
Soundoffs 20
Album Ratings 20
Objectivity 97%

Last Active 08-28-10 10:02 pm
Joined 06-15-08

Review Comments 2

Average Rating: 3.07
Rating Variance: 1.03
Objectivity Score: 97%
(Very Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Leo Kottke 6 and 12 String Guitar
Classic. Simply, that sums it up. Every folk listener (that I know) knows this album and loves it. A masterpiece start to finish.

4.5 superb
Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band Trouble Is...
An absolutely amazing album, start to finish. With the inception of Noah Hunt, the vocals are more than just strong, they are the essence of the blues. Chris, as always, is up to his same tricks behind the kit and they are solid. As for Kenny, damn that guy can play. In the Hendrix and SRV style, this guy attacks those strings through the entire album; he is arguably the best blues player around today. As a blues musician I hold the genre in high regards, and this album is perhaps one of my all time favorites.

4.0 excellent
Joe Bonamassa Blues Deluxe
More than half of this album is classic blues, and a wide variety of blues at that. Joe's style is both utterly furious and soothingly calm. However, towards the back half of the album, things start to get a little repetitive. Not necessarily a bad thing, but the ending tracks and definitely weaker than their counterparts. Still, if you are a fan of the blues, this album is a must.
Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band Live! in Chicago
Kenny delivers in top form here, with a slew of fabulous guests. Truly this is one of the best live blues albums of all time. However, after 10 Days out, I kinda wanted something different. I have seen the guy play numerous times, and just wanted an album of him playing his songs. Sadly, that isn't what this album delivers as it is chalk full of many other blues classics similar to that of the aforementioned album (it was actually recorded in the wake of it). My gripe aside, this is indeed a wonderful album. The guitar licks are as sick, soothing, and touching as ever, Noah does a great job on the pipes, and a shout out to the multiple key players on this album, top notch.
Outlaws Bring it Back Alive
The Outlaws are one of the best relatively unknown bands of their era. While overshadowed by the Southern Rock giants that are Lynyrd Skynyrd and labeled as just a knock off of them, the Outlaws' amazing talent greatly went unnoticed. But on 'Bring it Back Alive' all that talent and then some is set on display for all to see. The guitar threat, known as the "Florida guitar army", of Hughie Thomasson, Freddie Salem, and Bill Jones (Harvey Arnold splits his time between the guitar and the bass here) rip up the stage for the entire 72min set, culminating in the Free Bird homage that is 'Green Grass and High Tides' which I have to say is BETTER than any version of the former I have ever heard. The other amazing part of this album is the double drumming by Monte Yoho and David Dix. While on most of the songs their percussion is highly interwoven, on 'Green Grass and High Tides' they too are allowed to shine with each getting their own solo, which fit very well into the other song. While I seem to be focus on simply the end song, do not be mistaken that it is the only one worth while on this album. 'There Goes Another Love Song', 'Free Born Man', 'Stick Around for Some Rock n' Roll', 'I Hope You Don't Mind' stand out as other amazing cuts on this album. So, in my opinion, if you like Skynyrd you will like this band, but I recommend THIS album which show cases all their talent, as their studio versions have all had the balls cut off of them and lack any form of rock and roll.
Rocco Deluca I Trust You to Kill Me
An interesting mesh of blends, this album is an elaborate piece of art. True it is fairly rough at times, even unsightly at times, but that is part of the appeal that Deluca uses to his advantage. The vocal style is incredibly unique, but somehow fits perfectly with the slide guitar and the rather unusual distortion selections.

3.5 great
Disturbed Indestructible
Musically, the best work the band has done. It is on par with The Sickness as my favorite album by the band. The band pushed itself on this album more than any album and it definitely paid off. However, a couple really weak songs keep this song from a higher rating.
Godsmack The Oracle
If you like Godsmack you will like this album, plain and simple. Nothing is really new, it is just Godsmack doing what they do. The first half of the album is stronger than the latter, but that isn't to say that the second half isn't strong... it just sounds repetitive after awhile.

3.0 good
Alter Bridge AB III
A good solid album. They said it was darker, and they delivered there. However, after a couple listens, nothing really jumps out. Everything is good, but nothing is that great.
Breaking Benjamin Dear Agony
It is an alternative album, plain and simple. As an alternative album is is good, nothing special. Musically it is about the same as everyone of their other albums. The songs on a whole aren't great, but it is a more consistent album then their previous works.
Disturbed Asylum
If 10,000 Days is the B-side to Lateralus, this is indeed a B-side to Indestructible. It is devoid of much emotion, and for the most part is just a meh album. However, as I am a huge fan of the band, the more I have listened to it the more it has grown on me. Nonetheless, it is nothing more than good at best.
Orbs Asleep Next to Science
One crazy ass f***ing ride and I can't wait to get back on. Though this is not my preferential genre, this album is definitely worth a listen.
Radiohead OK Computer
My initial rating for this was much much lower, but with it apparently being such an amazing album I had to give it the benefit of the doubt and give it another listen, and indeed I have begun to see some of the things that so many people apparently think are amazing. While the style is not in the slightest anything I particularly enjoy, there is something in them to appreciate. This album is very different, and how it hits you is somewhat unsettling, which is in part why I have begun to like it. That being said this music is not my style at all, and Yorke's vocals are generally off putting I feel. But, and the main reason I have given it the rating I have, is that it is a very hard listen, and, by the time I reached the end, I found very little appeal in going back and listening to the entire album. That thought automatically lowers the score for me and gives me a sense that this album is, to an extent, overrated.

2.5 average
All Time Low So Wrong, It's Right
Exactly what you would expect, and nothing better. Made for no one with a Y chromosome or past the age of 14.
Angels and Airwaves I-Empire
I first went into this album hating it, completely and utterly. However, once i got passed Tom's atrocious vocals, I found it at least listen able. Still, there is nothing really worthwhile here, despite some good background music. Musically and lyrically the entire album goes in one ear and out the other.
Avenged Sevenfold Nightmare
This album I feel starts of fairly strong, with a number of solid tracks (some of which are the best that the band has ever done from the catchy Nightmare to the Unforgiven-eque Burried Alive). But as the band begins to explore new territories with keys and softer songs (obviously dealing with the loss of The Rev) the quality falls through the floor. I like the experimentation, but the songs themselves are not worthwhile (mostly ruined by Shadow's vocals/lyrics) and I doubt I will listen to any of them years down the line.
Hollywood Undead Swan Songs
I have to admit, that I do actually find some joy listening to this album, but I think most of that reason is that I don't take it seriously, as I know that most of it is satirical (the emo parts) and the partying parts I can live with. Is it a good album though, not really. Musically nothing is special. Lyrically there is only so much depth to getting f***ed up and f***ing and definitely tires towards the end of the album. But as a joke, or a album to listen to when I'm drunk, it passes.

2.0 poor
Linkin Park A Thousand Suns
Linkin Park is officially a band that has no semblance of its older self remaining. While Minutes to Midnight had at least 1 good track on it, it would be a stretch to say this album has even a decent one. Honestly, I have had all I can take of this band, this is the final nail in the coffin, they ARE dead.

1.0 awful
The Almost Southern Weather
As much as I wanted to like this album, I just couldn't. One of the few records I have actually thrown away.
The Strokes Room on Fire
I can see why people would like this album and this band, but they just dont do it for me, like at all. So yes this is a completely biased rating.

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