
Reviews 38
Approval 83%

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Album Ratings 217
Objectivity 71%

Last Active 11-10-07 1:47 pm
Joined 06-27-04

Review Comments 478

Average Rating: 3.63
Rating Variance: 0.51
Objectivity Score: 71%
(Fairly Balanced)


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5.0 classic
American Nightmare We're Down Til We're Underground
Give up the Ghost's second and final full length saw them build on their already successful formula of Hardcore Punk by adding a whole range of influences and sounds onto it. They showed their confidence and integrity on this much more mature album, because rather than just doing "another fast paced punk album" they played around with what can and can't be done in hardcore punk, while at the same time keeping their unique ability to write clever honest pop songs.
If you just listened to "single" 'Love American' you would think they hadn't progressed that much at all. But as this album goes on, they branch out of their inital sound sucessfully, like on 'Bluem' with it's wonderful "round" bassline.
Give up the Ghost split up a year later, but their presence is still being felt. The fact they quit while they were ahead makes them all the more special.
At the Drive-In Relationship of Command
Botch We Are the Romans
Circle Takes the Square As the Roots Undo
At the start of the week, my basic opinion was that "Yeah I have that Crowquill track but I don't think much of it." Now, a few sputnik reccomendations and certain events later, I find it possibly one of the most exciting things I've ever listened to. Since the Sputnik listening party, suddenly, it has all made sense. CTTS and in particular, this album, work because every instrument, every sample, every scream, every lyric and every piece of emotion that has been poured into this record, WORKS. There's no other way to describe it. This does what Saetia - as much as I love them - could never do. This to me is like Post-Metal sped up on x50 speed. So when you take the intelligence and depth of Isis, and splash it against the attitude and emotion of Saetia, you have an incredible combination of music.
Sadly, this album has meant that I can't listen to one of my favourite Bands (November Coming Fire) straight afterwards, because in comparison, they sound really sludgy.
Converge You Fail Me
Converge Jane Doe
Every Time I Die Hot Damn!
Explosions in the Sky The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead Place
Glassjaw Worship and Tribute
Godspeed You! Black Emperor F♯ A♯ ∞
The reason, this album is such a classic to me, is because it was the first album of the genre to truly capture my imagination. No, its not their most solid work, but for the moments (and are many to be had here) that this album leaves you in such an intense state is in incredible; from the empty, apocalyptic feeling of 'The Dead Flag Blues', The stunningly tense 'Sad Mafioso', and the light at the end of the tunnel provided by 'String Loop Manufactured During Downpour'. This, is a truly atmospheric, imagination capturing piece, and still remains the most inspiring and at times, unbelievable record Godspeed You! Black Emperor ever released.
Interpol Turn on the Bright Lights
re-vamped my review as I wasn't happy with the original, go check it out.
'Retrospect is an interesting thing, now that we have another Interpol release to reflect on that, like 'Antics', went further away from moody atmospherics in favour of big choruses (although I'm not even sure if I can grant 'Our Love to Admire' even that) it gives us time to reflect on why this is such an important record. It's kind of a sad state of affairs when...'

I really wanted to delete my first review and start a brand new one, is this impossible?
Modern Life Is War Witness
Just incredible. One of the most passionate, heartfelt, furious, intelligent, heavy albums I've ever heard. A band unafraid of what their surrounding scene expects of them, and as a result are free to make some really moving music. Just from listening to phenomenal opener 'The Outsiders' you get everything you wished for with this band. And the best part is that by the end of it, you still have another amazing 8 tracks to go!
Possibly the best live band I have seen too.
Mono You Are There
Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral
Palehorse Gee that ain't swell
Refused The Shape Of Punk To Come

4.5 superb
...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead Source Tags and Codes
American Nightmare Background Music
'Background Music' was all the inital energy, passion and quite frankly, repent for music, all balled up into one 30 minute burst, and is still considered "one of the fastest albums to ever come out of Punk Rock."
Harsh vocals, satirical lyrics, fast paced rhythms, this album for many is the "essential punk album" because not only was it very indivisual for it's time and genre (coming out of the Boston "tough-guy" hardcore scene) but also because it proved that GUTG have a very unique ability for writing very memorable songs, regardless of genre and style.
Arcade Fire Neon Bible
Biffy Clyro The Vertigo of Bliss
Bloc Party Silent Alarm
Botch An Anthology of Dead Ends
Broken Social Scene You Forgot It in People
Explosions in the Sky Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die...
Fucked Up Hidden World
ISIS Panopticon
Jeniferever Choose a Bright Morning
Jimmy Eat World Clarity
I'm going to be honest, It took a long time before I realised this album's true potential. It wasn't really until an inspired and intimate Leeds-Lock-Up-Stage-Festival set where I realised how incredible this record is.
Coming back to it with new energy and anticipation, now I was hearing all the amazing things people were telling me to look out for. With beautiful production and equally awe-inspiring songwriting; this has recently risen to become a total favourite as of late. There is just something amazing and romantic about every single song on this album, starting off with the more poppier, upbeat tracks of; 'Lucky Table Mint' and 'Your New Aesthetic', this album slowly and subtly get more and more deeper and expansive, including the beautiful addition of violins on tracks such as 'A Sunday', 'Just Watch the Fireworks' and of course 'Goodbye Sky Harbour'.
It is truly essential listening and an album I would recommend to virtually anyone.
Million Dead A Song to Ruin
November Coming Fire Dungeness
Pelican The Fire in Our Throats Will Beckon...
Poison the Well The Opposite of December
Radiohead Kid A
Slint Spiderland
The birth of post-rock.
Of course, in 1991 (and for quite some time) the term post-rock had never been coined as a genre of music, but this bleak, yet atmospheric incredible piece of work to me seems like the obvious link between post-punk (or grunge for better terms) and post-rock. Before this album, anything longer than 5 minutes or remotely challenging was just considered "prog" and neatly shoved into the dustbin where prog fans do cohabit. This, took that idea of creating "big" pieces of music from a more arty and even punk way (even if punk is not an obvious influence for this, generally very sparse sounding record) and did something with it essentially unheard of since the velvet underground first took on the challenge. Here we have 6 disconjointed, angular, dischordant songs, that some how manage to be very touching. 'Washer' remains one of the most beautiful songs ever commited to record where as the kicking and screaming end to 'Good Morning, Captain' will put you on edge for some time after listening.

4.0 excellent
...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead Madonna
Alexisonfire Crisis
Arcade Fire Funeral
At the Drive-In Vaya
At the Drive-In This Station Is Non-Operational
AVAST! Faultlines
Baroness Red Album
Battles Mirrored
Be Your Own Pet Be Your Own Pet
blink-182 Blink-182
Bloc Party A Weekend in the City
City of Caterpillar City of Caterpillar
Cloak/Dagger We Are
A fantastic, bombastic blast through 14 straight up hardcore-punk songs, with an excellent endearing guitar tone, huge, driving rhythm section and strong, catchy vocals/lyrics. Featuring members of American Nightmare, this record has some of the freshest songs of the year (such as the fantastic 'Runways' or 'Walk the Block') and could be argued as, a more approachable Fucked Up. Awesome.
Death From Above 1979 You're a Woman, I'm a Machine
Deerhunter Cryptograms
Deftones Deftones
In my eyes, Deftones will probably never top this. On this album they took a step back from the gradiose of 'White Pony' (which I still believe to be terribly overated) and almost created the best tribute act to themselves they could possibly ever do. All three of their previous albums feature here, with the harsh extremities of their debut on the stunning 'Hexagram' (with a little math rock twist), the anthemic metal of Around the Fur with 'Battle Axe' and the experimentalism of 'White Pony' on tracks like 'Deathblow' or 'Lucky You'.
For me, this is the album where Deftones finally grew up; 'White Pony' was merely a bridge. They'll never do a perfect album, but this will probably be the closest to it.
Devil Sold His Soul A Fragile Hope
Do Make Say Think You, You're a History in Rust
Drive Like Jehu Yank Crime
El-P I'll Sleep When You're Dead
Explosions in the Sky The Rescue
Whats fantastic about this EP is that it's all about flow.
Too many post-rock bands (ETIS themselves are guilty of this) is that too often they go over-blow and not enough happens to keep the listeners attention. Here, ETIS went about writing this ep by doing "a song a day" for originally 2 weeks but then became 8 days. The inspiration for these working conditions however clearly had great effect on them, because they've managed to condense all the things that make ETIS and post-rock in general great into a 30 minute EP. You won't find the wonderful stand-alone tracks of say 'Your Hand in Mine' but you will find an overall very rewarding listen.
(the whole ep has been uploaded to www.explosionsinthesky.com)
Fucked Up The Chemistry of Common Life
Gallows (UK) Orchestra Of Wolves
a fantastic punk rock record which gives the genre the kick up the arse it needed. Some brilliant moments ranging from hideously catchy choruses, fast, poison the well style breakdowns and sucide file-y rock 'n' roll swagger. The band are officially taking over and I'd advise getting in on the ground floor xox
Glassjaw Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Silence
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Yanqui U.X.O.
Gospel The Moon Is a Dead World
Green Day Dookie
Green Day Insomniac
Hot Cross A New Set of Lungs
I've been told to listen to Hot Cross by quite a number of people. I've been a fan of Saetia and other level plane artists for sometime, but never really got Hot Cross. Then my friend refered me to this, their debut EP 'A New Set Of Lungs' and it all made sence.
This, is only 7 songs, 15 minutes long, but the energetic and wonderful flow of this record make's it feel much longer; and that is a good thing. The wonderful "raw" production of this ep makes it feel like a 15 minute Jam session, where the Saetia influence is still very much alive compared to later releases, but is different enough to keep it interesting. In short, a really facsinating and ejoyable listen.
Interpol Antics
ISIS Oceanic
Joy Division Unknown Pleasures
Kings of Leon Because Of The Times
Lamb of God As the Palaces Burn
Les Savy Fav Let's Stay Friends
After a long time in the dog house, 2007 saw the return of one of the most respected, appreciated and intelligent post-punk bands in America. on Let's Stay Friends, they show why. Fans of the earlier material may be a little disheartened at first; this is quite possibly the most approachable release LSF have made, but, with a fantastic formula of taking their original, slightly technical, slighlty off-kilter writing style and channelling it into a slightly more recogniseable shape, we have the majority of the very brilliant songs off this record. 'Pots & Pans' is very much a introduction in the sense that it essentially works like a comment on where the band stands saying how "This band's a beating heart, and it's nowhere to near its end" to dismiss any non-believers before kicking into the fantastic 'The Equestrian'. Similarly 'What Would Wolves Do?' is very endearing and 'Raging the Plague Age' is a lot of fun; although perhaps not their best work, definitely their most honest and approachable.
Maps and Atlases Tree, Swallows, Houses
Meneguar Strangers in Our House
Misery Signals Of Malice and the Magnum Heart
Misery Signals Mirrors
November Coming Fire Evocation 7
Okkervil River Black Sheep Boy
Okkervil River The Stage Names
Orchid Orchid
A fantastic journey through the best band of a rather cluttered Genre. It was on this final release that Orchid improved their production, song writing and vocals just that little bit that propelled the band into the stuff of legends. It was this album that indicates the shift from what we now call "The second wave of Emo" into what is now the current, modern and altogether more rewarding end of the genre, and its interesting how it is Orchid who should both be the beginning and the end of it.
Pig Destroyer Terrifyer
Poison the Well You Come Before You
A truly stunning record. It took me a while to really give this it's full credit (I'd always loved 'Ghostchant' and 'Apathy is a Cold Body' but it took me some time to get the rest) but this is a fantastic and undoubtedly the best post-opposites Poison the Well record.
Here, they actually manage to rival the mighty Deftones in song writing and melody, while still holding onto it's hardcore roots and metal influences; if anything, this accomplishes something Deftones never really did - a complete, flowing record.
Although 'Apathy is a Cold Body' is undeniably the centre-piece (where Jeffrey Moreira gives the performance of his career from drifting, gorgeous melodies to terrifying screams all in the same breath) it is in this record's more subtle pieces where we find some real gem's in 'For a Bandaged Iris' and 'The Realist'.
A truly stunning record; the perfect meeting point from ruthless, brutal guitar work and wonderful melody, and one that really, should have seen Poison the Well hit the big time.
Protest the Hero Kezia
Radiohead Amnesiac
Rage Against the Machine Evil Empire
Refused Songs To Fan The Flames Of Discontent
Refused Refused Are Fucking Dead
Rolo Tomassi Rolo Tomassi
Sea Power Do You Like Rock Music?
Set Your Goals Demo 2004
Set Your Goals Mutiny!
Sonic Youth Daydream Nation
Sonic Youth Sonic Nurse
The Black Dahlia Murder Miasma
The Dillinger Escape Plan Miss Machine
The Fall of Troy Doppelganger
When I first heard this record I was dissapointed. I didn't like how they'd seemingly been fairly lazy in their transition between this and self-titled debut. It lost it's raw edge, half the album isn't new material and even in the new tracks they were a massive step away from where they were in the first place. But after giving it some more time I now much prefer this album because they did improve greatly from their earlier work (except the ghostship demos which are still to be topped). But I won't be happy if the next album is exactly the same.
The Fall of Troy Ghostship Demos
The National Boxer
The Smiths The Very Best of The Smiths
The Smiths Singles

3.5 great
A Day In Black And White My Heroes Have Always Killed Cowboys
Alexisonfire Alexisonfire
Alexisonfire Watch Out!
So, It's been two years since the release of this album. Since then, Alexisonfire have tourned endlessly, switched drummers and released their third, critically unrested album "Crisis". Looking back at this now, in retrospective, it is a fine album because the songs on it, generally are great. But it's simply not consistent enough to make it really special. If I wanted an AOF album for pop songs to sing my heart out to, this most certainly would be it, but the songs I don't enjoy I'm afraid let this down slightly.
American Football American Football
Ampere All Our Tomorrows End Today
Bane Give Blood
Between the Buried and Me Colors
Biffy Clyro Infinity Land
Blur Blur
Broken Social Scene Broken Social Scene
Casey Jones The Messenger
Converge Petitioning the Empty Sky
Converge When Forever Comes Crashing
Deftones Around the Fur
Deftones B-Sides and Rarities
Devil Sold His Soul Darkness Prevails
Envy A Dead Sinking Story
Every Time I Die Gutter Phenomenon
Explosions in the Sky All of a Sudden, I Miss Everyone
Funeral Diner The Underdark
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada
Grade Under the Radar
Green Day Nimrod
Hot Cross Fair Trades and Farewells
Hot Cross Risk Revival
Jimmy Eat World Bleed American
Joy Division Closer
Kings of Leon Aha Shake Heartbreak
La Quiete La fine non è la fine
LCD Soundsystem Sound of Silver
Mogwai Come On Die Young
Mogwai Happy Songs for Happy People
Mogwai Mr. Beast
Mono Walking Cloud and Deep Red Sky, Flag Fluttered and the Sun Shined
My Bloody Valentine Loveless
Neil Perry Lineage Situation
Panda Bear Person Pitch
Pelican Australasia
Pelican Pelican
pg.99 Document #8
Pig Destroyer Phantom Limb
Radiohead In Rainbows
Rage Against the Machine Rage Against the Machine
Rage Against the Machine Live at the Grand Olympic Auditorium (DVD)
Refused This Just Might Be... The Truth
Rise and Fall Into Oblivion
Saetia A Retrospective
Slipknot Slipknot
Sonic Youth Goo
Sonic Youth Washing Machine
Sonic Youth Murray Street
The Acacia Strain The Dead Walk
This is one of the new "Modern metal bands" that are actually worth anyone's attention. The fact that they've actually bothered to, not only create their own style of riffage, but a fantastic production job that gives their incredible, crunching guitar sound, and sets them worlds apart from the other fodder.
And not only all of this, THEY'RE ACTUALLY GOOD SONG WRITERS TOO! 'Angry Mob Justice' for instance actually manages to sum everything up in 2 and a half minutes, starting off with aural assault, wondering into a fantastic breakdown (which manages to sound refreshing in a sea of mediocre writing) and ending with a near-melodic vocal shout a-long.
Great stuff!
The Black Dahlia Murder Unhallowed
The Dillinger Escape Plan Calculating Infinity
The Fall of Troy The Fall of Troy
The Hives Veni Vidi Vicious
The Mad Capsule Markets Osc-Dis (Oscillator In Distortion)
The Mad Capsule Markets The Mad Capsule Markets - 010
Vampire Weekend Vampire Weekend

3.0 good
Architects Nightmares
Biffy Clyro Blackened Sky
Biffy Clyro Puzzle
2007 so far really does seem to be a year of my past-favourite bands turning out lukewarm efforts; Arcade Fire, Explosions, Poison the Well, Queens of the Stone Age, Pelican.... and I was hoping, maybe, Biffy could save this. I'm not going to lie to you, Biffy still remain one of my favourite bands and one of the only ones I can proud to say come from the same country as me (despite having a very American sound).
The simple fact is, is that Puzzle has just lost the impact that made their past works amazing. Although a far more solid album than Infinity Land, that album at least still had some of Biffy's best, most interesting material on it.
Now don't get me wrong, this is a very good album. I loved all three singles for their massive choruses and slightly off-kilter rhythms, but there are a few songs here that just pass me by in a way that hasn't happened with me since debut, Blackened Sky. 'Machines' is beautiful, and there are fantastic moments to be had in 'A Whole Child Ago', 'Now I'm Everyone' and 'Get Fucked Stud' but the clear huge production work combined with the now very standard songwriting means this has lost all the raw passion and intensity that made records like 'Vertigo of Bliss' and even 'Blackened Sky' fantastic.
Broken Social Scene Feel Good Lost
Comeback Kid Wake the Dead
Deftones Adrenaline
DJ Shadow The Outsider
Envy Insomniac Doze
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
Green Day International Superhits
Hot Cross Cryonics
Indian Summer Discography
Interpol Our Love to Admire
ISIS In the Absence of Truth
Jeromes Dream Completed
Jimmy Eat World Futures
Joy Division Substance
Kings of Leon Youth and Young Manhood
Modern Life Is War My Love. My Way.
My Chemical Romance Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
Orchid Chaos is Me
Pelican City of Echoes
Some fantastic songs to be found here, particularly on the title track, as Pelican make notes of their whole career so far, and use it to their advantage with improved song writing, guitar interplay and condensing.
Unfortunately though, this is also a very cluttered album which possesses none of the atmosphere or emotion attached to the previous efforts and just doesn't feel like a complete work.
A real shame after 'The Fire in throats' showed us not only how you can make new approaches to instrumental music by being loud and layered, but also revolutionising it into a wonderfully emotional piece.
Poison the Well Tear From the Red
Poison the Well Versions
Radiohead The Bends
Radiohead OK Computer
Rage Against the Machine The Battle of Los Angeles
Rage Against the Machine Renegades
Slipknot Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.
Sonic Youth Confusion is Sex/Kill Yr Idols
Sonic Youth Rather Ripped
The Appleseed Cast Peregrine
The Dillinger Escape Plan Ire Works

2.5 average
A Life Once Lost Hunter
American Nightmare Year One
Coheed and Cambria The Second Stage Turbine Blade
Deftones Back to School (Mini Maggit)
God Is an Astronaut All Is Violent, All Is Bright
Green Day Warning
Green Day Shenanigans
Head Automatica Popaganda
Lamb of God Ashes of the Wake
Lamb of God New American Gospel
Pelican March Into the Sea
Poison the Well Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Radiohead Pablo Honey
Slipknot Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses
Sonic Youth Dirty
Sonic Youth A Thousand Leaves
The Mad Capsule Markets Cistm Konfliqt
Trophy Scars Alphabet Alphabets

2.0 poor
Coheed and Cambria In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
Coheed and Cambria From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
Deftones White Pony
Fightstar Grand Unification
Queens of the Stone Age Lullabies to Paralyze
Slipknot Iowa

1.0 awful
Green Day American Idiot

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