
Soundoffs 2
Album Ratings 6288
Objectivity 94%

Last Active 09-26-15 12:21 pm
Joined 03-31-13

Review Comments 0

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  • Hendoi 5 Peng! right now bitch
    December 25 02:43 PM
  • joshrhodes did you listen to slime season
    September 19 04:59 AM
  • MuhNamesTyler Thanks bro, I'll check what I haven't heard. You might dig these guys One of my favorite EPs from last year
    August 4 05:13 PM
  • MuhNamesTyler Saw you rated xrepentancex a 4.5, you got any bands like that you want to rec me? Also jus a lil fyi your shoutbox reply goes in the other users shoutbox or they will never know
    July 30 07:48 PM
  • deathschool Tom
    July 1 08:21 AM

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