
Reviews 6
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Last Active 10-16-17 12:37 am
Joined 11-27-08

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  • ToSmokMuzyki nice
    December 31 01:01 AM
  • Dewinged Hey, yeah I was planning to do so for the review. The promo I got figured as Converge. It seems only Bandcamp have it as Converge
    November 18 11:34 AM
  • Jom To my knowledge, he has no intention of selling since he built the site from the ground up (starting with the tabs site). I'm not sure if the revenue generated by ads is enough to not run at a loss, but we're not given access to any financial information. My guess is that things will remain as they are.
    July 20 09:39 PM
  • Jom It's difficult to say. There have been no new additions (or modifications) to the site in quite some time, so it's doubtful that this is high on his priority list. That said, it hasn't been taken offline, so the bills are still being paid. I don't think any of us knows what to make of it, honestly.
    June 17 03:06 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell o hai tommy
    January 24 12:33 AM

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