
Reviews 34
Approval 88%

Soundoffs 174
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Band Edits + Tags 26
Album Edits 30

Album Ratings 580
Objectivity 68%

Last Active 07-31-11 5:06 pm
Joined 09-23-09

Review Comments 7,695

Average Rating: 3.82
Rating Variance: 0.78
Objectivity Score: 68%
(Fairly Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Animal Collective Feels
I remember when I was 4 or 5 I approached everything with that brilliant sense of curiosity and naiveness that children who have yet been exposed to the worlds social standards and accepted evils. Every sound featured on Feels is a remembrance of such a time and creates an innocent atmosphere lost in the joy and texture being produced by Animal Collective.
Aphex Twin Richard D. James Album
At the Drive-In Relationship of Command
At the Drive-In Acrobatic Tenement
Bon Iver For Emma, Forever Ago
Why does chambered always write soundoffs when on drugs?
Brand New Deja Entendu
Brand New Your Favorite Weapon
Brian Eno Another Green World
Burial Untrue
Cap'n Jazz Shmap'n Shmazz
Charles Mingus The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady
This record is fucking sexy. That's all I have to say.
City of Caterpillar City of Caterpillar
Converge Jane Doe
It's been long overdue that I bump this to a 5. Even when pigeonholed under a genre filled with a ton of laughable
bands and overused techniques, Converge display a heavy sense of artistic sincerity that makes them quite an
anomaly within the metalcore genre. But even in the most unbiased, objective perception, Converge display on Jane
Doe an unconventional, yet believable stride in the way they approach their music. The vocals are loose and wild, yet
follow a truly defined bark. The music aggressively thrashes and switches pace, but also shows itself to be
constructed in a manner that matures and paces itself in a cinematic manner throughout the album. Throughout all
the intensity and the metal-intended purposes, there is no doubt that passion and ambition are what truly
underly this hectic, yet beautifully constructed album.
Elliott Smith Either/Or
Elliott Smith Elliott Smith
Elliott Smith Roman Candle
Godspeed You! Black Emperor F♯ A♯ ∞
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada
GZA Liquid Swords
Probably the best wu-tang effort ever. RZA's production is really the best worth mentioning here, with his dark, atmospheric production, matching his hard-hitting 4/4 beats; He basically created the best backdrop as possible for GZA and other featured rappers. GZA, while not as technical as Ghost or Rae, not as eccentric as ODB, or even as chill as Meth, is certainly the most tamed and lyrically talented, presenting an easy flow that he glides over with lyrics about chess, kung fu scenarios, and the most imaginative stuff ever presented by an East Coast rapper.
Madvillain Madvillainy
Meat Puppets Meat Puppets II
Miles Davis Kind of Blue
Miles Davis In a Silent Way
Off Minor The Heat Death of the Universe
Parliament Mothership Connection
pg.99 Document #8
Radiohead Kid A
Saves the Day Through Being Cool
Saves the Day Can't Slow Down
Slint Spiderland
Stars of the Lid And Their Refinement Of The Decline
The Mars Volta De-Loused in the Comatorium
High-pitched vocals croon out Amphetamine Beat poetry (actually the message behind the lyrics is really cool, but the lyrics themselves are psylocibin-addled rants, and only that) while bombastic drums go balls-to-the-wall (not in a good way though).

As bullshit as that entire rant is, it makes the album sound really awesome.
The Mars Volta Frances the Mute
The National Alligator
i'm in control and i believe
The National Boxer
The Smiths The Queen Is Dead
The Tallest Man on Earth The Wild Hunt
album reduces me to nothing with its simplicity and genuinity. perdy tunes for sad people. biggest hug ever from a
pretty girl disguised as an album. i don't know what i'm saying. this shit is awesome.
Unwound Leaves Turn Inside You
Weezer Pinkerton
Why the fuck do I always listen to this album when heartbroken? This cannot be healthy.

4.5 superb
Action Bronson Dr. Lecter
sputnik slept on this album which is unfortunate because action bronson is probably the best rapper out right now
Aerosols Aerosols
Ampere All Our Tomorrows End Today
Ampere/Daitro Split
screamo masterwork
Animal Collective Sung Tongs
Animal Collective Ark
the sound of being immensely drugged out
speaking of drugs, whoever is responsible for making the soundoff minimum 50 characters is an asshole
Animal Collective Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished
Animal Collective Strawberry Jam
Animal Collective Merriweather Post Pavilion
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKqDOw3pv6or and you cunts think this album is bleep bloop bleepy...
Animal Collective Fall Be Kind
Holy fucking shit. I haven't listened this for months, but I just gave a spin and I had this insane burst of nostalgia rand feelings and vibes. Definitely the most natural feels and textures since.....Feels. It's like viewing the most rintense autumn-based landscape through a kaleidoscope.
Aphex Twin Selected Ambient Works 85-92
You can only count on good ol' AFX to turn repetitious dance music into a mind-numbing, frosty, and relaxing ambient album.
Aphex Twin ...I Care Because You Do
Arcade Fire Funeral
And sometimes, we remember our bedrooms. And our parent's bedrooms, and the bedroom's of our friends!
Autechre Incunabula
Bat For Lashes Two Suns
Beau Navire Hours
Belong October Language
Biosphere Substrata
Bjork Homogenic
blink-182 Blink-182
blink-182 Dude Ranch
blink-182 Enema Of The State
Boards of Canada Music Has the Right to Children
Boards of Canada Geogaddi
Boris Flood
Boris Pink
Boris With Merzbow Sun Baked Snow Cave
Botch We Are the Romans
I get such an evil sense of joy out of this album. Warning: This album tends to encourage people to fuck shit up.
Brand New The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me
we all got wood and nails, and turned out a hate factory
Brian Eno Ambient 1: Music For Airports
This music is great for everything. Great Study Music. Great Meditation Music. Great Music. You know. I think the genius of it really is how simplistic it was, in a time where simplicity was left for folk or punk artists.
Brian Eno Music For Films
Brian Eno Small Craft on a Milk Sea
this is going to be album of the year(assuming radiohead doesn't release something and I will write a master review
for it and it will be sooo kick ass. eno.....forever.
Brian Eno and David Byrne My Life in the Bush of Ghosts
This album pioneered the production style of hip-hop and I have the Bomb Squad pruduction team to back me up. The wacked out loops and rhythms made out of whatever they could find (synths, guitars, basses, metals, kitchen appliances, religious ceremony recitings), had a prominent impact on the production of It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back. It and Remain In Light completely revolutionized the way recording and sounds were treated.
Bucket Full Of Teeth IV
Cage (USA-NY) For Your Box
basically a compilation of all the amazing tracks cage put out in the 90s. Backed by gritty old school beats with a lot of bass and dope textures, the raps on here range from radio live performances from 92' to classics like radiohead and agent orange. cage rapidly spits out drug-filled and violent imagery throughout the compilation and displays true lyrical ability(listen to "crazy man ahead" to hear some of his serious early chops).
Cannibal Ox The Cold Vein
Caribou Swim
Circulatory System Signal Morning
Clubroot Clubroot
CSTVT The Echo and the Light
Cursive Domestica
13 songs + catharsis =
Danger Mouse and Sparklehorse Dark Night of the Soul
album of the year
Dark Time Sunshine Vessel
David Bowie Low
De Facto Megaton Shotblast
Deerhunter Microcastle
Deerhunter Halcyon Digest
bradford cox continues to be one of the most consistent musicians on this new deerhunter
Destroyer Kaputt
Dilute Grape Blueprints Pour Spinach Olive Grape
DJ Shadow Endtroducing.....
DJ Shadow The Private Press
Do Make Say Think You, You're a History in Rust
Explosions in the Sky The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead Place
This, Loveless, and Deloused in The Comatorium are the perfect examples of what guitar music should sound like.
Faith No More Angel Dust
Fall Out Boy Take This to Your Grave
Fennesz Black Sea
Flying Lotus 1983
flying lotus is an alien but he has a snug alien home and is full of hospitality

edit: kill yourself b4k
Flying Lotus Los Angeles
Flying Lotus Cosmogramma
Four Tet There is Love in You
Fugazi 13 Songs
Fugazi seems really into their music. In the songwriting process, it seems they toyed around with riffs a lot, because I don't think they are actually trained in music. And the songs as a whole are just great. Lots of great vocal lines and Guy's lyrics are really cool and slightly introspective. Each track stands out.
Ghostface Killah Fishscale
would be perfect if it wasn't so fucking long
Girl Talk Night Ripper
Girls Album
yeah yeah yeah it's coming straight from my heart
Glassjaw Worship and Tribute
this is pretty much how I've always wanted my guitar playing to sound
Glenn Branca The Ascension
I think it's time somebody offers Glenn Branca to do scores for horror movies. Not that this is all sort of freakish clatters of noise. There are certainly wonderful, actually well-organized and composed moments. The drums on this record are phenomenal, bringing the various guitars into direction and rhythm. The guitars on here work hand in hand, and bring this large orchestrated, dissonant yet melodic pieces. The onslaught of sound on this record is truly awestriking.
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
Possibly the post-rock equivalent to Miles Davis "In A Silent Way"? I think so. This record flows along at no set pace or agenda and combines the intense, the ambient, the moving, and the grooving features that i cherish in music. This record does not contain particularly independent and definable instrument features, but comes together as a collective of sounds. i mean obviously you can hear instruments with the likes of guitar, violins, keyboards, drums, samplers, things of the sort. but they only build up the music and work together. all in all, it's brilliant music that acheives nothing but what art is really supposed to acheive; reaction.
though to be honest, the best feature of this album is that it doesn't sound like sigur ros.
Gospel The Moon Is a Dead World
Hanson Shout It Out
Indian Summer Discography
Into It. Over It. 52 Weeks
ISIS Wavering Radiant
James Blake CMYK
James Blake Klavierwerke
James Blake James Blake
Janelle Monae The ArchAndroid
Japandroids Post-Nothing
Joanna Newsom Ys
Joanna Newsom Have One on Me
John Frusciante To Record Only Water for Ten Days
John Galm 11/22
Jonsi and Alex Riceboy Sleeps
"Listen up, you fuckers. I don't care if Adam Downer is saying Radiohead are dead, or you miss the art-rock of OK Computer, or the experimentation of Kid A; none of that matters. Radiohead has made their best record in years, and that's all that matters. This is the sound of Radiohead at their best, letting go of pretense, coming down to Earth. And it is a near-flawless record, only fueled by Radiohead's imagination."
yeah so pretty much replace all the radiohead terminology with sigur ros/jonsi terminology
Joy Division Closer
Perfect. Brilliant production, beautiful lyrics, excellent rhythm section, experimental guitar, hi-pitched synths. Perfect.
Joy Division Unknown Pleasures
Kidcrash Jokes
Kids and Explosions Shit Computer
King Crimson Red
Kraftwerk The Man-Machine
Kraftwerk Trans-Europe Express
Loma Prieta Last City
Loma Prieta Life/Less
Max Richter The Blue Notebooks
Meanwhile, Back in Communist Russia Indian Ink
The vocals. I mean the range of electro-soundscapery, to slint-esque minimalism is enough to warrant a 4.5, but I swear the vocals are the most passionate and desperate vox I've heard in a long time, and the way they are abstractly phrased over bleak, yet blossoming instrumentals is simply incredible. Easily will become a classic.
Megadeth Peace Sells... but Who's Buying?
You know I've really never been a fan of Dave Mustaine's whiny vocals. But the music is one of the defining moments not just of thrash history, but metal history. These guys lashed out killer riffs and solos, with the intensity of a hardcore band.
Merchant Ships Shipsography
it's like you hear the first half and you're like "oh cool lil emo band soundin like make me, woah intense vocals bro" and then you hear the second half and it's like "wow this shit is actually touching".
Mesa Verde The Old Road
Whether it be the intense, converge-esque moments, the post-rock passages that seem to have an emo take on Explosions in The Sky, or maybe it's just the passionate wails of "Realise time won't heal a goddamn thing" or "One day my dreams will meet my fears", Mesa Verde have crafted an album filled with emotional energy off of grinding drums, passionate vocals, and melodic guitars.
Midi And The Modern Dance Make It Easy On Yourself
gonna write a review for this brilliant fucking pop record and then you can be sad with me and listen to it and we'll hold each other plzzz
Miles Davis Bitches Brew
Modest Mouse The Moon & Antarctica
Modest Mouse This Is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About
Moss Icon Lyburnum Wits End Liberation Fly
Mr. Bungle Mr. Bungle
My Bloody Valentine Loveless
Nas Illmatic
bulldog's soundoff: The beats and rapping are p good, but the beats and the rapping together are fucking awesome.ralbum's chill 4.3/5
Neon Indian Psychic Chasms
funnest fucking album ever.
New Order Substance
Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral
Off Minor Some Blood
Ol' Dirty Bastard Return to the 36 Chambers: The Dirty Version
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez A Manual Dexterity: Soundtrack Vol. 1
Definetely very soundtracky. Umm....it's fucking beautiful. I love it. Just heard it recently and it blew my mind. Omar Rodriguez has never made more effective ambient music than this. Very layered like a lot of his work, but the guitar isn't as domineering. A couple of songs are even piano lead. Its got lots of random electric tinkerings throughout it, but it only completes this wonderful peice of art. I love the way some songs start of boldly and get weirder and sort of fade off. Sounds horrible in writing, but its really excellent.
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Se Dice Bisonte, No Búfalo
Omar's most jazzy album, no doubt. It's funny, through all the shit the sputnik community gives this, i thought this would be entirely omar wanking over pseudo-hard funk tunes. I could not be wrong. It's more like a combination of tons of crazy effects Omar has learned over the years, combined with modern, sort of mutated versions of "Bitch's Brew-esque" instrumentals. And Cedric is just the bomb on this one. Don't beat me up guys!
Orchid Orchid
Panda Bear Person Pitch
Pariah (UK) Safehouses
pg.99 Document #5
Pink Floyd The Dark Side of the Moon
Pixies Doolittle
Primal Scream Screamadelica
Public Enemy It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back
Punch Push Pull
Quasimoto The Unseen
Radiohead The King of Limbs
Raekwon Only Built 4 Cuban Linx...
Raekwon Only Built 4 Cuban Linx... Pt II
Raekwon Shaolin vs. Wu-Tang
Red Hot Chili Peppers Freaky Styley
RJD2 Deadringer
It's like a happier version of endtroducing. In fact, the only reason i compare is because this is one of the few instrumental hip-hop albums that come close to touching it.
Sailboats Demo
Saves the Day Stay What You Are
Say Anything ...Is a Real Boy
Sed Non Satiata Le Ciel De Notre Enfance
Snowing Fuck Your Emotional Bullshit
ok yeah bullshit midwestern emo unoriginal kinsella worshipping blah blah blah fucking blahrThis album is insanely fun and angsty. I don't give a shit about you or your musical thought and ilk, that is enough to warrant a 4 for me.
Snowing I Could Do Whatever I Wanted If I Wanted
so naturally i find this to rule
Sonic Youth Sister
Excellent work from the youth. Melodies are really nice and this record seems to perfectly combine noise and melody to create the best sonic youth record. though it does have some annoying moments, this record shows the artyness of the youth in its most presentable and beautiful form. Guitar work is fucking amazing.
Squarepusher Feed Me Weird Things
Steve Reich Different Trains/Electric Counterpoint
Street Smart Cyclist Street Smart Cyclist
Suis La Lune Heir
Talking Heads Remain in Light
Tangerine Dream Phaedra
The Antlers Hospice
Hospice is one of those albums that work only when you're alone; silberman has one of those voices that are so soft,
so fragile that it goes from a soft, dull blur to something really heartfelt, depending on the environment of the
listener. the music is immersive, it's ambient qualities requiring full attention of the listener to find themselves
moved. in a room of happy people, Hospice is unmoving, impenetrable, and too gloomy to make it through. on rainy
days, when the listener is isolated and trapped inside(much like how the album was recorded), the music blossoms
and the lyrics resonate. i only listen to this album on rainy days.
The Avalanches Since I Left You
The Books The Way Out
your mind will become a sponge, you're a masterpiece, you're a work of artrchambered: u dumredit: goddamnit, fuck the eno references, does anyone in this world understand the gentle art of hyperbole?
The Cure Faith
The Dillinger Escape Plan Calculating Infinity
The Field From Here We Go Sublime
The Mars Volta Amputechture
The Microphones The Glow Pt. 2
The National High Violet
afraid of the house, stay the night with the sinners. afraid of the house, stay the night with the sinners. Afraid of the
house, cuz they're desperate to entertain.
The Notorious B.I.G. Ready to Die
The Orb Adventures Beyond The Ultraworld
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart The Pains of Being Pure at Heart
The Smiths The Smiths
The Tallest Man on Earth Shallow Grave
The World Is a Beautiful Place... Formlessness
This Is Your Captain Speaking Storyboard
Title Fight The Last Thing You Forget
Titus Andronicus The Airing of Grievances
TOKiMONSTA Midnight Menu
Trophy Scars Darkness, Oh Hell
I get this now. Everything on this record is pure kitschy trash and that's all the better for these gentlemen. However, the fuckers know what they'e doing and it's pulled off with a smirk wider than the one featured on the cover.
Venetian Snares Songs About My Cats
I wish my cats were this cool..............................
Vex'd Degenerate
Weekend Nachos Punish and Destroy
Wilco Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
Women Public Strain
Public Strain succeeds in the sense that it manages to capture a profound feeling through all it's subtlety and you never quite figure it out what it is. In the culmination of fuzz and Flegel's reverberated vocals, are memories too blurry to recall, but that are still close to home.
Wu-Tang Clan Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
Yeasayer All Hour Cymbals
Yo La Tengo And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside...

4.0 excellent
16Bit Chainsaw Calligraphy The Remixes
A Tribe Called Quest The Low End Theory
Acres. Silos
(If you want to know whether I'm partial to the sing-a-long chants and the well-developed and interplaying guitars)
I'm partial to the sing-a-long chants and the well-developed and interplaying guitars.
Against Me! Reinventing Axl Rose
possibly the catchiest album released in the last decade. fuck any sort of emotional connections one may make with this, this album is punk for the sake of being punk and that is an accomplishment within it's irrelevant existence(lol people will hate me if they actually read this).
Age Sixteen Open Up Finders, Please
Air Moon Safari
Air France No Way Down
Algernon Cadwallader Some Kind Of Cadwallader
wish somebody would realize that the guitars are actually a lot more dynamic and different than cap'n jazz
American Football American Football
Ampere Like Shadows
Aphex Twin Drukqs
problems: 30 fucking songs. Lots of random, semi-filler. Occasional blehness.
pros: Amazing experimental shit, beautiful piano pieces, aphex twin's breakbeat crazyness, and the rest.
If there were less random pieces and if this record was condensced a bit, it really could have been a classic. Excellent album overall.
Archives Decline
At the Drive-In El Gran Orgo
Atlas Sound Logos
Autechre Amber
Although this album at times can be harshly boring, most of the time this record supplies interesting, ambient electronica tunes.
Avey Tare Down There
and when i get fucked up i do the best i can do to not make myself fuck up again
Baths Cerulean
first song is awesome
Battles Mirrored
Beach House Teen Dream
Best Coast Crazy For You
i'm expecting this to be awesome, will most likely be 4/5
Big Boi Sir Lucious Left Foot
Black Flag My War
blink-182 Take Off Your Pants And Jacket
Blue Sky Black Death Late Night Cinema
Boy Problems Summer Tour Songs
Boys And Sex Boys And Sex EP
Burial Street Halo
Cage (USA-NY) Movies for the Blind
Can Tago Mago
Ceremony (USA-CA) Violence Violence
oh u mad? U MAD?
4.0 excellent John A. Hanson staff May 11th 08 4.0 excellent ?????)? | July 15th 08
Charles Bronson Complete Discocrappy
Circle Takes the Square As the Roots Undo
Converge Petitioning the Empty Sky
Cult Ritual Cult Ritual
Cursed II
Daedelus Righteous Fists of Harmony
weird, atmospheric electronic fused with brazilian-esque instrumentation and eerie vocal performances. hypnotizing, to say the least.
Daitro Laisser Vivre Les Squelettes
Dan Deacon Bromst
Das Oath Das Oath
Daughters Daughters
Death Cab for Cutie Transatlanticism
Deerhunter Cryptograms
Dirty Projectors Bitte Orca
Dirty Projectors/Bjork Mount Wittenberg Orca
Discordance Axis The Inalienable Dreamless
Distance My Demons
Divination Ambient Dub Vol. II - Dead Slow
DJ Sprinkles Midtown 120 Blues
Do Make Say Think Winter Hymn Country Hymn Secret Hymn
Earl Sweatshirt EARL
Eluvium Copia
Eluvium Static Nocturne
Enemies We've Been Talking
Explosions in the Sky All of a Sudden, I Miss Everyone
Explosions in the Sky Take Care, Take Care, Take Care
what is wrong with you guys this is so good
Failures Failures
brilliant lyrical work on mark mccoy's part. will killingsworth also kills it with his riffs on this album. just an awesome hardcore record.
Fang Island Fang Island
album accomplishes everything it set out to do. happy joyful technical madness psychotic fun yeah ugh yeah it just kicks ass
Fever Ray Fever Ray
Get the fuck out, Jonathan Kroening. Speaking of fuck, something should be done about the character minimum.
Flying Lotus Pattern+Grid World
flying lotus can do no wrong. mesmerizing ep, with its own personality and quirks.
Frank Turner Love, Ire & Song
When listening to this I get the feeling that Frank Turner is yelling at me. Accept the verbal abuse and get your ass kicked by Frank Turner and his ever delightful folk tunes.
Fuck Buttons Tarot Sport
Fugazi The Argument
Gang Gang Dance God's Money
Gang of Four Entertainment!
Ghostface Killah Apollo Kids
Girls Broken Dreams Club
i just wanna get high, but everybody's bringin me down
Gold Panda Lucky Shiner
Grizzly Bear Yellow House
Grown Ups Songs
Guido Anidea
Hans Zimmer Inception
Have a Nice Life Deathconsciousness
HEALTH Get Color
Hightide Hotel Porch Luck
i was searching your bedroom for any signs of life
Hightide Hotel Nothing Was Missing, Except Me
How to Dress Well Love Remains
Music is absolutely blissful and this gentleman fucking nailed it. as far as the vocals go, the bon iver similarities as well as the rnb vibes range from beautiful to grating, but regardless they still have space to grow.
I Wrote Haikus About Cannibalism... iwrotehaikusaboutcannibalisminyouryearbook
save me from my room, save me from my thoughts
Ice Cube Death Certificate
Infest Mankind
Iron Lung Sexless // No Sex
Jaga Jazzist What We Must
Since each track on this album is an individual masterpiece, I find this album can be a bit tedious. With each track being long, epic, and complex, it's hard to listen to any more than 2 tracks in a row.
But getting past that, this is probably one of the better albums I've heard in a while. Extremely intense musical ability, really cool post-rock, jazz, electronic crossover, and in general just a fresh, well orchestrated sound.
Jeromes Dream Completed
John Frusciante Niandra LaDes and Usually Just a T-Shirt
trying to figure out whether this record is escapism or unabashed reality
Changed the way I look at most House/Dance/Club music. Insanely fun album to listen to, especially when walking places.
Kanye West 808s and Heartbreak
Emotionally vulnerable and heartfelt soul is the only soul. Rejoice in 808 and auto-tune produced perfection.
Kanye West My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
Kickball ABCDEFGHIJKickball
King Crimson In the Court of the Crimson King
Kings of Leon Come Around Sundown
mugs who dont fux with this are buggin kings of leon ~~~~
Liars Sisterworld
It's like psychotic, alienated serial killers who only listen to Leaves Turn Inside You and Daughters.
Lifetime Jersey's Best Dancers
Lifetime Hello Bastards
Lion of the North The Compass Calls
Lou Reed Metal Machine Music
M83 Before The Dawn Heals Us
M83 Saturdays=Youth
stuck between a 3.5 and 4. first of all, you have to be in the right mood to listen to this album. the synthpop sound can get very grating. the dreamy, ethereal sound can get bland. the instrumentation sometimes may appear to be the same on every song.
But those are rare cases. When in the right mood, the musical intensity is a blast and you can just lie back and live through the 80s all over again.
Madlib Shades of Blue
Make Me Discography
Manchester Orchestra Mean Everything to Nothing
Maps and Atlases Tree, Swallows, Houses
Maths Descent
Matt and Kim Grand
Meat Puppets In a Car
Method Man Tical
Michael Jackson Thriller
Midi And The Modern Dance The First Three Years
Midwest Pen Pals Inside Jokes
Mono Hymn to the Immortal Wind
I truly believe mono are out of the post-rock range. This shit is classical and classic it is. Who can forget the marching drums, the epic crescendos, the walls of noise? Oh, wait. That sounds like post-rock. But take my word for it. This shit is tight.
cons: a bit of variety would be nice, can be occasionaly tedious(occasionaly), and do all the songs really need to be equally epic? For if all is epic, none is epic. Not that it isn't epic. It's epic. But not too epic. Epic enough to be nicely epic. Epic.
Mono/Poly Paramatma
Mount Eerie Lost Wisdom
Mount Kimbie Crooks & Lovers
ugh this album is so good. it's basically full of these wonderful, little warm, chill layers that make you think "woah dude why the fuck would you even do that, but sheesh that's pretty badass".
mum Yesterday Was Dramatic - Today Is OK
Nas It Was Written
Neil Perry Lineage Situation
Neu! Neu!
NOISIA Split The Atom
Noveller Red Rainbows
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Calibration (Is Pushing Luck and Key Too Far)
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Minor Cuts and Scrapes in the Bushes Ahe
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Xenophanes
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez and John Frusciante Omar Rodriguez-Lopez and John Frusciante
Orchid Chaos is Me
Orchid Dance Tonight! Revolution Tomorrow!
Palmkite The Sound Of Snowfall
Panda Bear Tomboy
This is good and all, but House of Balloons is better... sorry Noah
rbut they are completely different albums why would they ever have to be compared
Pantha Du Prince Black Noise
Phantogram Eyelid Movies
Portishead Dummy
Punch Punch
Return to Forever Return to Forever
really tight jazz album. i really like the sound of the rhodes, and the flute works like any sax or trumpet on this album. the vocalist is annoying, but she is easily ignorable. what game will we play today is really quite corny and quirky, though it sounds nice. other 3 tracks are brilliant, only occasionaly dabbling in the boring, corny, or lameness. It shows that Chick Corea had further potential beyond being in Miles Davis's backing band.
S. Carey All We Grow
slow burner, but the production is sublime and the tunes are serene. gorgeous album that will most definitely make my top 25 of 2010
Saetia A Retrospective
Saves the Day In Reverie
Saves the Day I'm Sorry I'm Leaving
Sholi Sholi
Sigur Ros Agætis byrjun
I like this record. I like this record.I like this record.I like this record.I like this record.I like this record.I like this record.I like this record.I like this record.I like this record.I like this record.I like this record.I like this record.I like this record.I like this record.I like this record.I like this record.I like this record.I like this record.I like this record.
Six Organs Of Admittance School of the Flower
Snoop Dogg Doggystyle
Sonic Youth Daydream Nation
Stay Ahead of the Weather We Better Get Goin' If We're Gonna
Storm and Stress Under Thunder and Fluorescent Light
Storm and Stress Storm and Stress
Street Smart Cyclist Lint Traps
Suffocate For Fuck Sake Blazing Fires and Helicopters...
dark, immersive, cold, alienated, and uncompromising. Suffocate For Fuck Sake's magnum opus is impenetrable and frankly way too long, but regardless shows brilliant execution and a stunning genre mixing with ambition.
Sufjan Stevens Illinois
Sufjan Stevens The Age of Adz
boy we can do much more together, it's not so impossible
Suis La Lune Quiet, Pull the Strings!
Surfer Blood Astro Coast
Talk Talk Laughing Stock
Tangerine Dream Rubycon
Tawny Peaks Harris Harris Harris EP
awesome ep really beautiful lush mathy tunes with an acoustic/lo-fi feel band is composed of friends of mine, drummer asked me to review/shove down your throats, you should listen and expect all of the previously mentioned. http://tawnypeaks.bandcamp.com/album/harris-harris-harris-ep
Teebs Ardour
Tera Melos Untitled
The Beach Boys Pet Sounds
The Clash London Calling
The Cure Pornography
The Jesus and Mary Chain Psychocandy
The Knife Silent Shout
The Knife Tomorrow, In a Year
My weed is regular. This album is good. Fuck you.
The Mars Volta Octahedron
The Morning Benders Big Echo
I've been told that this album borders on ripping off Veckatimest. In that case, I'm going to further put off listening to Veckatimest, so I can enjoy this wonderful, blissful ear-sex of a fucking pop album.
The Saddest Landscape You Will Not Survive
The Smiths Meat Is Murder
The Velvet Underground The Velvet Underground & Nico
The Velvet Underground White Light/White Heat
The Weeknd House of Balloons
The World Is a Beautiful Place... Josh Is Dead
The xx xx
"this is a revolutionary indie classic that will be remembered, maybe by a cult following, for years to come. fact." Not at all. It's very pretty, but will pretty much be lost in the void of quality 2009 albums.
Tim Hecker Harmony in Ultraviolet
Tim Hecker Ravedeath, 1972
Titus Andronicus The Monitor
So imagine in the middle of a well-funded Bright Eyes tour Conor Oberst gets drafted and goes through 5 miserable ryears of malnutrition and harsh battles. At the end of one particular battle, he sees multiple companions die rand he and a soldier he's never conversed with end up stranded. The other soldier is sitting on a log smoking a rboag, while Connor silently weeps and starts to hang a noose around his head. In his last few moments of life he rmakes eye contact with the other soldier and the man says to him: "Stop being such a faggot."
Trophy Scars Hospital Music for the Aesthetics of Language
i'm sure their lps suck and i'll rate them all 3's and i'll gain my objectivity back : /
u-Ziq Lunatic Harness
Unfathoms and Blasphymartyr Votre Cote Mon Cote
United Nations Never Mind the Bombings, Here's Your Six Figures
oh my god. is 2010 the best fucking year for music or what?
Veins Veins
Venetian Snares Meathole
Weekend Nachos Worthless
William Basinski The Disintegration Loops II
incoherent syncretic haphazard genre juxtaposition. banalities. everywhere. all of it: trite.
Wire Pink Flag
Woe Quietly, Undramatically
rainy day music
Yeah Yeah Yeahs It's Blitz!
Yndi Halda Enjoy Eternal Bliss

3.5 great
Andrew Lloyd Webber Jesus Christ Superstar: Original Cast
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti Before Today
holy shit I'm enjoying this
Beastie Boys Licensed to Ill
Beau Navire Life Moves
Boyfriends Boyfriends 7"
Chalk Talk Killing Spree
Clubroot II - MMX
Delorean Subiza
Devendra Banhart Nino Rojo
You know, I was under the impression that freak folk was more..........uh.......freaky.
Dr. Dre The Chronic
dredg El Cielo
What do you get when you have, a few awesome songs, mostly very good songs, some very boring songs, amazing textural musicianship, and unexciting vocals? You get a 3.5! Though I still cannot express just how amazing some of the atmospere acheived on this album is.
Echo and The Bunnymen Ocean Rain
Empire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate) What It Takes to Move Forward
Eric Whitacre Light and Gold
Gas Pop
Girl Talk Feed the Animals
Album isn't as fun as it used to be; Oh dear, I'm losing touch with Girl Talk!
Girl Talk All Day
God Is an Astronaut All Is Violent, All Is Bright
Hightide Hotel Secret Somethings: Vol. 2
Hot Cross Cryonics
Ital Tek Midnight Colour
Some of the best production i've heard all year, unfortunately Midnight Colour is a hard album to make it through. Hopefully it'll grow over time.
Jethro Tull Aqualung
Knapsack This Conversation Is Ending Starting Right Now
Les Savy Fav The Cat and the Cobra
Local Natives Gorilla Manor
Lou Reed The Blue Mask
So Lou Reed wrote a pretty good rock album. No complaints. Its just pretty good. Nothing really outstanding or exciting, but a pleasant listen.
Massive Attack Mezzanine
Matt and Kim Sidewalks
Merchant Ships I.W.T.F.A.E.B.T.E.H.E
Merchant Ships For Cameron
Merzbow 1930
Meth, Ghost and Rae Wu-Massacre
Middle Class Out of Vogue
Miles Davis Doo Bop
Mindless Self Indulgence Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy
Mobb Deep The Infamous
Mogwai Young Team
Interesting. While in terms of post-rock, this is quite varied in style, it's actually rather boring. Anyway, still a nice and interesting record. Just not as brilliant as made out to be.
Muse Origin of Symmetry
A fun heavy rock record. The band's musical skill shows off really well here. Matthew Bellamy doesn't make me cringe as much as he does on the rest of muse's stuff and I actually enjoy the tunes very much so. nothing genious considering its pretty much the same material muse always does, but its really pulled off here and sweetly demonstrates the musical prowess of the band. besides the drummer. he drums. hes ok.
N.W.A. Straight Outta Compton
Naked City Naked City
Natural Law Slump
Nirvana Nevermind
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Despair
A lot better than his solo album with jeremy ward.
Although this album sounds more like a bad acid trip than it does general music, it is rather compelling and is reminiscent of the soundtrack to The Shining.
The problems are is that there is a minimal amount of noticeable differences in each track, often featuring windy, effected field recorded sounds and pitch-shifted chanting. All the same, it's very interesting.
Panda Bear Panda Bear
Phaeleh Fallen Light
Phosphorescent Here's To Taking It Easy
Portrait Discography
Public Image Ltd. Metal Box
Refused The Shape Of Punk To Come
Rites of Spring Rites of Spring
Robert Plant and Alison Krauss Raising Sand
Very good album. Who knew that a 70s hard rock monster and a contemporary country musician could work so well, together. Although its not the most exciting or original, there are some very good tunes on this album. Great for roadtrips.
Rodrigo y Gabriela 11:11
Rush Moving Pictures
Samiyam Rap Beats Vol. 1
just some funny, chill stoner beats. awesome, awesome album.
Sed Non Satiata Sed Non Satiata
Smith Westerns The Smith Westerns
Steve Roach Dreamtime Return
Swing Kids Discography
not the most exciting or innovative album, but a very fun, dissonant, hardcore tinted emo album with lots of energy.
The Birthday Massacre Violet
Fun, Catchy, Poppy. It's great. But I don't love it. they seem to have a pattern, with a set mix to how much synthpop, electric noodling, and simple power chord progressions they mix together. and it can get very unsatisfying. then again iron maiden had a pattern. and they were goo......oh nevermind i gave them a 2.5
The Flaming Lips Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots
The way I see it this album takes near perfect musicianship and crazy sounds and ideas, but then creates an unfocused, cluttered, sometimes boring record. Many of the tunes are very nice(with the big exception yoshimi pt. 1, which i utterly hate), and the instrumentation really excells with this album, but it doesn't come together with this record. If perfected this record really could've been a bold statement, but it ends up just being a record with nice tunes that's semi-engaging and eventually leads with my head in my hands. But who knows. Maybe I'm just not well-rested.
The Flaming Lips Embryonic
Good record, but its lacks direction. Some fun tunes. Some regular tunes. Some pretty awesome tunes. But like most flaming lips albums, instead of being a cohesive statement, it's just bunch of flaming lips songs put on an lp.
The Radio Dept. Clinging to a Scheme
The Smashing Pumpkins Gish
The Tuss Rushup Edge
thenewno2 You Are Here
I guess the problem I have with this record is the same type of problem I have with The Flaming Lips. Great, fresh sound mixed with average songwriting. Its these types of records that remind me that innovation and a great sound cannot always drive a band. But its still a nice indie-semi electronic crossover that provides a good listen.
Title Fight Shed
Tool Ænima
This is a mysterious album. Tool is a mysterious band. Like Radiohead, they're great, just inspired horrible bands.
Anyways this record has insane musical work. Maynard's lyrics are really cool and ambigous. If there were a few more standout tracks or things that really stuck with me, this could be atleast a 4.5. But its definetely an experience album
Tyler, the Creator Bastard
Uffie Sex Dreams and Denim Jeans
wtf asshole that was literally months ago
and you've already taken my recommendations since then, suck it bitch
Venetian Snares Rossz Csillag Allat Szuletett
string strection: DUH....duh-duh-duh-duh....d-d-d-d-duh DUH!
drum machine thingy: boom...tih.....tktktkt tik....bm bm....tktk tt.....bbb..tih tih...tktktk
Vex'd Cloud Seed
Wait What the notorious xx
We Were Skeletons We Were Skeletons
William Basinski Melancholia
Wold Screech Owl
Xiu Xiu Fabulous Muscles
Yuck Yuck

3.0 good
AC/DC Highway To Hell
Only good ac/dc album. Tunes are fun. Bon Scott is fun. Brian Johnson can suck a penis. This is all I have to say. Catchyness.
Animal Collective Danse Manatee
Arcade Fire The Suburbs
Burzum Hlidskjalf
Death Grips Exmilitary
Deftones White Pony
Deftones Diamond Eyes
Emeralds Does It Look Like I'm Here?
Eminem The Marshall Mathers LP
Eminem Recovery
Jay-Z The Blueprint
LCD Soundsystem This Is Happening
Prog Dance, robertsona? Really?
Getting past that, this album is hardly an ambitious effort but seems to make it think so with it's tedious song lengths. Would've been better as 3-4 minute tracks. Would've been actually fun, because this record has downright funky moments.
letlive. Fake History
Lightning Bolt Wonderful Rainbow
Lykke Li Youth Novels
Mika Life in Cartoon Motion
I know it seems ridiculous that I gave this a 3, especially next to the mars volta. But this album is infectiously catchy. lots of fun sing a long moments, whether it be the vocals or instrument or a sound. however this album at times can be infectiously annoying.
Mike Patton Pranzo Oltranzista
Nas and Damian Marley Distant Relatives
No Age Weirdo Rippers
I really hate the vocals on this record. Even on promising sounding songs, the vocals ruin it. Which is really too bad, because there are a few noise tracks which are mostly instrumental, that sound beautiful. A lot of songs are boring, with the occasional nice guitar riff. Some bands are good at sounding raw. These guys aren't.
Though some songs are quite fun to listen to. And did I mention the last track, escarpment, rules?
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Solar Gambling
Omar, it's high time you ditch your fucking girlfriend. I mean it's dope and all that you want to restrain from your technical prog wankery, but your tunes are becoming a bit elavtorish and I'm blaming it on Ximena. Go back to banging Cedric.
Park Jefferson Childhood
pg.99 / Majority Rule Document #12
Radiohead Pablo Honey
The only bad radiohead album. Though I must say, I enjoy creep from time to time.
Rage Against the Machine Rage Against the Machine
Sleep Dopesmoker
Soundtrack (Film) Across the Universe
there are brilliant moments. and the rest are beatles covers done in highly processed american studios.
Stars The Five Ghosts
Stereolab Transient Random-Noise Bursts with Announcements
Taking Back Sunday New Again
Tera Melos Patagonian Rats
20 5's and the album hasn't even been officially released? To quote MJ ...."Self deception is possible"......nah but really it's like ratings have no sacredness these days.
The Crystal Method Vegas
The Exploration Basement Demo
adorable lil emo release. Gentle guitar tapping and really pained shouting. The vocals come off as a bit overdone at times, but they ultimately help build an atmosphere over the gentle instrumentals.
The Flaming Lips Clouds Taste Metallic
Ugh. Once again the Lip's pretty tight musicianship is featured on this album, but is accompanied by the really annoying vocals of wayne coyne. Pros: This time, they go for a western feel, kids! (please note the sarcasm)
The Mars Volta The Bedlam in Goliath
Bad for a Mars Volta album. Good for just any album. The sort of avant-garde funk metal attempt they're going for in this record just really doesn't work for me. I mean the riffs and solos are pretty good, but they're not great. At times its kinda bland. And cedric's voice sucks on a lot of the songs. Getting past all the flaws, its well-produced and I would definetely give the time to listen to a few tracks.
The Who Who's Next
Thom Yorke The Eraser
don't get me wrong........the idea of this record sounds great. but its not exciting. thom yorke sounds like he recorded the vocal tracks when he didn't have anything better to do. some songs are very good and the rest are kind of bland. the music is not wildly electronic as its made out to be. its just a bunch of guitar and piano loops played over a drum machine most of the time.
Throats Throats
Touche Amore/La Dispute Searching for a Pulse/The Worth of the World
Tyler, the Creator Goblin
Venetian Snares My So-Called Life

2.5 average
Bon Jovi Slippery When Wet
El Grupo Nuevo de Omar Rodriguez Lopez Cryptomnesia
Emery ...In Shallow Seas We Sail
davey u tha homie but dis album is not tha homie
fun. Aim and Ignite
I believe in the sincerity of this record. Its really a nice attempt at doing "good" pop music. But unfortunately, the vocals are too flamboyant for my liking and the tunes are too cheese-filled to be taken seriously. Makes Weezer seem like Sigur Ros.
Gaza He Is Never Coming Back
Iron Maiden The Number of the Beast
La Dispute Somewhere at the Bottom of the River Between Vega and Altair
La Dispute Wildlife
omg....instant classic!
Leathermouth XO
Megadeth Countdown to Extinction
Most average album ever. Anything better than this is good. Anything worse than this is bad. I like some of the tunes, I don't like some of them. Simple as that. Actually maybe it's a little better than average. But I consider it personally as a musical metaphor.
Ministry The Land of Rape and Honey
Muse Absolution
Not a big muse fan. This record, although very average, has some good songs like time is running out, thoughts of a dying atheist, and stockholm syndrome. But so much filler, and a shitload of boring, ballad type tracks.
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Cizaña De Los Amores
psych prog funk rock instrumentals that range from hideously underwhelming to decent, only to be further ruined by
Omar's monotonous, hispanic girlfriend.CEEEEDDRRRIIIIIICCCCC I MISSSSS YOUUUUUUUU. edit: really
though some of the riffs on here are really intricate and actually kind of badass upon further listen, but then they
fucking die in the background as his whore female singer croons latino elevator pop over it(sorry omarr). edit: hurhur
yeah someguestt i thought him and cedric were totally cirlcke jekrig fore thier eeitre fuk like 16 years of playing
together btu nah they atually bag mad bitches.
Panic! at the Disco A Fever You Can't Sweat Out
Thrice Vheissu
Van Halen Van Halen

2.0 poor
AC/DC Back In Black
AJJ Can't Maintain
Basement Jaxx Scars
Black Tide Light From Above
The nostalgia combined with intense studio editing is sickening.
Braids Native Speaker
godawful animal collective cover band got signed to an indie label and attempted original music. the resullltttssss
Chickenfoot Chickenfoot
C'mon fellas, this is just gross. I don't want to hear a bunch of old dudes do recycled rock tunes, with joe satriani wanking over them. you guys i guess were all good for what you were and I don't think you could handle much more.
Circa Survive Blue Sky Noise
Elder (USA-PA) Reflect
Fuck Buttons Street Horrrsing
Green Day American Idiot
Guns N' Roses Appetite for Destruction
Yeah we hate glam metal! We're just gonna look like glam metal bands and create music like them. BUT WE STILL HATE THEM.
Motley Crue Shout at the Devil
Muse The Resistance
Passion Pit Manners
Sleigh Bells Treats
The Dead Weather Sea of Cowards
"too avant-garde" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no it's not avant garde at all.
Wavves Wavvves
Wolfmother Wolfmother

1.5 very poor
Alter Bridge Blackbird
You can't enjoy music that isn't good.
Attack Attack! Someday Came Suddenly
Avenged Sevenfold City of Evil
as a friend of mine may say.................."eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww grosssss"
Avril Lavigne Let Go
Burzum Daudi Baldrs
DragonForce Inhuman Rampage
I hear power metal is illegal in Australia. Now so is lip-synching, without informing the audience previously. You rule, Australia. You rule.
Eminem Relapse
Green Day Dookie
Fuck this bullshit. Everybody talks about this being a nice enjoyable pop-punk album. Its annoying as hell! Billy Joe Armstrong's generic tunes make my head hurt. i hate this album more than american idiot. american idiot actually seems like a masterpeice compared to this.
Guns N' Roses Chinese Democracy
was I of the few not waiting for this shit record? as expected, it sucks.
Limp Bizkit Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water
Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight
Merzbow Venereology
Its really just unlistenable. I do like noise music and I do admire Merzbow's catalogue and the way he approaches his music, but I just can't listen to this and pretend to be interested.
My Chemical Romance The Black Parade
Owl City Ocean Eyes
Pierce the Veil Selfish Machines
Plain White T's All That We Needed
Simple Plan Still Not Getting Any...
Van Halen Van Halen III
Weezer Make Believe
Weezer Raditude
This album really depresses me. Rivers used to be one of us. With weezer's debut album, he awkardly announced his presence and provided a calling for the socially untalented. we shared our tales of our desperate love lifes over pinkerton. this album is another pathetic reminder that weezer is dead. why does weezer insist on writing generic tunes? why are the majority of the lyrics about partying and the popular girls in school(or whatever bullshit rivers wants to discuss)? im tired of their bullshit 4 power chord riffage and the purposely mainstream structures and the hideous hooks. WHY WEEZER?!!! YOU HAD SO MUCH FUCKING POTENTIAL!!!! *cries and listens to butterfly off of pinkerton*

1.0 awful
Atreyu Visions
this record really is just...pathetic. vocals suck, the music sucks, the production sucks. its not painful to listen to, but its a fucking joke. the least inspired sounding album of all time.
Brian Head Welch Save Me From Myself
Bring Me The Horizon Suicide Season Cut Up!
brokeNCYDE I'm Not a Fan, but the Kids Like It!
Have I ever mentioned that Limp Bizkit is actually my favorite band in the world?
Chris Cornell Scream
Shut up, Chris.......................................................................................................
Emmure Felony
Insane Clown Posse The Great Milenko
Lindsay Lohan A Little More Personal (Raw)
Metallica St. Anger
Tokio Hotel Scream

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