
Soundoffs 1
Album Ratings 40
Objectivity 73%

Last Active 02-14-11 12:44 am
Joined 02-13-11

Review Comments 0

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  • whywontyoudie Sputnik is the musical equivalent to 4chan, so assholism is commonplace. if you stick around and aren't eaten alive/completely ridiculed (see KimmsightMatters), then it'll get to you too. it's not really a bad thing most of the time, but it does cause some insanely stupid arguments. listen to users like Deviant, AnotherBrick, and especially redskyformiles, as they are all dead on about the userbase/reviewing tips.
    February 14 03:51 AM
  • whywontyoudie cont'd: Defeater- Travels, Elliott Smith- Either/Or, Fear Before the March of Flames- The Always Open Mouth, Third Eye Blind- Third Eye Blind, Glassjaw- Worship and Tribute, HORSE the Band- Desperate Living, Touche Amore/La Dispute- Searching For A Pulse/The Worth of The World, Manchester Orchestra- Mean Everything to Nothing, The Mars Volta- Frances the Mute. i left out a lot, but i was just scrolling through my ipod. welcome to the site.
    February 14 03:23 AM
  • whywontyoudie i'm gonna give you some recs of bands that sooner or later, Sputnik will make you listen to. listen with an open mind, you'll soon find that every genre has its gems. Brand New- The Devil and God..., Opeth- Still Life, Converge- Jane Doe, Godspeed You! Black Emperor- Lift Your Skinny Fists..., American Football- American Football, Wu-Tang Clan- Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers), At The Drive-In- Relationship of Command, Botch- We Are The Romans
    February 14 03:20 AM
  • Athom Hi, welcome to the site. Sputnik music is a great place for music discussion and finding new music, even if some of the more "high profile" users can be a bit hostile at times. The one list a day thing is just a general courtesy because the space on the main page for lists is limited and the more lists there are, the more get bumped off the main page. I hope you enjoy your time here and if you have any questions feel free to ask. Also don't be afraid to venture on to the forums.
    February 14 03:02 AM
  • Spec Try and stick to one list per day. Just a little courtesy thing around here. You can also dig albums in a more "official" way by clicking the 'dig it' button on their album pages.
    February 14 02:31 AM

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