| Full Review | Ratings (950) |
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0.0 | fromtheinside | September 30th 10 | chiodos have created their first album that doesn't try everything that's been done before -
but gayer. this time around they simply say fuck it and rampage through the entire cd,
there's no place to have a bone palace ballet. here everything is made to crush the bones.
it works and it doesn't since they cater to the scene a few tooo many times.
oh and new guy makes all the difference. seriously. harsh vocals are top notch
12 Bumps | Bump |
3.5 great | RosaParks | October 3rd 10 | This album is best when you go into your first listen with your lowest possible expectations.
10 Bumps | Bump |
4.0 excellent | bbdmittenz | September 30th 10 | This is what Chiodos should have been. Eerie-ness of "Bone Palace" + The chaos of "All's Well". Bolmer is impressive. Solid 4.
8 Bumps | Bump |
5.0 classic | cjbrett22 | September 30th 10 | Album of the year. Absolutely flawless. Phenomenal record in every aspect.
8 Bumps | Bump |
4.5 superb | PinkBlackberry | September 30th 10 | I hate to sound like a fan boy. But this is the type of shit I wait for. The piano is absolutely brilliant. the vocals are fantastic, both harsh and clean. The guitar is staright forward with some very elevated riffing, and there is just enough electronic feel to make it seem 'edgy and experimental' and finally, the drumming is fucking exquisite. Fuck yes Chiodos. Fuck yes
6 Bumps | Bump |
4.5 superb | halfrican | October 2nd 10 | This is better than anything they did with Craig... I can't believe I just wrote that.rI guess Chiodos didn't get the memo that this was supposed to be a total flop and they were supposed to fall off the map. I'm very pleasantly surprised with this album.
5 Bumps | Bump |
0.0 | DinoX | September 30th 10 | Beast album is beastrIt surprised me because I really hated Chiodos' previous work. Looks lke you've been replaced Craig.
5 Bumps | Bump |
0.0 | LG | October 4th 10 | Proving to the world, that there is a difference between a turd and a polished turd.
4 Bumps | Bump |
4.0 excellent | darlingfemmefatal | March 21st 11 | I think the band made a wise change when they replaced their old lead singer. He may have had talent, but the change has obviously forced the band to step it up a notch. Where laziness was reigning, creativity and experimentation are moving on in... It'll be interesting to see their next moves.
2 Bumps | Bump |
0.0 | gabethepiratesquid | February 12th 11 | Without a doubt their best album. Not only can they focus more on the instrumentation instead of making it "The Craig Owens Band", but the new vocalist isn't...terrible. Plus they sound so much better without having to rely on their old gimmicks of just, "LET'S FOLLOW TERRIBLE LEAD GUITAR RIFFS WITH PIANO AND CONSIDER THAT EXPERIMENTAL."
2 Bumps | Bump |
3.0 good | EyeForAnEye | November 30th 10 | I fucking hated this band until this album, great work getting rid of Craig.
2 Bumps | Bump |
4.0 excellent | Jase87 | October 12th 10 | I can see what the uproar is about honestly i really could not stand Craig but I always thought Chiodos was a good band and now they have a new singer who does not try to sell you his trademark voice but is still good in his own right and the sound comes off really well. In this situation you can really see how one member really held the potential of a good band back.
2 Bumps | Bump |
0.0 | Athom EMERITUS | October 5th 10 | Burns: And a stunt like that impresses people? rHomer Simpson: Oh yeah, and I'm not easily impressed. Woah, a blue car!
2 Bumps | Bump |
4.0 excellent | scoopitypoop | July 26th 18 | Kinda sad when some random dude joins your band and creates their best album ever. Owens should be ashamed of himself.
1 Bumps | Bump |
4.0 excellent | Jared Floryan | March 18th 15 | (4/20/18): After revisiting Chiodos' third studio effort and putting the Davison-based outfit's other releases into consideration, I still firmly believe that Illuminaudio was like lightning in a bottle for them. It's the one album within their discography that feels as if it's got the most cohesion, and also the one record which is without hyperbole the least annoying. Having Brandon Bolmer on vocals instead of the usual Craig certainly helped in that regard. If only the band had opted to keep this lineup and not churn out the despicable mess that was Devil. Sigh... Decent 4.
1 Bumps | Bump |
4.5 superb | BonRurgundy | April 9th 12 | Far better than anything they did with Craig Owen, Chiodos really matured on this album.
1 Bumps | Bump |
3.5 great | ANewTypeOfPunk | September 30th 10 | i want it to be AWTEW but its defs different then both. yes they've created a new unique sound without craig's vocals, but i find they're trying to be too epic and beautiful. they dont have 1 fun track. i just wish they would speed things up a bit. even the breakdowns dont get me pumped up like breakdowns should. but it's still talented and a good listen.rim just stating what I wish was on it.
1 Bumps | Bump |
0.0 | zetsumeisama | April 8th 19 | Favorite Tracks: Notes In Constellations, Those Who Slay Together, Stay Together, Caves, Scaremonger.
Bump |
3.5 great | SexualManChocolate | August 20th 17 | What a neat little album. I can't believe they let Craig back in when he came crawling back. This is literally the only good album this band has ever made. What a shame, man.
Bump |
4.5 superb | ShaquilleONeal | February 10th 17 | Craig Owens left the band, and the band immediately comes out with their best album. Hilarious
Bump |
Bump |
5.0 classic | yoloswag420 | March 18th 13 | Don't judge an album by its band. Previous albums were a joke compared to this.
Bump |
2.5 average | iGuter | October 9th 12 | A fire burns within this new soul, but it doesn't intensify enough.
Bump |
3.5 great | VacantTool | June 26th 12 | Songs like Caves, Stratovolcano Mouth, and Notes.....really stand out!
Bump |
4.0 excellent | CordDragonzord | June 23rd 11 | Chiodos>Illuminati, this album is worth checking out.
Bump |
3.5 great | Isaacbean | May 5th 11 | Such a great and catchy album. The sound is so fresh and layered, and along with the their new singer's vocals, it really makes for a fantastic and energetic listen that you can really admire.
Bump |
3.5 great | IAmKickass | April 6th 11 | It seems as if dropping off the music map has done quiet a deal on Chiodos, for they've returned with a fantastic album that never seems to want to fit in or do anything different, but prove that the group still has what it takes to stand out in their genre, with or without Craig Owens.
Bump |
4.5 superb | SleepingGiant | February 12th 11 | Im a fan of both Craig and Brandon. so all Chiodos albums are great to me. This was in my top 10 last year and equal to Bone Palace Ballet for me, maybe even ....a little .. Caves, Love is a cat from hell and notes in constellations(favorite track ever by them)
Bump |
Bump |
2.0 poor | minimesmyidol | October 3rd 10 | I must be the only person who liked Craigs work. I don't really get why everyone is cumming over this cd. the albums not terrible by any means, but something just doesn't sit well with me now.
Bump |
4.0 excellent | Presence | February 19th 25 |
3.5 great | btrfs | November 8th 23 |
4.0 excellent | Tara | October 16th 23 |
2.5 average | Get Low | February 1st 22 |
3.0 good | LoKii | December 12th 21 |
4.0 excellent | xlev | October 4th 21 |
3.0 good | tinytim | September 21st 21 |
3.5 great | kalli15 | September 1st 21 |
4.0 excellent | joobdoob | February 20th 20 |
3.5 great | Brabiz | November 10th 19 |
3.5 great | josh | June 10th 19 |
4.0 excellent | Adamn | May 8th 19 |
4.0 excellent | Raqinq | November 27th 18 |
4.0 excellent | Josh | November 5th 18 |
4.0 excellent | Redlar | December 1st 17 |
5.0 classic | nbats | November 26th 17 |
4.0 excellent | Josh F. | October 26th 17 |
4.0 excellent | El Olam | December 18th 16 |
3.5 great | Adamrk | December 16th 16 |
3.5 great | tellah | December 1st 16 |
3.5 great | chayka | December 1st 16 |
4.0 excellent | malitze | November 30th 16 |
3.5 great | TBH717 | November 30th 16 |
4.5 superb | Brad | November 4th 16 |
2.5 average | jzzlrd | October 4th 16 |
1.0 awful | Illume | August 8th 16 |
5.0 classic | Morg | July 13th 16 |
3.5 great | Snide | May 14th 16 |
3.5 great | Hansol | April 25th 16 |
4.0 excellent | Kohta | April 14th 15 |
2.0 poor | Runeii | March 14th 15 |
4.0 excellent | P0nto | January 6th 15 |
4.0 excellent | Nitzcho | December 18th 14 |
3.5 great | Lassie | October 15th 14 |
3.5 great | Ayeohh | October 15th 14 |
3.5 great | ariich | October 4th 14 |
4.5 superb | KevinKC | September 7th 14 |
3.0 good | ADV123 | September 2nd 14 |
3.0 good | wwf | August 8th 14 |
3.5 great | betray | July 14th 14 |
4.0 excellent | Roman | April 23rd 14 |
4.0 excellent | Parap | April 19th 14 |
3.5 great | msm008 | April 12th 14 |
4.5 superb | Jaime | April 9th 14 |
4.0 excellent | Ulshad | April 2nd 14 |
3.5 great | elry2k | March 26th 14 |
3.0 good | rc239 | March 18th 14 |
3.5 great | jmh886 | March 3rd 14 |
3.0 good | Sebe | February 1st 14 |
3.5 great | Loot | January 28th 14 |
3.5 great | willzor | November 19th 13 |
5.0 classic | Skreemo | November 2nd 13 |
4.0 excellent | hudso | October 29th 13 |
4.0 excellent | wishdis | October 29th 13 |
3.0 good | Skoj | September 26th 13 |
4.5 superb | Dischi | September 26th 13 |
2.0 poor | adr | August 30th 13 |
3.5 great | LenZ | May 20th 13 |
3.5 great | Zar | May 17th 13 |
1.5 very poor | thaylor | March 7th 13 |
2.5 average | CWBrown | February 26th 13 |
5.0 classic | DavenMC | February 16th 13 |
3.5 great | Zeg | February 5th 13 |
4.0 excellent | Arron | January 30th 13 |
4.0 excellent | pbass0 | January 29th 13 |
4.0 excellent | Propose | January 12th 13 |
3.0 good | Minus. | December 24th 12 |
3.5 great | Ecotone | December 23rd 12 |
2.0 poor | Hoppip | December 23rd 12 |
4.5 superb | Shimana | December 19th 12 |
3.5 great | Turlerr | December 10th 12 |
3.5 great | T5Cx | December 6th 12 |
4.0 excellent | ZoneOut | November 17th 12 |
4.0 excellent | Zikana | November 16th 12 |
4.0 excellent | f0rest | October 31st 12 |
2.0 poor | Circle | August 17th 12 |
3.5 great | SethEZ | August 8th 12 |
4.0 excellent | Next | July 23rd 12 |
3.5 great | SimGod | June 25th 12 |
3.5 great | NBA | May 30th 12 |
3.5 great | Acorn | May 9th 12 |
4.0 excellent | Tonger | April 20th 12 |
4.0 excellent | TBliss2 | February 27th 12 |
4.5 superb | theblaw | February 16th 12 |
3.5 great | Nucrus | February 10th 12 |
2.5 average | Coast | January 17th 12 |
4.0 excellent | Damon | January 17th 12 |
3.5 great | vox001 | January 11th 12 |
3.5 great | Pndi | December 26th 11 |
4.0 excellent | KUBT | December 11th 11 |
3.5 great | Macros | December 2nd 11 |
3.5 great | Tonive | November 30th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Sirob | November 14th 11 |
3.5 great | Dday | November 12th 11 |
3.0 good | xevman | October 27th 11 |
3.5 great | Durrzo | October 24th 11 |
3.5 great | PacM4n | September 14th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Othcar | September 3rd 11 |
3.5 great | jBoo | August 31st 11 |
2.5 average | pconn | August 7th 11 |
3.5 great | ILJ | August 6th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Titan50 | July 20th 11 |
3.5 great | iliek | July 18th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Arucard | July 18th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Fischer | June 18th 11 |
3.5 great | RyRy | June 17th 11 |
1.5 very poor | Trebor. EMERITUS | June 11th 11 |
3.0 good | iZac | June 1st 11 |
4.0 excellent | saucy | April 25th 11 |
2.5 average | Creed | April 17th 11 |
4.0 excellent | thecwo | April 17th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Kulti | April 14th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Emim | April 12th 11 |
3.5 great | Ghor47 | April 10th 11 |
4.0 excellent | kadrei | April 8th 11 |
3.5 great | RCKilm | April 5th 11 |
3.0 good | dnor | March 21st 11 |
2.0 poor | mfp | February 21st 11 |
4.0 excellent | Clash | February 19th 11 |
3.5 great | Eswin17 | February 13th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Nerf | February 6th 11 |
3.5 great | Virium | February 5th 11 |
4.0 excellent | AdamK | January 28th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Narshh | January 23rd 11 |
4.0 excellent | Spoof | January 13th 11 |
2.5 average | Klichty | December 26th 10 |
4.0 excellent | krsnyder | December 25th 10 |
3.5 great | Zoo | December 25th 10 |
4.5 superb | julezv | December 23rd 10 |
3.0 good | mkCII | December 19th 10 |
2.5 average | djunior | December 18th 10 |
4.0 excellent | Sanders | December 18th 10 |
4.5 superb | sacc87 | December 13th 10 |
4.5 superb | sneasy | December 6th 10 |
3.5 great | Sconza | December 4th 10 |
4.0 excellent | MrSenior | November 29th 10 |
4.0 excellent | ninjuice | November 29th 10 |
3.5 great | Epic | November 21st 10 |
4.0 excellent | arlowf | November 13th 10 |
4.0 excellent | Chevy182 | November 10th 10 |
4.0 excellent | ryan10 | November 9th 10 |
3.5 great | nyc87 | November 7th 10 |
3.5 great | Mactai | November 6th 10 |
5.0 classic | Hommer | November 6th 10 |
4.5 superb | UO910 | November 3rd 10 |
4.5 superb | MRxT | November 2nd 10 |
4.5 superb | Tim00w | November 1st 10 |
3.5 great | Spec | October 28th 10 |
4.0 excellent | Acre | October 27th 10 |
5.0 classic | ilbron | October 26th 10 |
2.5 average | Sevhead | October 20th 10 |
3.0 good | Jips | October 20th 10 |
3.5 great | mrnic3 | October 19th 10 |
3.0 good | Asleep | October 19th 10 |
3.0 good | tables | October 17th 10 |
4.0 excellent | Ahall75 | October 14th 10 |
4.0 excellent | d00derz | October 13th 10 |
5.0 classic | bth2376 | October 13th 10 |
4.0 excellent | Dev518 | October 12th 10 |
4.0 excellent | TBliss | October 11th 10 |
3.5 great | JWT155 | October 11th 10 |
4.0 excellent | iamGOZT | October 11th 10 |
4.0 excellent | zuzek | October 9th 10 |
3.5 great | Matte | October 9th 10 |
3.5 great | Kronzo | October 8th 10 |
4.0 excellent | Narsh | October 7th 10 |
3.5 great | quik40 | October 6th 10 |
4.0 excellent | IN64 | October 6th 10 |
4.0 excellent | bgregab | October 5th 10 |
5.0 classic | ess | October 5th 10 |
3.5 great | CutMan | October 5th 10 |
5.0 classic | cbxcb | October 5th 10 |
4.0 excellent | ebay | October 5th 10 |
4.5 superb | Spence | October 5th 10 |
4.0 excellent | jaw | October 4th 10 |
5.0 classic | dts | October 4th 10 |
3.5 great | Scoot | October 4th 10 |
2.5 average | askbill | October 4th 10 |
3.0 good | Torii | October 3rd 10 |
3.0 good | tkxxx7 | October 3rd 10 |
4.0 excellent | Lakes. | October 2nd 10 |
4.0 excellent | Msuen | October 1st 10 |
5.0 classic | Kosko | October 1st 10 |
5.0 classic | HgR | October 1st 10 |
5.0 classic | k3vin | October 1st 10 |
3.5 great | Furik | October 1st 10 |
5.0 classic | Paul H. | October 1st 10 |
4.0 excellent | nkn3390 | September 30th 10 |
2.5 average | Curse. | September 30th 10 |
4.0 excellent | btbam99 | September 30th 10 |
4.5 superb | Oceans | September 30th 10 |
4.0 excellent | X3ni92 | September 30th 10 |
2.5 average | Groink | September 30th 10 |
| |
Give Your Opinion on Illuminaudio