
Reviews 3
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Last Active 10-16-23 11:24 pm
Joined 11-29-22

Review Comments 246

05.22.24 Electronic Psychedelia 05.03.24 Users Whose Names I've Mixed Up At Leas
04.23.24 Indie Indulgence04.12.24 Breakcore Digs
03.26.24 Caribou10.17.23 Give Me Some Good Detroit Techno

Electronic Psychedelia
1Gustavo Cerati
Amor Amarillo

Electronic Psychedelia - Alternative Dance
I know I've created many enemies with my previous list that weaponized my memory issues and scandalized innocent Sputtists. Consider this an atonement, an attempt at an effort post by yours truly. My true Sputnikmusic journey begins here.
2Cibo Matto
Stereo Type A

Electronic Psychedelia - Alternative Dance
This list started as a Google Slides powerpoint thingy. I like making slideshows so I think starting lists as PPs just helps kick off my analytical writing. Crazily, I forgot this and the prev entry (which I have 5'ed) when making the slideshow. Luckily, that's two strikes out of three. Onward!

Electronic Psychedelia - Ambient Punk
Entries consist of:
Synthesized and pre-programmed elements
Electronic or sampled sounds and textures
In a way that explicitly uses these features as an ELECTRONIC dimension that defines or complements the music, and enriches the psychedelic experience. No matter what, the electronics are a contributing factor to the “psychedelia” of the music.
Hopefully this definition conveys to the reader that the list creator has never taken psychedelics before. LOL
4The Tuss
Rushup Edge

Psychedelic Electronica - Acid Techno
One last note (UGH start the list already!) sorry.
“Psychedelic Electronica” - More dance oriented. Your mileage may vary with this distinction. Arguably not that important. I’m kind of on the fence with its inclusion, but I find it useful.
5Denison Marrs
Holding Hands (@ 35,000 Feet)

Jk. M/A/R/R/S - Pump Up the Volume
Psychedelic Electronica - Acid House
First of two (kinda three) acid house entries. Pretty cool melding of house and dream pop, when both of those things were in a pretty developmental stage compared to even like 1989. It was apparently a big hit (10 million Spotify plays ain’t bad for a song that came out 37 years ago), and is a cool clubby crossover thing.
And it inspired the creation of this list. Loooove it!
6808 State

Psychedelic Electronica - Acid House
Second acid house. A little more acid techno IMO. But still acid house, I mean duh. Very very catchy and hype stuff. And the intro to that one big hit song is the catchiest and the hypest.
Drugs drugs drugs!
Sonorities by Starlight

Psychedelic Electronica - Ambient Techno
Randem deep cut. This is when the list starts reflecting my personal weird tastes a little more and a disclaimer is in order that this list should not remotely be taken as comprehensive. Just a personal taste kinda thang.
"I mean, is it reeeeally psychedelic?" You might be asking. But the music induces this trance within ye, that makes the P word the only Plausible explanation. IMO.
Aphex Twin this is not.
8Kit Clayton
The Angular Adventures of Kit Clayton in the Land

Psychedelic Electronica - Dub Techno
Velocette’s slightly more well known contemporary Kit Clayton releases this EP where the best track is by… Velocette. A remix of another track on here, W-Shape. Both versions are nice. The remix is more trance inducing hippie bullshittery. Very nice!
9Love Spirals Downwards

Electronic Psychedelia - Drum 'N' Bliss
This entry honestly does not belong on this list. New agey ambience does NOT equal psychedelic. However, this is still more psychedelic than Tame Impala (oooooh!).

Psychedelic Electronica - Ambient Dub
11Kit Clayton
Nek Sanalet

Psychedelic Electronica - Dub Techno
12Blectum From Blechdom
The Messy Jesse Fiesta

Electronic Psychedelia - Indietronica

Psychedelic Electronica - Ambient Dub
14Mind Design

Psychedelic Electronica - Ambient Techno
Kind of acid techno, in a way. Definitely on that dreamy side, in fact RYM calls this release “Dream Trance”. I didn’t even know that was a genre until now!
15Sweet Trip
Velocity : Design : Comfort

Electronic Psychedelia - Gazey Glitch Pop
That one release with an absurd amount of ratings on that website. Sept sept sept sept sept sept sept sept. Six stars. 100 stars. Awesome awesome. EPIC.
The rest of the album is good too ig. Like Dsco. Gaze with a 707 beat? Dance your socks off! Psychedelically
The Mechanical Forces of Love

Electronic Psychedelia - Gazey Glitch Pop
Genre melding weirdly reminiscent of prev entry, released eerily close to prev entry. Uncanny…
I will say that this doesn’t have the highs of V:D:C (Sept) but maybe it’s a more consistent release throughout. Not to knock either album though. Honestly really glad that either album exists for their own different, wacky reasons.
17Emperor X
Tectonic Membrane/Thin Strip on an Edgeless Platfo

Electronic Psychedelia - Indietronica
Silly album. There’s a great song on here about humans using new tech for their own human reasons that is genuinely pretty touching. There’s also “Intracellular”, which is peak zoning out music. Honestly most of this album isn’t that psychedelic, but it gets real on “Intracellular”. Or should I say, it gets SURREAL.
18The Exposures (DEU)
Lost Recordings 2000-2004

Psychedelic Electronica - Glitch Hop
Warm glitch hop goodness. Beautiful sample work. Marvin Gaye, you know it.
And that TRACK FLOW! *Nerdgasm*


Electronic Psychedelia - Indietronica
Earworms. Annoying earworms. SKIP.

Ok ok, the above may be true but you shouldn’t skip it, Cornelius is a creative whirlwind on this thing. He’s trying to tell you something, he’s trying to tell you that less is MORE. The use of negative space is so cool. The silence is musical! And the panning! The FX! He’s using the studio as an *instrument*. This album will break your braaaaiiiinn!!!!
And it’s electronic and psychedelic too… XD
Contact, Love, Want, Have

Psychedelic Electronica - Dubstep
And now for something completely different, this is a sick dubstep release that I lump in with the “purple sound”. Yoshimitsu is such a sick groove with such a good synth sound. I love the sound design on this thing, seems to be really pushing for total immersion into the 2-step 909 grooves. I still can’t really fully describe this.

Oh wait I can: it’s GOOD.
Hash-Bar Loops

Psychedelic Electronica - Dub Techno
Unts. Unts. Unts-unts-unts.
*Cozy ambience*
So evocative of a breezy, warm evening somewhere nice and cozy with people about.
Not really psychedelic honestly. I mean, kinda?
It’s psychedelic in how real and non-acid it is.
Hey hey wait wait, it’s so realistic that it loops around into being psychedelic! What goes around comes around right? :D
22Topdown Dialectic
Topdown Dialectic (2013)

Psychedelic Electronica - Ambient Dub

Psychedelic Electronica - Slushy Electronica
Really energetic, slushy, frothy tunes. Like ambient footwork tunes that have the electronic equiv of muted or spaced out slowcore strings. At a FAST tempo.

Wait wait—
24Tell You What Now
Tell You What Now

What about you?

This is a pretty malleable and loose-fitting definition, but these albums are pretty interconnected to me, maybe for their own reasons yet they elicit similar feelings in me. I just wanted to have a nifty catchphrase to document them, but this phrase or this vibe might have a unique meaning to you. Maybe you have your own albums that fit this tired, surreal, not-quite-happy vibe for you. I’ve been having vivid dreams this year and my brain wants to spend the entire day, maybe even the next 2-3 days after the dream mulling it over and getting completely lost in trying to figure out what the hell it was. I don’t necessarily even like this process, but it’s like I’m forced to do it. And this music is like my copium for it I guess? But it’s like anti-copium, because it has the same vibe as a weird dream to me. So the real title of this list should be Vicious Cycles: A Cautionary Dream Trance Tale.
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