
Reviews 5
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Album Edits 95

Album Ratings 1640
Objectivity 97%

Last Active 11-24-22 12:40 pm
Joined 09-25-16

Review Comments 4,178

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  • Casavir I'd generally recommend their first two albums. Into the Mirror Black is my favorite by a good margin though.
    June 12 08:54 PM
  • nylonhair Sorry mate, I thought you didn't listen to "Architecture" because I didn't see your rating. SoT is a great album, but my favourite is still their classic RtHD. But Architecture is my favourite of their most recent albums
    March 30 09:16 AM
  • nylonhair Ho mate, can I invite you to listen to "Architecture of a God" by Labyrinth? I think it's their best album since the first "Return"
    March 19 09:41 AM
  • deadcrown can you recommend me any good doom metal bands or albums?
    December 3 12:27 AM
  • deadcrown Hey thanks for actually leaving a cool comment. For sure tho. I'm trying to finish college but I live in expensive ass orange county, california so it's tough to pay for classes and find time to work, etc. Excuses right? but yeah I think I was just letting myself get discouraged thinking I had to do ONE OR THE OTHER. I think I was put off by the whole "Boring Cubicle Desk Job" lifestyle and I was having trouble figuring out what i wanna do. blah blah typical millennial woe is me bulls***.
    December 3 12:26 AM

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