 awfuli feel bad for any noob who disagrees with "LOVEANDACCEPTANCE" | March 15th 19
3.5 greatNolan D. | March 11th 19
4.0 excellentLarkinhill | March 7th 19
4.0 excellentWarPeace | March 6th 19
3.5 greatBrendan Schroer STAFF | February 23rd 19
5.0 classicMaskedMetalHead | February 16th 19
4.0 excellentFanCrazedPanda | February 6th 19
3.0 goodiForgeEons | January 29th 19
3.5 greatBrandonisaacson416 | January 23rd 19
3.5 greatmurphA | January 18th 19
4.0 excellentvitocorleone | January 17th 19
4.0 excellentAndyCrow | January 13th 19
3.5 greatjrhardin17 | December 25th 18
3.5 greatMatthias812 | December 22nd 18
3.5 greatDead Bitch Alexis | December 18th 18
4.0 excellentSellotape | December 7th 18
3.5 greatTheGreatSandman | December 7th 18
3.0 goodUzumaki | December 6th 18
3.5 greatYour Favorite Lurker | December 3rd 18
4.0 excellentStephieStef | December 2nd 18
1.5 very poorDissonant | November 28th 18
4.5 superbhobblepot | November 22nd 18
5.0 classicJosh | November 18th 18
4.0 excellentarakkune13 | November 17th 18
4.0 excellentSTEA | November 9th 18
1.0 awfulTHVRTVVN | November 6th 18
3.0 goodLucman | October 31st 18
3.0 goodDavyd120 | October 29th 18
4.0 excellentneoconprick | October 10th 18
3.5 greatEndlessStairwell | October 6th 18
3.0 goodMegabomberman | October 1st 18
1.5 very poorBuckRogersQC | September 30th 18
1.0 awfuli want to mort. | September 26th 18
5.0 classicWilhelmBlack | September 25th 18
5.0 classictlatla | September 23rd 18
3.5 greatWeAreReturningHome | September 18th 18
4.5 superbartiswar | September 15th 18
4.0 excellentYuckFou | September 11th 18
4.0 excellentatethesun | September 10th 18
3.5 greatJoshCliburn | August 18th 18
4.0 excellentLee Whear | August 14th 18
5.0 classicFony | August 13th 18
3.5 greatultrainstinctgranny | August 3rd 18
3.5 greatswipenet | August 2nd 18
1.0 awfulcojamneko | July 31st 18
5.0 classiccachavacha | July 30th 18
4.5 superbJTPlays | July 28th 18
5.0 classicFilipeGomes | July 23rd 18
4.0 excellentSymbolicInTime | July 18th 18
4.5 superbmementomxri | July 17th 18
4.0 excellentmyheroine | July 6th 18
4.0 excellentTorment111 | June 29th 18
4.5 superbSoxRock | June 18th 18
4.0 excellentcmmndrlcy | June 15th 18
4.0 excellentmortifierftw | May 31st 18
4.0 excellentbotrain | May 31st 18
4.0 excellentsuzcruzz | May 29th 18
3.5 greatVegan4life | May 24th 18
3.0 goodMyColdShoulder | May 23rd 18
3.5 greatRice303 | May 16th 18
5.0 classiccursedgirth | May 14th 18
3.0 goodMasBarHigeuoris21 | May 13th 18
4.0 excellentinherentkev | May 3rd 18
3.0 goodSultan of the Martians | May 2nd 18
4.0 excellentJellyEmpress | April 28th 18
4.5 superbMotherBrainMan | April 26th 18
2.5 averagehimynameisaaron | April 23rd 18
4.0 excellentElSomni | April 23rd 18
5.0 classicsplinter | April 23rd 18
4.5 superbniccalsic | April 23rd 18
4.5 superbktjammin | April 21st 18
3.0 goodChamberbelain | April 21st 18
3.5 greatLaen | April 19th 18
4.0 excellentTheGooseBelow | April 13th 18
3.5 greatSarah | April 13th 18
3.5 greatDefiningTheGreatLine | April 11th 18
5.0 classicfrank3rs | April 11th 18
4.5 superbRyaninreverse | April 10th 18
3.5 greatBeerKhan | April 10th 18
4.5 superbLightWillGuideUs | April 10th 18
3.5 greatEvoHavok | April 9th 18
4.5 superbJoshInTheWild | April 9th 18
4.5 superbnash1311 | April 8th 18
4.5 superbRyanEckertArt | April 8th 18
2.5 averageAdoreSwancore | April 7th 18
4.0 excellentcloakanddagger | April 7th 18
5.0 classicMCJACKDAHL | April 6th 18
5.0 classicmikep87 | April 5th 18
2.0 poorBurnedBlack606 | April 2nd 18
3.5 greattheweinerback | April 2nd 18
4.0 excellentjer | April 2nd 18
4.5 superbProtomorph | March 31st 18
4.0 excellentSam C. | March 26th 18
5.0 classicSpokid | March 17th 18
3.0 goodkintups55 | March 17th 18
3.5 greatNick Mongiardo | March 15th 18
5.0 classicdethjam | March 13th 18
3.0 goodmfrguitar127 | March 13th 18
4.5 superbJonnunnery94 | March 12th 18
3.5 greatMichichachi | March 11th 18
3.5 greatHerbie Chrost | March 9th 18
4.0 excellentmakedamnsher | March 4th 18
3.0 goodSYL | March 2nd 18
2.0 poorAshTreeLane | March 1st 18
4.5 superbLightAndGlass | February 27th 18
3.5 greatcyuhas621 | February 26th 18
4.5 superbmlehnahte | February 25th 18
4.0 excellentjoshieboy | February 24th 18
3.5 greatBiscuitKnees | February 23rd 18
3.5 greatNordicMindset | February 22nd 18
3.5 greatGrande challenges, with an almost Swiftian level of defiance and hostility. | February 22nd 18
3.5 greatheck | February 22nd 18
4.0 excellentbuttgrinder | February 16th 18
3.5 greatAssemblage | February 13th 18
4.0 excellentSineEclipse | February 5th 18
5.0 classicGhost in tha Pen. | January 27th 18
3.0 goodadequateproject | January 25th 18
5.0 classicalamo | January 25th 18
4.0 excellentAustinG | January 24th 18
4.5 superbsouthofgrace | January 5th 18
4.5 superbFriendorFoe | January 4th 18
3.5 greatFear | January 1st 18
2.5 averagealoversquarrel | November 30th 17
4.5 superbjoelom | November 28th 17
3.0 goodDalton DuBois | November 26th 17
2.5 averagerroback5 | November 25th 17
3.0 goodJmcgraghan | November 19th 17
3.5 greatSmorge | November 12th 17
5.0 classicnbats | November 11th 17
3.5 greatArrestedImpulse | November 3rd 17
3.5 greatdoc23 | October 30th 17
3.5 greatSweetAsh | October 27th 17
4.0 excellentunderoaf | October 27th 17
2.0 poorajsheldon | October 23rd 17
3.0 goodbrewsterio | October 20th 17
3.0 goodmatbla00 | October 18th 17
4.0 excellentDirEnMotionless | October 17th 17
5.0 classicSexualManChocolate | October 15th 17
4.0 excellentDomTravolta | October 14th 17
4.5 superbrobertneville777 | October 13th 17
4.0 excellentKramaknome | October 12th 17
3.5 greatigordrago | October 8th 17
3.0 goodBlackFugazi | October 7th 17
4.0 excellentitsyaboicobby | October 6th 17
3.5 greatAlltherightthings | October 4th 17
4.5 superbwindianboi | October 2nd 17
3.5 greatShoegazefan9789 | September 25th 17
4.0 excellentdjentist8 | September 18th 17
5.0 classicMortimus | September 9th 17
4.5 superbcurteeebull | September 9th 17
4.5 superbrickthecondorsmith | September 9th 17
5.0 classickrypis | August 29th 17
4.5 superbAriDoe | August 23rd 17
3.5 greathaggard5 | August 22nd 17
3.0 goodRhaegarHarp | August 17th 17
4.5 superbSkyEatsOcean | August 16th 17
4.5 superbgschwen | August 11th 17
3.5 greatDarkRecollections | August 9th 17
1.5 very poordanielito19 | July 31st 17
3.0 goodPanuda | July 27th 17
4.0 excellentJosh F. | July 26th 17
3.5 greatzillmer | July 23rd 17
3.5 greatZappa88 | July 18th 17
3.5 greatsoulflighter | July 10th 17
5.0 classicORTCEZ | June 25th 17
2.0 poorFullOfSounds | June 23rd 17
2.5 averagesmgsmg9 | June 18th 17
3.5 greatColdCadence | June 8th 17
4.0 excellentsamsepiol | June 5th 17
3.0 goodJoran | June 5th 17
4.5 superbCiolith | May 20th 17
4.0 excellentreverendgreen95 | May 17th 17
4.0 excellentjasonslfl | May 17th 17
5.0 classicMarci22 | May 17th 17
3.0 goodBledWh1te | May 14th 17
2.5 averageiamaviate | May 10th 17
5.0 classicDariohcrock | May 7th 17
4.0 excellentcoma2rium | May 6th 17
3.5 greatNickyP | May 2nd 17
2.5 averagepermulta | May 1st 17
2.5 averageClegane | May 1st 17
4.0 excellentjesper STAFF | April 30th 17
4.0 excellentsjurd | April 26th 17
3.5 greatJulio Carvajal | April 26th 17
3.0 goodclemsonpanther | April 19th 17
4.0 excellentxtombstone | April 17th 17
5.0 classicxLiamStrongx | April 6th 17
4.5 superbMotokoKusanagi | April 5th 17
4.0 excellentHanuman | April 4th 17
4.0 excellentscooper34 | April 3rd 17
3.5 greatPupvirtue | April 2nd 17
3.5 greatterriblekonrad | April 1st 17
4.0 excellentLpsaveme99 | March 25th 17
4.0 excellentjustajammin | March 24th 17
5.0 classicSquibbles | March 22nd 17
3.0 goodlordworm00 | March 16th 17
3.5 greatgrannypantys | March 12th 17
2.0 poorsebchando | March 3rd 17
4.0 excellentnope | February 26th 17
2.5 averageCorney | February 16th 17
5.0 classicSchornsForm | February 9th 17
4.0 excellentFRESHShaZaM | February 4th 17
2.5 averagePunchedPeach72 | February 3rd 17
4.5 superbTheWarren | February 3rd 17
3.0 goodMrGingerlicious | February 2nd 17
3.5 greatYourStarryEyes | January 31st 17
4.0 excellentBillClinton | January 23rd 17
4.5 superbDaveIsAPopPunkFan | January 22nd 17
3.5 greatbreakingthefragile | January 22nd 17
3.5 greatxXTheFailmasterXx | January 20th 17
5.0 classicGroundking | January 17th 17
4.0 excellentsteelmaiden | January 15th 17
3.0 goodBlackwatershed | January 14th 17
4.5 superbEbull9559 | January 12th 17
5.0 classicTheemoflamingo666 | January 4th 17
3.0 goodbetweentheburiedandi | January 3rd 17
4.5 superbNbehre11 | December 31st 16
4.5 superbdangermouz | December 29th 16
4.5 superbNervousBreakdown | December 19th 16
3.5 greatEl Olam | December 18th 16
4.5 superb678OceanPlace | December 17th 16
4.0 excellentjpjpablo | December 17th 16
4.0 excellentAdamrk | December 16th 16
2.0 poorian b. | December 14th 16
4.0 excellentJake E. | November 30th 16
4.5 superbAlain0393 | November 22nd 16
3.5 greatBenjamin Kuettel EMERITUS | November 18th 16
2.0 poorSwarm | November 14th 16
3.5 greatacekiller21 | November 14th 16
3.0 goodtheRoodieDoodz | November 13th 16
3.5 greatLukeWarmwater | November 9th 16
3.0 goodXingKing | November 8th 16
4.5 superbTHANAT0PSIS | November 8th 16
2.5 averagejtswope | November 7th 16
4.0 excellentAmyHerrman | November 4th 16
4.0 excellentTheGomesAreDead | October 14th 16
5.0 classicvari | October 10th 16
4.5 superbmelgosabackstage | October 9th 16
3.5 greatG0atC0re | October 7th 16
4.5 superbsnakesc | September 30th 16
3.5 greatSinematicEclipse | September 23rd 16
5.0 classiclawingman | September 21st 16
4.0 excellentShaquilleONeal | September 21st 16
3.5 greatjzzlrd | September 20th 16
3.5 greatConfessed2005 | September 13th 16
3.5 greatKeira | September 12th 16
3.5 greatShukal | September 12th 16
2.5 averageWolfe | September 7th 16
4.0 excellentHangYourHead | September 7th 16
4.0 excellentBlackGiraffe | September 5th 16
4.0 excellentlikeshad0ws | September 3rd 16
3.0 goodDolving999 | August 30th 16
2.5 averagesoulxstlr | August 25th 16
4.0 excellentjtenders | August 20th 16
3.5 greatandyjcalder | August 19th 16
5.0 classicGhostOfSarcasticBtrd | August 19th 16
3.5 greatNewBallistics | August 19th 16
3.5 greatTib | August 15th 16
2.5 averageBallsDeep | August 12th 16
3.5 greatIllume | August 8th 16
3.5 greatomfgitsrook | August 6th 16
3.5 greatdub sean | August 5th 16
3.5 greatDaneleslie | August 5th 16
2.5 averageHazelMotes92 | August 4th 16
3.5 greatdbizzles | July 31st 16
4.0 excellentStringsMarquee | July 29th 16
3.0 goodCrimsonAinu | July 24th 16
2.0 poorSandwichBubble | July 22nd 16
4.0 excellenthorrorschwein | July 17th 16
3.0 goodConcubinaryCode | July 16th 16
3.0 goodSnacktimeguy | July 16th 16
3.0 goodJacob818Hollows | July 12th 16
4.5 superbAdofTheKirk | July 2nd 16
2.5 averagejsaf7 | June 29th 16
4.0 excellentTheShellenator | June 23rd 16
3.5 greatPinMcSpanky | June 21st 16
2.5 averageTheSleepys | June 14th 16
2.5 averageTheHung89 | June 12th 16
4.0 excellentTequila Mockingbird : Drunk Author | June 12th 16
1.5 very poormEyck97 | June 2nd 16
3.5 greatmayesaman2 | June 2nd 16
2.0 poorFarangBa | June 1st 16
3.5 greatsugarinyourgastank | May 31st 16
4.0 excellentintheinbetween | May 27th 16
4.0 excellentDerElefant | May 24th 16
5.0 classicChristovix | May 23rd 16
4.5 superbDJDiabeats | May 20th 16
2.5 averageAndrew | May 19th 16
5.0 classicC17flores | May 16th 16
4.0 excellentnavas15 | May 15th 16
4.0 excellentSaturnica | May 15th 16
3.0 goodSnide | May 14th 16
3.0 goodFruityCatOfDoom | April 20th 16
3.5 greatJacobMGreenia76 | April 18th 16
4.5 superbRYANGP | April 15th 16
3.0 goodwatermelonpies | April 13th 16
3.0 goodAnalBreacher | April 11th 16
4.0 excellentartvandelay1994 | April 9th 16
2.0 poorMaximilian1997 | April 9th 16
3.5 greatASnideReturnsReturns | April 6th 16
5.0 classicThisisabattleground | April 5th 16
2.5 averagedesecravity | April 5th 16
4.0 excellentbnest | March 31st 16
4.5 superbAftertheascension | March 22nd 16
4.5 superbKalamanka | March 20th 16
2.5 averageElegantElephant | March 14th 16
3.5 greatSatelliteYears | March 12th 16
2.5 averagePhilippos | March 10th 16
3.5 greatVacantTool | March 7th 16
4.0 excellentBiblePushingFucker | March 4th 16
4.0 excellentErubalcado | March 3rd 16
5.0 classicWritingOnTheWalls | March 2nd 16
2.5 averagetdgtroy | March 2nd 16
4.5 superbwhitefilipino | February 29th 16
4.5 superbwhenallelsefa1ls | February 28th 16
3.5 greatMomentai | February 26th 16
2.5 averageBlackDahlia03 | February 25th 16
4.0 excellentPurpose | February 25th 16
4.0 excellentAbraxas | February 24th 16
3.5 greatJigglyPDiddy | February 22nd 16
3.0 goodSteakByrnes | February 20th 16
5.0 classicLouisValentino | February 18th 16
4.5 superbandrewsk | February 14th 16
3.0 goodSantaquin | February 13th 16
5.0 classicWesleyCH1 | February 7th 16
3.0 goodParkersCannon | February 3rd 16
3.5 greatDantoni | January 27th 16
5.0 classicbonesforbonin | January 16th 16
5.0 classicstevedamanifest | January 15th 16
3.0 goodHenry | January 14th 16
3.5 greatambiance762 | January 12th 16
4.5 superbElvis | January 11th 16
4.0 excellent99Saveme99 | January 6th 16
4.0 excellenttofue | December 26th 15
5.0 classicNyolate | December 21st 15
3.0 goodBobbyBologna | December 19th 15
4.5 superbNathanaaronson | December 18th 15
5.0 classicRogerthecat | December 11th 15
3.0 goodGucciMange | December 10th 15
3.5 greatNateMa | December 7th 15
3.0 goodwaltrapala182 | December 2nd 15
2.5 averageRammaJamma | November 30th 15
3.0 goodolimajor123 | November 27th 15
1.5 very poorPegana | November 22nd 15
3.5 greatMaximeDemian | November 17th 15
3.0 goodredtoaster99 | November 16th 15
3.0 goodHeadbangMastermind93 | November 13th 15
4.0 excellentbtati | November 12th 15
4.5 superbLookOutLeahy | November 9th 15
3.5 greatHardlyHardcore | November 9th 15
4.5 superbIchigoK | November 8th 15
3.0 goodHeckToPay | November 8th 15
3.0 goodInFiction | November 7th 15
4.0 excellentjbus | November 6th 15
4.0 excellentBagration3127 | November 5th 15
5.0 classicdarkspawn890 | October 27th 15
3.5 greatdrBrownDMC | October 24th 15
3.5 greatdcon4L | October 24th 15
3.0 goodweltfremder | October 19th 15
4.0 excellentJasmine~ | October 17th 15
2.5 averageadrianloera | October 16th 15
4.0 excellentMindsweeper | October 10th 15
3.5 greatMoosechriS | October 8th 15
3.5 greatAaronOrWhatever | September 28th 15
5.0 classicCarlosilich | September 27th 15
2.0 poormzeet | September 27th 15
3.5 greatalekswithak | September 23rd 15
4.5 superbdvd0bvb | September 21st 15
3.0 goodCwatt6661 | September 20th 15
4.5 superbXgenericusernameX | September 15th 15
3.5 greats2skyline | September 14th 15
3.0 goodFluttRTrank | September 13th 15
3.0 goodMacabreharlequin | September 9th 15
3.0 goodZombieParty | September 6th 15
4.5 superbXedQepXaXyq | September 6th 15
3.0 goodMcJesus | September 2nd 15
4.0 excellentTheDjentyRanga | August 31st 15
4.5 superbSaturdayNightWrist1 | August 29th 15
4.5 superbTom R. CONTRIBUTOR | August 28th 15
3.5 greatJehhhhh | August 24th 15
3.5 greatPlessie | August 23rd 15
3.5 greatCodeOrangeKing | August 15th 15
5.0 classicKurtMorgan | August 13th 15
3.0 goodJimIntegrity | August 3rd 15
3.5 greatdeadcrown | August 3rd 15
4.5 superbtshosp01 | August 2nd 15
3.5 greatiReturnToDust | August 1st 15
3.5 greatChesapeakeRipper | July 30th 15
3.5 greatFroot | July 27th 15
3.5 greatlukeio | July 26th 15
4.0 excellentManboobs | July 19th 15
3.5 greatjoshpayne | July 18th 15
3.5 greatJoe_turner10 | July 12th 15
3.5 greatthewindwillcarryme | July 10th 15
4.0 excellentThriceJaw | July 10th 15
4.0 excellentHeavyMetal25 | July 9th 15
4.5 superbMcburnsman | July 7th 15
2.5 averageDoctorJackal | July 4th 15
3.5 greatmooreofmattie | June 30th 15
5.0 classicSparkToBelieve | June 28th 15
3.0 goodwalrusmafia | June 27th 15
3.0 goodStephenMusic | June 22nd 15
4.0 excellentTheRatingsGod | June 22nd 15
3.5 greatxDeathoholic | June 15th 15
4.0 excellentWilliam21 | June 6th 15
3.0 goodchipperjones | June 6th 15
3.5 greatchalicke | June 4th 15
3.5 greatbronxbombers2 | June 1st 15
2.5 averageNeogreen | May 27th 15
3.5 greatStereochrome1 | May 21st 15
5.0 classicflamesfall89 | May 15th 15
4.0 excellentASpieth19 | May 13th 15
4.0 excellentAmerica's Favorite Hemophobe! ♦ | May 12th 15
4.0 excellentburtmacklin | May 6th 15
3.0 goodCrimsh0t | May 1st 15
3.5 greatkerjthecourier | April 27th 15
4.0 excellentComatorium. | April 24th 15
2.5 averageDjentyNerdo | April 22nd 15
3.5 greatJakeMartell | April 22nd 15
3.5 greatLassie | April 22nd 15
4.5 superbshegaveiteasily | April 17th 15
4.0 excellentArtikulate | April 14th 15
4.0 excellentKohta | April 14th 15
4.0 excellentgkoshman | April 10th 15
4.0 excellentNewtypexZerox | April 8th 15
5.0 classicPeterSch | April 6th 15
4.0 excellentbasedlivin | April 6th 15
4.0 excellentJaydenLCox | April 4th 15
2.0 poorNecrotica | March 29th 15
5.0 classicjesslyn | March 28th 15
3.0 goodDiamondMonroe | March 24th 15
4.0 excellentdinosour | March 24th 15
4.0 excellentlecolumbus | March 22nd 15
3.5 greattravisred | March 21st 15
3.5 greatXhoven | March 20th 15
5.0 classicHisBelovedMaker | March 15th 15
3.5 greatkeshahatecrew | March 14th 15
3.0 goodYoYoMancuso STAFF | March 6th 15
4.0 excellentMaggieG | March 3rd 15
3.5 greatCrowing87 | February 25th 15
3.5 greatFitToSwing | February 25th 15
4.0 excellentcraigtotheposta | February 24th 15
3.0 goodToddDC | February 20th 15
3.0 goodMelodicIntensity | February 19th 15
3.5 greatefterljus | February 12th 15
3.5 greatsuddykilljaywalkers | February 11th 15
5.0 classicADanceReturns | February 2nd 15
3.5 greatdjc208 | January 29th 15
4.0 excellentGiullaume | January 26th 15
5.0 classicneojoe | January 24th 15
3.0 goodtoomanyCraigs | January 16th 15
4.0 excellentreversethefallen | January 15th 15
3.5 greatDoctorDoom | January 14th 15
3.5 greatDriveLikeJewhu | January 13th 15
3.5 greatAaron77 | January 8th 15
4.0 excellentweflyatnight | January 7th 15
3.0 goodcharlesdivision | January 7th 15
4.0 excellentMuppelope | January 7th 15
1.5 very poorfuzzbutt | December 29th 14
3.5 greatkarlulol | December 28th 14
4.5 superbsadchild | December 21st 14
3.5 greatAndTheTree | December 19th 14
3.5 greatCeltics2448 | December 17th 14
4.0 excellentdjentsy | December 13th 14
4.5 superbmahan9792 | November 29th 14
5.0 classicAtroposDatura | November 22nd 14
4.0 excellentbakkermaarten007 | November 20th 14
4.5 superbvideotape | November 11th 14
4.0 excellentJohnFire | November 8th 14
4.0 excellentInAndOfItSelf | November 7th 14
4.0 excellentMookid | November 2nd 14
4.0 excellentTheWovenWeb | October 30th 14
3.5 greatngk44 | October 29th 14
3.5 greatTBH717 | October 27th 14
3.5 greatbrokatar | October 22nd 14
3.0 gooddjunior | October 20th 14
3.5 greatXxUpinsiderxX | October 18th 14
3.0 goodSkoj | October 16th 14
4.0 excellentsuperreider | October 12th 14
4.0 excellentdmr123 | October 10th 14
4.5 superbDarknessPrevails | October 8th 14
4.0 excellentGuitarJesus27 | September 22nd 14
4.5 superbryan10 | September 19th 14
3.0 goodhanson12345 | September 12th 14
4.0 excellentTheGreatQ | September 10th 14
1.5 very poorLepreCon | September 8th 14
4.0 excellentNorwichScene | September 8th 14
5.0 classicdamagedemokid | September 8th 14
5.0 classicgirlsnotgrey | September 7th 14
4.0 excellenterizen826 | September 6th 14
4.0 excellentWilliam17 | August 31st 14
3.5 greatJordanHageman13 | August 22nd 14
4.5 superbEzmonee | August 22nd 14
3.5 greatcmil94 | August 20th 14
4.5 superbStolenIdentity | August 18th 14
4.0 excellent3timesacharm | August 18th 14
3.5 greatDeathbeds | August 17th 14
3.5 greateXxist | August 17th 14
3.5 greatThemaxwell23 | August 15th 14
2.0 poorSlapmedo | August 13th 14
3.5 greatxiLeadFeather | August 13th 14
2.5 averageR174C | August 13th 14
4.0 excellentNotABanana | August 12th 14
3.0 goodB888IE | August 9th 14
4.5 superbMAGIC | August 9th 14
3.5 greatwwf | August 8th 14
4.5 superbSGDrummer7 | August 5th 14
3.5 greatDoomstercry | August 3rd 14
3.0 goodSwallowShotguns | August 2nd 14
4.0 excellentA257U2 | July 30th 14
4.0 excellentRadioSuicide | July 29th 14
4.0 excellentAdamk7861 | July 29th 14
4.5 superbAndrewN | July 28th 14
4.0 excellentdudevandudestein | July 28th 14
3.5 greatEldar777 | July 25th 14
3.5 greatChinaWheyete | July 22nd 14
4.0 excellentAbsurdlyWorn | July 20th 14
4.0 excellentresuscitated | July 19th 14
2.5 averageanarchistfish | July 19th 14
4.0 excellentsparkysdream85 | July 18th 14
3.5 greatGrimReaper | July 17th 14
3.0 goodtrevvvy | July 15th 14
4.0 excellentHospital | July 10th 14
5.0 classicLoganTaylorD | July 9th 14
3.0 goodunromance | July 8th 14
2.5 averagecryptside | July 7th 14
2.5 averageVermTheNedSlayer | July 7th 14
4.0 excellentdockan | July 2nd 14
3.0 goodhabster3 | June 29th 14
4.0 excellentaccompliceofmydeath | June 27th 14
3.5 greatSchellione | June 23rd 14
3.5 greatGreenpaw | June 21st 14
4.0 excellentfomalhaut | June 21st 14
3.5 greatYourDarkAffected | June 18th 14
4.0 excellentEmim | June 16th 14
3.5 greatJaime | June 12th 14
4.5 superbbrownbear19 | June 11th 14
3.5 greatoddyseus | June 7th 14
3.0 goodComeToDaddy | June 3rd 14
3.5 greatKittleson | May 29th 14
3.0 goodTJM1992 | May 28th 14
3.0 goodmiljesus | May 22nd 14
2.5 averageThreads | May 17th 14
4.0 excellentBoogily | May 8th 14
2.0 poorfoxxxy | May 8th 14
3.5 greatScarlettPimpernail | May 8th 14
4.5 superb1Sopel6 | May 7th 14
4.0 excellentBravelyDefunct | May 4th 14
5.0 classicLibertarian | April 30th 14
1.0 awfulChris Maitland | April 28th 14
3.0 goodSputnikSweetheart | April 16th 14
4.0 excellentYou say proto-this, I say post-that, lets call the whole thing skronk | April 14th 14
3.0 goodkenti123 | April 13th 14
3.5 greatIneedabettername | April 10th 14
4.0 excellentbeachdude | April 9th 14
2.5 averageLeviofDoom | April 1st 14
3.5 greatdjc20 | April 1st 14
5.0 classicKyleWagoner | March 29th 14
3.5 greatYeeeayuh | March 25th 14
3.0 goodhavok12354 | March 24th 14
3.5 greatDivisionBy0 | March 24th 14
4.0 excellentHansol | March 23rd 14
4.0 excellentshostakoverture | March 22nd 14
4.0 excellentJohnDillinger | March 20th 14
4.0 excellentRickislost | March 19th 14
4.0 excellentSubtleDoubt | March 18th 14
4.0 excellentJoseph C | March 14th 14
3.5 greatihml93 | March 14th 14
3.5 greatIslamicPenguins | March 9th 14
3.5 greatConnorTheHero | March 7th 14
3.0 goodReAnimator | March 4th 14
3.5 greatNud | March 3rd 14
4.0 excellentWesCH1 | February 28th 14
4.5 superbstefantx | February 27th 14
4.5 superbearlygrave | February 27th 14
4.5 superbRondoToKG | February 26th 14
4.5 superbsth550 | February 25th 14
5.0 classicDerangedAndDesparate | February 19th 14
4.5 superbguitardude594 | February 17th 14
3.5 greatdestinysManchild | February 14th 14
3.0 goodleviegalapon | February 12th 14
3.0 goodMercilessBat | February 9th 14
4.0 excellenthallgath | February 8th 14
3.0 goodtheobserver42 | February 2nd 14
5.0 classicSebe | February 1st 14
4.5 superbMelaciour | January 30th 14
3.5 greatTurlerr | January 18th 14
3.5 greatfillawrant | January 11th 14
3.0 goodTheScariestFish | January 11th 14
4.0 excellenttheEleventhHour | January 10th 14
4.0 excellentforyerhealth | January 3rd 14
3.5 greatGringoSuave89 | December 27th 13
3.0 goodRichardFannin | December 27th 13
3.5 greatqiminong | December 21st 13
3.5 greatkungfuasaurus | December 19th 13
4.0 excellentvladwasgreat | December 17th 13
4.0 excellenttwr3cks | December 17th 13
5.0 classicPaul Quinones | December 17th 13
4.5 superblarsthedanishprophet | December 16th 13
3.0 goodFlyscream | December 11th 13
5.0 classicBAMF18 | December 9th 13
5.0 classicSamaelTheDestroyer | December 6th 13
4.0 excellentschoonda | December 4th 13
3.5 greatdjken97 | December 2nd 13
3.5 greatAntialexithymia | November 26th 13
3.5 greatGiansk | November 25th 13
2.5 averagemytinyvictories | November 25th 13
4.0 excellenthsb | November 24th 13
4.0 excellenttruly the taylor swift of the underage viagra demographic | November 22nd 13
4.0 excellentthorwaldeirik | November 21st 13
3.5 greatEpicMangoMan | November 14th 13
3.5 greatelkerlov | November 14th 13
3.5 greatrpetersen | November 13th 13
4.0 excellentAtomicShane | November 13th 13
2.0 pooradr | November 10th 13
3.5 greathokietyler | November 8th 13
4.0 excellentGuzzo10 | November 8th 13
4.0 excellentToFlagship | November 8th 13
4.5 superbitsalltherage | November 3rd 13
2.0 poorCrimsonLies | November 1st 13
4.0 excellenthudso | October 29th 13
4.0 excellentatlantisismatt | October 28th 13
2.5 averagewil94 | October 20th 13
4.5 superbGillAguilluz | October 18th 13
4.0 excellentNagatoNeko19 | October 17th 13
4.5 superbledlowch | October 17th 13
3.5 greatlewisx7x7x7x | October 17th 13
4.0 excellentellagos | October 16th 13
5.0 classicMisterSix | October 15th 13
2.5 averageKazem | October 14th 13
3.0 goodcraven | October 12th 13
3.5 greatSuddy | October 7th 13
5.0 classicCarfloresrodriguez | October 3rd 13
3.0 goodshoeblood | October 1st 13
2.5 averagegabtheking | October 1st 13
4.0 excellentFatmunkey246 | September 28th 13
3.0 goodDischi | September 26th 13
4.0 excellentLIONFURY | September 24th 13
3.5 greatmynameisjonjo | September 24th 13
3.5 greatellenhodges | September 22nd 13
3.0 goodOwMySnauze | September 20th 13
3.0 goodTrif O Liam | September 13th 13
4.5 superbbreadstick | September 13th 13
4.0 excellentmazalthan | September 12th 13
4.0 excellentjames9933 | September 11th 13
4.0 excellentsordidyearnings | September 10th 13
4.0 excellentbowlofsoup | September 5th 13
4.0 excellentMayhemLord3148 | September 4th 13
4.0 excellentdavesustain | September 4th 13
5.0 classicPellucid | September 4th 13
3.5 greatjoomisy | September 3rd 13
4.0 excellentcutex | September 1st 13
3.5 greatTheSpaceMan | August 31st 13
3.0 goodbirdistheword | August 28th 13
3.0 goodMillstone | August 27th 13
4.0 excellentSoakedInTorment | August 27th 13
2.5 averagewhoasauce | August 24th 13
3.5 greatJamieCTA | August 22nd 13
2.5 averagefrostybanana | August 22nd 13
3.5 greatGmemberKills | August 21st 13
1.5 very poorvoiceofresistance | August 21st 13
3.0 goodErick30stm | August 18th 13
3.0 goodKurazz | August 18th 13
3.0 goodTheGooseTavern | August 16th 13
3.5 greatDarthHideous1 | August 14th 13
3.5 greatMasthews | August 12th 13
4.5 superbTheWrath | August 11th 13
2.5 averageskramz96 | August 8th 13
4.0 excellentchasehoffman99 | August 7th 13
3.5 greatthriceman | August 3rd 13
4.0 excellentTFoolery | August 1st 13
4.0 excellentdctarga | July 28th 13
5.0 classicjamesmarkfisher | July 23rd 13
3.5 greatJoshuafulerz | July 21st 13
5.0 classicdirty69 | July 16th 13
3.5 greatRoche1613 | July 16th 13
3.0 goodnjdwalton | July 15th 13
4.0 excellentiambillyshears | July 13th 13
3.0 gooditachi1452 | July 11th 13
3.8 excellentRowan5215 STAFF | July 10th 13
4.0 excellentpeterdigiacomo | July 9th 13
3.5 greatJared Wegenast | July 8th 13
4.5 superbisraphel97 | July 5th 13
5.0 classicCrinn | July 4th 13
3.0 goodDeadBay256 | July 3rd 13
3.0 goodkillrobotratings | June 26th 13
4.0 excellentBENGRANTFOOL | June 25th 13
3.5 greatTheMetalLifer | June 25th 13
2.5 averageWhale | June 24th 13
4.0 excellentPrinceoftheDogs | June 23rd 13
3.0 gooddayks11 | June 21st 13
4.0 excellentchimpington | June 16th 13
3.5 greatemblemsofkindness | June 14th 13
3.0 goodHobosapien | June 11th 13
4.0 excellentthecolorbrown | June 10th 13
2.5 averagereportingbird | June 7th 13
5.0 classic68talic | June 7th 13
3.5 greatchayka | June 5th 13
2.0 poorNathanReece | June 2nd 13
2.0 poorGenesis1992 | May 28th 13
5.0 classicGlassjaw93 | May 28th 13
4.5 superbportraitsofdecay | May 25th 13
3.5 greatUrameshi | May 25th 13
4.5 superbTheFourthCircle25 | May 24th 13
2.5 averagemonvalle | May 20th 13
4.0 excellentZar | May 17th 13
3.5 greatTexasCornbeef | May 10th 13
3.0 goodRyanSmithers | May 8th 13
3.0 goodAxmetal | May 8th 13
4.0 excellentcraycraig | May 5th 13
4.5 superbtenspeed78 | April 30th 13
3.0 goodSonofSnow | April 29th 13
2.5 averageUqnivde | April 29th 13
3.5 greattcat84 | April 24th 13
4.5 superbflabbywhale | April 21st 13
3.5 greatSpookyJelly | April 19th 13
2.5 averagereidr0 | April 16th 13
3.0 goodBeeRyan | April 16th 13
5.0 classicCaptainJack96 | April 14th 13
3.0 goodRFO13 | April 13th 13
2.0 poorYankeeDudel | April 13th 13
3.5 greatCaptainHadouken | April 8th 13
3.5 greatPeriLTAA | April 5th 13
3.5 greatWorkInProgress | April 5th 13
4.5 superbswinglowspirit | April 3rd 13
3.0 goodBobbysatya | April 3rd 13
4.0 excellentZeg | March 31st 13
4.0 excellentFloatHereForever | March 27th 13
3.0 good420smoker | March 21st 13
3.5 greatSabella86 | March 19th 13
2.0 poorTimeToDie | March 18th 13
4.5 superbLowRidinCow | March 13th 13
1.5 very poorGiantxHill | March 10th 13
4.0 excellentErikPage13 | March 7th 13
4.0 excellentFlyinToucan11 | March 7th 13
3.5 greatrichardreptar | March 6th 13
4.5 superbxJoshox | March 5th 13
4.0 excellentGetOffTheScale | March 5th 13
3.5 greatPanphobia | March 4th 13
4.0 excellentCormano | March 4th 13
3.5 greatJMH90 | March 2nd 13
2.5 averageFromProgToMetal | February 28th 13
3.5 greatflowerybrains | February 28th 13
3.5 greatCWBrown | February 26th 13
3.5 greatdefeatedlow | February 25th 13
3.5 greatpeterdavis182 | February 24th 13
3.0 goodSuddy911 | February 24th 13
3.0 goodAndy37 | February 23rd 13
4.0 excellentbarbinin | February 23rd 13
5.0 classicBengweeen | February 15th 13
3.0 goodthedrunkestlandscape | February 6th 13
3.5 greatPikachuRapesYou | February 6th 13
3.5 greatJakobVonLepenstad | February 5th 13
4.0 excellenthumblerodent | January 30th 13
3.0 goodnumarion | January 29th 13
3.0 goodOllieS | January 28th 13
4.5 superbRE58 | January 24th 13
3.0 goodeyesofapocalypse | January 22nd 13
4.5 superbhelpoemer420 | January 22nd 13
3.5 greatgumi | January 22nd 13
1.5 very poorFearThyEvil | January 21st 13
3.5 greatmernest444 | January 16th 13
2.0 poorWhereSleepIsRest | January 16th 13
4.0 excellentBrandoNelly | January 15th 13
3.5 greatTheBuzzKiller | January 9th 13
3.5 greatpurezephyr | January 9th 13
5.0 classicdempc12b | January 8th 13
4.5 superbTreblinkAlive | January 6th 13
2.0 poorWinesburgohio STAFF | January 4th 13
2.5 averageAntigen | January 3rd 13
4.0 excellentmistakenformagic | December 28th 12
4.0 excellentHalzy31 | December 26th 12
3.5 greatEcotone | December 23rd 12
4.0 excellentBenJamino | December 23rd 12
3.5 greatdeathsstroke | December 23rd 12
5.0 classicSpeed512 | December 22nd 12
3.5 greatScarch | December 21st 12
3.5 greathxctaa | December 20th 12
3.5 greatTywuhh | December 20th 12
4.5 superbjuninja | December 18th 12
1.5 very poormixtapenostalgia | December 18th 12
2.5 averageclaytonwh | December 16th 12
3.5 greatMinus. | December 16th 12
4.5 superbBlackTempest | December 15th 12
5.0 classicvvillarreall | December 14th 12
4.0 excellentKenboSlice | December 14th 12
4.0 excellentZoneOut | December 12th 12
3.5 greatmzi | December 10th 12
4.0 excellentmybeard | December 10th 12
2.0 poornotnotyesyes | December 8th 12
5.0 classic4giveand4get | December 8th 12
3.0 goodandreampuero | December 7th 12
3.5 greatmerpmerp | December 6th 12
3.0 goodCK | December 6th 12
3.5 greatTheWretchMaster | December 5th 12
4.0 excellentroemilca | December 2nd 12
3.5 greatdemjunz | December 1st 12
3.5 greatNationalRadio | November 28th 12
4.0 excellentkeyokeyo | November 28th 12
3.0 goodMiniatureHorse | November 28th 12
4.0 excellentTheThirdChildren | November 27th 12
3.5 greatmrend55 | November 22nd 12
3.0 goodwanderlust | November 22nd 12
3.5 greatnedflanders | November 21st 12
5.0 classicxDinoEyesx | November 20th 12
4.0 excellentHopelust | November 20th 12
3.5 greatNastyCrab | November 17th 12
2.5 averageallaneason35 | November 16th 12
4.0 excellentRivalSkoomaDealer | November 14th 12
3.5 greatwireforawire | November 14th 12
3.0 goodjschmidty89 | November 14th 12
5.0 classicSeaOfNovacaine | November 13th 12
4.5 superbZikana | November 13th 12
3.5 greatapokolypz | November 12th 12
3.0 goodflyinlulz | November 11th 12
3.0 goodXav | November 6th 12
4.0 excellentrokker11 | November 6th 12
3.0 gooddeschain13 | November 4th 12
3.0 goodpausethatplz | November 1st 12
3.5 greatJobForAKemple | November 1st 12
4.0 excellentnerdybum | October 30th 12
3.5 greatInferis | October 28th 12
2.5 averagegustav013 | October 26th 12
4.5 superbJessenator | October 24th 12
4.0 excellentMuisc4Life26 | October 22nd 12
3.5 greatscotthanson8295 | October 22nd 12
2.0 poorYou Are My Everlovin' | October 21st 12
3.5 greatNeverW0lff777 | October 21st 12
2.0 poorKILL | October 19th 12
3.5 greatSutherbee | October 18th 12
2.0 poorintotheshit | October 17th 12
3.0 goodWilrus | October 15th 12
4.5 superbDisconnected | October 15th 12
4.0 excellentAlexCorralejo | October 12th 12
3.5 greatPuffertsDoxology | October 11th 12
4.0 excellentsetitallablaze | October 9th 12
3.0 goodBog91 | October 9th 12
4.0 excellentJakexMetal96 | October 7th 12
3.5 greatWurldRacer322 | October 7th 12
5.0 classicMusicMan10000 | October 4th 12
3.0 goodromosho | October 3rd 12
4.0 excellentLPTheory | October 3rd 12
3.0 goodRecspecs | October 3rd 12
4.0 excellenticatchthirtythree | October 2nd 12
3.0 goodThealwaysopenedmind | October 2nd 12
4.0 excellentHwoBeadedToy | September 28th 12
3.5 greatDroneforfun | September 27th 12
4.0 excellentsfoln2012 | September 25th 12
3.5 greatAirStampede | September 24th 12
4.0 excellentTheCharitableMan | September 21st 12
4.5 superbKennyTarpon | September 20th 12
2.0 poorPunchforPunch | September 20th 12
4.5 superbHomerPimpson | September 20th 12
3.5 greatNightmareCinema16 | September 18th 12
4.0 excellentDinoPenguin | September 17th 12
3.5 greatOkAnimals | September 16th 12
4.0 excellenttimothy989 | September 12th 12
2.5 averageRobotE | September 11th 12
5.0 classickevinboyles | September 7th 12
3.5 greatrandalljebadiah | August 15th 12
3.0 goodababygoat91 | August 15th 12
3.5 greatYellowGlass | August 13th 12
4.0 excellentjoshmccaffrey | July 27th 12
3.0 goodDrunkMammoth | July 25th 12
5.0 classicBlackDieRose | July 24th 12
4.5 superbtrilliamdean | July 21st 12
3.5 greatbcwhite96 | July 20th 12
3.0 goodmursu | July 17th 12
5.0 classicNekoNinja | July 12th 12
2.5 averageTruant | July 12th 12
3.5 greatJackSparrow | July 9th 12
4.5 superbmicahbgaj | July 8th 12
3.5 greatkenr888 | July 8th 12
4.0 excellentsunofwhales | July 6th 12
5.0 classicDanielNunes93 | July 5th 12
4.0 excellentmaxtalent | July 1st 12
3.0 goodStBrox | July 1st 12
4.0 excellentgrowing strong and healthy.....MINMO | June 28th 12
3.0 good6chris15 | June 26th 12
4.5 superbDMatty | June 26th 12
2.5 averageerandolph90 | June 21st 12
3.5 greatTokamak | June 20th 12
4.0 excellentKerbstomp | June 16th 12
2.5 averageUntitledUser | June 13th 12
5.0 classicBrushedRed | June 12th 12
4.5 superbpigsonthewing | June 9th 12
1.5 very poorThunderNeutral21 | June 9th 12
3.0 goodjcismulti | June 6th 12
3.5 greatENDHIMSLOW | June 5th 12
5.0 classicGloczek | June 5th 12
4.0 excellentMuhNamesTyler | June 5th 12
3.5 greatrikoflishas | June 2nd 12
4.0 excellentLenZ | May 27th 12
2.5 averageeleventhsun | May 23rd 12
2.5 averageno0necos | May 23rd 12
4.5 superbSurette | May 22nd 12
5.0 classicManiac! | May 20th 12
3.5 greatLewisx7x | May 14th 12
3.5 greattreos777 | May 12th 12
4.0 excellentMajinStar | May 11th 12
3.0 goodRevenantBlue | May 9th 12
4.5 superbblacknoir | May 9th 12
3.5 greatPantone200 | May 8th 12
2.5 averageAcorn | May 7th 12
3.5 greatGuanoBumbershoot | May 6th 12
2.5 averagemontaukpoint | May 5th 12
3.0 goodPeriL | May 4th 12
4.0 excellentcy10246 | May 4th 12
3.5 greatfoxxxy | April 30th 12
4.0 excellentdathvada321 | April 29th 12
3.5 greatDotEight | April 26th 12
4.0 excellentlucasjcockcroft | April 25th 12
3.5 greatMateoilitigaja | April 25th 12
3.0 goodsum0th3rguY | April 24th 12
4.0 excellenthouseswediein | April 23rd 12
3.5 greatOfloveandwarmth | April 22nd 12
3.0 goodTonger | April 20th 12
3.0 goodANJ45 | April 18th 12
3.0 goodManqaness24 | April 18th 12
3.5 great9MgTar | April 17th 12
4.0 excellentpapakos | April 14th 12
2.5 averageSCREAMorphine | April 11th 12
2.5 averageallmusicratings | April 9th 12
4.0 excellentChuckyTruant | April 8th 12
3.5 greattarynet | April 8th 12
4.5 superbTheAdmiral | April 8th 12
4.0 excellentSymmetry7 | April 6th 12
5.0 classicKosherSoldier | April 5th 12
4.0 excellentBonRurgundy | April 4th 12
3.0 goodSoutiel | April 3rd 12
3.5 greatmangasm | April 2nd 12
3.0 goodMachination | April 2nd 12
3.0 goodDevastator | April 1st 12
2.5 averageMosesMalone | March 28th 12
3.0 goodEmceeKain | March 28th 12
5.0 classicGunmetalAngelx | March 27th 12
3.5 greatSykoFantiz | March 24th 12
3.5 greatdownxbeat | March 23rd 12
2.5 averageHypedMerchant | March 23rd 12
3.5 greatCollectingResin | March 19th 12
3.0 goodFreudian1992 | March 19th 12
4.0 excellentty107694 | March 18th 12
3.5 greatDanielB | March 15th 12
4.0 excellentTimmyTimTimothy | March 15th 12
3.5 greatava082 | March 14th 12
3.0 goodBewilderedLemon | March 11th 12
3.5 greatisthathenry | March 10th 12
4.0 excellentwarchest | March 10th 12
4.0 excellentSleibhin325 | March 7th 12
3.0 goodKrissWatts | March 3rd 12
3.0 goodKenneth Pangilinan | February 29th 12
4.0 excellentWendnarb | February 29th 12
3.5 greatstevo510 | February 29th 12
4.0 excellentTheGDizzltyDizzle | February 28th 12
3.5 greatTomorrowIsTuesday | February 28th 12
4.0 excellentssj4gogeta17 | February 27th 12
4.0 excellentTheDriver29 | February 27th 12
5.0 classictheclassicroundabout | February 26th 12
3.5 greatdragon01 | February 21st 12
3.0 goodWinrar | February 20th 12
2.5 averageTroggy | February 20th 12
3.5 greatsicEMbears | February 18th 12
3.0 goodwacknizzle | February 17th 12
4.0 excellentauberginedreams | February 17th 12
3.0 goodBloodhail | February 16th 12
3.0 goodtehGrinningonz | February 16th 12
4.0 excellentSiliconFields | February 10th 12
3.0 gooddylanjones42 | February 8th 12
3.0 goodiglu | February 7th 12
4.0 excellentTomAkaVeto | February 6th 12
3.0 goodMTTS | February 5th 12
3.0 goodpolygonfiction | February 5th 12
2.0 poorTurtlestlker | February 4th 12
4.0 excellentAcanthus | February 2nd 12
3.5 greatxfearbefore | January 31st 12
3.5 greatsquidwardtentacles | January 30th 12
4.5 superbWesMantooth | January 30th 12
3.0 goodRandMcNally | January 27th 12
5.0 classicAtropineOfAutumn | January 27th 12
5.0 classicfouryearstrong | January 27th 12
4.0 excellentmynameash | January 26th 12
3.5 greatJustinJordan87420 | January 23rd 12
4.5 superbmttgry | January 19th 12
2.5 averageohfoxxxycole | January 16th 12
4.0 excellentDjjakul | January 15th 12
3.0 goodmattkd | January 14th 12
4.0 excellenteastwood94 | January 9th 12
4.0 excellentMisguidedYouth | January 7th 12
3.0 goodMikeMEFV | January 6th 12
3.0 goodTribalist | January 1st 12
3.0 goodKvM745 | December 30th 11
4.0 excellentDamon | December 29th 11
2.5 averagemrnic3 | December 28th 11
5.0 classicbuzzball99 | December 27th 11
2.5 averageMetal6Is6Art6 | December 25th 11
5.0 classicjavorkuti | December 24th 11
3.0 goodUnkleUrple | December 24th 11
5.0 classicDimitri1033 | December 23rd 11
4.0 excellentDarjen | December 22nd 11
4.5 superbForevermore | December 17th 11
4.0 excellentKnippelmier | December 15th 11
3.5 greatKetchupsuicide | December 11th 11
3.5 greatKUBT | December 11th 11
4.0 excellentDDBoOCoB | December 5th 11
3.0 goodCoolCanoeRendezvous | November 29th 11
3.0 goodjimmyarmpit | November 29th 11
3.0 goodMichelle94 | November 29th 11
4.5 superbThesquidster | November 23rd 11
3.0 goodDirk32 | November 23rd 11
4.0 excellentJeriahswillGDP | November 22nd 11
5.0 classickrisducky001 | November 22nd 11
4.5 superbOath777 | November 22nd 11
2.5 averageMisterX | November 21st 11
3.0 goodVeldin | November 16th 11
4.0 excellentLuxIndivisible | November 13th 11
3.5 greatJimmsightMatters | November 13th 11
4.0 excellentPndi | November 12th 11
3.0 goodWiehan Bester | November 11th 11
3.5 greatDonkeyPunchin88 | November 10th 11
5.0 classicMusicisLife96 | November 7th 11
1.5 very poorPipt | November 6th 11
4.0 excellentjwyles4 | November 2nd 11
3.5 greatautopilotoff | November 2nd 11
3.5 greatSAPoodle | October 30th 11
3.5 greatJustinKing | October 30th 11
5.0 classicemptyblackbox | October 30th 11
4.5 superbwillafrant | October 29th 11
3.5 greatnateyo | October 29th 11
3.5 greatpbass0 | October 29th 11
3.0 goodxevman | October 27th 11
3.0 goodmeltingbones | October 27th 11
4.0 excellentDrummerDudeGuy | October 23rd 11
4.0 excellentThriceHEwasnailed | October 21st 11
3.0 gooditzcalv | October 21st 11
3.5 greatjawdin | October 20th 11
5.0 classicATLbraves | October 15th 11
4.0 excellentELduderino | October 14th 11
3.5 greatjacobandrewwilson | October 14th 11
4.5 superb11hoagjo | October 10th 11
4.0 excellentStagnantWords | October 9th 11
3.5 greatskyskii | September 30th 11
4.0 excellentkukifnasty1717 | September 29th 11
3.0 goodWidower | September 29th 11
3.0 goodHens | September 29th 11
1.0 awfulUranium | September 28th 11
4.5 superbAlesana0464 | September 26th 11
4.0 excellentCallMeCrispy | September 24th 11
4.0 excellentJesusCage | September 23rd 11
3.0 goodvox001 | September 23rd 11
3.0 goodraggedragamuffin | September 20th 11
4.5 superbProject | September 19th 11
4.5 superbMenosDelScorcho924 | September 18th 11
3.2 goodTrey STAFF | September 16th 11
3.5 greatnjean777 | September 14th 11
2.5 averageloverapture | September 13th 11
3.5 greatLordpanch | September 9th 11
4.5 superbhaydenslame | September 8th 11
4.5 superbparawhorez | September 6th 11
1.0 awfulgurotesukku | September 4th 11
3.5 greatBloom | September 2nd 11
4.5 superbboardridin34 | August 31st 11
5.0 classicDreamAgain | August 31st 11
3.5 greatjorsh | August 29th 11
3.5 greatthechodewarrior | August 29th 11
4.0 excellentgivemethespecial | August 28th 11
4.5 superbTitan50 | August 27th 11
4.0 excellentNeedsmoarbreakdowns | August 27th 11
4.0 excellentmaxBlaze101 | August 26th 11
3.5 greatxxxMARKRICKYxxx | August 26th 11
3.0 goodjron2215 | August 24th 11
5.0 classicThomasTheCure | August 23rd 11
4.0 excellentexportnow | August 22nd 11
4.0 excellentsallysue014 | August 22nd 11
3.5 greatDwMrHat | August 22nd 11
2.5 averagedansxdead | August 22nd 11
4.0 excellentDinosaurwars | August 20th 11
4.0 excellentILJ | August 20th 11
4.0 excellentEdwardNigma | August 19th 11
4.0 excellentTatou | August 14th 11
5.0 classicvauxrock | August 14th 11
4.0 excellentNero87 | August 12th 11
4.0 excellentAnnaGrinde | August 12th 11
4.5 superbphildoo54 | August 11th 11
3.0 goodTheRainmaker | August 11th 11
4.0 excellentBillymartinn | August 10th 11
3.5 greatTooLateToGoBack | August 8th 11
2.5 average7kthulu | August 6th 11
3.0 goodDannyReguera | August 4th 11
5.0 classictheblaw | August 3rd 11
5.0 classicSexPanther | August 3rd 11
3.5 greatFirecat212 | August 3rd 11
4.0 excellentmoetheG | August 2nd 11
2.5 averageRyanprobro | August 2nd 11
3.5 greattheAwfulWAFF1e | July 29th 11
4.0 excellenttiefighter182 | July 27th 11
2.5 averageIrishJay91 | July 26th 11
3.5 greatTenSecondsToThink | July 23rd 11
3.5 greatBoah11 | July 22nd 11
3.5 greatcommandandconquer | July 22nd 11
3.5 greatAdamK | July 22nd 11
3.0 goodQuietview | July 20th 11
5.0 classicshadowhobbes | July 17th 11
4.0 excellentfireinourthroats | July 17th 11
3.5 greatBajumeru | July 15th 11
3.5 greatVespiion | July 10th 11
4.0 excellentporkchop182 | July 9th 11
1.0 awfulFrankRedHot | July 8th 11
4.0 excellentColliiiin | July 8th 11
3.5 greatDanceLukeDance | July 4th 11
3.5 greatzrosschristian | July 2nd 11
4.0 excellentdancigrang | July 1st 11
3.0 goodComa1996 | July 1st 11
4.0 excellentSupazilla | June 29th 11
4.0 excellentUrbanVitamin | June 27th 11
1.5 very poortamadrummer90 | June 26th 11
4.5 superbMRxT | June 26th 11
1.5 very poorbnelso55 | June 22nd 11
3.0 goodvastvacuity | June 21st 11
4.0 excellentllewsilverhand | June 20th 11
4.0 excellentalextheantichrist | June 18th 11
3.0 goodMickeyPHager | June 14th 11
3.0 goodmcchub | June 13th 11
3.0 goodMadapaka | June 12th 11
4.5 superbdhrubodx | June 11th 11
3.5 greatSoapySoap | June 8th 11
4.0 excellentaNewPerspective8 | June 8th 11
4.0 excellentKolyaAleksandrov555 | June 6th 11
4.0 excellentEvanpowers | June 6th 11
3.5 greatirzarilos | June 5th 11
3.0 goodiZac | June 3rd 11
4.0 excellentTheSiegeOfMasada | May 31st 11
3.0 goodAchantion | May 28th 11
1.5 very poorRebel90 | May 28th 11
3.0 goodSsssssss | May 24th 11
3.0 goodHectorLetberg | May 24th 11
3.0 goodrokknroll4 | May 22nd 11
3.5 greatWolfCocoon | May 22nd 11
2.5 averageAndrewffcc | May 20th 11
3.5 greatStarkywill | May 19th 11
3.5 greatDanielLee | May 18th 11
3.0 goodF0RBES | May 18th 11
3.0 goodApollo | May 16th 11
3.5 greatZetik | May 15th 11
3.0 goodMB05032 | May 15th 11
3.5 greatKlichty | May 14th 11
4.0 excellenttrulymj | May 14th 11
3.5 greatDeathsThread | May 10th 11
4.5 superbPhilippians4 | May 10th 11
3.5 greatapplejack | May 9th 11
5.0 classicfziarkoski | May 9th 11
4.0 excellentblazebaileyfinnegan3 | May 8th 11
3.5 greatCojac936 | May 7th 11
2.5 averageMitch S. | May 6th 11
3.5 greatAdAstra | May 5th 11
1.5 very poordaviechops | May 5th 11
3.5 greatInShallowSeas | May 5th 11
3.0 goodLineman | May 4th 11
4.0 excellentTonive | May 4th 11
2.5 averagedreamlikelions | May 3rd 11
4.0 excellentJdok | May 3rd 11
4.0 excellentxd3ltax | May 2nd 11
4.0 excellentSHAKEandBAKE | April 29th 11
3.5 greatBrendanWWLE | April 27th 11
4.0 excellentquezbeme | April 26th 11
5.0 classicx0m3gax | April 25th 11
2.0 poorMopHeadOvMetal | April 24th 11
3.5 greatBurningApollo | April 22nd 11
3.0 goodBringMeTheWaffles. | April 21st 11
4.0 excellentblakedoc | April 21st 11
4.0 excellentSrangerthanficti0n | April 19th 11
4.5 superbCrimsontide57 | April 18th 11
3.0 goodGnarwhalz | April 18th 11
4.0 excellentfightoffyourdemons88 | April 16th 11
3.0 goodAllodan | April 13th 11
4.0 excellentstriker45 | April 13th 11
3.0 goodteethonfire13 | April 13th 11
3.5 greatthiefingdude | April 13th 11
3.0 goodYetAnotherBrick | April 9th 11
2.5 averageAwesomeName | April 8th 11
2.5 averagelucho | April 7th 11
3.5 greatlars4205 | April 7th 11
1.0 awfulListening | April 6th 11
4.0 excellentfeedhertothesharks | April 6th 11
5.0 classicdietmonster | April 5th 11
5.0 classicthecwo | April 5th 11
3.0 goodSideshowBob | April 4th 11
3.0 goodPedalToTheMetal | April 3rd 11
4.0 excellentElijah9 | April 2nd 11
4.0 excellentszea426 | April 2nd 11
3.5 greateatmyemail | April 1st 11
4.5 superbTrebor. EMERITUS | March 31st 11
4.0 excellentDanN91 | March 28th 11
3.0 goodBanion | March 28th 11
3.0 gooditsrudeyyy56 | March 27th 11
5.0 classicarmenia4ever | March 24th 11
3.0 goodPostModernJellyfish | March 24th 11
3.5 greatUnderJOath | March 23rd 11
4.0 excellentjUSTlIKEyOU | March 23rd 11
3.0 goodJarethCutestory | March 21st 11
3.5 greatterminalcopokie | March 20th 11
3.5 greatSirFeonix | March 19th 11
3.0 goodgwh45 | March 18th 11
2.5 averageDodenakker | March 18th 11
4.0 excellentaddiction | March 18th 11
4.0 excellentSmellsLikeHorse | March 15th 11
5.0 classicMadMikeM | March 14th 11
4.5 superbpatman1001 | March 14th 11
4.0 excellentblunts4mallett | March 14th 11
3.5 greatantigodoflife | March 13th 11
2.5 averageCrowsZero | March 13th 11
3.5 greatBlazeWilson | March 12th 11
3.5 greatpurplevans | March 11th 11
3.0 goodAlexcore | March 9th 11
4.0 excellentItsaTrap | March 9th 11
4.0 excellentWeaselWrocks | March 9th 11
4.0 excellentALIEN1632 | March 1st 11
2.5 averagebambino | March 1st 11
3.5 greatstvnbyd | February 28th 11
3.0 goodPorklips | February 28th 11
3.5 greatbadkarma765 | February 28th 11
4.0 excellentthefourthwave | February 27th 11
3.5 greatJere581 | February 26th 11
4.5 superbblehrawr | February 25th 11
3.5 greatpromiseswept | February 23rd 11
5.0 classicvitamine | February 22nd 11
4.0 excellenteatmorchickin | February 20th 11
5.0 classicZackeryDaley | February 19th 11
3.5 greatWARning296 | February 18th 11
4.0 excellentRemer17 | February 18th 11
4.5 superbRaianTheFallen | February 16th 11
4.0 excellentBmachine | February 14th 11
4.0 excellentlensman319 | February 13th 11
3.0 gooddannybrookdao | February 12th 11
3.5 greatTitanman10 | February 12th 11
3.0 goodSleepingGiant | February 12th 11
4.0 excellentUntoDeath | February 11th 11
3.5 greatwrecked | February 11th 11
3.5 greattheblindinglight | February 11th 11
5.0 classicatrink87 | February 8th 11
4.0 excellentNerf | February 6th 11
4.0 excellentNateT | February 6th 11
3.5 greatLiquidOnion | February 5th 11
2.5 averageCeremony | February 4th 11
3.0 goodgbus99 | February 3rd 11
3.5 greatBrandon Scott EMERITUS | February 3rd 11
4.0 excellentFranklinFurnace | February 2nd 11
3.5 greatWrestlingFan123 | February 1st 11
5.0 classicsocietysfinest | February 1st 11
3.0 goodiFghtffyrdmns | February 1st 11
4.5 superbproukillqc | February 1st 11
3.5 greatEskate87 | January 29th 11
4.0 excellentIAmKickass | January 26th 11
3.0 goodfusermix | January 25th 11
4.0 excellentiGuter | January 25th 11
3.5 greatNarshh | January 23rd 11
3.0 goodTheOrigamiKiller | January 21st 11
3.0 goodWilliaMega | January 18th 11
3.0 goodDarkCreation | January 16th 11
4.0 excellentFelror | January 14th 11
4.0 excellentDakotah182prada | January 14th 11
4.0 excellentsapienalien | January 13th 11
3.5 greatBringMeABrick | January 11th 11
3.5 greatsulfrix | January 10th 11
3.5 greatMunsuLight | January 8th 11
4.0 excellentbjorkil | January 7th 11
4.0 excellentsollopsist | January 6th 11
1.5 very poornatebearclaw | January 6th 11
4.0 excellentGundumbgarrett | January 5th 11
3.5 greatAndyMannerz | January 5th 11
3.5 greatDurzoBlint | January 3rd 11
3.0 goodazraelcyanide | January 2nd 11
4.5 superbjoshyblind | January 1st 11
3.5 greatTheBloodTypo | December 31st 10
3.5 greatTheFragile1992 | December 28th 10
3.5 greatRiziger | December 25th 10
4.0 excellentschteeven | December 25th 10
2.5 averagedjdougherty | December 24th 10
4.5 superbneilvin | December 23rd 10
5.0 classictannnnertots | December 23rd 10
4.0 excellentimenthused | December 22nd 10
3.0 goodHellachug | December 22nd 10
2.5 averageTheWhitePicketFence | December 22nd 10
3.5 greatGoodApollo | December 21st 10
3.0 goodCatharsis9012 | December 21st 10
4.5 superbsamthekiwi | December 21st 10
4.0 excellentpeterRS | December 20th 10
4.0 excellentA7X92 | December 16th 10
3.5 greatUORawker | December 15th 10
3.5 greatlucaszvu | December 15th 10
4.0 excellentmechatanner | December 14th 10
3.0 goodKronzo | December 12th 10
4.0 excellentWordOfCarl | December 12th 10
5.0 classicxdanielmx | December 12th 10
3.5 greatWhambulance | December 12th 10
1.0 awfulYourRediculous | December 11th 10
3.5 greatflalafell | December 11th 10
3.5 greatkevin234 | December 11th 10
3.5 greatFoxhound | December 10th 10
3.0 goodrheey90 | December 9th 10
3.0 goodXell | December 8th 10
2.5 averageJonLith | December 7th 10
3.5 greatOpsonyn | December 7th 10
3.0 goodMolok | December 5th 10
5.0 classicmblais5 | December 5th 10
2.5 averageletmeholleratya | December 5th 10
4.0 excellentdevink5 | December 4th 10
3.5 greatSamStephens | December 4th 10
4.5 superbSSnake88 | December 2nd 10
3.0 goodtegallant | November 30th 10
2.0 poorQuestionableScum | November 29th 10
4.5 superbramirez2 | November 29th 10
3.5 greatSpiralShadow | November 28th 10
4.5 superbTwelvetribes230 | November 26th 10
3.0 goodVirInvictus | November 26th 10
3.5 greatbennyola09 | November 24th 10
3.5 greatBetaAquilae | November 23rd 10
2.5 averageFazyLucker | November 22nd 10
2.5 averageWakalord | November 22nd 10
3.5 greatEpic | November 21st 10
3.5 great7thirty | November 20th 10
3.0 goodIAmHollywood | November 19th 10
3.5 greatAntipunk | November 19th 10
4.5 superbkoroushay | November 19th 10
3.5 greatIgorVIII | November 17th 10
3.0 goodNervousCreature | November 17th 10
4.5 superbKingoftheJuice | November 16th 10
2.5 averageGorification | November 15th 10
3.0 goodDeadbeatDankity | November 15th 10
4.0 excellentTheBigDirty | November 14th 10
4.5 superbHawks | November 14th 10
4.0 excellenterinxduh | November 13th 10
3.0 goodTanMan | November 13th 10
4.0 excellentalexxkensebben | November 12th 10
3.5 greatasw92090 | November 12th 10
4.0 excellentcrush1214 | November 12th 10
2.5 averageLadderGoat | November 11th 10
2.5 averagedking888 | November 11th 10
3.5 greatneurosisxeno | November 10th 10
3.5 greatSvedankae | November 10th 10
4.0 excellentdixoncocks | November 10th 10
2.0 poorpsykonaut | November 10th 10
4.0 excellentskittle123 | November 10th 10
4.0 excellentManicGeodude | November 10th 10
3.0 goodliketotallydude | November 10th 10
4.0 excellentTorres | November 9th 10
4.0 excellentzimbronec | November 8th 10
3.0 goodsmictague | November 7th 10
3.5 greatLeatherneck | November 7th 10
4.0 excellentlostsociopath | November 7th 10
3.0 goodXplaugeX | November 7th 10
3.5 greatjudgedeath2 | November 6th 10
4.0 excellentSpiralBorn | November 5th 10
4.0 excellentIFeelTeeth | November 5th 10
1.5 very poorDinoX | November 5th 10
3.5 greatHaloDude442 | November 4th 10
2.5 averageKevinGarnett | November 4th 10
4.0 excellentKnuckleChowder | November 4th 10
3.0 goodPandaLuke | November 3rd 10
3.0 goodRandomDuck | November 2nd 10
4.0 excellentariivalencia | November 2nd 10
4.0 excellentultradevilgod | November 2nd 10
3.0 goodLiquidVelvet | November 2nd 10
4.0 excellentIfYouRun | November 1st 10
3.5 greatcrazyblinddude | November 1st 10
2.5 averageEko | October 29th 10
4.5 superbBiasedLightning14 | October 29th 10
2.5 averageAdabelle | October 28th 10
3.5 greatjubilee | October 27th 10
3.5 greatatavisticguilt | October 27th 10
4.5 superbcassiopeia | October 26th 10
4.0 excellentBarbieDoll | October 23rd 10
3.0 goodBLUEOmni | October 22nd 10
3.5 greatSaltySausage | October 21st 10
4.5 superbsladedone | October 19th 10
2.5 averagedanjames | October 19th 10
3.5 greatRawrz | October 18th 10
2.5 averageprotestthesky | October 18th 10
3.5 greatAlienWarrior75 | October 14th 10
3.5 greatnateoath | October 11th 10
4.0 excellentARuinedEmpire | October 11th 10
5.0 classiciamGOZT | October 11th 10
3.0 goodAids | October 11th 10
3.0 goodMonsterpoptart | October 10th 10
3.0 goodMasonxmace237 | October 10th 10
4.0 excellentLuminousFire95 | October 10th 10
3.0 goodTrephineArtist | October 9th 10
5.0 classicnksnotdeadfool | October 9th 10
3.5 greatNarsh | October 7th 10
3.0 goodmusicwithak | October 7th 10
3.5 greatFrostbiteOblivion | October 5th 10
3.0 goodmmmXXbroccoli | October 3rd 10
4.0 excellentStrider | October 3rd 10
3.0 goodRapture | October 3rd 10
3.0 goodslutnik | October 2nd 10
2.5 averagemoonlapsevertigo | October 1st 10
4.0 excellentSuicideByStar | September 30th 10
3.0 goodDeskmaN | September 29th 10
2.0 poorDreamSession606 | September 28th 10
3.5 greatFakeBlood | September 28th 10
4.5 superbBreethindeathcore | September 28th 10
4.5 superbCyanideSunrise | September 28th 10
3.5 greatSpec | September 26th 10
3.0 goodIN64 | September 25th 10
1.5 very poormisterhustle24 | September 25th 10
4.0 excellentselkies51 | September 25th 10
3.0 goodtheboylatham | September 23rd 10
3.0 goodAstronauts | September 22nd 10
3.0 goodEagleBlade | September 22nd 10
4.5 superbXxXzombieloverXxX | September 21st 10
3.0 gooddylanthedesertpea | September 18th 10
2.5 averageruuthporter | September 18th 10
4.0 excellentQman307 | September 17th 10
1.5 very poorgrindcore777 | September 16th 10
4.0 excellentjpcastillo | September 16th 10
5.0 classicDominick477 | September 15th 10
4.0 excellentKnucklesTheEchidna | September 14th 10
3.0 goodEyaaah | September 14th 10
3.0 goodjmh886 | September 13th 10
3.5 greatVJ90 | September 13th 10
3.5 greatTexture | September 12th 10
3.5 greatMusicBoxSuperhero | September 12th 10
3.5 greatathousandvirgins | September 11th 10
3.0 goodsightofyourdemons | September 10th 10
3.5 greatFearBeforeFuck | September 8th 10
3.5 greatfr33convict | September 8th 10
3.5 greatFACT | September 7th 10
3.0 goodbrutebeard | September 7th 10
3.5 greatTHIEF | September 7th 10
2.5 averagetheearthisnthumming | September 6th 10
2.0 poorLukeB84 | September 5th 10
4.0 excellentgregoryh42 | September 4th 10
3.0 goodSpoof | September 4th 10
3.5 greatlibbyyjo | September 2nd 10
4.5 superbjoshislame | August 30th 10
2.5 averagebadsocks | August 29th 10
3.5 greatandysmeee | August 28th 10
4.0 excellentmirak2 | August 28th 10
2.0 poorMrHarlenzo | August 28th 10
2.0 poorgloriouslyinept | August 27th 10
3.5 greatImpendingSpoon321 | August 27th 10
4.0 excellentcrowing51 | August 26th 10
4.0 excellentUnderDaIce | August 26th 10
4.5 superbdevourmysins | August 26th 10
4.0 excellentLiveByFaith | August 26th 10
3.5 greatNorwichdude | August 25th 10
3.5 greatLive | August 25th 10
3.5 greatJaberriot | August 24th 10
3.0 goodRyanWilson | August 22nd 10
3.0 goodSideEffect | August 22nd 10
3.5 greatdeathoftheparty | August 21st 10
3.0 goodwalkingbeans | August 19th 10
2.5 averageCryptRaider | August 19th 10
3.5 greatnymetsman | August 17th 10
3.5 greatDeathByDaydream | August 14th 10
4.0 excellentradiofreecarolina | August 14th 10
3.0 goodFreddyUgly | August 14th 10
3.5 greatbriansaysword | August 10th 10
4.0 excellentguitargod8787 | August 9th 10
3.0 goodSerialRhapsodist | August 9th 10
4.5 superbcalgarydude12 | August 8th 10
3.0 goodDayMan | August 8th 10
4.0 excellentbgregab | August 6th 10
2.5 averagechrisd555 | August 6th 10
3.5 greatmakiboypunk | August 6th 10
2.5 averagemanicmonkey | August 3rd 10
3.5 greatRuaraidh | July 30th 10
3.5 greatConnertheMD | July 30th 10
3.0 goodkrig9412 | July 29th 10
2.5 averagenthompson10 | July 28th 10
3.0 goodNoelGallagher | July 28th 10
3.5 greatCannibleCorpses | July 27th 10
4.0 excellentNEVERfade | July 27th 10
3.0 goodDAVEbelgium | July 26th 10
2.5 averagerezdawg | July 25th 10
5.0 classicchevelleROCKER | July 25th 10
4.0 excellentEvilCashew | July 24th 10
3.5 greatTheArtOfColor | July 23rd 10
4.0 excellentbyronvisiado09 | July 20th 10
5.0 classiclblelnl | July 20th 10
3.5 greatIRAI | July 19th 10
4.0 excellentStrawberryAndre | July 18th 10
3.0 goodMariusbinx | July 17th 10
5.0 classicleppalo | July 16th 10
4.0 excellentetrees | July 15th 10
5.0 classicmazacgar | July 13th 10
2.5 averagecanvasofdeath | July 12th 10
4.0 excellenthardcoreS | July 12th 10
2.0 poorbonerofdeath | July 9th 10
3.5 greatUnderoathFan725 | July 8th 10
4.0 excellentJoshwahh | July 8th 10
3.5 greatcvlts | July 7th 10
4.5 superbliddy | July 6th 10
3.5 greatRoderickINM | July 4th 10
3.5 greatDestroyHim | July 4th 10
4.5 superbpmmets07 | July 4th 10
4.5 superbzachthebamf | July 2nd 10
3.5 greatzlor07 | July 2nd 10
4.5 superbMaterialBoy | June 30th 10
3.0 goodicallitvictory | June 29th 10
3.0 goodhardcorerokker | June 28th 10
3.5 greatJohnGrady | June 28th 10
1.0 awfulconst | June 27th 10
3.0 goodsEby146 | June 27th 10
4.0 excellentdrasticaction74 | June 23rd 10
2.5 averagerbnshtr | June 23rd 10
4.0 excellentPackVibe | June 23rd 10
4.0 excellentCharkanine | June 21st 10
4.0 excellentdgrona | June 20th 10
3.5 greatwachooo | June 19th 10
3.0 goodKotoFtw | June 18th 10
4.5 superbkobe24 | June 17th 10
4.0 excellentjrabbott | June 14th 10
4.5 superbMace | June 14th 10
3.5 greatvakuola | June 14th 10
4.5 superbtheskinnybassist | June 14th 10
3.5 greatsp4585 | June 12th 10
3.5 greatrewritingdreams | June 12th 10
4.5 superbelliott1191 | June 9th 10
4.5 superbTodSpengo | June 9th 10
2.5 averagenotorioussam23 | June 8th 10
3.5 greatDissonance | June 8th 10
4.0 excellentWapaxalypse | June 6th 10
4.0 excellentBreakdownsXplease | June 2nd 10
3.0 goodbsm187605 | June 1st 10
2.5 averageAndy H. B. | May 31st 10
5.0 classicHiesiCoRe | May 30th 10
2.0 poorTheAngelScream | May 29th 10
3.5 greatastreaz | May 27th 10
4.5 superbagatg144 | May 25th 10
3.0 goodiswimfast | May 23rd 10
4.5 superbAudiophilos | May 23rd 10
4.0 excellentVertipire | May 22nd 10
3.0 goodcwmetalguy1986 | May 22nd 10
3.5 greatAyeyotay | May 18th 10
4.5 superbStolensanity | May 17th 10
2.0 poorMclovin | May 17th 10
2.0 poorQueSuerte | May 13th 10
4.0 excellentsdoughertyYDG | May 11th 10
3.5 greatboon0404 | May 10th 10
4.0 excellentdarkbunny | May 10th 10
3.5 greatDancesWithDanger | May 10th 10
3.5 greatMattyTop | May 9th 10
3.0 goodDev518 | May 9th 10
3.5 greatLinnell28 | May 6th 10
4.0 excellentPneuma | May 6th 10
3.5 greatnalapoke | May 3rd 10
1.5 very pooraaronb89 | May 2nd 10
4.0 excellentMrGrowingpills | May 1st 10
4.0 excellentshane37137 | April 30th 10
2.5 averagefocksy | April 30th 10
4.0 excellentap070 | April 28th 10
4.0 excellentahelms90 | April 28th 10
5.0 classicgocomeback | April 25th 10
4.0 excellentwelvismark | April 24th 10
4.0 excellentDarkhyperchaos | April 20th 10
4.0 excellentKingBall94 | April 19th 10
4.0 excellentshOnA | April 18th 10
3.0 goodjBoo | April 16th 10
3.5 greatWongeh | April 16th 10
4.5 superbiFyoUCjordan | April 15th 10
2.5 averageJonn151 | April 14th 10
5.0 classicNickFrancis18 | April 13th 10
5.0 classicSHINFO | April 10th 10
4.5 superbhowsitgoin | April 10th 10
4.5 superbAnetherbinge1 | April 9th 10
3.5 greatSlum | April 8th 10
3.0 goodBluue | April 7th 10
5.0 classictheNEENERist | April 6th 10
3.0 goodthunder15 | April 6th 10
2.5 averageIGotShotInTheFace | April 6th 10
3.0 goodConsciousLife | April 5th 10
4.0 excellentTTrent4 | April 5th 10
4.0 excellentmickeymfb | April 5th 10
3.5 greatValle | April 4th 10
4.5 superbDarkenedLove | April 2nd 10
4.5 superbAnthonySantulli | April 2nd 10
3.0 goodatrink | March 29th 10
3.5 greatSunlightAscending | March 29th 10
3.5 greatLetoAtreides | March 27th 10
3.0 goodMrSenior | March 27th 10
2.0 poorbronzemedal97 | March 27th 10
3.5 greatmusick | March 26th 10
2.5 averageibell92 | March 26th 10
3.5 greatOceanus | March 25th 10
2.5 averagetheAlien | March 24th 10
4.0 excellentphpjoey | March 23rd 10
4.0 excellentMegaXOMK | March 22nd 10
3.0 goodJakeitwasaghost | March 20th 10
3.5 greatRashandarei | March 19th 10
3.0 goodihopeuchoke | March 19th 10
2.0 poorAlexd93 | March 18th 10
4.0 excellentunaffected | March 17th 10
5.0 classicilbron | March 17th 10
4.0 excellentThanatopsis | March 16th 10
5.0 classictdwp271 | March 14th 10
3.5 greatd00derz | March 12th 10
2.5 averageLexnard | March 11th 10
3.0 goodraised7th | March 9th 10
3.5 greatsexpoi | March 8th 10
4.5 superbJohnDavidWSU | March 7th 10
4.0 excellentDeleriumTrigger | March 6th 10
3.5 greatAlucard125 | March 5th 10
1.0 awfulTheWayfarerElectric | March 5th 10
1.5 very poorPlutonio | March 5th 10
4.0 excellentxNYx1992 | March 5th 10
3.0 goodjesusjuice1179 | March 2nd 10
3.0 goodflozerana | March 2nd 10
3.5 greatYoushouldkillme | March 1st 10
3.5 greatRadicalElephants | March 1st 10
4.5 superbOldandCorni | March 1st 10
3.5 greatProtestTheLegacy | February 28th 10
4.0 excellentJordish | February 24th 10
4.0 excellentBigHans | February 24th 10
3.5 greatP0sThArDC0RExkid | February 21st 10
3.0 goodmuehlum | February 16th 10
1.0 awfulDivinityOfPan | February 14th 10
3.5 greattornado63 | February 12th 10
3.5 greatKulti | February 11th 10
4.0 excellentlaxgod56 | February 11th 10
3.5 greataxetofall517 | February 6th 10
3.0 goodshoulderkolibri | February 2nd 10
4.0 excellentplusblink18241 | February 2nd 10
4.0 excellentBryanm18 | February 2nd 10
3.0 goodbosscox59 | February 1st 10
4.5 superbcaneboy1 | January 31st 10
2.5 averageIre | January 30th 10
3.5 greatsoundofsunsets | January 29th 10
3.0 goodTomOReilly101 | January 27th 10
3.0 goodcumverg | January 26th 10
3.5 greatavalanche07 | January 25th 10
4.0 excellentJWT155 | January 24th 10
3.5 greatJesusWasWrong | January 24th 10
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4.0 excellentIleftyspankedU | January 20th 10
3.5 greatfatlip27 | January 16th 10
3.5 greatpaulbunker85 | January 15th 10
3.5 greatCrucifyTheInnocents | January 13th 10
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3.0 goodLilyBelo | January 12th 10
3.5 greatdnassi650 | January 12th 10
3.0 goodDreamsoffew | January 8th 10
4.0 excellentkroglor | January 8th 10
3.0 goodkingjulian | January 6th 10
4.0 excellentTheHarpandLyre | January 3rd 10
4.5 superbKatiTomkins | January 2nd 10
4.0 excellentreeshespeeshes | December 31st 09
4.0 excellentwitchxrapist | December 31st 09
4.0 excellentTheMachinist | December 31st 09
3.0 goodJaskolkaaa | December 31st 09
3.5 greatsoap91 | December 29th 09
2.5 averagesuperemopanda | December 28th 09
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3.5 greatSlobo | December 27th 09
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4.5 superbbloodyprince89 | December 23rd 09
4.5 superbj053ph1am | December 22nd 09
5.0 classicMastaP | December 21st 09
4.0 excellentART36 | December 20th 09
3.0 goodswimmer17 | December 19th 09
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3.0 goodthetree | December 16th 09
4.5 superbsniffypoo | December 16th 09
3.0 goodjmae1101 | December 16th 09
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4.0 excellentThePove | December 9th 09
3.5 greatbulletSandBallots | December 9th 09
3.5 greatDeathcar | December 7th 09
3.0 goodMrCalum | December 6th 09
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2.5 averageNerevar91 | November 25th 09
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4.5 superbquik40 | November 24th 09
4.0 excellentUO910 | November 24th 09
2.5 averageMawt | November 22nd 09
3.5 greatbronxcommand | November 19th 09
3.0 goodsailSAway | November 18th 09
4.0 excellentChaosInACan | November 17th 09
4.5 superbgermandeco | November 14th 09
3.5 greatDelete my account please | November 14th 09
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4.5 superbschwarzekatze7 | November 11th 09
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4.5 superbBlindWitness | October 8th 09
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4.0 excellentEMKramer | October 4th 09
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4.5 superbbenjiliesawake | September 19th 09
3.5 greatmizzinineman | September 19th 09
4.0 excellentGoShenanigansGo | September 18th 09
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3.0 good00mee | September 12th 09
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3.5 greatMatte | September 6th 09
3.5 greatconvectuoso526 | September 6th 09
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4.0 excellenthenryChinaski | September 3rd 09
2.0 poorShpongle | September 1st 09
4.0 excellentUndead | August 31st 09
4.0 excellentswinGLine | August 31st 09
4.0 excellentBrahTheSunGod | August 29th 09
4.5 superbAustintatious | August 27th 09
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3.0 goodFourSquare20 | August 16th 09
3.5 greatTheDirtyGreek | August 15th 09
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3.0 goodfrozenocean99 | August 14th 09
4.5 superbComatoseTonight | August 13th 09
3.0 goodNocturnalEpitaph | August 11th 09
3.5 greatmofo2 | August 10th 09
5.0 classicDonul | August 9th 09
4.0 excellentCustardPlug | August 7th 09
3.5 greatmtbun | August 7th 09
3.0 goodbr00talexpress | August 6th 09
4.5 superbRockNOut77 | August 5th 09
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3.0 goodOvertcaesar | August 1st 09
3.0 goodNewAgeHolocaust | August 1st 09
3.0 goodSketaminemuncher | July 28th 09
4.5 superbDamocles | July 27th 09
3.0 goodLegendofPittman | July 27th 09
3.5 greatAmnesty | July 26th 09
4.0 excellentLemonOut | July 25th 09
3.5 greatsockmonkey | July 25th 09
4.0 excellentThierryTB | July 23rd 09
2.5 averagepumkinthecat | July 20th 09
2.5 averageRobertxwhite | July 20th 09
4.0 excellentBaldManWrx | July 19th 09
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4.0 excellentMeteor | June 23rd 09
3.0 goodvince82 | June 23rd 09
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3.5 greatZiBug | June 22nd 09
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3.0 gooddwachter12 | June 16th 09
3.5 greatTheAbstruseMeaning | June 15th 09
4.0 excellentjkmusic | June 12th 09
3.0 goodScorpionStan | June 11th 09
5.0 classicCuranza | June 6th 09
3.0 gooddelajetsetradio | June 4th 09
3.5 greatiamSeraph | June 3rd 09
2.0 poormyhigherpie | May 30th 09
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4.0 excellentBurnoutalex | May 26th 09
4.0 excellentplayeroneloses | May 24th 09
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3.0 goodErasersAtBothEnds | May 18th 09
3.0 goodmet65 | May 17th 09
3.0 goodjebbles | May 17th 09
2.0 poorLeCarlos | May 16th 09
3.0 goodGBJ | May 14th 09
3.5 greatAngelicDeath | May 13th 09
4.0 excellentIanBandeau | May 11th 09
4.5 superbidbz | May 11th 09
3.0 goodforshoredividesusger | May 11th 09
4.0 excellentKarrbomb | May 10th 09
3.5 greatAmericnZero02 | May 10th 09
4.0 excellentdominicadet | May 9th 09
3.5 greatEasternLight | May 7th 09
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3.0 goodinflames666 | May 1st 09
3.5 greatMentalityOfA | April 30th 09
4.0 excellentjackobme | April 30th 09
3.5 greatTHEDEVILWEARSPRADA | April 29th 09
4.0 excellentadampovey88 | April 29th 09
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3.5 greatTheIronDrew | April 27th 09
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4.0 excellentabsurdismwine | April 24th 09
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4.0 excellentloseit13 | April 21st 09
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3.0 good7seconds | April 12th 09
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4.0 excellentTerminalC | April 9th 09
4.0 excellentMusicinaBox | April 9th 09
3.5 greatmabooshi | April 8th 09
3.0 goodShredzilla | April 3rd 09
3.0 goodAllBoutTheBenjamins | April 3rd 09
4.0 excellentRexhasta | March 31st 09
3.0 goodDBrunswick86 | March 30th 09
3.5 greatAloof | March 23rd 09
3.5 greatClosedCasketRequiem | March 18th 09
3.0 goodLelle | March 9th 09
3.0 goodGibTG | March 3rd 09
2.5 averageHastetheday09 | March 2nd 09
2.0 poorJake806 | February 23rd 09
3.0 goodMyPoorBrain | February 23rd 09
3.0 goodbphillip | February 23rd 09
4.0 excellentrexthetyranosaur | February 18th 09
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4.5 superbpostmo | February 12th 09
4.0 excellentbc013 | February 6th 09
3.5 greatWhiteTieBlackJacket | February 1st 09
3.0 goodABlandLife | January 30th 09
3.0 goodExcalibur | January 30th 09
2.5 averagegenericnamelol | January 29th 09
3.5 greatYYyattyYY | January 29th 09
3.5 greatBroRape | January 28th 09
4.0 excellentMcDiggitz | January 28th 09
3.0 goodmwYfan | January 28th 09
3.5 greatjustcambri | January 24th 09
4.5 superbMyLittleDecoy23 | January 22nd 09
4.0 excellentXtemptedx2xliveX | January 19th 09
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3.5 greatskatertater212 | January 14th 09
3.0 goodintoliquidsky | January 7th 09
3.0 goodethanhunt | January 7th 09
4.0 excellentcmb348 | December 30th 08
4.0 excellentiHATEapril | December 30th 08
3.0 goodCokeZero | December 29th 08
2.5 averagetomdoesntwait | December 29th 08
4.5 superbminami1101 | December 28th 08
3.0 goodPastor of Muppets | December 27th 08
3.5 greatdropdead | December 26th 08
2.5 averageMrGlass | December 26th 08
3.0 goodGiggleBiscuit | December 25th 08
3.5 greatabbyczach | December 21st 08
3.0 goodAlKal | December 21st 08
3.5 greatUncleSombrero | December 21st 08
3.0 goodGregBP | December 19th 08
3.5 greatTonStar | December 17th 08
3.5 greatdylantheairplane | December 15th 08
4.0 excellenteyehatetherain | December 15th 08
3.0 goodpo0ty | December 13th 08
2.5 averageLimbFromLimb | December 13th 08
4.0 excellentThriceremoved25 | December 11th 08
4.0 excellenthonkyXkong | December 11th 08
5.0 classicbeefman | December 10th 08
1.0 awfulcrunchyfetus | December 3rd 08
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2.5 averageThor | December 1st 08
3.5 greatfmcross | November 28th 08
2.5 averagethediamondcanopy | November 26th 08
3.5 greatelshek | November 25th 08
4.0 excellentRayn0rrr | November 24th 08
3.0 goodridethelib | November 24th 08
4.0 excellentCirca4life | November 22nd 08
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3.5 greatTheScarecrow | November 18th 08
4.0 excellentstangz9 | November 18th 08
3.0 goodpunkrockcowboy | November 18th 08
1.5 very poorDownTilUnderground | November 14th 08
2.0 poorLindgren | November 13th 08
3.0 goodtheskyatnight | November 11th 08
3.5 greatemmanuelhellfracture | November 11th 08
4.5 superbAtothendrew24 | November 10th 08
3.5 greatK. Prince | November 9th 08
3.0 goodmisearablevisu | November 7th 08
3.0 goodRx512 | November 7th 08
3.5 greataSaPpY422 | November 4th 08
1.5 very poorLiveForMusic | October 29th 08
3.0 goodWarborn | October 26th 08
3.5 greatCurse. | October 25th 08
3.5 greatjmanhaji | October 24th 08
5.0 classicAndrewBrinker | October 23rd 08
3.0 goodthegodparticle | October 23rd 08
4.0 excellentSLSJonathan | October 23rd 08
4.0 excellentZeromus Dark | October 21st 08
5.0 classicCraggles | October 21st 08
4.0 excellentCxLTxN | October 20th 08
3.0 goodchild333 | October 19th 08
2.5 averageBosn | October 19th 08
4.0 excellentpunks101 | October 18th 08
3.5 greatDrew115 | October 15th 08
3.5 greatact1chasingsuns | October 13th 08
3.0 goodFailureOnMyLips | October 12th 08
4.5 superbFaithlessRomance | October 12th 08
4.0 excellentJackAttack | October 12th 08
3.5 greatVooligan | October 10th 08
4.5 superbGroink | October 10th 08
3.0 goodCoggyswell | October 9th 08
4.5 superbBMer916 | October 8th 08
3.5 greatBlindsided | October 8th 08
2.5 averagepixmpy | October 7th 08
3.5 greatYouAreMySilence | October 5th 08
3.0 goodpettri | October 4th 08
4.0 excellentDrumline161 | October 4th 08
2.5 averageStreetlightRock | October 4th 08
3.0 gooddancelogandance | October 2nd 08
3.5 greatcleary21 | October 1st 08
4.0 excellentAbondonmenT | September 29th 08
4.0 excellentsacc87 | September 28th 08
4.0 excellentWirertragen7 | September 26th 08
3.0 goodLempard | September 24th 08
3.0 goodSdCloud69 | September 20th 08
3.5 greatdaniel58 | September 16th 08
3.5 greatdankeyes11 | September 12th 08
4.0 excellentsneasy | September 9th 08
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4.0 excellenttapitforever | September 7th 08
4.5 superbbigmo99 | September 6th 08
4.0 excellentbelcolt91 | September 6th 08
3.5 greatMatt718 | September 5th 08
4.0 excellentSconza | September 5th 08
4.5 superbScionix | September 4th 08
4.0 excellentsamisue | September 4th 08
3.0 goodTheNewBlack | September 4th 08
4.5 superbdeathcorepolice | September 3rd 08
4.0 excellentRokkstar64 | September 2nd 08
3.0 good72haha72 | September 1st 08
3.0 goodProfanatic | August 31st 08
3.0 goodHuss19 | August 30th 08
3.5 greatshablaman54 | August 29th 08
2.5 averageSnackaryBinx | August 29th 08
3.0 goodEndlessClockwork | August 28th 08
5.0 classicMordecai. | August 25th 08
4.0 excellentAshotinthedarK777 | August 24th 08
3.0 goodAltE | August 23rd 08
4.0 excellenttheanarchyking | August 22nd 08
3.0 goodthomerakisgod | August 22nd 08
3.5 greatJonnyborg | August 18th 08
4.0 excellentToothFairy | August 18th 08
2.5 averagesixstrings89 | August 14th 08
3.0 goodInsertTacosHere | August 13th 08
4.5 superbverybored | August 12th 08
3.0 goodButHonestly | August 11th 08
1.5 very poorYouGotBlowedOut44 | August 9th 08
2.5 averageEtherealFusion | August 8th 08
3.0 goodchristina13 | August 4th 08
3.0 goodWildcatforever | August 4th 08
3.5 greatHispanicImpressions | August 4th 08
4.0 excellentdangerousdarrin | August 3rd 08
3.5 greataminorchord17 | August 2nd 08
4.5 superbDeathTunes | July 30th 08
4.5 superbdecadechild | July 26th 08
4.0 excellentaugustBURNSred88 | July 25th 08
4.0 excellentTalos | July 23rd 08
3.0 goodBearbeard | July 23rd 08
2.5 averagemorjens | July 22nd 08
5.0 classicmarcohc | July 20th 08
2.5 averageCushMG15 | July 18th 08
3.0 goodThePriceofBeauty | July 18th 08
3.5 greatdanrawkz | July 17th 08
3.5 greatBea | July 16th 08
4.0 excellentrichardmongler | July 15th 08
2.5 averagemegalodon | July 8th 08
4.0 excellentMasochist | July 7th 08
4.5 superbOpusDei | July 2nd 08
4.0 excellentnicolaslr | July 1st 08
4.0 excellentmaxmassacre | June 28th 08
4.0 excellentrayraypine | June 25th 08
3.0 goodBenZaiten | June 23rd 08
5.0 classicbillybacksplat | June 20th 08
2.5 averagedibsnot | June 18th 08
4.0 excellentapplesoup | June 11th 08
3.5 greatsnotbubbles | June 10th 08
3.0 goodsoundofgravity | June 9th 08
3.5 greatBouncingsoul | June 7th 08
4.0 excellentTheLatestPlague | June 6th 08
3.5 greatsoldier0cross | May 29th 08
2.5 averagethejared | May 28th 08
2.5 averageelephantREVOLUTION | May 27th 08
4.5 superbemphasizingJohnny | May 24th 08
4.5 superbRexford | May 24th 08
3.5 greatrotterdog | May 21st 08
3.5 greatSmooz | May 21st 08
4.5 superbsuiciderobot | May 20th 08
1.5 very poorKritikalMotion | May 20th 08
4.0 excellentorochimaru | May 19th 08
5.0 classicABalefulAura | May 18th 08
4.0 excellentLegacyOfRome | May 17th 08
3.5 greatTeabaggerVance | May 16th 08
2.5 averageHorsner | May 15th 08
3.5 greatEatemup | May 13th 08
4.5 superbTehEric | May 11th 08
4.0 excellentBearsAreBastards | May 7th 08
3.0 goodmhd720 | May 7th 08
4.0 excellentYeahRiight | May 3rd 08
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4.0 excellentbtbam13 | April 23rd 08
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4.0 excellentOnTheEdge | April 10th 08
4.0 excellentallorn0thing | April 7th 08
3.5 greatSharkEthic | April 7th 08
2.5 averageTheDistantFuture | April 7th 08
3.0 goodmkCII | April 6th 08
3.5 greatKevinjacobs | April 5th 08
4.5 superbLunarStrain | April 5th 08
1.5 very poorTiphanycufflinks | April 2nd 08
4.5 superbJohnnyIrish | March 27th 08
2.5 averageduckmysick91 | March 24th 08
3.5 greatLaidToRest329 | March 23rd 08
3.5 greatilyes | March 20th 08
4.0 excellentDAVECATAZ | March 19th 08
3.5 greatMonkey on my back | March 15th 08
1.5 very poorCuban Pete | March 13th 08
4.0 excellentPurpletiger | March 7th 08
4.0 excellentsn0manb0b | March 7th 08
3.5 greatnatey | March 6th 08
3.5 greatAlexTM510 | March 6th 08
4.0 excellentTheBolivianessence | March 5th 08
4.0 excellentsassy18 | March 5th 08
3.0 goodTheDrew | March 5th 08
4.5 superbjasso11190 | March 3rd 08
3.5 greatbenhxc | February 28th 08
4.5 superbRobbins | February 28th 08
4.0 excellentExplicitLyrics | February 26th 08
2.5 averageFreeSmells | February 25th 08
3.0 goodcombustion07 | February 25th 08
3.5 greatAn Expiriment Alive | February 24th 08
3.0 goodchris21 | February 11th 08
3.5 greatdreamclubmurderer | February 10th 08
3.0 goodqscott777 | February 10th 08
3.0 goodThesunwentout | February 10th 08
3.0 goodpumi | February 8th 08
1.5 very poorFeedbacker | February 5th 08
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4.0 excellentmuskrat20 | January 29th 08
4.0 excellentandybangs | January 29th 08
4.0 excellentbumbel123lee | January 27th 08
4.0 excellenttrevvert | January 25th 08
3.5 greatarsonist88 | January 22nd 08
4.0 excellentHxSxB | January 22nd 08
2.5 averagezuzek | January 19th 08
2.5 averageHighandDriving | January 16th 08
3.5 greatTheShadylurker | January 12th 08
3.5 greatJerrydavidson | January 8th 08
3.0 goodKakaroti | January 8th 08
3.5 greatTheSunSleeps348 | January 8th 08
4.0 excellentdrmidnight73 | January 7th 08
5.0 classicraab54407 | January 6th 08
2.5 averagebungiewolf | January 5th 08
4.0 excellentMelBel | January 4th 08
4.0 excellentInfidelCastro | January 2nd 08
5.0 classicNooooSarah | December 28th 07
3.0 goodDJTeeLay | December 26th 07
3.5 greatlightningbat | December 24th 07
4.0 excellentbrandtweathers | December 23rd 07
3.0 goodNoisePolluted | December 23rd 07
3.0 goodbeans | December 23rd 07
4.0 excellentledbassist1717 | December 20th 07
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4.0 excellentikilledthescene | December 12th 07
4.5 superbscarsremain | December 12th 07
4.0 excellentdonovr | December 12th 07
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2.0 poorMsuen | December 9th 07
2.0 poorRenatash | December 9th 07
3.5 greatXDivineFireX | December 6th 07
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4.0 excellentzarkinfrood42 | November 2nd 07
4.0 excellentxCaptainxBucketsx | October 25th 07
5.0 classicscreamobarbie | October 23rd 07
4.0 excellentmchappy666 | October 23rd 07
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2.5 averageshinichi | October 14th 07
4.0 excellentrentford | October 14th 07
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5.0 classictyjimma | September 25th 07
4.0 excellentfluffypinkelephants | September 23rd 07
3.5 greatnatebmx2115 | September 22nd 07
3.5 greatBallsToTheWall | September 15th 07
3.0 goodmattxdeadbolt | September 11th 07
2.0 poorhummer | September 10th 07
3.0 goodkaneofthehatecrew | September 10th 07
4.0 excellentthecrimson | September 9th 07
4.0 excellentDSharpenedEdge | September 9th 07
2.5 averageninjuice | September 8th 07
3.0 goodGoku | August 29th 07
5.0 classicbrianhop84 | August 25th 07
3.5 greatstillwaiting7 | August 24th 07
4.0 excellentOnelastime | August 22nd 07
3.0 goodbellamuerte337 | August 21st 07
3.0 goodkramertron | August 20th 07
2.5 averagePebster49 | August 19th 07
4.0 excellentcharliecoolman | August 13th 07
4.0 excellentdeathcabfordragon | August 13th 07
4.5 superbaless | August 11th 07
4.0 excellenttysetsfire11 | August 11th 07
2.0 poortalitm | August 6th 07
4.5 superbtoughkittens | August 6th 07
4.0 excellentthexcityxignites | August 6th 07
1.5 very poormanofsuper | August 4th 07
2.0 pooriamrockzorz | August 4th 07
4.0 excellentkoecim | August 2nd 07
4.5 superbchaostheory93 | July 31st 07
3.5 greatfreelessness | July 30th 07
2.5 averagearmfarm | July 30th 07
2.5 averageToWhatEnd | April 17th 06
4.0 excellentBloodThirstyGuillotine
4.0 excellenttellallyourfriends
4.5 superbBarbobot_2021
3.0 goodliebherk
3.0 goodCheshire_Buddha
3.5 greatI_feel_so
3.5 greatYourSummerSecret
3.0 goodcanadapantsman
2.5 averageWin A Rabbit
3.0 goodtenacious T
4.5 superbmatta777
3.5 greatrmgebhardt
3.0 goodVisceraEyes
4.0 excellentenjoilife
3.5 greatHangEmHigh
3.5 greatstager
5.0 classicStormy Smiley Face
4.0 excellentperuvianbeatle
5.0 classicssszzz
4.5 superblechman
5.0 classicDarkHeart15
5.0 classicI Do My Crosswords In Pen
5.0 classicGibsonPlayer
5.0 classicbnrchiefs
3.5 greatnoogey
3.5 greatbendak
4.0 excellentwhitebleedstored
4.5 superbLinker104
4.5 superbGolgotha321
3.5 greatInflames
3.5 greatCancerousCrow
1.5 very poormasscows
3.0 goodHAILmacbeth
4.5 superbincubus62086
5.0 classicunderoathfan1214
5.0 classicT-Web
5.0 classicscreamking18
3.5 greatrose_x
3.0 goodOtisbum
5.0 classicobdurate
5.0 classichuFFa
3.5 greatB10z
4.5 superbemocoredan
4.0 excellentsid121
3.0 goodRiley12988
5.0 classickevinisdying
3.5 greatKasdenyn
1.5 very poorgodLike
2.5 averagezman32006
4.0 excellentSilversteinkills
3.5 greatpackersfan
3.5 greatlabonza01
5.0 classicTheSkankadellicLoser
5.0 classicp1mptaztik
4.5 superbbernardo06
1.0 awfulOtherside
4.0 excellentbaysiderocks01
1.0 awfulChanning Freeman STAFF
2.0 poortburns000
4.5 superbThyansu
4.5 superbMM23
3.0 goodaresx
3.0 goodseveredHEADS
3.0 goodBlindGuy1012
5.0 classicBrettiboi
3.0 goodTheIronWeasel
3.0 goodwillmasterflex
1.5 very poorWindows
3.5 greatAtTheDriveIn198d
4.5 superbAtreyuWhore
3.0 goodClockwork99
4.5 superbcire288
4.5 superbTwiTcHyHanDs
4.5 superbxxxwarrior
4.5 superbTeenageHell
3.5 greatfatkidinthecornr
4.0 excellentAndreasBaller
4.5 superbndavino
4.5 superbJoekrop
4.5 superb1Samuel1746
3.5 greatlaserlife42
1.0 awfulDulcinea
3.5 greatdagnabbitk
2.0 poorskwirril
3.5 greatcjwbball51
4.5 superbnicjt321
4.0 excellentB
4.5 superbddnyy11188
4.5 superbt_truax44
4.0 excellentxxomgaxx
4.0 excellentXredpyramidX
3.0 goodriddler
3.0 goodmrfixit
3.5 greatSergio
4.0 excellentMixhail
4.0 excellentSpears95838
4.0 excellentChaoticChaos
3.5 greatjooking
4.5 superbsoleiletlune
5.0 classicakosizarah
2.5 averagektstein
5.0 classicbassment_bob
4.5 superbCradle of Corey
4.0 excellentmcrfuknrox
5.0 classicSomeSeekForgivenes
3.0 goodxxMadeInKoreaxXx
2.5 averagestarrats100
2.0 poorOldLostAgony
1.0 awfulwhiteminority
4.5 superbguitarhero45
2.5 averagebwnstl
2.5 averagefurste
3.0 goodLanoJones
4.0 excellentrick_gre
4.5 superbBryRuss3
4.0 excellentFightRacism
2.5 average204409 EMERITUS
2.5 averageNeurotoxin
4.5 superbGauch12
4.0 excellent(>dragon~guitarist<)
4.5 superbTastylicks
4.5 superbsfguitarist89
4.0 excellentSickoKid
2.5 averagesmokymcpott
1.5 very poorSGT SNIP3R
4.5 superbroofi
4.0 excellentMikE451
5.0 classicmissamandatucker
3.0 goodjrowa001
5.0 classictriplehelix247
4.5 superbxmourningafterx
4.5 superbchivametal
4.0 excellentAlosersezwut
3.0 goodLifeSentence
4.0 excellentcoreythegamer
3.0 goodf_u_c_t
4.5 superbicaught fire444
4.0 excellentDirtySouthernBlood69
3.5 greatMotleyguy
1.0 awfulGlassMoonlight
3.0 goodCoup__D_Etat
5.0 classicCalypsan
3.0 goodFire Away
4.0 excellentrsaucedo23
3.5 greateugene1129
1.0 awfulsteinface
4.0 excellentsnerefedsav
4.0 excellentmattb91
4.5 superbTurnMyHoursIntoDays
5.0 classicrememberthis
4.0 excellentLittlePound
3.0 goodazqplokm
4.0 excellentblink470
4.5 superbBrandxOFxOption
5.0 classicTheMotionCityMatches
4.5 superbtheking6024
4.0 excellentWalkingWounded
3.0 goodkoshnov
4.0 excellentxNintendoCorex
3.0 goodJonMurphy
4.0 excellentTheDownSyndrome
3.0 goodminimesmyidol
1.5 very poorXpoopyX
3.5 greatPhylly
3.0 goodtruche
3.0 goodUnhappy_Dean
5.0 classicmixed company
4.0 excellenthimynameisdannyb
4.0 excellentAnother One Way Street
4.5 superbNisey
2.0 poorTyler EMERITUS
3.0 goodBTBAM1390
3.0 goodautumne
3.5 greatCweef
5.0 classicxemoscottx
3.0 goodapriL
3.5 greatRobots8MyGrandma
4.0 excellentuncguy0007
5.0 classicfatallyyours84
3.0 goodRockafella
5.0 classicxrazorbladex
3.5 greatYourBandSucks
4.5 superbsully
5.0 classicxfirexexitx
3.5 greatTheMisterBungle
3.0 goodskatastic33
3.5 greatsatansaves
3.5 greatinregards2myself
3.0 goodTheCasketIsExhumed
1.0 awfulPsychicJuggler
5.0 classicCDCowner05
3.0 goodqazeebo
4.0 excellentbryanadema
2.0 poorSociety Sellout
3.0 goodbackinhindsight
3.0 goodsteveconygre
4.0 excellentdrums13
4.0 excellentXximxnottheone
5.0 classicLedZeppelin791
2.5 averagerustysurf84
4.5 superbcapnmorgan7
4.5 superbanewbeginning
4.0 excellentGhetto Gangsta Turtle
4.0 excellentforeverendeared
3.5 greatignitionmx
4.0 excellentcmstbone
4.0 excellentdustinn
3.5 greatthegreatgriffin
3.0 goodPlayahater
4.0 excellentdrksideofthemn5
4.0 excellentsoundslikeseth
3.0 goodNEDM
4.0 excellentanygivenday
4.0 excellentw0bbL4
3.5 greatjayb999
3.5 greatk4t4lyst
4.0 excellentWeeping Moon
4.0 excellentOdranaz
4.0 excellentUBIK
5.0 classicEmOFaeY
4.0 excellentAndynugget
3.5 greatnicklee1903
4.5 superbbrandnew777
3.0 goodCaptainPhat
3.5 greatmkaddict1
3.5 greatguitarplaya91
4.0 excellentPearlDrummer92
4.0 excellentsXeJigglypuff
5.0 classicTheAdventure
4.0 excellentDepthsOfDreams555
4.5 superbemocorepunkboy
4.5 superbMistakenBassist09
5.0 classicHunny
3.5 greatraab
4.0 excellentbulletstacko
3.0 goodFam0usSAS
5.0 classicskaterjay
2.5 averagegreyeffect
3.0 goodKodan
3.5 greatblackened07
4.0 excellentJRV
4.5 superbAkayess
3.5 greatdreamlessblood
4.0 excellentXrobXcoreX
2.0 poorShikyo
1.0 awfulHep Kat
2.0 poorStrizzMatik
3.0 goodhiimnobody
3.5 greatIworkatMcDs
1.5 very poorJack Wilson
3.5 greatkillertony
1.0 awfullunchforthesky
3.0 good12_
4.0 excellentbdizfoshiz
4.5 superbAnExitWorthTaking
3.5 greatax3l

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