Soundoffs 2 Album Ratings 52 Objectivity 62%
Last Active 10-23-16 6:15 am Joined 12-14-14
Review Comments 79
| Songs referencing previous songs?
I was listening to some tool for the 1,000 time today and the uniqueness of Disposition + Reflection fully hit me. I’ve always loved when the solo in Reflection references the previous song. If you’ve listened to the 2 songs enough you know what I’m talking about and I was wondering if there were any other examples of bands or people doing this because I’ve never heard it. I know people will say Parabol/Parabola does the same thing but I see it as more of a intro/real song situation while I don’t consider Disposition an intro to Reflection. Also one long prog rock song doesn’t count either bc it’s only one song. | 1 | | Tool Lateralus | |
08.13.21 | The bass in "La Mer" is the same line as the bass in "Into the Void" by Nine Inch Nails | ArsMoriendi
08.13.21 | Lyrically, The Beatles do it a lot:
-Glass Onion mentions: Strawberry Fields Forever, I Am the Walrus, Fixing a Hole, The Fool on the Hill, and Lady Madonna
-All You Need is Love mentions: Yesterday and She Loves You
-Savoy Truffle mentions: Obla-Di Obla-Da
-I Am the Walrus mentions: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds | SitarHero
08.13.21 | David Maxim Micic has songs on multiple albums that are built around the same melody line or incorporate it into the song. | widowslaugh123
08.14.21 | Check any concept album | chemicalmarriage
08.14.21 | Lol | auberginedreams
08.14.21 | Counterparts does this sometimes. | twlight
08.14.21 | Kanye on Saint Pablo, "wasn't supposed to make it past 25". | TheSonomaDude
08.14.21 | cuz you're unforgiven 2ooooooooooooooooo | Titan
08.14.21 | Dream Theater does it quite a bit | RogueNine
08.15.21 | Trouble by CtE | aydross121
08.15.21 | It's called a leitmotif, also yeah bunch of concept albums have it.