
Reviews 29
Approval 90%

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Album Ratings 4206
Objectivity 81%

Last Active 12-14-22 2:25 am
Joined 04-03-09

Review Comments 27,473

Average Rating: 3.26
Rating Variance: 0.33
Objectivity Score: 81%
(Well Balanced)


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5.0 classic
A Wilhelm Scream Career Suicide
Agalloch The Mantle
Agalloch Ashes Against the Grain
Alda Tahoma
Cascadian wittr worship of folk singing forests metal m/
Ash Borer Ash Borer
The kings of Cascadia, or at least its nihilistic suburbs.
Ash Borer Ash Borer (Remastered)
Ash Borer and Fell Voices Split
Black Monolith Passenger
Deafheaven's former touring guitarist humbly ponders what it would be like if Deafheaven played punk.
Casualties of Cool Casualties of Cool
Cloudkicker Beacons
Ben Sharp at his best. Beacons may be his most organized album up to this point, and definitely his most emotionally rewarding. Post-rock/djent.
Cloudkicker Subsume
Ben Sharp doing what he does best. Did you expect anything less?
Dethklok The Dethalbum
[The] "world's greatest cultural force"
Devin Townsend Order of Magnitude - Empath Live Volume 1
I wasn't big on the studio version of Empath's songs but these live renditions of those songs fix all the problems I originally had with them. Add in all the other fantastic performances here and this is necessary Dev material.
Devin Townsend Project By A Thread: Live in London 2011
Devvy live is about as good as Devvy in-studio; there's not much decrease in quality, really. Man's a legend.
Dissection Storm of the Light's Bane
Probably the best melodic metal record ever put to tape, mediocre final track be damned.
Equilibrium Sagas
Fell Voices Fell Voices
Black metal. Fell Voices' first album is their best. Raw, lengthy atmospheric black metal that's like a thick black noxious choking fog surrounding and consuming you in its utter blackness.
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
Godspeed You! Black Emperor F♯ A♯ ∞
Everything just seems so desolate and wide-open. Admittedly it seems like there's not much here--in a minimalist sort of way--but that's merely a result of the band's ability to disguise invention as simplicity.
Grace Cathedral Park In The Evenings Of Regret
The combination of slowcore and post-rock is wonderfully beautiful and sad in a sort of complacent way. Literally the epitome of music.
Insomnium Above the Weeping World
One of the best melodic death metal albums of all time, "Above the Weeping World" is chock full of solid, straightforward jams. It's not exactly expansive in terms of songwriting, but on this album Insomnium show that they've honed their craft to a masterful point.
Joe Pesci Vincent Laguardia Gambini Sings Just for You
Lemme hear the trombone! That ain't a fuckin trombone sorry. Ah that's a trombone!
This is the best thing I've ever heard.

I'm dying / is it blissful / it's like a dream / i want to dream / my sides hurt someone
please help me
NOFX The Decline
NOFX The Decline - Live at Red Rocks
Just as good as the original, the orchestral accompaniment also adds enough to make this stand as its own work. Additionally, watching the video it's clearly the most energized the band have been in a decade and that really shows in their performances here. Mike sounds fantastic, the instrumentation is all on point, the backing vocals sound great as well. I guess you could say The Decline hasn't declined at all in twenty years, as this punk rock behemoth is as potent and fluid now as it was in 1999.
Paramore Paramore
an exceptional example of modern power pop/rock. Everything from Daydreaming to Proof (tracks 4-12) is fantastic, and while a few of the final tracks might feel like filler, ending track Future is a fine example of a post-rock closer. It's amazing the negative reaction this album initially received from pop punk nostalgia-ists afraid of change.
Petrychor Dryad
Favorite black metal EP of all time (OF ALL TIME). Ethereal and painfully organic atmospheric black metal/neo folk, wall-of-sound music. It's suffocating in a beautiful way.
Weakling Dead as Dreams
the best black metal record of all time? the best metal record of all time? Maybe!
Wolves in the Throne Room Two Hunters
Woods of Desolation Torn Beyond Reason
Easily one of the best post-black metal/blackgaze albums there is.
Yumi Zouma Present Tense

4.5 superb
Alda Passage
Anathema We're Here Because We're Here
Anilah Warrior
Bumped my rating because this is beautiful.
Ash Borer 2009 Demo
Deafheaven Roads to Judah
Straightforward blast beating black metal with reverb and delay and twinkly sparkle post-rock. One of the first and best bands to capitalize on the post-black fad, they sacrificed expansive songwriting for simply hitting harder, faster.
Deafheaven 10 Years Gone
Devin Townsend Project Deconstruction
Devin Townsend Project Contain Us
DTP first four albums are all great so a comp + demos and jamz is therefore greater. It's science.
Edge of Sanity Crimson II
Edge of Sanity When All Is Said
Eluvium Life Through Bombardment
When you cram the first half of one of the best ambient artist's discographies into a single compilation package, it must be more than the sum of its parts.
Ethereal Shroud Trisagion
you heard it here folx
Falls of Rauros Patterns in Mythology
Fauna Avifauna
Easily the best record of their career, Avifauna takes the best parts of the band's signature lengthy black metal/folk style and crafts it into three 17+ minute epics. Where "Rain" saw the band slowly evolve over the course of an hour, "Avifauna" sees the band experiment with more structured songwriting, giving each of the main tracks enough repetition to immerse the listener in the band's signature hypnotic atmosphere, with enough variance to always keep things interesting.
God Is an Astronaut All Is Violent, All Is Bright
One of the best post-rock albums. Melodically unparalleled.
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada
Great Grandpa Four of Arrows
Hammock Mysterium
Even on a cursory listen from my phone's speakers this is easily one of the best records of the year thus far. With more strings, more choir, more atmosphere, and more palpable emotion, Mysterium is probably one of Hammock's best albums (which is saying something).
Lana Del Rey Norman Fucking Rockwell!
Magrudergrind Magrudergrind
Hit me with a steamroller. Back up and do it again. This pulverizes, and the political soundbites give it that little bit of personality to set it apart from its contemporaries.
Misthyrming Söngvar elds og óreiðu
These riffs are so cold, they're
Nails Unsilent Death
What makes Nails' first album so significant isn't its brutality (br00tality), but rather its rawness. I feel like any power violence would sound fantastic the way this record was recorded.
Opeth Blackwater Park
Opeth Ghost Reveries
Opeth Watershed
Phoebe Bridgers Punisher
Repulsion Horrified
RVIVR The Beauty Between
A memory from my youth.
Saor Aura
Sepultura Beneath the Remains
Slayer Reign in Blood
Soundtrack (Disney) Mulan
Strapping Young Lad City
in retrospect, the rating was a tad low.
Streetlight Manifesto The Hands That Thieve
Terrorizer World Downfall
One of the best grind albums came out in 1989 and it was called World Downfall.
Testament The Gathering
The Beths Jump Rope Gazers
The Great Old Ones Tekeli-Li
A major step up from their previous record, Tekeli-Li is everything one could want from an ratmospheric black metal record. The record sounds full with a palpable atmosphere, and the rsongwriting is concise and never tedious. My favorite black metal record of the year as of rthis writing. Definitely going to see this on a lot of end-of-year lists (and if not, it'll rbe a shame).
The Pillows FooL on CooL Generation
The Secret Solve Et Coagula
TotorRo Come to Mexico
Post-rock/math rock. I'm happy now my mood is UP and so are the RIFFS.
Waxahatchee Tigers Blood
Westkust Westkust
Absolute joy of a rockin shoegaze record.
Woods of Desolation Toward the Depths
"...Drifting deeper, toward the depths..."

4.0 excellent
(The) Slowest Runner (In All The World) We, Burning Giraffes
Slowest Runner! In All the World

Lift Your Skinny Necks Like Giraffes To Heaven
(The) Slowest Runner (In All The World) The Flophouse Session
Classical/post-rock and it's very pretty and kind of Godspeedy-ish.
200 Stab Wounds Piles of Festering Decomposition
200 Stab Wounds Slave to the Scalpel
40 Watt Sun The Inside Room
A Pregnant Light Rocky
A Winged Victory for the Sullen A Winged Victory for the Sullen
A Winged Victory for the Sullen Atomos
Abigail Williams Becoming
Absu Tara
If thrash had stayed black and evil, this is what 90's thrash would've sounded like. Dynamic shifts between blasting black metal trems and thrash/speed riff and flurries of drum fills keep "Tara" a constantly shifting beast of blackened thrash menace.
AC/DC Highway To Hell
AC/DC Back In Black
AC/DC Powerage
AC/DC High Voltage
AC/DC Live
AC/DC If You Want Blood You've Got It
if you want ac/dc you got it

it's a live ac/dc album so yeah you got it
Afterbirth In But Not Of
Agalloch Pale Folklore
Agalloch Marrow of the Spirit
Agitation Free 2nd
rly good rly pretty krautrockin roll, man.
Agitation Free River of Return
Jazzy krautrock that pretty well fits in with what the younguns were doing in the post-rock scene at that point in time. There are moments here that remind me very much of GY!BE, which is nice to hear in one of the originators of that style.
Alcest Écailles De Lune
One of the best post-black/blackgaze/whatever albums ever released.
Alda Alda
Not as good as Tahoma as others have said, but it sounds as nice and autumnal as future releases despite not being nearly as fleshed out.
Alda A Distant Fire
Alda do Alda epic folky cascadian black metal. There's even some odd rockin black 'n' roll riffs in one song, which are an interesting nuance to their otherwise relatively straightforward wittr-y black-metal-with-acoustic-guitars style.
Alkerdeel Slonk
Raw black metal with a whole lot of Leviathan worship in their gnawing winding trems and howling vocals, combined with the dark punky riffs of sludge metal. An abrasive 37-minute pummeling assault that feels a lot shorter than it actually is and is definitely the best black metal album of the year so far.
Alpha Male Tea Party Droids
It's like they took the groovy riffs from Pelican and the mathy post-rock from Cloudkicker and smashed them together. This riffs hard, has plenty of atmosphere, and is all-around fun. Get it.
Alvvays Alvvays
indie pop 4/5
Alvvays Antisocialites
Alvvays Blue Rev
Amon Amarth With Oden on Our Side
Amon Amarth Twilight of the Thunder God
Amorphis Skyforger
Amulets Blooming
Angelcorpse The Inexorable
pulverizing burnt death metal.
Answer from Cygnus Cygnus
very hard-hitting black metal with only an atmospheric penchant for indulging in post-black-isms.
Anti (DEU) The Insignificance of Life
Some pretty good stuff here. Not as pretentious and "atmospheric" as the likes of Xasthur or Leviathan, Anti are more traditionally-aligned black metal. Lots of sad, buzzing tremolo and slow, brooding drums. The vocals themselves are more along the Xasthur-esque line of "depressing black metal," their vocalist doing basically whateverthehell he wants; black metal rasps, whispers, groaning screams and making sufficiently strange noises. All in all a good listen. Lots of melody and a great doomy atmosphere.
Antlers (DE) Beneath.Below.Behold
Aoria The Constant
Apes Lullabies For Eternal Sleep
twelve minutes of pulverizing deathgrind.
Apotheosis Farthest from the Sun
Basically symphonic black metal prog, meaning lots and lots of run-on goofy instrumental passages of symphonic black metal that just wind around and around until randomly transitioning into Limbonic Art-styled thrash riffs and aggressive bits. It's ridiculous, but great. The guy behind the band might be a edgy twit, but the songwriting is great.
Arch Enemy Tyrants of the Rising Sun
Angela was a BEAST. Peak Arch Enemy before they started going downhill, with an exceptionally solid live performance. They were never the best melodic death metal band, but they'd definitely produced enough bangers by '08 to have a great setlist--and this performance includes 18 songs.
Ardour Loom Demo
It's like Fauna's Avifauna if you trade out the folky bits for post-rock. Really good
atmospheric/post-bm from the US. Really obscure demo, you can find a rough rip on youtube.

Arnaut Pavle Transylvanian Glare
Punkthrone lives!!! [123]
Ash Borer Tour Rehearsal Demo
Asterisk* Dogma I: Death of a Dromologist
Ayr Circling
Ayr Nothing Left to Give
Ayr Eternal Sustain
Azarath Diabolic Impious Evil
this is like if behemoth were good!
Ba'a Deus Qui Non Mentitur
epique french black metal. kind of post-rocky at times, frantic, with a guitar tone that makes its frantic leads cutting with melodicism.
Bad Religion Suffer
Bad Religion No Control
Balmorhea Balmorhea
Post-rock/classical/chamber/ambient using mostly piano/banjo/acoustic guitar. It's no crescendocore and it's barely post-rock; it's more just classical music orienting itself along similar lines as other "minimalistic" post-rock acts.
Balmorhea Rivers Arms
post-rock/modern classical/wow. Consistently like the most ones of the most consistent and prettiest post-rock/whatsit bands there is am are check check it.
Balmorhea All Is Wild, All Is Silent
post-rock classical RUELZ/5. Balmorhea continue to stay the course of rigid solidity, encapsulating the values of tranquil beauty with the utmost efficiency. Rabble rabble acoustic guitars.
Baroness Blue Record
Battles Mirrored
It jumps around like carnival music, grooves like post-rock, and does whatever else it wants for seemingly little reason. It's experimental mathy post-whatever that's just the right amount of controlled insanity to be wonderfully enjoyable. The crazy style does overstay it's welcome by a tad (at fifty minutes in length the whole shtick starts to get old), but aside from that, "Mirrored" is a wonderful little slice of "whatamievenlisteningtorightnow."
Be'lakor Stone's Reach
Bing and Ruth Tomorrow Was The Golden Age
I don't think there's much more you could want out of largely piano-oriented ambient music. At times, piano-work mimics ambient soundscapes with its frantic playing, giving almost a Stars of the Lid-esque feel, while other times mixing in with ambient droning noise and slow, mournful strings. This is what you want out of modern classical and ambient music.
Black Sabbath Heaven and Hell
Black Sabbath Sabotage
Black Sabbath Mob Rules
Black Sabbath The Dio Years
Blanck Mass Animated Violence Mild
If Blanck Mass's newest album "Animated Violence Mild" were a dance club the sign on the door would read GOOD VIBES ONLY! and I really appreciate the effort there.
Blind Guardian Nightfall in Middle-Earth
Blind Guardian At the Edge of Time
Blockheads Shapes of Misery
Grindcore that is destructive in its power to be destroying
Blood Abscission I
This is just mgla for people who like melody in their mgla m/
Blood Spill Demo
vicious 80s death metal demo. Horrible production with reverb everywhere, huge lo-fi sound, nasty screams and pulverizing drums. Absolutely nasty demo.
Bloodbath The Wacken Carnage
Blue Noise Everyone Goes Away Eventually
Rough black metal screams, hazy expansive trems, and lots of screamo instrumentation. Blue Noise represents an interesting marriage and dual realization of the best aspects of both blackgaze and screamo. Found on a whim, this is probably one of the better releases of the year for me.
Blut Aus Nord Memoria Vetusta II - Dialogue With The Stars
Bolt Thrower Those Once Loyal
Riffs hard, grooves hard, m/'s hard death metal
Boris Dronevil -Final-
My favorite part was when the guitarist in the second track accidentally left the feedback turned
up too high on his guitar, unknowingly allowing the walls of noise to rise up and consume them all
in a wave of crushing dissonance.

RIP Boris, you droned too close to the sun and melted your amps of wax.

And then they exploded and killed you. Thus is life.
Bosse-de-Nage All Fours
A contender.
Brambles Charcoal
Classical-instrument based ambient/post-rock/modern classical. Easily one of my favorite classical/ambient records.
Braveyoung We Are Lonely Animals
Brian McBride When The Detail Lost Its Freedom
ambient. Idk why I didn't have this rated since Brian McBride's ambient is great.
Brian McBride The Effective Disconnect
Pretty and rather simply-organized ambient. Different instruments wade in, fill up the void, and fade out. Repeat with different instruments over time. It's nice.
Broken Social Scene Feel Good Lost
Quaint, chill, slightly goofy, kraut-lite 90s elevator music instrumental post-rock.
Broken Social Scene Forgiveness Rock Record
mellow jam post-rock that's life-affirming and nice and wholesome and I really like it OKAY.
Broken Social Scene Hug of Thunder
If music could be hugs this album would be big hugs. Big post-rock indie rock thunder hugs.
Brontide Artery
Fun! Groovy! Disco? No! Post-rocking!
BRUIT Apologie du temps perdu, Vol. 1
Carly Rae Jepsen Dedicated Side B
Causa Sui Euporie Tide
psyche/space/jam/kraut-rockin chill jams music album.
Caustic Wound Death Posture
caustic wound / caustic grind
Cave (USA-IL) Neverendless
while "krautrock revivalist" might be one of the most pretentious phrases in the English language, Cave's brand of psyche-y krautrock somehow lives up to expectations.
Cave (USA-IL) Psychic Psummer
while "krautrock revivalist" might be one of the most pretentious phrases in the English language, Cave's brand of psyche-y krautrock somehow lives up to expectations.
Century (SWE) The Conquest of Time
i think these guys like Dio.
Children of Bodom Hate Crew Deathroll
Chris Watson El tren fantasma
I like trains an crickets an loudspeakers an field recordings.
Christicide Upheaval of the Soul
Tired of that "experimental," pseudo-intellectual bologna that passes for "black metal"
these days? Christicide is the answer to your problem. No positivity, no hazy, uplifting
guitars--only straight, unyielding black metal.

Dynamic songwriting complimented by a slew of interesting riffs make this "orthodox" album
definitely worth the time of every black metal fan.
City of the Sun To the Sun and All the Cities in Between
Idk why it'd seem like a good idea to combine flamenco with somber acoustic and almost-post-rock,
but "City of the Sun" are able to pull off the combination surprisingly well. It might seem like
there should be some tonal problems, given that hyperactive flamenco pieces like "La Puerta Roja"
often lead up to slower, atmospheric (and reverb-drenched) pieces like "Winter 2011," but
everything's so pretty and well-executed that these tonal shifts between tracks aren't as
bothersome as one would expect them to be. Despite being a tad long at sixty three minutes, "To
the Sun and All the Cities in Between" is a really solid compilation of different styles of mostly
acoustic music.
Claude-Michel Schonberg Les Misérables - Original Broadway Cast
I dreamed a dream that Marius diedrWhen hope was high and this book worth readingrBut the Frenchmen come at nightrWith their voices soft as butterrAs they tear your hopes apartrAnd they turn this plot to shame
Clever Girl No Drum And Bass in the Jazz Room
Closet Witch Chiaroscuro
Cloudkicker The Discovery
Cloudkicker The Map Is Not the Territory
Cloudkicker ]]][[[
Cloudkicker Portmanteau
Cloudkicker Let Yourself Be Huge
Cloudkicker Live with Intronaut
Aside from a few problems here and there, this is a fantastic live record. Three guitarists ftw.
Converge Jane Doe
Converge Axe to Fall
Converge All We Love We Leave Behind
Converge can borrow my fancy suits because this suits my fancy. None for you, Nancy Drew.
Cretin Cretanic Grind Ambush
Dan Swano Moontower
Proggy Magic Melodes III: Funky Facsimile
Dark Forest Land of the Evening Star
The Windir is strong with this one. OK not actually that strong, but some of the guitar leads have purposeful Windir-isms about them, which brings a wonderfully nostalgic feel to the music. When not channeling that band, though, Dark Forest like to be regular epic-lite black metal that's exceptionally solid and powerful.
Dark Fortress Tales from Eternal Dusk
a german melodic black metal band that really wanted to be from sweden. fun gothenburg-y riffs and otherwise nice black metal.
Dark Moor The Hall of the Olden Dreams
This is like if a Spanish Blind Guardian cover band got really into Finnish melodeath a la Children of Bodom/Ensiferum.
Dark Tranquillity Damage Done
Darkspace Dark Space III
Because it's Darkspice and it's pulverizing and suffocating and cold and it feels like you're being physically pounded by space radiation, feeling yourself being pulled apart by the void, and floating off into that infinite darkness. It's got good riffs and stuff too I guess.
Darkthrone A Blaze in the Northern Sky
Dawn Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy)
Dead Can Dance Anastasis
Dead Congregation Promulgation of the Fall
Deadyellow What Was Left Of Them
This blackgaze album was recorded live so the drums sound a little bit too low in the mix and don't carry the more intense parts as well as they should--but outside that this is pretty great. It's pure deafheaven-core in the best way, and blasty blackgaze I'm actually excited analyze more critically.
Deafheaven Demo
Band is pretty great.
Deafheaven Libertine Dissolves/Daedalus
Deafheaven Sunbather
Death Breath Let It Stink
death 'n' roll lives m/en
Death Toll 80k Harsh Realities
trve punky grind that can osdm with the best of entombedcore.
Death Toll 80k Step Down
It by "slapped" you mean "crushed by falling bulldozer" then yea this grind album slaps your whole body straight through the pavement.
Deathspell Omega Kenose
Deceased As the Weird Travel On
Des Ark Don't Rock the Boat, Sink the Fucker
Des Ark is an angel in humanized form. Like, a sassy angel. Yeah.
Des Ark Everything Dies
Basically everything I've ever wanted in a female singer-songwriter. The underlying sassiness of
the song titles combined with the music's wonderful melancholic prettiness is very nice yes. The
fact that Aimee does "country" better than actual country artists is also a nice bonus.
Devin Townsend Ocean Machine: Biomech
Devin Townsend Devolution #2: Galactic Quarantine
Devin does a quarantine virtual live show and it's unsurprisingly a great performance, both from him and his various backing tracks (as well as pre-recorded performances from guest musicians). The setlist is pretty varied and includes a few old SYL songs as well as newer DTP cuts.
Devin Townsend Project Ki
All hail Townsend my dark lord and master.
Devin Townsend Project Ocean Machine: Live in Plovdiv
Devin is one of the best modern artists so of course another live album featuring some of his best material makes for a very good listen.
Diamond Head Lightning to the Nations
Dimmu Borgir Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
Dimmu Borgir Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
Dio Holy Diver
Directions Directions In Music
Friends Ken Brown (Gastr Del Sol, Tortoise), Doug Scharin (Codeine, June of 44), and James Warden got together to create the not-a-band "Directions" after the dissolving of Codeine and Brown's exit from Tortoise. Highly influenced by Tortoise's rather carefree approach to post-rock, "Directions in Music" is a rather forgotten entry into the early post-rock pantheon. It's rather straightforward pretty instrumental rock music; Scharin's light, jazzy drumming gives songs a quiet sense of energy and movement beneath Brown and Warden's equally casual melodic work. Outside of that basic description there's not a whole lot left to describe on Directions in Music. It's solid early post-Tortoise post-rock and is something fans of the style (and especially mellow music in general) should definitely appreciate. Maybe what makes the album most historically significant, though, is the band's use of aesthetic's here, rather than the music itself; held as more of a one-off collaboration between friends than a "real" band, the songs are all untitled and the musicians refused to have their pictures taken for use in promotion and album artwork--a sort of oath of anonymity of which later post-rock bands would continue to explore.
Dirty Three Dirty Three
Where yall plebs sleepin on this one? Post-rock needs more harmonica solos.
Disfear Live the Storm
I love this kind of straight fist-pumping, Motorhead-bred d-beat hardcore stuff. Uff.
Disfear Misanthropic Generation
D-beat crust punk. Kinda samey by the end, but consistently punchy nonetheless.
Disfear Everyday Slaughter
d-beat crust punk does physical harm
Do Make Say Think Winter Hymn Country Hymn Secret Hymn
I like this one more! This one is better! Crescendooooooos!
Do Make Say Think Other Truths
Toast-rocks with trumpets. It's no Mogwhy but it'll do.
Duster Stratosphere
Edge of Sanity Crimson
Eggs of Gomorrh Rot Prophet
grindy war metal, pummeling BARRAGE of riff and blast.
Elder (USA-MA) The Gold and Silver Sessions
Electrelane Axes
Eliza McLamb Going Through It
Ellis Born Again
Eluvium Copia
Dreamy modern classical/ambient. It do what it do. Pianos wow, ambience wow 4/5 uh such feels.
Eluvium Nightmare Ending
More textures more stuff more... pianos! I'm a sucker for ambient junk involving classical instruments.
Emancipator Soon It Will Be Cold Enough
Trip-hop/downtempo? Best evur.
Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse
Riffs a lot.
END (USA-NJ) Splinters From An Ever-Changing Face
Ensiferum Ensiferum
Ensiferum Iron
Ensiferum Victory Songs
Envy Alnair in August
Envy The Fallen Crimson
The Alnair in August singles were fantastic so I have high hopes for this one.
Epica (Live at the AFAS Live)
Equilibrium Turis Fratyr
Equilibrium Erdentempel
Adding clean vocals to their epic folk of epic black metal style was a good decision.
Equilibrium: now with sing-along fun!
Esmerine If Only a Sweet Surrender to the Nights to Come Be
If Godspeed was only chamber music with a little krautrock.
Esmerine Dalmak
Esmerine Mechanics of Dominion
post-rock of the godspeedian chamber classical sort.
Esmerine Everything Was Forever Until It Was No More
chamber classical post-rock
Ethereal Shroud Lanterns
Uplifting life re-affirming atmospheric black-ish metal single from sput's own Ethereal Shroud. Eleven minutes of lite-Agallochian melodicism and a treatise against the void.
Fabrizio Paterlini Autumn Stories
Classical music. ambience and slow tunes.
Fair to Midland Fables From a Mayfly: What I Tell You Three Times is True
real talk why hasn't Darroh Sudderth sung power metal yet?
Fair to Midland Arrows and Anchors
Fair to Midland were a phenomenal heavy riffing prog band. Soaring vocals and powerful songwriting made for an unforgettable combination in the band's few later releases.
Falls of Rauros The Light That Dwells in Rotten Wood
Falls of Rauros Vigilance Perennial
More lovely post-rock black metal from the Rauros boys.
False Untitled EP
How is this "overlong"???? Girl you cray cray
Fell Voices Untitled
Fell Voices II: We Learned How to Write RiffsrBlack metal band Fell Voices up their sound quality enough so we can finally hear their riffs properly, whilst still keeping their sound lo-fi enough to keep the noisy atmosphere intact. The better sound quality allows for a bigger influence on groove than before, which works well with their highly repetitive riffing.
Fenne Lily On Hold
Fenne Lily Big Picture
Filth Chasm Demo '21
Blasted in the face for eight minutes by a deathgrinding war metal sewer demon.
Final Eclipse The Dark World
(probably?) the Death Fortress guys' new project, pummeling black metal.
Finntroll Vredesvävd
Finntroll scale back the goofiness for a more straightforward black/folk metal record on "Vredesvvd".
Finsterforst Zum Tode Hin
Viking metal hailz. Basically Bathory and Moonsorrow with the faster parts from Wintersun. Songs are fairly long-winded, but super solid takes on epic viking metal.
Fluisteraars Bloem
Fluisteraars Gegrepen Door de Geest der Zielsontluiking
For Tracy Hyde New Young City
the dreamiest of japanese dream pop.
For Tracy Hyde he(r)art
Forgotten Woods The Curse of Mankind
Early Burzum-y riffing mixed with lots of 2nd wave atmospheric black metal and an openness to quirkiness that feels ahead of its time for 1996.
Forteresse/Chasse-Galerie/Monarque/Csejthe Légendes
Foxing The Albatross
Frou Frou Details
Fugitive (USA-TX) Maniac
thrash lives once again
Fulci Opening the Hell Gates
Vocalist sounds like Nathan Explosion in real life, band sounds like if Dethklok were a real goofy osdm band.
Fulci Tropical Sun
Vocalist sounds like Nathan Explosion in real life, band sounds like if Dethklok were a real goofy osdm band.
Funeral Chic Superstition
blackened crust punk but make it pulverizingly evil.
Funeral Mist Salvation
Furia Huta Luna
Huta Luna is pretty classically divided between what are effectively its A and B sides; about 32 minutes of black metal, followed by one single 27-minute ambient track. The almost entirely fast A-side (read: blast beats and only ever blast beats) features a lot of shorter songs that sound like if Fluisteraars tried to do their own frantic Transilvanian Hunger. The ambient side is a big long piece with a whole lot of humming and droning ambiance, and not much more. Still! The black metal side is full of slicing melodies and a frantic tempo that just sucks you in and never lets go. Rips men/
Fyrnask Eldir Nótt
Kid tested tested; Noctus approved!

Only track I don't really dig is Saltrian. This is fantastic, dense atmospheric black metal.
Gallowbraid Ashen Eidolon
Garden of Shadows Oracle Moon
Old school 90's-style melodic death metal done excellently. Keyboards and harmonized guitars up the wazoo, lots of fun up-beat riffing, it does what most good melodeath tries to do; be death metal and be fun about it.
Gates (USA-NJ) Bloom and Breathe
Gavin Bryars The Sinking of the Titanic
I mean the Titanic sinking was sad and stuff but hey at least we got this out of the deal
Glenn Branca The Third Ascension
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Yanqui U.X.O.
Godspeed You! Black Emperor 'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Luciferian Towers
More solid post-rock interspersed with that noisey drone chamber classical ambient that I love. Godspeed have opened up their style a little bit on Luciferian Towers, opting for some actual instrumental harmonies and arguably more coherent drone sections. It's a little bit different, but nothing really unexpected.
Gojira The Way of All Flesh
Gojira L'Enfant Sauvage
Goldmund Corduroy Road
Atmospheric minimalist piano music with a little bit of ambient and a dab of post-rock. It's pretty very good, especially for what it is (just a piano by itself most of the time). It's a very slow record, so each individual keystroke contributes to the atmosphere, and it all works very well in creating a constantly melancholic mood.
Graves (NZ) S​/​T 7"
Graves (NZ) Fides Ad Nauseam
All hail Nails' successors.
Grole With a Pike Upon My Shoulder
filthy black metal punk! if you're not a true, you must be a DIE!
Grouper Hold / Sick
Sad, slow, reverby guitar-led emptiness. This is particularly dreary for Liz Harris and that makes it all the better.
Hammock Raising Your Voice... Trying to Stop an Echo
ambient post-rock fuzzy feeling shoegaze dreamclouds of floating away.
Hammock Maybe They Will Sing for Us Tomorrow
Hammock Chasing After Shadows...Living with the Ghosts
Hammock Departure Songs
Hammock Oblivion Hymns
Tie me down, put anchors on my feet so I don't float away like a cloud in this dream.
Hampshire and Foat The Honeybear
Chamber classical ambient loveliness of joy.
Hans Zimmer The Lion King
Harmonia Deluxe
Atmospheric, 70's dorky melodicism. Krautrock. This one's really quite pretty and tranquil.
Harold Budd The Pavilion of Dreams
Smokey jazz. Such atmosphere. Many wow.
Harold Budd Avalon Sutra / As Long as I Can Hold My Breath
Disc 1 is a wonderfully minimalist-y, mostly piano and string-based affair, whereas Disc 2 (a
sixty nine-minute track) features an hour's worth of droning instrumentation and repeated
melodies. Disc 1 is elegant in the simplicity of its implemented elements; different instruments,
be them synthesizer, saxophone, piano, etc, seem to come in just at the right moments to fill the
rather sparse space with something elegant and atmospherically fitting. I suppose that's the
benefit of minimalist--always having room to stick something else in where you need it.
Harold Budd / John Foxx Translucence / Drift Music
Fantabulous ambient musics.
Harold Budd and Brian Eno The Pearl
Attack of the Atmospheric Pianos II: Budd/Eno Boogaloo
Harold Budd and Brian Eno Ambient 2 - The Plateaux of Mirror
I mean it's basically just piano ambient but still. Piano sounds good, has good atmosphere, wow 4/5 omg
Hatchie Sugar and Spice
condensed synth pop; just add water!
Hatchie Keepsake
Hate Manifesto Herald of Triumph
Relentlessly pummeling blackened death metal.
Hatebreed Satisfaction Is The Death Of Desire
Havukruunu Kelle Surut Soi
I can only imagine that Quorthon would be proud of Havukruunu's continuing his legacy of epic viking metal. "Kelle Surut Soi" is epic pagan black metal with far more Bathory influence than one would typically expect of the style, which definitely helps set it apart from genre mainstays like Nokturnal Mortem and Moonsorrow. There are plenty of epic clean choruses, as well as bounding blasting black metal, with some notable thrash/early black metal riffs thrown in as well (thank you, Bathory). Easily one of the better black metal albums of the year.
Hierophant (IT) Great Mother: Holy Monster
Not as brilliantly brutal as the likes of Nails or The Secret, but it's close. Great dark powerviolence/crust/whatever punk of heaviness.
Hierophant (IT) Peste
This would've been in my top 20 of 2014 had I known it existed back then. Wonderfully loud, brutal power violence/crust/grind/hardcore whatever.
Hierophant (IT) Son of the Carcinoma
One new song and two remasters. Remasters sound fine and so does the new track. Aggressive and slightly dirty crust punk/whatever.
Holy Fuck Latin
indietronica krautrock. As much of a goofy jam as you'd expect.
Hope Drone Hope Drone
Deafheaven without all the rather flamboyant parts. If you want something a bit grittier
than Sunbather then Hope Drone's s/t is your album.
Horseback Piedmont Apocrypha
Hypocrisy Virus
Ictus Imperivm
Ifernach The Green Enchanted Forest of the Druid Wizard
Ignite Our Darkest Days
Immortal Pure Holocaust
I like this more than Mayhem! :D Riffs! Blast beats!!!
Imogen Heap Speak For Yourself
Impaled Northern Moonforest Impaled Northern Moonforest
Inculter Fatal Visions
pedal-to-the-thrash-metal modern riff-o-rama Slayer worship. It's fast riffy nonsense and very catchy and solid.
Infernal Coil Within a World Forgotten
o boyo boyo boy

it's like someone smeared mud over all the mics and it sounds wonderful
Insomnium Since the Day It All Came Down
Another Insomnium album, another fifty minutes of solid melodic death metal. Insomnium may as well be the definitive "one-trick pony" of melodeath, but their one trick is good enough to bear repeating. Their albums are still too samey and a bit too long--they're also as formulaic as 80's Metallicas', but they're similary as solid.
Insomnium In the Halls of Awaiting
Nowhere near as powerful as Above the Weeping World, but still a very solid melodeath album. This album doesn't have as much staying power as AtWW, though, which definitely makes it harder to sit through for its full (fairly long) runtime. Given the band isn't known for their stylistic range, the saminess of their songs also makes it seem a lot longer than it really is. Still, it's great melodeath.
Internal Rot Mental Hygiene
Absolut grindcore
Into Eternity Buried in Oblivion
ISIS Panopticon
Jacob Pavek Nome
modern classical piano ambient
Jeff Bridges Sleeping Tapes
I will never get a bad night's sleep from now on.
Jig-Ai Entrails Tsunami
The squealiest of pig squealy hentai goregrind. Jokes aside this sounds great, the mixing and guitar sound are both fantastic.
Johann Johannsson IBM 1401, A User's Manual
Modern classical. Never thought soundclips of some guy reading a computer manual from decades ago would've ever fit into a classical arrangement, but here we are. Johann's best work, probably.
Johann Johannsson Englabörn
Modern classical from JJ, one of the better modern composers in classical music.
John Fahey Death Chants, Breakdowns and Military Waltzes
Some of Fahey's pieces might feel a little under-developed given how short they are, but they're no pretending his guitarwork wasn't absolutely fantastic.
John Williams Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Joshua Abrams and Natural Information Society Automaginary
It's like the drone classical of Godspeed with krautrock-y droning instrumentals. It's that good kind of droning classical ambience.
Julianna Barwick Nepenthe
dreamy ambients
Kalmah Swamplord
Kalmah started their career on a high note. Some of the best melodeath out there by one of the best bands in the business.
Kalmah The Black Waltz
Kalmah They Will Return
Kalmah Swampsong
Yeah I mean Kalmah first four Kalmahs best Kalmahs this one Swampsong Kalmah one of the best Kalmahs. Melodeath.
Kamelot The Black Halo
Kashiwa Daisuke Program Music I
You know when you're listening to the radio and you go out of range from a particular channel, and
a second channel begins randomly taking over the first? 'Program Music I' does that with modern
classical and post-rock, randomly glitching between the two, as well as generally combining them
at points. Both lengthy tracks reach their high points when their string instruments combine
with up-beat drumming to create a very uplifting, 'dancey' vibe.
Kasper Bjorke The Fifty Eleven Project
modern classical ambient drone
Katatonia Brave Murder Day
Katatonia Night Is the New Day
Kill The Client Cleptocracy
punishing grind with a lot of fuzz on the guitar to make it extra noisy and violent. Simple as.
kj Ex
one of the better ambient records i'd heard from 2018.
Klage Dystopias Wiege
obscure atmospheric black metal gem. Driving melodic riffs that are as fuzzy as they are lulling, it's a great lo-fi bm sound as it functions both as frigid black metal and as background ambience.
Krallice Years Past Matter
Krieg The Black House
Excellently mean, full of Darkthronian ice and youthful American aggression, "The Black House" is an excellent record and underappreciated example of well-done "early" USBM. Imperial's vocals are even nastier here than on later records, somehow, too.
Lagwagon Hoss
Leech If We Get There One Day...
Leech [US] Ten Black Hymns
Leon III Antlers in Velvet
Les Big Byrd Eternal Light Brigade
neo-psychedelic krautrock, it's a rock album sometimes with vocals, sometime with just jams.
it feels very authentically 70's despite its distinctly slick modern production. a very good
psych/kraut throwback.
Les Discrets Septembre Et Ses Dernières Pensées
Les Discrets Ariettes Oubliees...
Les Discrets Live at Roadburn
Fursy's voice is fantastic live and so is the rest of the band on this album. Les Discrets will be changing their style on upcoming albums, so this 'last hurrah' as a rock/metal outfit is a great one.
Less Than Jake Hello Rockview
Lethian Dreams Red Silence Lodge
Atmospheric female-fronted doom. Here, the female voice functions as another instrument, another layer to the wall of melancholy. At parts it sounds like Alcest, only better than Alcest.
Leviathan Massive Conspiracy Against All Life
Lost Horizon Awakening the World
Lowercase Noises This Is For Our Sins
Wonderful ambient music. There's even a wonderfully used banjo.
Ludovico Einaudi Divenire
Classical music with some ambients is like woah.
Lunar Aurora Elixir of Sorrow
better than that Burzum junk grandpa likes.
M83 Hurry Up, We're Dreaming
I want to dreeeeeeeeam!
Man or Astro-Man? Defcon 5...4...3...2...1
Manegarm Manegarm
Just your run of the mill, very good viking folk metal album.
Manegarm Fornaldarsagor
viking metal folk time music album is very solid very fun good record m/
Many Rooms There is a Presence Here
Not to take away from Many Room's own musical achievements, but the project feels very Grouper-y but with a bigger lean toward singer-songwriter-ing instead of just the lo-fi psy-folk Grouper so often employs. There's a lot of ambient and singer-songwriter (guitar, piano tracks) stuff going on, all with the same sort of somber minimalism Grouper fans should love.
Maria BC Spike Field
Marthe Further In Evil
Massive Attack Mezzanine
Master Master
Mastodon Blood Mountain
Max Richter The Blue Notebooks
Classical music that is m/
Max Richter Songs From Before
I like modern classical in this vein, music that takes its time and plays with patience and silence and has almost an ambient feel to it. It's not too busy, and not too "full" a sound, but there's still always plenty going on at a given time. Melodies you can fall into.
Max Richter Memoryhouse
has classical instruments 4/5 wowratmospheres and wow good
Max Richter Recomposed: Vivaldi - The Four Seasons
Max Richter Sleep
I did it, I finished the whole thing. The long droning and slow classical instrumentation give an ambiance perfect for long stretches of gaming, in lieu of native soundtracks. Completely through a week during a Dark Souls 3 replay, Sleep made for a great alternative soundscape.
Maximum the Hormone Rokkinpo Goroshi
Wonderfully fun J-punk with enough stylistic shifts, general oddness, and downtuned nu metal riffs to keep everything constantly dynamic, a little bizarre, and wholly entertaining.
Maximum the Hormone Yoshu Fukushu
A about an hour in length "Yoshu Fukushu" is fairly long, but despite the runtime it's definitely not wanting of content. These guys are basically the Japanese equivalent to System of a Down--wildly chaotic, genre-twisting metal that can cover loads of territory and switch ideas on a dime, whilst constantly retaining a "fun" and often "silly" atmosphere, but amped up a few notches "because Japan". This is how down-tuned nu metal riffs were supposed to be used.
Maximum the Hormone Korekara no Menkata Cottelee no Hanashi wo Shiyou
Maybeshewill Sing The Word Hope In Four-Part Harmony
Maybeshewill I Was Here For a Moment, Then I Was Gone
Megadeth Rust in Peace
The remaster is trash. Never listen to it. Original mix is fittingly rawer and has much better vocals. Dave's vox have always been a point of annoyance with me, but on the original mix he's much, much more tolerable since he's not as prominent in the mix as on the remaster, and he sounds a little rougher. It all works so much better on the original, it's like a reverse And Justice For All.
Mentor Guts, Graves and Blasphemy
Meshuggah Destroy Erase Improve
Robo-thrash ov trvth. I think this is my favorite Meshuggah next to Catch-33. It's very solid and very accessible in the way it presents its brand of technical thrashiness. Everyone knows by now that Meshuggah use polyrhythms and other weirdness but here they used their newfound weird take on thrash to create an album that feels like a "standard" metal record whilst actually being really unique and experimental. It's like, thinking back you realize how different the album is from anything else out there, but while listening it doesn't *feel* different. It's just really easy to absorb, despite how forward-thinking it was when initially released.
Meshuggah Catch Thirtythree
Meshuggah Chaosphere
The entire album is chugged palm-muting and it's the most wonderful thing in the world. It's like getting locked in a cell next to a sentient angry bulldozer.
Metallica Kill 'Em All
Metallica Ride the Lightning
Mgla Mdlosci and Further Down the Nest
Minami Deutsch Fortune Goodies
krautrockin krautrockin all the tiiiimmeee
Mistur Attende
Former Windir and Vreid contributors (and others) show they weren't quite done with the former band's unmistakeable epic melodic black metal style. Mistur is a solid band and fitting contributor to Valfar's undying legacy, despite not being quite as epic.
Mogwai My Father My King
The most Godspeed-y, weird Mogwai I've heard yet.
Mogwai Come On Die Young
Mogwai Happy Songs for Happy People
Mogwai Mr. Beast
Slide Guitar is Mogwai
Mol I/II
Unsurprisingly this is just a six-song compilation of the band's first two EPs. It's solid blackgaze that sometimes veers to the screamo side of things.
Monarque Lys Noir
Blastbeats and keyboards in a very well-done good way.
Monarque Jusqu'à la Mort
Moonsorrow Suden uni
epic pagan black metal viking finntroll nonsense
Moonsorrow Verisäkeet
Moonsorrow Kivenkantaja
Pagan/folk metal. Moonsorrow's probably the best band to ever do this.
Moonsorrow Voimasta ja kunniasta
black metal/folk funtimes of joy or whatever. I think there was an accordion in there somewhere, so that's cool I guess. 3.8/5 or something
Moonsorrow Viides luku - Hävitetty
Two pieces of lengthy folk bm. It's pretty good. Whatever. 4/5
Mopok Carpathian Fullmoon Ritual
One of the best black metal releases of 2018. Mopok's newest EP is a no-frills thrill ride through a world of nasty black metal wonder.
Morbid Angel Altars of Madness
Morbid Angel Covenant
Morbid Saint Spectrum of Death
Morok Carpathian Fullmoon Ritual
Track 1 of "Carpathian Fullmoon Ritual" is a ride. Starts blasty, progresses into some punk-reminiscent sections, then lets the keyboards flow with a folky piano line and lets the keys twinkle on until the end--all atop rather raw, shriek-laden black metal. This sort of combination of hard-hitting, blast-driven and keyboard-y black metal continues for the second track. The ambient outro piece isn't very enthralling, but this is black metal so what do you expect.
Motorhead Bastards
Moura Axexan, Espreitan
Mr. Bungle California
My Vitriol Finelines
rock n roll shoegaze machine album band
Myrkgrav Trollskau, Skromt og Kolabrenning
Excellent folk bm. It's not exactly Windir, but it's in the same hemisphere. Treads well between catchy folkiness and srs metal.
Myrkskog Deathmachine
Myrkskog play pummeling blackened death metal with some slight industrial influences here and there. The last track is a full on industrial jam that often sounds like both a riffier and more computerized Samael. Imagine if Morbid Angel had heard this album; Illud Divinum Insanus might've ended up sounding decent.
Myrkskog Superior Massacre
Pummeling blackened death metal.
Nachtmystium Instinct: Decay
Nachtmystium when they still knew how to riff, when their atmosphere was suffocating, and their psychedelic influences actually added something unique to black metal. This is one of the high points of USBM.
Nagelfar Hünengrab im Herbst
[I really need to re-listen to this in full] Super solid black metal with slight epic-ish tendencies. Sort of like Forteresse in orientation--lots of straightforward heavy blasting, driving double-bass rhythms, and lots of good-yet-simple melodic work. Solid mostly no-frills black metal is as solid mostly no-frills black metal does.
Nails Abandon All Life
This album just punched me in the face, and I'm OK with that.
Nebelung Vigil
Nekromantheon Rise, Vulcan Spectre
Neu! Neu! '75
Krautrock goes more melodic woaoaoah.
Nhor Within the Darkness Between the Starlight
Nightingale Nightfall Overture
Nihilist Nihilist 1987-1989
Kinda sloppy, dirty and pummeling osdm and proto-Entombed. I actually like this more straightforward nasty death metal more than Entombed, even.
Nils Frahm Wintermusik
Modern classical. Much more diverse than some of his works ("Screws," specifically), "Wintermusik" is a fine example of modern classical music that doesn't take itself too seriously and actually uses that to add interesting nuances not present in most other modern classical works. There are some cheesy keyboard lines and other odd bits here and there that simultaneously make "Wintermusik" sound a little cheesy, but not so much that they feel jarring or out-of-place over the otherwise largely classical piano-centered music.
Nils Frahm Screws
modern classical piano music. Frahm creates atmosphere by doing extra than simply playing slowly; his decisive playing allows notes to softly rise from his instrument and then fade off into the distance, creating a sense of size in what feels like a palpably empty space.
Nine Covens On The Dawning Of Light
No/Mas Consume/Deny/Repent
deathgrind riffs riff riff riffs
NOFX So Long and Thanks for All the Shoes
NOFX Pump Up the Valuum
Punk rock punk rock punk rock punk rock punk rock punk rock punk rock punk rock punk rock
NOFX Never Trust a Hippy
NOFX Surfer
Nokturnal Mortum Weltanschauung
The antisemitism and silly white nationalism are even more troubling given how top-tier folk/pagan metal this is. :/ And this is definitely top-tier, Moonsorrow-level pagan metal.
Nokturnal Mortum To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire
Symphonic black metal that's stuffed full of the kind of aggressiveness and heaviness most other bands in that field lack.
Novo Amor Birthplace
Bon Iver and Sufjan Stevens-levels of pretty lush singer/songwriter chamber folk(??) music wowow.
Novo Amor Cannot Be, Whatsoever
more super sappy indie folk singer/songwriter nonsense from the Bon Iver-worship guy with the weirdly high singing voice. It's sappy, it's happy, uhhh yeah.
Obliteration Cenotaph Obscure
furious old school death metal with the punky drumming of the first wave. Fantastic modern dm album.
October Tide Rain Without End
man this rips, it's like proper death doom 90s Katatonia--Jonas Renkse's melodies are all over this.
Of Solitude and Solemn Starlight's Guide
Old-fashioned doomy post-rock. Or is it post-rocky doom? It has slow guitars and lots of
great moody melodies--you get the idea.
Off With Their Heads Home
Olafur Arnalds Eulogy for Evolution
he makes cool sounds classical woaah 10/5
Olafur Arnalds ...And They Have Escaped The Weight Of Darkness
Classical modern things of music.
Olafur Arnalds Living Room Songs
Olafur Arnalds Island Songs
Olafur Arnalds can churn out a song a week and still strike gold without even trying.
Old Man's Child In Defiance of Existence
Opeth My Arms, Your Hearse
Opeth Lamentations
Opeth The Roundhouse Tapes
Opeth The Candlelight Years
Ophanim (CHE) T​ä​mpelskl​ä​ng
another Helvetic Underground Committee release from the Kvelgeyst, Ungfell (etc) guy. Powerful atmospheric black metal with prominent, often cathedraline, keyboards.
P.S. Eliot Introverted Romance In Our Troubled Minds
Pale Pale
Panopticon Panopticon
Panopticon Collapse (remixed and remastered)
Papir V
a little long, but peak krautrock
Paramnesia Ce que dit la bouche d'ombre
This is basically old Ash Borer with better production values. If you liked that kind of
black metal, then this band is one to remember in the coming days.
Paramore Riot!
Paramore Brand New Eyes
Paysage d'Hiver Nacht
Paysage d'Hiver Winterkälte
Paysage d'Hiver Das Tor
Very good.
Paysage d'Hiver Schnee
Pell Mell (USA) Interstate
Pell Mell play 90's post-rock like an indie band that just lost their vocalist; very chill, kinda quirky, guitar music that just kinda of melodically flows along for four minutes and then ends. It's quite nice, and even has a touch of that Tortoise-y krautrock influence.
Penguin Cafe The Imperfect Sea
The string section-heavy tracks almost feel like big box office soundtrack pieces in their grandeur, with the more somber piano-led tracks being some of the better in the style I've heard in a while. They might not be the real Penguin Cafe Orchestra, but Penguin Cafe's third album is definitely another fine addition to the Penguin legacy. Modern classical.
Penguin Cafe Handfuls of Night
penguin cafe doing more lovely chamber music.
Phoebe Bridgers Copycat Killer
Phoebe Bridgers If We Make It Through December
Pig Destroyer Prowler in the Yard
Pig Destroyer Painter of Dead Girls
Pompeii Loom
Pretty indie with some shoegazy post-rockiness that is so pretty and chill rrggggh 4/5
Popol Vuh Letzte Tage Letzte Nachte
most other krautrock bands were instrumental just bc they were jelly of Popol Vuh's lovely ladies OwO
Poppy Ackroyd Sketches
Might be a bit long for a compilation of re-recorded material, but Poppy's never off-point with her pianism so that point hardly matters. Re-recording of previous works into piano-only pieces, along with some totally new songs in the same vein. It's quality piano-work you'd expect from Poppy Ackroyd.
Primal Horde Blood River
big small brain caveman chugga chugga HORDE DEATH METAL mmm///
Profane Order One Nightmare unto Another
war metal!
Public Service Broadcasting Inform - Educate - Entertain
the bestest most wholesome public service krautrock indietronica
Public Service Broadcasting The Race For Space
Using NASA samples en lieu of vocals was a great choice, especially on tracks like Go! where they sync up perfectly with the music. Indietronica prog electronic music of wonderfulness.
Public Service Broadcasting White Star Liner
Pure Reason Revolution Eupnea
Rachel's Systems/Layers
Radagast An Earthly Sacrament
Excellent Cascadian-brand black metal/folk. Think similar to Fauna's "Rain," but in only twenty-three minutes.
Red Sparowes At The Soundless Dawn
Refused The Shape Of Punk To Come
Wow this riffs a surprising lot. I expected hyper-acclaimed 90's hardcore to be a lot, idk, weirder and less riffy than this. Happily surprised; this is really solid punk.
Rhinocervs RH-07
MELANCHOLIC DARKNESS. The third track is soooooo good.
Rise Against The Sufferer and the Witness
Rosetta A Determinism of Morality
Rotten Sound Exit
Rotten Sound Murderworks
crunch blast crunch blast crunch blast crunch blast crunch blast crunch blast crunch blast crunch blast crunch blast crunch blast crunch blast crunch blast crunch blast crunch blast crunch blast crunch blast crunch blast crunch blast crunch blast crunch blast
Rotten Sound Cycles
Rotten Sound Consume to Contaminate
I hate this less than I love this. It's just grind but it's grind and it grinds grindily
Rotten Sound Cursed
knock knock it's grindcore time it's time to grind rise and grind it's grindcore time.
Rx Bandits Gemini, Her Majesty
Samael Passage
Samia Scout
Saor Roots
Saor Guardians
Sarita Idalia Life Eternal
better than that fucking Mayhem shit m/
Scar Symmetry Holographic Universe
SELVA eléo
Post-black metal/screamo with some sludge. Riffs and blasts.
Sepultura Arise
Basically all these riffs are just palm mutes but they're good palm mutes and they chug hrrd. Sepultura/5. Thrash Lives!!!1
Sepultura Schizophrenia
One of the better thrash albums of the 80s.
Set Fire to Flames barn levitate
recorded in 2002, then re-recorded in 2005, then initially released on a compilation in 2016, then released as a standalone single in December of 2020, "ban levitate" is the latest content from Set Fire to Flames to see the light of day in quite a few years. "barn levitate" is an exercise in everything the ensemble were great at back in their heyday; at ten minutes in length, it's full of layered droning string instrumentation and incessant chiming bells--a collage of aural melancholies.
Shroud of Satan Litany to the Moon
super punky raw black metal with that minimalist melodicism
Sigur Ros Med Sud i Eyrum vid Spilum Endalaust
Post-rock? Just going to 4/5 it bc who cares v pretty wow.
Sigur Ros Kveikur
Silencer (SWE) Death - Pierce Me
Skullcrusher Quiet the Room
Skyfire Mind Revolution
Slant (KOR) 1집
Pure hardcore punk from korea.
sleepmakeswaves Love of Cartography
Slowdive Souvlaki
Slowdive Slowdive (LP)
slow gaze
Somn The All-Devouring
kinda sounds like Hope Drone moreso than Deafheaven, but I'm just gonna call it this year's Deafheaven because that'll rustle the bm nerds more. Aggressive blackgaze/post-black metal that's not the greatest thing ever, but a very promising debut.
Sonic Poison Eruption
Do you like Terrorizer? Deathgrind band Sonic Poison like Terrorizer! They like them a lot. So do I! I like Terrorizer a lot!
Soul Cycle Soul Cycle
Soul Cycle Soul Cycle II
Soundtrack (Disney) Tarzan
Soundtrack (Disney) Hercules
Soundtrack (Disney) Aladdin
I want the moon; I want to live on the moon!rAnd eat it in a pie, And keep it as a pet, And wear it like a gemstone in my hair
Soundtrack (Disney) Oliver & Company
Soundtrack (Disney) Lilo & Stitch
Soundtrack (Film) Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix Vol. 1
Fit perfectly with the film wooo weee this was like totes mah goats best soundtrack yo. Up with with like Muppet Treasure Island, dawg.
Spiritualized Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space
I'm an art rock post-rock racecar driver flying in a stable orbit. All systems are a green. We are go for Spiritualization.
Spiritualized Let It Come Down
This is neo-psychedelia Pink Floydness but with modern Broken Social Scene's warm hippy huggy embrace. It's excessively positive, warm floaty symphonic rock nonsense that's rly nice. While I'm definitely not one for gospel music, the considerable gospel sections here weirdly fit into their whole uplifting shtick in a way that artistically feels like a natural progression of their sound. Because of course the weird pretentious psych band would have gospel choir singing. I am dumb for having doubted they would do that. r
Spiritualized Lazer Guided Melodies
i'm a psychedelic war machine
Stars of the Lid The Tired Sounds of Stars of the Lid
Droney Dreams of Dreamy Drones.
Stars of the Lid And Their Refinement Of The Decline
Droney Dreams of Dreamy Drones II: Dronepocalypse - Attack of the Dreamclouds
State Faults Moon Sign Gemini
Steel Panther All You Can Eat
Stereolab Transient Random-Noise Bursts with Announcements
holy krautrock, Batman. This is like weird noisy 90's art pop(?) with all the rockin run-on's of
70's kraut jams. The female vocals also fill in with the music to make it an exceptionally pretty
Suffocation The Close of a Chapter
Sufjan Stevens Michigan
Sufjan Stevens Carrie and Lowell
Suldusk Lunar Falls
Fantastic spiritual dark folk with black metal undertones. Get lost in a celtic forest or w/e.
Sunken Livslede
one of the better black metal records of 2020 by far.
Susanne Sundfor Self Portrait
Swans Soundtracks for the Blind
Swans To Be Kind
System of a Down System of a Down
System of a Down Toxicity
Talk Talk Laughing Stock
Talk Talk Spirit of Eden
Tempel Wolf Hirschgeweihmaskeraden
infernal hailz Helvetic Underground Committee! Two black metal tracks, two folky interludes. Tempel Wolf is the HUC lads in another atmo-black project. Slightly folky, but less goofy than Kvelgeyst. The closest any of these projects has gotten to, say, WITTR.
Tenacious D Tenacious D
Terry Riley In C
minimalist post-minimal classical whatever.
The American Analog Set Know By Heart
The Beths Expert in a Dying Field
The Crown Deathrace King
Death metal speed metal rockin riff salads.
The Dear Hunter Migrant
The Devin Townsend Band Synchestra
happy metal sleepy metal meow meow meow.
The Devin Townsend Band Accelerated Evolution
almost as good as Ocean Machine, definitely #2 for Devin's old solo albums. While it's not as hazy as Ocean Machine, it's definitely a brighter, more typically "happy metal" sounding record while still largely doing the same things instrumentally.
The Great Old Ones Al Azif
The Great Old Ones EOD: A Tale of Dark Legacy
Not as natural, sounds more compressed as compared to the phenomenal Tekeli-Li. Which isn't to say it's a bad album, it's just not *as* good. Same post-black atmospheric Lovecraftian metal, just with production values that aren't as nice.
The Hotelier Home, Like NoPlace Is There
The Necks Body
Jazz, rockin' krautrock, piano ambient. In that order, in one track, for 56 minutes. The stretch of krautrock where the pianist bangs the same chord for ten-minute is particularly entrancing, if not hilarious. The Necks have found a way to combine the layered piano ambient of Bing and Ruth with forward-moving krautrock and it's kind of wonderful.
The Night Flight Orchestra Aeromantic
The Nocturnes Aokigahara
Emma Ruth Rundle never disappoints.
The Oh Hellos The Oh Hellos
The Oh Hellos Through The Deep, Dark Valley
The Red Chord Fused Together in Revolving Doors
The Samuel Jackson Five Easily Misunderstood
Taking more from earlier 1st-wave-ish post-rock, the Sam Jackson Five play a jazzy, horn and string-accompanied chill instrumental rock. Overall "Easily Misunderstood" is just a fantastic example of the genre.
The Secret Agnus Dei
The Tallest Man on Earth There's No Leaving Now
The Tubs Dead Meat
The Wonder Years Suburbia I've Given You All and Now I'm Nothing
The Wonder Years The Greatest Generation
Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra Born Into Trouble As the Sparks Fly Upward
Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra He Has Left Us Alone But Shafts of Light Sometimes Grace the Corner of Our
There Will Be Fireworks The Dark, Dark Bright
Threnos By Blood and By Earth
One of the fathers of the American Cascadian black metal scene. And, even though their time
together was short, they will remain to be known as both one of the finer and more
influential black metal acts from the last decade.
Thyrfing Thyrfing
Epic viking black metal akin-ish to Windir kind of?
Thyrfing Valdr Galga
This album is equivalent to a late-90's viking metal Dimmu Borgir. It's epic viking metal but with all the twinkly kinda-goofy epic keys of late-90's black metal, and it's really good. A lot more mid-paced than Enthrone Darkness Triumph, but the grandeur is definitely still there.
Titus Andronicus The Monitor
Toh Kay The Hand That Thieves
Tortoise TNT
Tortoise Millions Now Living Will Never Die
Torture Hammer Dormant Horror
what death metalcore should actually sound like.
TotorRo Home Alone
[riffs in positivity]
Transcending Bizarre? The Serpent's Manifolds
so yeah weird kinda goofy symphonic black metal-y nonsense, further building upon the goof that was the final Emperor album, in a sense.
Trees of Eternity Hour of the Nightingale
Trha Nvenlanëg
Trha novej qalhnjënno
slightly symphonic Paysage-core atmo black metal with a lot more punky undertones than you'd expect, especially for for Trha. One of the project's more streamlined and less experimental releases, which should figure given it's only their second release.
Trha endlhëdëhaj qáshmëna ëlh vim innivte
in terms of runtime this album is actually more ambient than metal, which is kind of
significant for Trha at this point.

First track is ambient, second track is trad atmo-black, third track shifts between the two,
closer is mostly ambient then builds into that punky/hype synth-led scream-along bm he likes
to do so much.

Easily one of my favorite Trha records, with some of his best ambient tracks and melodic
work in general.
Trha Rhejde Qhaominvac Tla Aglhaonamëc
Trha goes back to mostly straight genre-work on this newest three-release dump of mostly straight black metal albums. rhejde... definitely has the most muffled and iciest sound of the three, and is also the most straightforwardly atmo-black as well. As if to really drive that home the first track even begins with trems and blast beats on a fade-in...
Trha enΩëcunna edëno£sa qud'lhëlh
black metal, two tracks, 16 mins each, muffled sound (literally turning knob on the low-end sound until it sounds like it's playing in the room above you), banging synth sections that make you want to flip tables but in a kvlt way. etc etc another banger atmo-black record with clear punk undertones, another winner from trha guy etc etc.
Trigg and Gusset Adagio for the Blue
Trist (GER) Hin-Fort
Tukaaria Raw to the Rapine
raw rhinocervs black metal cult
Turia Dede Kondre
Twilight Monument To Time End
Typhoon (USA-OR) White Lighter
Uada Devoid of Light
Melodic black metal with a lot of Darkthronian punkiness and melodeath thrown in. And lots of riffs.
Ulrich Schnauss Far Away Trains Passing By
Excellent downtempo album. Rather long, but these chill jams are worth.
Ulrich Schnauss A Strangely Isolated Place
some bastard child of downtempo beats, shoegazing guitar whines, and Hammock-y ambient filling.
Ulrich Schnauss No Further Ahead Than Today
Downtempo music with the upbeat joyfulness you'd expect from something almost more new-age-y. These are wonderful jams and i lov them.
Ulver Bergtatt - Et eeventyr i 5 capitler
Unleashed Midvinterblot
Unleashed might be a one-trick pagan death metal pony but they're still the best pony in show. Super accessible, riffy old school death metal.
Unru Split with Paramnesia
Ash Borer/Fell Voices II: Elekrieg Boogaloo
Vali Forlatt
Folk guitars of acoustic superiority. Oden be praised.
Vali Skogslandskap
Folk guitars of acoustic superiority. Oden be praised. [2]
Vampire Rex
black thrash liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivesssssssss
Vektor Outer Isolation
Vengeance (PL) Sewer Surge
Vermin Womb Decline
Nasty pummeling grind with some of that dissonant death metal mixed in here and there (there
are some lengthy blast parts with non-grindy tremolo chord progressions).
Verwustung Soft Hands, Pale Moon
One great 20-minute slab of atmospheric black metal, drenched in ambience.
Vhol Vhol
Fridays may be for men but Darkthrone jams bands are for THE BOYS.
Vital Spirit In The Faith That Looks Through Death
Canadian folk black metal of the american vein which combines pounding black metal riffs
and spaghetti western folk music to tell tales about Mexican heroes. While being a short
EP at only ~16 minutes long across four tracks there isn't much room to fully flesh out
the folk and black metal sections, respectively, a la Alda, but it does definitely
provide a nice example of a band using their ~4 min runtimes well, and makes me
exceptionally hopeful for a full-length from them in the future.

If you were looking for more cowboy black metal, this should be next on your
Walknut Graveforests and Their Shadows
Probably one of the best atmospheric black metal records.
Wardruna Runaljod – Ragnarok
Quite long and not totally consistent, but there's an aura Wardruna's folk music cultivates that, for the moment, makes up for both of these issues.
Warning Watching from a Distance
Wending Tide The Painter
This is way better than I remembered. Excellent affirmative blackgaze with uplifting melodicism and enough uptempo sections to scratch my itch for blasty music. Way too short, though.
William Basinski The Disintegration Loops I
Loops of ambient disintegrations. For America!
William Ryan Fritch Revisionist
William Tyler Impossible Truth
Yeah more instrumental American Primitive whatever. Guitar musicianship is superb, writing is excellent, atmosphere is wow. More fine southerny guitar music.
William Tyler Modern Country
Actually listening to some American Primitive and it becomes a bit more pronounced the influence it had on post-rock music (and vice versa?). "Modern Country" is, more or less, seven tracks of quaint guitar-lead music backed up the kind of soft, jazzy drumming one often finds in post-rock. The combination makes the music much more atmospheric and pensive--though it does also contribute what one might call a "background music" feel. Still, Tyler's musicianship and detail are top notch, making for a very fine release.
William Tyler Goes West
William Tyler again channels classic-era John Fahey with yet another fantastic rendition of american primitivism. Get yer cowboy hats on and meet me in the tumbleweeds, city slicker.
William Tyler New Vanitas
if you like William Tyler's american primitivism, this is much of the same as his past work.
Windir Arntor
Windir 1184
Windir Likferd
Wintersun Wintersun
Wode Wode
Wode's debut album borrows from Storm of the Light's Bane about as much as Storm of the Light's bane did Swedish melodeath. While Wode's core might be firmly rooted in blast-happy, fiery black metal, its frequent melodic leads hearken back to Gothenburg moreso than Oslo. There are also the noted NWOBHM-style influences and the occasional metalcore-esque riff on top of the aforementioned melodeath-isms and straight-up black metal fury. Wode mix these ideas together to create an album that, mathematically, should sound pretty unique but (not to their detriment) somehow still sounds wholly black. 3.8/5
Wolfbrigade Damned
Hardcore/d-beat with bits of melodic hardcore thrown in. This kind of feels like what Motorhead
would've sounded like had they been a 90's punk band. The vocalist's gruff shouts remind of a
more aggressive Lemmy, and it feels like there's a very subtle rock'n'roll-ness present here
unrelated to just the vocals. Or maybe it's the vocals entirely. Who knows. I don't. I just
know this riffs--even if it is essentially just the same do-dodo-dodo drum pattern for 35 minutes.
Wolves in the Throne Room Demo
I prefer these rawer version of the Diadem songs, and the otherwise unreleased "Dagger of Amethyst Crystal" is a nice little Weakling ripoff. As someone who didn't like Diadem (or its remaster), this rawer presentation of WITTR's sound is quite more enjoyable by comparison. Excellent american black metal.
Wolves in the Throne Room Malevolent Grain
Wolves in the Throne Room Black Cascade
Woods of Desolation Sorh
World's End Girlfriend Seven Idiots
Some of the last tracks are useless or annoying, but the rest are bizarrely wonderful in the oddest ways. They're ridiculous and crazy but endlessly fun and hugely enjoyable.rI'm between a 3.5 and a 4.0, but well-executed crazy gets bonus points, so 4.0.
World's End Girlfriend Story Telling Again and Again
Given the options to either gouge out my eyeballs with my thumbs or listen to this record again, I'd undoubtedly choose the latter every time. Interpret that as you will.
Wrekmeister Harmonies Then It All Came Down
Ambient/drone/classical/doom metal/noise. It's dreaming, pretty, spooky, scary, noisy, fluffy, ethereal, and something to get lost in. It's like a shifting dream, and you have no idea where it's going to go next.
Writhing Shadows Writhing Shadows
xSPONGEXCOREx How Tough Are Yah?
Honestly a really enjoyable, albeit short, listen. Never imagined Spongebob quotes would fit so nicely in hardcore music.
xSPONGEXCOREx Don't Mess With TexXxas
Look at all the peasants there are here. Oh, how adorable they are.
Yo La Tengo Fade
Yoo Doo Right A Murmur, Boundless to the East
do you like godspeed i lov godspeed do you like post-rock i loVe post-rock!
Yorushika だから僕は音楽を辞めた
the type of amplified hyper-positivity you'd expect from a Japanese pop rock band, in a lengthy but surprisingly consistent package.
Yumi Zouma EP III
Yumi Zouma Truth or Consequences
indie pop album that is one of the best albums of the year :--------)
Yuri Gagarin The Outskirts of Reality

3.5 great
...and Oceans The Symmetry of I - The Circle of O
...Of Sinking Ships ...Of Sinking Ships
1349 Beyond the Apocalypse
!!! 666 !!! Metal Satan blast riffs thrash !!! 999 !!!
1991 No More Dreams
I like this noise ambient drone ssssssssstatic hsssssshhhh
It's pleasant eardrum background waves noise.
36 Fade to Grey
ambient piano jams.
40 Watt Sun Wider than the Sky
Great but not quite as good or soul-crushing as their first record.
A Pregnant Light Death My Hanging Doorway
The third APL EP/demo, ?Death My Hanging Doorway? features twenty-one minutes of material spread across seven movements that all work together as one continuous piece. rIt?s about here in the band?s timeline where the project found its definitive ?style,? exchanging the previous lower-fi black metal aesthetic for the slightly more polished (emphasis on ?slightly?) style that would be used for almost all future releases under the APL moniker; fairly (less) reverby vocals, guitars and drums that, while both raw, balance well with each other in the mix. rWhile still not very inventive or dynamic in terms of structuring or riffing techniques, APL excel by continuing to make simple, catchy (kinda punky) riffs and melodies while also never staying in the same tempo or rhythm long enough to get boring. Even at this early point in the project?s timeline, APL showcased figurehead Damian Master?s ability to make great use of his own simple abilities.r
A Pregnant Light St. Emaciation
It's just early APL doing APL, a little more raw this time and the vocals (while still punky howls) fit in the background a bit better than usual, helping to better create the whole "black metal facade". The second track feels particularly black metal-y with its slow, repetitive melodic riffing--while still not losing its rock'n'roll edge. It's another solid ten minutes of material from a notoriously solid project, no surprise.
A Pregnant Light My Game Doesn't Have A Name
A lot of diversity, a lot of cool riffs and melodies. This guy knows how to slam post-punk, rock, and blast beats together to create something really cool. Not nearly as raw or echoey as his older stuff, but great nonetheless. Really surprised by the quality of this album.
A Pregnant Light Neon White
more goofy denim nonsense, more purple blackened punk.
A Pregnant Light All Saints' Day
It's a gooder album from the guy that puts out a lot of stuff. First two tracks lean toward his meaner black-ish/purple metal style while the third goes for a groovier, mid-paced and melody-heavy style. And then a pretty acoustic thingy to end it all. It's good and stuff.
A Pregnant Light Lucky All My Life
More solid purple metal from my man Damien. This sounds almost in a way more traditionally metallic than previous releases (in the vein of modern black metal, so to say), its melodic lead-work also feeling a bit different this time around. Still identifiably A Pregnant Light, but it feels fresh this time around, nuanced. Otherwise it's the same catchy/simple black/punk/rock as always, and solid as ever.
A Veil of Water Reminder
PIANO BULLBUCKY, Modern classical/chamber music that's basically all sappy pianos with a little bit of extra instrumentation or ambient or post-rock or whatever every once in a while to mix things up that tiny bit. But otherwise it's just your normal sappy piano bs.
A Wilhelm Scream Mute Print
A Wilhelm Scream Ruiner
A Wilhelm Scream Partycrasher
'Wilhelm's back.
A.A. Williams As The Moon Rests
Aaron West and The Roaring Twenties We Don't Have Each Other
Abhorrency Climax of Disgusting Impurities
war/death metal!!!!
Abigail Williams The Accuser
Abigail Williams stole Blake Judd's best riffs and made a record out of them. Kind of explains why Nachtmystium suck now, and I'm OK with that.
Abigail Williams Walk Beyond The Dark
Abigor Fractal Possession
Deathspell Omega worship technical bm. It's about what you'd expect from DsO, but with the
production style of a modern Mayhem album. As far as imitators go, though, Abigor definitely put
enough of their own spin on the style to make it weirdly their own, while obviously borrowing a
lot of their style from another band(s).
AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
AC/DC The Razors Edge
AC/DC Let There Be Rock
AC/DC For Those About To Rock We Salute You
Acephalix Theothanatology
true death crust!!!!!
Acid Force World Targets In Megadeaths
Adabroc Eilean An Fhraoich
An Autumn for Crippled Children, Deafheaven, and Adabroc. 2013 is the year of pretty black metal cover art.
Adabroc Iolaire
Adabroc: now with flutes! Seems like someone wanted to tap into the Saor fanbase, and it
worked. Melodic/atmospheric black metal with fast sections and slower melodic stuff. A lot
of good ideas here.
Adam Bryanbaum Wiltzie Salero
ambient soundtrack music of Stars of the Lidness. Up and down strings and stuff woohoo.
Addaura Addaura
Addaura Burning for the Ancient
So much better than Turn of the Eternal Wheel.
Addaura ...And The Lamps Expire
Adrenalized Tales From The Last Generation
A thrashier 'Wilhelm Scream often flows back into basic melodic punk territory.
Aeon Spoke Aeon Spoke
Aephanemer Prokopton
Solid keyboard-y melodic death metal that reminds me a bit of Skyfire.
Afsky Sorg
This rules. Basic hella-treble simple riff bm. Cold and cutting.
Afsky Ofte Jeg Drømmer Mig Død
Drudkh more like Drought-kh get it, cus it's all dried out, like WitTR during wildfire season.
After the Burial Rareform (Re-release)
what if a melodeathxcore band got really into Destroy Erase Improve chugga chugs, the album:
Afterbirth Four Dimensional Flesh
Agalloch The White
Agalloch Faustian Echoes
Agitation Free Malesch
krautrocking arabian jam-band-a-rama
Agriculture The Circle Chant
happy sappy blackgaze metal man
Agvirre _ _ _ _ _ _
dynamic post-black metal. while the bm guitar sound is a tad too twinkly to hold much oomph, the overall composition and stylistic shifts are very well-done.
Ahamkara The Embers Of The Stars
Excellent atmospheric/ambient black metal.

Wow such dark
Many riff
Aidan Baker The Sea Swells A Bit...
Minimalist folk-drone thing. Slow tones, droning atmospheres, minimalism woah. It's OK I guess.
Akasha Canticles of the Sepulchral Deity
Akhlys The Dreaming I
Akira Kosemura Polaroid Piano
If you liked Grouper's "Ruins" album, this should also tickle your fancy. Minimalistic piano and
harp playing, with background noises for ambiance and that "real world" feel. It's too short, but
it's a pleasing little album.
Akrotheism Law of Seven Deaths
Alcest Souvenirs D'Un Autre Monde
Alcest Le Secret (2011 Version)
Alcest Les Voyages De L'Âme
Alcest Shelter
The drums ROCK! The bass ROCKS! And the guitar - ohhh, the guitar ROCKS! Check it out! CHECK IT OUT!
Alcest Kodama
Shoegaze/blackgaze? The structuring feels weird, like there's just something missing. Not enough screams, too. It's back to the "real" Alcest style, sure, but I don't even think it can compete with Voyages.
Alcest Spiritual Instinct
Alghazanth Wreath of Thevetat
Alice in Chains Black Gives Way to Blue
Alkerdeel Morinde
leviathan-worship black metal sludge
Alpha Male Tea Party Health
math rock post-rock it rocks m/
Alraune The Process Of Self​-​Immolation
Altar of Plagues White Tomb
Altar of Plagues Tides
Altar of Plagues Teethed Glory and Injury
A lot less black metal, a lot more atmosphere and experimentation. Essentially, this is what real "post-black metal" should sound like. This sounds virtually rnothing like White Tomb and I'm strangely OK with that.
Alterbeast Immortal
Fast, brutal, and FUN tech death.
Aly and AJ a touch of the beat gets you up on your feet...
exceptionally odd timeline where this is good, but at this point nothing should really rsurprise me anymore.
Amesoeurs Ruines Humaines
depressive proto-blackgaze I guess wew pretty OK gj Neige mmmmmmmm////////
Amon Amarth Fate of Norns
Amon Amarth Surtur Rising
A step down from the duo of Oden/Thunder God to be sure, but still a thunderous slab of Scandinavian melodic death metal. Hail to the Norsemen.
Amorphis Eclipse
Amorphis Silent Waters
Amulets Beneath the Surface
Anaal Nathrakh The Codex Necro
There will be weeping there, and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you yourselves thrown out. - Luke 13:28
Anaal Nathrakh Hell Is Empty and All the Devils Are Her
The cleans are generally awful as always but thankfully they're not used prominently in every song. Lots of varied riffing and songwriting styles, flowing though black metal and death metal seamlessly into hardcore-inspired rhythms. It sort of reminds me of Sathanas-era Mayhem mixed with the intensity of Darkspace.
Anal Trump That Makes Me Smart!
Great meme, greatest meme.
Anal Trump To All the Broads I've Nailed Before
Anal Trump Make America Say Merry Christmas Again!
How about those department stores?
Anathema Weather Systems
Anberlin Cities
Ancient Mastery Chapter One: Across The Mountains Of ...
atmospheric black metal with the goofy keyboards from The Final Countdown. It's an odd mismatch of styles, but its over-the-top camp somehow works because of course it does--this is black metal.
ANCST Abolitionist
solid black metal/hardcore. Kinda sounds at times like a more punky Heaven Shall Burn. Not amazing, but solid black metal with some punk riffing every now and again.
And Now The Owls Are Smiling Dirges
great shiny atmos bm
And So I Watch You From Afar The Endless Shimmering
This was actually pretty fun. Math-rock with some post-rock prettiness or w/e, doing exactly what music in the style should be doing. Fun instrumental rock jams.
Angelcorpse Exterminate
pulverizing burnt death metal. Not quite as good as The Inexorable.
Angst Skvadron Flukt
This is like black 'n' roll-era Satyricon mixed with the weirdness of Thy Catafalque. "Flukt" is
filled with mid-paced groovy riffs and almost-dancy drumming with vocals that I could've sworn
actually belonged to Satyr. It's up-beat, it's fun, and it's black metal. Just like Thy
Catafalque, Angst Skvadron somehow make that weird combination work.
Animosity Animal
Deathcore that surprisingly isn't awful because it actually sounds like what death-core is supposed to be; death metal with hardcore.
Anneke van Giersbergen Drive
Absolute wholesome hype machine of a pop rock solo album. Anneke might not be much of a risk taker or avant-garde artist but Drive is a wickedly solid album regardless.
Anoice The Black Rain
ambient/classical/post-rock junk.
Anoice Into the Shadows
Anthrax Fistful of Metal
thrashy speed metal that is fun and nice. 3/5 for music but +0.5 for speedy funness.
Antichrist (SWE) Forbidden World
thrash liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiives!!
Antigama Meteor
this deathgrinds my patuti like a cheese grater o boyo boy
Antlers (DE) A Gaze Into the Abyss
Antonymes There Can Be No True Beauty Without Decay
ambient classical piano with strings and stuff ~minimalism~ (not the genre).
Aodon Portraits
Apes Lightless
Arbor Lights Hatherton Lake
Happy post-rock that's not so positive that it makes you able to completely forget about the infinite void, but put off thinking about it for like half an hour.
Arch Enemy Wages of Sin
Arch Enemy Burning Bridges
Arch Enemy Rise of the Tyrant
Archivist Archivist
the post-black equivalent of being given a dozen glazed donuts and told you have to eat them all in one 75-minute sitting. Some of the donuts have sprinkles, others have chocolate icing in addition to being glazed. Can you eat the entire dozen of these wonderful gifts of heaven in one go? Probably, but you're going to hate yourself afterward. Or in the case of this album, have significant post-black donut burnout. Still, glazed donuts, man.
Archspire Relentless Mutation
tech death purple haze shreds my way to heaven. Polymetric binomial riffs [ e x p a n s e ] trigger locked engage target destroyed.
Arizmenda Within the Vacuum of Infinity...
Arizmenda Without Circumference Nor Center
Black metal that feels like a broken mind unraveling.
Arkhtinn 最初の災害
spacey atmos bm from Arkhtinn like always, but this time with a faster tempo. If you like fast Darkspace stuff, this is kind of like that.
Armagh Serpent Storm
This is kind of a mishmash of different 80s metal worship, from a lot of trad 80s metal, hints of speed, even some anthemic Bathory-isms and straight black metal blasting. This is the graves of the 80s etc.
Armagh Cold Wrath of Mother Earth
Arnaut Pavle Arnaut Pavle (Demo)
Raw crusty d-beat black metal.
Arnaut Pavle Arnaut Pavle
Asagraum Potestas Magicum Diaboli
No-frills melodic second-wave worship a la Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult and Sargeist. The fact that they're all talented women is more of a bonus on top of their generally tight songwriting.
Asagraum Dawn of Infinite Fire
More musically excellent second-wave worshiping black metal from the all-woman collective. The vox is an edgelord who hates immigrants and likes white nationalists, too, which also helps put Asagraum in line with many of their all-male contemporaries.
Ascended Dead Evenfall of the Apocalypse
Ascension Consolamentum
hail the orthodoxy hail black metal
Ascension With Burning Tongues (demo)
Ascension Under Ether
Although sometimes sounding a tad like if Watain worshiped Thorns instead of Bathory,
Ascension's "Under Ether" is a solid slab of firey black metal orthodoxy.
Asunojokei A Bird In The Fault
Asunojokei Wishes
japanese post-hardcore with a blackgaze tint.
At the Gates Slaughter of the Soul
Ateiggar Tyrannemord
infernal hailz Helvetic Underground Committee! Better than the first EP, slightly more symphonic I think? And slightly better!
ATKA Untitled Album 1
Pretty ridiculous grindcore. Extremely short songs and very hectic pacing allows them to experiment with different forms of aggressive punk while still keeping the sense that this is supposed to be a "grind" album. The band throw around bleep bloopy technical death metal riffs and then slam back into -core blasting, all while the vocalist growls, snarls, screams, and squeals seemingly at random. The diversity and consistent pacing is what really holds "Untitled Album 1" together, similar to a Wormrot record--and Atka definitely maintain a similar sense of humor.
August Burns Red Sleddin' Hill
Autopsy Morbidity Triumphant
Autopsy Ashes, Organs, Blood and Crypts
Autumn Leaves As Night Conquers Day
Avast Mother Culture
Avast, blackgaze database, has been updated.

A fantastic norwegian attempt at post-black metal, oftentimes like frozen deafheaven
punctuated with glistening post-rock instrumentals.
Axis of Advance Strike
The death metal influence keeps this from being a typical war metal blastfest, featuring a lot of fun riffy mid- and slower-paced sections. There are fist-pumping epic power chords, rare atmospheric female cleans, and other little nuances that make Strike more than just another brainless war metal LP. And it rules, so there's also that.
Axolotes Mexicanos :3
Me estoy volviendo japonés
Creo que me estoy volviendo japonés
Realmente lo creo

It's spanish weeb power j-pop!
Aylwin The Arch Holder
Azarath Blasphemers' Maledictions
Babaganouj Clarity Restored
Balmorhea Constellations
Balmorhea go more classical than usual, but it's still Balmorhea doing what they do best. Which is to say, making pretty melodic music.
Balmorhea Stranger
Does this pretty chamber classical post-rock make me look fat?
Balmorhea Clear Language
More solid chamber music/classical/post-rock from Balmoreah. Pretty noises.
Bang On A Can All-Stars Music for Airports
An orchestral rendition of Eno's classic work, the Bang On A Can version is much more modern classical than it is ambient given its non-synthesized instrumentation. There seems to be a whole lot more instrumental detail added to this classical interpretation, which expands on the melodies and movements of the original work while still keeping a sense of ambience, albeit much less subtle and background music-y. Classical music with an ear toward ambience, and I think I like this a bit more than the original.
Bang On A Can All-Stars In C
Bang on a Can try out Terry Riley's classic minimalist piece. It's an unsurprisingly skillful
reinterpretation using the 'Bang format.
bansheebeat Techo Deluxe
Revbro makes leet electro dance jams.
Bark Psychosis Codename: Dustsucker
Still just Talk Talk-obsessed, Bark Psychosis' second album is surprisingly superior to its more heavily lauded debut.
Baroness Red Album
Baroness Yellow and Green
Bat For Lashes Two Suns
Bat For Lashes The Dream of Delphi
Battle Beast Unholy Savior
Cheesy female-fronted 80's worship hair/power metal that somehow does it all right. I'm not ashamed.
Battle Beast Circus of Doom
Battles Gloss Drop
Scientists are still unable to pinpoint what exactly Gloss Drop actually is; is it post-rock, neo-psychadelia, free form swing jazz, math rock, or some weird time-traveling thing that hasn't actually been invented yet? Nobody knows, and no words have yet been invented in the English language to adequately describe it.
Batushka Litourgiya
Batushka Panihida
Orthodox singing is used less frequently and is lower in the mix this time around but aside from that this is basically just TrueBatushka being TrueBatushka. Admittedly I think Bart's vocals were probably better, but not so much that it actually detracts from the music any. There are times where the harsh vocals feel a bit too prevalent in the music, and I wish Krzys would just shush for a second to let the instrumentals create more atmosphere, but that's also a kind of minor complaint. If you like Batushka you'll probably like this.
beabadoobee Beatopia
Beach Bunny Honeymoon
Beastmilk Climax
Beaten to Death Dødsfest!
this was OK fun goofy grindcore. they use melodic instrumentation like they're pretending to be an emo band, then ruin everything with gutterals and squeals in a really emotionally validating kind of way.
Behemoth Zos Kia Cultus (Here and Beyond)
Behemoth The Satanist
I can't help but compare this to Rotting Christ.
Belenos Errances Oniriques
Belenos Yen Sonn Gardis
Bell Orchestre House Music
jazzy wazzy Tortoisecore post-rock for modern djentlemen (there's no djent).
Belphegor Goatreich-Fleshcult
Belphegor Lucifer Incestus
this is just blast beats and blackened death but it's blackened death that sounds like black and death and goats m/
Benoit Pioulard Lignin Poise
Swelling, droning pleasant ambient noises. Vapid noise for people of low culture and shallow taste. So, me.
Bestial Raids Master Satan's Witchery
War metal. Blast blast grind grind and there's that riff in "Angel of the Abyss" that's basically the opening riff to that one nu metal Slayer song except this one's better bc it's war metal. m/
Between the Buried and Me The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues
Bewitched Pentagram Prayer
Bewitcher Cursed Be Thy Kingdom
Billie Eilish Hit Me Hard and Soft
Billy Talent Dead Silence
Bing and Ruth City Lake
Not as good as "Tomorrow Was The Golden Age", but still fairly good ambient/classical.
Bing and Ruth No Home of the Mind
Not as great as "Tomorrow..." but still another solid piano ambient record by Bing & Ruth.
Black Breath Razor To Oblivion
Black Chamber Black Chamber
Jazz. Jazzzzzzzzzz. Something about downtempo? idk just grooves real smooth like. Smokey.
Black Country, New Road For the first time
Black Funeral Empire of Blood
Nasty, crude, old school American black metal fire.
Black Lycanthropy For Satan's Eternal Glory
the best Finnish black metal from Detroit.
Black Sabbath Master of Reality
Yeah riffs heavy metal.
Black Sabbath Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Black Sabbath Dehumanizer
Black Sabbath 13
Blasphemy Blood Upon the Altar
war mehtl death metal die fire satann
Blasphemy Gods of War
Riffs! War metal! Oden! Hail!
Blaze of Sorrow Absentia
Melodic black metal that's pretty OKAY.
Blazon Stone Hymns of Triumph and Glory
Blood Command Cult Drugs
Blood Incantation Starspawn
Blood Incantation Hidden History of the Human Race
Blood Incantation Luminescent Bridge
Bloodbath Nightmares Made Flesh
Bloodbath Unblessing the Purity
Bloody Keep Rats Of Black Death
we're rats, we're the rats!
Blurry Lights A Romantic Dream
Bolt Thrower Mercenary
Bongripper Satan Worshipping Doom
Bonobo Black Sands
Happy-ish songs for happy-ish people or whatever. Downtempo.
Bootlicker 1000 Yd. Stare
Boris Flood
Boris Boris At Last -Feedbacker-
This is kinda like "Flood" but meaner. Starts with a lot of sparse chord plucking, droney intro, slowly gets noisier until eventually becoming shortly rock-oriented, then noise again and droney fade away ending. It's loud, it's noisey, it's desolately pretty. It ams BORIS.
Boris Pink
Boris Präparat
Too irresponsibly happy/too responsibly sad. Too droney/not droney enough. Too short. Not enough feedback/too few people died. Boris is dead/All hail Boris.
Born of Osiris The Discovery
Born to Murder the World The Infinite Mirror Of Millennial Narcissism
It's like Anaal Nathrakh but without those stupid Ihsahn-wannabe clean vocals that ruin every single song. So I guess I mean it's nasty blackened grindcore stuff that doesn't suck and doesn't waste time on stupid ideas like using clean vocals.
Bosse-de-Nage III
Boygenius boygenius
Boygenius the record
Braveyoung Will The Dust Praise You
Braveyoung No Peace In This Mind
It's basically just fifteen minutes of ambient drone, but I like Braveyoung so eh m/

--And as a prelude to their full-length, I think this works nicely as an anticipation-builder.
Braveyoung Misery and Pride
Sort of wonky structuring, but lovely minimalistic melancholic post-rock/modern classical nonetheless.
Brendon Small Galaktikon II: Become the Storm
Broken Social Scene You Forgot It in People
I wanna be a rock an roll man but with post-rockin guitars ya know
Broken Social Scene Broken Social Scene
Broken Social Scene Beehives
For a b-sides record this is pretty solid. Much more post-rocky than I expected, but then again
I'm not exceptionally well-versed in the band's discog, either.
Brontide Sans Souci
jammin post-rockin rockin rock
Brothers Of Metal Prophecy of Ragnarök
Brothers Of Metal Emblas Saga
Bruno Sanfilippo Pianette
Shorter, beautiful piano pieces.
Build And Release S/T
Slightly sludgy post-rock. The occasional rockin' sludge riff, lotsa twinklies. Fun.
Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze Offerings of Flesh and Gold
Bulldozer The Day of Wrath
These dudes like old Slayer a lot m/
Burzum Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
C.B Murdoc Here Be Dragons
Tech death. This was fun. Lots of modern Meshuggah-isms but better than I actually like modern Meshuggah.
Caged Grave Gutless
It's like Nails but with fewer/shorter songs. m/
Cain's Offering Stormcrow
Although it reminds me of Kamelot heavily at times, it's really enjoyable power metal. Fast
riffs, excellent melodies, and not too many ballads--and when there are those slow ballady tracks,
they're always at least decent, if not generally "good." Good power metal album.
Camera Obscura My Maudlin Career
Can Tago Mago
krautrock psychadelic sound collage of grooving madness or someting.
Can Monster Movie
Can Can can-can? Yes! Can CAN can-can! Can-can, Can, can-can! rKrautrockin rock'n'roll let's play the same drum groove for ten minutes and just let the guitarists do whatever improve gold.
Caninus Now The Animals Have A Voice
This is violence. This is true grind. Posers think it's funny but they all think
they're hot stuff till they jump in the pit and get attacked by pitbulls. And by
"attacked" I mean "slobbered on profusely."
Cannibal Corpse Eaten Back to Life
Cara Neir Stagnant Perceptions
Atmospheric/black/grind/punk yeah.
Carbon Based Lifeforms Twentythree
I'm a head floating in a jar floating in a lab floating in a magic forest floating floating. Ambient. A m b i e n t . ~ ~ ~
Carcass Heartwork
Carcass Swansong
Caribou The Milk Of Human Kindness
im an goofy indietronica krautrockin boiiiii
Carly Rae Jepsen Dedicated
Caroline Polachek Desire, I Want To Turn Into You
Case/Lang/Veirs Case/Lang/Veirs
Folky jams. Chamber folk chamber pop americanananana icy chill.
Caspian Hymn For The Greatest Generation
Cassandra Jenkins An Overview on Phenomenal Nature
Cassie (FIN) Old Light
Catamenia Eternal Winter's Prophecy
Causa Sui Summer Sessions Vol. 1
psyche/space/jam/kraut-rockin chill jams music album.
Causa Sui Vibraciones Doradas
psyche/space/jam/kraut-rockin chill jams music album.
Cavalera Conspiracy Inflikted
grade A himbo thrash metal. no fuss no muss no technicality no philosophy just riffs
Caveman Cult Rituals of Savagery (demo)
Caveman Cult Savage War is Destiny
Celer Xièxie
just more solid ambient from Celer.
Celtic Frost Morbid Tales
Celtic Frost To Mega Therion
Celtic Frost Emperor's Return
Cenotaphe Monte Verità
Triumphant, melodic, Sargeist-core black metal.
Changeling III
very Black Cascade-y black metal, ffo WitTR.
Chapel of Disease ...And as We Have Seen the Storm
...And As We Have Seen The Storm is like if Opeth got into 70s southern rock instead of Camel. Which is to say, it's prog-death with a lot of southern twang to its frequent prog rocking sections--which definitely makes it a fun and unique outing.
Chapel of Disease Echoes of Light
The metal tracks on here are mega hype, the dad prog is good but nowhere near as great as the metal tracks. The continued push toward 70s rock influence makes the metal tracks super fun, especially with those raspy Tribulation-y harsh vocals driving them along. The solos are also great in how classically rock'n'roll they consistently are. Now if the next record could just cut the dad prog or if Laurent could just get more confident in his singing, we'd be good.
Chappell Roan The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess
St. Vincent for dance pop zoomers.
Charly Bliss Young Enough
Chelsea Wolfe Apokalypsis
Chelsea Wolfe Hypnos / Flame
Chihei Hatakeyama Coastal Railroads in Memories
Watery, wavering, droney ambient.
Children of Bodom Follow the Reaper
Children of Bodom Something Wild
Children of Bodom Hatebreeder
It's solid neo-classicaly melodeath/power metal, but Alex's vocals get really cringey at points.
Christoph Berg Paraphrases
ambient classical with strings and pianos and stuff.
Chthe'ilist Le Dernier Crépuscule

death metal
Chthe'ilist Passage Into the Xexanotth
Chthonic Seediq Bale
symphonic black melodeath of triumphant glory! Eat your heart out, Cradle of Filth.
Chthonic Deity Reassembled In Pain
grimy death metal trio with one of the BLood Incantation guys. Too bad it's only thirteen minutes long; Paul bring this band back right NOW D:
Chuck Johnson Balsams
ambient Americana, pedal steel guitar, stretched out spaces, tumbleweeds a'blowin
CHVRCHES The Bones of What You Believe
CHVRCHES Every Open Eye
The adorbs cometh.
CHVRCHES Screen Violence
Cigarettes After Sex Cigarettes After Sex
Romantic slowcore.
Circle Terminal
Circle of Ouroborus Viimeinen Juoksu
CoO go back to a more black metal style on "Viimeinen Juoksu" and mostly push their weird psychedelic post-punk influences to the background. The result is a fairly varied black metal record, going from icy atmospheric bm into those weird clean vox, into punky riffs, and back again. The biggest complaint I have about the album is its runtime; at barely over 30 minutes and with only one track over 5 mins in length, there's not a whole lot here to get sucked into. It's good, but I'd actually have preferred if the tracks were longer in order to be a little more fleshed out.
Cisnienie Radio Edit
Polish post-rock that kind of is and kind of isn't Godspeedian in its jazzy, experimental krautrocking meanderings.
clairo Live At Electric Lady
Clem Leek Lifenotes
pretty noises classical ambient post-rock or whatever. Wow such pret, much y woah.
Cloud Rat Pollinator
Cloud Rat Cloud Rat Redux
cloud rat punch up the production on the remaster of their debut and it rips a lot harder than the original.
Cloudkicker Fade
Cloudkicker Little Histories
Cloudkicker Solitude
Ben Sharp back on his game again.
Cluster Sowiesoso
Early ambient with lotsa pretty bird samples and pianos OoOoOoOoOo pretty/5.
Code Error Code Error
Cold Earth (DE) Your Misery, My Triumph
Coldworld Melancholie²
Conan Blood Eagle
Concrete Winds Primitive Force
Converge You Fail Me
Converge Petitioning the Empty Sky
Converge You Fail Me Redux
Cor Scorpii Monument
Windir worship. Excellent fun epic folky black metal.
Cormorant Metazoa
Cornigr Relics of Inner War
Because RIFFS. Rawerish bm that is good because guitars!
Coroner Grin
Corps Fleur Corps Fleur
Cosmic Church Ylistys
Couch Slut Contempt
We don't deserve Megan. Couch Slut pulverize and groove like they have no right to. Noise punk sludge whatever with a penchant for punky grooves that'd make Fenriz tear up.
Country Doctor Country Doctor
Courting Guitar Music
Craft Total Soul Rape
Craft Terror Propaganda - Second Black Metal Attack
Craft Fuck the Universe
Craft do a solid Darkthrone impression.
Cretin Freakery
old school grind to crumple your face!!
Cretin Stranger
old school grind to crumple your face.
Crimson Shadows Kings Among Men
Crimson Shadows is basically what happens when you apply melodeath vocals to a Dragonforce ripoff band. It's all fast, epic power metal with flashy (lengthy) solos, just like Dragonforce. The significant melodeath influence makes it different enough, though, to *slightly* stand out from the band it clearly rips off. And somehow being a melodeath band actually makes Crimson Shadows much better than Dragonforce, despite being as one-dimensional and repetitive. It's epic melodic death metal with power metal harmonies and solos, and a slight epic folk metal influence. "Kings Among Men" is a very fun, albeit simple, record and I really couldn't be more pleased with it.
Crying Beyond The Fleeting Gales
"Power Pop, Progressive Pop"

Cryptopsy Blasphemy Made Flesh
Csejthe Reminiscence
Great atmospheric black metal.
Cul De Sac Crashes To Light, Minutes To Its Fall
Cul De Sac Death Of The Sun
Mellow post-rock. American primitivism or avant-folk elements, chill tunes. Late-night mellow jams.
Cul De Sac The Strangler's Wife
Cul De Sac's last album was a soundtrack, so it doesn't flow as well as a normal album would and it goes over quite a bit more musical territory than one would expect it to. There's the band's standard mellow post-rock/American primitivism-style folkish playing, then there are tracks of staticy noise and chaotic drumming. By the by, though, it all more-or-less adheres to the same low-key atmosphere so despite the random stylistic changes none of these tracks really feel out of place. It's not the most coherent record, but it's still solid material. Casual, slightly melancholic post-rock.
Cynic Carbon-Based Anatomy
Dakhma (SUI) Blessings of Amurdad
infernal hailz Helvetic Underground Committee! Dakhma engage in less misanthropic atmosphere on album number three and this time go for a much more straightforward black/death album that sounds like if Esoctrilihum had better mixing. They've leaned into a more death metal-oriented sound, with a larger influence on big stupid riffs and lumbering rhythms. It's a much clearer, heavier, and more fun record than any of their previous works.
Dakhma (USA) Suna Kulto
Two ~twenty-minute tracks of mostly furious raw black metal with a definite sludge edge. You can really hear the atmospheric sludge/post-metal influences in a lot of the chord progressions (especially during the slower sections) that works as sort of build-ups to following faster bits. They don't devolve into d-beat crust punk-ing very often, but there's some of that for good measure, too. Think of Dakhma as a rawer, less dynamic, and more black metal Oathbreaker (circa "Rheia").
Dakhma (USA) Dakhma
Lo-fi blackened crusty goodness.
Damascus Heights
Dan Deacon Mystic Familiar
Danny Norbury Light In August
Modern classical. Violins and junk. Not amazing, but given the length (63 mins) it serves as
perfect background music. For that, it gets a +0.5.
Danny Norbury & Ian Hagwood Faintly Recollected
It's like if you took GY!BE and removed pretty much everything sans the strings (their style of melody particularly reminds of the post-rock band). Mostly a string ambient album, "Faintly" evokes similar feelings to early Godspeed, using its minimalistic string performances to create feelings of lonesomeness and emptiness. Chimes ring and other noises might drone and reverberate in the background to fill up the void, but the same sense of loneliness never really leaves. It's a quiet album. There isn't a lot here, and yet in the same way, there is.
Dark Angel Darkness Descends
Dark Circles MMXIV
Dark hardcore, dark hardcore m/ m/ m/ m/
Dark Forest Aurora Borealis
This is your face :-|

this is your face on pagan canadian black metal >:-D
Dark Moor The Gates of Oblivion
Dark Tranquillity Character
Dark Watcher Dark Watcher
Gameofmetal did a black metal yeehaw and it's good!
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult Saldorian Spell
Summation: blast blast blast blast punk riff blast blast blast blast punk riff blast blast blast blast punk riff blast blast blast blast punk riff blast blast blast blast punk riff black metalllllllllll!
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult Necrovision
More of the same from the black metal band with the best name--which is to say, fairly unadventurous-yet-exceptionally-solid second wave black metal. The punk grooves are still occasionally there, the Mayhem-i-ness comes and goes, and that heavy bassy sound pounds you the whole way through each blast section. Onielar is also probably still the best woman black metal vocalist out there. Riffs.
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult Hora Nocturna
Standard second wave black metal music. Inherently melodic, constantly blasty. Fun for the whole family.
Darkest Hour Hidden Hands of a Sadist Nation
A tad long for a metalcore album just doing At The Gates worship, but still quite good for just ATG worship.
Darkest Hour Undoing Ruin
Children of Bodom vocals plus In Flames riffs plus American metalcore equals Darkest Hour. It's essentially an American take on melodic death metal, with all the NWOAHM-core flare you'd expect from such a band in 2005. Fortunately for Darkest Hour, they don't lean too far into the metalcore sound beyond a little riffing here or gang vocals there, completely avoiding the pitfalls of the genre.
Darkest Hour Deliver Us
Darkest Hour The Mark of the Judas
darkest hour start their career as an early At the Gates imitator. their take on metalcore-ized melodic death metal seems a bit too frantic at times--like the vocalist was struggling to control the reins the whole time--but otherwise it's a solid "american metal" interpretation of melodeath.
Darkest Hour The Eternal Return
Darkspace Dark Space I
It's good but holy balls is it long. The band only seem to waver between two styles; super fast tremolo riffs with super simple chord progressions, and militaristic mid-paced chugging palm-muted riffs. Add keyboards over those two styles and Darkspace somehow manage to write a 70-minute record using just those two ideas. It's really quite amazing, but it's difficult to sit through because it all just gets old. Like Oh, we're doing some blast beats? I wonder what'll happen nex--oh we're chugging now? Didn't see that coming!
Darkspace Dark Space III I
Darkthrone Transilvanian Hunger
Darkthrone Under a Funeral Moon
fine have it your way, i like your cookingri mean shitty buzzsaw guitars. they're fine now. infernal hails trve black metalll m////////
Darkthrone Sardonic Wrath
Punkthrone liiiiiiiives.
Darkthrone The Cult Is Alive
cus we are black metal paunks!
Darkthrone Total Death
As of writing this is my favorite Darkthrone album. While it feels a bit generic now, their brand of punkish black metal was probably ahead of the game back in '96. "Total Death" might be excessively predictable with it's practically binary mid-paced blast bm/punky grooving shtick, but the writing is solid and the production is fairly good (in that's it's very fitting). This is just no frills, fun, riffy metal.
Darkthrone Plaguewielder
Not as punk grooving or as consistent as Total Death, but Plaguewielder is a nice callback to the band's more black metal-focused earlier works--while still adding in a dash of their "modern" influences here and there, too. It's actually pretty fun to hear black metal Darkthrone with better production values--the clarity of which also makes it easier to pick out the different influences this band's style has had on others; opening track "Weakling Avenger" is rife with Satyricon-isms and closer "Wreak" in many parts sounds like an obvious precursor to Wolves in the Throne Room's "Two Hunters."
Darkthrone The Underground Resistance
Oh hey look what I found.
Darkthrone Old Star
David Darling Cello Blue
Cello ambient/modern classical. It's interesting to hear a cello used as the driving force in an ambient album, as opposed to being used simply to add nuance to the background.
Dayluta Means Kindness When You're Young You're Invincible
pretty OK post-rock.
Dead Congregation Graves of the Archangels
Dead To A Dying World Elegy
Deaf Center Pale Ravine
3.5-4.0 ambients of melodic melodious ambience
Deafheaven New Bermuda
Evensong you can't take the roads to judah to bermuda bc judah refers to a train line and the rtrains don't run under water jesus do you people even pay attention at all i mean come on. you'd rtake the road to judah then get off at the coast and sunbathe on the boat on the way to new rbermuda which is not like old bermuda btw bc they renovated the place since you were there last. rSo what i'm saying is first is the road to judah then the sunbathing then bermuda. Then when ryou're there you can enjoy the sight of the lovely tunnel of pecan trees from your bedrooms' rwindows and go sunbathing (obvsly). It'll be like living in a dream house, and when it's over ryou'll keep reminding yourself to please remember forever, and try not to get vertigo at the idea rof leaving.
Deafheaven Ordinary Corrupt Human Love
So you take the Road to Judah to reach your New Bermuda, where you look upon the Sunbathers and contemplate the failures of your Ordinary, Corrupt, Human Love.
Deafheaven Black Brick
Deafheaven From the Kettle Onto the Coil
Death Breath Stinking Up The Night
death 'n' roll band rips entombedcore rips .
Deathspell Omega Si Monvmentvm Reqvires Circvmspice
Deathspell Omega Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum
Deathspell Omega Veritas Diaboli Manet in Aeternum
Deathspell Omega Mass Grave Aesthetics
Deathspell Omega Paracletus
Deathspell Omega Drought
Decapitated The Negation
Deliriant Nerve Uncontrollable Ascension
Deliriant Nerve Contaminated Conscience
Delving Hirschbrunnen
very good kraut-y psyche-y post-rock.
Dephosphorus Ravenous Solemnity
Der Weg Einer Freiheit Agonie
tl;dr this rules.
Destiny Potato Lun
Destruction Sentence of Death
Black thrash liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiives!
Dethklok Dethalbum II
DevilDriver The Last Kind Words
Devin Townsend Devolution Series #1 - Acoustically Inclined, Live
acoustic Dev is good Dev.
Devin Townsend Lightwork
Devin Townsend Nightwork
Devin Townsend Project Addicted
Devin Townsend Project Ghost
Diabolical Masquerade Nightwork
It gets best when it gets into that weird epic folky territory. Otherwise, it's just good melodic black metal.
Diabolical Masquerade Ravendusk in my Heart
Dif Juz Extractions
Post-punk without vocals apparently sounds a lot like almost-post-rock. Utilizing many different instruments (sax, harmonica, piano, flute...), Dif Juz made their first album really expansive in its sound and really pretty to boot. Some of the wobbly guitar sounds and texturing would later be used in shoegaze, and the drum/bass rhythm in "Marooned" is so quaintly casual it sounds like something off a Tortoise record.
Dio The Very Beast of Dio
Discharge Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing
Disfear Soul Scars
good d-beat crusty punk but not as good as some of their other albums.
Disillusion Back to Times of Splendor
Disillusion Alea
Dispirit Separation
This is the best demo they've done so far. The cacophony of "Odylic Void" is crushingly abyssic, and the eleven-minute reverb-laden (almost post-rocky) doom build-up in "Funeral Frost" to a tense black metal crescendo are both equally fantastic.
Dispirit Enantiodromian Birth
this is much more aggressive and clearer than most of the previous Dispirit material, while still retaining that foggy, almost suffocating feel that only a lo-fi live recording can yield. It's much more black metal-oriented for sure, and there are even some real Weakling-isms sprinkled throughout, which definitely makes it a necessity for any John Gossard fanboys.
Dissection Maha Kali
I like Reinkaos-melodeath Dissection, so an EP with Maha Kali on it isn't something that will inherently turn me off. The re-recording of Unhallowed definitely is leaps and bounds inferior to the original, but it's still not a bad track. As a "second wave black metal throwback" track it'd be alright, and as a Dissection track it's more than that.
Dissection The Somberlain
Dissection Reinkaos
Dissection Where Dead Angels Lie
Division Speed Division Speed
blackish thrash liiiiiiiiiiiiives!
Do Make Say Think & Yet & Yet
Probably one of the most consistent discogs in post-rock music, Do Make Say Think don't put out bad albums. Their albums aren't the best in the genre, but each is an exceptionally solid example of jazzy, Tortoise-style instrumental post-rock. "& Yet & Yet" is pretty fab.
Do Make Say Think Goodbye Enemy Airship the Landlord is Dead
Weird experimental super jazzy post-rockin somethingorother. Groovy.
Do Make Say Think You, You're a History in Rust
It's pleasant, but the band isn't known for abusing crescendos a la Godspeed so there's less to really grab you. It's consistently pleasant post-rock, quite a few steps above your basic "background music," but it still doesn't have that extra oomph to earn it that 4/5. Still really quite good, though.
Dodheimsgard Supervillain Outcast
Goofy Thorns-y industrial-lite black metal. Some of the electronic beats from Addicted! sound like Devin Townsend lifted them straight from this album.
Dodsengel Mirium Occultum
norwegian black metal band that wants you to know that they really really dig old school Mayhem, like a lot.
Dodsferd Fucking Your Creation
Dodsrit Mortal Coil
melodic black metal/crust punk. The blasting black metal sections are great, but some of the painfully simplistic punk riffing really feels like a hindrance and should've been re-tooled.
Dog Fashion Disco Sweet Nothings
Drautran Throne of the Depths
Symphonic northern hyperblast
Drave Terroir
black metal Quebecois
Drawn Into Descent The Endless Endeavour
2019 essential depressive blackgaze deafheaven/woods of desolation
Dressed In Streams The Search for Blood
The noisiness of this black metal gives it a really "full" sound and great atmosphere. MooschriS and his superior bm knowledge strike again.
Drudkh Blood In Our Wells
On first listen: Much of an improvement since Autumn Aurora. It's mostly the same stylistically, but with more of its own identity now; it doesn't sound just like Burzum worship anymore. The atmosphere and general production sound are better, the melodies are better, and the songwriting is, relatively speaking, much more adventurous. Woohoo for tempo changes!
Drudkh Forgotten Legends
3.5 but it could go up. Good fuzzy atmosphere, melodies wow. Atmospheric black metal woah. Drudkh ufff /soundoff
Drudkh Estrangement
Ukraine/5 black metal.
Drudkh The Swan Road
Drudkh/Paysage d'Hiver Somewhere Sadness Wanders/Schnee (IV)
Paysage is Paysage (read: rly gud), modern Drudkh is modern Drudkh (read: decent enough tho no 'Blood In Our Wells'), and three tracks are three tracks. If this split makes me think anything, it's that I really want another Paysage d'Hiver release because the fourth entry into his "Schnee" series is as good as probably anything else he's put out. More staticy wind samply programmed drummy arctic blasts of winter darkness. Nineteen minutes of fun in the dead winter sun.
Drumcorps For the Living
12 minutes of cyber metalcore
Dua Lipa Future Nostalgia
Dumal The Lesser God
Dumal play a style of melody-laced black metal heavily reminiscent of Mgla. While not highly
original (and neither are Mgla), Dumal's own take on the style is done with surprising skill and
effectiveness (for a largely copycat band). While a bit long at 52 minutes (and I definitely zone
out a little somewhere near the middle), "The Lesser God" is still a fairly competent and
noteworthy addition to USBM.

Also Mgla Mgla Mgla Mgla Mgla Mgla Mgla Mgla Mgla Mgla Mgla Mgla Mgla Mgla Mgla Mgla Mgla Mgla
Mgla Mgla Mgla Mgla Mgla Mgla. :-]

Duster Contemporary Movement
Duster Together
Dustin O'Halloran Lumiere
more piano-based-string-added-classical-bologna. It's all fancy and sht. Pinkies out.
Dying Fetus Descend into Depravity
Dzo-nga Thunder In the Mountains
I didn't know saor was coming out with a new album
Earth and Pillars Earth I
Trist - Hin-Fort -esque atmospheric black metal. Blasting vaccum of space. But with like, trees and stuff.
Ebony Tears Tortura Insomniae
Ebony Tears Handful of Nothing
like the missing link between At the Gates and Soilwork-style melodeath.
Echtra Sky Burial
No longer simply devoted to the ritual of repetition, Echtra experiments this time around by
creating a more organic and enveloping atmosphere through instrumental layering and
drastically improved songwriting. Where the band's previous works used repetition to create
an atmosphere of spiritual transcendence, they never really went anywhere, whereas
Sky Burial not only pulls the listener in to its spiritual world, but takes them on a
journey through it. This music moves and grows, changes.

Easily the best material released under this moniker. For fans of folk, drone, and ambient
Edge of Sanity Purgatory Afterglow
Efrim Manuel Menuck Plays "High Gospel"
singer/songwriter, ambient, drone, post-rock, field recordings, experimental jibber jabber. If you've listened to any Godspeed side-projects or affiliated works, you probably have an idea of what you're in for with a Menuck solo album. More unbelievably weird singing, more experimentation, and more ADD when it comes to choosing a style and sticking with it for more than one track. Although definitely stylistically all over the place, Menuck still knows how to turn screechy whistling sounds into pleasing ambient music. Friggin somehow, I don't even know.
Eggs of Gomorrh Outpregnate
El Ten Eleven El Ten Eleven
Quirky post-ROCKS!
El Ten Eleven Banker's Hill
jamming these dang goofy dupe electronical post-rockin jams like they think they're Devin Townsend's Addicted with those bass boomin pop jams or huh?
Elder (USA-MA) Dead Roots Stirring
Elderwind Fires
epic melodic black metal.
Electrelane Rock It to the Moon
~~~ KRAUTROCKIN psych trip mindwhirl ~~~
Elffor Unholy Throne Of Doom
Darkspace-y atmospheric black metal with more keyboards. There are little flourishes of creativity here and there (little bit of flutes, a bagpipe solo, etc) that help distinguish "Unholy Throne Of Doom" despite its influence on treble-heavy guitars low in the mix and lack of interest in real riffing.
Ellis Nothing is Sacred Anymore
Ellis No Place That Feels Like
Elskavon Skylight
Ambient and stuff chill noises.
Eluveitie Slania
Eluveitie Evocation I: The Arcane Dominion
Eluvium Talk Amongst the Trees
Happy warm sad enveloping ambients of space. And time.
Eluvium When I Live by the Garden and the Sea
Eluvium An Accidental Memory in the Case of Death
Piano musics. It's not as engaging as his ambient stuff, but it's well-crafted piano-based music that serves well as background/relaxation music. It is a bit difficult to make piano arrangements unenjoyable, though, given the inherent beauty of the instrument. Still, 3.5/5
Eluvium Static Nocturne
Waves of static upon waves of ambience. At times the rushing white noise sounds like the wind near the beach, the sound of lapping waves or pounding rain almost discernible amidst that constant wooshing sound. There's often just enough melody bleeding through to give this that sense of atmospheric awe Eluvium's so noted for, and combined with the runtime this makes for an interesting exercise in slowly evolving atmospheres.
Eluvium The Motion Makes Me Last
Eluvium Shuffle Drones
23 ~32 second ambient drone vignettes meant to be shuffled to create a shifting, never-ending drone piece. It's a novel concept and works fairly well, despite the highs of each piece never lasting long enough. Still, though, Eluvium's Eluvium and Eluvium knows how to make pretty ambient.
Eluvium (Whirring Marvels In) Consensus Reality
Emancipator Safe In The Steep Cliffs
downtempo whatever. Melodies and chill tempos and whatnot.
Emancipator Dusk to Dawn
Emerald Weapon Part II: Earth Encrypted
A nice improvement from the first EP. The sound here is noticeably tighter and the band seem to have a better idea where they want to go with their sound.
Emily Jane White They Moved in Shadow All Together
ethereal dark folk amaze wow
Emily Jane White Alluvion
Emma Ruth Rundle Some Heavy Ocean
Emperor IX Equilibrium
Emperor Emperor
Emperor Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Emperor Reverence
Symphonic Satan horns of blast beating Satans.
En Attendant Ana Principia
Enforcer Death By Fire
Enforcer From Beyond
Enisum Arpitanian Lands
Black metal of epic ambient whatever
Ensiferum From Afar
Enslaved Eld
all day every day blast beats.
Enslaved Vikingligr Veldi
idk why people hype up early Immortal when this band writes the book on blasty atmo-black and goes just as if not harder. also eat shit borrzum, enslaved were always better!
Enthroned Towards the Skullthrone of Satan
black metal blast beats all day all night all right all right m//
Entombed Uprising
Entombed Morning Star
Entombed Serpent Saints: The Ten Amendments
death 'n' roll liiiiiiiiiivesssss
Entombed Wolverine Blues
Entombed go more into their death'n'roll sound but really in a lot of ways just sort of backslid into 80's Sepultura. Petrov's growl-shouts have a noticeably Max Cavalera-esque-ness to them, which is also paralleled by the subtle hardcore influences in the rest of the instrumentation.
Entombed DCLXVI: To Ride Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth
death 'n' roll liiiiiiiiiivesssss
Entombed Hollowman
Entropia (PL) Vesper
Envy From Here To Eternity
Envy Recitation
Envy Atheist's Cornea
Protest Sputnik! Occupy review! Post freedom for comment! We will not silenced go into the night! We will stand are Independence Day!
Epica Design Your Universe
Epica The Quantum Enigma
Epica The Holographic Principle
Epica Omega
it didn't need to be such a long album as it's fairly stylistically and tonally consistent the whole way through, but at the end of the day Omega is just Epica doing Epic, solid symphonic metal as always.
Epica The Alchemy Project
Erebus Enthroned Temple Under Hell
This makes up for the new Sargeist being butts. Definitely makes up for it. No frills
black metal with tons of blast beats. Hail Satan.
Esmerine Aurora
Esmerine Lost Voices
post-rock of the godspeedian chamber classical sort.
Eternal Tears of Sorrow Chaotic Beauty
Eternal Tears of Sorrow A Virgin and a Whore
Ethereal Shroud They Became the Falling Ash
Certified ZARU-FRESH: 75%

Despite the faster, blast-driven sections suffering a tad from an insufficient recording setup,
Ethereal Shroud's sophomore effort really shines during its slower, more melodic (and even "epic")
sections--which make up the majority of its third (and 25 minute) closing track. Given the
songwriter's previous successes with his even more melodic project(s), this effective show of
melodic songwriting really shouldn't have been as much of a surprise as it was. Shame on
Eucharist Mirrorworlds
Nothing fancy--outside of some single bass pedal rhythms a-typical of melodeath--just solid guitar work, accessible rtracks, and fun, up-beat tempos. Melodic death metal.
Evil Army Evil Army
damn this rips, thrash lives.
Evil Army Violence and War
Evilfeast Elegies of the Stellar Wind
Evilfeast / Uuntar Odes to lands of past traditions
great pagan/atmospheric black metal split.
Exhibition The Last Laugh
Exhumed Horror
Deathgrind for a better tomorrow.
Explosions in the Sky All of a Sudden, I Miss Everyone
This is night pretty post-rockin crescendo-ish-core tho it does feel like the crescendos never really reach true peaks. Just kinda going going goin for 40 minutes. Still tho good album.
Exquirla Para Quienes Aún Viven
Toundra and Nino de Elche did the fusion dance and created super Spanish Alcest? While some of
this might sound like straight plagiarism of Alcest's shoegazier content, it's
done so well and with enough personal flourishes that it doesn't seem bothersome at all.
"Exquirla" sounds like if you were to take the shoegaziness of Alcest and mix it together with
traditional Spanish music in place of black/metal.
Extreme Noise Terror Retro-bution
crusty grind babies o3o
Extreme Noise Terror Being and Nothing
another good deathgrindy album from ENT
Exulansis Sequestered Sympathy
black/doom of quality. zaru 3.5-approved
Falkenbach Heralding - The Fireblade
Falkenbach Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty
Falkenbach ...Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri...
Falkenbach ...En Their Medh Riki Fara...
Falkenbach Asa
Epic folk/bm/folk bm like always, and like always it rules.
Fallujah Nomadic
False Portent
Farsot IIII
The goodness of the riffs or album or w/e permeated the alcohol-induced fog which clouded my mind upon my attempt to listen, here. I suppose that, given my current stupor, that such an impact on my psyche should be regarded as significant. Thusly so, I have bestowed upon this record a lofty (relatively speaking) 3.5.
Farsot 042103Freitod
Faust Faust IV
I guess krautrock disproves that whole "Germans aren't funny" thing, eh. Weird happy experimental rock music from Germany is fun. Idk just listen to it.
Faust “Daumenbruch”
faust make a da improv krautrock ???
Felled The Intimate Earth
american black metal of the olde european folky sort.
Feminazgul No Dawn for Men
Fen Epoch
Fen Carrion Skies
yeah Fen is like Wolves in the Throne Room without the blast beats but more of the melodies and Agalloch-ian-ness.
Fenne Lily Breach
Fin The Furrows of Tradition
Seems like a lot of Blut Aus Nord influence going on here, but whereas BAN are generally weird, Fin just sort of adapt BAN's odd sense for melodic playing into a more standard black metal style. "The Furrows of Tradition" isn't exceptionally exceptional black metal, but it has fairly solid songwriting and the obvious BAN influence actually helps set it apart stylistically, while still clearly showcasing borrowed ideas. Songwriting-wise this is sort of like Yellow Eyes, but much less twisty, if that makes sense.
Final Eclipse Interminable Darkness
Finntroll Trollhammaren
Finntroll Nattfodd
Finntroll Jaktens Tid
Finntroll Ur Jordens Djup
Finntroll Nifelvind
Great, fun folk metal (as per usual).
Finntroll Blodsvept
Finsterforst Zerfall
At times it feels like Finsterforst are trying to move away from their Moonsorrow worship, and then they just go and hit you with a 32-minute slab of viking metal like the whole thing was a huge misdirect. Fine, ya got me. It's still a fairly solid viking metal record, and quality Moonsorrow copycat'ing is almost always a good thing so there's not really much to complain about here.
First Aid Kit Stay Gold
First Fragment Dasein
Fweedle dleeleeee *melodeath riff* squeebleeooreeedldldldldldl x56 minutes.
Flesh of the Stars Mercy
Fleshgod Apocalypse Oracles
Fleurety Min Tid Skal Komme
Floating Points, Pharoah Sanders & The LSO Promises
piano ambient saxophone jazz minimalism hashtag BrianEno hashtag spiritualjazz hashtag MusicforAirports
Fluisteraars Dromers
It's drudkh-core black metal but better bc fluisteraars are not as boring as drudkh :-)
Fluisteraars De Kronieken Van Het... - II - Nergena
Forefather Steadfast
Forefather The Fighting Man
Forest Like a Blaze Above the Ashes
lo-fi, very reverby and raw atmospheric black metal. Lots of noise in the mix allows for those guitar chords to fill up space and create an icy atmosphere. Definitely more second-wave-esque than later Burzum, but definitely also taking heavily from that band's stylings, as well.rThere's a track with no drums, just a noisy repetitive guitar line, and a track with a great hypnotic riff that sounds like the inspiration for Rhinocervs. The clean vocal track wasn't great, but it was at least as atmospheric as anything else here. Great noisy cold lofi olde 90's black metal.
Forest Mysticism Hearken
low-rate low-class budget-bin depressive or something black metal from the guy from Woods of Desolation OF COURSE IT'S PRETTY GOOD.
Forest Swords Compassion
this is weird glitchy electronical dance ambient dub neo-psychadelia. Mouthful of nonsense means this is rly cool pls check it out.
Forhist Forhist
Forhist is explicitly just Vindsval doing a "what if Blut Aus Nord was regular black metal" and it's as good as you'd expect. The weird guitar tone and winding riffs are still there, but more streamlined and overtly melodic now. Normally when a band devolves to conventionality you generally expect some neutering of artistic breadth or appeal to mainstream formatting, but for a Vindsval project this inversion ironically feels less like a collapse and more like a natural metamorphosis.
Forndom Daura Dura
Minimalist tribal folk.
Forteresse Métal Noir Québécois
Forteresse Les Hivers De Notre Epoque
Forteresse Par Hauts Bois Et Vastes Plaines
Slow atmospheric black metal in the vein of Burzum, but more satisfying in its ambience.
Forteresse Crepuscule d'Octobre
Forteresse Thèmes pour la Rébellion
They only really know how to do one type of rhythm guitar riff, they only really seem to
know how to go one speed (hint: fast), and their songs are basically fueled by their melodic
leads, but they're still pretty good at doing what they're doing--even if they are kind of a
one-trick pony. Kinda hard not to dig all the double bass and fast riffing even if they are
all typical "slow chord progression black metal style riffs" given how wicked almost-epic
they sound. Sort of like an angrier, all business WitTR without all the fooling around with
ambience and spiritualism.
Four Tet New Energy
ambient house musik. Electronical jams.
Four Tet Three
Fractal Gates The Light That Shines
Solid melodic death as per usual from Fractal Gates.
Freedom Call Beyond
Let's play a Metal song. Let's shout for a Heavy sound. Oh, with euphoria. Take off for a
crazy flight! And we'll dance... Bang your head or die!
FRITZ Pastel
Uptempo noise pop power poply goodness, no filler all bubbly killr.
From the Mouth of the Sun Hymn Binding
ambient/chamber music
Fucked Up Year of the Horse
"Year of the Horse" is an interesting post-hardcore concept album of four tracks ranging from 19-26 minutes each, encompassing a lot of different styles of music. There's a lot of aggressive post-hardcore, which winds its way into western cowboy music, rock operas and beyond. It's kind of a lot.
Fucked Up One Day
Full of Hell and Merzbow Full of Hell and Merzbow
Fuming Mouth The Grand Descent
Funeral Mist Hekatomb
Hekatomb might be Funeral Mist's first album in almost a decade, but it wastes no time plunging right in to the wall-of-blasts style one would expect of the band. Hekatomb show the group are still in top form despite their previous lack of activity. Album pummels.
Funeral Throne Threshold
This is some pretty excellent riffy, melodic, not-quite-kvlt-but-pretty-krieg bm. The riffs
wow, the epic wow, melodies woah. 7/10.
Furia Grudzien Za Grudniem
Heavy bm with some of that fancy clean prog playing here and there. Solid bm.
Future Islands People Who Aren’t There Anymore
Fyrnask Bluostar
Fyrnask Fórn
Fyrnask does weird atmos bm like Fyrnask always does. Which is to say, "well done."
Gabor Szabo Dreams
That feel when you listen to lots of post-rock and then realize you actually just liked 60's
lounge jazz the whole time.
Gadget The Great Destroyer
Galaktik Cancer Squad The Gathering
Gang of Youths Angel in Realtime
Gates of Ishtar At Dusk and Forever
Gates of Ishtar A Bloodred Path
Gates of Ishtar The Dawn of Flames
If you've ever thought "Well hey I want some epic-ish melodic death metal that sounds a little bit obsessed with Storm of the Light's Bane" well do I have a record for you.
George FitzGerald All That Must Be
Dancy electronic music idk fun jams.
Geotic The Anchorite
ambient/post-rock that's really cozy and nice.
Gezan 狂(KLUE)
noise rock/art rock with some obligatory psyche/kraut nonsense. It's another bonkers Japanese rock album.
Gia Margaret There's Always Glimmer
Gia Margaret Mia Gargaret
Glass Beach The First Glass Beach Album
Glenn Branca The Ascension: The Sequel
this is good no wave/totalist/drone/post-rock and it's quite enthralling how these droning, noisy pieces evolve (or don't) over time and suck you in. It's also aggravating how they almost immediately devolve into being just hypnotic noise that can make your head hurt. It's almost the opposite of krautrock; instead of repetitive drum-led rhythms slowly evolving over time, these pieces go through changes so slowly it's hard to parse when and how they actually occur. Sonic gaslighting, essentially. It's a good album, but I don't know if I want to hear it again any time soon.
Gloosh Timewheel
Gloosh Sylvan Coven
a russian atmo-black metal band that is neat and cool and good and MUSHROOM mm//
Gloryhammer Space 1992: Rise of the Chaos Wizards
Intercosmik fantasy DnD metal ov trvth.
Gnoomes Mu!
~ Psychedelic trancy shoegaze ~
Goatwhore Blood For The Master
Goatwhore Constricting Rage of the Merciless
God Is an Astronaut A Moment of Stillness
Not the best toast rock post-rock or the biggest, but boy o boy do it do it do it goodly.
God Is an Astronaut Far from Refuge
post-rock. Probably a 4 on more listens.
God Is an Astronaut God Is an Astronaut
God Is an Astronaut Age of the Fifth Sun
3.5-4.0 God Is an Astronaut have a style distinctly their own and while they're more of a one-trick post-rock pony in that regard, Age of the Fifth Sun still shows them putting out quality material.
Godspeed You! Black Emperor 'Asunder, Sweet and Other Distress'
Godspeed You! Black Emperor G_d's Pee AT STATE'S END!
they have films play behind them on a screen at their live shows I think, so "widescreen" is probably just a more artsy way of saying "cinematic" which is also what people call certain kinds of pretentious post-rock. so it'll sound like godspeed.
Goldmund Sometimes
this is basically just some dude playing the piano slowly for forty minutes 7/10 gj.
Goldmund The Time it Takes
Good Night and Good Morning Narrowing Type
~ slowcore ambient chillgaze. ~
Gorephilia Severed Monolith
death metal morbid angel-core.
Gorgoroth Pentagram
Interesting black metal riffs, and some of the only real osbm I enjoy production-wise for some reason. The vocals aren't my thing, but the songwriting makes up for them.
Gorguts Considered Dead
Gorguts Colored Sands
Gorod Leading Vision
Gorod A Perfect Absolution
Gorod The Orb
Grandbrothers All the Unknown
Grave Declaration When Dying Souls Scream Praise
it's basically old dimmu borgir
Grave Pilgrim Grave Pilgrim
black metal that's suspiciously Rhinocervs-y but not as necro.
Great Grandpa Plastic Cough
Greg Haines Digressions
Classical instruments used to create almost ambient music. It's sort of kind of like Stars of the Lid, but with less subtle instrumentation; the pianos and strings are loud and obvious here. With all that goes on in any given segment the music feels very "full," which helps to give it that droning "ambient" feel. Music to get lost in.
Grotesque The Black Gate is Closed
An intro track, a real thrashy dm track, and an ambient outro track. Super lo-fi muffled osdm that would have a harder time passing as a decent demo if the riffs on "Blood Runs From the Altar" weren't so neat. For a demo, this is pretty great.
Grouper Dragging a Dead Deer Up a Hill
Grouper Ruins
Grouper Paradise Valley
Liz Harris takes her guitar in a cleaner direction to create ten minutes of beautifully reverby slowcore.
Groza Unified In Void
Groza The Redemptive End
Gudsforladt Possible Realms
Gulch Burning Desire to Draw Last Breath
Gulch Impenetrable Cerebral Fortress
hardcore-leaning metalcore that, while good, could use a faster tempo. More frantic tempo shifts and a drastic powerviolence influence would really benefit Gulch's excellently pummeling guitar and drum sounds.
Gwynbleidd Nostalgia
Hades Archer Penis Metal
Hades Archer The Curse Over Mankind
Hades Archer Temple of the Impure
Haken Affinity
Anathema prog with more riffs and djent.
Hammock Asleep in the Downlights
The awkward vocals are a problem, but not a huge one. They hold back what could've been a much better EP, but they aren't bad in themselves. The problem is that they're not worked in a way that makes them actually fit with the music--rather, they feel sort of just dropped on top without being mixed to fit the super dreamy atmosphere.
Hammock The Night You Caught on Fire
Hammock ambient Hammock tunes Hammock chill Hammock ten-point-five-minutes Hammock!
Hammock Floating World
Solid Hammock two-track EP is solid. Eight-and-a-half minutes across two songs isn't much, but Hammock never really fail to be at least pretty good, and this EP is just that. More dreamy ambient music in a small bite.
Hammock Universalis
Hammock Elsewhere
Hampshire and Foat Galaxies Like Grains of Sand
Lounge jazz ambient chillout music.
Hampshire and Foat Saint Lawrence
Hangedup Hangedup
Hangedup Kicker In Tow
excellent godspeedy post-rock.
Hannes Grossmann The Radial Covenant
Bandcamp is wonderful for finding music.rFun tech death. It's a bit experimental, which makes it even better. I also agree with Wolfers about the Obscura comparisons. This is much more focused songwriting, while still remaining inventive and catchy.
Harakiri for the Sky Arson
Punkified vocal shouts, melodic blackgazey instrumentation, and like twenty minutes of unneeded runtime. I'd rather just listen to A Pregnant Light because while Harakiri's vocalist now kinda sounds like Damian Master, at least Master knows how to be concise with his releases >_>
Harmonia Musik von Harmonia
Krautrock is fun. Harmonia's "Musik von Harmonia" is also fun. It's kraut-tastic!
Hatchie Giving the World Away
Hate Eternal King of All Kings
the second Hate Eternal album is pretty much the same as the first, if a little less good. Same unga bunga time, same unga bunga place. Riffs and blast beats, thirty-three minutes.
Hate Eternal Conquering the Throne
Nothing really sticks out in this wall of scrunchy crunchy riffing blast beating madness. It's sort of just a big block of death metal nonsense that goes on for half an hour and then ends; it could be arranged in any order since no track seems to have any structural distinctness and they're all stylistically almost exactly the same. It's sort of like the epitome of unga bunga death metal; no thoughts, no organization, just riffs and blast beats.
Have a Nice Life The Unnatural World
Havok Time Is Up
thrash l i v e s . Now I DO dig it! :D :D :D :D
Havukruunu Havulinnaan
"Havulinnaan" is what you get when you listen to too much Immortal and Moonsorrow, then go write an album. Havukruunu perfectly marry the fast, thrashy and embellished riffs of Immortal with the epic chords of Moonsorrow, making for a fast, powerful pagan black metal record.
Havukruunu Uinuos Syömein Sota
Havukruunu Kuu Erkylän Yllä
Hazel English Never Going Home
Hazel English Just Give In / Never Going Home
Hazel English Wake Up
her earlier dream pop-y stuff was better, but this is still a quaint indie pop album.
Hazel English Summer Nights
Heartsounds Until We Surrender
Heartsounds Drifter
Not as good as their first record, but still really enjoyable, yet simple, pop-punk/metal.
Heartsounds Internal Eyes
pop punk metal riffs. The instrumentals are as solid as the vocals are awkward, which is to say, very much (as always). Neither vocalist can relied upon to sing on-key all the time, but they their songwriting is otherwise so catchy and riffy that it hardly matters that much.
Heatmiser Mic City Sons
Heaven and Hell The Devil You Know
Hegemony Demo MMXVI
war metal black/death that doesn't suck wow
Helios Eingya
Helios Yume
3.5-4.0 idk it's happy warm ambient with happy warmness and it's hard for me to be objective about music that's meant simply to create this sort of atmosphere and illicit this type of emotional response. But it's good, yeah?
Hellbringer Dominion Of Darkness
Thrash lives!
Hellcrash Krvcifix Invertör
Helleruin Devils, Death and Dark Arts
Hellripper The Manifestation of Evil
black thrash lives, etc.
Hellripper Coagulating Darkness
Black metal speed thrash go!
Hellripper Complete and Total Fucking Mayhem
Sput ate my soundoff. This is old school first wave-y black metal slash speed metal. It's got the speedy metally good time-i-ness of Motorhead mixed with the constant pounding drums and echo-y harsh growls of Bathory. It's basically a more fun speed metally Bathory. It's a fun album.
Hellripper The Affair of the Poisons
black thrash rips yeah hellripper liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiives
Hellripper Warlocks Grim and Withered Hags
Hermodr Forest Sky
Take the depressive black metal of Woods of Desolation and smash it into the calm melodicism of Agalloch. Distorted vox a la early WoD, slow melodic work that reminds much of Agalloch and early Of Solitude and Solemn. It's black metal without all the energy or up-tempo riffing, with melodic Agallochian leads its main focus. Basically if you want something calming, yet still vaguely head-bangable and in the same universe as traditional black metal.
Hey! Hello! Hey! Hello!
power pop from one of the Wildhearts guys. There's not much more to say than that; it's wildly optimistic and power-chorus-oriented power pop with dual male/female vox. If you need a brain off; head empty power jam, this is it.
Hibria Defying the Rules
Come to Brazil we have power metaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllll!!!!
Hierophant (IT) Mass Grave
I don't like the vocal shift away from punk shouts toward death growls, and the production also is
a bit lacking--not that it sounds bad by any means (the sound quality is quite high here), but
rather that the cleaner, more high-quality sound doesn't really suit a band that's supposed to be
about grit. I really think a rawer sound (akin to their previous stuff) would've made much of
Mass Graves sound more aggressive and powerful. As-is, though, I think it's fine. Not as good as
I'd hoped, but still a respectable release.

I will say, however, that this is just another in a long line of punk/grind bands that have sort
of wacky production this year--Rotten Sound, Nails, Wormrot, and now Hierophant. I don't know
what's going on but I don't like it.
Hiraes Dormant
welp I GUESS we know where all the good Arch Enemy songs went now.
Hiroshi Yoshimura Music For Nine Post Cards
Seeing this is from the 80's makes more sense, given how Ambient 1: Music for Airports-esque it is; this is like the lullaby, quiet jazz piano version of Eno's early Ambient series. The tracks never really go anywhere; they're mostly just led by slow, atmospheric keyboard notes. It's nice, and definitely fits Eno's original definition for "ambient music".
Holy Seclusion MMXIV
Buzzing crunchy foot-tappin' short-but-sweet hardcore.
Holy Fuck Deleter
more indietronic-kraut
Holy Moses Strength Power Will Passion
even in the modern era Holy Moses' old school thrash style can still rip.
Holy Moses Terminal Terror
Sabina's growls on this album rip. The godmother of thrash liiiiiiiiiiiiives.
Holy Moses Reborn Dogs
infernal hailz to the thrash queen m////
Holy Moses Invisible Queen
Hood Rustic Houses, Forlorn Valleys
More minimalistic 90's post-rock melancholy that still solidly wades in indie rock.
Hood Outside Closer
Coolio pretty post-rock with vocals 3.5-4.0
Horna Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne
Horrendous Ecdysis
Horrendous Anareta
prog death that nicely veers into the harmonized melodicism of gothenburg at precicely the correct moments.
Horrendous Idol
Horrendous Ontological Mysterium
Howls of Ebb Cursus Impasse: The Pendlomic Vows
this is death metal for people who like orthodox black metal.
Hrsta Stem Stem in Electro
Human Serpent For I, The Misanthropist
I like that old time black meh-tol.
Hyperdontia Deranged
filthy enough! death metal
Hypocrisy A Taste of Extreme Divinity
Hypocrite Into the Halls of the Blind
I Between Two Worlds
iamamiwhoami Blue
Ethereal voices an stuff man. Sings. Wow. Happy dance lady gaga eat your heart out girl friend. m/
Ian Noe River Fools and Mountain Saints
Icxitonttli Terra Existence
shitty live recording of a black metal band disguised as a legit release, sounds great.
If These Trees Could Talk Red Forest
Ifernach Waqan
Solid 2-track black metal EP.
Ihsahn The Adversary
Ihsahn angL
Ildjarn Hardangervidda (with Nidhogg)
Almost new age-y cinematic ambient that puts Varg's prison synth work to shame. Doesn't really go anywhere, but "Hardangervidda" is still an endlessly pretty record.
Ildskaer Blod & Jern
black metal. wolves ildskaer throne room r
Imbaru Vigias
Neo-folk. Acoustic guitars, pianos, and all that jazz.
Imha Tarikat Kara Ihlas
The tremendous victorious shouts of Misthyrming, with less of the punch. If you were disappointed by the new Misthyrming's lack of bludgeoning glacial triumph, this is a decent replacement.
Immortal Bird Empress​/​Abscess
Dynamic songwriting makes Immortal Bird's combination of various extreme metal styles fairly
effective. They run the gamut of guitar styles without letting any one idea overstay its
welcome, keeping "Empress?/?Abscess" interesting from start to finish.
Imogen Heap Ellipse
Impaled Nazarene Absence of War Does Not Mean Peace
black thrash liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiives etc
In Flames The Jester Race
In Flames Clayman
In Flames Subterranean
Back when In Flames were fun and were good and stuff yeah.
In Flames The Mirror's Truth
For toeing that line between melodic death metal and melodic metalcore, In Flames's single/EP (whichever you consider it) is a surprisingly decent little record. Definitely more solid than the material that actually made it to the "A Sense of Purpose", the Mirror's Truth EP content sounds a lot like holdover material from the "Come Clarity" sessions, or even as slightly more transitional pieces between the two records. It's definitely not their best material but given the EP's brevity (about 13 minutes) and the accessibility of its four up-beat melodeath tracks, it's a fairly solid release.
In Flames Clayman (20th Anniversary Edition)
while the four re-recorded tracks aren't great, they're not bad enough to justify 1/5-bombing this special edition of the album. They sound like bad bonus track recordings by a melodic metalcore In Flames-ripoff band, but aren't wholly horrible. Nor do these tracks ruin the rest of the now-classic Clayman album, which has always been one of In Flames better-if-not-best albums. If there's any difference in sonic quality with the rest of the album (the whole thing has apparently been 'remastered'), then it's not particularly notable.
In Love With A Ghost Healing
Electronic downtempo that make u feel fuzzy.
In This Moment The Dream
Incantation Onward to Golgotha
Death metal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Inculter Morbid Origin
yeah thrash lives, it lives.
Inexorum Lore of the Lakes
the other guy from Obsequiae does melodic bm/dm very nicely.
Inexorum Equinox Vigil
Infernal Coil Burning Prayer of Infinite Hatred
Inferno (CZ) PARADEIGMA (Phosphenes of Aphotic Eternity)
suffocating, pulverizing black metal orthodoxy.
Ink & Fire Execution of Spirit
Ungfell-core black metal. Folky guitar leads woven into black metal rhythms mixed with
frenetic, punky drumming.
Insect Warfare World Extermination
Insomnium Across the Dark
"Down with the Sun" is an absolute banger, but the rest is sort of just Insomnium being Insomnium, but not as effectively as on their previous records. I definitely find it odd that I don't much enjoy the follow-up to Across the Weeping World as one would expect, but what can you do? It just feels like normal melodeath at this point, lacking the oomph of earlier Insomnium, despite still being almost stylistically identical.
Insomnium Winter's Gate
melodeath pseudo-Crimson III.
Internal Rot Hack Session
Meaty grindcore with some osdm vibes too. Dirty blast nonsense wooooo
Internal Rot Grieving Birth
Insect Warfare liiiiiiiiiiiiiives.

grindcore band
Intestine Baalism Banquet in the Darkness
ionnalee Everyone Afraid To Be Forgotten
Iress Flaw
dooming shoegazing post-metal
Iron Maiden Powerslave
Iron Maiden Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden Piece of Mind
Iron Maiden's fun and the embodiment of 80's metal cheese.
Iron Maiden Killers
Iron Maiden Somewhere Back in Time
Iskald Shades Of Misery
fairly fun melodic black metal.
Istapp Blekinge
Istapp Frostbiten
pretty by-the-books melodic bm. It riffs pretty hard, takes a bit from melodeath here and there, and is pretty fun, though.
Ixachitlan Eagle, Quetzal, and Condor
Jack Ingram, Miranda Lambert, Jon Randall The Marfa Tapes
2021 I started listening to Miranda Lambert so I guess that says a lot about where I am that i'm listening to country music now.
JAD Strach
Jaga Jazzist What We Must
Jazziest post-rockingest jazzy post-rock electronica.
Jannick Schou Fasjil
Jannick Schou Against a Backdrop of Blue Hills...
Jardin de la Croix Circadia
jazzy math post-rock that does chugs hard sometimes. tweedle leedle leedle.
Jay Som Everybody Works
Greater-ish cute shoegazy loud quiet rockness. R e t r o.
Jay Som Anak Ko
Jean-Michel Blais Aubades
Jeff Rosenstock NO DREAM
Jenny Lewis with the Watson Twins Rabbit Fur Coat
alt-country good album
Jess Williamson Sorceress
singer/songwriter americana album that I apparently listened to and enjoyed at some point.
Jessica Moss Pools Of Light
classical/ambient? Efrim Menuck's partner plays music about as weirdly as you'd expect her to.
Jessie Ware What's Your Pleasure?
Jesu Silver
Jesu Terminus
Joan Shelley Like the River Loves the Sea
Johann Johannsson Fordlandia
John Fahey The Transfiguration of Blind Joe Death
John Fahey is a wizard man of american folk guitar magick h a i l s t o t h e w i z a r d
John Fahey Volume 6: Days Have Gone By
While Vol 6 might not be quite as strong in terms of its songwriting, it does stand out against some of Fahey's older releases by being a conceptually more unique work. Instead of simply revolving around Fahey's patented five-finger-picked acoustic folk pieces, "Days Have Gone By"'s tracks involve much more experimentation with space and atmosphere, incorporating slower bluesy riffs as well as various field recordings. While it might not be a truly superior work, it does showcase the influential guitarist growing as an artist and expanding the sound he would later be so heralded for.
John Fahey Blind Joe Death
John Luther Adams Become Ocean
42 minutes of classical/ambient music that rolls and flows and rises and sinks again and again,
like an ocean wave washing over you.
Jonsi and Alex Riceboy Sleeps
ambient/classical/post-rock. Wowie wow.
Judas Iscariot To Embrace the Corpses Bleeding
High-octane hate blaster. Black metal.
Judas Iscariot Dethroned, Conquered and Forgotten
heckin aggressive fast, raw, kinda sloppy black metal from ya boi judas.
Judas Priest Defenders of the Faith
Julia Jacklin Pre Pleasure
Juliana Daugherty Light
Julianna Barwick Healing Is a Miracle
Julien Baker Sprained Ankle
The singer/songwriter genre is full of sad girls singing to acoustic guitars and pianos, but
"Sprained Ankle" still somehow sets itself apart from the rest.
Julien Baker Turn Out The Lights
singer/songwriter sadgirl guitar music. Julien y u so sad :-(
Jungbluth Part Ache
Kaatayra Só Quem Viu o Relâmpago à Sua Direita Sabe
Kacey Musgraves Golden Hour
Kacey Musgraves Deeper Well
Kaldeket Vitiate (Demo)
Kaldeket D​é​raciné (Demo)
Kallathon/Blue Hummingbird on the Left Camino de Guerra
Blue Hummingbird on the Left and Kallathon plow your face into the ground with a 2-track war metal split. Get u some black metal bulldozer action.
Kalmah For the Revolution
Solid but unadventurous melodic death metal under the brand of Kalmah. Definitely a dip in quality compared to their previous four records, but that kind of streak would've been hard to keep up anyway.
Kalmah 12 Gauge
Kalmah Svieri Obraza
While neither of the following two tracks are as great as the opener "Hades", Kalmah's demo is
still surprisingly solid melodic death metal. Despite the slightly rougher demo quality to the
songs, the music is well-played and in a lot of ways sounds virtually indistinguishable from later
recordings on proper albums. The rougher mix sometimes even gives the more metallic parts some
appropriate grittiness--making Hades' faster sections sound much more like black metal, for
Kalmah Seventh Swamphony
Kathleen Edwards Total Freedom
Katie Pruitt Expectations
Kauan Sorni Nai
atmospheric post-rock doom metal of fantastic wonderful melodiness.
Keaton Henson Romantic Works
Sappy classical music that, while probably interchangable with any soundtrack from any sappy indie romance flick, is still pretty good in itself. Despite being pretty sappy here and there.
Ketzer Satan's Boundaries Unchained
Black thrash liiiiiiiiiiivvvvvveeeeeeessssssssss.
Ketzer Endzeit Metropolis
black thrash liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiives!
Kill The Client Set for Extinction
Killing Face the Madness
Thrash metal is alive, it lives, riffs for days, etc etc
Killing Toxic Asylum
King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard I'm In Your Mind Fuzz
King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard Nonagon Infinity
Heavy rockin heavy rock
King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard Infest the Rats' Nest
King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard Butterfly 3000
King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard PetroDragonic Apocalypse; or, Dawn of Eternal Night: An Annihilation of...
Kirottu Deity Embers
symphonic black metal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Knelt Rote Trespass
beaten to a pulp war/grind
Koi. Maelstrom
Happy beats.
Kokomo Kokomo
Koldovstvo Ни царя, ни бога
atmospheric depressive suffocatingly lo-fi black metal. It's got those Austere-y wailing vox and sounds real muffly, oooooo
Korpiklaani Voice Of Wilderness
Krallice Krallice
galactic wankery, embrace the cosmic trems of dick!
Krallice Dimensional Bleedthrough
Krallice Diotima
Krieg Transient
Super solid and fun black metal from Krieg. How solid this stuff was actually surprised me given I thought later Krieg wasn't supposed to be that good. Not as good as "The Black House" for sure, but definitely worth some checks.
Krieg Ruiner
Kriegsmaschine Altered States of Divinity
Fast fast fast raw aggressive black metal.
Krisiun The Great Execution
you can tell that krisiun are brazilian via their really obvious overtly masculine sepulturan swagger. And they reimagine a few Chaos AD riffs here and there.
Kultura kureniya Nekrofiliya
Kultura kureniya Polnoch v Novosibirske
Kuroi Jukai Kuroi Jukai
Kvelertak Kvelertak
Kvist For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike
Not enough keyboard for them to be symphonic, but for barely post-Nightside Eclipse album, it
still shoulda been at least a little bit unique. And using a churchy keyboards definitely gets you
kvlt kred. Fairly melodic bm with keys for added melodic contrast. Blast beats. m/
Kylie Minogue Disco
Kylie Minogue Tension
La Dusseldorf Viva
La Mar La Mar
La Quiete 2006 / 2009
Labradford Mi Media Naranja
Labradford Labradford
toast-rock mellow low-fat jammz
Lake Of Blood The Burial Grounds Sessions
Lake of Blood pull themselves together and release an aggressive EP that hints at greater
things to come.
Lamb of God As the Palaces Burn
They're basically At The Gates smashed together with Pantera but still m/
Lamb of God Sacrament
Lamp of Murmuur Thunder Vigil and Ecstasy
Lamp of Murmuur Melancholy Howls in Ceremonial Penitence
You can only find this on slsk if you haven't acquired the cassette yet. It's pretty solid melodic raw black metal.
Lamp of Murmuur Chasing The Path Of The Hidden Master
Land Of Talk Life After Youth
Dreamy indie rock. Such pretty wow.
Lantlos Lantlos
Lantlos .neon
Lantlos Agape
Lantlos Melting Sun
But this one doesn't have These Nights Were Ourrrrrrrs how can it possibly be better than .neon???!!?
Lawrence English Cruel Optimism
Weird harsh often minimalistic ambient soundscapes.
Lazer Kitty SPIES
Dancey funtime yes beatz wow, happy much!
Leatherface Mush
it's motorhead goes melodic hardcore, or at least that's what their vocalist thinks he's doing.
Leech For Better or For Worse
Leech [US] Against Leviathan!
Les Big Byrd Iran Iraq IKEA
Less Than Jake Anthem
Less Than Jake Borders and Boundaries
Less Than Jake In with the Out Crowd
Less Than Jake GNV FLA
Less Than Jake See the Light
Lethe (NO) When Dreams Become Nightmares
Trip hop with Eluveitie's clean vocalist. Wow.
letlive. The Blackest Beautiful
Leucosis Pulling Down the Sky
Atmospheric, aggressive, epic, brooding, doomy, with a drop of folk. For fans of the Cascadian brand, Weakling, and the like.
Leucosis Leucosis
Leviathan The Tenth Sub Level of Suicide
I like this, but it's like 20 minutes too long. I really dig the inclusion of punk influences, too; given this is a fairly depressive bm album, those heavy punk grooves help mix it up every now and again. Wish there were more of them, actually.
Library Tapes Escapism
Classical almost-ambient minimals of joy!
Lichen Spear & Stone
US black metal that's got the feel of 00's USBM, like Leech but melodically less bombastic, a pinch of Wolves in the Throne Room rather than pure Cascadian-ism.
Lichmagick Lichmagick
Light This City Stormchaser
Light This City Terminal Bloom
Other melodeath bands btfo, Laura's back.
Lights and Motion Save Your Heart
Limbonic Art Legacy of Evil
This riffs so hard for symphonic black metal it should be illegal.
Liquid Mike S/T
Liquid Mike Paul Bunyan’s Slingshot
power pop to start off your year right
Liturgy Aesthethica
in retrospect, Aesthethica is an interesting math rock/black metal hybrid that was weighted down more by the combination of its scatter-brained structuring and accompanying pretentious manifesto than the music itself. While this isn't a fantastic record, it is a successful blending of otherwise opposing genres that, at the time, had never really been done before.
Liturgy H.A.Q.Q.
I'll throw one of my patented Zaru 3.5 "is decent"'s on this bad boy just for the h*ck of it right now. This is way better than Ark Work, a bit better than Aesthethica, and somehow actually an enjoyable record--despite still having all of the flaws of those two aforementioned records. This is basically just a better Aesthethica and at this point that's pretty nice.
Liza Anne Bad Vacation
indie pop power pop
Lo Moon Lo Moon
Pretty indie rock with Talk Talk-y nu jazzy vibes.
Loma Don't Shy Away
Long Distance Calling Boundless
Riffing metal post-rocks Pelican something something twinkles rules.
Long Fin Killie Amelia
Lonker See Hamza
psychedelic space rock
Lorenzo Masotto Aeolian Processes
piano/new age? w.e good jams.
Low C'Mon
Lowercase Noises Carry Us All Away
Sappy, slightly Godspeedian post-rock/ambient. It basically uses everything typical post-rock; pretty twinkly guitars, aesthetically pleasing up-beat sections that don't really go anywhere but sound pretty, ambient guitar droning, and the occasional droning violin in the background.
Lowercase Noises The Swiss Illness
Pretty ambient nonsense.
Lucifer (DE) Lucifer II
Lucifer (DE) Lucifer V
Ludicra Hollow Psalms
Ludovico Einaudi Elements
didn't have this rated for some reason. From what I can remember it's more solid modern classical. Largely piano-based music.
Lunar Aurora Of Stargates and Bloodstained Celestial Spheres
Slightly symphonic black metal. 'Stargates' sounds slightly like a nastier Dimmu Borgir with the
sometimes-obnoxious keyboarding of Children of Bodom. It also riffs pretty nicely, which
definitely helps set it apart from other symphonic acts like Dimmu and Emperor, as opposed to
simply being another copycat.
Lunar Aurora Hoagascht
It's like Burzum but with more cool up-beat sections that are m/ and remind me of WitTR but only bc WitTR are known for doing that. It's good.
Lunar Shadow The Smokeless Fires
Lunar Shadow weave in a lot of extreme metal influences into their "trad metal" style, particularly 80's some speedy metal and blast beats here and there.
Lunar Spells Where Silence Whispers
Lunar Spells Demise of Heaven
Lunar Spells Sacraments of Necromantical Empires
Lunatic Soul Under The Fragmented Sky
Lunatic Soul Through Shaded Woods
Lund Quartet Lund Quartet
Mostly instrumental jazz with some electronic/experimental/trip hop stuff going on. Smoky night
club music for a new century.
Lurker Of Chalice Lurker Of Chalice
Forgot to ever rate this but yeah rules. Black metal ambient woah riffs atmosphere ayyyye m/
Lykhaeon Ominous Eradication of Anguished Souls
Lykhaeon Opprobrium
Macabre Omen The Ancient Returns
Macabre Omen Gods Of War - At War
Hellenic epic black metal riffs of glory for the homeland!
Magnolia Electric Co Magnolia Electric Co
Majesties Vast Reaches Unclaimed
Maleficentt Night of the Crimson Stars
Malokarpatan Nordkarpatenland
Malokarpatan Krupinské Ohne
Man or Astro-Man? Intravenous Television Continuum
Manchester Orchestra The Million Masks of God
Manhunt (AUS) Manhunt
More grindcore for the lovely childrens.
Manhunt / Internal Rot Manhunt / Internal Rot
Mania Mania
angry screams black metal rawr ra ra. It's that kind of raw lo-fi sound that just feels right, whereas most bands with that sounds generally don't click with me.
Mannequin Pussy Romantic
Mannequin Pussy Patience
Marduk Frontschwein
Marduk's straightforward hyperblast style gets a little old after 50 minutes, but even then "Frontschwein" is just more solid black metal from the WWII-obsessed band. There's also a surprising amount of groove and melodic work here.
Mare Cognitum Phobos Monolith
Mare Cognitum Solar Paroxysm
a bit long and dense, but another rewarding entry into Mare Cognitum's outer space black metal catalogue.
Marika Hackman Big Sigh
Marina The Family Jewels
Marina Electra Heart
Marina Froot
I am synthpop.
Martha Love Keeps Kicking
power pop punk!!
Maruja Knocknarea
Mason Lindahl Kissing Rosy In The Rain
Master Faith Is In Season
Master Unreleased 1985 Album
More nasty osdm played by teens that's still somehow nastier than a lot of the stuff grown men put out today. Master play fast, dirty, and with a flair for hardcore influences you don't often hear in death metal.
Max Richter From Sleep
"From Sleep" can't touch Richter's older works, but on its own is still a competent and coherent showcasing of his compositional skills, despite only being more-or-less a "greatest hits" of his longer 8-hour classical piece.
Max Richter Three Worlds: Music from Woolf Works
Classical music.
Max Richter Voices
Maximum the Hormone Bu-ikikaesu
Not quite as good as "Yoshu Fukushu" or "Rokkinpo Goroshi", but still a solid slab of j-pop/power rock/alt-nu metal/pop punk.
Maximum the Hormone Mimi Kajiru Shinuchi
The new version of "Abara Bob" with its breakbeat section and nu metal riffing is partially a blatant ripoff of Slipknot, yet unsurprisingly MTH still do Slipknot better than Slipknot ever did. This might just be a re-recording of some more obscure tracks, but it's still just as solid and ridiculous as anything else MTH have ever done. Ridic punk rock/hardcore/metal/rap/power rock that changes styles fluidly at the drop of a hat and is always goofy fun.
Maybeshewill Fair Youth
Mayhem Live in Leipzig
Dead wasn't as experimental as Attila, but his vox still more or less became the definitive bm style. This is much rawer (obvsly) than Dom Sathanas, which definitely gives its tracks a bit of cruddy charm. I'm not as big on the earlier tracks, though.
Mayhem De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Rating is for the "Instrumental Mix 1992" which I like more than the standard with-vocals version.rNot a fan of the vocals, but the "Instrumental Mix 1992" version fixes that problem whilst also making the instrumentation sound both much heavier and more power. The blasting feels frantic, and the slower sections actually feel slightly menacing and evil in this alternative mix. Can't say if the vocals would sound appropriate in this new version, though.
Meat Loaf Bat Out of Hell
Megadeth Peace Sells... but Who's Buying?
whoever remastered these records should be shot.
Melanie De Biasio Blackened Cities
Melechesh Djinn
Melechesh Sphynx
Melechesh Emissaries
Middle Eastern folky rhythms and melodies over black metal riffs--something not many other bands (of which I'm aware) have really tried. Melechesh have always been a fairly unique band because of their patently non-European take on the black metal genre, but their brand of folk-ish metal is just as fun as any of their European counterparts. While "Emissaries" is a bit long (55 minutes), it never really slows down, never finds itself lacking in content, and is a generally enjoyable experience from start to finish. If you don't mind the runtime, of course.
Mentor Cults, Crypts And Corpses
Mercyful Fate Melissa
Mercyful Fate Mercyful Fate
solid 80's heavy metal. BLACK METAL.
Mesarthim Isolate
Atmospheric black synth metal. It's like Summoning but I like it more.
Meshuggah Nothing
The original Meshuggah groove album is a bit dirtier than it's later reworked twin, which kinda gives it a bit more personality over it's eventually more crushing replacement.
Meshuggah I
Meshuggah Contradictions Collapse
Meshuggah The True Human Design
Meshuggah Nothing (Re-Release)
Meshuggah obZen
Meshuggah None
Ancient Djent of the Coming Storm. That's an Amon Amarth reference, fyi.
Messiah Choir of Horrors
Metallica Master of Puppets
Ride the Lightning is their best album.
Mgla With Hearts Toward None
Mgla Exercises in Futility
this is my surprised face: :O can u tell im surprised?
Mgla Mdlosci
Slightly epic, melodic black metal. A two-track, eleven-minute EP that seems to get a lot of critical acclaim, and for good reason; despite its short runtime, "Mdlosci" *is* by all merits a very solid black metal release. It never really dips in quality at any point, partially due to its constant melodic lead playing which makes even the slower, less "intense" moments powerful by giving them an underling "epic" feel.
Mgla Further Down the Nest
Miasme perpetual.terminal
Midas Fall Evaporate
Midwife (USA) Luminol
dreamy shoegaze ambient pop album.
Milhaven Automata
Milhaven Milhaven
Mind Eraser Glacial Reign
Mind Eraser Cave
Miranda Lambert The Weight of These Wings
Miroist CURVE
Djent tech djennnt! Think Cloudkicker but with moar duhJentz more technicals moar

"It's like instrumental Periphery but without being bad!"
Mirrorring Foreign Body
Liz Harris is incapable of making bad music just as her voice is incapable of sounding bad. This might not be Grouper, but it's Groupery enough reverby almost-ambient to satisfy any Grouper/Harris fan.
Misery Index Retaliate
Misfits Walk Among Us
Mistcavern Into Twilight
do you guys like old Satyricon i like old satyricon i wonder if these guys like old Satyricon i think they might
Misterus Daydream II
About what you'd expect from a purple metal album; atmospheric black metal akin to slightly warmer blackgaze but without all the meandering post-rocking. It's not icy, but it employs all the other aspects of lo-fi atmospheric black metal, with enough real riffs to keep it interesting.
Mistur In Memoriam
Mithotyn Gathered Around the Oaken Table
Viking folk/melodeath. Is rly good the.
Mogwai Rock Action
Such mog, many wai, wow.
Mogwai 4 Satin
Charmingly warm, mostly quiet, post-rock. Or at least, the first two tracks are more on the ambient side. Stereodee, on the other hand, plays with building volume and gets a bit more rambunctious until building into about five minutes of somehow pleasing noise, and then ending in a charming little techno bit. Mogwai were always goofballs that way.
Mogwai The Hawk Is Howling
people at work called this elevator music ;_; which is actually kinda OK because this is pretty chill post-rockin' that's more on the "atmospheric background music" side than it is the "epic crescendos of epicness."
Mogwai Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will
Mogwai Les Revenants OST
Mol møl
Blackgaze that definitely likes to toe that line between black metal and screamo.
Mol II
Good post-black metal that sounds like post-black metal. It might just be coloring inside the lines, but at least it knows what picture it's supposed to be illustrating.
Not perfect blackgaze, but it moves in some interesting directions for the genre, for sure.
Mol Diorama
Molde Volhal Into the Cave of Ordeals​.​.​.
norwegian epic black metal that's rly fun and good and doesn't stretch itself thin at only 28 mins all killer no filler pagan furyness m/m/m/m/m/m/m///
Monarque/Neige Et Noirceur Cantvs Maleficvs
I'm not that big on Neige Et Noirceur, but the Monarque tracks are fantastic. Cold, slightly melodic, atmospheric black metal of a quality I'd expect from Monarque. NEN's tracks are also pretty decent, just not my cup of tea.
Moon Ate The Dark Moon Ate The Dark
Modern classical. Ambient piano music. For the most part it's solo piano music with light ambient/noise used to fill space and create a whisper of an atmosphere; other times the ambient noise becomes more prominent, creating a harsh/melodic collage. The latter style doesn't always work, but the piano compositions are fairly well-done and well-produced (in terms of their sound quality). Not the best piano-based ambient I've ever heard--but it ain't bad neither.
Moon Ate The Dark Moon Ate The Dark II
Modern classical loveliness. Pianos, strings, wow. Such pretty, many classic woa
Moonknight Senmorta
Dirty, thrashy black metal. Straightforward and to-the-point. Hail.
Moonknight Discernment
Moonlight Sorcery Horned Lord of the Thorned Castle
this is just children of bodom sitting on dimmu's shoulders in a trench coat and you cannot convince me otherwise.
Moonlit Sailor We Come from Exploding Stars
super pretty kinda twinkly non-crescendocore post-rock. It's the kind of instrumental guitar music that just kinda goes around and does pretty things for a while, stops, and then does it over again in the next song. Structurally not that interesting and stylistically not much either, but it's pretty atmospheric twinklies and I like that. :3
Moonsorrow Varjoina kuljemme kuolleiden maassa
Moonsorrow Jumalten aika
not the best Moonsorrow album but for viking metal it's still very good. Just not the goodest.
Mopok In the Dungeons of Mind
Not as solid as the newest EP, but still fairly terrifying black metal.
Morbid Axe Grind Up Your Ass
grindbutt buttgrind

Morbid Saint Destruction System
Mork Gryning Tusen Ar Har Gatt
melodic black metal gem, as described.
Morphinist Geopfert
Finally Morphinist put out something really worth caring about. It's still the same pretty simplistic melodic black metal, but this time around it feels like everything is just the tiniest bit better in just the right ways. Everything seems to come together here where older releases just didn't mesh. It's not amazing by any means, but the two main tracks provide you with a good 24-minutes of solid melodic black metal.
Mors Principium Est Inhumanity
Mossgiver Led By the Glowing River
great melodic atmo-black metal.
Motorhead 1916
Motorhead Ace of Spades
Motorhead Overkill
yeah punkin riffs rockin roll!
Motorhead Bomber
Motorhead Iron Fist
Motorhead Another Perfect Day
Motorhead Orgasmatron
Motorhead Sacrifice
Motorhead Rock 'N' Roll
Motorhead We Are Motorhead
Motorhead Overnight Sensation
Motorhead Hammered
Motorhead Motörhead
Motstand Motstand
It sounds like Darthrone you guys rate it NOW
Mount Eerie Ocean Roar
Mourir Animal Bouffe Animal
sludgy french modern black metal
My Beloved Force Feeding Love
Pretty noises!
My Bloody Valentine Loveless
shoegaze. Some of this is great; some other of this is not great.
My Useless Life Negative Memories
More of that "DSBM" that isn't awful. Very good stuff.
My Vitriol The Secret Sessions
also shoegaze alt rockin metal boys record band.
Mycorrhizae The Great Filtration
frantic melodicism yields an upwardliness of HYPE m/ melodic black metal ripper no zipper all chipper.r
Myrkur Mausoleum
Haunting cleans, haunting acoustic guitar (think: Ghost Reveries era Opeth), haunting pianos.
Amalie's black metal compositions might be underwhelming, but you can't say the girl doesn't have
a great singing voice. Pair her spooky singing with an equally spooky piano, add a Girls Choir
for extra spooky vocals, and Håvard's acoustic playing as an extra flourish, and you've got
yourself a surprisingly good listen.

I won't say this makes up for the sub-par "black metal" debut, but taken on its own "Mausoleum" is
a fairly good listen. Check it, for real.
Myrkur Juniper
Myrkur channels her talents into a short two-track folk EP that's surprisingly good for a number of reasons. Previous releases showcased an inability to both properly record as well as generally write heavy metal music, which undercut Brunn's otherwise skillful melodic arrangements and general singing ability. This mostly acoustic EP, however, mostly serves to highlight her singing abilities--which were always the high point of her previous works anyway. "Juniper" is a short, mostly acoustic release that sees some of Myrkur's strongest material yet purely because it foregoes the electric guitar-driven passages that so undercut previous releases to leave only Brunn's wonderful melodic singing and simple acoustic picking.
Myrkur Folkesange
Nadja Queller
Yeah it's all good and stuff melody drones riff wow such atmospheric
Nadja Tangled
A thirteen-minute heavy metal Nadja EP. Thick textures, cool riffs. Nadja with blast beats.
Nadra Allir vegir til glötunar
Naglfar Diabolical
peak Naglfar riffage. Melodic black metal assault, usurpation of the wicked!!!
Nails You Will Never Be One of Us
Nameless Coyote Devoured by the Swirling Night
Nameless Mist Nameless Mist
Solid anarcho sorta-depressive black metal of an atmospheric sort. Kind of a cross-sectioning of burzum and modern atmo-black a la cascadian, maybe.
Nargaroth Jahreszeiten
Nasheim Solens Vemod
Nasheim Jord Och Aska
Nasum Helvete
I'm fond of grind that's a bit crunchier, but despite not having my preferred sound style, Nasum's "Helvete" definitely makes up for it with sheer riffage and blasts and junk. Grindcore.
Natural Snow Buildings The Night Country
Shimmering chimes and droning guitars with some lo-fi folk along the way. It's really minimalistic and pretty.
Nature Morte NMI
more nifty post-black metal.
Nebelung Palingenesis
Think: Fauna or Agalloch, but with only the acoustic parts.
Necrophagist Epitaph
Necrophobic Darkside
Swedish melodic bm riffs of SATAN.
Necrot Mortal
Negative Plane Stained Glass Revelations
Nemesis Sopor Glas
It's like WitTR but with additional basic melodic riffing. Or something like that.
Nero di Marte Derivae
Take Ulcerate and move them two steps further toward atmospheric sludge, and away from their death metal axis. That is basically what you get here. Lotta post-metal, lotta atmosphere.
Nervosa Perpetual Chaos
Mom can we go out for Bolt Thrower death metal
no we have Bolt Thrower death metal at home
The Bolt Thrower death metal at home:
Netherbird Into The Vast Uncharted
your basic solid melodic bm
Neu! Neu!
K R A U T R O C K . Krautrock jamming rock n roll .
Neu! Neu! 2
Neurotech Evasive
Dancey dance dance of m/
Nhor Whisperers to this Archaic Growth
nic and Old Soul Split
Nic get their stuff together and release a great 20-minute side of aggressive post-
blackgaze. Old Soul prove their competence with a more screamo-influenced blackgaze sound.
Both bands are similar to Deafheaven, and both sides are great. Excellent split. rNow we
need some full-lengths from both bands.
Night Verses From the Gallery of Sleep
instru-riff rockin jams.
Nightrage Insidious
it's a solid melodeath album wooooooo

Nightrage Abyss Rising
This one actually rips. Nightrage might just be leftover At The Gates-y gothenburg worship, but Abyss Rising is solid high-energy melodic death metal with slicing melodies from start-to-finish.
Nightshade Wielding The Scythe
Nightwish Once
Nihilist Premature Autopsy
8 minutes of purest lofi dirty death metal. Nothing surprising, just jams.
Niklas Paschburg Oceanic
Piano music. Great jams.
Nils Frahm Solo
Pianos of piano... ing... ness. Pianoingness... osity. Yeah, that one.
Nimbifer Demo II
Raw screechy black metal of the no-frills, pummel-you-for-fifteen-ish-minutes sort.
No/Mas Raíz Del Mal
Nocte Obducta Nektar - Teil 2: Seen, Flüsse, Tagebücher
Aggressive proggy melodic black metal. With hints of Dissection and Mayhem and maybe Immortal here and there sprinkled in. It'sa good album.
Nocturnal Departure Cathartic Black Rituals
you guys know I like darkthrone already m/
Nocturnus The Key
Keyboardy tech death thrash that is good!
Nocturnus Thresholds
Experimental cosmic aural sonispheres. Particle doom wizardry. "Tech death".
NOFX The War on Errorism
NOFX Fuck the Kids
NOFX Home Street Home: Original Songs From Shit Musical
Noisem Cease To Exist
An absolute blast of death-thrash.
Nokturnal Mortum Lunar Poetry
Epic pagan black metal. Pretty good use of folk music and up-beat rhythms to create fun, epic bm. They use with those goofy 90's synthesized instruments that are simultaneously cheesy goofiness, and lo-fi kvlt. Knowing those fake instruments were the best that they could do with their limited funds somehow makes it better.
Nokturnal Mortum Verity
Over-wrought, meandering, quagmired hoop-scooting boogie epic folk metal pagans. It's not as epic as Stone of Steel or as kvlt That One About the Jews, and it may be longer than a sermon in southern Mississippi, but Verily is on it's own still a solid slab of non-Satanic pagan metal mastery music from some mysterious land called El Ukraine. I still don't know what side of Panama that's on, but I hear there are seven-legged goats there, so that's cool.
Nontinuum The Stars You Gathered, The Stars I Destroyed
Norther Mirror of Madness
Norther Dreams of Endless War
Norther Death Unlimited
Not On Tour All This Time
Nothing Tired of Tomorrow
Noveller Fantastic Planet
Ambient drones of noise and softness and nice wow
Novembers Doom The Novella Reservoir
Novo Amor Bathing Beach
Now, Now Threads
Happy sings
Nuclear Assault Handle with Care
Nuclear Assault Game Over
Numenorean Home
This is probably everything "Moonlover" failed to be; aggressive, powerful blackgaze with a depressive bm lean.
Numenorean Adore
An odd pairing of post-black metal with melodic death and Gojira-style riffing. While it definitely opens up Numenorean's style to different songwriting policies, the heavy riffing often comes at odds to its more delicate black metal sensibilities, causing transitions between the two to feel very emotionally rough. An interesting fusion to be sure, but one that needs a bit more smoothing out.
Nunslaughter Hell's Unholy Fire
unholy riffs ov blasphemy, goofy vocals ov sillyr
Nusquama Horizon Ontheemt
Dutch atmospheric black metal supergroup. Nasty vox from Turia's leading lady make this a particularly visceral record (as per usual).
Nux Vomica Nux Vomica
Oak Pantheon Sol
Agallochian neo folk.
Oathbreaker Rheia
Stylistically some sort of amalgamation of punk and black metal with its own brand of experimental atmospheric influences to boot. I don't even know what that means, but it riffs and it blasts and it sounds like nothing else out there.
Obliteration Perpetual Decay
Obliteration Nekropsalms
Obsequiae Suspended in the Brume of Eos
Obsequiae Aria of Vernal Tombs
My spreadsheets say this is folk-ish bm and that I like it? Ok spreadsheet whatever you say fam.
Obsequiae The Palms of Sorrowed Kings
I think the melodic work here might be better but the black metal element of their sound has lost prominence in order to highlight the former. Basic give-and-take tradeoff.
October Tide Grey Dawn
while not quite as good as the debut, October Tide's sophomore album is another nice slab of katatonian death doom.
Odium (NOR) The Sad Realm of the Stars
Symphonic black metal that sounds like if Wolves in the Throne Room... played symphonic black metal. The vocals and the keys sound like they were direct influences to WitTR with the vocalist almost sounding exactly like one of the Weaver brothers. Very solid, atmospheric 90's symphonic black metal.
Odraza Rzeczom
the new Mgla sounds pretty good.
Odz Manouk/Tukaaria Split
Of Solitude and Solemn Of Solitude and Solemn
Ofermod Mystérion Tés Anomias
hail orthodox black metal
Olafur Arnalds and Nils Frahm Trance Frendz
Trance Frendz is a rather quaint piano collab by two fairly well acclaimed modern classical
artists. It definitely can't compete with most works in either artist's back catalogs, but
it probably wasn't intended to. It's a rather simple album, probably just meant to be a fun
exercise in pianism between friends. In that way, it succeeds. It probably won't blow you
away if you've had at least a little bit of experience with piano-heavy [modern] classical
music, but don't let that stop you from checking out it or either artist's back catalogs.

Rating could go up upon further listens; it's just kind of hard to be objective toward piano
music when there's already so much of it out there.
Olan Mill Pine
idk it has modern classical ambient music sounds chill man.
Old Graves Long Shadows
Atmospheric black metal with a tinge of folkiness. I was expecting this to be just a 3/5 after hearing a track or two--but after actually listening to the thing it's surprisingly better than expected. It's solid melodic atmospheric black metal with some folky flair here and there to keep things interesting.
Old Man Gloom The Ape of God I
This grooves pretty hard.
Old Man's Child Born of the Flickering
Old Man's Child Vermin
Old Man's Child Revelation 666
Old Man's Child The Pagan Prosperity
I love the big drum sound on this record--it really works with the riffs to create a nice groovy sound which is something you hardly ever get in black metal. The songwriting style is generally basic, though, so while a lot of this is fairly accessible melodic black metal, songs get repetitive fairly quickly. If you were to cut these songs down in length and remove maybe one repetition of the "chorus," I think they'd potentially be better.
Old Man's Child Ill Natured Spiritual Invasion
Old Nick Crisp Winter Dawn of my Night Moon
This is campy af black metal and I do enjoy it quite a bit. The goofy synth orchestral instruments, quirky drumming, and croaking vox make this band one big camp extravaganza.
Omegavortex Black Abomination Spawn
Omnium Gatherum The Redshift
Omnium Gatherum New World Shadows
Omnium Gatherum Beyond
Omnium Gatherum Grey Heavens
Omnium Gatherum The Burning Cold
More like Omnium Solid-um amirite hue hue hue. It's just solid melodic death metal with the sentimental melodies of Dan Swano, same as it's always been.
Oneida Success
Opeth Still Life
Opeth Morningrise
Opeth Damnation
Oranssi Pazuzu Kosmonument
Oranssi Pazuzu Valonielu
Orkun A. Archaic
ambient bliss!
Osi and the Jupiter Uthuling Hyl
nordic folk/ambient
Ossaert Bedehuis

Ossaert Pelgrimsoord
Ossaert deliver another win with this excellent black metal album.
Outre Hollow Earth
pummeling blackened death metal a la your favorite band Abyssal.
P.L.F. Devious Persecution and Wholesale Slaughter
i am the grindcoreman i make the grumblies
Pale Chalice Negate the Infinite and Miraculous
Pretty straightforward bm. Nothing fancy, just treble and riffzzzz.
Panopticon Collapse
Panopticon Roads to the North
Panopticon Autumn Eternal
I hope this is better than Roads because it seems to have the potential.
Panopticon Revisions of the Past
Both albums sound markedly better, but don't sound as good as they *should* due to the inferior
quality of their source materials. Still, that's not to say that Lunn's writing was bad, but just
that his recording resources were limited when these albums were initially recorded. Both albums
sound better than the originals, though, and that's what's important here. Marston and Morris are
Panopticon The Scars of Man on the Once Nameless Wilderness
By now Austin's black metal style is well-established, and fairly unchanging. It's solid, but any of the tracks here feel like they could've come from either of the last two albums, and beyond little nuances here and there, there's not a whole lot to make individual songs stick out from one another, either. At this point it's just Panopticon doing Panopticon to varying degrees of success a la Drudkh, but it just kinda feels old by now.rThe second record is unique, but it's also not my cup of tea. The folk elements of this group have always been most effective when woven into lengthier pieces rather than when used on their own. Side B isn't bad, it's just not that well constructed or necessary. Austin should probably try mixing it up on his next record--especially in terms of basic song construction. Something more like Collapse would be nice right now in this project's timeline, and I hope to see more adventurous songwriting akin to that in the future.
Panopticon/Vestiges Split
Paramnesia Paramnesia
Two twenty-minute slabs of cold, punishing atmospheric black metal. For fans of Ash Borer,
and all similar ripoffs. Definitely a band to keep an eye on in the future.
Paramore After Laughter
Parannoul After The Magic
Parannoul After the Night
trying to pull a Fishmans is ballsy but the nu king of shoegaze pulls it off.
Paranorm Empyrean
Parasite Inc. Time Tears Down
Very solid Hypocrisy-worship melodeath.
Parasite Inc. Dead and Alive
Patrick O'Hearn So Flows the Current
New age ambient music. It's really swell, promise.
Pausal Avifaunal
Who likes crappy ambient? Zaru likes crappy ambient. Is it true? I do I do I doo-ooooo.
Paysage d'Hiver Paysage d'Hiver
Paysage d'Hiver Im Wald
Pelican What We All Come to Need
A little overlong and the songs could also be trimmed a little bit, "What We All Come to Need" is solid Pelican being solid Pelican; Heavy rockin' "post-metal" riff barrages are followed by typically slower, post-rock-lite sludginess. The formulaicness of their music can get a little old, but at the end of the day their riffing is so solid it hardly matters. And there's really little to complain about given the 1-2-3 punch openers of Glimmer/The Creeper/Ephemeral, which is a helluva way to start a record even if it is heavily frontloaded because of it.
Pelican Forever Becoming
Pelican Arktika (live from Russia)
Pelican groove as hard live as one would expect.
Pelican Nighttime Stories
Penguin Cafe Orchestra Penguin Cafe Orchestra
Penguin Cafe Orchestra is easily the best penguin-affiliated musical assemblage there is.
Penguin Cafe Orchestra Broadcasting from Home
It's got that one song from Napoleon Dynamite (you know the one), and the rest is similarly cool. Woooo.
Penguin Cafe Orchestra Signs of Life
Penguins, Cafes, chamber folks, Orchestras. Such classical, much Covfefe, wow.
Pennywise All or Nothing
Pest Control Don't Test the Pest
crossover thrash liiiiiiiiiiiives!
Petrychor Apocalyptic Witchcraft
Back to ye olde roots :D Atmospheric black metal with absolutely lovely acoustic sections and tons
upon tons of layering. Like always Tad's music is fairly busy, but it's the amount of activity
that makes it unique. If you dug Fauna's Avifauna, get on this asap.
pg.lost Versus
they 80's called and they want their aesthetic back
Phoebe Bridgers Stranger in the Alps
Pianos Become the Teeth Keep You
Pig Destroyer Terrifyer
Pig Destroyer Phantom Limb
Pig Destroyer Head Cage
Pin-Up Went Down 2 Unlimited
I don't even know what this is but whatever.
Pinegrove Marigold
Pink Floyd The Dark Side of the Moon
Pink Floyd Meddle
Plini Sweet Nothings
Poldoore Waiting For The World
Instrumental hip hop/downtempo. Good music jams chill tunes.
Poloniumcubes One
Pretty piano music!
Popol Vuh Hosianna Mantra
Popol Vuh Nosferatu OST
krautrock that is pretty and fun.
Poppy Ackroyd Escapement
classical musics pianos strings wow
Poppy Ackroyd Feathers
classical pianos wow
Poppy Ackroyd Resolve
Poppy Ackroyd, Piano Wizard.
Porter Robinson Nurture
Portico Quartet Isla
Groovy, daddio. Jazz, man.
Praecognitvm Oris Resolutio Somnum
Pretty solid mostly fast atmospheric black metal.
Prehistoric War Cult Under The Sign Of The Red Moon
war metal go grrrrrr ruhh *blast beat*
Prison Suicide 2016 Demo
Profane Order Tightened Noose of Sanctimony
Profane Order Marked by Malice
Profane Order Slave Morality
War metal liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiives!
Punky Bruster Cooked on Phonics
Pure Wrath The Forlorn Soldier
Purity Renaissance Promo
Lo-fi black metal with a melodic edge and some synthy ambient passages for the pseudo-Burzum feel. But it's better than Burzum so that's nice too.
PVRIS Hallucinations
emotionally validating happy pop rock
Quadrupede Quadrupede
Quadrupede T O G O B A N
It's a jazzy mathy groovy electronic post-rocky rock party party!
Quo Vadis Day Into Night
Quo Vadis's second album is less like an independent album and more a thought experiment--a purposeful, experimental attempt to Frankenstein together a hypothetical followup record to Carcass's swansong record, "Swansong." Quo Vadis essentially sound as if they attempted to take the instrumental styles of Carcass's Heartwork and Swansong records and combine them, then add flares of modernity and standard Gothernburg influences to create an effective approximation of a hypothetical "next Carcass album." And they did a fairly good job of it, with even the vox sounding almost exactly like Jeff Walker. He should really have sued them for plagiarism.
Quo Vadis Defiant Imagination
Prog dm melody yeah. The band Brendon Small potentially ripped off when creating Dethklok, though his version was much less proggy.
Racing Glaciers Ahead Of You Forever
Happy Music for Happy People!
Racing Glaciers Racing Glaciers - EP
Racing Glaciers Caught in the Strange
Rafael Anton Irisarri A Fragile Geography
Droning ambient. Stars of the Lid. Strings.
Rafael Anton Irisarri The Shameless Years
Fuzzy, noisy-yet-melodic ambient. Dark, rumbling soundscapes of tension.
Ragnarok Nattferd
A great coalescence of the second-wave sound; encapsulating the main forces of the Norwegian scene up to the point of its release, "Nattferd" represents what would become the blueprint for basic second-wave black metal. While Ragnarok didn't even much new on their own on this first record of theirs, they did distill the basic elements of the black metal scene at large and bind them together in a tight, diverse package.
Rahu The Quest for the Vajra of Shadows
Rakta III
Rakta Falha Comum
Really good post noise psyche kraut soundscapes~~~
Ratatat Classics
I think this is better than their first album? It's like the same way just improved a bit; it has character this time around.
Ratboys GN
Ratboys Printer's Devil
i like power poppin indie rock
Ratboys The Window
Raum The Event of Your Leaving
Grouper and friend challenge musical conventions by taking Grouper's sadlady on piano aesthetic and bumping it up with some other guy's ambient undertones. So it's Grouper with some more dreamy fuzzzzz permeating Liz's dreamy, layered vox. Great ambient rules/5
Raum Daughter
Raventale Dark Substance Of Dharma
Atmospheric bm about Tibetan mythology. Nasty vox and keyboard melodiez and riffzz.

I dig it and it doesn't even focus on blast beats! :O
Red Sparowes Aphorism
Regina Spektor Begin To Hope
Regina Spektor Far
Regina Spektor What We Saw from the Cheap Seats
Remete (AUS) Into Endless Night
More blizzardly atmospheric black metal from the Woods of Desolation guy, so ofc it's good.
Respire Denouement
Post-black/screamo. It's like a bleaker Envy but quite faster, with actual post-rock sections instead of just "twinkly guitars with slow drumming." Cool jams.
Rhinocervs RH-11
This has a much better, more suffocating sound than some of the other RH demos. Straight suffocating, vaguely melodic bm.
Rhinocervs RH-12
Crushed by the weight of your own melancholy.
Ringare Under Pale Moon
Atmospheric black metal of the frigid keyboardy Paysage D'Hiver sort that was definitely recorded in a woodshed fifteen hundred miles from modern civilization.
Riot City Burn the Night
Riot City Electric Elite
Ripped to Shreds 亂 (Luan)
Rise Against Siren Song of the Counter Culture
Ritual Carnage Every Nerve Alive
less death, more thrash.
Ritual Carnage The Highest Law
Thrash lives, death metal gives. dm riffs sound like Bolt Thrower so that's a clear m/
Rotten Sound Napalm
Rotten Sound Species At War
Rotten Sound Abuse to Suffer
The vocals have a little less personality this time around but the rest is standard Rotten Sound; blasty blast riff riff groove groove blast riff blast groove.
Rotting Christ Theogonia
Rotting Christ Aealo
Rotting Christ Kata Ton Demona Eaftou
Runic Liar Flags
Fun folk melodic death metal.
Rur Rur
Atmospheric black metal with a bit of reverb for synthetic atmosphere. Not too shabby, though it could've used more folk vocals.
Rush Moving Pictures
Prog ROCKS! today's Tom Sawyer weedo weedo weedo Haha m///////////
Russian Circles Empros
Russian Circles Memorial
Russian Circles Guidance
post-rock/metal with lovely melodies, nice chugZ
Russian Circles Gnosis
Rust (SWE) Damned Hellish Voids
darkthronecore Ted-vox thrash metal of black metal DEATH! !!!!
RVIVR Bicker and Breathe
punk rock fun rock rock
Sabaton Carolus Rex
more hypercheese power folk metal glory: now in Swedish!
Sabaton Heroes
extra cheese hyper masculine power ballad power metal
Sacramentum Far Away from the Sun
Sacramentum The Coming of Chaos
very solid melodic black/death
Sacred Son Sacred Son
Blackened meme metal hyperblast. Memes be darned, this blasts enough for me to get behind. trolololol
Sacrilege (UK1) Behind the Realms of Madness
27 minutes of nonstop punk RIFFZ. Crust/thrash or w/e. Riffs for days.
Sacrilege (UK1) Within the Prophecy
crusty thrash metal Bolt Thrower crusty thrash metal Bolt Thrower crusty thrash metal Bolt Thrower crusty thrash metal Bolt Thrower crusty thrash metal Bolt Thrower crusty thrash metal Bolt Thrower crusty thrash metal Bolt Thrower crusty thrash metal Bolt Thrower crusty thrash metal Bolt Thrower crusty thrash metal Bolt Thrower crusty thrash metal Bolt Thrower crusty thrash metal Bolt Thrower crusty thrash metal Bolt Thrower crusty thrash metal Bolt Thrower crusty thrash metal Bolt Thrower crusty thrash metal Bolt Thrower crusty thrash metal Bo
Sacrilege GBG The Fifth Season
SotLB-worship melodeath.
Sadhaka Terma
Do you like all that Cascadian jazz? Ya? Then here you go bud.
Sadistic Ritual Visionaire Of Death
Sadistic Ritual The Enigma, Boundless
Sadness Leave
Sadness Circle of Veins
Sadness I want to be there
Sadness continues to work from his base of depressive black metal to meld his style with blackgaze and create an interesting brand of fuzzy, depressing, epicly uplifting blackened post-metal.
Sadness Rain Chamber
Sadness _____
Sadness continues to expand blackgaze in unique ways by uploading songs they wrote three years ago. Someone on RYM said that "orange love" sounds like an Andrew WK track and that's just about the most perfect summation of that track I think anyone could give. Those synths have no right to go that hard, straight fist-pumping dancegaze.
Sadness our time is here
Sadness kiss in october (2017)
Saidan Jigoku: Spiraling Chasms of Blackst Hell
uplifting melodic black metal a la Leech. One of the better black metal albums of 2021 thus far.
Saidan Onryo II: Her Spirit Eternal
Saidan Visual Kill: The Blossoming of Psychotic Depravity
Sailboats Demo
very loud screamo with blast beats. two song demo, unfortunately the only one.
Saint Pepsi Hit Vibes
Samael Solar Soul
Samael Reign Of Light
Sankara Total Liberation of the Human Race
Capitalist-stomping war metal memery that's unironically pretty good.
Saor Forgotten Paths
Sarah Davachi All My Circles Run
Ambient drone modern classical. Droning music for strings, synth, and piano.
Sarah Jarosz Polaroid Lovers
Sargeist Unbound
Icy cold black metal that uses its melodic edge to weasel in overtly head-banging, fist-bumping
grooves every now and again, despite its super serious facade. Which is to say, Sargeist know how
to be krieg and still have fun.
Sarr Ávitun
Depressive-tinged black metal that's got those rolling rhythms of Drukh and atmospherics of WitTR. Short EP but good EP.
Satan Court in the Act
Satan Life Sentence
Satan Atom by Atom
Satyricon Nemesis Divina
Black metal.
Saxon Shore Luck Will Not Save Us From A Jackpot Of Nothing
Pretty post-rock that's too short. Non-crescendocore. Happy musics.
Scalp Black Tar
kids: mom can we have some new Nails songs
mom: we have new Nails songs at home
new Nails songs at home:
Screeching Weasel My Brain Hurts
Seabuckthorn Turns
Atmospheric sleepy reverby neo-folk. Soft strumming, thumping drums so delicately,
such spacious, much spiritual, wow.
Sean McCann Ten Impressions For Piano And Strings
Stars of the Lid. Strings. LOUD NOISES. Pianos. Drone. Classical music. 3.7/5
Seefeel Quique
Seefeel's "Quique" uses really repetitive ambient bits and slowly builds on them over the course each song by adding and removing little nuances. Each song is repetitive but you can feel the changes as they happen, which makes them feel more hypnotic than tiring. It sort of blends into the background, but that's kind of the point. Eat your heart out, William Basinski.
Seizures The Sanity Universal
Sepultura Chaos A.D.
Dunno why I didn't have this one rated since it ruelz. Sepultura moved well into groove metal with this one, but those thrash riffs are still there.
Serment Chante, O Flamme de la Liberte
A more Paysage-y Forteresse from the Forteresse guy.
Serpent Column Endless Detainment
Serpent Column is a guy wanting to play Converge while also wanting to play black metal and musing this quandary aloud whilst the Old El Paso taco commercial plays in the background. por que no los dos? the little girls asks. Hey yeah why not.
Shadows (CL) Out for Blood
Ghost if they were Chilean and had riffs.
Sharon Van Etten Are We There
Shining (SWE) IV - The Eerie Cold
Shitfucker Suck Cocks in Hell
Nasty punky Celtic Frost/Bathory worship black metal. No comment on the band name or artwork.
Shores of Ladon Eindringling
Pretty straightforward atmospheric black metal. Fast, long-winded riffs scrunched into 7-minute mini-epics. It's like Ash Borer on a diet.
Shores of Ladon Lupercal
Melodic second wave worshiping black metal that's not so much a blizzard as it is a clear winter day.
Shores of Ladon Witterung
Siege Drop Dead
Sielunvihollinen Hautaruhtinas
olde black metal riffs of olde blackened metallic riffing.
Sielunvihollinen Ruhonkantaja
Melodic black that kinda feels like what mid-period Darkthrone would've sounded like if they'd listened to melodic hardcore ibstead of Celtic Frost. This is borderline melo punk in a lot of places which makes it feel very unique for its unashamed punk influences, which definitely also make it a very fun record.
Sigh Imaginary Sonicscape
Sigh Scenes from Hell
Goofy avant-symphonic black metal nonsense.
Sigh In Somniphobia
Sigh Graveward
Sigh Heir to Despair
Silent Whale Becomes a Dream Canopy
Toast rock classical wall of the ambient. Like and Share if you love toast!
Silent Whale Becomes a Dream Architeuthis
Shimmering tremolos of prettiness. Sparkle sparkle.
Silvanthrone Silvanthrone
Sirom The Liquified Throne of Simplicity
Skagos Ast
Skeleton Ordainment Of Divinity
blackened punk band Skeleton are now blackened black metal band Skeleton. Five tracks, twelve minutes of raw black metal that sounds like it was recorded on broken microphones.
Skogen (SWE) I Doden
Sky Ferreira Night Time, My Time
Skyfire Spectral
Skyforest A New Dawn
Slaegt The Wheel
Slaegt Goddess
Slant (KOR) Vain Attempt
Slayer Show No Mercy
Woah check it out I like a thrash album that's not Metallica?!?!??? Stop the presses! This is good olde school thrash speed metal Venom-worship and that's totes fine. The screechy guitar solos don't work as well here as they would under Slayer's later 80's style, but they're not that big of an issue, either. This is thrash when thrash was still F.U.N..
Slift Ummon
Slough Feg Down Among the Deadmen
Slough Feg Atavism
Slow Meadow Costero
Ambient piano string music with some slight electronics. Lovely!
Slow Pulp Moveys
Slowdive Just for a Day
Shoegaze and a lil bit of ambientce woah. Chillgaze, dreams, slow tempo adjectives. Great job!
Snowday As We Travel
Sodom In the Sign of Evil
Fairly crudely put-together thrash metal with harsh vocals and some extreme metal drumming. This would be a 3/5, but I'm a bit of a sucker for those throwback punk grooves. BLACK METAL THRASH ATTACK!
Softcult Year of the Rat
Softcult Year Of The Snake
Softcult See You In The Dark
Soilwork Steelbath Suicide
Soilwork The Chainheart Machine
At the Gates-worship at its finest, maybe, but still just standard melodeath. Soilwork had the benefit of being exceptionally aggressive for ATG-y melodeath tho, which definitely makes their music more powerful. And on 'Chainheart they were still "pure", not yet beginning to flirt with clean vocals a la the ever popular In Flames.
Soilwork A Predator's Portrait
While I'm no fan of clean vox in melodeath and Soilwork use the same basic thrash-beat drum rhythm in basically every song, "A Predator's Portrait" is still hella aggressive and solid melodeath. Definitely better than most of In Flames "metal" albums, too.
Soilwork The Panic Broadcast
Soilwork The Living Infinite
This is getting ridiculous. Even the cheesy parts are well-executed.
Solbrud Jaertegn
Black Cascade Black Cascade Black Cascade
Solbrud Vemod
Shameless Black Cascade worship, but when WitTR's last album was kind of underwhelming, anything better is a delight. And Solbrud are pretty effective at emulating WitTR's organic take on atmospheric black metal.
Sonic Poison Combat Grind
Sophie Hutchings Becalmed
Piano/ambient. Yowza Yowza Bo-Bowza. Highly original soundoff I wrote all by myself.
Sophie Hutchings Night Sky
Piano/ambient. Yowza Yowza Bo-Bowza. Copy pasta soundoffs what is this lazytown
Sophie Hutchings White Light
Piano/ambient. Yowza Yowza Bo-Bowza. Same soundoff thrice on a roooll!!
Sophie Hutchings Wide Asleep
Piano/ambient. Yowza Yowza Bo-Bowza. Same soundoff x4 woooooop
Sophie Hutchings Yonder
Sophie's great at what she does, which is play piano v well and make pretty musics. ~ Modern classical ~
Sophie Madeleine Love Life Ukulele
Sorrows Threads
Ambient. Pounding. Bleeding ears. Fifteen minutes. Interesting.
Soup (NOR) Remedies
Post-rock/prog rock with some singing. I'm usually not one for vocals in my post-rock, but Soup's vocalist sings sparsely enough that he only adds to the downbeat atmosphere when he actually shows up. The rest of the music sort of blends between pretty instrumental proggy jams and full-blown post-rock. It's an interesting combination and Soup do it rather well. In a year with not all that much post-rock to talk about this is definitely a great find.
Spectral Lore Ετερόφωτος
Spectral Wound Infernal Decadence
Do you like Sargeist? Because this is how you get Sargeists. It's uh, cold icy mean black metal with absolutely no frills at all. The frills, they have been shattered off. Because of all the ice. So what we have is black metal that's icy and totally uninventive because all its frills are gone. That's not a bad thing necessarily, unless you're someone who likes frills. Then it might be a bad thing. But otherwise this is pretty non-frill-necessary black metal that makes me really want to change into some thicker socks.
Spectral Wound A Diabolic Thirst
very solid no-frills, to-the-point melodic-ish black metal.
Spider God Skugglösa ljuset
Spiritualized Pure Phase
Spiritualized Amazing Grace
definitely a misstep for Spiritualized as it lacks the artsy bombast that made the band so intriguing in the first place, but as a more stripped down project it's not bad on its own, either. "Amazing Grace" is Spiritualized at their most "straightforward" and rock-oriented, still stuffed full of 70s cheese but not as atmospheric or instrumentally expansive.
Spiritualized Everything Was Beautiful
Spopielony Legendy
nifty chill dark/ambient
St. Vincent St. Vincent
St. Vincent MassEducation
Stam1na Stam1na
Prog metallic tech thrasher boyo comin with the riff.
Stand Atlantic Skinny Dipping
State Faults Resonate/Desperate
State Faults Clairvoyant
Screamo/post-rock. The post-rock guitar layering and atmospherics give this band a melodic and emotional heft that most screamo just never manages to arrange.
Stefan Wesołowski Rite of the End
Somber string ambient noise.
Stephen Sanchez What Was, Not Now
Stereolab Emperor Tomato Ketchup
Not wholly post-rock, but not a whole lot else, either. Goofy electronics and kraut-rocking rhythms backed by English/French vocals and the occasional straight rock track.
Stereolab Peng!
Stereolab Mars Audiac Quintet
Stereolab Dots and Loops
yeah i guess this is more good 70's vibe-ing chill-rock with them french lady vox.
Stormkeep Galdrum
pretty decent atmospheric black metal. the production isn't quite jagged enough to really grab you that hard, but the instrumentation is nice.
Strapping Young Lad The New Black
Stress Angel Bursting Church
old school death thrash lives
Strigae I​:​Collision
Darkspace-worship-particle physics-themed-atmospheric-black-metal. Although heavily influenced by the cold outer space sterility of Darkspace, Strigae take pains to make their music much more melodic while still maintaining a sense of the atmospheric void. It's much more "speeding through a bright nebula" than being "sucked into a wormhole", which definitely allows it to stand on its own against its forefather.
Strung Out Exile In Oblivion
Strung Out Transmission.Alpha.Delta
SubRosa (US) More Constant Than The Gods
Suffocation Pierced from Within
Suffocation Human Waste
Suffocation Effigy of the Forgotten
Suffocation Blood Oath
Sufjan Stevens The Ascension
Sufjan Stevens Javelin
SuidAkrA Signs for the Fallen
Sulphur Aeon Swallowed by the Ocean's Tide
Sun Kil Moon Ghosts of the Great Highway
Sun of the Blind Skullreader
This is great atmospheric black metal. It's basically Darkspace minus all the blast beats but the lack of higher-tempo sections allows it to create an even better atmosphere. The subtle electronic elements (which remind me of Passage-era Samael) are really nice, too.
Sun Worship Surpass Eclipse
Sun Worship Elder Giants
Sun Worship get their act together and release a fantastic debut LP. They've tightened up
their sound this time around and now sound similar to an early Ash Borer or other (albeit
dirtier) Cascadian band. Three fairly straightforward and mostly fast black metal tracks
are followed by one dark ambient outro and together make this debut a very memorable

If you like fast, slightly dirty black metal with slow chord progressions and a whole lot of
repetition, then Sun Worship's debut Elder Giants is definitely something to look into. But
hey, you should be checking it out anyway.
Sunami Demonstration
Beatdown hardcore that wants to beat u up woah im scared oWo
Sunami Sunami EP
Big dumb beatdown hardcore that's riffy and has a good tone I guess.
Sunami/Gulch Split
i turn off my brain and let the ooga ooga punk riff go dun dun dun haha
Sunset In The 12th House Mozaic
Sunwatchers Oh Yeah?
krautrocky jazz psych jam nonsense
Sunwolf Beholden To Nothing And No One
Such doom
many ambient
femal sings
Superorganism Superorganism
Indietronica cutesy super group boop boop
Susanne Sundfor The Silicone Veil
Svalbard One Day All This Will End
Svalbard It's Hard to Have Hope
Svalbard When I Die, Will I Get Better?
Svalbard The Weight of the Mask
Svart Crown Profane
This has that crunchy Portal-style guitar sound, and the playing style is similar as well. So if you like Portal you might like this.
Svartidaudi Flesh Cathedral
Svffer Lies We Live
Thrash livez
Svrm Занепад
yeah fine w/e spirit this rules yeah. blackgaze that's not very gazey but has that blackgaze lead thing going on. Mostly fast blasty stuff that's not too fast. Yeah.
Swans The Seer
my world is a roadblock hurtling through space / my universe is an ocean blazed to glass from sand / an apocalypse immeasure an old man looking into the black black staring yelling THE GRASS AINT ALWAYS A GREENARRRR
Swans Leaving Meaning
I like it and it's pleasing but in this part of their career Swans does ring like a band
that gets accolades for basically just doing krautrock at a time when people don't know
what krautrock is, and see Swans as absolutely unique and sonically genius when
realistically they are the opposite. A band whose cult acclaim saw a resurgence during
their revival and now leads people to believe they're more different than they really

Sonically Leaving Meaning is just Gira mumbling and repeating lines that bumble along to
equally repetitive and tranquil drum lines that slowly evolve over their typically 7-
minute runtimes. There are nuances of folk and other experimental stuff woven in there,
but artistically that's what krautrock always was anyway--repetitive, fairly chill,
experimental rock. And Swans is exactly that. And while I believe that modern Swans is
good, the amount of acclaim they get feels rather odd, and feels as if most people
applauding them might have little other knowledge regarding the style of music they
actually now play.
Sweven (SWE) The Eternal Resonance
System of a Down Steal This Album!
Clearly no Toxicity, "Steal This Album!" is still a competent record in its own right. Nowhere near as solid, but there are plenty of Toxicity/s.t-level tracks here.
System of a Down Mezmerize
Taake Nattestid Ser Porten Vid
Taake's first album feels almost like a subtle subversion of "kvlt" black metal. Sure, it has the super treble-y raw production values, tons of fuzzy riffs, and melodies that are buried in the mix, but it also gets noticeably odd every now and again. They will suddenly play a catchy riff, bang out an up-beat punky drum beat, or casually bang a tambourine in the background (or whatever approximates a tambourine sound), as if to subtly throw off the "kvlt" vibe with something more akin to funness. Whatever the reasons, Taake's first album contains enough frigid blasting and Darkthronian punk riffs to be kvlt, while containing enough new personality to set itself apart from the rest of the pack, albeit in a slightly funny way.
Tagefolket Lad Asketid Begynde
Do you like Nattens Madrigal? Then you should check this. It's black metal that sonically is very NM-y. Two tracks, ~16 minutes. Thin guitar, audible bass, very norwegian riffing and occasional clean folky singing.
Tall Ships Impressions
Emotion-core indie rock with post-rocky ~atmospherics~. Sort of akin to the emotional melodicism of Anathema, but more indie rock than art/prog. Really pretty tho wow.
Tankard Zombie Attack
Tardigrada Emotionale Ödnis
Tardigrada Vom Bruch bis zur Freiheit
Tenacious D Rize of the Fenix
Tenacious D best band in the world, Tenacious D they get all the girls. Tenacious D best guitar play ing, Tenacious D wow how can they sing.
Terrorizer Caustic Attack
Terzij de Horde In One Of These, I Am Your Enemy
Testament The New Order
Testament The Ritual
Testament First Strike Still Deadly
Testament The Formation of Damnation
Th' Faith Healers Lido
While the vocals are definitely the not the greatest, Th' Faith Healers are at their best when
pretending to be a noisy jam band. Their combination of grooving krautrock and up-beat noise rock
made them--and this album in particular--significant in the development of experimental early
post-rock. Definitely a fun, rockin' record.
Thantifaxath Thantifaxath
Thaw Earth Ground
The American Analog Set From Our Living Room To Yours
The American Analog Set The Golden Band
The American Analog Set Promise of Love
The American Analog Set The Fun of Watching Fireworks
The Appleseed Cast The Fleeting Light of Impermanence
indie post-rock wew!
The Armed Untitled
The Beths Future Me Hates Me
The Black Dahlia Murder Unhallowed
I liked TBDM when their melodeath was just straight swedeath At the Gates plagiarism. The rasps were neat, the production was rough, it's no frills melodeath without all the NWOAHM-isms.
The Black Twilight Circle Desert Dances and Serpent Sermons
I'm not a huge fan of the Shataan/Kallathon pieces, but the Volahn/Arizmenda tracks are great--particularly Volahn's. With all the Southern-ish rock and Native American folk influences found throughout most of the tracks, they really weren't kidding by calling this "Western black metal."
The Body and Braveyoung Nothing Passes
The Caretaker Everywhere at the End of Time - Stage 1
lo-fi sad tape music. I don't want to forget :''(
The Chasm The Spell of Retribution
The Chasm The Scars of a Lost Reflective Shadow
The Crown Cobra Speed Venom
The Devil Wears Prada Zombie
The Dwarves Blood, Guts, and Pussy
old school raunchy punk whatever is fun. wewwww
The Evpatoria Report Golevka
The Evpatoria Report Maar
The Fucking Champs III
A weird hodgepodge of mostly instrumental different guitar things; math rock, some thrashy chugs, ambient guitar noodling. What's significant is that a lot of this album--specifically the metal riffing and chuggy sections--would be lifted stylistically when some members would later write Weakling's seminal "Dead As Dreams" record. Anyone who's listened to Weakling should immediately hear the similarities to The Fucking Champs on III, down to the slow melodic sections and even the guitar tone.
The Great Cold The Great Cold
Post-metal with a dash of black metal.
The Great Old Ones Cosmicism
The Halo Effect Days of the Lost
old in flames and Dark Tranquillity guys make the album that In Flames should've done after Colony. The rhythm guitars aren't as energized as one would hope, but the melodies are particularly great.
The Hotelier Goodness
The Innocence Mission Befriended
The Innocence Mission Hello I Feel the Same
The Innocence Mission Sun on the Square
The Innocence Mission See You Tomorrow
The Menzingers Chamberlain Waits
pretty OK punk rock.
The Menzingers On the Impossible Past
The Menzingers After the Party
The Menzingers From Exile
The Morningside The Wind, The Trees And The Shadows...
The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation Roadburn
I can hear their haunted voices wailing through the Aether.
The Mountain Goats All Hail West Texas
The Mountain Goats Bleed Out
The Notwist Vertigo Days
very good indietronica or w/e music album one of the better albums of the year so far maybe.
The Red Chord Fed Through the Teeth Machine
The Samuel Jackson Five Same Same, But Different
The Samuel Jackson Five Goodbye Melody Mountain
The Sight Below It All Falls Apart
Gooderish dreamy-ish ambient music. Synths woah. Static wooshing yeah.
The Sonora Pine II
The Sonora Pine I
More odd 90s post-rock/indie.
The Sun's Journey Through The Night Demo II
Furious black metal that spends six months out of the year vacationing in a haunted house playing ambient music.
The Sword Warp Riders
The Verve A Storm in Heaven
The Vomiting Dinosaurs Exoplanets
death/grind. Riffs in space, tiny arms, can't reach the bass.
The Wildhearts Earth vs. The Wildhearts
Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra Horses in the Sky
Thespian An Open Canvas
I hear this guy kicks puppies.
Thormesis The Sixth
Thormesis might feel like a sort of discount-Saor given its similar approach to growly epic black metal, but "The Sixth" definitely establishes the band as being well worth a check regardless of similarities to other more popular groups. This is exceptionally solid epic black metal.
Thorns Thorns
Their unique guitar tone and approach to rhythm were an undeniable influence on black metal--latter-era Mayhem and Satyricon to be specific. Snorre basically infected every band he touched, and not in a negative way.
Thy Catafalque Sgùrr
Weird, riffy, dancey, experimental black-ish metal with electronics. It's a fun time.
Thy Catafalque Geometria
Thy Catafalque Vadak
Thy Serpent Death
Atmospheric, melodic, black.
Thyrane Travesty of Heavenly Essence
One of the first black metal bands I ever liked. Symphonic black metal with lotsa fun riffz.
Thyrfing Vansinnesvisor
Thyrfing Urkraft
Tides of Man Young and Courageous
Although a bit long, "Young and Courageous" is a competent and fairly fun attempt at post-rock. At times it even reminds of Cloudkicker (especially with its whining leads). Good post-rock worth another listen 3.5-4.0.
Tim Hecker Ravedeath, 1972
darkened noisy piano ambient machine.
Tim Hecker Dropped Pianos
Take the infinitely desolate pianos and ambience of early Godspeed/Silver Mt. Zion and stretch them into an album. Distant and hopeless.
Tim Hecker Anoyo
Titus Andronicus The Most Lamentable Tragedy
There's enough really good material here to make a solid, normal-length punk record, but I feel that all the theatrical tracks pull the rest of the album down--not so far as to make it unenjoyable, but a lesser album still. Still, the theatrics do work to remind the listener that this is, in fact, a concept record with an important theme.
Todd Terje It's Album Time
Tom Petty Full Moon Fever
Tomb Mold The Bottomless Perdition
Filthy raw dm that I like for some reason.
Tomb Mold The Bottomless Perdition / The Moulting
Tomoyoshi Date Otoha
a smashing good time eh pip pip.

Mostly minimalist piano music (slight strings here and there), often with field samples in the
background to create that Godspeed-esque sense of drama and human "realness." At times it almost
gives one the image of a solitary person sitting on a busy city street, amidst the rushing of cars
and general bustle of the city, quietly tapping away on their keys, separate from the skyscrapers
and busy lives around them, yet still seemingly a part of it all.
Tonight Alive What Are You So Scared Of?
pop punk?
Tonight Alive The Other Side
Tortoise Standards
Totale Vernichtung Ritualmordlegenden
A lot of d-beats, a lot of black metal. It's black metal but fun? Idk man, just go with me on this one.
Totaled Lament
Black metal / crust punk. It's about as crunchy as you'd expect a modern osdm-throwback band to be, which makes the blast-beat-loaded album much more aggressive and loud than you probably would have expected from a black/crust record. It also feels very death metal-y, with mostly only the vocals pushing it more into black metal than death. The biggest fault I can think of for "Lament" is the lack of punk-oriented structuring, in that all the songs are over 4 minutes, which is a bit long for anything crust punk-related and leads to many of these tracks feeling a lot longer than they need to be. If these songs were shorter but more numerous, I think this would've been a much more solid record.
Tower Shock to the System
Sarabeth Linden's vocals absolutely rip on Tower's second album, with 39-ish minutes of thundering 80s trad metal worship.
Transcending Bizarre? The Four Scissors
Weirdly industrial kinda goofy experimental symphonic black metal.
Trap Them Crown Feral
Trespasser (SWE) Ἀ​Π​Ο​Κ​Ά​Λ​Υ​Ψ​Ι​Σ
smok i'm going to class warfare your face (stab) if you don't delete that shit i stg
Trest Sorginak
Trha tálcunnana dëhajma tun dejl bënatsë abcul’han dlhenisë ëlh inagat..
Trha lhum'ad'sejja
outside of the second track, pretty much everything else on this album is fantastic. the synth work combined with the rhythm at 2:30 in the third track is phenomenal, as is also the section at 6:10 in the 4th track. The closer has some EDM drum beats woven in with the more EDM-y synths, which is also an interesting thing to shove into a black metal record I guess.
Trha §​º​an​ω​ë Aglivajsamë Cá N​ë​lh​¶​iha
I think the guitars could've been brought out in the mix a little bit--especially during some of the faster parts--but otherwise the mixing sounds pretty OK. It's not as icy and noisy as early releases, but it's otherwise a retvrn to a more traditionalist second-wave atmoblack sound, and this time it features some actual riffs. Three tracks, fifty minutes, it's pretty concise despite the runtime and single twenty-two-minute closer.
Tribulation The Horror
Tribulation The Children of the Night
Tribulation Down Below
Another solid deathrock Tribulation album that sounds kinda like if Dark Tranquility and Dissection hung out together at the back of a Baroness show. Interpret that as you will.
Tricot 3
Super fun Japan-o-math rock extravaganza. Is lovely I loves itt.
Tricot 10
Truchlo Strzygi Pora Umierać
Truchlo Strzygi Nad którymi nie czuwa żaden stróż
Tuber Desert Overcrowded
Heavy riffing post-rock.
Tuber Joyful Science
Turisas The Varangian Way
Turnover Peripheral Vision
Turnstile Glow On
Tvaer Uvær
Twilight Force Heroes of Mighty Magic
The mixing is kind of weird and it has a ridiculously long runtime, but "Heroes Of Mighty Magic" is otherwise solid cheese-filled folk/power metal.
Two People First Body
trip hop gloom
Tycho Dive
ambient downtempo woah. tycho dreamy waves woah.
Tycho Awake
uchu nekoko Kimi No Youni Ikiretara
japanese dream pop shoegaze chilljams
uchu nekoko 日のあたる場所にきてよ
Ulcerate Stare Into Death and Be Still
moving away from death metal fury toward a more atmospheric mathematic nightmare, Ulcerate feel less wild here but more purposefully precise. In specific, Saint Merat's performance feels much less improvised and much more purposefully rehearsed. That alone gives the music a clearly sense of direction, and makes its movements and progressions feel all the more powerful, the ambiance more crushing.
Ultha Belong
Ultha Floors of Heaven
Ultha All That Has Never Been True
Ulthima Symphony of the Night
Ultra Silvam The Spearwound Salvation
dis feggin ruelz boys. second wave black metal with lots of first-wavey flourishes and random dashes of different influences that keep it moving and interesting.
Ulver The Assassination of Julius Caesar
avant dance tracks woopy do
Ulvesang The Hunt
Pensively pondering pagan performances.
Uneven Structure Februus
Unexpect Fables of the Sleepless Empire
Ungfell Tôtbringære
Ungfell Mythen, Mären, Pestilenz
EPIC PAGAN FURY. Not quite Windir, but a darn good attempt, though definitely more on the aggressive black metal side than strictly "folk black" or "pagan" metal. The folk metal flourishes give this otherwise mean black metal the oomph it needs to make itself feel special, and it works very well.
Ungfell Demo(lition)
Ungfell Es Grauet
Epic pagan fury! Melodic black metallll!!!!!!!!!!!!!! m//
United Nations United Nations
screamo/grind. Less refined than "The Next Four Years," imo, UN's first album is still an effective slab of blasty political punk nonsense.
United Nations Never Mind the Bombings, Here's Your Six Figures
angry screamcore riffs and yells a lot but it's pretty ok too i guess for a bunch of PUNKS.
United Nations The Next Four Years
blasty screamo-grind. The cleans and spoken-word bits are always kind of odd, but otherwise UN play a really solid brand of intense screamo.
Unleash The Archers Apex
Basically instrumentally melodic death metal but with almost exclusively female power metal vox.
The instrumental work makes it constantly catchy, backed up by Hayes' fantastic vocals. Rly good
Unleash The Archers Abyss
Unleashed Where No Life Dwells
Grandpas guitars m/
Unru Als Tier ist der Mensch Nichts
Dirty black metal/doom. It's not an amazing record, but it's pretty solid.
Unru Die Wiederkehr des Verdrängten
I reviewed their first album back in 2016 and six years and a pandemic later, they've finally done another one. Let's just say it sounds better and is more along the vein of wittr's atmospheric black metal than Als Tier ist der Mensch Nichts.
Unto Others Mana
Ushangvagush Mntu
Ushangvagush Pestmo'qon
Vacuous Dreams of Dysphoria
Vader De Profundis
Vader Litany
Vader Revelations
Vader Solitude in Madness
Vallendusk Black Clouds Gathering
If you like Der Weg Einer Freiheit, you should like this a lot.
Vampire With Primeval Force
Varathron Patriarchs of Evil
Am I the only one who finds the title of this album unintentionally tongue-in-cheek hilarious? Old dudes playing Hellenic black metal m/ m/ m/
Vargrav (FIN) Netherstorm
Symphonic-lite black metal with the earthy growl and sense for ambiance of WITTR mixed with the symphonic-lite undertones of Kvist, wrapped around a firm core of Limbonic Art.
Vattnet Settler
Vattnet Viskar sadly abandon the post-rock and ambient they experimented with on their debut and
put their focus solely on songwriting--to pretty great results. Where their first album had
absolutely HORRIBLE pacing and structuring and some fairly questionable production decisions,
'Settler' suffers from none of those. The mix is fairly trebly and not the greatest, but I'm
willing to ignore that given that these songs are, surprisingly, not jumbled messes of riffs but
actual songs that are actually enjoyable. Well done, boys.
Vehemence (FRA) Par le sang versé
French medieval melodic black metal a la Ulver though not as ear-splittingly treble-y. Just very solid meloblack.
Vektor Terminal Redux
Extra cosmic thrash in space. Enter the void of riffs.
Vermilia Katkyt
Despite not involving anyone from Ulver, Vermilia actually sounds like a competent tribute to that band's pagan black metal origins. And for a one-woman project, that makes "Katkyt" fairly noteworthy.
Vermin Womb Retaliation
19 minutes of crunching guitar noises!
Verwustung Beyond The Watercolor Sunset, We Feel New Life
Vestiges The Descent Of Man
Vestigio Vestígios
Vhol Deeper than Sky
Vilkacis The Fever of War
The drummer from Fell Voices does a solo raw bm project. It's pretty good.
Vilkacis Beyond the Mortal Gate
Rekevic's pseudo-epic melodicism works wonderfully in raw black metal, go figure.
Vilkacis / Turia Split
Vilkacis and Turia threw about fifteen minutes over two tracks each into a great split of raw-yet-melodic black metal. The shrieked vocals echo through every track, and the similarly minimalistic riffing styles allow for simple leads to pierce above the chaos to let their melodies shine through. Vilkacis's side also echos a sense of droning repetition that quickly reminds one of Rekevics' time in Fell Voices, while Turia interestingly sounds a bit similar. This is just raw atmospheric black metal done right.
Vindensang Alpha
Violet Cold Desperate Dreams
Take the lead melodies most blasty bm bands use and replace those with 80's dance synth melodies. The result is semi-dancey black metal that's fairly enjoyable-if-not-fairly-bizarre. I wish he would've used more dancey beats instead of seeming to stick to the blasts + synths formula, but even with that one idea being used to make up an entire record, 'Desperate Dreams' is still fairly enjoyable.
Viva Belgrado Flores, Carne
Viva Belgrado Ulises
Void Omnia dying light
Volahn El Tigre del Sur
Black metal with Mexican folk music. Probably my favorite piece from Volahn so far.
Volcanic Queen Faith In Desire
Vreid Kraft
While the triumphant Windir-isms appear on occasion, Vreid is (unfortunately) an almost entirely different beast. On their first album, the former Windir-ians reconstituted their former act into something much more in the vein of typical 2nd wave black metal--punky riffing and all. In that way it's definitely a fun, grooving record and the melodic holdovers from previous group definitely help Vreid keep that little bit of Valfar's spirit intact. While this can't really compete with 1184 or Arntor, it still stands on its own.
Vukari En To Pan
Vukari Matriarch
Wake Sowing the Seeds of a Worthless Tomorrow
edit: they remastered it and it's v nasty now m///

production is flat yeah but it's still OK grindcore. Definitely needs more buzzsaws tho.
This feels like The Secret but with less gripping production.
Wandar Zyklus
A little long-winded and not particularly unique, Wandar's "Zyklus" is still a solid slab of fast atmospheric black metal.
Wang Wen Invisible City
post-rock this is nice very nice thank you
Warp Chamber Implements of Excruciation
Waxahatchee Great Thunder
my girl Waxahatchee does piano ballads and acoustics like a person who is reasonably well capable of doing them effectively. Bing bong bing bong.
Waxahatchee Saint Cloud
Wayfarer World's Blood
We Stood Like Kings Berlin 1927
Weary Eyes WWGBBYW
Wedrujacy Wiatr Tam, Gdzie Miesiac Oplakuje Swit
The Polish WittR.
Weekend Nachos Still
BROOT powerviolence hardcore punk riffs BANGS
Weltmacht And to Every Beast Its Prey
Featuring Krieg's Imperial on vox and Judas Iscariot mastermind Akhenaten's songwriting, Weltmacht's last release is solid rawer black metal. Repetitive and atmospheric a la Burzum, but still riffy.
Westkust Last Forever
When Woods Make Graves The Aroma Of Dead Witches
This is his best album. If you're going to listen to any of his albums listen to this one because this is his best album. Everything is fresh and you can actually tell all the riffs apart.
Whiplash Power and Pain
Whiplash Ticket to Mayhem
Whispered Shogunate Macabre
White Ward Futility Report
White Ward Love Exchange Failure
this is post-black metal with a sAxoPhOnE o3o wowow so kawaii
Whoredom Rife Dommedagskvad
Lulzy band name be damned, "Dommedagskvad" is just more super solid rifftastic second-wave black metal.
Whoredom Rife Winds of Wrath
Wiegedood De Doden Hebben Het Goed III
Inch by inch Wiegedood are figuring out how to write songs that don't just sound like mishmashes of 2nd wave covers songs.
Wild Pink ILYSM
Willamette Always In Postscript
ambient drone w/e
Willamette Echo Park
ambient drone w/e
Willamette Diminished Composition
Ambient drone classical Stars of the Lid rocks BAM WHAPPO POW Batman.
William Basinski The Disintegration Loops II
Tide goes in, tide goes out. Tide goes in,tde goes out.
Tide gois in,tde goes out __ tide gois in,tde joes ouf
tid gois in,tde joes ouf __ tid gois in,tde josouf
tid gois in,tde josouf __ td gois intde josouf
tdgois intd- josouf __ tdgoi intd-josou
tdgoi/intd-josou __ tdgo/ind-josudo/
William Basinski The Deluge
This is the same as Cascade, but with different effects influencing the piano melody at
different points. Toward the end the music fades to silence, then rises again with the
piano playing a completely different tune, which is then replaced by a classical outro which
too eventually fades away. The different use of dynamics and implementation of actual
songwriting (as opposed to playing virtually the same loops for 30-minutes) is what makes
this version slightly superior.
William Basinski The Deluge Live at Issue Project Room
Piano sounds and muffling and clearing and muffling and clearing repeating distorting repeating and then there's classical music or something and then more pianos over and over trademark William Basinski.
Wim Mertens Charaktersketch
Wim Mertens The Belly of an Architect
Wim Mertens When Tool Met Wood
Windir Soknardalr
Windswept The Onlooker
2018's EP saw the Windswept project take their Drudkh-ian blueprint and reiterate it at slower tempos to emphasize the atmospherics of slower chords, whereas 2019's "The Onlooker" LP sees the band doing the exact opposite; it's all fast, all the time. Still the same Drudkh-y rhythms, same two-riffs-per-song-stretched-out-to-5-minutes-or-more-each-time, etc. Playing fast the whole time does make this particular record remind one more of, say Forteresse than Drudkh, and that's not a bad thing, as both projects are able to barrel along at full speed without much steam. While Windswept are a tad less effective at keeping their music interesting at those constant tempos than Forteresse, though, "The Onlooker" is still a nifty record. The fast progressions and melodies pull you in with a triumphant sort of atmosphere that slower music typically just can't do, though in the same way it's less earthy and hypnotic. As someone who likes fast black metal much more than the slower stuff, though, this is definitely an improvement over their last release.
Winterfylleth The Threnody of Triumph
Winterfylleth The Divination Of Antiquity
Witchery Dead, Hot and Ready
Witchery Restless & Dead
With the End in Mind Thresholder
WitTR bm.
Witherscape The Northern Sanctuary
Within Temptation The Unforgiving
Woe A Spell For The Death Of Man
Woe Quietly, Undramatically
Wolf Alice Blue Weekend
Wolfbrigade Run With The Hunted
More fun, solid pounding d-beat punk. The slight melodic lines add a little diversity to the otherwise standard riffing and tempo (read: punky and fast). The same-y-ness of this type of punk tends to get old pretty quickly, but Wolfebrigade seem to know pretty well how to not over-extend themselves, making Run With The Hunted's 26-minute runtime feel just about perfect for the record. rDefinitely get on this record if you're looking for a good d-beat'ing. Puns.
Wolfbrigade Anti-Tank Dogs
Wolves in the Throne Room Diadem of 12 Stars
Woman Is The Earth Of Dirt
Woman Is The Earth Depths
Woman Is The Earth Torch of Our Final Night
3.3/5 pretty good WitTR-worshipy synth-heavy atmospheric black metal. Not as thunderous as I'd have liked, but WitE have steadily improved their spund since going the more atmospheric route and their latest album is maybe their mosy enjoyable yet. At least in terms of recording quality, this is definitely their best. The drums sound much less muddled and actually feel on-time this time.
Woods of Desolation As the Stars
Woodsman Woodsman
Wordclock Heralds
Darker ambient with a definite dark jazz influence, leading to a very heavy "urban" or "city" feel. Not so much as in Bohren & der Club of Gore, but definitely palpable still. This is late-night music for sitting in park benches as the sky darkens and the city refuses to sleep--for watching the skyscrapers glow in the night.
Wormed Exodromos
vox are still the weakest link but wormed are otherwise a solid br00tal tech death band.
Wormed Krighsu
Brutal tech death? Squees brees and blast beeeeeeeoreeeeeats.
Wormrot Abuse
Wormwood Arkivet
melodic black metal with some folk metal flourishes. While the instrumental side is great, the lack of lower-end sound in the mix makes the album feel kind of distant and cold in a way that doesn't really improve the album. It doesn't harm it very much, but I think a more earthy organic sound with more bass-y oomph a la Ungfell woud've benefitted the music much more.
Worsen Blood
Worst Party Ever Here, Online
emo pop punk for the soul
Wound Man Prehistory
More grindcore.
Wounds of Recollection You Were A Garden of Empyrean Light
pretty good "positive" blackgaze a la deafheaven.
Wraith (USA-IN) Absolute Power
blackened thrash? It lives.
Wraith (USA-IN) Heed the Warning
Thrash continues to live! Will it ever die? Or will it just DEI???
Wraith (USA-IN) Undo The Chains
Thrash?! It lives?!
Wrekmeister Harmonies You've Always Meant So Much To Me
drone with some drone metal thrown in. [Mostly] Nice calm drone swells.
Wrekmeister Harmonies Night Of Your Ascension
Wrekmeister Harmonies We Love to Look at the Carnage
Wretched (USA-NC) Beyond the Gate
Wyrd Vargtimmen pt.II
Old school raw pagan black metal.
Wytch Hazel II: Sojourn
Wytch Hazel III: Pentecost
Wytch Hazel IV: Sacrament
X Japan Blue Blood
Xoth Invasion of the Tentacube
Some sort of amalgamation of prog/tech/melodic death/thrash metal. Sort of like Vektor, but with
more of an obvious old schoolish technical death metal vibe, but still with some clearly black
metal sections as well. Lots of great melodic work, excellent songwriting, and a really original
sound that very casually flows through different sub-genres. Definitely check this if you enjoyed
the newest Vektor (or even if you didn't).
Xoth Interdimensional Invocations
Xoth Exogalactic
Year of the Knife Internal Incarceration
Year of the Knife Dust to Dust
Year of the Knife No Love Lost
Yellow Eyes Silence Threads the Evening's Cloth
Yellow Eyes Hammer of Night
Not better than Deafheaven but still very good "melodic poseur bm."
Yellow Eyes The Desert Mourns
This was a surprise release. Woah.
Yellow Magic Orchestra Solid State Survivor
goofy-ass synthpop.
Ymir (FIN) Ymir
90s bm worship that is quite solid if by the numbers.
Yndi Halda Under Summer
post-rock with vocals wow strings happy dreamy woah
Yo La Tengo We Have Amnesia Sometimes
Yo La Tengo This Stupid World
Yorushika エルマ
not quite as bombastic as the previous record, but still exceptionally solid japanese pop rock. These two back-to-back records this year help establish Yorushika as one of the more exciting rock artists of the year, quite easily.
Yorushika Plagiarism
Yorushika 夏草が邪魔をする
Yppah Eighty One
trip hop fun dancey jammy tunes makea happy party time wooo wooo wooo!
Yume Bitsu Yume Bitsu
Ambient, casual post-rock. It goes where it goes and takes its time getting there. Background music. Think of a more casual Tortoise with less jazziness, in parts.
Yumi Zouma Willowbank
Yumi Zouma EP IV
it's more yumi zouma for the zouma obsessants (me)
Zeal and Ardor Wake of a Nation
Our boy's all grown up and playing doom metal :``)
Zhrine Unortheta
Black metal/death metal. The first track has an almost blackgazey Amesoeurs vibe to it, but the rest is mostly cavernous b/dm. Riffs.
Zoe Keating One Cello x 16: Natoma

They zip! they zoom! they're out of this world! and they're coming for you!

crossover classical modern classical
Zoe Keating Into the Trees
modern classical crossover cello jams ov delight.
Zorn (USA-PA) Zorn
hail blackened punk!
Zyklon World ov Worms
Basically Myrkskog post-Myrkskog. Pummeling blackened death metal with some industrial sprinkled in. Not quite up to par with the two Myrkskog albums, but it's definitely a parallel album to "Deathmachine".

3.0 good
...and Oceans The Dynamic Gallery of Thoughts
symphonic black whatever
0 (Null) Null & Void
pretty good melodic/dsbm. If you can tolerate the long run-time (34 minutes), this one-track album can be a pretty enjoyable listen.
100 Gecs 10,000 gecs
1099 Young Pines
1349 Hellfire
2814 新しい日の誕生
65daysofstatic No Man's Sky: Music for an Infinite...
this is the more post-rocky side of the NMS soundtrack. It's OK.
65daysofstatic No Man's Sky: Soundscapes
65daysofstatic more like 65 minutes of static amirite
A Diadem of Dead Stars Kingdoms Bathed In Golden Light
It's not Weakling or Wolves, but it's OK, despite having that awful programmed drum sound and clean vox. Guitar sound is pretty OK. Decent-ish black metal.
A Forest of Stars Beware the Sword You Cannot See
A Pregnant Light Live to Tell
A Pregnant Light Domination Harmony
A Pregnant Light Purple Pain
~ P u R p L e M e T a L ~
A Pregnant Light No Longer N 2 U
Main track is OK, remix is kinda pointless but aesthetically alright.
A.R. Kane 69
The weird experimentation on top of noisey [pop?] rock definitely helped set the standards for later experimental rock and post-rock music. Their lo-fi, noisey, droney rock was pretty ahead of its time in '88. The droney, annoying vocals even seem to have been directly ripped off by Slint not too long after. That was a snarky comment.
A.R. Kane Lollita
Noisey, hazy, reverby, experimental, and pretty repetitive proto-shoegaze. It's interesting to hear the development of the trademark shoegaze sound. While the vocals are a bit lacking, instrumentally this EP is fairly solid, albeit a bit repetitive (though I'm fairly certain that was intentional, and I just don't appreciate it enough).
Abigail Williams Legend
Abigor Leytmotif Luzifer
It's good but it's not like "wow".
Abigor Kingdom of Darkness
The re-recorded first track has that suffocating Mayhem production style to it but the guitars are weirdly low in the mix. The other tracks are surprisingly better, though, despite the two middle pieces both being less than three minutes long (and they both rip!). Hail Abigor hail black metal hail decent EP/compilation records!
Aborted The Necrotic Manifesto
Aborted RetroGore
deathgrind grind grind gore grind grind carcass grrrr 3/5
Absu The Third Storm of Cythraul
A lot of this is very first-wave black metal-y in the vein of Slayer and other thrash bands, while other parts are pure second wave blasty goodness. It's fairly varied though here Absu do tend to keep more to the thrash side than the black.
Absu Abzu
Abyss (CAN) Heretical Anatomy
Abyss like to mix it up by being half Morbid Angel (or some other osdm idk) and Entombed, mixing normal blasty tremolo br00tal riffs with those crusty Entombed punk grooves. It's nothing huge, but it's a solid record and a pretty fun one at that. I don't know anything about real dm tho so who knows this probably sucks w/e.
Abyssal (UK) Denouement
Abyssal (UK) Novit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius
AC/DC Flick Of The Switch
AC/DC Who Made Who
ACxDC The Second Coming
Ada Rook Shed Blood
Adam Bryanbaum Wiltzie Travels in Constants Vol 24
Ambient modern classical. Sounds like reworkings of some Stars of the Lid stuff. Enveloping ambient with dreamy strings. If you want more later-era Sotl-style ambient, check this.
Aephanemer Know Thyself
instrumental melodeath!
Afgrund The Dystopian
goes hrrrrr mah dude deathgrind heyooo
Afsky Om Hundrede År
Against Me! Transgender Dysphoria Blues
punk rok!
Agnes Obel Citizen Of Glass
singer/songwriter/folk? Something is OK here.
Agoraphobic Nosebleed Arc
Agriculture Agriculture
Ahab The Call of the Wretched Sea
Dooooooooooooommmmmmmm. Could use more spooky keyboards.
Aidan Baker Green & Cold
Aidan Baker I Will Always and Forever...
Aidan Baker with Richard Baker Smudging
It's not amazing ambient drone, but it's got those Nadja vibes and it creates a consistently nice
atmosphere. Background music, or music to space out to. To which to space out. Prepositions.
Ails The Unraveling
This kinda sounds like Weakling in some rly weird ways, and of course I'm the only person on the planet obsessed with Dead as Dreams enough to make such a silly comparison. Laurie Shanaman's screams really do sound like John Gossard at times, though.
Aisha Burns Argonauta
indie folk or good music sangs
Aksumite Vinegar Perimeter
The Aksumite project might or might not function as a refuge for simple riffs that couldn't fit anywhere else in the Damien Masters treasure trove of musical projects, but even then it's not that bad. More typical black metal/punk from Colloquial Sound Recordings, albeit in a much more minimalistic, stripped-down fashion. Fun simple songs with a decent selection of rockin riffs, groovin rhythms, and blasting tempos.
Alan Gogoll Boutique Bear
minimal folk slash dude playing guitar by himself music. Technical proficiency yes, does
meaningful emotionally gripping or impacting songs not so much. But still pretty guitars play
Alcest Le Secret
Allie X Girl With No Face
Altar of Plagues Mammal
Aly and AJ With Love From
Amaranthe Amaranthe
Amaranthe Massive Addictive
Hail the kings and queen of hyper chorus pop metal! Weeoooweooowooooowooooo!
Amesoeurs Amesoeurs
It doesn't "wow" and it's stylistically a bit everywhere.
Amon Amarth Versus the World
Amon Amarth Once Sent from the Golden Hall
Amon Amarth Deceiver of the Gods
Amon Duul II Wolf City
An Autumn For Crippled Children Lost
An Autumn For Crippled Children Hearts Of Light/Blossoms
An Autumn For Crippled Children Try Not To Destroy Everything You Love
An Autumn For Crippled Children All Fell Silent, Everything Went Quiet
Anaal Nathrakh In the Constellation of the Black Widow
Anaal Nathrakh Desideratum
Anagnorisis Beyond All Light
black metal. This is like brickwalled or compressed or w/e and doesn't sound as good as it should. Still fairly competent black metal, though.
Anathema Distant Satellites
Anchors Bad Juju
Ancient Svartalvheim
In retrospect you can practically taste the Wolves in the Throne Room oozing from this record, or modern black metal in general. It's a pretty under-rated atmospheric black metal in that respect, I suppose. It's not amazing, but it represents a lot of the basic ideas that would later be adopted by "modern" bands. I mean seriously, add some synths and a lot of this could be straight up Cascadian stuff.
Ancient Trolltaar
This album dedicated to all trolls who shed a tear. Unsung heroes! #MTGA (make trolls great
again!) BLACK METAL. Last track has cool groovy darkthronian punk riffs but otherwise this is
just basic olde school lo-fi melodic-ish black metal.
And So I Watch You From Afar Heirs
Andavald Undir Skyggðarhaldi
Andrea Belfi Natura Morta
pretty-ish, low-key background droney ambient (electro acoustic???) music.
Angrrsth Donikąd
Angrrrrrsth put out a decent black metal album, tho i don't really remember it.
Animosity Shut It Down
With no song over three minutes, Animosity's "Shut It Down" is essentially what the deathcore genre initially was and should've stayed; no-nonsense death metal with the abrasiveness and attitude of hardcore punk. The breakdowns aren't overused and are well-placed, riffs hit hard, and the vocals are snarled growls instead of pointless inhales. With such short runtimes the band never wastes time or drags any track out too long, preferring to hit hard and quit, in keeping with their hardcore roots. It's a decent album and a shimmering reminder of what deathcore could've been.
Anna Burch Quit The Curse
singer songwriter sangs Anna Burch decent music.
Antestor The Forsaken
HAIL THE TRUE GOD OV JUDEA. ALL PAGANS SHALL BECOME IGNITED.rIt's symphonic bm like old Dimmu but not quite as good.
Anthropic Architects of Aggression
saw these grind dads open for Primitive Man and Blood Incantation recently and they ripped live. Suffocation-style guttural vocals and Suffocation-y drum beats accompanying grindcore's commitment to blasting speed, it did sound better live but at least on this proper recording you can actually hear the guitar >_>
Antichrist (SWE) Sinful Birth
Antichrist Siege Machine Purifying Blade
Aosoth III - Violence & Variation
Aptorian Demon Libertus
Arch Enemy Doomsday Machine
Unlike on "Anthems" they actually got the vocal production for Angela's voice correct, going for a much more snarly, vicious sound than previously. While still clearly not her natural voice, the more aggressive sound fits wonderfully with the generally heavier sound Doomsday Machine has. And, unlike "Anthems," Doomsday Machine is way much more killer, much less filler. Angela's lyrics are always hit-or-miss ("Nemesis"), but the rest of the band really pulled themselves together to claw back up toward "Wages of Sin" levels of songwriting. Doomsday Machine definitely isn't as great as WoS, but it can at least try to compete. 3.3/5. Not very consistent melodic death metal, but still quite a few bangers.
Arch Enemy Anthems of Rebellion
Angela's gargly vocal delivery is laughably cheesy, the melodies aren't that clear or prominent in the mix, and while it may be a little more solid than Wages of Sin, it never manages to hit anywhere near the previous album's highs.
Arch Enemy Deceivers
Frabjous day, it's pretty OK!
Archagathus Canadian Horse
goofy punk grind
Arizmenda Stillbirth in the Temple of Venus
Some really fine atmospheric black metal here and there, but it's not very consistent. Production's a lot cleaner this time around which definitely doesn't make it as hypnotic, but does make the melodies easier to appreciate. Mixed bag.
Arizmenda Beneath This Reality of Flesh
Arizmenda Despairs Depths Descended
Arizmenda Spiders Lust in the Dungeon's Dust
Arkona (RUS) Vo Slavu Velikim!
Russian folk/metal. The traditional Russian folk music is really nifty, but the metal side could've been a bit better/louder. Still though, folk metal!
Armagh Exclamation Po!nt
Arstidir Lifsins Hermalausaz
Art School Girlfriend Is It Light Where You Are
Art School Girlfriend Soft Landing
ARTS Graveside Summoning
this ams an angery noises black metal
Ash Borer Cold of Ages
Astarte Doomed Dark Years
Astronoid Stargazer
Astronoid Air
No don't listen to them this is only pretty OK good not WOW good thx.
At the Gates Terminal Spirit Disease
death metal melodic jams of riff!
At the Gates To Drink from the Night Itself
Better than the last album bc it actually feels energized this time around instead of just going through the motions. Still not amazing but it's At the Gates playing melodic death metal that sounds like it's not being played by old guys just so they can justify going on tour again and hey that's an improvement.
Ateiggar Us d’r Höll chunnt nume Zyt
infernal hailz Helvetic Underground Committee! symphonic black metal a la kvist, more black than symph m/
Atheist Piece of Time
Au Clair de Lune Au Clair de Lune
Au Clair de Lune Mysticism of Ecstatic Communion
early 2010's throwback blackgaze that's truly more hazy-gaze than black metal in the proper way.
AUA The Damaged Organ
Audiopain The Switch To Turn Off Mankind
Audn Farvegir Fyrndar
Atmospheric black metal that's pretty good!
Aurvandil Thrones
Avalon Emerson & the Charm
Avantasia Ghostlights
Meatloaf power metal
Avatarium The Girl With The Raven Mask
Avenged Sevenfold Life Is But a Dream...
Avril Lavigne Let Go
Avslut Deceptis
some Naglfar-y 90's worship. Is pretty decent black metal.
Axeman Arrive
decent punkened black metal of punkened death. Of metal. Last track is kinda meh but the first track rules.
Axis of Light By the Hands of the Consuming Fire
Raw, harsh, melodic and a tad punky.
Axis of Light Northern Ascendancy
raw black metal. First track wasn't that great but the more melodic second track sort of made up for it. Still not nearly as good as their "By the Hands of the Consuming Fire" demo, though. I can't exactly explain why, but that EP's unlistenable rawness was somehow more appealing than the sound this EP has.
Azusa Loop of Yesterdays
thrashes post-hardcore harrrd too bad i don't like thrash much tho
BABYMETAL Metal Resistance
Bad Religion Christmas Songs
experimental rock/post-rock/drone. Pretty good?
Bagg Tussa баґґтусса
Balmora With Thorns of Glass and Petals of Grief
remember in the early 2000's when core kids started sprouting up from the ground and ripping off melodeath? this is that melodic death metalcore.
Barghest Barghest
Barghest create grim black metal that is sharp to the touch yet unabashedly melodic.
Bark Psychosis Hex
I appreciate the combination if different influences and sounds (the jazziness in particular), but currently this doesn't actually do a whole lot for me. It's nice post-rock but the vocals are annoying and I just can't get into it like it's average rating would suggest I should. Will revisit in time.
Bark Psychosis All Different Things
"All Different Things" is a real honest-to-goodness post-rock piece, using a pretty basic quiet/loud/quiet/loud dynamic and basically just repeating two different ideas over and over. It's relatively lush, reverby post-rock. It doesn't do much but it's still a pretty track. "By-Blow" plays with the quiet/loud as well, but gets a bit meaner and a lot louder. Pretty OK EP.
Barn Owl Ancestral Star
Late night star-gazing ambient metal drone.
Barn Owl Lost in the Glare
desert drone in a desert. Tumbleweeds. Lordepots is a robot with malfunctioning humor drivers.
Sunrises on the plains. The wide-open, barren spaces.
Barn Owl V
More late-night droney jams.
Barns Courtney The Dull Drums EP
They were great live even though I'm not really into their style. Accessible whatever-rock with fun tunes.
Baroness Purple
The production is awful and the album loses steam on its last two tracks, but otherwise this is just another solid record from Baroness. If there wasn't so much compression and it was a little more consistent it could've been about as good as Blue Record.
Baroness Gold and Grey
At this point it's just decent accessible sludge rock/metal-lite. The production is notoriously bad, Baizley's shout-singing is the same as ever only slightly more off-key, and there are way too many short tracks and interludes that make the whole thing feel kind of awkward. There are some great Baroness tracks here to be sure--as there are on every album of theirs--but in terms of consistency I'm not really feeling it here.
Basarabian Hills Groping In A Misty Spread
Bastard Grave Vortex of Disgust
Bat Wings of Chains
Bat Under the Crooked Claw
Bat For Lashes Lost Girls
Bathory Blood Fire Death
Bathory Bathory
Thrash liiiiiives! I've never been big on thrash or first-wave bm but dang if Hades doesn't go like a mf.
Bathory Under the Sign of the Black Mark
I've never been huge on thrash metal and this is a lot of thrash metal so a 3/5 isn't really surprising.
Bathory The Return of the Darkness and Evil
tru evil tru black metal thrash attack!!! Also a real defining proto-war metal album to boot.
Bathory Hammerheart
Battle Dagorath Cursed Storm of Ages
Decent Paysage D'Hiver ripoff black metal. The band doesn't quite get the atmosphere they were obviously trying to copy, but they're a decent band in and of themselves regardless. What they really need is a more "live" guitar sound and a much more appropriate drum sound (it's clearly computerized). Fix that computerized guitar tone, get a real drummer (or just bury the drums and everything else in static and reverb) and this band could really be something. As-is, though, 'Dagorath just don't quite achieve the intense atmosphere required for this type of music.
Battlecross Pursuit of Honor
Batyushka Апостол
The return of the true Batyushka! All fake christians and black metal larpers run in fear from the might of true russian orthodoxy.
Batyushka Батюшка
Bayside Cult
Be'lakor Coherence
Beach Slang The Things We Do to Find People Who Feel
This punk is poppin'. That was a joke. Album is pretty decent.
Beartooth Disgusting
Behemoth I Loved You at Your Darkest
looking forward to track 4, How to Pwn Catholics Haha Swag
Belenos Spicilege
Belenos Kornog
Belong October Language
Fuzzy ambient
Belphegor Blutsabbath
Belphegor Pestapokalypse VI
Belphegor Bondage Goat Zombie
Belphegor The Last Supper
Belphegor The Devils
Ben Quad I'm Scared That's All There Is
Besna Zverstvá
blackgaze of the mid-tempo sort, in that the refuse to use blast beats, of which I am not a notable fan.
Bestial Invasion Trilogy: Prisoners of Miserable Hate
thrash metal that's pretty competent and all-around organized but I don't like it that much anyway. Last track's legit, tho.
Bestial Mockery Evoke the Desecrator
Bewitcher Under the Witching Cross
Big Thief U.F.O.F.
Bill Orcutt Jump on It
Bjork Post
Avant-dance pop for aliens crash-landed in Iceland.
Bjork Homogenic
Bjork Vespertine
Bjork Debut
Everyone thinks of boy bands when it comes to 90s pop music, but in reality all those movements were simply derivatives of Bjork's infectious violently happy dance-pop.
Bjork Vulnicura
Black Breath Heavy Breathing
Black Breath Sentenced To Life
Angry deathy crunch punk sledgehammer.
Black Cilice Banished from Time
Super duper raw bm, but without all the noise as you'd expect from some (Axis of Light). I think the guitar sound could have a little more heft to it, but it's still not bad. Given how buried in the mix some of the melodies seem to be, I can see this being a grower of an album. There are some real jams on here, and some of the guitar work reminds me a little bit of Fell Voices (the rhythm chord progression at the end of "Channeling Forgotten Energies"). "Banished from Time" features some great atmosphere, as well, and the music gives you a real sense of "space."
Black Country, New Road Ants from Up There
Black Country, New Road Live at Bush Hall
Black Curse Endless Wound
Black Fast Starving Out the Light
Black Fucking Cancer Black Fucking Cancer
Super serious band name? Check. Fantastic super evil Paolo Girardi artwork? Double check. 1349-
y Mayhemy blasty and occassionally punk groovin black metal? Check check, checkaroo! And then
add in a ton of nonsensical "eviiilll" guitar drone parts (some of which last like five minutes)
and you basically ruin what should've been a super solid no-frills black metal record.

The black metal here is particularly powerful and aggressive, and it's really a shame that there
are like fifteen minutes of filler guitar noise that slow the album down when it should've been a
nonstop barrage of riffs. Still tho, it's not that bad, even with the dumb noisy parts.
Black Howling O Sangue e a Terra
Black Midi Hellfire
Black Monolith Demo EP
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club B.R.M.C.
Black Sabbath Paranoid
Black Sabbath Vol. 4
'Sabbath are at their best when playing groovy heavy rockin' tracks, not ballads. Inconsistent record, but not bad.
Black Sabbath Greatest Hits 1970–1978
Black Sabbath Headless Cross
Black Sabbath Tyr
Black Sabbath Cross Purposes
Black Witchery Desecration Of The Holy Kingdom
Black Witchery Inferno of Sacred Destruction
Blanck Mass World Eater
Angry loud WOOMP WOOMP WOOMP DANCEPOCALYPSE NOISE VORTEX bleepo bloop twinkle happy rave NOISE. Ambient?
Blasphemy Fallen Angel of Doom
Bleed the Pigs Mind and Matter
blink-182 Dude Ranch
Blood Incantation Timewave Zero
Space space wanna go to space yes please space. Space space. Go to space. I'm going to space. Oh boy. Atmosphere. Black holes. Astronauts. Nebulas. Jupiter. The Big Dipper. SPAAACCCCCE. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm going. Going to space. Where am I? Guess. Guess guess guess. I'm in space. rGetting bored of space. Don't like space. Don't like space. Wanna go to earth wanna go to earth wanna go to earth wanna go to earth. Wanna go to earth. Wanna go home wanna go home wanna go home wanna go home. Earth earth earth. Don't like space. Don't like space. It's too big. Too big. Wanna go home. Wanna go to earth. Wanna go to earth and listen to space ambient. SPAAAAAAACE AMBIEEEEEENT.
Blood Stained Dusk Dirge of Death's Silence
american symphonic black metal circa 2001. It's basically Emperor worship but also expecting any more from americans in 2001 would've been a bit much, I think.
Bloodbath Resurrection Through Carnage
Bloodbath Breeding Death
Bloodbath The Fathomless Mastery
Blurr Thrower Les Voûtes
Blut Aus Nord What Once Was... Liber I
Blut Aus Nord 777 - Sect(s)
Blut Aus Nord 777 - The Desanctification
Blut Aus Nord 777 - Cosmosophy
Blut Aus Nord What Once Was... Liber II
Blut Aus Nord What Once Was...Liber III
Blut Aus Nord Memoria Vetusta III - Saturnian Poetry
The production is weirdly treble-heavy in a way that is very unlike BAN, and the songwriting is equally straightforward and lacks the personality and weirdness the band is so easily known for. "Saturnian Poetry" feels like the work of an experimental band trying to force themselves into a more "typical" sound, and it just doesn't work.
Blut Aus Nord Hallucinogen
Blut Aus Nord/Aevangelist Codex Obscura Nomina
Boliden Landscape and Memory
techno/dub ambient (whatever). Beats, ambients, does both at same time. Woah.
Bolt Thrower ...For Victory
Bolt Thrower Honour - Valour - Pride
Bonehunter Children of the Atom
Book Of Sand Occult Anarchist Propaganda
Boris Akuma no Uta
"Introduction" is a great drone track and the closer ("Akuma no Uta") is a nice example of static-laced sludge rock, but otherwise Akuma No Uta is fairly underwhelming. The rest of the album is basically rockin' sludge, but the rhythm guitars are so low in the mix that they don't allow the rest of the album to be as rockin' as clearly intended. The drums boom and the lead guitar screeches over everything else, making the mix seem lopsided. It's frustrating because it's obvious these songs are pretty good; they just don't sound like it the way the album was organized.
Boris Heavy Rocks
Boris Heavy Rocks (2011)
Some of the rock is cool, some of the pseudo-post-rock is cool, that one song where they play pseudo shoegaze rock is cool, but then the rest is just a few points off the mark.
Boris NO
Bosse-de-Nage II
Bosse-de-Nage Further Still
Bosse basically took All Fours and just stripped out all the Slint-y post-rock and spoken word bits, leaving only the black metal side of their side. Unfortunately, it feels too unadventurous without all the contrast between the two styles. Hmmm.
Boston Boston
went back to scroll through this and realized i'd heard all of these songs before--and enough to "know" them--without ever intending to, just from second-hand listening over many years. Dad's a boomer, what ya gonna do. Songs aren't bad tho, despite all pretty much being worn out by now.
Brendon Small Galaktikon
Brian Eno Ambient 1: Music For Airports
Ambient music for ambient people. Background bleep boop.
Brian Eno Here Come the Warm Jets
While I'm definitely not a big fan of Eno's goofy singing style, his instrumental work is fairly noteworthy--especially the more instrumental sections which reek of something almost akin to proto-post-rock. This is a slightly goofy, slightly genius record given is was released in '74.
Brian Eno Discreet Music
Brian Eno Thursday Afternoon
Like I said, I love me some Eno, but this is still fairly underwhelming given the guy's legacy. While starting fairly well with atmospheric, minimalist piano playing mixed with constant synths, it continues on along this same basic line for a solid hour. While the production is much warmer (thank you synthesizers) and welcoming than Ambient 1, it still doesn't end up providing any more content than that record. It sounds nicer, but it still didn't need to be an hour long.
Brodequin Harbinger of Woe
Broken Social Scene Let's Try the After - Vol. 1
BrokenTeeth The Letters
Bruno Sanfilippo Piano Textures 1
Piano ambient. Each track essentially takes a piano melody(s) and slowly adds different accompaniments; track one uses a sort of repeating synth melody, track two uses what sounds like an atmospheric saxophone, etc. While each piece is aesthetically pleasing (it's piano music), it's not especially gripping or emotionally weighted. It's just kinda experimental piano ambient and not much more. Which is fine, just don't go into this album looking for a whole lot of depth.
Bruno Sanfilippo Piano Textures 2
Piano ambient. It's basically just reverby piano music with rather simple synth lines in the
background. The synths regularly rise and fall in volume, but they don't change enough or make
any noticeable chord changes to create any sort of real crescendo. Structurally each song is
relatively the same--just piano and synth for like four minutes. It's a nice atmosphere, though,
despite the evident waste of potential.

I think he really could've done something interesting had he intended to create more than just
piano atmosphere music, but that's all he set out to do in the first place so you can't really
fault him for that, I guess.
Bruno Sanfilippo Upon Contact Reworked
classical ambients classical.
brutalism va ii
Techno. Beats. Short sentences. Kinda spooky. Dancefloor. Two words. Four songs. Beats again. Dance. Do you feel it.
Buckethead Monument Valley
Bulldozer Neurodeliri
Bunker 66 Chained Down in Dirt
Burzum Det Som Engang Var
You can really hear on this record where a lot of black metal bands got their ideas from.
Burzum Burzum/Aske
This is the quality of black metal you get when you sit in the basement dreaming about life on a cute farm in France all day instead of pounding beers and figuring out how to record properly.
Burzum Burzum
Burzum Aske
Butcher Bestial Fükkin' Warmachine
Butcher 666 Goats Carry My Chariot
Blackened speed metal goats
Cadaveric Fumes Dimensions Obscure
death metal with that slight old-school crunchiness.
Cairdeas Fala Sons of the North
atmospheric black metal from Australia, about Scottish heritage. It takes instrumental inspiration largely from eastern european black metal (read as: drudkh, mgla) and unsurprisingly a specific Scottish band--Saor, obviously. It's not very adventurous or particularly moving material, but it triumphs as a decent additional iteration of this modern drudkh-but-triumphant sound.
Cairiss Fall
Can Soundtracks
pretty OK krautrock tho Can definitely aren't my favorite band in the genre.
Cannibal Corpse Bloodthirst
Cannibal Corpse The Bleeding
Cannibal Corpse Kill
Cannibal Corpse Evisceration Plague
Cannibal Corpse Torture
Cannibal Corpse Violence Unimagined
Cannibal Corpse Chaos Horrific
Carbonscape Artistry of Exhaustion III
Lovely ambient/drone from Petrychor's one and only Tad Piecka.
Carly Rae Jepsen Emotion
Some of the songs here are really good, whilst others are your typical "catchy chorus is the only redeeming aspect" pop songs with awkward lyrics, vocal rhythms, and cheesy backing vocals. When it's good it's really good, though.
Carly Rae Jepsen Emotion: Side B
Carly Rae Jepsen The Loneliest Time
another mostly solid banger of an album from the nu queen ov dance pop
Carly Rae Jepsen The Loveliest Time
Carnage The Day Man Lost
lo-fi grindy death metal. Is OK.
Caroline Polachek Pang
Carpathian Forest Fuck You All!!!!
Caspian Waking Season
Castle Rat Into the Realm
Catamenia Morning Crimson
Causa Sui Free Ride
Cavalera Conspiracy Bestial Devastation
Cavalera Conspiracy Morbid Visions
Cave Sermon Divine Laughter
Caveman Cult Barbaric Bloodlust
Celephais Becoming the Deceased
Celephais Tir n'a n'Og
Celer How could you believe me when I said I loved...
ambient drone/whatever. These melodies are a bit happier, and therefore slightly more
aesthetically pleasing. Each track is basically just one idea repeated for ten minutes but w/e.
3/5 good enough ambient.
Celer Shima
slow-moving ambient drone. It does less than Stars of the Lid within the same timeframe, for which it loses points. Good as a more aesthetically pleasing white noise, though.
Celer Plays Schubert
Ambient. Someone took Franz Schubert's "The Trout" and turned it into a Celer track (if that even makes sense). Melodies melodies.
Cepheide De Silence Et De Suie (Demo)
Cascadian-inspired French black metal. The sound is really raw (obviously recorded live) and cavernous, and seems to sort of combine the instrumentation of Ash Borer and the raw recording sound of Fell Voices or even Xothist. rIn that regard this actually seems to be a fairly varied release, blending the styles and "feels" of the three aforementioned bands quite well, not necessarily making a style of their own, but owning the style in which they play.
Chairlift Moth
Oddly charming pop.
Charli XCX Pop 2
Charli XCX Charli
Charli XCX How I'm Feeling Now
Charli XCX Crash
Charli XCX Brat
Charlotte Gainsbourg Rest
dreamy pop with some idk disco-y throwback jams? And french. Lots of french. 3/5 fun album.
Charly Bliss Guppy
Power pop. "Glitter" was featured on Welcome to Night Vale and is a definite jam, the rest not *as* much.
Ché Aimee Dorval Between The Walls and The Window
Che sings good. Country-esque bluesy(??) jams.
Chepang Chatta
Chihei Hatakeyama Grace
ambient drone pretty noises
Chihei Hatakeyama Void XI
Ambient. Droney, sleepy tones.
Christina Vantzou No.1
Ambient classical wow. Orchestras, strings woah
Christina Vantzou No. 2
Ambient classical wow. Orchestras, strings woah
Christina Vantzou No. 3
Ambient classical wow. Orchestras, strings woah
Chrome Waves Chrome Waves
Earlier post-black metal.
Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! Get Lost, Find Yourself
I was a bigger fan than most of their previous record, but "Love is Dead" is definitely a step down even from there. It's just an OK, passably pretty synthpop record with none of the oomph of any of their previous bangers.
Circle Takes the Square Decompositions: Volume Number One
Cirith Ungol Forever Black
Civerous Maze Envy
Clandestine Blaze Falling Monuments
Clark The Last Panthers
ambient/drone/modern classical a little? This is a frustrating record due to its very shifting nature. There are many short tracks here, so there are many different ideas being played with, each rather briefly. It seems like half of the tracks involve darker, harsher-sounding ambient soundscapes--sort of 80's reminiscent, in places. The other tracks are far more melodic and less droning/noise-oriented. While both styles are rather well-done, the drastic tonal shifts from one track to another feel slightly odd. I feel like if Clark had focused more on one style instead of two (or made fewer tracks and worked on fully fleshing out the atmospheres/ideas in each), I think this would've been a much more solid record. Let's say, 3.3/5.
Clem Leek Rest
this is ok post-rock/ambient prettiness just not really that goodiness.
Cloud Rat Moksha
Cloudkicker Loop
Cloudkicker Woum
It's pleasant, but the songs aren't long enough and subsequently don't feel fully fleshed out. Ben why have you failed me
Cloudkicker Unending
! U N E N D I N G !
Cluster and Eno Cluster & Eno
Experimental ambient. Listening to the combination of noisy instruments on "One," it becomes pretty clear where Godspeed got a lot of their influence.
Cockpit Mission To Rock
Coffin Mulch Spectral Intercession
Coffinworm IV.I.VIII
Coheed and Cambria In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
Cold Body Radiation The Great White Emptiness
Coldworld Autumn
Condor (NO) Unstoppable Power
black thrash metal attack!
Converge No Heroes
Converge The Dusk in Us
Converge make angries.
Converge Beautiful Ruin
Converge turn up the CORE.
Cornigr Funereal Harvest
Coroner No More Color
Coroner Punishment for Decadence
Corpsegrinder Corpsegrinder
Covet Currents
Pretty pink math rock. It never crescendos like post-rock, but just keeps on twiddling jazzily jazzily.
Covet technicolor
Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine
Cradle of Filth Thornography
Crawl/Leviathan CRAWL/LVTHN
The Crawl track is a nice twelve-minute mass of noisey creeping evil doom, while Leviathan's also keeps its tempo low and works more like a slightly melodic dsbm track a la early Woods of Desolation. The former piece is much better than the latter, but this is still a pretty OK split.
Crowbar Sever The Wicked Hand
Cruel Force The Rise of Satanic Might
black metal thrash attack!
Cruel Force Under the Sign of the Moon
black thrash liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiives!
Cruel Force Dawn of the Axe
Cryptopsy None So Vile
Cult Of Fire Moksha
Cult of Luna and Julie Christmas Mariner
Cultes Des Ghoules Spectres over Transylvania
Cultes Des Ghoules The Rise of Lucifer
Cursed II
Cursed I
Cursed III: Architects of Troubled Sleep
Daeva (USA-PA) Pulsing Dark Absorptions
Daeva (USA-PA) Through Sheer Will And Black Magic…
Dakhma (SUI) Hamkar Atonement
infernal hailz Helvetic Underground Committee! On their second release Dakhma use a less
muffled sound to create a more conventional approach to black/death, albeit this time with
more ritual ambient. I like it less this time compared to the first! The guitars have the
winding grindy sound that sounds akin to what a lot of war metal bands go for, which I've
never particularly liked. Also it's 70 minutes long, which is a bit much considering the
general engineering not being to my liking in the first place.

Probably an underrated album for those who actually like this kind of stuff tho, so cheq it
Dakhma (SUI) Passageways To Daena...
infernal hailz Helvetic Underground Committee! chaotic muffled savagery of black/death. Sounds in the vein of Portal/Impetuous Ritual with its windy winding guitars. Decent!
Damaar Triumph Through Spears Of Sacrilege
Angry Music for Angry People
Danny Norbury Dusk
soft classical music. Minimalism.
Dark Funeral Diabolis Interium
Dark Funeral Angelus Exuro pro Eternus
Dark Lunacy The Diarist
Melodic death metal 3.3/5. The inclusion of occasional choral cleans, regular cleans (woman), and additional instruments (strings, is that an accordion in one song?) definitely help set this album apart from other more generic melodic death metal--despite the metal side of the instrumentation being fairly basic melodeath. This is a fine record, it's just a little too long for my taste at 58 minutes. If you were to cut about 15 minutes off the runtime this'd be much better. 3.3/5
Dark Millennium Ashore the Celestial Burden
Dark Tranquillity Fiction
Darkestrah Epos
Pagan black metal wew. 33 minute track going between Drudkh-ian repetition, folk melodies, and acoustic. Pretty decent.
Darkspace Minus One
Darkthrone Panzerfaust
The vocals are too loud (obvsly), it's too samey, and a bit boring. Darkthrone's slow riffing has never been that exciting and they do that a lot here. Thankfully there's also a bit of punky riffing, which shakes things up every now and again and makes it a bit more interesting. Not amazing, but still pretty decent.
Darkthrone Ravishing Grimness
Darkthrone Dark Thrones and Black Flags
Darkthrone Circle the Wagons
Darkthrone Arctic Thunder
Groovy rock jams black metal Fenrizzzzzzzz!
Darkthrone Eternal Hails
Darkthrone Astral Fortress
Darkthrone It Beckons Us All
Daughter Music From Before the Storm
artsy background music video game soundtrack post-rock art pop dream pop #post-rock
David Darling Gratitude
Cello ambient/modern classical.
Day Wave The Days We Had
Dead Blue Sky Symptoms of an Unwanted Emotion
Dead Congregation Purifying Consecrated Ground
this is an old school death metal EP
Dead Congregation Sombre Doom
Death metal
Dead To A Dying World Litany
violiny doom sludge black metal. It's OK, but it's not really my thing. Pretty tho!
Deaf Havana All These Countless Nights
Deafest Glen and Precipice
OK instrumental melodic black metal. Those programmed drums can get annoying, but outside of that there's not much to complain about here. Not exceptionally strong material, but still a mostly aesthetically pleasing listen. It sounds rather amateurishish, but that's always been a part of black metal's charm, and that doesn't really harm this release, either.
Deafheaven Infinite Granite
deafheavmen do 'a the shoegaze m/
Dean Mcphee Four Stones
Guitar ambient. Reverberating notes to fill up the void.
Death Individual Thought Patterns
Death Human
Death Grips The Money Store
Stop the presses I liked a hip hop album !
deathcrash Return
deathcrash Less
Deathhammer Evil Power
For not being Vektor these guys are pretty not awful. I mean, for a thrash band, that is.
Deathhammer Electric Warfare
Decapitated Organic Hallucinosis
Decapitated Carnival Is Forever
Decapitated Anticult
The guitar tone is as cool as ever, the riffs are (generally) as cool as ever, and the rdrumming and structuring are as basic as ever. If Vogg wants to keep my attention past the first chorus of any of his tracks, he needs to let his drummer off the leash and actually try to write an interestingly organized song for once. It's these repetitive verse-chorus structures that take his songwriting from hard-hitting to mind-numbing.rThere are a few saving graces, though--"Never" and "Earth Scar" at least sound like they could've been partial hold-overs from the Organic Hallucinosis era in terms of their style and quality. The rest of the album sort of wobbles the line between passable and meh ("Anger Line"). I suppose there are enough riffs here (the blatant Soilwork-sounding track that is "DeathValuation") to warrant a 3/5, so here you go.
Decrepit Birth Polarity
Defacement Defacement
Deicide Deicide
Deicide Legion
Delice Sillage
the "comfy synth" of blackgaze. It's like blackgaze that fits Brian Eno's intention for ambient music; that its energy allows it to be listened to both passively or actively. It doesn't demand much of the listener, but is a generally pleasant listen for a atmosphere-heavy blackgaze album.
Demolition Hammer Tortured Existence
it's thrash im givin it a thrash/5 aka a three-out-of-five-total-points.
Demonaz March of the Norse
This surprisingly good. Demonaz's voice reminds a bit of Peter Tagtgren's clean voice.
Hmmm. What was I talking about? Oh yeah, Demonaz. This is no kvlt blak mehtul--hell, it's
hardly black to begin with--but that doesn't mean it isn't a highly enjoyable listen. Which
it totally is. Get it.
Demonical Death Infernal
This is really, really good old school Swedish death metal.
Departure Chandelier Antichrist Rise to Power
Good very minimalistic black metal. Slight keyboard usage gives it that little extra bit of melody and atmosphere to fill up space. Decent album.
Der Weg Einer Freiheit Unstille
Der Weg Einer Freiheit Noktvrn
Desaster The Oath of an Iron Ritual
black thrash metal attack! Revenge of the Nergal Vox: These Grooves Don't Run! (German Invasion Pt. 2). 3.3/5
Despised Icon Day Of Mourning
Desultory Into Eternity
Desultory Bitterness
proto-melodeath, understated melodic death metal. Pretty decent.
Desultory Counting Our Scars
Dethklok Dethalbum III
Most of this album has already leaked. Get on that, sheeple.
Dethklok The Doomstar Requiem
Not enough Toki
Dethklok Dethalbum IV
Deuil Acceptance/Rebuild
Deuter Koyasan
new age classicals ambients woahowoah. Good cheesy background music music, tho this kind of music (especially the flute-lead stuff) can get old kinda quickly.
Devil Master Ecstasies of Never Ending Night
DevilDriver The Fury of Our Maker's Hand
DevilDriver DevilDriver
DevilDriver Pray for Villains
Devin Townsend Infinity
some of these are bangers and some of these aren't bangers idk, DTP is better.
Devin Townsend Physicist
Strapping Young Lad-lite and an album Devin clearly didn't want to make very much, Physicist is a mixed bag of good-to-lukewarm Devin Townsend material. It's not bad, but you can tell he wasn't really into it.
Devin Townsend Ziltoid the Omniscient
Devin Townsend Empath
Devin Townsend The Puzzle
"wot is this" an experimental album mega collab collage that evolved from his guitar drone improves into something huge and even more random than per his usual outings.
Devin Townsend Snuggles
this ambient guitar drone with Che vox is gonna rip men m//
Devin Townsend Project Epicloud
The most OKiest Townsend album so far.
Devin Townsend Project Z2
Devin Townsend Project Transcendence
Many people compared this album to Devvy's older solo material, so it makes sense that I wouldn't like it [that much] given I've been a much bigger fan of his DTP material. Some of the tracks are fine, but other pieces just sound like b-sides. Maybe on the next album he shouldn't actually let the other members have a say, and just do it all himself again. He seems to be more successful that way.
Devouring Star Antihedron
Black metal/doom? Slow black metal. Really solid production values: powerful guitars, just
enough roughness on the vocals, drums don't sound stupid and are fairly present in the mix. Not
really fast enough for my liking, but with a great sound like this it's hard to not find the album
at least aesthetically appealing.
Devouring Star The Arteries of Heresy
Black metal! Crushing void groooooooooooooooooooar
Dies Irae Sculpture Of Stone
Dif Juz Huremics
Instrumental post-punk. Not as big and melodic as "Extractions," but even still it's a quaint little experimental four-track EP. Lacking the grandeur of the aforementioned LP, this more stripped down sound features a lot more influence on guitar twiddling and its more rock-based sound feels like a real jumping-off point for more minimalistic, casual early post-rock like Tortoise. These songs sort of just groove along, slowly adding and removing elements, fiddling with the guitars, often adding bits of noise that fade in and out, slowly transitioning across each of their ~3-6 minute runtimes. "Cs" is definitely the highlight given its much more experimental--almost goofy--sound.
Different Sleep Forget It
Too much weirdo electronic stuff I don't really like. Makes me feel like I'm trying to be a club kid, idk. Not my typical jam but aesthetically pleasing and well-organized enough so 3/5.
Dimension Zero He Who Shall Not Bleed
Dimmu Borgir Spiritual Black Dimensions
Dio Master of the Moon
Dio The Last in Line
Rock 'n' Roll
Dio Killing the Dragon
Dio Dream Evil
Dire Straits Dire Straits
Discordance Axis Jouhou
Dishammer Vintage Addiction
Dispirit Rehearsal At Oboroten
First track is long and brooding, second is much more concise and aggressive. Definitely excited for debut LP, expected sometime around 2019.
Dispirit 111112
Disturbed The Sickness
Disturbed Ten Thousand Fists
Divine Heresy Bleed the Fifth
Do Make Say Think Stubborn Persistent Illusions
Over seven years since their last album, "Stubborn Persistent Illusions" is unsurprisingly typical of DMST both in its style and quality. DMST have always been a relatively solid post-rock act, neither throwing duds nor homeruns, and this album is no different. It doesn't further the genre at all, but is just yet another competent addition to the band's discography.
Dodecahedron Dodecahedron
Twisty teeth-gnashing black metal ov dungeons and dragons.
Dodecahedron Kwintessens
They've got that same discordant dissonant twisty riffing black metal thing going half the time, but this time they've also added spooOooOOOoky atmospherics, too. Not as weirdly atmospheric as, say, Teethed Glory and Injury, but regardless I'm still finding comparisons. Definitely less riff-oriented than the debut, but the added experimentation makes up for it, despite it largely loosing steam in the latter half.
Dodheimsgard Satanic Art
Slightly symphonic a la Dimmu Borgir, slightly avant-garde, and very much Mayhem-reminiscent. Fairly raw late 90's black metal: File under "ist krieg".
Dodsferd Spitting With Hatred the Insignificance of Life
Dodsferd Diseased Remnants Of A Dying World
Dodsferd Wrath
Dodsrit Spirit Crusher
Black metal crust punk. The vocals are kind of shrill and annoying and put me off a bit, but otherwise this is just pretty solid black metal/crust.
Dola Czasy
slightly psychedelic dark post-metal.
Downfall of Gaia Aeon Unveils the Thrones of Decay
It's nice that Downfall of Gaia have transitioned into black metal, but their take on the genre isn't spectacular. Actually, their take on the genre instrumentally is fairly solid, but the way the album sounds just doesn't cut the mustard; while competently organized, the bass drum sounds clumsy thunking around in the background, and the guitars have this sort of sterile-yet-raw sound to them that makes them feel rather neutered. These riffs should be hard-hitting, but they're not. If the production would've been a bit clearer, "Aeons" definitely could have been a noteworthy black metal record. As-is, though, it's just kind of decent.
Downfall of Gaia Ethic of Radical Finitude
Downfall of Nur Umbras de Barbagia
Atmospheric folk black metal of epicness. Those hyper-shriek vocals really hurt my ears and those drums sound a bit clunky, but everything else is fine here. Production's fine, riffs fine, structures wow, many folk flutes, woah.
Dragged Into Sunlight Terminal Aggressor II
The band make no money off digital/physical sales of this or any other album so don't give their label any money xoxo thx
DragonForce Inhuman Rampage
DragonForce The Power Within
DragonForce Maximum Overload
They're moving in the right direction, definitely. There are some really great moments here, contrasted with a lot of super cheesy or just generally 'meh' stuff. If they could learn to cut the fat they could potentially be power metal contenders.
Dragonlord Black Wings Of Destiny
Dragonlord Dominion
Drain (USA-CA) Living Proof
Dream Unending/Worm Starpath
Dripping Decay Festering Grotesqueries
Dropdead 2nd LP
power vio-lence
Drown (US) Subaqueous
Drudkh Autumn Aurora
On first listen: Monotonous riffing and not a great atmosphere--this sounds like a more
melody-oriented and less raw Burzum, but without the atmosphere that justified Varg's
playing the same riff for five minutes at a time in the first place. Thankfully, they
improved on this style on their later stuff.
Drudkh Eternal Turn of the Wheel
Not as good as Addaura.
Drudkh They Often See Dreams About The Spring
It's pretty and kind of atmospheric, but when every track has like two riffs and they're played on repeat for nine minutes, it gets kinda old, epic atmosphere or no. This might be a sort of comeback for Drudkh, but eh, idk. black metal.
Dryad The Abyssal Plain
Dua Lipa Dua Lipa
Your standard pretty varied-but-not-notably-enthralling pop album. It's inoffensive and
has a lot of good songs, but on the whole feels like just another pop album, albeit more
solid than one would expect.
Dua Lipa Radical Optimism
Dudal Dudal
Dum Dum Girls Only in Dreams
Duster Duster
Dying Fetus Wrong One to Fuck With
it grind it groove, it have icky click kick drum sound :--/
Dying Fetus Make Them Beg for Death
Dying Wish Fragments of a Bitter Memory
Dzo-nga Five Treasures of Snow
You know I'm alla bout dem blast beatz--especially when it comes to Darkspacey melodic black metal like this--but I'll be darned if the musicianship and production aren't good enough to keep me interested without much in the way of a rhythm section. Those bass licks are pretty swell, too. If you ever wanted a more melodic, more black metal-y Sutekh Hexen, then this is for you.
Ea A Etilla
Earth Hex: Or Printing In the Infernal Method
Earth The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull
Earth Hibernaculum
Echtra Paragate
Edge of Sanity Unorthodox
Edge of Sanity Nothing But Death Remains
Efrim Manuel Menuck Pissing Stars
experimental post drone w/e rock. OK.
Einvigi Yö Kulje Kanssani
Eisflammen В стихии...
depressive-ish atmospheric black metal. It doesn't really grab me, but it's OK. Such melody, many scream, wow.
El-Ahrairah El-Ahrairah 2009 Demo
El-Ahrairah The Blessing
El-Ahrairah El-Ahrairah
A drastic change from their earlier super-noisy raw bm demos, El-Ahrairah's self-titled rdebut is more or less an exercise in slow songbuilding; each track seems to take one idea--rone or two main riffs, one drum rhythm--and slowly build on it over 2-4 minutes, repeating rit again and again. As the tracks proceed different elements such as a synth melody or rharmonized guitar part are added to make the tracks feel as if they are slowly growing as rthey proceed. While slowly building tracks might sound like a nifty idea, it's not very rwell handled on this album. The songs are too short to really build up to anything rinteresting (they don't build to anything at all; they generally end playing the same rrhythms with barely anything different than when they started), and the rhythms and riffs rthey use generally aren't that noteworthy, either. rTaken individually, these are pretty decent tracks, but as a full album they become slightly raggravating. You basically know what the next three minutes of each track will sound like rafter hearing the first riff cycle or the first 15 seconds.
Elsa Hewitt Cameras From Mars
Eluveitie Everything Remains As It Never Was
Embers Shadows
Emerald Weapon Emerald Weapon EP
Emma Ruth Rundle Electric Guitar 1
It's basically just half an hour of experimenting with guitar sounds like feedback, reverb, and
droning. It's atmospheric, but it feels more like was just Emma just experimenting with different
ideas rather than trying to make a serious album. That said, it's still pretty enjoyable for what
it is.
Emma Ruth Rundle Marked for Death
Dark singer/songwriter. Good, but not as great as "Some Heavy Ocean." ~3.3/5 or so.
Emma Ruth Rundle On Dark Horses
Emma Ruth Rundle and Thou May Our Chambers Be Full
Encircling Sea A Forgotten Land
END (USA-NJ) The Sin of Human Frailty
Enforced War Remains
Enmarta The Hermit
dark ambient drone with some violins and stuff.
Ensiferum Thalassic
Enslaved Frost
Enslaved Vertebrae
Enslaved Axioma Ethica Odini
Enthroned Tetra Karcist
Enthroned Prophecies of Pagan Fire
Entombed Stranger Aeons
I've never been one for crunchy peanut butter, but this makes me queasy in a good way.
Death metal. 3.2/5.
Entropia (PL) Ufonaut
Black metal/sludge metal/whatever. The production is kind of clunky which makes it weirdly inferior to Vesper. The songwriting's still probably as good, but it just sounds kind of awkward.
Envy All the Footprints You've Ever Left and the Fear Expecting Ahead
Enya A Day Without Rain
It's Enya. Synths an melodie an reverbbb but even still it's only kind of eh??
Enya Watermark
I like Enya now. Enya's cool. 3.3/5
Enya Dark Sky Island
New age music I definitely listened to and sort of remembered. Enya is good!
Epic45 May Your Heart Be The Map
pretty noises post-rock.
Epica The Divine Conspiracy
Equilibrium Rekreatur
Escuela Grind Indoctrination
Escuela Grind Memory Theater
Esoctrilihum Inhüma
Esoctrilihum The Telluric Ashes of the Ö Vrth Immemorial Gods
A lot of good death/black riffs, but the length definitely puts me off a bit.
Esoctrilihum Eternity Of Shaog
Esoteric Metamorphogenesis
Eterknight Winter's Calling
Epic folk metal that wants to be like Windir or Wintersun but isn't put together well enough but is still OK?
Ethereal Shroud Absolution|Emptiness
Evanescence Fallen
Evanescence The Open Door
Everything Everything Get to Heaven
Everything Everything Mountainhead
Evile Enter the Grave
this is pretty not-terrible for thrash even if it is just generic "ripoff all the classic bands" metal heyooooo...... 3/5
Evile Hell Unleashed
Ex Confusion Embrace
Ex Deo The Immortal Wars
Ex Deo as a band is like if the Kataklysm bros finally ponied up and just admitted they wanted to be a melodeath band the whole time. "The Immortal Wars" features all the current members of Kataklysm, their trademark thick, catchy riffs and Iacono's easily identifiable growls combined with a heaping helping of Gothenburg riffs and not overpowering symphonic instrumentation. Ex Deo seem to balance their melodic and brutal riffing styles about as well as Edge of Sanity, and use their symphonics as a supplemental source of additional melody, rather than as a focal point (unlike Septicflesh). This is solid, heavy melodeath, and probably the kind of stuff Kataklysm should've been writing all along (since they're better at it). 3.3/5
Exhumed To The Dead
Exodus Bonded by Blood
Explosions in the Sky How Strange, Innocence
Fabrizio Paterlini Now
piano music
Falkenbach Tiurida
Fall Out Boy PAX AM Days
Falls of Rauros Believe in No Coming Shore
Production on the last album was lush and made everything sound great and atmospheric; the lo-fi sound here doesn't do much for the music. It's still an OK album, though, but far below what it should've rightly been.
False Untitled
Recorded live, I think the production suffers from a lack of clarity between the instruments--rthere are a lot of great keys and leads that simply get buried in the mix that could've been rbrought out and fully exploited with a normal recording setup.rThat being said, this is still a pretty good 60-minute slab of keyboard-prominent atmospheric rblack metal. When they're not blasting with furious riffs and great backing keys, they're jamming rthrough a groovy mid-paced riff or trudging through doomy buildups. rIf you're going to listen to a female-fronted black metal band this year, make it False.
False Hunger
Not long enough, production not great, not icy chilllll but still good enough? Black metal.
Fauna Rain
Fazerdaze Morningside
dream pop!
Fear Factory Mechanize
Feist The Reminder
Feist Metals
There isn't actually any metal on this album. ;_;
Feist Multitudes
Fell Voices Regnum Saturni
You guys just aren't listening to it loudly enough. Crank it up and get smothered by that choking abyss. BLACK METAL.
Feminazgul The Age of Men Is Over
Fennesz and Sakamoto Cendre
Feral Season Rotting Body in the Range of Light
Fight Cloud We'll Be Alright
mathy post-rock, or posty math-rock? It has vocals. Chill tunes that go dwoop dweep bloodloodlooo
Filth is Eternal Find Out
Fimbulwinter Servants of Sorcery
Fire In The Cave Fire In the Cave
Fishmans Long Season
Fleshgod Apocalypse Mafia
Hyperblasting can't cover up a lack of interesting songwriting. Nor can it improve an At the Gates cover song (like, really?).
Floor Jansen Paragon
Flourishing The Sum of All Fossils
post-metal/hardcore experimental death metal.
Flourishing A Momentary Sense of the Immediate World
Fluisteraars Luwte
It doesn't feel like it has enough angry black metal energy to make it as good as it should
be, and it's a bit too repetitive. Cut some of the repetition, make the guitars sound a
little less clean (and a little harsher?), and this could be pretty great. Good riffs, good
ideas, just not a stellar final product.
Fluisteraars De Kronieken van het Verdwenen Kasteel I: Harslo
Flying Saucer Attack Flying Saucer Attack
Fuzzy experimental lo-fi shoegaze with ambient stuff too. Early post-rock sound. The shoegaze-y stuff is alright, but I definitely forgot I was listening to this album at all a few times. The ambient pieces were really great, though, which is why this is a 3/5 instead of a 2.5/5.
Fogweaver Fogweaver
background soundtrack to a Dungeons and Dragons session. Casual dungeon synth jams.
Chamber ambient? Sure.
Forest Of Harambe Under The Sign Of Harambe
Forgotten Spell The Necromancer Demo
raw af black metal that's always been kinda clunky and disorganized in a "I'm not sure if they're playing in-time with each other or not because of all the static" kind of way. But despite the constant wooshing noise there's also constant melodic work that somehow slices through the fog and gives Forgotten Spell a real sense of identity and musical heft.
Foxes (UK) The Kick
Fractal Gates Altered State Of Consciousness
Freedom of Fear Nocturnal Gates
Pretty decent technical melodeath. I don't think it's fantaaaaastic, but it's solid fun sweepy swoopy melo-tech.
Freedom of Fear Carpathia
Friisk …Un Torügg Bleev Blot Sand
Fripp and Eno No Pussyfooting
From the Mouth of the Sun Woven Tide
modern classical/ambient/with a dash of post-rock. Walls of droney classical, then some pretty guitar, then some idontknowwhatelse. Varied, but not totally engrossing.
Frostnatt Når Vinteren Kommer
Fruit Bats The Pet Parade
Fuath I
It's got too much reverb and treble, I think. It has a sort of faux lo-fi sound similar most bedroom laptop bands, which makes it feel less natural. Aside from the production, though, it's pretty decent no-frills atmospheric black metal. Tremolo riffs and melodies and ten minute songs all day every day. Nothing amazing, but still pretty good.
Fuck the Facts Pleine Noirceur
Full of Hell Trumpeting Ecstasy
this was pretty OK noisy punk junk. The noise is dumb and the deathcore fake black metal screams are dumb, but aside from those this was OK.
Full of Hell Garden of Burning Apparitions
Funereal Presence Achatius
Furia Płoń
Black metal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111
Furia Nocel
The length makes it more of a slog, but content-wise this is another solid release from Furia.
Furia Halny
One 19-minute song of weirdo bm with lots of clean interludes.

RYM says I gave this a 3/5 but I don't remember listening to it. Prob a drunk rating, but RYM is
the law.
Fvnerals The Light
Female sings, drone, atmosphere, wow. A lack of real climaxes robs this of its potential, but it's still an enjoyable listen and something you can definitely get sucked into.
G.L.O.S.S. Demo
This is much better than "Trans Day of Revenge." Edgier, angstier, punkier, more riffy, more gooder. 3.3/5
Galaktik Cancer Squad Celestia
Gallhammer Gloomy Lights
doomy black metal that borrows from every second wave band from Varg's yowls to Darkthrone's Celtic Frost plagiarism.
Gama Bomb Speed Between The Lines
Garbage Version 2.0
GARDSGHASTR Slit Throat Requiem
Gatecreeper Gatecreeper
Gatecreeper Sonoran Depravation
Gatecreeper Deserted
Gatecreeper An Unexpected Reality
Gatecreeper Dark Superstition
hm-2 trivium isn't real, it can't hurt you
hm-2 trivium:
Gaunt Demo
Gehenna Seen Through the Veils of Darkness
Genocide Pact Genocide Pact
Germ Wish
Get Rad Say Fuck No To Rules, Man
Get Rad Choose Your Own Adventure
Get Rad I Can Always Live
Punk is as punk does, fast, hard, and with little care for your eardrums.
Gezan with Million Wish Collective Anochi
Ghost (SWE) Prequelle
Ghost Bath Self Loather
I didn't care enough to turn it off but was fairly happy when it was not playing anymore.
Giulio Aldinucci Borders and Ruins
I listen to ambient drone or whatever. Ambient drone or whatever is cool.
Glaciation Sur les Falaises de Marbre
Heil Neej and his Circus of Fantastic Flying Frenchmen.
Glass Casket We Are Gathered Here Today...
Deathcore parentage, more death metal from a different angle than anything punky or remotely chug-obsessed like the bands that would come after it.
Glossolalia Gold in the Throat
raw black metal from the rhinocervs gang.
Glume Main Character
Goatwhore Carving Out The Eyes Of God
Carving Out A Slice of Gouda. Black trash cheese liiiiiiiiiiiiives!!!!
God Is an Astronaut The End of the Beginning
Gojira Fortitude
Goldmund All Will Prosper
piano reinventions of Civil War folk songs. Pretty as Goldmund's releases always are, but that's about it. And that's totally fine for an album like this. The songs are nostalgic and reek of a melancholy only capturable through piano.
Good Weather for an Airstrike A Home for You
Ambient music. Piano, synthesizer. Quiet sounds. Background noises.
Good Weather for an Airstrike A Sense Of Uncertainty
Good Weather for an Airstrike Summer
Goolagoon Patrickviolence Demo
Crust/grind/crossover Sponge metal of death. m/
Gorguts The Erosion of Sanity
Gottesmorder Gottesmorder
Grandma's Cottage Grandma's Cottage
GraveRipper Seasons Dreaming Death
Great Cold Emptiness Immaculate Hearts Will Triumph
whimsical sparkly blackgaze, tho maybe the guitars could use a little boosting.
Green Day Saviors
GridLink Orphan
Grimes Art Angels
Pop music that gets less solid the more you jam it, tho it is jammable ifyouknowhwatimean (i don't know what that means).
Grotesque Incantation
Grouper Water People
The first track features a larger influence on allowing the guitar to create the atmosphere and draw the attention as its reverby notes boom around the space and Liz's voice sort of slides through the fog. The second track essentially the opposite, turning down the guitar to allow her voice to take center stage. I think her voice works better in this style when it's downplayed more in the mix, making "Water People" the better track. While neither are bad, "Moving Machine" leaves me a little bit underwhelmed. 3.3/5?
Grouper Grid of Points
Ruins Pt 2 isn't quite as great as the original, but it's still Grouper being Grouper, and Grouper doesn't really write bad tracks. "Grid of Points" just isn't her best, nor most developed, album. It's a bit too short and feels like smoke slipping through your fingers, gone before you realize it (Despite the Grouper-y imagery, this is not, in this case, a good thing.).
Gudsforladt Friendship, Love and War
Gulaggh Vorkuta
As music this is horrible. As terryfing aural art, there's probably little better. Blast this on Halloween and watch the anxious looks of passerby.
Gutless Mass Extinction (demo)
crunchy osdm
Gutted (USA) Bleed for Us to Live
trve old school death metal, the kind of which osdm revivalism is really based--most nu-osd (tomb mold) sounds exactly like this.
Hakobune & Nobuto Suda 幽霊の庭園 (Garden Of Ghosts)
ambient droning prettiness of waves.
Halfway Line Halfway Line
Hammock Everything and Nothing
Good, but way too long and not dreamy or ambient or engaging enough to really keep me interested for that long. For their more ambient-oriented music the length works fine, but for their more post-rock-y stuff it kind of drags. And this album in particular doesn't hit as hard as their previous works, exacerbating the problem a little. Still, it's a Hammock album, and Hammock don't make bad albums.
Harakiri for the Sky Harakiri for the Sky
Harakiri for the Sky Maere
it's an insomnium album with blackgaze vox, no riffs, and twice the runtime for no reason.
Harold Budd Lovely Thunder
Hate Eternal I, Monarch
Hate Eternal Phoenix Amongst The Ashes
Hate Eternal Infernus
Hate Eternal Upon Desolate Sands
Hath Of Rot And Ruin
death metal is cool i like death metal
Have a Nice Life Deathconsciousness
Havohej Dethrone the Son of God
Havok V
Thrash lives.
Hayley Williams Petals for Armor
Hearse The Last Ordeal
Heaven In Her Arms White Halo
Heilung Ofnir
Helen The Original Faces
Grouper's shoegaze/dream whatever band. Lo-fi and got them dreamy vox. 3.0-3.5 I think.
Hellbringer Awakened from the Abyss
you guys like slayer I like slayer. Slayer! SLAYER ! SLAYER!!
Helloween Straight Out of Hell
Hellripper Black Arts and Alchemy
black speed metal attack EP goes fast
HIM Dark Light
Hiss Tracts Shortwave Nights
Holy Moses Disorder of the Order
Holy Moses Satan's Angel
HOME (FL) Odyssey
bleep bloop 80s nostalgia chillwave
Honey Revenge Retrovision
Hood Cold House
The *Bark Psychosis-style experimental/post-rock. Was never a big fan of Bark's out-of-tune vocal
style, so I'm unsurprisingly not much a fan of Hood's, either. Annoying vox aside, though, "Cold
House" is pretty OK post-rock.

*It's either Bark Psychosis or The Evpatoria Report that I'm thinking of. Whichever, you know
what I mean.
Hood British Radars
It took over 20 years for the "British Radars" single to actually make it to print. The result is pretty unsurprising: it's some pretty standard pre-post-rock post-rock. Off-key vocals, lots of amateurish instrumentation in a lo-fi sound setup, and some weird collisions of acoustic strumming and electronic beats. That early post-rock/dream pop/indie scene was weird, man.
Hooded Menace The Tritonus Bell
i'm a old school death doomer, call me a death boomer
Hop Along Painted Shut
While its faults are endearing, they're still faults. Rock 'n' roll.
Hop Along Bark Your Head Off, Dog
Hoppin along but prettier this time but still just about as enjoyable as before?
Hoplites Ψ​ε​υ​δ​ο​μ​έ​ν​η
Hoplites Τ​ρ​ω​θ​η​σ​ο​μ​έ​ν​η
Horn Verzet
Horna Kuolleiden Kuu
Black metal with a discernibly old-school orientation, mixing the melodic tendencies of earlier acts but also with a penchant for punkiness and grooving riffs.
Horse Lords Comradely Objects
Horseback The Invisible Mountain
Hostsol L​ä​nge Leve Dö​den
Hour of Penance Cast the First Stone
can't touch the tech death from last year, but it's OK.
Hulder Godslastering: Hymns of a Forlorn Peasantry
Hum You'd Prefer an Astronaut
Hum Inlet
alt grunge shoegaze metal yeah. m/ gazes gloomily m/
Human Corpse Abuse Xenoviscerum
Human Remains Using Sickness as a Hero
Hungry For Hands I Was Hungry For Hands
Hungry Ghosts Alone, Alone
Hyperdontia Hideous Entity
Hyperion (SWE) Seraphical Euphony
melodic black death metal w/e
Hypocrisy The Arrival
Hypocrisy Worship
Hypocrite Edge of Existence
I Hear Sirens Stella Mori
Icon For Hire Scripted
this snarly punk junk is cray. It's like if Converge had a sense of humor, or if Mr.
Bungle played nasty hardcore.
Ifing Against This Weald
Ignite A War Against You
It's not Our Darkest Days II, but it's OK by its own right.
Ihsahn After
Ihsahn Das Seelenbrechen
Ihsahn Arktis.
Ihsahn Amr
It's an Ihsahn album, but maybe with more of an influence on cleans this time? It has riffs when it wants to riff, and it has cleans when it wants to clean. I'd rather Ihsahn kept these two facets of his style separate, though, as they seem to work better when kept further from each other. Heavy portions often get thrown off by awkward melodies from the cleans, and the clean vocal work seems best when the rest of the song is focused around them, and not just figuring out a way to swing back into the harsh vox. Still, it's Ihsahn, so you'll like it if you like him.
Ihsahn Telemark
Illyria The Carpathian Summit
A very scattered record of mostly Alcest-influenced post-rock and atmospherics, screamo and post-hardcore(?), melodic/progressive death metal riffing, and flourishes of post-black metal. At over seventy minutes in runtime across eleven tracks there's a lot of content here, and the band feel more content to devote individual songs to playing individual styles rather than creating a more coherent avant-garde style blended through all the tracks. There are songs that feel more post-rock and emo, some devoted to that proggy death metal riffing, and some to post-black metal. All are fine in themselves, but taken as one big record they all feel rather under-appreciated and underdeveloped. There are a lot of interesting ideas here that really deserve to be fleshed out individually on their own releases, rather than be smooshed together for one record.
Immortal Sons of Northern Darkness
Immortal Battles in the North
Good, but needed to be colder and a little more diverse. As-is, this is a fairly modern-sounding icy bm album (for 1995) that's for the most part one-speed riffing (read: fast). It kinda feels like Immortal heard Transilvanian Hunger and liked what Fenriz did with the "one idea for an entire album" concept, but split across more tracks and a shorter runtime. The result is that Battles in the North try a bunch of different riffs all played at the same speed, with songs feeling very structurally similar to one another, and not much fleshed out due to how short they typically are. On the one hand everything here definitely runs together, while the record is short enough (35 mins) for that sameyness to not really get to the point of actually being annoying. It really does feel like they tried to do Darkthrone's TH but "with more riffs!" which definitely sounds like something Abbath would say. 3.3/5 not quite a 3.5.
Immortal Blizzard Beasts
hey guys wanna play some morbid angel i like morbid angel now morbid angel's cool
Immortal Damned In Black
Immortal Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism
Immortal All Shall Fall
Immortal Northern Chaos Gods
seems like Demonaz knows how to imitate Abbath about as well as Abbath knows how to imitate Immortal, since outside of the vox this sounds exactly like an Abbath-Immortal album. They do the fast stuff, they do the mid-paced mini-epic stuff. Nothing's really different this time. I suppose the seasons change, empires rise and fall, but Immortal are, well, immortal.
Immortal Bird Akrasia
Immortal Bird's combination of death metal with elements of black metal and hardcore gives the band a very unique style. Add in Rae Amitay's growls and "Akrasia" has even more trouble fitting into any one genre comfortably. Pretty good debut.
Immortal Bird Thrive On Neglect
In Cauda Venenum G.O.H.E.
In Flames Reroute to Remain
In Flames Colony
In Flames Come Clarity
In Flames A Sense of Purpose
In Flames Clayman 2020
In This Moment Beautiful Tragedy
Indigo De Souza I Love My Mom
Indigo De Souza Any Shape You Take
Infant Annihilator The Palpable Leprosy of Pollution
Infant Island Obsidian Wreath
i'll listen to this again but first listen didn't think it was that hot, tho ftr i've never been a screamo guy either.
Inquisition Bloodshed Across The Empyrean Altar...
black metal. Riffs as always and the vocals are noticeably less froggy this time around. Still as repetitive as ever, though, and it still gets real old real fast.
Insomnium One for Sorrow
Insomnium Heart Like a Grave
insomnium do solid melodic death metal music but at this point I'd rather they go back to writing riffs instead of just ~atmospherical~ riffless melodicisms.
Insomnium Songs of the Dusk
Internazionale The Pale and the Colourful
Spooky ambient background beep boop synth hssshh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [OUTER SPACE!]
Iron Chic Not Like This
Iron Chic You Can't Stay Here
punk rock rock 'n' roll!
Iron Maiden The Number of the Beast
Isengard Vårjevndøgn
Jadu Heart Derealised
Japanese Breakfast Soft Sounds From Another Planet
Dream poppy singer/songwriter sadperson huggles.
Japanese Breakfast Jubilee
Jeff Rosenstock WORRY.
Oh hey this one doesn't suck.
Jeff Rosenstock SKA DREAM
Jefre Cantu-Ledesma In Summer
Ambient drone for the whole family. Field recordings of birds, light drum beats, screeching noises, wow.
Jenny Lewis The Voyager
Quaint and pretty, though not too compelling, indie/alt.
Jimmy Eat World Futures
Job For A Cowboy Ruination
Johann Johannsson The Miners' Hymns
Not one of JJ's most emotionally gripping modern classical works, but still a respectable release for the late composer.
Johann Johannsson Virðulegu Forsetar
Basically an exercise in minimalism and reinvention; Johannsson takes essentially the same melody
and reinvents it again and again, rising and falling, for an hour. The time between crescendos as
well as their respective heights changes over time as the composer plays around with ambience and
reinvention. While it's a very aesthetically pleasing listen--it's a great, faux-dramatic melody-
-it isn't a very gripping listen, given that it is essentially just the same thing over and over
again. For droney orchestral background music this is fairly good, but as a work meant to be
actively enjoyed it's a bit lacking.
Johann Johannsson Orphée
This is fairly disappointing for a Johann Johannsson album. The songs are fairly short (relatively, given some of his previous work) and don't feel like they're given much room to breathe and really go where they need to go. While very pretty, these individual pieces feel more like snippets rather than finished arrangements. If these shorter pieces had been recorded to flow into one another, they might've felt cohesive as an album and resulted in a much more fulfilling record, but as-is this sort of just feels unfinished. It's a far cry from the likes of "Englabrn" and "IBM 1401."
Johann Johannsson Drone Mass
droning choir noises
John Fahey & Cul de Sac The Epiphany Of Glenn Jones
The American primitive is interesting, albeit tiring when played for as long as it is on this album. The darker, more atmospheric pieces are much more interesting but don't appear enough, and Fahey's weird spoken-word bits are unusual and interesting, but also sort of weird to hear go on and on. It's an interesting album for sure.
Jonathan Coulton Thing A Week Three
Jonathan Coulton Thing a Week Four
Judas Priest Stained Class
Judas Priest British Steel
Judas Priest Painkiller
Judas Priest Screaming for Vengeance
Judas Priest Sin After Sin
Judas Priest Killing Machine
Julia Kent Delay
Classical musical cellos of music
Kacey Musgraves Same Trailer Different Park
Kalendae Kalendae
Kalmah Palo
Modern Kalmah doing the same thing modern Kalmah's been doing since they switched from melodic overload neo-classical melodeath into more simplistic standard riffy melodeath years ago. It's good, I guess, but nowhere near as bombastic or excited as their first four albums.
Kamelot Silverthorn
Doesn't suck!
Kampfar Kampfar
Kara-Lis Coverdale Grafts
Minimalist ambient with tape loops. Collage of repetition. More going on than a William Basinski piece. Weird.
Keep of Kalessin Reclaim
This EP has Attila on vocals so unsurprisingly the guitar tone and style, and drum sound all sound like Thorns/Mayhem. It's not as good as either, but as an imitation it's pretty OK.
Kekht Arakh Night & Love
Kekht Arakh Pale Swordsman
Kelly Lee Owens Kelly Lee Owens
pretty pop ambient techno. I'm not much a fan of the more techno (repetitive) tracks, but the ambient pop on here is really good. Owens' voice and use of ambient textures go together fantastically, and her instrumental work is fairly noteworthy in general.
Keosz Be Left to Oneself
Background ambient drone. Slow-moving, minimalist soundscapes. Rain pattering, sub bass quietly rumbling. Good for filling up your soundspace.
Kero Kero Bonito Time 'n' Place
i am the twee pop
Kesha Gag Order
Kid Koala Music To Draw To: Satellite
Soothing ambient with female sangs. It's much too long and lacks much in the sense of emotional heft and crescendo, but as chill ambient it serves its purpose, which is just fine.
Kidnapped Nowhere Is Sterile
powerviolence grindcore gotta go gotta go fast fast fast can't go slow can't slow down fast fast fast where are we going what are we doing going on going on gotta go to Speedville going on the speed train going fast fast fast writing songs writing riffs going fast going real fast gotta blast gotta blast beat all day all day couple minutes just a couple minutes real fast going fast fast fast real fast
King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard Flying Microtonal Banana
Retro Rock on Fantasy Island is a solid slab of rock of the olde school. Not as funky fresh as its predecessor in Nonagon Infinity, but still a bee bop a ree bop rhubarb pie jam and a half.
kj wake
Chill ambient. Soundscapes, minimalism wow.
Knife Heaven Into Dust
Kolga Demo
Krahnholm Granting Death
3.3 your basic black metal album ye
Krallice Go Be Forgotten
It feels like their magic left them some time ago.
Krallice Demonic Wealth
Krallice Crystalline Exhaustion
on their more conventionally recorded follow-up to Demonic Wealth, Krallice continue to go the WITTR route of emphasizing synthesizers and atmosphere in the mix over their guitars, which gives it a more conventionally atmo-black feel. To emphasize this further, the twisting guitar harmonies of olde krallice have also mostly been toned down, though their old avant-prog compositional flourishes are still to be found, just more restrained. The guitar compositions are less wild and structurally the band sound a lot more purposeful in their direction, but this also robs the band of the things I mostly liked about them in the past; wild avant-prog twisting bm riffing and generally weird songwriting. This is krallice doing their trad atmo-black arc and while it's very atmospheric and hypnotic, the riffs aren't very prominent in the mix and don't have as much oomph as I'd have preferred. It's still fairly decent though, if a little lackluster.
Krallice Porous Resonance Abyss
Krigsgrav Fires in the Fall
Kuxan Suum Kinich Ahau
Kuxan Suum Kuxan Suum
Kvelertak Splid
Kvelgeyst Alkahest
Kvelgeyst Blut, Milch und Thr​ä​nen
Kyle Bobby Dunn Ways Of Meaning
Lady Gaga The Fame Monster
Lagwagon Hang
Lake Of Blood Omnipotens Tyrannus
Some great ideas here, but the album over-all just seems to run a bit too long, and also suffers from a few weaker tracks. If you removed maybe two of the weaker songs and cut down the record by half an hour, this record would've been much better.
Lamb of God Wrath
Lamp of Murmuur The Burning Spears Of Crimson Agony
Lamp of Murmuur Heir of Ecliptical Romanticism
Lamp of Murmuur Submission and Slavery
Lamp of Murmuur Punishment and Devotion
Lana Del Rey Did You Know That There's a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd
Lantlos Wildhund
Laster Wijsgeer & Narreman
Laster De Verste Verte Is Hier
Laster Ons Vrije Fatum
black metal. Good enough wooo?
Less Than Jake Losing Streak
Less Than Jake Silver Linings
Letheria III Mockery
Pretty decent death/black metal with enough thrash riffs and d-beats to make it a fairly fun listen.
Leucosis III
Lifeless Dark Who Will Be the Victims?
Crust thrash that's certified 100% Fenriz Approved.
Light Bearer Silver Tongue
Light This City Remains Of The Gods
pvre american melodeath.
Light This City Facing The Thousand
melodic death metal. Riffs or w/e.
Light This City The Hero Cycle (Re-Issue)
Decent melodic death metalcore. Can't hold a candle to the band's later outputs, but "The Hero Cycle" is still a decent starting point for the band, and even shows off some of their hardcore/metalcore influences, which makes gives them a little bit of nuance compared to the usual rabble of At The Gates ripoffs.
Lightning Bug A Color of the Sky
Lights Midnight Machines
Lights' voice is much better suited to a mostly acoustic setting. I could listen to this sappy pop junk all day.
Liturgy Renihilation
You can download this from their bandcamp page for $6.66. Lol.
Locrian Return To Annihilation
Locrian Infinite Dissolution
It could've been another Rooted Teeth and Injury had it had a bit more meat to it. It's an album that wants to do black metal, ambient, and electronic, but sort of skims on some and doesn't really climax anywhere, or how much power to any of its pieces. It works as a decent ambient record, but it could've been so much more, which is disappointing given the potential here.
Loth Apocryphe
yeah so this is like if Drudkh wanted to be hippies. Pretty OK Fauna-lite. Black metal.
Lotus Thief Gramarye
Low Hey What
LowCityRain LowCityRain
Herbst's vocals haven't quite found how to hit their mark on LowCityRain, but they're still fairly OK for what they are. Dancy post-punk coldwave wooo. It's happy sad dance time.
Lucifer (DE) Lucifer IV
Ludicra The Tenant
Luna Mortis The Absence
prog-ish power metal/melodeath.
Lunar Chamber Shambhallic Vibrations
Lunar Mantra Genesis
ambient blast beats blast beats blast beats oh hey some double bass m/
Lunatic Soul Walking on a Flashlight Beam
Luneth Luneth
Lvthn Adversarialism
Rawer treble black metal. The vocals sound slightly distorted/muffled/slightly tinny because of the rawness, which makes them fit pretty well with the rest of the mix.
Lykhaeon Tanz der Entleibten
Mabe Fratti Pies sobre la tierra
~ ambient pop drone classical art ~ it's OK.
Madonna Ray of Light
Aesthetically pleasing downtempo pop, but not much more than that. The album's much too long and it never really goes anywhere particularly interesting. There are a few standout tracks here and there, but for downtempo this is, imo, rather lackluster. It all sort of just blends together into this mishmash of chill Madonna toonage that never tries (or succeeds) to distinguish itself from anything else.
Madrost The Essence of Time Matches No Flesh
Tech thrash death metal riffs.
Maggie Rogers Don’t Forget Me
Magrudergrind II
With no political samples and a less "fun" sound quality that's not heavy or crunchy enough to be "Rotten Sound" level brutal, Magrudergrind's "II" is a pretty OK grind/power violence record, but not much more. What personality their previous album had has been scrubbed away in favor of a more "no frills" approach to grind. The result is a much less fun record that simply doesn't sound vicious enough to warrant the change in sound in the first place. It's OK grind, but unfortunately not much more. :-(
Malevolence Malicious Intent
malevolence embody most of the goods and bads of modern metalcore, meaning they use some nice meaty riffs but then ruin most songs with poorly-performed and contextually ill-fitting clean vocals.
Malist Of Scorched Earth
Malthusian MMXIII
Malum Legion
Finlandcore, AKA black metal bands that sound like Sargeist. It's your standard second-wave, melodic-ish black metal. Lots of d-beat drumming, standard riffing, blasts, etc. It's not particularly inventive for the style (read: it isn't at all), but it's still solid-ish. Nothing fantastic, but pretty OK.
Mammoth Grinder Underworlds
Mammoth Grinder Cosmic Crypt
they ditched the slududududge for straight dm. Which is OK-ish.
Mannveira Von Er Eitur
Black angry noisy noise of angry noisy noisiness.
Manon Meurt Manon Meurt
Mare Cognitum The Sea Which Has Become Known
Mare Cognitum An Extraconscious Lucidity
Marina Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land
Marsen Jules The Empire of Silence
Background ambient. Classical. Noise.
Marsh Dweller The Weight of Sunlight
Black metal mixed with melodic death metal with growly vocals reminiscent of Saor or Panopticon. Kinda like Panopticon but with even more melodeath.
Marxthrone A Blaze In The Western Sky
Workers unite! Hail comrades! Hail black metal!
Massimo Volume Lungo i bordi
Massimo Volume take Slint's post-rockiness and spoken-wordedness and make them their own. Their brand of spoken post-rock rocks the house down, but I was never a fan of Slint's vocals in the first place, and neither am here.
Massimo Volume Da qui
Massimo Volume take Slint's post-rockiness and spoken-wordedness and make them their own. Their brand of spoken post-rock rocks the house down, but I was never a fan of Slint's vocals in the first place, and neither am here.
Massimo Volume Il nuotatore
i like it when he talk italiano to the pretty guitaros mama mia post-rock
Master Saints Dispelled
Master's Hammer Ritual
Mastodon Leviathan
Mastodon Crack the Skye
maudlin of the Well Bath
Maximum the Hormone Kusoban
Yeah good enough. Not nearly as solid as their later stuff, but at this point you can just chalk it up to MtH still figuring out how to distill their brand of j-punk wonkiness into something more powerful. Thankfully they did, but even as unfocused as it is, "Kusoban" is still a fun record.
Maximum the Hormone Zawa...Zawa...Za..Zawa......Zawa
punk rock! MTH.
Maximum the Hormone Tsume Tsume Tsume/F
I don't like the Freiza song or "Tsume Tsume Tsume" that much. Standard Maximum The Hormone nutso hardcore punk that goes every which way. Just not as good this time.
Mayhem Wolf's Lair Abyss
The drum sound sucks and the guitar sound isn't amazing. But hey, it's Mayhem, so I suppose this is the best it's gonna get.
Mayhem Chimera
Mayhem Deathcrush
Mayhem Ordo ad Chao
black metal. I like how muffled and suffocating the production is here. Stylistically not my favorite thing, but the production is definitely unique.
Mayhem Esoteric Warfare
Mayhem De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas Alive
Mayhem Daemon
Mefitis Emberdawn
your basic standard solid black metal mmm///
Meg Myers Sorry
pop rock w/e. Some songs are like WOAH whereas others are like... woah?
Megadeth United Abominations
Melanie De Biasio No Deal
Melechesh As Jerusalem Burns...Al´Intisar
Melt-Banana Cell-Scape
Melt-Banana Fetch
Mentor Wolves, Wraiths and Witches
Mercyful Fate Don't Break the Oath
Merkaba Bones of the Sacred Forest
Post-black metal with lots and lots and lots of reverb. It makes it sound booming and quite pretty, actually. Unique in that sense, although it's truthfully not much different than the other post-rock-meets-blast-beats experiments.
Merkaba Continuum
Mesarthim TYPE III
Eighteen minutes of keyboard-heavy atmospheric black metal, this time with outer-space chugz. Kinda just wish the band would've released these lengthy one-track EPs as just one album, but w.e. Band are good enough at what they do.
Meshuggah The Violent Sleep Of Reason
I really really hate that guitar tone. It has an almost squeaky sound to it, like someone's rubbing two pieces of evil leather together. Squeeko squee squuhhh uhhh squuun. That, and by now everything Meshuggah do sounds beaten-to-death, and there's nothing stylistically interesting here but the same thing they've been doing before, but with none of the nuances that made any of their previous albums unique.
Messa Belfry
Bluesy Sabbath-y doom, sludge metal jams w/ female vox.
Message to Bears Carved from Tides
Sentimental ambient pop bs that's good enough.
Metallica ...And Justice for All
Metallica Death Magnetic
Mgla Groza
Midnight Satanic Royalty
Midnight Rebirth by Blasphemy
Midnight Let There Be Witchery
Miley Cyrus Plastic Hearts
Mingle Harde Mongol Horde
Mirrorthrone Carriers of Dust
Misotheist Vessels By Which The Devil Is Made Fl
Mist of Misery Severance
Misthyrming Algleymi
Mithras On Strange Loops
weird kind of melodic death metal with hella riffs but it only hella riffs every once in a while,
and is otherwise inconsistent imo so it's not that great.

That one riff in "When the Stars Align" is the best dm riff of 2016 by leaps and bounds tho.
Mitochondrion Parasignosis
Mitski Puberty 2
there's a whole lotta St. Vincent goin on in here.
Mizmor This Unabating Wakefulness
Atmospheric black metal! Doom! Darkness! One fourteen-minute piece of ugly grrrrr'ing meanness.
Mogwai Rave Tapes
Monarque Fier Hérétique
Standard second-wave black metal and a decent debut album, but a mere echo of the majesty of future release "Lys Noir".
Mono Pilgrimage Of The Soul
Morbid December Moon
Morbid Angel Formulas Fatal to the Flesh
Morbid Angel Blessed Are the Sick
Morbid Angel Domination
Morbid OKngel. Death metal.
Morbid Angel Gateways to Annihilation
Morbid Saint Swallowed By Hell
Morphinist Nebulae
Morphinist The Arcane Session
Morphinist The Wormhole Session
Mors Principium Est The Unborn
Mors Principium Est Liberation = Termination
Mors Principium Est Dawn of the 5th Era
Mortuary Drape Tolling 13 Knell
Mortuary Drape Buried in Time
Mourir Disgrâce
Mr. Bungle The Raging Wrath Of The Easter Bunny
Mree The Middle
MUNA About U
MUNA Saves The World
Municipal Waste Hazardous Mutation
Municipal Waste Electrified Brain
Mushroomhead XIII
Mutilation Rites Harbinger
N R C S S S T Schizophrenic Art
Pretty much generic post-black metal that doesn't really throw any punches. If you took the basic blue-print for post-black metal and made a record out of it, you'd get this record. It's upbeat, it's shiny, there are a lot of twinkly guitar leads, it doesn't focus on black metal tempos, and there are fairly good vocals, but there's not enough variation or experimentation here to give the record its own personality. This is one of those bands that have the potential to do something really cool if they would only break from their derivative writing styles, throw caution to the wind, and be adventurous. In that sense, they're definitely a band to look for in the future, but they're only OK right now.
Nachtmystium Assassins: Black Meddle Pt.1
Nachtmystium Addicts: Black Meddle Pt. 2
Nachtmystium Silencing Machine
Nader Sadek In the Flesh
Nadja Tabernanthe
Nadja makes noise for 28 minutes and it's pretty nice.
Naglfar Sheol
Naglfar Pariah
Naglfar Harvest
Naglfar Ex Inferis
Nails I Don't Want to Know You
Nails/Full of Hell Split
Full of Hell are OK, Nails track is typical modern Nails ultra heavy brocore. This is like 4:20 long with only 3 tracks so who really cares. Good enough w/e.
Naked City Naked City
Avant-jazz grindcore. So that's a thing. Definitely a "thing."
Napalm Death Scum
Napalm Death Fear, Emptiness, Despair
Napalm Death Harmony Corruption
Napalm Death Death by Manipulation
My grindcore brings all the boys to the yard, and they're like BRAGARAGGAOOOOAAAASHAAAA.
Napalm Death Nazi Punks Fuck Off
Napalm Death get it
Nasum Human 2.0
Grindcore. Idk if it's the production or this Spotify stream but this album makes me feel like I constantly need to pop my ears, it's just kinda weird.
Neckbeard Deathcamp White Nationalism is for Basement Dwelling Losers
It is bad, but that's the point. But people have also eaten up worse ub3r kr13g 0bscvr3 black metal so i don't see how this can be held as worse. Especially when this actually serves a purpose as a work of art.
Necrodeath Defragments of Insanity
Weeb cover aside, "NECRONOMIDOL" are a competent J-rock/pop/metal project. Their metallic side takes obvious pages from the likes of X Japan, with the popiness of general J-pop/rock music. OK music 4 animu fans.
Necropole Ostara
I remember this little thing from back in the day. Fun little raw black metal EP. Triumphant riffs and pummeling bass drums of glory!
Neil Cicierega Mouth Moods
Neko Case Fox Confessor Brings The Flood
alt-country folk sings good wow.
Nemesis Sopor Firmament
Nervosa Agony
Nervosa Downfall Of Mankind
Neupink Fluorescent Art
nic Demo
Nietzu Farewell to the Stranger
good black metal with Cynic-style distorted cleans that I don't like as much. 3/5
Nifelheim Devil's Force
More goodish first-wave-y-ish black metal. Dec album 3/5. Can't really improve upon Dethtrasher's soundoff so I won't even try.
Nifelheim Nifelheim
First wave-y black metal. Nifelheim are an interesting group that weave that line between the first and second waves of black metal--not because they were genre pioneers or anything, but just because their largely first wave-influenced (often proto-thrashy a la Bathory) style often finds itself bleeding into more the developed second wave sound (the change in blast beating style, heavier use of double bass, Darkthrone-y riffs, etc.) that was popular when the album was actually released. rThe proto-thrashiness makes the album feel like a fun throwback (especially given it came out in the heart of the second wave movement) and the vocals are particularly nasty (albeit a little too loud and overbearing). I've never been huge on the first wave sound, but for early-style black metal, Nifelheim's first record is a fairly good one.
Nifelheim Servants of Darkness
Probably the best of their first three albums, "Servants of Darkness" is more standard Nifelheim. It's largely first-wave black metal with some second wave nuances (some Dissection-y and Wattain-y melodic work, greater use of blasts) and the typical punk attitude. Still not the best thing ever but also lot more fun than most second wavers were at the time, which definitely earn Nifelheim some points. If you like that early Bathory sound, Nifelheim apparently don't disappoint.
Nightbringer Terra Damnata
Nightingale Alive Again
Nightingale Retribution
Nightrage Sweet Vengeance
Slaughter of the Plagiarism. This would've been a 3.5/5 but I'm a stickler for good/no cleans in my melodic death metal. The cleans aren't good and they have no reason to be here, especially when you already have Tomas Lindberg on the mic.
Nightrage Wearing a Martyr's Crown
Nightrage return with a fitting addition to the melodic death metal legacy. Harsh vox, screaming guitarz, lots of drumz and the occasional acoustic good melodeath does make, and Nightrage a good melodeath band
Nightwish Dark Passion Play
Nightwish Endless Forms Most Beautiful
Nils Frahm Encores 2
the piano music is fine but could you knock it off with the beep boop electronics already
Nils Frahm Day
No Trend More
NOFX Ribbed
NOFX Punk in Drublic
NOFX White Trash, Two Heebs and a Bean
NOFX Wolves in Wolves' Clothing
NOFX Coaster
Noisem Blossoming Decay
Non Est Deus Impious
Notches High Speed Crimes
"Sloppy" is a good way to put it. It's got that raw amateurish feel that's weirdly endearing and makes it that little bit more relatable and fun. It's not hugely solid, but it's great for what it is.
Nothing The Great Dismal
Noumena Absence
Novembers Doom Into Night's Requiem Infernal
Novo Amor Collapse List
Nox Formulae The Hidden Paths to Black Ecstasy
When it goes fast it's pretty good but all the slower stuff lacks the atmosphere and spoopyness to feel "occult" or atmospheric at all. It's only when the guitars style flying that the music adopts a slightly clouded, atmospheric feel.
Nuclear Assault Survive
Nuovo Testamento Love Lines
O' God the White Whale Never Knows Best
Oathbreaker Oathbreaker
Caro's gonna eat your face! Caro's gonna EAT YOUR FACE! Hardcore or metal or whatever its hard to type after caro bit my face off
Oathbreaker Maelstrom
Crust/sludge. A lot of these riffs sound straight-up ripped from Mastodon's first two albums ("Origin" sounds like its riffs were lifted almost directly from "Leviathan"), and similar to early Mastodon Caro's vocals are equally raw and (imo) fairly annoying. Despite having some definitely meh vocals, though, the band does know how to riff--even if like a third of their riffs are actually just Mastodon co-ops. It's nice, crusty sludge metal hardcore. If the vocals would've been better, (as on "Rheia") this would've been a fantastic debut.
Oathbreaker Eros|Anteros
Obituary Frozen in Time
Obituary The End Complete
Obliteration Black Death Horizon
Obolus (US) Demo
Obolus (US) Lament
Ever wondered what those atmospheric black metal bands would sound like if their songs were sliced down into concise, no-frills pieces of no more than seven minutes, max? This is what that sounds like.
Obscura Omnivium
Off With Their Heads In Desolation
Old Graves Like Straining Boughs
Old Man's Child Slaves of the World
One Of Nine Eternal Sorcery
Opeth Orchid
Opeth Deliverance
Oranssi Pazuzu Värähtelijä
black metal psychadelic whatever Swans. Too much slow not enough black.
Orchid Chaos is Me
screamo power violence blast beats rage! I don't like the old school production values or else I'd have this rated way higher. Vicious punkkkk.
Orchid Dance Tonight! Revolution Tomorrow!
I think I like this one more than Chaos Is Me, but I'm still not big on skramz. Still tho, if you like skramz this is the skrammiest skramz pv hardcore puhnk, so prob worth a check or two, especially given its fifteen minute runtime.
Oskoreien Oskoreien
Osserp Els Nous Cants de la Sibil·la
ostraca enemy
Blacked-emoviolence-gaze wew!
Ovlov Buds
Ozzy Osbourne Black Rain
Pan American Cloud Room, Glass Room
like really minimal-y, super chill ambient. It do.
Pan.Thy.Monium Khaooohs And Kon-Fus-Ion
Panopticon On the Subject of Mortality
Panopticon Social Disservices
Panopticon .​.​.​And Again into the Light
Panopticon/Wheels Within Wheels II
Paramore All We Know Is Falling
Paramore This Is Why
Paysage d'Hiver Einsamkeit
Keyboard synth dark ambient. While the first two tracks are largely keyboard/synth and wind/nature samples, the third piece takes a more ritualistic direction, adding drums, and Wintherr's unmistakable shrieked vocals in the background. While not necessarily fantastic dark ambient, it's about what you should want from a black metal mastermind. 3.3/5
Paysage d'Hiver Die Festung
Paysage d'Hiver Kristall und Isa
Weirdly enough I think the shorter runtimes really harm the atmospheres and pacing of these tracks. Paysage is best when chugging through slow-burning epics, whereas here a lot of these shorter pieces run the same tempos and feel really samey. The ending piece, "Kalte" feels the most Paysage-y, with its 12-minute runtime and more traditional format.
Pelican Ataraxia/Taraxis
Pendant Make Me Know You Sweet
More like just fuzzy white noise with some synthy drone underneath. Doesn't really go anywhere but it's nice.
Perfumed Saturnine Angels Saccharine Curses Exhaled in the Wind
Periphery Periphery
Pestilence Hadeon
decent tech-y death.
Petrychor Effigies and Epitaphs
Pig Destroyer Explosions in Ward 6
Their first album isn't very nuanced or stylistically interesting, but it's still dirty grind that hits you like a sledge hammer.
Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here
Plebeian Grandstand Lowgazers
Plini Handmade Cities
Poldoore Blind Eyes
Hip hip hop
Popol Vuh Agape – Agape
Portrayal of Guilt We Are Always Alone
Possessed Seven Churches
Never been a big fan of ye olde school dm/bm or thrash for that matter, but this is OK. It's thrashy enough that it makes up for the awkward drumming and timing, and heavy and aggressive enough (vox r wow gud) to make up for the fact that it's largely thrash metal. Death metal m/
Power Trip Manifest Decimation
thrash metal trash metal woopaloopadoo
thrash metal trash metal howabout yoooou
Power Trip Nightmare Logic
Thrash metal that isn't awful, wow! Might more-or-less utilize Evile's philosophy of trying a bunch of styles and never really backtracking, but it's still solid thrash, if only that.
Predatory Light Death and the Twilight Hours
Predatory Void Seven Keys To The Discomfort of Being
Progenie Terrestre Pura starCross
I'm in outer space! SPACE! SPACE
Promise and the Monster Feed The Fire
Good indie folk/dream pop/art whatever, but not great indie folk/dream whatever.
Propagandhi Victory Lap
melodic political thrash punk rock
Protest the Hero Scurrilous
Ronnie Dio was here.
Pseudogod Deathwomb Catechesis
Pure Reason Revolution Hammer & Anvil
Pyrolatrous Teneral
Solid no-frills thrashy black metal. At 52 minutes over 9 songs it's a bit long for music as one-dimensional as it is, though, which makes it a bit to sit through. The riffing styles are fairly diverse for "standard" black metal, though, taking a dash of Krallice or a sprinkle of Inquisition here or there to mix it up just enough for you to go "ooo, neat."
Qualia Vignettes
Short, pretty, post-rock movements.
Rachel's Handwriting
It's simple classical music with one 14-minute desolate ambient/post-rock track. While the rest
of the album isn't exceptionally exciting, "Full on Night" definitely pioneers the same kind of
desolate, empty post-rock sound (filled with train samples, no less) that GY!BE became famous for
fleshing out a few years later. 3.3/5
Radiohead Kid A
Much better than "The Bends" due to its experimentation (especially with electronic elements), but even Radiohead's style still isn't that enthralling. It really feels like that one pretentious album with all the flair and all the potential that just never delivers. There's a fun electronic bit here or there ("Treefingers"), but other than that I'm still yet to be impressed by these gods of indie-whatever rock music.
Radiohead In Rainbows
Rafael Anton Irisarri Sirimiri
You're flying low over the barren fields of some scifi wasteland. And, somehow, still finding beauty in that desolate expanse as the machines hum and drone around you.
Rainbow Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow
Rainbow Long Live Rock 'n' Roll
Ramihrdus The Sorrow of the Evergreens
Rammstein Mutter
Rammstein Sehnsucht
Rammstein Untitled
Rammstein is Ramm-fine. Hue hue hue
Ratatat Ratatat
On the one hand it's a super chill, casual electronic album that's really easy to listen to. On the other hand, it's not a very gripping listen; it ends up being like most post-rock and ambient out there that is nice to listen to, but doesn't feel like it has much substance. There are no "wow" or that's cool!" moments that would justify a higher rating. It's a pleasing listen, but it's sort of just *there*. Excellent background music, though.
Ratatat LP3
Pokemon. That is the joke.
Re-Buried Repulsive Nature
Red Fang Red Fang
Red Fang Murder the Mountains
Regina Spektor Soviet Kitsch
some of these are good some are not. Stuck between 2.5 and 3. /soundoff
Rhinocervs RH01
Rhinocervs RH02
Rhinocervs RH-08 "Untitled 1 & 2"
Rhinocervs RH-13
Richard J. Birkin Vigils
atmospheric classical with a little post-rock? While this album definitely sounds gorgeous, the
songs themselves seem to be too short and under-developed. This is the same problem Johann
Johannsson's "Orphee" had; each song seems to find an interesting idea or style but just sort of
ends before really capitalizing on it, hitting a crescendo, or really doing anything other than
sort of just *going along*. Individually these songs are great, but over the course of an album
the wasted potential becomes fairly obvious--and almost grating.

Still, though, if you want some super pretty [mostly] modern classical music, this is worth a
check. ~3.3/5
Rina Sawayama Sawayama
90s girl group and pop rock-worshiping dance-pop album that doesn't want to fully commit to replicating any one style or theme for a more cohesive package
Rina Sawayama Hold The Girl
Ripping Corpse Dreaming With the Dead
Rorcal Vilagvege
Rotten Sound Apocalypse
Ruin Lust Demo 2011
Ruin Lust Ruin Lust
This rules guys come check out the swirling darkness m/
Rush 2112
Saaad Deep/Float
Sabbat Envenom
Sacred Son The Foul Deth Of Engelond
Sacrilege GBG Lost in the Beauty You Slay
Not as good as the Storm of the Light's Bane-y "Fifth Season," but still a competent melodeath album.
Sadness Otro
Woods of Desolation worship-y, sentimental-melody-driven depressive black metal. If you want some
black metal with melodies that could make even a new-age pianist go "awwww", then Sadness is for
you. 3.3/5
Sadness Rain
Depressive atmospheric black metal with a lot of rain samples for added background noise. Kvlt.
Sadus A Vision of Misery
i like how by their third album Sadus had heard that "technical death metal" was a thing, so they just decided to do that too. yeah who needs thrash anyway m///
Sadus Illusions
old school technical thrash/death metal. Never been that much into tech thrash so 3/5 not bad wew riffs screams heckin drum fills m/
Samael Ceremony Of Opposites
Samael Above
Samael Exodus
Cool black metal-made-industrial-ish reworkings, daddio.
Samael Lux Mundi
Samia The Baby
Sanguine Eagle Shores of Avarice
Sannhet So Numb
post rock sludge metal black no vocals yeah it's music alright.
Sarah Longfield Par Avion
Sarah Longfield Kikiria
Dancey Sarah is dancey. Bah duh bah autotune bum bum bloop.
Sarah Longfield Collapse // Expand
She sweeps and dleedle leedles all day ery day. It's technical jazzy melodic noodling every which way, but not in any sort of aurally offensive way. It's just kind of "there", not really going anywhere in particular. Still, it sounds pretty. So there's that.
Sarah Longfield Disparity
Sarah's not the best writer, but people had wanted her to do a clean-vocal jazzy/tech guitar album for some time now and, as one of those people, I enjoy "Disparity." It's dreamy layered vocals and sweepy fiddly guitars with the occasional jazz bit and saxophone (synthed or real idk) which sometimes gives it a sort of World's End Girlfriend vibe. It's a fun little ditty.
Sargeist Let The Devil In
Melodic black metal of the old school, not the Gothenburg brand. Pretty good stuff, though samey music like this always kind of grates on me--thus the 3/5.
Sarkrista Sworn to Profound Heresy
Satan Suspended Sentence
Satan Cruel Magic
Satan Earth Infernal
Satanic Surfers Hero of Our Time
Satyricon Dark Medieval Times
this is a lot of slow Darkthrone but without enough guitar bite or cool riffs.
Satyricon Now, Diabolical
Satyricon The Shadowthrone
Lite [symphonic] black metal with keys. At this point Satyricon were sort of doing a "slower Emperor with fewer keys" kind of thing. It's not bad, but it doesn't sound "big" enough to have the punch you feel it should have.
Savage Necromancy Savage Necromancy
War metal! I think it could've sounded more aggressive, but the general production they've got going (particularly the guitar tones) is really good for war metal.
Scalp Domestic Extremity
Scar Symmetry The Unseen Empire
Scar Symmetry The Singularity - Phase I: Neohumanity
Septicflesh The Great Mass
Sepultura Morbid Visions
black thrash death metal attack come to Braziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil
Sepultura Kairos
Serpentine Dominion Serpentine Dominion
Melodicy dm with the "attitude" of modern metal/metalcore. The shorter song lengths definitely help keep George's rather one-dimensional delivery from becoming stale or ever overstaying its welcome. The shorter lengths also help keep songs energetic and moving--something from which melodic death metal especially benefits. This is short and to the point, full of riffs, and no filler. Double plus good super metal super group.
Seven Spires Emerald Seas
while not exceptionally consistent, "Emerald Seas" is a fun symphonic/power metal album mostly carried by Adrienne Cowan's fantastic vocals.
Seventh Wonder The Testament
Shape of Despair Monotony Fields
Shining (SWE) X - Varg Utan Flock
Shining need to cut the dramatic nonsense and stick to blasting and their trademark heavy grooving riffs, but even with their standard silliness rVarg Utan Flock" is still a fairly competent black metal record. I've never been huge on Shining and their silliness, but this is fairly good.
Show Me A Dinosaur Plantgazer
While the first two tracks start very strongly, the album kind of loses steam afterward. Opener "Sunflower" starts particularly well, mimicking the mid-paced uplifting blackgazing of deafheaven with stunning accuracy. And then it kinda just keeps going, but not as effectively, making me progressively lose interest. The rhythm guitar also doesn't pack much punch, making the few black metal sections have much less bite than they really should to have a meaningful impact. It's not bad by any means, but it probably could've been shorter.
Sielunvihollinen Tuhontuoja
Sigh Infidel Art
Sigh essentially took the folky symphonic goofiness of Emperor and slammed it into the caveman riffs of Celtic Frost/Darkthrone to make a riffy, goofy black metal album. So it's exactly what you'd expect from a Japanese band ripping off Darkthrone.
Sigh Hangman's Hymn
SikTh The Future In Whose Eyes?
Silent Whale Becomes a Dream Requiem
post-rock swells are SWELL.
Sinmara Aphotic Womb
I C Y . C H I L L . I C E L A N D I C . B L A C K . M E T A L . K V L T . [black metal]
Sinmara Within the Weaves of Infinity
Icelandic black metal
Sinmara Hvísl Stjarnanna
Sinmara/Misthyrming Split
Not Misthyrming's strongest material, but an adequate 2-track split of theirs with Sinmara. Black metal.
Sixpence None the Richer This Beautiful Mess
Skagos Anarchic
First track is a 4.2/5rSecond track is a 2.5/5rNext time they should make sure that each piece has the same recording sound before releasing it. Track 1 has perfect production and sounds wonderfully professional, whereas track 2 sounds extremely sloppy and is nowhere near as well-recorded as the previous track.
Skeletal Remains The Entombment of Chaos
Skeletal Remains Fragments of the Ageless
Skeleton Skeleton
Skeletonwitch Beyond the Permafrost
Skeletonwitch Breathing the Fire
Skeletonwitch Devouring Radiant Light
Skullsmasher Rocket Hammer Brain Surgery
Skyfire Timeless Departure
Slaegt Ildsvanger
Slaegt Domus Mysterium
Slayer Seasons in the Abyss
Slayer Hell Awaits
Slayer Haunting the Chapel
Slayer South of Heaven
I get the reasoning behind softening their sound after the aggressiveness of their previous album--essentially just to prove that they could--but that still doesn't really work for me. Hearing Tom try to add more melody to his singing is nice in a "good for him" kind of way, but combined with the less powerful guitar sound these changes don't really mesh with what's still a pure thrash metal record. It kinda sounds like Reign with the edges rounded off a tad, which was what made this band so important in the first place. At least the guitar tone is the same, and the kick is still thumpy.
Slayer Christ Illusion
Slayer Repentless
LIVE FAAST. ON HIIIGH. REPENTLES. LET IT RIIIIDE. I cannot stop laughing at the abruptness of that riff change and those lyrics in the title track, but I find them charming in a silly metal way. Slayer is Slayer.
Slint Spiderland
Snorlax II
They're out here now naming death metal after gat dang pokemans!
Soccer Mommy Color Theory
Sodom In War and Pieces
Sofia Kourtesis Madres
Soilwork Natural Born Chaos
This is where Soilwork started to blend into the alt metal movement of the time, rubbing the edges off their melodic death metal sound in favor of something with more mainstream appeal (which to say, less harsh harsh vox and more cleans). Got about halfway through and was bored to tears, though. Definitely the beginning of the lull period in the band's history.
Soilwork The Ride Majestic
Never been huge on Soilwork or melodic death metal with vocals, and this kinda proves that point. Soilwork may have gotten their heads back in the game since The Panic Broadcast, but since then they haven't really progressed their style noticeably at all, so they're just basically just like a less dramatic Scar Symmetry. Still an enjoyable band, but the basic back-to-back harsh/clean/harsh/clean vocal styles and endless Gothenburg riffing just kinda get old after a while.
Soilwork Verkligheten
Way more alt metal power rock than I'd prefer in my melodeath, but it's still not a bad album.
Solar Temple Fertile Descent
very Drudkh-y black metal with a lot of psychadelic ambience thrown in. "Fertile Descent" is two 15+ minute epics of mostly repetitively hypnotic black metal a la Drudkh that even uses the same types of chord progressions to make their similarities to the Ukrainian group even more obvious. After wandering along at a rather rolling pace for a while, the band typically slows into weird psychedelic ambiance, then speeds up and continues the rolling black metal rhythms anew. The second track, "White Jaw" also features a brief foray into punk with some nice d-beat drumming, but unfortunately it doesn't last very long. Pretty decent album, though I've never been big on Drudkh's brand of playing the same riff for five minutes, so I'm unsurprisingly not gaga over Solar Temple, either. That said, don't let my bad opinion of Drudkh keep you from this band :-p
Solicitor Spectral Devastation
Sonic Syndicate Sonic Syndicate
Inoffensive "modern" melodeath that had me surprised by how much it didn't make me want to drop-kick a puppy 3/5.
Sophie Madeleine Silent Cynic
Sorcier Des Glaces Sorcier Des Glaces
Stylistically this is all over the place from atmospheric bm to Alcest-y shoegaze to straight Venom thrash riffing. The one-song (50 min) version is curious because of these wild stylistic transitions, but the proper multi-song version probably works much better.
Sorrow Plagues Homecoming
This is way better than the first album. Rhythm guitars still have that ambient-in-the-background feel most of the time, but the lead work has drastically improved. The melodic leads have an almost melodeath influence in their energy and prominence, which helps set Sorrow Plagues apart from most other bedroom blackgaze acts. 3.3/5
Sorrows Sorrows EP
Sorrows Lethe
Spectral Voice Eroded Corridors of Unbeing
Spectral Voice Sparagmos
Spider God The Killing Room
this is true crime black metal

this is spider goooooooooood
Spirit Possession Spirit Possession
Squid Bright Green Field
St. Vincent Marry Me
St. Vincent Strange Mercy
I like St. Vincent but I don't like, likelike this album. Weirdo pop music that I feel isn't that consistent.
St. Vincent Masseduction
Though I do love Annie's weird funky guitarwork, it's her more somber tracks that are her better compositions. "Happy Birthday, Johnny" is a gut-wrencher of a piano ballad, and similarly piano-y "New York" while bit more humorously tongue-in-cheek goofy. I love piano nonsense though so I'm a bit biased toward those tracks. Either way, MASSEDUCTION is good fine addition to Annie's discog. 3.3/5?
Starer The What It Is to Be
Steve Roach The Passing
Another long-form ambient piece by Steve Roach. It's pretty, dreamy atmospheric background music. It goes and goes and goes, changing little/not at all as it creeps along its 59-minute runtime. You can listen to the first five minutes of melodic ups-and-downs on repeat for an hour and lose little to nothing instead of listening to the other 55 minutes of the piece. It's music you can sleep to, work to, zone out to, go about your day to. Eventually your subconscious forgets you're even hearing it, just like the humming of your nervous system or the running of blood in your ears. So it's Steve Roach doing Steve Roach and it's whatever you want it to be.
Stormkeep Tales of Othertime
Strapping Young Lad Alien
Strapping Young Lad Strapping Young Lad
Stress Angel Punished by Nemesis
Subsonic Eye Nature of Things
Suffocation Suffocation
Suffocation Despise the Sun
This is death metal? OK, m/ m/ m/ m/
Suffocation Hymns From the Apocrypha
Sun Worship Sun Worship (demo)
Sun Worship Pale Dawn
black metal. Not as good as the last album, but OK. Vocals are kinda weird.
Sunnata Climbing the Colossus
Sunrise Patriot Motion Black Fellflower Stream
Surut Surut
Susanne Sundfor Ten Love Songs
Susanne Sundfor Music For People In Trouble
Fantastic singer, but I wish her music would get a bit more... impassioned? Some of her tracks ("Mountaineers") play with loudness and atmosphere much more effectively than others, and this results in not only better songs but more passionate performances from Sundfor as well. This is the kind of album I want to rate higher because the artist's singing is so fantastic and the instrumentation so pretty, but I just don't love the songs enough. Hrm. 3.3/5.
Suss Ghost Box
a charming guitar-ambient album with american primitive/country influences. you don't hear that every day but it's nice nonetheless.
Sutekh Hexen Luciform
Sutekh Hexen Larvae
Take some minimalistic black metal, some dark ambient, some fuzz, and some noise, and smash
them together. The resulting mass of misanthropic noise is this album. Or this band,
Sutekh Hexen Behind the Throne
Second track had less black metal than I'd have hoped, but the first track was entertaining.
Sutekh Hexen Become
A two-track EP of blackened noise. This is black metal buried under layers of buzz and distortion. After drowning out most of the coherence of the instruments, what we're left with is 28 minutes of angry, droning noise. If you listen closely enough you can hear some riffs beneath the almost constant wailing vocals, and if you listen even more intently you can almost hear what are probably actual drums. rThe first track, "Five Faces of Deacay" appears to be a rather fast black metal piece, whereas "The Voice : The Void" seems to take a slower, more "atmospheric" route. rIf you like your black metal angry, noisy and barely coherent, then this is for you!
Svartidaudi Revelations of the Red Sword
More melodic, but not quite as good as Flesh Cathedral.
Svdestada Candela
Svffer Empathist
Swallow the Sun New Moon
Sweet Trip Walkers Beware! We Drive Into The Sun / Stab/Slow
Sylvan Esso What Now
This is electronico pop music I found while catching up on my Welcome to Night Vale.
System of a Down Protect The Land/Genocidal Humanoidz
t.A.T.u. 200 km/H In The Wrong Lane
Taake Hordalands Doedskvad
Taake Over Bjoergvin Graater Himmerik
Talk Talk It's My Life
It's pop. It's rock. It's whatever.
Talk Talk The Colour of Spring
Not as good as the albums to follow, but "The Colour of Spring" is still fine, super chill art pop.
Tankard Chemical Invasion
Tape Loop Orchestra Go Straight Towards the Light of All That You Love
Droning ambient with stuff in the background. Not wholly engaging or full enough, but still pretty OK.
Tape Loop Orchestra The Invisibles
Droning ambient with stuff in the background. Not wholly engaging or full enough, but still pretty OK.
Taravana A Visible Chill
Rating #1200. Cool bm-ish-ness of melodies.
Tardigrada Widrstand
Taylor Swift Folklore
Teethgrinder Nihilism
blast blast grindcore blast crunchy crunch. Need to revisit tho.
Teitanblood Purging Tongues
Teitanblood Death
Tentacult Lacerating Pattern
Tenue Territorios
screamo/blackgaze in one 29-minute track. It's OK!
Terra Deep Inamorata
Terrifier Trample the Weak, Devour the Dead
Terzij de Horde A Rage of Rapture Against the Dying of Light
Testament Practice What You Preach
Testament Souls of Black
Testament Demonic
Testament Low
Thantifaxath Sacred White Noise
Thaw Thaw
The Album Leaf In A Safe Place
This is some of the cutest, most laid-back casual twinkly post-rock I've ever heard. It's also kind of emotionally uninteresting and on a critical level, relatively boring for the genre. Still tho: twinkles and cuteness. 3/5
The American Dollar A Memory Stream
Piano-y post-rock. It's good, but it hits me less hard than Mogwai.
The American Dollar The Technicolour Sleep
background post-rock. It's a good time--not a great time, but a good one. A 3/5 good time. Laid-back, woah. Melodies huuuahh.
The Arrogant Sons of Bitches Three Cheers For Disappointment
The Banner Frailty
hardcore punk. Angry noises.
The Beach Boys Pet Sounds
The Black Dahlia Murder Miasma
this is OKAY melodeath if you like your melodeath with heaps of american metalism and bad skremz vox instead of good melodeath raspsps like on the previous better album. There are also breakdowns now and while they don't actually harm the songwriting at all I'm still docking points for it on principal.
The Caretaker Everywhere at the End of Time - Stage 2
Big band nostalgia tape loop ambient. Usually time moves on without us, but for The Caretaker, he'll move on without time.
The Chasm Farseeing the Paranormal Abysm
The Crown Crowned in Terror
The Crown Royal Destroyer
I am the death metal band !!
The Dear Hunter Antimai
The Devil Wears Prada Dead Throne
Respectable, but a definite step down from the Zombie EP.
The Devil Wears Prada ZII
The Dirty Nil Fuck Art
The Duskfall Frailty
The Grindmother Age Of Destruction
The HIRS Collective We're Still Here
The Hyacinth Act Our Sympathy
ambient whatever.
The Japanese House Good At Falling
The Lay Llamas Ostro
The Menzingers Hello Exile
The Necks Three
The Night Flight Orchestra Aeromantic II
The Oh Hellos Eurus
o hai hello. folk tunes
The Order of Chaos Night Terror
What you'd expect from a power/thrash hybrid; flashy guitars, flashy vocals, flashy solos. It's catchy and fun, and a little bit cheesy--especially lyrically--but it's a nice EP. And performing both harsh and clean vocals, Amanda Kiernan is a strong vocalist whose talents are definitely better served in this project than Into Eternity; TOoC actually seem to really be single-minded in the direction of their songwriting, which helps meld the power/thrash, and clean/harsh styles together rather seamlessly.
The Pillows Happy Bivouac
The Secret Disintoxication
Angry crust that's too erratic and Converg-y. Not bad, but definitely the precursor to the much darker and more organized "Solve Et Coagula."
The Secret Luce
Someone listened to early Lamb of God once and decided to make a band :3 Nasty crusty metal/core stuff.
The Secret Lux Tenebris
this is crush, but not blast. Disappoint.
The Spirit Of Clarity and Galactic Structures
The Sundays Blind
The Wonder Years The Upsides
OK pop punk. Vocals are kind of annoying and this album is vastly inferior to the two albums that would follow it. Band aged very well, at least.
The Wonder Years No Closer to Heaven
Maybe I'm pining for a heavily biased sense of infatuation I have with The Greatest Generation, maybe I'm just too old. Idk, but "No Closer to Heaven" seems like the same band as before, just quite a few steps down. It's the same style, but I just can't be assed to care this time for some reason.
They Dream By Day Limbo
The problem with a post-rock/ambient record like this isn't its production or style so much as it is its runtime--with five songs, the album only runs for 11 minutes. All of these tracks feel like snippets rather than fully developed pieces, and it's sort of aggravating to know how good this project could be if songs were just given room to breathe properly instead of being relegated to what are essentially two-minute atmospheric interludes.
Thorns Trøndertun
Thorr's Hammer Dommedagsnatt
rotten 90's death doom. For headbanging slowly. Tho the studio tracks are all fairly raw in the first place, the final (live) track has my favorite atmosphere, "Mellom Galgene's" fuzz and even dirtier guitar booms working to fill up all the space and create something a little more suffocating. That, and it reminds me a lot of future Dispirit tracks, which is always a plus.
Three Trapped Tigers Silent Earthling
that jazzy math rock/post-rock hybrid woooo.
Thulcandra Fallen Angel's Dominion
Obvious Dissection worship/plagiarism that just doesn't stand up to the former black metal masters. Worth a listen if you enjoy a hit of nostalgia every now and again, but not very spectacular on its own.
Thulcandra Under a Frozen Sun
Thulcandra still feel like Dissection's little (almost identical) brother, but they still implement enough modernity to the classic bm/dm style to make it sound a little fresh in subtle ways. They continue to rip off old Dissection riffs and melodies while putting their own little spins on them, but they never really write anything that feels compelling on their own; if I really like a track, it's because "that one riff" is ripped straight from SotLB from a song I also like, not purely because Thulcandra can write excellent riffs on their own. It's good, ya know, but it can't hold a candle to the real Dissection--but I suppose it works as a means to scratching a very specific itch.
Thulcandra Hail The Abyss
Thyrane Hypnotic
OK blackened cyber industrial metal jams.
Thyrane Black Harmony
pretty OK riffy late-90's symphonic black metal. Unfortunately it relatively pales in comparison to the group's later industrial black metal efforts.
Tim Hecker Konoyo
toe For Long Tomorrow
I mean post-rock drums melodies yeah but does it blend? Not with me, it dun't.
toe Hear You
Post-rock elevator music. It's generally pleasing but it never makes any lasting impact on you. You listen to the whole thing and when done aren't able to explain from memory what you just heard.
Together to the Stars As We Wither
Toluca Act I
Toluca Memoria
Tomb Mold Primordial Malignity
Their first demo was a bit more dirty and lo-fi which made it sound much harsher (which I liked), but Primordial Malignity isn't bad for dirty-ish death metal. Cool riffs, man. Cool. Riffs.
Tomb Mold Manor of Infinite Forms
Tomb Mold Cerulean Salvation
Tomb Mold Planetary Clairvoyance
For those nervous about the Moldybois putting out another new album so quickly: fear not; the band's as solid as ever. I'm not huge on their old school death metal style (or osdm in general), but this at least is up to par (if not slightly better than?) with their previous releases.
Tombs Savage Gold
Torche Harmonicraft
The first half of this album is fantastic but then it kinda peters out. Happy sludge metal?
Torn The Fuck Apart Kill. Bury. Repeat.
very faithful Cannibal Corpse and Hate Eternal worship. Solid chunk of death metal.
Torso Build and Break
Tortoise Its All Around You
Tortoise Beacons of Ancestorship
Torture Rack Primeval Onslaught
Totem Skin Still Waters Run Deep
Touche Amore Parting The Sea Between Brightness And Me
Toxic Holocaust An Overdose of Death...
Toxic Holocaust Hell on Earth
Toxic Holocaust Evil Never Dies
black thrash liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiives!
Toxic Holocaust Chemistry of Consciousness
old school blackened thrash/crossover. Fun jams riff riff riff
Toxik Death Sepulchral Demons
Tragedy Vengeance
Sludgy punk vox melodic punk!
Tragedy Tragedy
hardc0re punk r0ck
Trap Them Seizures In Barren Praise
Trap Them Darker Handcraft
Trha mã H​é​shiva õn dahh Khata trh​â​ndlha vand...
Trha Vat Gëlénva!!!
somehow clearer than much of the previous discog, but still having that nice round muffle over everything. Tho it also must be pointed out that "vat g?l?nva!!!" does forget itself at times, the uplifting synth and melodic work from Sadness occasionally bleeding through to make you forget which project you're currently hearing--although this small change of style does also allow Trha to expand itself slightly beyond its typical lo-fi atmoblack/dungeon synth style. vat g?l?nva!!! is the most I've enjoyed a Trha project in a while now, it's a lot more straightforward riffy black metal, but still with the unorthodox "stapling-together of riffs" compositional style that reminds more of the start-stop nature of grindcore than traditional black metal.
Trha Im Ëmat Gan Líeshtam Namvajno
Trha alëce iΩic
Trha av◊ëlajnt◊ë£ hinnem nihre
Trha n​ê​bam​Ω​ejn
Triangulo de Amor Bizarro Salve Discordia
Weird shoegazey rock junk
Tribal Gaze The Nine Choirs
Tribulation Hamartia
Trip the Witch Trip the Witch
Triptykon Eparistera Daimones
Triptykon Melana Chasmata
Triste L'Hiver Faire un geste
It's black metal with weird 80's new wave(?) popiness. It's weird... but not at all as surprising as I would've expected. It's not an amazing album, but it does a lot right and surely shows a band going in the right direction. Tighten up the screws, add some more variation to the black metal riffing, and this could be very interesting in the future. I mean, more than it is now.
Trna Pattern Of Infinity
Take all the long, drawn-out hypnotic black metal sections from WitTR and Cascadian bm and make a 40-minute instrumental album out of them. That's basically what's going on here. The lack of vocals definitely makes the longer/repeated sections a little more difficult to sit through, but if you're looking for some long-winded atmospheric bm, then you should definitely look into Trna's debut. It's not like WitTR are going to put out a bm record any time soon, anyway, so you might as well.
Truchlo Strzygi Gwiezdny Demon
Truckfighters Universe
Tsjuder Helvegr
Twice Fancy You
dec pop music *o*
Twilight III: Beneath Trident's Tomb
It's out there. Go get it.
Twilight Trident Death Rattle
Basically the b-sides of their last album, these three pieces are actually fairly good. I don't really feel like going back to "Beneath Trident's Tomb" to compare, but on memory alone these sound fairly strong compared to the content that actually made it to the finished LP. Not "Monument to Time End" strong, but well-produced, adequately structured, good sounding black metal. 3.3/5
Twilight Fauna The Year the Stars Fell
Lo-fi, super reverby atmospheric-ish black metal with banjo acoustic moments. Banjos, because why
not. At this point I don't really care how amateurishly Twilight Fauna might play their
instruments (and oh boy, you can tell he's no master banjo player), since they've been able to
release a record that is not only listenable, but is enjoyable to boot. The black metal's loud
and noisy and the banjo-playing is really rudimentary, but it's organized alright and is just
messy enough to work. This is surprisingly OK given the rest of the project's highly
disappointing back catalog of atmospheric mumbo jumbo.

edit: I think I like the black metal portions because they remind me a lot of Dispirit. So you
should check out Dispirit if you like the way this noisy junk sounds. Or just in general. Check
Dispirit. DISPIRIT.
Two People Second Body
Tycho Epoch
Aesthetically pleasing, but not much else?
Tyranny Aeons in Tectonic Interment
Ulcerate Everything Is Fire
Ulcerate The Coming of Genocide (Reissue)
This brings teh br00tz like some death metal frankenstein of old Cryptosy and Suffocation.
Ulcerate The Destroyers of All
Ulcerate Vermis
Yo guys this leakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ulcerate Cutting the Throat of God
Ultha Converging Sins
A bit too weighty and meandering, but hard-hitting when it wants to actually hit. Black metal.
Ulthar Anthronomicon
Ulver Kveldssanger
Unadulterated hippy garbage for norwegian forest nymphs. Whatever, 3/5.
Ulver Messe I.X-VI.X
Exceptionally long experimental/post-rock. While good, it's still a lot to take in.
Ulver Sic Transit Gloria Mundi
wizard pop majick
Underling Crows
rawer-rish post-bm that was better raw the first time. Much better than the icky EP that followed.
Unlucky Morpheus Unfinished
japanese Epica goes kinda hrrd
Unreqvited Disquiet
Unreqvited set out to be this year's Ghost Bath--and they succeed. Thankfully, their sound
quality and songwriting are much more consistent and well-balance, making them a bit superior to
last year's depressive blackgaze darlings.
Unru Demo MMXIII
UnSun The End Of Life
Upon Stone Dead Mother Moon
Urfaust Einsiedler
I guess this is OK? atmospheric black metal.
Urfaust Trúbadóirí Ólta an Diabhail
Atmospheric black metal.
Urfaust Empty Space Meditation
hey there are harsh vox this time wooo. Almost makes up for how annoyingly one-dimensional the non-harsh vox are.
Vader The Beast
Vader Tibi et Igni
Slaaaye---VADERRRRRRR! Death thrash jams.
Vader The Empire
riffs yeah. blast o. death metal mmhmm. vaders yep.
Valdrin Throne of the Lunar Soul
Vales Clarity
Valkyrja Contamination
i used to dig this black metal way back in the day boyo.
Vampire Vampire
black thrash liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiives!
Vampire Weekend Only God Was Above Us
Vansidian Reflecting the Shadows
this is good melodic death metal but it's also power metal, so, hmmmm
Vanum Burning Arrow
Vanum's style previously wasn't very gripping, and neither is their second release; the Burning Arrow EP. This album seems to take a bit more from the Ash Borer side, adding more prominent synth lines and that distinctive modern Ash Borer guitar sound (imo). It's not a particularly balanced sound, which is the main problem Vanum has. During slower sections both guitars are able to shine next to each other, doing whatever melodic work they feel like, but during faster sections their tremolo riffs lack heft and don't really pull the songs along like they should. While the Krallice-iness of the twin guitarring is an interesting addition to their sound, it doesn't really do much for them as a black metal act. I suppose this release sounds better than the debut production-wise, but there's still a bit that could/should be tweaked so as to make Vanum as powerful as they ought to be.
Vanum Ageless Fire
Varathron The Crimson Temple
Vastum Hole Below
Vastum Orificial Purge
Vastum Inward To Gethsemane
Vattnet Demo
Ved Buens Ende Those who Caress the Pale Errorzone
Nu metal metalcore. The down-tuned pounding of Slipknot and the frantic violence of hardcore, with barely any clean singing nonsense or repetitive breakdowns. Vein essentially took all the good parts of two generic styles and just smashed them together in a way that yields a surprising amount of success.
Vemod (NO) Venter pa Stormene
pretty good atmospheric bm but the ambient tracks are too long and too meh.
Vemod (NO) The Deepening
Venom Welcome to Hell
Venom Prison Erebos
Venom Prison listen to a lot of Lamb of God and then do a deathened metalcore album that is pretty good.
Venomspitter Venomspitter
Vermilia Ruska
Verwoed De Val
Verwoed The Mother
Verwustung When Light Broke the Stars, Humanity Rejected Us
VI De Praestigiis Angelorum
Vicious Blossom You Breathe Inside Of Me
Victory Over The Sun Nowherer
I hate microtonal sounds but I don't completely hate this microtonal black-ish metal, take that however you will.
Viikate Unholan urut
Vile Gash Deluded
dirty punk
Vinterland Welcome My Last Chapter
Vintersorg Cosmic Genesis
Fun-ish prog/epic-ish folk metal. I feel like the songs are a bit repetitive with their influence on power choruses, and the long 50-minute runtime is also a bit of a bummer. I'm not huge on the cleans, and they kind of get old after a while. They're good cleans, but the constant "epic dramatic folk singing" gets a bit grating after a while. That, and there's not enough black metal/bm riffing here.
Violet Cold Magic Night
Virvum Illuminance
melodic tech death with lots of flashy stuff and some interesting ambient stuff. Noodles and shreds for days but not one of the better tech death albums from this year. But I'm not even huge on dm so what do I know this is prob a 4/5 lmao. It's fun tho so cheq it.
Volahn/Xaxamatza Gods of Pandemonium
3.3/5 black metal. I like it when Volahn write songs like this and the Xaxamatza side isn't too shabby, either. Solid jams. Hail Black Twilight.
Volcanic Queen Lumyth
Volcanic Queen The Structure of Hidden Fire
Noisy but not noise, loopy but not looped. Noisy ambient sound manipulation music. There's always something going on, some type of melodicism working underneath varying levels of static noise, and the occasional (too loud) electronic beat.
Volcanic Queen Moments Captured in a Different Light
ambient dream fuzz
Vreid Lifehunger
Vysoké Čelo Űrutazás
ambient space folk IN SPACE. Queue for a re-listen.
Waldgefluster Dahoam
War Ripper Hellstorm
black thrash liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiives!
Watain Lawless Darkness
Watain The Agony and Ecstasy of Watain
Watchtower Concepts of Math: Book One
The instrumental side of Concepts of Math is fun technical thrash, but vocally and lyrically this EP isn't quite as enjoyable. The vocals remind of Bruce Dickinson crossed with Dave Mustaine's cheesy nerd lyrics. I get it; you like numbers and decimals.
Waxahatchee American Weekend
I really dig the intimate lofi-ity, but I feel like it still could've been better. Still tho Waxahatchee best hatchee.
Waxahatchee Cerulean Salt
This one was the least good of the trilogy, but it totes as still good.
Waxahatchee Ivy Tripp
This one's bouncy and happy hey! Dig dig dig it.
Waxahatchee Out in the Storm
Wayfarer American Gothic
Weezer Weezer
When Woods Make Graves This Patch Of Dirt Where Nothing Grows
I like how "ghostly" and thin everything sounds on this record. The drum machine sound is still awful but the overall sound and songwriting is pretty decent.
When Woods Make Graves This Forest That Will Eclipse The Sky
Three tracks that weren't included on This Patch Of Dirt Where Nothing Grows were
rewritten/rerecorded and slapped together for this LP. This guy doesn't seem to disappoint,
even if all of his songs have that "guitar plugged directly into computer" sound and the
drums are obviously programmed. WWMG continue to try combining the driving riffs of WitTR
with some of the fuzzy atmosphere of Paysage D'Hiver. Consistently good material.
When Woods Make Graves This Light That Decays
This time, WWMG slows things down a bit and tries his hand at much more straightforward WitTR
worship, employing a Two Hunters-heavy atmospheric style of treble-heavy lo-fi-ish black metal.
While definitely lifting most of its ideas from Two Hunters, "This Light that Decays" is still
fairly competent on its own. Sure, its use of chimes and minimalist guitar-lead ambient passages
are basically plagiarism, but when everything is suffocated under loads of treble and synthetic
noise, it still kinda feels like its own thing. Or at least, it feels "its own" enough to not
feel like a complete plagiarism attempt. It's not fantastic atmos bm, but for what it is it's
pretty OK. If you can get past the really poor guitar sound (lo-fi, treble-heavy, lots of reverb
and a really echoy tin sound), the songwriting's actually pretty decent.
When Woods Make Graves Mellifluous Throes
Whirr Distressor
Whirr June
Whirr Pipe Dreams
Wiegedood De Doden Hebben Het Goed
It's good-ish but it's not like you know "wow bm" but rather just "bm" without the "wow"
part ifyouknowwhatImean. There's just something about the production that just doesn't do
it for me. It's one of those times where something is just "off" by a tiny bit to make you
not like it, though you think you reasonably should like it.
Wiegedood De Doden Hebben Het Goed II
black metal it's OK, but it rips off other bands and isn't that good.
Wife Standard Nature
Glitch hop. Surprisingly good material from an artist whose previous works never really did it for me. Glitchy melodic electronic junk.
Wildernessking The Writing of Gods in the Sand
Wildernessking Mystical Future
William Basinski Cascade
It sounds like a tape playing the same sad piano melody bobbing in the waves of the ocean, submerging and reemerging, muffling and clarifying, again and again.
William Fitzsimmons Lions
Wim Mertens Struggle for Pleasure
Windhand Soma
Windswept Visionaire
3/4 of Drudkh do another side project that sounds very much like Drudkh, but without the fast parts; Windswept's "Visionaire" features two 10+ minute pieces of mid-paced Drudkh-ian atmospheric black metal, or more simply "Drudkh without the fast parts". It's melodic and hynoptic, but given the band use even fewer dynamics than their notably repetitive father project, "Visionaire" finds itself being highly samey after a while--there are only so many times you can listen to the same riff be played before it starts to grate on you, no matter how atmospheric or pretty it all is. Still, though, Windswept is the Drudkh boys being Drudkh boys, and if those darn Drudkhs can do anything it's slap together two riffs and make a listenable black metal track out of them, and they definitely do that here. Yeehaw.
Winterfylleth The Dark Hereafter
"The Dark Hereafter" is a bummer for multiple reasons:
1. It's too short.
2. Quite a bit of the runtime either isn't new material or isn't Winterfylleth's material.
3. They did a cover of one of the most boring black metal-era Ulver songs, and didn't make it any
more interesting.
4. Seriously why did they record an almost perfect impersonation instead of injecting themselves
into the track?

Despite those pretty glaring faults, Winterfylleth's newest output isn't that bad. In fact, it's
fairly decent--crappy Ulver cover aside. It's solid-ish epic/folk/black metal; it's just not
amazing, and there's not enough original material to make it as good as previous outputs.
Wintersun Time I
A Song of Winter +4/5rLand of Snow and Sorrow 3.3/5rTime 3/5r
Wintersun The Forest Seasons
The synths and fancy symphonic crap is too loud in the mix--as everyone else has noted--and really underplays the power of the guitars, making a lot of this sound like cheap symphonic black metal. It's rather aesthetically pleasing music but the mix makes it feel so boring it's easy to forget you're even listening to it, and tracks don't have any impact on you after they've finished--especially since they're basically all SLOOOOOW. The guitars just sort of fuzz in the background as the songs slowly roll along for ten minutes each. This isn't horrible but it's definitely poorly mixed, has lots of pacing problems, and a serious shortage of actual riffs. It seems really obvious how quickly they just slapped these songs together now. :|
Witch In Her Tomb Maleficus Maleficarum
This is stupidly short, but exceedingly good. Really raw and abrasive, yet also unabashedly melodic at points. Very good thing yes.
Witchery Symphony for the Devil
Witchfinder General Friends Of Hell
Witchfinder General Death Penalty
With the End in Mind Tides of Fire
I think the bass is too loud and overpowers the guitars too much, but otherwise it's good cascadian black metal.
Witherscape The New Tomorrow
It's basically a more prog metal-ish Nightingale with a dash of death metal vocals for good measure. It's not amazing, but if you liked Swano's stuff before you'll dig this.
Wodensthrone Curse
Woe Withdrawal
Wolves in the Throne Room Celestial Lineage
I don't know, man. I don't know.
Wolves in the Throne Room Celestite
The individual tracks are nice, but they don't seem very cohesive when it comes to the compiling of this album. This makes sense since each track is basically just a reinvention and expansion of the synth, keyboard, and guitar melodies from Celestial Lineage and not wholly new works themselves. Because each track comes from a different origin they all seem fairly different, and this is what makes them not seem very cohesive together. If certain ideas from certain tracks had been fleshed out into truly their own pieces not simply based on old CL ideas, then Celestite might have been more functional as a standalone ambient record. As-is, though, it's still alright--just nothing amazing because nothing really feels completed. It's just the same melodies from CL expanded enough to justify calling them each their own respective new tracks. The original melodies were of WitTR quality, though, so even reinvented the product is at least aesthetically pleasing, if only just that.
Wolvhammer The Obsidian Plains
Wolvhammer The Monuments of Ash and Bone
Woods of Desolation The Falling Tide
Wormrot Dirge
Wormrot Noise
Wormrot Voices
Biquette the grindcore goat may be gone, but grind will live on. #makegrindgreatagain
Wormrot Hiss
Wormrot Abuse (Deluxe Reissue)
Wormwood The Star
X Japan Art of Life
X Japan Jealousy
The speed metal is great, but all the cheesy 80's hair metal influences makes me cringe.
Xasthur Subliminal Genocide
XO Heart
Begins on a rather awkward foot sounding more like MBV than anyone (at this point) would really like, but after a few tracks the band seem to find their footing and rip off on their legendary forefathers a little bit less. It's no Loveless by any means, but it's still pretty enjoyable shoegaze.
Xothist Simulacrum
Yellow Eyes Sick With Bloom
It just doesn't give me that "oomph" like their other releases did. Same winding riffs and chaotic rhythms, but not as much grabs you this time around.
Yellow Eyes Stillicide
Not as good as The Desert Mourns, but still a fairly good bm EP.
Yellow Eyes Immersion Trench Reverie
I dunno this is like OK black metal? If you've jammed Yellow Eyes before you should know exactly what you're in for since their style has changed almost 0% since their first release; this is slightly technical (read: hectic sounding) black metal with lots of sharp melodies and chord changes. Yet again, it feels like Krallice if Krallice actually wanted to play simple black metal. And, yet again, I don't like it as much as their previous few works.
Yellow Eyes Rare Field Ceiling
Yellow Eyes Master’s Murmur
Yellowcard Southern Air
Yndi Halda Enjoy Eternal Bliss
Yndi Halda's oft-beloved debut may be an incredibly pretty example of string-filled crescendo-y post-rock, but it just feels homogeneous to me. It's like they took a half dozen different stereotypical post-rock-isms and stretched them all out into a sixty-minute record without deviating from the central style, adding new ideas, or experimenting at all. While some of the melodies are great, it all feels very "safe" and predictable. It's pretty, sure, but on repeated listens it just kind of sounds... dull. Which is weird given I love post-rock like this and apparently gave their second record ("Under Summer") a 7/10. Screw me, right?
Yorushika Magic Lantern
Young and in the Way I Am Not What I Am
Young and in the Way When Life Comes to Death
Ysyry Mollvun Ysyry Mollvün
Yumi Zouma Yumi Zouma
Yumi Zouma II
Yves Tumor Experiencing the Deposit of Faith
Huh. Ambient or something. Huh.
Yvette Young Acoustics
Yvette got them mad finger pickin' skills.
Zeal and Ardor Devil is Fine
It's a fun--albeit kinda dumb--record. Described as "American slave and black metal" the
record features mostly chants and bluesy "slave" singing with metal moments woven in for
points of contrast and climax. There's just something evil about the visions this music
conjures up--of black men on a chain gang singing soulful odes to Satan, or their wishing
death upon holy men, and it makes the record so strangely satisfying. While the metal
moments aren't spectacularly arranged (and could've been a bit louder in the mix, tbh), they
serve their purpose of highlighting the vocals fairly well. It's a short record, but it's
satisfying in a really weird way just because of how "out there" it is, conceptually.
Zeal and Ardor Stranger Fruit
Zyklon Aeon
Zyklon-B Blood Must Be Shed
The kind of hyper blasty bm that actually needs better-than-lo-fi production values to have the impact it clearly wants to--and should--have.

2.5 average
A Diadem of Dead Stars The Mist Bearer
WitTR worship with some chanting vocals to make it a little bit different than your standard cookie-cutter Cascadian band. Decent beginning point for a band that obviously wants to take their beginning style and add new influences to make a style their own. If they expand upon and diversify their style through future release, they could be a band to watch out for. They need to heavily grow their style, though.
A Pregnant Light The Feast of Clipped Wings
This has all the elements of APL that I like, but presented in a much more lo-fi/raw/amateurish
way than that to which I'm used, which definitely takes away from the experience. Back in 2011,
APL was still finding its footing and--I presume--figuring out how best to record its music. If
this'd been recorded within the last year or so, I'm sure it would've been much better. But, as
is, it's simply a snapshot of the early days of a project that would become so much better in
time. And I'm OK with that.
A Pregnant Light Devotion Unlaced
The mixing on this album is so weird; on the first track the drums (the toms and the bass drum) thump louder than anything else, driving the guitars into the background. On later tracks the opposite occurs with them pushed way into the back with the guitars then too loud. Musically it's pretty solid, but as a package it's a bit inconsistent sonically. "Devotion Unlaced" feels like a compilation of b-sides from different sessions that nobody bothered to re-mix in order to make them feel cohesive.
Abigail Williams In the Absence of Light
Absinthe Syncope Lucid Dreaming On 4g's of Dilaudid
AC/DC Ballbreaker
AC/DC Stiff Upper Lip
AC/DC Blow Up Your Video
AC/DC Fly On The Wall
AC/DC Power Up
Acronym June
Every track seems to take one individual idea or one beat and slowly evolve it over the course of
five-ish minutes. There's little to tie the tracks together because they all seem to use, more-
or-less, the same structuring, which gets old pretty quickly. Decent ambient.
Agalloch The Serpent and the Sphere
This has everything an Agalloch album should have, organized like an Agalloch album should be, but it just doesn't work. For some reason it's like a mimic of the band, lacking the soul of the original. By all rights this should be another great Agalloch record but for some reason it just doesn't move me at all.
Alghazanth Behind the Frozen Forest
crude raw bm but that's never really been my bag. On the plus side, they got much better
with time.
All Shall Perish The Price of Existence
The peak of deathcore? is still just a weak modern recreation of Slaughter of the Soul with even less bearable vocals.
Altarage The Approaching Roar
Amon Amarth Jomsviking
I don't even think I like any of the songs here. This sounds like a band at their limit running completely on the last few fumes they have left. The production doesn't let the music sound as epic as Twilight, or as melodically impacting as Oden, and the material isn't even as good as that on Deceiver (which wasn't that good to begin with). Amon am dissapoint.
Amon Amarth Berserker
Amon Amarth walk the line of complacency with their brand of arena rock-friendly, Viking-themed melodic death metal. It's utterly unsurprising and uninventive at this point, but never dull enough to really justify turning off. There are a few tracks here that will undoubtedly succeed as fist-pumping shout-alongs for the band's live set and at this point in their career that seems to be more-or-less what putting out new albums is overtly for--producing a handful of extra bangers (or banger-lites, more specifically) for their setlists. I'm not really mad at them for going this route--rather just disappointed in the band for not trying their best when we already know they their "best" is releasing classic melodeath records.
Amon Amarth The Great Heathen Army
Anaal Nathrakh The Whole of the Law
They keep opening up their style a little more on each album--it would seem--but their
experimentation with different styles doesn't seem to produce very satisfactory results. A lot of
their subtle shifts into melodic black/death metal come off as half-hearted emulations, their
Emperor/Ihsahn-esque clean vocals continue to sound both silly and bizarrely out of place, and
their influence on all-out blasting grind seems to continue to wane.

You can't knock a band for trying to expand past their roots, but when Anaal Nathrakh have always
been at their best when practicing teeth-gnashing black/grind, it's hard to not wish they'd
regress just a little.

tl;dr Not as evil as Constellation, not as brutal as Necro, and with songwriting far below Hell is
Empty. It's "whatever."
Anaal Nathrakh A New Kind of Horror
These guys really wanna be Emperor so bad and it's kind of sad considering who they used to be as a band.
Anal Cunt 40 More Reasons To Hate Us
When A.C. are actually trying to be a halfway decent grindcore band they mostly succeed, but their purposefully under-developed songwriting makes even passable tracks annoying in their extreme brevity. These tracks are even short by most grindcore standards, which makes actually sitting through the constant start/stops every fifteen sections fairly difficult. I just kinda wish they would've taken their trolling to another level by taking themselves seriously for one record before Putnam's death, because at least then they would've had one record utilizing their actual potential, if only as a joke.
Annorkoth The Last Days
Arch Enemy Will to Power
"Amott told Rock Hard magazine in January that Loomis... has not contributed to the
songwriting on the group's new disc."

What the hell is the point of having a big name like his even there, then? Gonna be
another 2/5 play-it-safe cookie cutter trashfire.

actual review: So AE still aren't firing on all cylinders and this is still fairly
generic melodic death metal (even for AE), but it's still a notable improvement from
the cookie-cutter-because-we-don't-care-anymore album "War Eternal." This is like a
poor man's Rise of the Tyrant; not really worth talking about, but there are some cool
moments here or there.
Arkhtinn III
atmospheric bm but yeah ok.
As I Lay Dying An Ocean Between Us
this is about as stereotypically play-it-safe toughguy metalcore as you can get. Production is butts, vox are tryhard br00tal masculine, instrumental side sounds like it was built in a computer. They might not spam breakdowns like more generic metalcore bands of the same era, but their general sound doesn't put them that far above the rest of the pack, either.
Ash Borer Bloodlands
Ash Borer The Irrepassable Gate
Yet again they take Ash Borer's furious bm and water it down with crappy atmospherics and mixing
that doesn't make any sense. Why can I barely hear the rhythm guitar at all at some points? Why
does it sound so thin, so low, and barely contribute anything other than just fuzzing in the
background most of the time? Why is the lead guitar the only instrument that seems to matter?

When it was announced that Randall Dunn (the guy who produced every WitTR LP since Two Hunters)
was going to produce, I assumed we'd get a nice, balanced clean sound a la a more aggressive
WitTR. But alas, the mixing is just as unwieldy as on their last two releases. As an upside, the
band have peeled back some of the theatrics from Cold of Ages (excessive atmospheric junk, clean
female vocals) in an apparent attempt at getting back toward a more raw black metal style.

So hey, baby steps.
At the Gates Gardens of Grief
At the Gates At War with Reality
It feels bored. It feels tired. Like they had some good songs, but then got lazy and forewent any studio magic to make their guitars sound forceful.
Barghest The Virtuous Purge
Bat For Lashes The Bride
Passable but nowhere near as interesting as her older stuff.
Batushka Raskol
Bhang Khang 2011 Demo
Dirty, raw bm/sludge/powerviolence/whatever. For a crappy demo it's pretty OK.
Black Sabbath Forbidden
blink-182 California
Too much pop, not enough punk. It's only 42 minutes but with 16 tracks it seems much longer.
Bloodbath The Arrow of Satan Is Drawn
Remember when Bloodbath's style of gritty osdm felt genuine and not artificial?
Blut Aus Nord Ultima Thulee
I really don't like this harsh-sounding early BAN. I don't know why, but their sound just does not stick with me at all. This might be a classic by its own merits but I just don't jive with it at all, ya dig? Black metal.
Blut Aus Nord Memoria Vetusta I - Fathers Of The Icy Ages
Borknagar Winter Thrice
I don't know what specifically (besides some obvious layering) they do to make Vortex's clean vocals sound the way they do, but I don't like the result. They feel too clean, too polished to be truly "human". Or at least, too perfect to sound pleasing in a metal context. The rest of the music is fine, but the album just feels like the Vortex Show, with his vocals being an obvious focus due to their weird perfect sound. The combination of their being a distraction with the sort-of genericness (if that's even correct?) of the rest of the music robs it, initially, of much enjoyability. It all just feels too sterile.
Broken Social Scene Let's Try the After - Vol. 2
Brutus (BE) Burst
This is just pop punk masquerading as shoegaze post-metal. I see what you're doing, Brutus! I see it!
Bull Of Heaven 329: She Is as the Nights Are Horrible, Pt. 1
crappy drone ambient for 38 minutes. Does an Earth-esque kind of rock drone for the first half,
does some Stars of the Lid-type ambient junk for a while, then goes back to more Earth-ier simple
drone toward then end. It's not bad, but the repetitive rock instrumentation never seems to go
anywhere or evolve at all--unlike Earth--which makes it less interesting than it could've been--
especially since it's just one long song. It's aesthetically pleasing but little else.
Burzum Daudi Baldrs
Burzum Belus
Cannibal Corpse Butchered at Birth
Cannibal Corpse Hammer Smashed Face
Celer Bell Tower
Ambient drone tape music. Eat your heart out, William Basinski, because this is basically a William Basinski album. It's just a short ambient melody looped for twenty-six minutes. But unlike Basinski's works, this one doesn't explode, or decompose, or sound like it's being plunged underwater at random/non-random intervals, so it's actually just the same melody over and over again for almost half an hour. As ambient music I suppose you could make an excuse for this, but I'm not going to. Nah, pass. Not the best Celer/William Basinski album. Exceptionally listenable, but not engaging at all--even for ambient drone/tape music.
Celer Infinite set
Ambient drone tape music or whatever nonsense. OK *this* one is basically William Basinksi, but drawn out for two hours. So it's OK, but not engaging or meaningful enough to warrant my going and saying "Hey did you hear the new William Basinski album that's not actually by Basinski but by this one dude called Celer?" It's OK, mind you, just not much more than that. It's the same melody that is varied slightly in each iteration, slightly enough that if you fast forward through the track it'll seem like there's some diversity to the music, but if you actually sit and listen to it it feels like just the same thing over and over again. Not much more than background music.
Celer Two days and one night
Ambient. More sound sampling, beach sounds, etc. It's still largely just background ambient, though.
Celtic Frost Into the Pandemonium
Cepheide Respire
Fell Voices/Ash Borer-lite. Suffers from the same thing Paramnesia does, which is a lack of gripping songwriting. There are no "wow" moments here, just a lot of OK ones. It's pleasing enough, but it never pushes to be different, and never does its own standard atmospheric bm style well enough to really set itself apart from any other bands doing the same things. If you want more Cascadian-worship, though, this should be on your radar.
CFCF Radiance & Submission
ambient with some post-rock twinkly pseudo-inspirational melodies and use of spaciousness in
atmosphere. It's simple music and I can see why some of it got put on random "chill out" Spotify
playlists, but as far as coherent ambient records go, this isn't one of the best. It's wonderful
for quiet, almost-minimalist background music, but the stylistic shifts between tracks (many of
which are rather short, and seem underdeveloped) makes the whole thing seem a tad directionless.
There were a lot of good ideas presented here, but many of them could've been done more justice if
they'd been fleshed out more. This is fine for what it is, but with all the
ambient/classical/post-rock junk I've heard, I can't really say this is "that good."

So 5/10; aesthetically pleasing pretty sounds, but not a whole lot of depth.
Children of Bodom Blooddrunk
Christian Fennesz and Jim O'Rourke It's Hard for Me to Say I'm Sorry
ok noisy ambient that then gets less noisy.
Clandestine Blaze City Of Slaughter
The slow stuff's boring but when Mikko actually starts upping the tempo it gets interesting-ish.
Too bad for me there's a lot more slow than fast on here, and very little in terms of atmosphere.
Cloud Rat Cloud Rat
Grind with a tiny bit of emo influence here or there. Vocals are not great; need to be more aggressive. Instrumentally solid, though.
Code Orange The Hurt Will Go On
This is some straight nonsense hardcore. Slow heavy core with random electronic interruptions and even more random sampling. Those two things ruin the flow of the tracks and take away the intended intensity of the music. Kinda no point in this style. Their electronics and sampling are goofy, but the rest of the band isn't goofy enough to warrant such silliness. Y'all ain't System of a Down or Mr. Bungle, so btfo.
Coke Jaw S/T
"Garage rock" in that it sounds like some guys in a crappy punk band fooling around on their
instruments in their garage, probably recorded haphazardly with a tape recorder set in front of
one of the amps. It's not awful, but it's nothing to really care about, either.
Cold Body Radiation A Clear Path
it's shoegaze that's too dreamy and not enough attention-grabby.
Coldworld Isolation
Converge I Can Tell You About Pain
This is OK metal/core.
Cradle of Filth From the Cradle to Enslave
This is weird and I kinda dig it but at the same time it's Cradle of Filth being even weirder than Cradle of Filth usually is and I kinda don't dig it, ya dig? There's sympho bm stuff on here, a hardcore punk track, and a godam techno remix bit. Standard CoF complaints abound: guitars not loud enough, vocals too high in the mix, symphonics overbearingly cheesy at points, etc. That main keyboard melody in the title track (you know the one) is perfectly used, though. Super spoopy. I at least give the band props for taking risks, obviously having fun with it and doing... whatever... with this album, though.
Cradle of Filth Cruelty and the Beast
I really tried, but outside of Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids absolutely nothing stands out about this. It just doesn't do anything for me and feels like a chore to sit through.
Cradle of Filth Bitter Suites to Succubi
Critical Defiance Misconception
Cryptopsy The Book of Suffering - Tome II
Cultes Des Ghoules Henbane
The atmosphere is good, but I was never that much into Mayhem and Darkthrone, so take this rating with a grain of salt.
Cyanamid Stop the World
proto-grind. It has blasts.
Dark Tranquillity We Are the Void
Dark Tranquillity Moment
Darkest Hour The Human Romance
Darkspace Dark Space -II
Deathspell Omega The Synarchy of Molten Bones
This is Deathspell Omega and usually I like that but this one just doesn't grab me like Fas and Drought. Idk why, but with a sound so eclectic as this it's either hit or miss with me. This one is as of now more miss than hit, relatively speaking. black metal.
Deathspell Omega The Furnaces of Palingenesia
Decapitated Blood Mantra
Der Weg Einer Freiheit Stellar
The shiny production and really unusual sense of saminess throughout make this really difficult to sit through, and engage you at all. It has riff, but they don't strike you significant at all.
Destroyer 666 Call of the Wild
Dimmu Borgir Stormblåst
Dimmu Borgir In Sorte Diaboli
There's just nothing that moves me about this record, at all. It's all just personality-less, sterile symphonic black metal. Utterly devoid of any emotion at all. Ugh.
Dimmu Borgir Eonian
Symphonic singalong Nightwishian black metal, or something that's striving to be that. The problem is that Dimmu don't seem to know how to keep up the energy to make whole songs sound like that, so some songs have the cool choruses, some have riffs that are actually interesting, and some have neither. I think that "Interdimensional Summit" is about the closest they get on "Eonian" to writing a consistent song in this vein, given it sort of sounds like Dimmu Borgir but with all the cheesy symphonic oomph of Nightwish. It's better than Abrahadabra maybe, but only because that album was degenerative trash.
Disco Inferno Summer's Last Sound
Instrumentally alright, the vocalist's talk-singing is fairly annoying and amateurish. The songs are also pretty repetitive (the second track is basically the same melody for six minutes), which definitely restricts them from really spreading their wings much. Still, not awful music, just kinda boring early post-rock/post-punk/whatever.
Discordance Axis The Inalienable Dreamless
Disillusion The Liberation
Disma The Graveless Remains
Old school death metal that's pretty OK but not really my bag, you dig?
Disturbed Indestructible
Downfall of Gaia Atrophy
The production really hinders how hard these riffs should hit, and as-is there's simply no viciousness at all. The whole record feels fairly neutered for black metal. It might be more streamlined and lack the clumsiness of "Aeons", but that album still hit a bit harder despite its awkwardness.
Dragged Into Sunlight/Gnaw Their Tongues N.V.
It's surely a step back in the right direction for DiS, but it's still nowhere near as filthy or brutal as their debut. It sounds like some combination of their two albums, with some Gnaw Their Tongues tacked on for whoyknowswhy. It's surely a step up after Widowmaker, but given that album pushed the band three steps backwards, this one step forward still leaves much to be desired--of both collaborating groups.
Dragonlord Rapture
Drudkh Handful of Stars
Echtra A War for Wonder
Echtra Burn It All Away
Edge of Sanity The Spectral Sorrows
so glad the band got better after this album!!!!
Elathan Atreup Ed Al Dadinrete
It's OK atmospheric black/folk metal, but I really hate programmed drums that sound like that and the really heavy bedroom quality of the production. But songwriting wise this is probably fairly solid. :-0
Emperor Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire...
riffs sure but no atmosphere, and annoying 90's synthed instruments bleh. Production stinks, too.
Enslaved E
Despite being "prog" (whatever that even means), Enslaved still write fairly linear music. There's a lot of reliance on typical verse/chorus dynamics, a lot of unnecessary repetition of fairly uninteresting riffs for long periods of time (because ~prog~), and also quite a few notably poor transitions between harsh and clean vocal sections. It's not exactly complicated music, it's not catchy, and there's not a whole lot of worthwhile content around--heck, given how many run-on instrumental ~prog~ sections there are on "E", you could even argue there isn't that much "content" here in the first place. Now, I've never been a huge fan of Enslaved and am clearly not enamored with progressive music, but this is still--at the end of the day--fairly formulaic, uninteresting music. Sure the clean bits and melodic work is pretty, but outside that there's not much meat on these bones.
Escuela Grind Ppoowweerrvviioolleennccee
Escuela Grind Ggrriinnddccoorree
Escuela Grind Ddeeaatthhmmeettaall
Exodus The Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit A
Fallujah Dreamless
I like what they're doing but not how they're doing it.
False Light False Light
punk woo!
Fauna The Hunt
Feist Pleasure
Feist! Not as good as her other albums but it's OK.
Fireworks Oh, Common Life
Fleshgod Apocalypse Agony
Full of Hell Coagulated Bliss
Full of Hell and Nothing When No Birds Sang
Furia W Śnialni
G.L.O.S.S. Trans Day Of Revenge
Gavin Bryars Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet
An old man sings the same song/an orchestra plays the same crescendo reinterpreted a little
different each time. It evolves slowly so the changes are hard to pick out whilst listening, and
that's what makes the record fairly boring; it's just the same thing over and over. It's a
wonderfully nice melody, but heard again and again underneath the 25-second same voice sample gets
grating on the nerves. If the voice had been recorded dozens of individual times or tampered with
in the studio to sound different and change slightly along with the music, this might've been a
more enjoyable and artistically fulfilling release.
Ghost Bath Moonlover
Gnaw Their Tongues Eschatological Scatology
Gorguts Pleiades' Dust
Death metal prog. The riffs go bring jin dun dun ju ringa dong ding ding banana phone, but I've never been much into this type of dm.
Green Day Dookie
every track sounds the same and and has the same tempo, making even the "classics" here sound horribly dated and bored. For pop punk this isn't a very lively record?
Harold Budd La Bella Vista
For piano music it kinda bugs me how simple and atmosphere-less this album is. I expect a little more emotional depth from Budd releases, and this is kind of lacking it. The piano playing is nice, pretty, and simple, but that's pretty much all that's here. It works if you want some classy background music, but if you want something more atmospheric just go back to Ambient 2 or The Pearl.
Haunter (USA-TX) Sacramental Death Qualia
i am now the sacrificial wines, the stones laid upon the altar, and all the prog death riffs for baphomet to munch praise SATAN
Hermodr The Scent of Autumn
A 21-minute atmospheric bm song. The melodies are nice, but the production is too trebly and the pace never changes. It's just slow, plodding black metal that's totally melody-based but never feels like it goes anywhere. Sure the melodies are decent and the clean guitars are pretty, but when the drum style and tempo never change, it gets kinda boring--especially after twenty minutes.
Hope Drone Cloak of Ash
Major step down from their first album. The songs are all much too similar and for a record that's >70 minutes long that's a big problem. The production doesn't leave much room for emotional input by the band, either, exacerbating that problem further. What they should've done was take that 77 minutes of music and mix and cut it all together into a maximum of 50 minutes across, say, four or five tracks. Their first album succeeded by having varying runtimes which aided its flow and diversity, but this feels like a wall of 10-minute tracks, compiled without Darkspace's level of finesse.
I Fight Dragons Cool is Just A Number
"No One Likes Superman Anymore" is a jam, but the rest is just inoffensive pop rock.
Immolation Majesty and Decay
Immolation Atonement
Death metal band Immolation can riff for sure but the production is kinda stale and the emotionally minimal gruff vocals are also fairly uninteresting. Still, "Atonement" was surprisingly not as bad as I'd expected it to be.
Immortal At the Heart of Winter
black metal riffs immortal riffs Immortal but it's still Immortal.
In Flames Whoracle
In Flames I, the Mask
Infest No Man's Slave
Oh wait I don't actually like pv woops.
Inquisition Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical...
Frog man can write riffs for days but when each song basically revolves around repeating one main riff for 3-4 minutes with little else in the way of songwriting personality it gets samey real quick. Using only one guitar definitely makes Inquisition sound unique, but that doesn't really make up for how it feels to be beat over the head with the same basic idea song after song.
Iron Lung Sexless // No Sex
Jaga Jazzist Starfire
Jaga yeah Jazzist yeah jazzy yeah rockin ye but good eh naht much.
Jeff Rosenstock We Cool?
Job For A Cowboy Doom
Job For A Cowboy Gloom
Job For A Cowboy Demonocracy
Job For A Cowboy Moon Healer
Judas Iscariot Heaven In Flames
basically the rawness of Burzum mixed with some of the speed and conventionality of more typical second-wave black metal. It's a little too crude and repetitive, though, and doesn't have much oomph.
Judas Priest Sad Wings of Destiny
Jute Gyte Birefringence
More coherent 'traditional' songwriting is present this time around, with the two lattermost tracks favoring weird ambient over metal. "Dissected Grace" definitely channels shoegaze music, albeit more atonally and noisy. It somehow sounds like a more chaotic My Bloody Valentine, and that's at least a little commendable. I've always really disliked the microtonality of Jute Gyte, but the more conventional attempt at songwriting here was definitely more to my liking.
Kamelot Poetry for the Poisoned
Kesha Rainbow
Stylistically this is all over the place, but it's still a fun-ish record. The more serious tracks are more than a bit cheesy, but Kesha finds herself at her best when she's at her silliest, it seems. This is surprisingly OK.
Kiesza Crave
Krallice Hyperion
Krallice Prelapsarian
black metal. Wth happened
Krallice Loüm
Yeah OK that was kind of annoying. Better than the last album, though! The inclusion of a different vocalist made Loum a little fresher for Krallice, and Retrogenesis in particular rips. The rest is sort of just Krallice being Krallice but without any melodic hooks or notable riffs. r
Krallice Wolf
Ever the experimenters, black metal band Krallice on their newest EP play around with the idea of not being good.
Krallice Psychagogue
Kriegsmaschine Apocalypticists
The drumming's groovy, the guitars have that nice malevolent technical DSO vibe, but the pacing is utterly stagnant. It's all mid-paced black with no changes in tempo and not much in the way of crescendo; "Apocalypticists" is essentially black metal that uses its mathy grooves to create an unsettling atmopshere but then never goes anywhere with it. Sure it's kind of like Deathspell Omega and Blut Aus Nord, but with no changes in dynamics or tempo you know ahead of time how each track will end; essentially the same way it began--and that's just no fun for music like this. While I understand that making the music more dynamic *would* make them look more like just another DSO clone and that keeping to one tempo makes them look more like an artistic inversion of that group (and thus the point of the record), but on "Apocalypticists" the guys from Mgla just don't make that point in a very engaging way.
Kvelertak Endling
Lady Gaga Joanne
"Million Reasons" might be mindless piano drivel, but the rest of the album is surprisingly decent. Bouncy catchy pop hey, Gaga still decent.
Lady Gaga Chromatica
Lake Of Blood As Time and Tide Erodes Stone
Lamb of God Ashes of the Wake
Lamb of God Lamb of God
Lamp of Murmuur Saturnian Bloodstorm
Oops! All Immortal riffs.
Lana Del Rey Chemtrails Over The Country Club
Lana Del Rey Blue Banisters
I can listen to NFR! and, aside from 2-3 tracks, be immediately be sucked into the delicate beauty of the album. This, however, feels universes apart, and I struggle to care about any individual song, verse, or chorus. I understand that Blue Banisters and 'Chemtrails are more in line with her traditional artistic style, but they just don't hold water against even some of the lesser tracks on NFR!.
Laura Marling Semper Femina
Laura Marling has a great voice, sure, and her music is super chill and comforting, sure, but it also doesn't do anything for me and is super boring. Sorry :-(
Leucosis Liminal
While some of their earlier post-rock leanings are still intact, Leucosis are in 2017 a mostly standard black metal affair. The production is alright and so is the writing, but it's still not quite as interesting as their older material. Still, worth a listen.
Leviathan Howl Mockery At The Cross
Black metal. The sound quality on this album is pretty hit-or-miss; because Wrest seems to insist on using one guitar track on most songs, there's often a lack of a real rhythm section to certain songs. "Lycanthropus Rex" features some frantic playing of higher tremolo notes whilst the drums bang out a blasty tempo, but the frantic lead doesn't do anything but sort of screech at the front of the mix. It's weird moments like this that hold back "Howl" in terms of sound quality, not really its songwriting in general; generally speaking, Leviathan is very solid songwriting-wise. Being a black metal artist, though, I guess Wrest felt obligated to screw up the sound of his early work on purpose somehow.rA lot of the stuff on "Howl" is great, nihilistically claustrophobic one-man black metal, but there's enough "meh" mixed throughout to really hold the release back. Still, though, there's a lot of greatness here.
Liturgy The Ark Work
When everything comes together it all crescendos so very well, but outside of those brief
and far-between moments, it's mostly just a jumbled mess. There's a track here or there
that's interesting in itself, but then a handful of tracks afterward that just seem
pointless. If the band would continue this style on the next album and really hammer out
the kinks and hone their songwriting skills they could create a really interesting piece
of experimental math metal--but I think by now HHH has established that they and their
posse simply aren't interested in doing that.
Liturgy Origin of the Alimonies
Lvthn Eradication of Nescience
Marduk Heaven Shall Burn... When We Are Gathered
Marduk Iron Dawn
Marduk Viktoria
Has a noticeably old-school production style to give it that sort of more raw, amateurish feel, but the band's style doesn't really work to complement the way their instruments now sound. Marduk's rampant blasting comes off as less abrasive and powerful than on previous records, essentially robbing their music of all momentum and force. If they were a punk band this might've worked, but despite how fun "Werwolf" is the rest of the album simply isn't up to snuff.
Maruja Connla's Well
why's there british rap in my post-rock shut uppp!
Mayhem Psywar
Megadeth So Far, So Good... So What!
Megadeth Greatest Hits: Back to the Start
Megadeth Endgame
Meshuggah Koloss
Metallica St. Anger
Metallica Hardwired...To Self-Destruct
faster songs pls thank you
Mgla Age of Excuse
Michael Snoxall "Spooks."
needs more haze on the vocals to fit with the guitar, but it's not that bad.
Miserere Luminis Ordalie
Mitski bury me at makeout creek
Mizmor Yodh
atmospheric black metal/doom. Better than the new Ash Borer LOL good enough.
Mizmor Cairn
Mom Jeans/Pictures of Vernon/PDATH NOW That's What I Call Music Vol. 420
This is punk. This is okay.
Mono Requiem For Hell
It's pretty but can I actually remember much of it outside of just shimmery tremolos 24/7? Can't say I can.
Morgul The Horror Grandeur
This album starts out as nice symphonic black metal without much goofiness, lo and behold, the further you get the more goofy it also becomes. By the end of the album Morgul are playing symphonic black metal with all the chugging and power chords you'd expect of modern dumb symph bm, and the band also use a lot of rhythms that might be mistaken for industrial metal, which definitely doesn't help improve the music, either. Hit or miss record.
Mors Principium Est Seven
Myrkgrav Takk og Farvel; Tida er Blitt ei Annen
The folk instrumentation (especially the instrumentals) are great, but the change in production makes the metal half of Myrkgrav's sound much less powerful this time around. Not only that, but there seems to be far less black/death metal to be found, with much more influence put on clean folk metal singing instead. While good, this straight folk metal style is far less epic and powerful, which really holds the album back. Unfortunately it would seem that "Takk og Farvel" is not at the same level as the fantastic "Trollskau."
Myrkur Mareridt
Myrkur is getting an idea of where she wants to be as an artist, as well as where her strengths currently lie. While "Mareridt" is still a slightly disorganized record, you can really feel how the pieces are starting to come together into an honestly cohesive and identifiable sound for the artist, despite this time sounding more like Enya-meets-Chelsea Wolfe, rather than Ulver. The clear homages to Wolfe do make this in parts feel a bit less original, but Myrkur more often than not put enough of their own spin on tracks like "Funeral" (which features Wolfe on vox) and "The Serpent" to still feel like their own. This is a good, all-around step forward for Myrkur. The writing still isn't fantastic (it's fairly derivative) and stylistically it jumps around a bit, but it's on the whole a generally good record. Which is a very welcomed surprise.
Myrkur Ragnarok (Original Soundtrack)
as a soundtrack this probably works fine as an accompaniment, but as a standalone record it's pretty uninteresting and doesn't go anywhere.
Myrkur Spine
it's not bad but the metal moments either feel shoehorned into the primarily ethereal darkwave songs, or just kinda pleasant-but-nothing-more on the primarily metal tracks. The metal moments feel more like an obligation to the original folk/metal shtick of the project moreso than a real natural, logical songwriting direction. Either the two halves should be better workshopped together, or focused on each individually.
Mystical Fullmoon From the Southern Lands...
Your standard 1997 black metal demo that sounds both intentionally raw and as if it's being played by a band not fully comfortable with the material, or how to properly tune their instruments. The band play a style of black metal sort of reminiscent to early Satyricon with its constant use of background keyboards and tendency to keep everything slow-to-mid-paced, but also instrumentally has an almost early Opeth feel as well. The demo flows like any of the 10+ minute tracks from Orchid, kind of just going on and on randomly until deciding to stop. Black metal like this doesn't have that much need of proper structuring, though, so this definitely doesn't hold the album back. It's not great at all, but it's not a bad little demo, either. It's just simple sloppy black metal (albeit with some actually great shrieks).
Nachtmystium Worldfall
Repetitive but OK I guess.
Nadja Sv
Napalm Death Utopia Banished
Nargaroth Spectral Visions of Mental Warfare
An hour-long LP of which half the music is either made up of needless ambient or
instrumental fillers. With only twenty seven minutes of actual heavy metal spread across
three tracks we can only wonder as to why this LP runs almost an hour in total. The black
metal, while sparse, is slow, melodic and reminiscent of Burzum--while not the most
interesting musically the tracks are still a rather enjoyable listen. In the end this album
lives by its melody-driven black metal sections but stalls and dies by the utter uselessness
of many of the included ambient tracks. If anything, "Spectral Visions of Mental Warfare"
is worth listening to for the three tracks that contain actual instrumentation, with maybe
one or two of the ambient tracks being interesting enough to not put you to sleep or turn
you off from the record completely. God knows why this ended up being more than forty
minutes in length, though.
Nathan Derr itsudattakke
Negative Plane The Pact
NOFX Self Entitled
NOFX First Ditch Effort
Nuclear Assault The Plague
Olan Mill Land Cycle
10 tracks spread across 32 minutes doesn't leave much room for individual ambient pieces to explore very far. That said, many of these pieces don't feel fully fleshed out, but rather like flirtations or experimentations with single ideas. Much like Johann Johannsson's "Orphee", this is aesthetically pleasing music but not very deep compositionally. For what it is, though, it's OK. And it definitely shows Olan Mill's potential if his style was given a bit more room to breathe.
Opeth Sorceress
Sorceress contains thirteen songs-only about four of which I thought were noteworthy. I'm not sure of the math at this point, but I feel like it points toward this being about a 5/10, maybe a little more. :-/
Opeth In Cauda Venenum
I'm a proggy girl in a proggy woo-ooo-ooorld. Wrapped I'm theatrics, I feel fantastic
Oval 94 Diskont
Pitchfork said this was one of the best ambient albums ever made, but I'm just kind of annoyed with it. Super glitch-oriented sound that's more annoying than you'd expect it to be.
Panopticon Kentucky
Panopticon The Rime of Memory
Periphery Periphery III: Select Difficulty
"Each take is worse; he's slowly learning how to un-play the guitar."
Peste Noire Aryan Supremacy (Demo)
nazi punks nazi punks nazi punks. I mean what can you say; it's crappy lo-fi black metal played by fifteen year olds. On that note, this doesn't sound much worse than some kvlt lo-fi black metal played by adults, so I guess it has that going for it. Not a bad demo by any means; I'm just thankful I don't speak French so I can only cringe from the NS lyrics indirectly via google translate, and who really has time for that?
Petrychor Makrokosmos
Pig Destroyer Book Burner
Production is too flat and passionless. It doesn't sound heavy or abrasive, unlike their older stuff.
Pissgrave Posthumous Humiliation
The vocals seem like they were purposesly degraded to sound even filthier than the rest of the music, which makes them stick out from the general "feel" of the instrumentation and throws off the immersion. Otherwise it's decent death/grind, but the instrumentation also isn't formatted in a way that makes it particularly disgusting or aggressive; in a lot of ways it sounds like dated osdm, which doesn't hold up very well today. A lot of these riffs are fine, but there's not enough oomph to make really feel violent or powerful. In addition to that, there's not a whole lot of variation to the album, making every song sort of just blend together into a 43-minute void of crappy vocals and basic dm riffing. 5/5 best band
Portal Seepia
angry scrunching guitar noises and a sleep-talking cookie monster with some cool riffs thrown in.
Primordial Exile Amongst the Ruins
Got bored and turned it off halfway through. It's folk metal without the folk, pagan bmoneytech without the bm. And the vox are really aggravating without any pagan bombast to back then up.
Rachel's Music for Egon Schiele
Idk I got kinda bored with this one. Chamber classical isn't much my thing, I'm starting to think. While I do love piano music, there's not a whole lot else going on in the piano-heavy tracks to really engross the listener. I like more ambient in my piano pieces so while the musicianship and composition here are both OK, the music's just not much my cup of tea.
Radiohead Amnesiac
Radiohead The Bends
The whole record is just a few degrees off from being interesting. It reeks of 90's rock in
the worst ways with its faux-attitude-y vocals and sappy clean guitars. The vocals aren't
enjoyable at all, and nothing else about the music really "does it" for me. I feel like a
lot of this should be fairly good, but nothing ever clicks. Maybe it's the production, I
don't know.

I don't know if Radiohead inspired this kind of music, but this the kind of junk I assume
guitarbros play whilst sitting under trees on their college campuses as they attempt to
serenade the ladiez.
Radiohead Hail to the Thief
Radiohead A Moon Shaped Pool
Still don't get it. The whole time I just keep thinking how I could be listening to Sigur Ros.
Rammstein Liebe Ist Für Alle Da
Revenge (CAN) Deceiver.Diseased.Miasmic
war metal more like luke WARm metal ha ha ha
Rhinocervs RH-15
Not everyone can be great at ~dark ambient~
Rorcal La Femme sans Tete
First track's a waste of electronic noise, second track is half a waste but with a cool Rorcal sludgefest in the middle, last track has that Teethed Glory and Injury thing going. Not great but it's OK.
Rotting Christ Pro Xristou
Samia Honey
Sanguine Eagle Storm Mysticism
Satyricon Volcano
This is like a caricature of black metal.
Satyricon Rebel Extravaganza
You can really feel Snorre's influence on Satyricon's new style, with all of his weirdness injected into their riffs. But while Thorns was a great band, Snorre's influence gets muddled in Satyricon's attempt to mix that weirdness with a more minimalistic black 'n' roll, creating a sometimes-grooving, totally uninteresting record. Which is hard to imagine, given how stylistically unique "Rebel Extravaganza" actually sounds. It's a fresh sound, sure, but at the same time it's so uninteresting so as to sound stale. Just split the difference and listen to latter-era Darkthrone and Thorns separately instead of this haphazard mishmash of the two.
Satyricon The Age Of Nero
Schammasch Triangle
black metal Behemoth ambient. Not really my jam.
Sepultura Roots
Sepultura A-Lex
Sepultura Machine Messiah
That one time they actually tried to play hardcore was cool, but then they never ever touch on that idea again and just go back to same old same old groove metal modern Sepultura'ing. And man, we've all heard this before. This is easily a step down from Kairos, which is easily their best modern album.
Serpent Noir Erotomysticism
Sigh Shiki
i don't listen to Sigh for the black metal i listen to Sigh for Dr. Mikannibal's sax and gutterals but there aren't any here :---(
Slayer God Hates Us All
Slayer Diabolus in Musica
Dude 1998 Slayer was a bangin nu metal band. It's ironic that the best tracks on this so-hated record are the more nu metal-y ones rather than the typical Slayer thrash pieces. Still not a good record, but it's interesting to know Slayer were secretly one of the best nu metal bands.
Sleep Jerusalem
Almost fell asleep to this while driving thanks Sleep for almost getting me killed u da best xoxo
Sleep Party People Sleep Party People
Weird-gaze. I don't get it, and those Donnie Darko bunny masks creep me the hell out.
Sleeping Peonies s l o w l y d i s a p p e a r i n g
Twinkle twinklecore. Has potential, but doesn't realize it.
Sleeping Rabbits Some Demos
add blast beats

otherwise ya know it's a decent demo
Sleepwalker (JPN) 5772
lofi noisy sort-of black metal with grind or something that has more noise than quality most of the time and isn't that great.
Slipknot All Hope Is Gone
I don't think we'll ever know if the title was supposed to be ironic or not, but it's hilarious regardless.
Slipknot We Are Not Your Kind
So Hideous Laurestine
It feels like it's just the same crescendo built to over and over again, to the point where that crescendo doesn't even feel like a "real" crescendo and each peak feels like a tease rather than a proper climax. It's pretty "cinematic" post-rock with growled vocals, but it doesn't really do much outside of be pretty and grandiose.
Solefald World Metal. Kosmopolis Sud
Sonata Arctica Pariah's Child
Power metal is usually cheesy but this album gave me milk farts.
Sorrow Plagues Sorrow Plagues
St. Vincent Krokodil
Stellar Descent Fading
Layered droning 67-minute atmospheric black metal one-track album of atmosphericalness.

It's cool that it slowly evolves over the course of an hour, but it's way too trebly and,
while using the same rhythms repeatedly to create a hypnotic atmosphere is a nice idea, the
patterns the drums seem to use for the majority of the runtime are really annoying, and
actually distract from the atmosphere rather than add to it. I can see why someone
interested in really lengthy atmospheric black metal might like this, but if you're not
totally willing to surrender yourself completely to the music for an hour, this probably
won't sit that well with you. Still, it's atmospheric and hypnotic, and after a while you
might even forget about those obnoxiously repetitive cymbal hits. The disappointing thing
here is knowing that this *could've* probably been pretty effective hypnotic black metal had
the production (ie. the uber-trebly sound) not been so abrasive and the drums been a little
better. The melodic layering really is pretty good and the record evolves rather well, but
it's the production that makes this just not as good as it feels like it should've been.

If Hammock had released this album, it would've been closer to a 4/5.
Suicide Silence The Cleansing
The songwriting's still kinda crap but for deathcore this isn't complete garbage. Drum-and-vocal-
oriented mix, sure, but hey at least it's not *all* breakdowns!

Achievement get: Not Complete Failure!
Sunn O))) Life Metal
decent enough drone metal, but even for drone or ambient this still gets boring very quickly. Small doses are better.
Svartidaudi Untitled
has more of an influence on atmosphere than crushing riffs ov ice, and is coincidentally not that interesting. Decent, but they've obviously done better.
Sylvaine Wistful
This is leaps and bounds ahead of what Myrkur tried to do, but even then it's kind of... I don't rknow, directionless? There are never any "wow" moments, or anything particularly noteworthy in rterms of quality here. This is basically a female-fronted Alcest ripoff that comes not only with ruber clean reverby twinkle guitars, but also a very noticeably Neige-esque approach to singing--rboth the clean vocals and harsh vocals reek of Neigism. While that does make Sylvaine's harsh rvocals interesting (she pretty effectively copies Neige's banshee shriek), they're not good r*enough* to really help the music be any more interesting. rI mean this is OK but I'm haven't been too big on Kodama this year either, so maybe this rtwinklegaze is just wearing off me idk.
Taylor Swift Lover
Taylor Swift Evermore
Taylor Swift Midnights
on the upside Swift has finally learned how to edit for time, with Midnights running over 15 minutes shorter than the previous album. On the downside, that 15 minutes seems to have accidentally been all the bangers, since the rest of the album has virtually none. Midnights is an aurally pleasant yet ultimately uninteresting exercise in alt-pop--sans the abysmal "Vigilante Shit", easily the worst Swift song I've personally ever sat through.
The Black Dahlia Murder Nocturnal
The Black Dahlia Murder Deflorate
The Black Dahlia Murder Ritual
The Black Dahlia Murder Abysmal
I was never a huge fan of the band's At The Gates-y less melodic take on melodeath so I've never loved any of their stuff like I have some of their contemporaries' and Abysmal is definitely no exception to this. It's pretty OK melodeath but it's just not an amazing representation of what I like about the genre. Still, if you liked the band before this album should definitely not be a disappointment.
The Black Dahlia Murder Nightbringers
The Black Dahlia Murder Verminous
Just because they released the title track doesn't mean you should give it a zero rating,rTBDM have crafted a melodic death metal sound that no one would mistake for anyone butrthem. They have a formula and they deviate from it time to time but they are the bestrAmerican melo-death band of our time, disagree all you like but go see them live theyrwork so hard, never stop touring and just keep the machine running, they have betterralbums than others but have never put out one that wasn't quality music.
The Riverdales Storm the Streets
The Ruins of Beverast Takitum Tootem!
Dark tribal music with some electronics and...?? Not amazing but I like where they were sort of going with it.
The Sun Came Up Upon the Left And the Dreams so Rich in Color
They Might Be Giants The Spine
Thokk A Trance for the Ever-Toiling Witch
I'm not really into the dungeon synthy/dark ambient with shrieks bits, but the other pieces are solid fuzzy old school with melody black metal... with old Abbath-style shrieks. It's pretty OK; woulda been better without the ambient, though :p
Timeghoul Panaramic Twilight
Titus Andronicus A Productive Cough
Take the pub and clear out all the punks, and what's you're left is A Productive Cough. It's the end of the night and the band are wasted, but they're still plugging along like champs. They're not taking any requests, but they're doing their best as they lurk onward playing heartland rock and hearty shout-alongs. It's not what you'd normally want, but it's 2 a.m. and you should've been home hours ago, so you really shouldn't be one to complain. Just clap whenever they finish a song; you'll make them feel good about themselves.
Toby Driver Madonnawhore
This is like Talk Talk but with more talk and less Talk. And slowcore or w/e. And less appropriate atmosphere for the vocals, which makes the vocals sound out-of-place with the rest of the music, or the music out-of-place with the vocals. His vocals often sound out-of-sync with the music, and also out-of-tune, which could've been remedied given a better musical setup to complement his vocals more effectively.
Touche Amore ...To the Beat of a Dead Horse
Touche Amore Stage Four
Trap Them Blissfucker
Trivium In Waves
Trivium In the Court of the Dragon
Trna Lose Yourself to Find Peace
They made the production more trebly to probably make it sound more black metaly, but that sort of just made it sound worse, given it's supposed to be pretty post-rocky atmospheric black metal. The change in sound feels like it was meant to take the strengths and weaknesses of their first album and flipped them: where on "Pattern of Infinity" the black metal portions sounded nicely reverby and clear, the clean sections felt lacking; on "Lose Yourself to Find Peace" the clean sections sound much clearly and pretty, but the more trebly sound robs the metallic sections of their sense of atmosphere and power. It's still an OK album, but here's hoping the band find out a way to more effectively Frankenstein themselves together a more cohesive, best of both worlds batch of songs for album number three.
Trna Earthcult
Basically if you took the black metal chords and post-rock of deafheaven and used just those two songwriting modes to fill out +10 minute tracks, for over an hour. The production values are great, the guitars are clean and powerful, but because the band are instrumental and don't actually put a lot of influence on leadwork (it's pretty buried in the mix whenever there is one), everything sort of blends together. No individual sections, melodies, or riffs stand out, none of the music ever really crescendos... it sort of all just rumbles along ad nauseam. They have the potential to be cool, but their songwriting style is so constricted that their shtick just gets really old really fast. You listen to one of these ten-minute pieces and think "Huh that was OK", start up the next track and get the exact same thing, and promptly turn it off.
Ulthar Helionomicon
Unreqvited Mosaic II: la déteste et la détresse
Vale of Pnath Accursed
This is technical death metal by way of metalcore Abigail Williams. VoP have added inauthentic black metal influence to their tech death style in the same way early Abigail Williams smushed metalcore together with symphonic black metal; by adding derivative melodic death/core riffing and raspy vocals--in VoP's case, also adding some subtle latter-era Dimmu Borgir-isms as well, as if to just increase the cheese level. This isn't bad technical death metal music per se, but for people who have heard enough black metal to identify the influences, these new changes in style just seem inauthentic, like the band only grasped the bare bones of the style they were clearly trying to emulate. It doesn't really make the music bad so much as very very distracting, and despite being OK at executing "fun" tech death it's something that I just can't get over.
Vanum Realm of Sacrifice
A dude from Ash Borer and a dude from Fell Voices make a Drudkh-esque black metal album. But it's
not that gripping a listen, sort of like the last few Drudkh.
Vargrav (FIN) Reign In Supreme Darkness
Vattnet Vattnet Viskar
Verwustung I First Saw You On That Snowy Night And
Verwustung Tunnel Ghosts
Volcanic Queen Innocence of Those Who Perished
Paysage D'Ambient music. It's like black metal with all the black and none of the metal.
Vomir and Tanner Garza Give Up The Ghost
There's a layer of droning ambient music under the harsh static fuzz, but the static's too abrasive and the ambient not clear enough to really give you that sense of dreamy hopelessness ambient like this is supposed to give you. That last minute or so when the fuzz cuts out is nice, but that doesn't make up for the ear-stabbing 18 minutes before it, especially the first half where the ambience can barely be perceived at all.
VRTRA My Bones Hold a Stillness
black metal/doom. Compositionally solid, but I don't really like the production. For music as spiky as this is, it needs a bit more actual spikiness in its sound. Crank up the crunchiness of the guitars, make those riffs stab me in the face pls.
Vukari Divination
black metal. For some reason this one just doesn't click with me.
Waking The Cadaver Beyond Cops, Beyond God
Generic Suffocation-ripoff death metal/core. The breakdowns lack real punch and the squealed vocals are still annoying, but neither of those two things are really done frequently enough to become bothersome like they are in other brutal dm/core bands. This one for sure doesn't deserve the negativity it gets, regardless how generic it is. And I mean generic or not, the vocals have that nice gravely thing going on, and the riffs are fairly OK, so it's pretty easy to sit through.
Waldgefluster Meine Fesseln
Does nothing for me.
When Woods Make Graves Whispers From The Black Lake
This one was pretty OK but I wish he would space out his releases a little more in order to make sure that every album is actually unique and to make sure that his songwriting is all there. The sound on this album is pretty good (I like the more "organic" sounding guitars; he should probably stick with that in the future), the vocals are still kinda meh, and the drum machine sound is still iffy. It has a few decent riffs, though, and in general is pretty inoffensive. The mixing does make it kinda hard to differentiate one section or set of riffs from the next, though, which is ultimately the downfall of most of his releases--no sections really stand out. It's just tremolo tremolo tremolo, garbled screams and bad drum mixing.
Whitechapel This Is Exile
William Basinski A Shadow in Time
While the second track is fine for ambient drone and the first track features Basinski's classic (and honestly well-done this time) melancholic tape loop shtick, "For David Robert Jones" suffers because of the inclusion of a repeated saxophone line early into the track. While the inclusion of a sax into Basinski's usually tape-only style is interesting for the artist, it makes the track utterly unlistenable as an ambient/drone piece; the end of the sax loop is marked by one long note/chord (whatever) which sounds very out-of-tune and goes completely against the atmosphere of the rest of the track. There's this melancholic ambient piece wavering in and out, a saxophone playing atmospherically (or trying to) overtop, and then all of a sudden a screechy "merrrrrrrp" comes out of nowhere and ruins the drone. While the rest of the song is actually another great example of Basinski's style working correctly, that saxophone completely ruins it every time it loops back around. This is really a shame, too, not only because it makes the track grating on the ears, but because "A Shadow in Time" is a fairly good song on its own, but is now marred by its partner. If you could get rid of that stupid sax--or at least the ending note--this could've been a great release. :|
Within Temptation Bleed Out
Wolves in the Throne Room Thrice Woven
The tinny guitar tone doesn't fit the music and the production is really questionable in parts. There are times where riffs fall flat because they simply lack the oomph that a more natural sound would've given them, or the rhythm guitar is turned down low in the mix for no reason. While previous albums had really organic sound and full atmosphere, "Thrice Woven" just lacks that kind of depth. The album does help WitTR expand their sound a little bit (there are a few second wave-y/punk riffs, and spoken word sections by Steve Von Till), but its sound presentation unfortunately doesn't do it any favors.
Wolves in the Throne Room Primordial Arcana
the guitars sound like old wittr but they're lower in the mix and have no emphasis on the rhythm now, it's all about atmospherics, which does not make for a very compelling atmo-black album of the wittr sort.
Wolves in the Throne Room Crypt of Ancestral Knowledge
Woman Is The Earth This Place That Contains My Spirit
Atmospheric USBM. Driving guitars, synthesizers, and blast beats drenched in reverb. But it's all kinda clunky in the production department.
World Of Pain End Game
OK slam or death metal or hardcore or w/e. Actually not horrible woah.

2.0 poor
AC/DC Black Ice
Among The Rocks and Roots Samudra Garba Pathe
Anaal Nathrakh Passion
Anal Cunt It Just Gets Worse
I mean...
Andy Black The Shadow Side
This a 2.5 purely due to its aesthetic appeal--which is to say, it gets points for sounding clean
and inoffensive, but it doesn't provide much more on any level. This is a pop rock album
and it does as pop rock does; power choruses, dumb ballad-y junk, dance-able pop tunes, whatever.
I've heard it before and I've heard it done better by the likes of Britney Spears and Bon Jovi.
It should lose [more] points for being so painfully generic, but its aesthetic appeal helps it
keep its head above water, but only barely. And I didn't even mention Andy's awful vocal

edit: "We Don't Have to Dance" keeps getting stuck in my head for no reason after hearing it only
a few times in total. Bumping down the rating appropriately for obnoxious ear-worming.
Arch Enemy The Root of All Evil
Overproduced nonsense. The rerecordings try to sound as heavy and br00tal as possible, falling flat on their faces more times than not because of it. If they'd gone for a simpler "live" sound instead, this would've been a passable release.
Arch Enemy Khaos Legions
There are splatterings of greatness throughout, but the utter inconsistency in delivery makes the record feel like nothing more than a band's half-assed attempt at regaining their former glory.
Arch Enemy War Eternal
Not as bad as their last album, but definitely still not very interesting. Amott still refuses to
change up his songwriting style at all, and Alissa's voice also only keeps the status quo and
doesn't add much to the band that wasn't already there.

Her clean vocals make an appearance on, I believe, one track and are a nice addition to the
background there, but don't make a significant enough impact to really be noteworthy by
themselves. There's also a bit more keyboard work here than before, but even that can't make up
for the lack of original songwriting, interesting riffs, choruses, and vocal melodies.

While not as bad as their last album, at a mere 39 minutes this still feels like an absolute chore
to sit through. This is about as bland-and-cookie-cutter-without-being-outwardly-offensive as you
can get.

Do yourself a favor and just listen to the new Insomnium instead.
Arch Enemy Covered In Blood
they recruit a vocalist known for her clean singing, then never let her do cleans even on tracks that really very much better fit them than standard death metal growls (see: the Judas Priest cover). There's an unnecessary seriousness to these tracks that robs them of the spirit of being covers--that they're supposed to represent another band having *fun* reinterpreting tracks from other bands they enjoy. But in typical Arch Enemy fashion everything is overproduced to the point of being emotionally sterile, even the hardcore punk songs feel lifeless. Despite that, the guitars also sound very bad. The riffing doesn't sound very crisp, which drastically hinders the punk covers. I don't get why this exists.
Attila Outlawed
There's not a single track here that isn't marred by the band's inability to carry a good idea
longer than fifteen seconds at a time. Most of the band's ideas are stolen either directly from
the Lamb of God playbook or from the Big Book of Generic Metalcore, filling significant portions
of each of their songs' respective runtimes with generic, tempo-killing breakdowns spliced between
bouts of generic melodic metalcore and groove metally riffing. While "Fronzilla's" vocals are
diverse and cover a wide range from fratboy hardcore screams to deathcore lows and seemingly
everything in between.

The band do definitely have the talent to be a competent Lamb of God-esque melodic metalcore band,
but they sabotage themselves at every turn by falling into the same generic metalcore conventions
as almost every other big band on the scene. Get rid of the generic chugging, the wildly immature
lyrics and stick with the riffing. They won't, though, because someone keeps telling them that
breakdowns are fun.
Azazel Crucify the Jesus Christ Again
Black Veil Brides We Stitch These Wounds
Generic melodic metalcore that likes to also pretend to be melodic death metal on occasion. Not
as breakdown heavy as the rest of the unwashed "modern" melodic metalcore masses, and maybe a
little pop punky, but still about as by-the-book, play-it-safe as you can get for mainstream

Biersack's clean vocals are somehow less aggravating here thanks to the really mediocre mixing
which gives everything a slightly muffled feel, but that same mixing also cuts the power from most
of the instrumentation and makes the melodies much less cutting. Not as bad I guess as everyone
says, but still only noteworthy for not being quite as garbage as the rest of their ilk.

This just reminds me of a crappier Heaven Shall Burn/early In this Moment. I was thinking of
giving it a 2.5 because of its aesthetic appeal and because I'm a sucker for melodic death metal
riffs, but I cannot imagine listening to this entire thing--even though it's only 42 minutes long.
Black Veil Brides Vale
vapid, clumsy, synthetic.
Blood on the Dance Floor Anthem of the Outcast
If the lyrics/vocals weren't so cringey cheesy, this would've/could've been a decent listen. And by "decent listen" I mostly mean it's something one could probably sit through without the constant urge to get up and throw a chair at the wall. Kudos on that I guess.
Burial Young Death/Nightmarket
ambient? Sometimes it's good; other times it's just disorganized stuff like what's even going on?
Burzum From the Depths of Darkness
Instead of continuing to destroy his legacy with sub-par releases, Vargy settles by covering his
own classics. This doesn't so much destroy his classics as it does give us a feel for what any
other modern BM band would've sounded like had they chosen to cover the tracks themselves. In
that sense this hardly sounds like Burzum at all; gone are the trademark buzzing guitars and
obnoxiously raw screams, replaced now by perfect production values and middle-aged growls or
whispered "folky" singing. What made this band interesting to most people will probably not be
found here. "From the Depths of Darkness" is not overly raw nor nearly as hypnotizing as some
claimed Burzum's past classics like "Hvis lyset tar oss" to be; the change in production values
takes away most of the awness and personality that garnered this band such acclaim to begin with.
What we're left with are quite simply some modern takes on older materials, neither good nor bad.
Old fans will dismiss this release as quickly as they see it, and new fans will just as quickly
pass on the now uninteresting riffs, tame vocals and perfect production in favor of something more
harsh by comparison.
Caina Christ Clad In White Phosphorus
Very badly organized/recorded/mixed/whatever post-whatever blackened metal.
Carach Angren Dance and Laugh Amongst the Rotten
How Not To Play Symphonic Black Metal: A Guide.

I still basically hate this band so yeah. Overly-cheesy super serious black metal with
nothing goofy or fun to help balance it out and actually make it an enjoyable record.
There's a lot of chugging, basic tremolo-work, the drums aren't very prominent in the
mix, and the vocals are too in-your-face with their snarled and enunciated delivery.
It's whatever.
Chelsea Grin Self Inflicted
Sadly not as offensive as Emmure, but not much more interesting than them, either. At least Emmure have brocore chugs that are kind of interesting, whereas this band kinda just djuns the whole time in a way that's somehow less interesting.
Chimaira The Infection
Code Orange I Am King
Idk what beatdown is but this is just fairly boring hardcore.
Contort An Island of Noise in an Island of Silence
The vocals are whiny in a way I thought only some of the crappier US black metal vocalists could be, and the crunchy instrumentation doesn't really make up for it. For "antitheistic" punk this is definitely underwhelming.
Cradle of Filth Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder
Cryptopsy The Unspoken King
Cultes Des Ghoules Coven
black metal that sounds like it's grumpy from spending hours hunched over chalk-drawn pentagrams unsuccessfully trying to summon Satan.
Cynic Kindly Bent to Free Us
Danzig Black Laden Crown
This sounds like a tired old rocker doing bad karaoke to some generic metal backing tracks. The only thing it's missing is the half-hearted cheering from the crowd.
Dimmu Borgir Abrahadabra
Less guitars, moar orchestra, tons more lame.
Disturbed Believe
Emmure Look At Yourself
This still isn't good but I gave the new Suicide Silence a 1.5/5 and this is loads better, so I rguess I gotta 2/5 it to be objective. Still awful junky chugga wugga wug rapcore djunt angsty kid rMeshuggah wannabe pound-down pseudo-deathcore, but not *completely* awful. Like, there are some rriffs that are actually cool, the production is pretty good, whatshisname's harsh vocals are ractually pretty good (his lows are obnoxious, but his screams are fairly decent), the intense rbreakdown-y moments are uh... intense, the rapping isn't totally horrible. It's not a complete rwaste of time, just mostly a waste. Like 6/10 waste, ~4/10 not waste. So it's a 2/5. Good job, rEmmure!
Equilibrium Renegades
Foxy Shazam Gonzo
Ghost Bath Starmourner
It's weird how they keep making lulzy Deafheaven references in their titles, while their music is rexplicitly lifted from Woods of Desolation--and they apparently don't even realize it.rI'll also say that the first 1:30 of "Thrones" sounds like it was straight ripped from Ethereal rShroud, which is hilarious since Noctus loathes this band rofl.
Gorgoroth Quantos Possunt ad Satanitatem Trahunt
Hakaristi Hakaristi
Once the first track really gets started, its simple, slow melody is fairly pleasing, and works well meshed in with the generally raw atmosphere. Second track ruins it by being raw bm punk with no fun melodies tho :-( It's actually giving me Wold flashbacks now oh god make it stop. This kind of sounds like Wold but with instrumentation that actually sounds like instrumentation instead of just angry vacuum noises.
Iced Earth The Crucible of Man
Imagine Dragons Night Visions
Yeah this sucks radio pop rock bad music. It's music that tries to hype itself up by being ceaselessly epic and bombastic, but has absolutely no personality or genuine emotional input. It just feels like shallow, perfectly polished music built for TV commercials, rather than music written to actually be enjoyed by fans.
In Flames Down, Wicked and No Good
That live cover of "Hurt" is no good. The rest is OK-to-boring, but that live track, man. Oof.
Jinjer Macro
5.0 classic terriblekonrad | August 23rd 19rSingle Judgement (& Punishment) is wow just wow. This is what I need from Tetiana and whole Jinjer. Instant boner-o-making.rBump
Job For A Cowboy Genesis
Jute Gyte The Sparrow
More noisy a-melodic black metal nonsense. This wouldn't be so bad if the production values were
at least kind of decent, but they've still got that purposefully-lofi thing going with drums that
sound more robotic than Tomas Haake's, which further make the music sound disorganized. The
softer parts are a godsend compared to the rest of the track, though, so that earns a few points.
The second track is definitely the highlight because it's an ambient/drone piece and contains no
Korn The Serenity of Suffering
Liturgy Immortal Life II
"while they hit the notez, the notes themselves are gay." Sure it's recorded and performed better this time, but the music was never that good to begin with, so polishing that haphazard turd just makes the glaring songwriting problems more obvious. The higher-fidelity recording quality might actually make this new revamped recording sound even more disorganized than the original. There's probably some deeper commentary to be had in suggesting Liturgy's music has become more complicated but less coherent over time, but I'm not a fifth-level intellect acolyte of christ's post-hyperborean light so I'm not qualified to go there.
Megadeth Countdown to Extinction
Megadeth Youthanasia
No, Dave, no.
Megadeth Dystopia
It's no secret that I have a love-hate relationship with most of Dave's discog so this rating
shouldn't be much of a surprise. Not thrashy enough, Dave's vocals sound uninspired and often
follow awkward rhythms, lulzy lyrics. The soloing is great, sure, but those brief moments can't
carry entire songs (especially since Dave doesn't write anything like Hanger 18 anymore). If you
like Dave's other junk you might dig this, but at this point Megadave is starting to sound just as
jaded as Slayer.
Metallica Metallica
Metallica decide to play radio rock.
Morbid Angel Illud Divinum Insanus
I think they could've used an extra year or two to work out the kinks on this one.
Mord'A'Stigmata Hope
B o r i n g b l a c k m e t a l
Myrkur Myrkur
4/10 not good black metal, not good folk metal, not good folk. Crappy mixing/production/recording setup, but it still sounds better than her full-length. It lacks the emphasis on her cleans, though, which is why it loses more points despite sounding slightly better.
Myrkur M
While Mykur's definitely a competent frontwoman (her harsh, sharp screams and choral singing rare both notably good), the rest of the music really doesn't hold up at all, and suffers rfrom the same things most bm does. A lot of the guitar riffs have no "power" to them; they rdon't sound heavy, evil, or have any sense of strength to them in the mix. The bass is roften turned up to force a heavier, more "evil" sound and only succeeds in making the music rcheesier. While fusing black-ish metal instrumentals with clean Enya-esque vocals is a rnifty idea, neither aspects of the music are done well or uniquely enough to make the rresultant songs any more than just good-ish. And, while the piano-and-vocal-only tracks are rvery pretty (and the best pieces here), they're too short to function as anything more than rinterludes and they don't end up having as much of a positive impact on the quality of the rrecord as they could've. rIt's a decent starting point for a person who just got into the business of black metal, rthough, so I expect her future outputs to improve, if only a little.
Necros Christos Doom of the Occult
Nickelback All the Right Reasons
Nile Ithyphallic
It's Egyptian penis joke-themed technical death metal. It's about as disjointed and painful as you'd expect from a band not used to attempting humor.
Otep House of Secrets
"i hate my life" she moans, and in that moment we became like one mind, because I too hated what my life had become.
Otep Generation Doom
(not to be confused with Opeth)

This is like if Iggy Azalea tried to make a metal album. While the hip-hop heavy tracks are
incredibly cringey, though, the bands' purely alt metal cuts are surprisingly tolerable ("No
Color," "Lie"). If Otep could evolve past her angry hip hop roots the group could have a future
as a decent alternative metal band. That would most likely require her to forgo her indulgence in
odd theatrics, though, which probably means that it won't happen.
Portal Vexovoid
Profanatica Broken Throne Of Christ
too lofi can sometimes be a bad thing and on this demo that definitely is a bad thing. It's black metal that just feels clunky and not very powerful.
Pulse Aberration
djenty deathcore that thinks it's cool when it's not.
Radiohead OK Computer
It's like Radiohead went and listened to a bunch of 90's experimental indie/post-rock and completely missed the point of it all. They somehow took influences from all over the place and combined them in ways that were completely... pointless. redit: jabbed my finger with a screwdriver whilst reviewing this again so I'm dunking the rating again >:U
Reverorum Ib Malacht What Do You Think Of The Old God We Call Him Judas
these guys were boring even before they became self-wanking catholics. It's super lo-fi, hella reverby atmospheric black metal. Think something like Fell Voices' "Regnum Saturni", but with even less audible guitar riffs.
Reverorum Ib Malacht Ter Agios Numini
Rings of Saturn Dingir
lulzy tech death for lulzy people. The drums sound programmed, the guitars sweep and tweedle leedle with little direction, and the whole things sounds like a parody of the technical death metal genre rather than a serious entry into it. In that sense it's difficult to gauge this as either a serious addition to genre or criticism of it. Either way, though, it's not very good.
Sacred Climax Sacred Climax
deep static that sounds almost like a flag blowing in rough winds. On track 4 the treble goes up and crinkly noises are added to the soundscape, like the tiles on your roof are being shaken loose by a hurricane.
Satyricon Satyricon
It's funny because they made their self-titled record their worst to date. Ha ha ha.
Satyricon Deep Calleth Upon Deep
While there are a few tracks that actually get their black'n'roll grooves going correctly, most of the tracks don't. Which is to say: most of them aren't good. Satyricon keep pushing their mid-paced "black metal with some minor rock 'n' roll groove" shtick which has never worked for them and probably never will, and Deep Calleth Upon Deep is just another example of them trying to keep a sinking ship afloat for really no reason at all at this point.
SikTh Opacities
I don't like this. It hurts my face.
Six Feet Under Torment
The album's a mess, despite being fairly riff-solid. There's a Six Feet Under bury deep in here
somewhere that's worth actually talking about, but this album definitely isn't it. Maybe Barnes
nd co. should go re-listen to "Human Waste" a few dozen more times before recording the next
one, yeah? Yeah.
Slayer Divine Intervention
Slayer World Painted Blood
The production on this album is so bad. It might have that "old school" thrash sound, but the guitars have no heaviness or power. After the moderately decent "modern" sound the band achieved on Christ Illusion the production here is awful by comparison. The guitars just sound kinda wimpy and not aggressive at all, which defeats the whole point of the record.
Suicide Silence Become The Hunter
Sunn O))) Black One
I tried, my dudes. More dynamically interesting "drone" like Earth and Boris can be wonderfully hypnotic while still structurally interesting, composed music. This doesn't even feel composed at all; it feels like a couple guys improvising guitar drones over the course of an hour (and it quite well could be?) with little thought to how those long notes sound, where they go, or what general feeling or atmosphere they create. Which is none; there's no atmosphere and there's nothing to distinguish any long guitar note from any other long guitar note. It's basically Stars of the Lid with guitars, and none of the melody. There's no point to it, in my opinion. Drone metal, not good metal.
The Acacia Strain It Comes in Waves
The Beatles The Beatles
The Contortionist Shapeshifter
The Devil Wears Prada With Roots Above and Branches Below
production sucks, guitars lack power, general songwriting isn't good, transitions between harsh and clean vocals are often sudden and awkward, and the power choruses feel like they were intended to be the backbone of the record, without actually being the backbone of the songs in which they appear. It's just an uninteresting mess.
The Devil Wears Prada Transit Blues
Album is a complete style shift for this band, and oh boy does it rsound bad. Please go back to being metalcore instead of this boring slow garbage thx. There's nothing here that's interesting.
Tower of Rome All Is Lost...All Is Lost...All Is Yet To Be Found
grindcore? Yappy vox and super clicky bass drums are awful, but the band is listenable when actually chugging and trying to be heavy.
Tramp Stamps We Got Drunk And Made An EP
instrumentally and structurally these songs aren't that bad, but the obnoxious autotune and goofy lyrics really make the whole package miss the mark.
Trivium What the Dead Men Say
Twilight Fauna Fire of the Spirit
The acoustics are fine, but the production on the ambient/drone/black metal parts needs work. Atmosphere's not full enough, drums sound silly, song structuring is wacky. Not bad for lofi, but not good, either.
Underling Breathe Deeply
The original, more raw, "demo" they initially put out was much better than the versions of the songs here.
Vattnet Sky Swallower
There might not be as much "space" here as there was on White Tomb, but even so, there's
still not that much here. Songs awkwardly transition into clean sections, transition
through riffs too quickly, and simply don't run long enough to properly build the type of
"epic" atmosphere the band was clearly going for. Songs act as if attempting to emulate
Wolves in the Throne Room, then completely shift gears without ever attaining what they
seemed to be setting out for in the first place. These songs aren't bad, but the whole
record just leaves you feeling teased by its conclusion.
Velvet Cacoon Genevieve
this is like if someone listened to Hvis lyset tar oss one time and decided to make black metal like it but had no idea how to do it and just ended up recording an hour's worth of fuzzy guitar playing (about seven riffs/chord progressions in total, or one per song) and synced it with a few different drum rhythms then put raspy vocals on top of it for good measure. Bargain bin Burzum.
Volhnn Phallus Dei
ambient drone. First track sounds partly like the sounds of a crackling campfire as some sort of motor rumbles in the distance for thirty minutes. Second track increases the staticy-ness of the crackles, changes the pitch of the motor, and adds an almost-soothing windy wooshing sound underneath it all. It's partly atmospheric, partly soothing, and partly annoying.
When Woods Make Graves Consuming Darkness
Xiu Xiu Kling Klang
The field recording tracks are interesting but I really wish they were all longer than ~a minute
each. It's hard to get lost in any of them when they're so short and there's zero transition
between them. The random 15-second tracks of people grunting definitely were not needed. Given
how many vibes were supposedly used in this project, I expected a whole lot more. Album is

1.5 very poor
Anal Bag Deep
Highly static-filled ultra brutal "grindcore" with random bleep bloop electronics and bubbly
running water noises overtop because why not? While the guitar notes are triple extra crunchy,
the blast beats sound like pots and pans. This wouldn't be a bad thing, had it not been for the
awful noise elements and random gurgling water samples which always end up suffocating the actual
instrumentation to the point where the only discernible instrumentation becomes the relentless
blasting--the guitars often become relegated to a rather benign growling in the background.

All that said, many tracks aren't the worst things ever, like track 14 "From soup Germ" (roughly
translated) with its almost-dancy beat that actually showcases the "grindcore + noise" formula in
a way which almost creates music worth celebrating. Almost, but still.
Asking Alexandria Asking Alexandria
Entirely performative, emotionally vapid melodicore designed for people with little innate ability to make meaningful emotional connections on any, real, level.
Attila About That Life
lol so funny! It's like if Deuce wanted to be Limp Bizkit. Wow such amaze many riff verse line wow!
Attila Guilty Pleasure
If the lyrics weren't so dumb this'd be a tolerable--albeit totally generic-- record, but real
talk if I gave Insect Warfare a 2.5/5 I have to give this far less. That's just science.
Avenged Sevenfold Hail to the King
Kill the king / the king is dead / thank god for that
Black Veil Brides Wretched and Divine
Cradle of Filth Midnight in the Labyrinth
Darkthrone Goatlord
There are some cool grooves here and there but otherwise this barely passes as enjoyable "technical" death metal at any points.
Advertisements for this awful band keep popping up on Spotify, so I'm writing a soundoff out of
spite. Anti-Everything at least has the kind of semi-catchy chorus you'd expect from a generic
radio rock band (or latter-era Slipknot; take your pick). Aside from that, though, these two
tracks of nu-metal revivalism should be taken out back, thrown in a ditch, and given a proper
lighter fluid viking funeral. It's an immature cringefest of 1999 metal-isms that nobody needed
or wanted.
Ded Mis-An-Thrope
"At least it's better than the new Suicide Silence!"
Design the Skyline Nevaeh
Destruccion Humana Destruccion De Los Seres Humanos En Proceso
Emmure Speaker Of The Dead
Emmure Slave To The Game
Etienne Sin Sinna: Volume 1
Hello Kitty Suicide Club ^_^
This gets a .5/5 bonus for succeeding at being "laughably bad." The random samples are crude and out-of-place, the keyboards are purposefully cheesy, and the screams are ear-splittingly childish. It's a glorious combination of stupid junk made by people who were obviously just messing around for the sake of messing around. In that sense, this music succeeds. It's definitely music you try to convince your friends you actually enjoy. And with weird juxtapositions like the almost-fun basslines and Anchorman samples on "Tamagotchi Cannibalism," you might just be able to do that. Objectively, this is horrible, awful music. When taken as the parody fustercluck it is, though, there are moments of comedic redemption. Only just, but they're definitely there.
Hollywood Undead New Empire Vol. 1
Insane Clown Posse The Mighty Death Pop!
All of my hate. Take it all.
Jute Gyte Ship of Theseus
A black metal band that uses microtonal playing because more complicated is always more betterer! Wouldn't have been as bad without all that ear-stabbing treble.
Kid Cudi Speedin' Bullet 2 Heaven
3/10. "Speedin'" is a very frustrating record. It's much too long, none of the tracks really
feel fully fleshed out, and the Beavis and Butthead "skits" ruin the melancholic "grungy"
atmosphere the rest of the songs try to build.

Through all of that, though, there's occasionally a bright spot in the shape of a surprisingly
good vocal melody or song style that seems particularly interesting--but as quickly as those
bright spots appear they're just as quickly buried under silly cartoon character dialogue or any
number of other stupid quirks that were apparently shoved into the album haphazardly.

It's frustrating because it could've been a successful experiment had it been allowed mature. But
it wasn't, so it isn't. It's a bad record.
La Monte Young Dream House 78' 17"
It's not the worst minimalist music I've ever heard, but boy does that voice grate on the eardrums after a while. Even once you've gotten past the initial sense of annoyance and gotten comfortable with the static-sounding background instrumentation and repetitively droning voice, the voice *still* drags you out of whatever trance into which you were attempting to fall. You start to fall in, lulled by the quiet instrumentation in the background, then become aware of this annoying ringing sound and realize it's the same voice doing the same thing it's been doing for the last twenty minutes already. And then you can't unhear the ringing--like when you realize the bright lights in the ceiling make that subtle buzzing hum--and you become even more painfully aware of it. And then you move to shut it off, because why would you want to subject yourself to more of that? You don't. So you shut it off.
Lou Reed and Metallica Lulu
Machine Head Arrows in Words from the Sky
I don't even have anything snappy to say about this besides that it's bad in basically every way and sounds like a band overcooked and well past their prime. There are basic chugga chugga wugga chug breakdowns now and poor clean vocals now, for some reason--as if trying to channel a younger energy by emulating 00's metalcore, which itself is by now approaching "metal boomer" territory. And changing producers seems to have had little positive effect on the music, as the mixing still sounds off in weird ways. I dunno man, this isn't fun.
Mayhem Pure Fucking Armageddon
There are some cool riffs buried in the mix, but the sound quality is so bad (even for black metal) that it's hard to appreciate them much.
Motionless in White Graveyard Shift
Otep The God Slayer
Rings of Saturn Lugal Ki En
what's it even matter how good you can play if all the good playing you do is the most annoying weedle weedle fleepy floop nonsense. lol Rings of Saturn is basically Necrophagist with no good songs, or a living example of how not to write technical death metal.
Rusty Sleep Karter Lust Ohne Gesichter 2
track 1 is 36 minutes of angry static; track 2 is 35 minutes of slightly less angry static. Track 2 is almost useful as white noise, if the volume is turned down enough. I was expecting there to be some interesting sample usage here, but if there is any I can't hear it at all.
Six Feet Under Unburied
Ted Nugent Shutup&jam!
While "The Nuge" is definitely still a competent old school rock guitar player, his attitude (and general personality) and the general sound setup make "Shutup&jam!" a fairly difficult record. At times it's hard to tell if the drums are programmed or played by the world's most one-dimensional, repetitive session percussionist; the rhythm sections are all painfully basic and are organized specifically to highlight the riffs and vocals. In this way the music sounds less like a "rock band" album and more like a guitar karaoke track. In that way it also sounds painfully anti-rock; where rock music is supposed to have some naturalness, some attitude, "Shutup&jam!" sounds more like Ted just playing by himself in a studio to a drum track he just plugged into Protools in less than a minute. It's Ted "Diaper-Wearing American Draft-Dodger" Nuge, singing and riffing alone--not another warm body to be found. So if that's your bag--hey--this might be your thing.
Thallahu Akbar DJihad EP
Where Spongecore used different samples in each track to make its songs have some semplace of diversity, Thallahu Akbar just sprinkle different "Allahu Akbar" samples over chugging riffs of slightly different varieties for two minutes each. While the guitar tone is pretty good (albeit a typical "djent" sound), everything else about the project could've been done much better. At this point the whole "deathcore is just chugs and breakdowns" joke is fairly stale, making it notably difficult for a parody band's schtick to be presented in a way that might actually be construed as "funny." 'Akbar miss the mark by a bit.
Trivium Vengeance Falls
David Draiman is a bad producer and he should feel bad because of the abysmal job he did on this album. I was never much a fan of Trivium's metalcore/Metallica wannabe style, but they were always a tolerable band until this record. This is sloppy, awkward and barely listenable all thanks to the mixing/production values and not the band themselves.
Waking The Cadaver Perverse Recollections Of A Necromangler
Some of the riffs are cool and they're generally OK when just ripping off Suffocation, but those gurgle vocals sound like diarrhea.
Waking The Cadaver Waking The Cadaver
brutal demo squeee reeee poop noise band is tu br00 f0r m333. I'd write more about how cool I'm not but I'm really bummed out from not being able to appreciate the masterful slamz, junz, and squeee-eeeoooreeee-eeeeeeez's as composed by Waking the Cadaver. Instead of expanding my musical horizons I guess I'll just have to go back to jamming Reek of Putrefaction and writing sad love poems about cattle mutilation. ;_;
Willow Smith Ardipithecus
Somehow worse than Kid Cudi's " Speedin' Bullet 2 Heaven."

There's an interesting bit here or there ("Natives of the Windy Forest," "Star - Jabs") but the
rest is, unsurprisingly, junk. I'm not going to say that the kid has no talent, but albums like
this are why children should not be recording artists.
Wold Postsocial

1.0 awful
14 Sacred Words Not Alone
Heaven Shall Burn-ripoff white pride metalcore, yall. Richard Spencer is so proud :')
Afterlife (USA-FL) Breaking Point
Emmure/Slipknot dickriding. I thought the Geneva Convention had outlawed this kind of heinous shit but I guess not.
Anmasker How Much Is Your Mask?
Just check the new Inculter instead.
Batushka Hospodi
The whole point of the band was to combine orthodox singing and black metal in a way that was neither an endorsement nor criticism of Christian ideologies. But, by stealing the band name and thereby overtly committing sin, this project has swayed from ambiguity and toward darkness, utterly tarnishing the principals under which it was fundamentally based.
Black Tongue Nadir
this is huh wow.
Black Veil Brides Set the World on Fire
Blood on the Dance Floor OMFG Sneak Peak
Blood on the Dance Floor Evolution
At least The Insane Clown Posse's music has minor comedic value. This has absolutely no redeeming qualities.
Blood on the Dance Floor Bad Blood
God can't save us now. God can't save us now.
Blood on the Dance Floor Bitchcraft
Blood on the Dance Floor Cinema Erotica
Dahvie's a pedophile.
Bring Me The Horizon amo
vapid pop music, a chrome sheen shined for all eternity. All the personality burned away into a blinding reflection of all our moral failings.
brokeNCYDE BC 13
I was listening to this and then I got a nosebleed. What does that tell you.
brokeNCYDE The Broken
If it ain't broken don't fix it. And apparently if it is Broken these guys still won't fix it. They are the epitome of lazy, I guess.
brokeNCYDE I'm Not a Fan, but the Kids Like It!
The brains of children are not completely mature, and therefore the opinions of children should not be considered wholly valid. What I'm saying is that, even if the kids do "like it," their opinions are probably stupid anyway.
brokeNCYDE Will Never Die
They did it again.
brokeNCYDE Guilty Pleasure
Brokencyde single-handedly disprove the existence of a benevolent god. The existence of Satan is still up for debate.
brokeNCYDE All Grown Up
Wrote a soundoff for this but accidentlyd it all and theres no undo option on mobile so I'll rewrite it later. Long story short this still sucks despite any improvements in songwriting and toning down of the awful screamed vocals.
Catalepsy Bleed
Awful music made by awful people. Matt Sutton's a piece of trash and the rest of the
band are abhorrent for playing with him. On the musical side, though, this is
basically more Emmure/Suicide Silence chugcore with edgebro lyrics and lots and lots of
neck tattoos. So hooray for that.
Deuce Call Me Big Deuce
Deuce Nine Lives
"I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you." Gengis Khan.
Die Antwoord Ten$ion
The vid for Fatty Boom Boom is uh... somethin'. It's somethin'.
Emmure Hindsight
entertaining the notion of metalcore nu metal without doing much of either, in a way that's entertaining to neither.
Falling in Reverse Fashionably Late
Disjointed, awkward, obnoxious. It hurts my rface. Boy I really hates it.
Falling in Reverse Coming Home
Filament Filament 1
Absolute minimalism. Post-post-post modernist art. A million years ahead of its time.
Hatred for Mankind All Shall Burn
Noise-grind that some dude purposefully made sound terrible because of something about Carcass's early stuff also sounding bad. Even though the instrumentation of old grindcore-era Carcass actually sounded like it was meant to go together, but was just kinda dirty and lo-fi. This, however, sounds like the equivalent of taking a bunch of instrument tracks, putting them all into a blender, then stapling pieces together randomly to make them into "songs." Dude should listen to Reek of Putrefaction a few more times because it sounds nothing like this junk.
Iggy Azalea Ignorant Art
The production is horrible; the beats are often so low in the mix that you don't actually get anything out of them and it makes Iggy's rapping seem totally unconnected with it. You simply can't bob your head to beats that are barely there. This is exacerbated by her weird speech style which itself often seems to stray from the correct timing, making the music as a whole seem awkward and crudely organized. In addition to all of that, her voice is, more often than not, excruciatingly annoying to the point of being unbearable. Add in all the pointless crudeness and you've got yourself a certified trainwreck. There's nothing redeemable here, and I actually listened to it.
Insane Clown Posse Bang! Pow! Boom!
They make me sad. Music shouldn't make you sad in this way.
Korn The Path of Totality
Korn The Nothing
KoRRn is a bad band and always have been. Just writing this so some snarky turd won't report me to the cops and nuke my ratings again loooool
Lil B 100% Gutta
Lil B 05 Fuck Em
Praise Jehovah, the one true god.
Lil Wayne Rebirth
Liturgy Immortal Life
For fans of Jute Gyte and other crappy earsplitting lo-fi bm bands that don't make any sense.
Myrimin Bolota Ohta
This album is like Impaled Northern Moonforest meets Paysage D'Hiver, except even worse. The r"drumming"--if you can even call it that--sounds like someone slapping their hands on their rthighs, while the guitars have about the crudest, sloppiest sound possible. It also sounds as if rthe artist(s) had only a basic understanding of how to play a guitar (which is quite likely) in rgeneral, and only a *slight* understanding of how to play tremolo riffs, or whatever they're even rsupposed to be in the first place. rFor those that care, this is everything that's wrong with black metal--what happens when the whole r"uber raw kvlt!" idea is taken too far by people with too little musical ability. I suppose the rartist(s) could improve in time as their musical ability and recording knowledge improve, but as rof this album's creation all parties involved have a lot of work to do before acquiring the rability to put out anything remotely enjoyable.
Myrimin Luk, Usiezorki, & Izaliacyja
Myrimin Zvier Viartajecca
Myrimin Den Store Risinning
Nyogthaeblisz Abrahamic Godhead Besieged . . .
generic doofus war metal, noisy with ridiculous drumming purely for the sake of noisiness, goofy with none of the self-awareness to be enjoyably camp. They're also a very publicly affiliated with american [nazi] skinheads, so that's always a plus.
Omphalectoicxanthopsia Eating What You're Fed
it's actually just three tracks of static. Actual static. Better than Bar Sachiko at least lolol.
Pagoda Mast Nachi
Harsh noise/some sort of metal. Nope.avi
Peste Noire Peste Noire - Split - Peste Noire
Apparently French people even think Famine is a cringey dumbass and it's primarily non-natives who ironically like PN the most. By adding hip hop influences to his virulently racist black metal (again, irony), PN has pretty well guaranteed that even his fans won't enjoy his new album. The amount of irony to this release is something you'd expect of some mythical hipster group.
There's a place and a time for [redacted] and this is not that [redacted].
Psycho Synner Torch The Faith
Psycho Synner As the Demon Dances Under the Blood Red Sky
on the youtube upload they misspelled the title to track 7, midle finger's up m///
Sachiko M Bar Sachiko
If you've ever wondered what it's like to have tinnitus, then boy do I have a record for you!
Six Feet Under Graveyard Classics IV: The Number Of The Priest
Suicide Silence Suicide Silence
It's weird because the last song actually kind of sounds like Suicide Silence. The idea of combining deathcore and nu metal sounds interesting in theory; odd grunts and squeals spat in rhythm to simple down-tuned riffs, add some breakdowns--think Slayer's Diabolus In Musica, but rwith gutteral vocals? But Suicide Silence didn't even try do that so w/e. It's like they made a whole album consisting of the parts of nu metal tracks nobody actually likes, and forgot all the riffs.
Taylor Swift The Tortured Poets Department
This isn't the worst album in the world or even among the worst, truly. But it's such a vapid record, so empty and pointless that I, even for objectivity's sake, have no personal interest in ever returning here to listen again. It's an artistic desert, a wasteland with no oasis in sight. And I don't ever deign to journey within its boundaries ever again.
Taylor Swift The Tortured Poets Department (Anthology)
This isn't the worst album in the world or even among the worst, truly. But it's such a vapid record, so empty and pointless that I, even for objectivity's sake, have no personal interest in ever returning here to listen again. It's an artistic desert, a wasteland with no oasis in sight. And I don't ever deign to journey within its boundaries ever again.
The Black Eyed Peas Monkey Business
One of my friends reminded me today that this group is real, and not simply a figment of my own tormented mind. And I was having such a nice day, too.
The Black Eyed Peas The E.N.D. (The Energy Never Dies)
What was the point of using an acronym in the first place if they were just going to put the full title in parentheses anyway?
Tougher Than Nails Delusional Blasphemies Destroyed
taking the "so bad it's still bad" production of war metal and cranking it up to 777, bad parody(?) 'tech' death metal band Tougher Than Nails not only sucks, but it's the kind of music that makes christians feel like they probably deserve to be bullied just by association.
Trivium The Sin and the Sentence
Trivium's "The Sin and the Sentence" tries and succeeds at reaching Imagine Dragons-levels of facile emotional drivel. Its choruses are all hollow fist-bumping anthems driven by puerile lyrics one would more expect to find coming from Black Veil Brides or an edgy ninth-grader's notebook. And while the music itself isn't that bad (the individual riffs themselves go from "pretty OK" to "surprisingly solid"), the songwriting itself is pretty mediocre. The transitions from build-up "light" sections to the heavy riff portions are often pretty jarring and rarely feel natural. Not only that, but the heavily repetitive writing also makes every song here overstay its welcome, feeling about a minute or more too long. The mixing is also fairly off at points. Despite maybe being more lively than "In Waves," "The Sin and the Sentence" is definitely a more aggravating album.
Unicorns Killed My Girlfriend Deathwish EP
Vargrav (FIN) The Nighthold
They brought in the satanic warmaster guy to breathe some new life into the band by doing the same kind of vocals but worse.
When Bitter Spring Sleeps When Bitter Spring Sleeps
Whirr Feels Like You
A lot can happen in the span of 5 years, which possibly includes individuals changing themselves and their morals/ideals for the better. If you're holier-than-thou enough to believe that this sort of change can't happen and/or that you yourself have NEVER done or said something very questionable or unsavory, then you should probably check yourself. Last time I checked, it's much easier to be an internet warrior than it is to own up to your own transgressions, and to learn, grow, and make amends from them.r
Wold Screech Owl
Wold Freermasonry
Vocalist sounds like an angry toddler having a tantrum as heard through a static-filled recording
from a baby monitor. So. That's a thing some people enjoy listening to, apparently.

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