
Reviews 63
Approval 98%

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Album Ratings 246
Objectivity 68%

Last Active 02-12-13 8:50 am
Joined 01-29-03

Review Comments 1,093

Average Rating: 3.63
Rating Variance: 0.34
Objectivity Score: 68%
(Fairly Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Converge Jane Doe
Intense, emotional, aggresive, disharmonic, melodic, spheric, melancholic, angry... I could go on forever. This is Converge at their best. The album has a really good mix of all their best treats, and next to no flaws IMO. Maybe the production could be a bit better, but apart from that... A must have for fans of the genre and Converge
Refused The Shape Of Punk To Come
Apart from "New Noise" that I loved right from the start, it took me a while to really access the whole album and appreciate it. But boy, if that's done you're in for a treat. The approach taken at Hardcore here is really interesting, and the name "The shape of Punk to come" is really true in a way. Unchallanged are the clear political messages the band expressed in their lyrics. The booklet to this CD is one of the thickest I ever read, more of a manifest with detailed thoughts on all songs and the topics within them. You want great Hardcore from the 90's? Look no further, you found it

4.5 superb
And So I Watch You From Afar And So I Watch You From Afar
At the Drive-In Relationship of Command
For some one of the most legendary albums of the 90's, for others one of the most overrated ones. Nevertheless, it owns. Hard. The ideas are interesting, and (as so often) I'm abolutely impressed by the energy the songs posses. The ideas the band show are nice as well. Good musicianship, an overall great, if not perfect package.
Glassjaw Worship and Tribute
A great combination of pretty hard songs and mellow relaxing ones. You have songs that go straight forward or that just let it drift. Or both. The vocals are... different. You often read the term "spastic" for describing them. At least that's what I read quite often. Especially the guitarists use interesting effects and give the songs very individual notes and twists. You'Re into Post-Hardcore? Check this out. You'll love it. I did and do from the fist time I heard these guys.
Hot Cross Cryonics
I had to get used to this albums production first, and it surely lacks here and there. Still, the songs displayed here are top quality. Harder songs that turn into atmospheric and emotional ones. Screamed vocals somewhere between despair and anger. Mood swings every now and then, giving the son gs enw twists. I dare to say this is my favorite Emo album. No doubt about it. And the real Emo that is, not what MTV sells as Emo.
Incubus (USA-CA) Alive at Red Rocks
This is what a concert DVD should offer: A full length gig with all details, superb picture and sound quality. If you want a concert and not some funky extras, this is the blueprint for future productions. The added CD is nice as well, but the concert itself is just a pure highlight. Again, this is how a concert DVD should be: a focus on what's important, the concert
Llynch We Are Our Ghosts
Maybeshewill Sing The Word Hope In Four-Part Harmony
Modern Life Is War Witness
No Trigger Tycoon
Propagandhi Supporting Caste
Propagandhi Failed States
Raised Fist Sound of the Republic
This was a huge comeback after four years for the scandinavian Hardcore band. The vocals are as trademark as they always were, but there are new points like melodic vocal passages, interesting guitar leads. Can this band get even better now? I dare to doubt it. This is as best as it can get. Raised Fist at it's finest
Rise Against Siren Song of the Counter Culture
Rise Against songs are simple in a way. It's not uber-technical like for example Fall of Troy. Still there's a lot of energy behind this. Straight forward. The vocals are quite versataile, ranging from rough screams, to melodic parts to mellow whispers. You can feel the emotions transported through this, which underlines the lyrical content perfectly. Which is another big plus: not afraid to adress issues, and not getting uber-cheesy or corny at that.
Rise Against The Sufferer and the Witness
For me the best Rise Against have presented so far. Yes, they do not really leave the boundaries of their known songs. Still they try out a few new things. Like the spoken story song "The approaching curve", or instrumentations like cello or strings on "Roadside". It's all just one line of shout-and-sing-along-songs, with a message behind it as well. Best song: Survive, definately. So far, this is probably one of the best albums of 2006 for me.
Sparta Threes
The Fall of Troy Doppelganger
What can one say about Fall of Troy? It just blew me away when I first listened to their stuff. The fast paced riffs, high musical ability and the pure energy the songs transport are just some points that can pin down why I love this album. The lyrics are good, and the band as a unit work perfectly.

Simply Grade A material =)
The Fall of Troy Ghostship Demos
Never before was a re-release so anticipated than with this album. Distributed by the band at their shows, this has some kick ass songs. "Ghostship Part I" is just genius, with the slow and meneacing Intro, the change between fast paced and slow passages, and the release at the end. Just terrific. Four songs that play for about half an hour. Great display of their capabilities. One could not wish for more. Can't wait for the re-release next year.
Thrice Vheissu
This was a huge step for the band. And a drastic change to their sound. Les guitar, more keys and the like. This does not sound like the Hardcore band they started as. Which does by no means results in bad music. It's just different to their earlier stuff. The new musical elements add to the musical profile, all on a high level. There might still be room for improvement in the future, but this is already Grade A material.
Thrice The Alchemy Index Vols. I & II
Thursday Full Collapse
If I would be asked about my entry act to the world of Post Hardcore music, the answer would probably be Thursday. I read a lot about them online, being advertised as "Emo". Not correct as I know now. Checked them out nonetheless, and was caught by this album the most. Sure, you have to get used to the vocals, as they can seem strange and weird at first. But after a while this is really what adds to the whole composition. I like how the songs succed well in delivering a certain emotion, and I was always hooked by the bass work. Interesting stuff

4.0 excellent
36 Crazyfists A Snow Capped Romance
A Wilhelm Scream Ruiner
A Wilhelm Scream Career Suicide
A Wilhelm Scream A Wilhelm Scream
Adebisi Shank This is the Album
Alexisonfire Watch Out!
And So I Watch You From Afar Gangs
Balance and Composure Separation
Blakfish See You In Another City
Blakfish Champions
Boysetsfire Tomorrow Come Today
My first BSF album ever, and still one of the most loved. The combination of more mellow songs, but without lacking songs that seriously kick ass, I love it. The lyrics are quite political as always. Nathan's voice really shines on this record, being a big element for the moods the songs set. Solid record from an underrated band
Boysetsfire The Misery Index: Notes From The Plague
A new direction for BoySetsFire (and as we now all know, the final for the band...). Much more melodic vocals here, some new experiments. We have a ska like song, some nice acoustic passages and so on. A really great comeback after "tomorrow come today". Too sad the band decided not to walk the road further and split up. =(
Burial Untrue
Caliban The Opposite From Within
Cave In Antenna
Chuck Ragan Covering Ground
Coheed and Cambria In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
Coheed and Cambria The Second Stage Turbine Blade
Coheed and Cambria Live at the Starland Ballroom
Converge Petitioning the Empty Sky
Converge No Heroes
Deftones Around the Fur
Donots Amplify the good times
The "Make it or break it record", or in other words: The third album. A clear change in sound and attitude could be noticed here. Some of the happyness has been traded in to adress more serious things. General world and society issues, or personal expiriences that were not so bright. It made them sound more mature and adult, whil still keeping casual songs between that.
Donots Pocketrock
The Donots, one of the first bands I formed a way of fanboyism for. I used to absolutely adore their albums, but I've grown out of that awhile ago. Sometimes I dig them out again though, as they are still an entertaining and casual listen. Especially this album, which marked the breakthrough for the band. Punk like riffing, sing along choruses and lyrics. A light weight summer record so to say
dredg El Cielo
dredg Catch Without Arms
Evergreen Terrace Wolfbiker
Evergreen Terrace Almost Home
Every Time I Die New Junk Aesthetic
Every Time I Die Ex Lives
Fear My Thoughts Hell Sweet Hell
Metalcore, the different way. Or better put: Metalcore turned melodic Death Metal. This is one of those bands that I really enjoy, a nice guitar sound, and a good integration of slight string/keyboard parts into the songs. Not overdone though, nice. Some of the songs stretch though, and are a bit boring. Otherwise the album might have passed the 4 in my book
Funeral Diner The Underdark
Funeral for a Friend Casually Dressed & Deep in Conversation
Heaven Shall Burn Antigone
This one is evil. A kicking bastard of Death Metal/Metalcore. The musical side is not really that innovative, deep riffs, highly distorted. BUT, check out them vocals! Not so much variation, but evil, grumbling screaming. Good stuff. Perfect soundtrack for a bad day
Heaven Shall Burn Iconoclast (Part 1: The Final Resistance)
"Iconoclast Vol. I" is simply put the best Heaven Shall Burn album to date. With interesting new sound experiments, like the dance beat on "Murderers Of All Murderers" or overall the courage to rather step-down than turning it up to the max, Heaven Shall Burn showcase a brilliant progression from the precessor "Deaf To Our Prayers".
Only problem are slight sound problems, as certain guitar melodies and especially the bass playing get drowned in the mix. But this are only minor points, as the overall sound suits the album very well.
To sum it up with one sentence: This is Metalcore with strong Melodic Death Metal influences, and that at it's best.
Hopesfall The Satellite Years
Good combination of melody and raw heavy sounds, Satellite Years featured a much more heavy vocal style than the follow up A-Types. What is really great about this album is the swing between acoustic passages and distorted riffing. The all-time shouted vocals did not fit all time though.
Hopesfall A Types
Interesting change from "Satellite Years", but not one to the worse. Where SY was more "a lot of screaming over partly acoustic songs", the melodic singing voice is more foreground here. Which does not mean the shouting is all gone. The songs are well structured, and the lyrics are among the better out there. The almost perfect mix of all the elements (loud/mellow dynamics, shouting/singing etc) for this genre. Good stuff
Hopesfall Magnetic North
Hot Cross Risk Revival
Hot Water Music Caution
Hot Water Music A Flight and a Crash
Ignite Our Darkest Days
Ignite A Place Called Home
Incubus (USA-CA) Make Yourself
Incubus (USA-CA) S.C.I.E.N.C.E.
Incubus with a rawer edge. The riffs have a slight metal touch here and there, the samples and electronic parts are much more present here. Still, the album has a big groove on most of the songs, while others are very dark for Incubus. Highlights: the slap bass parts of Dirk Lance, he made good use of them here. You want to hear the more experimental and harder side of Incubus? Maybe start looking here
Jimmy Eat World Bleed American
This is an unnoticable record. At least when played while doing something. "What, over already?" But when you take the time to listen to it, and pay attention to the details that sleep here and there, it's a really entertaining listen. A more Indie/General Rock approach here. First album by Jimmy eat World I ever got, and still so far my favorite of their works.
Jimmy Eat World Clarity
Killing The Dream In Place, Apart
Killing The Dream Fractures
Killswitch Engage Alive or Just Breathing
This was basically the first Metalcore record I got into. Back in the days I was quite hooked by the combination of metal riffs, clean vocals, and screams. The old singer had quite a vocal range, from deep grunts to high pitched screams. This set the style for a lot of bands doing the "Killswitch Engage thing". Still a decent record, but today I prefer different bands from the genre.
La Dispute Wildlife
Make Do and Mend End Measured Mile
Maroon When Worlds Collide
Wicked guitar work, the clearly have the Metal thing going on. Overall a very interesting record, with shifts between melodic and soothing to hard hitting. Some funny elements (Power Metal guest vocals on a song, turning it into a Maiden like song) bring nice variation, guest vocals by Roger Miret ruin another song though. Still, the musicianship is quite good, and it's a lot of fun to listen to
Minus the Bear Highly Refined Pirates
When I first read about this band (and got interested in checking them out), it was from a sticker on a Fall of Troy album. When I further read that the guitarist of Botch is in there... well, I expected something Fall of Troy like. Sure I was suprised when I heard their songs, but not disappointed. The guitar work is really good and technical though it's quite mellow. There is a lot to discover here, drumming, vocals, guitar. Only the bass seems a bit simple though always present. Good stuff. Really good stuff
Minus the Bear Menos El Oso
Misery Signals Controller
Moneybrother To die alone
More Than Life Brave Enough To Fail
Much the Same Survive
Muse Absolution
No Trigger Canyoneer
Oceansize Frames
Poison the Well You Come Before You
Poison the Well The Tropic Rot
Polar Bear Club Chasing Hamburg
Polar Bear Club Clash Battle Guilt Pride
"Clash Battle Guilt Pride" is an excellent output and progression for Polar Bear Club, though progression might not be the right word. This album is a continuation of "Chasing Hamburg", and only hindered by anthemic "Screams in Caves" and "My Best Days" which leave the rest a bit weak in comparison
Porcupine Tree Deadwing
The band with the interesting name. This was the first album I ever got by them, and it's a compelling listen. You get a lot of elements here: Sometimes more metal like riffing, casual rock passages, a bit of synth elements here and there. It's an interesting mix that provides a good listen. I guess it's something Progressive listeners should check out for sure
Propagandhi Potemkin City Limits
Raised Fist Dedication
Hm, my first Hardcore-ish album that I ever bought. After hearing the song Dedication on a music magazine sampler I was hooked. The song was hard, but yet very positive. Well, you can not necessarily say that for the rest of the album, as it is quite dark here and there. Very trademark though. You will recognise those vocals everywhere. 100% sure of that. You want some old-school like Hardcore? Check these folks out
Raised Fist From the North
Unlike Veil Of Ignorance this album clicked with me on first listen. I like the injection of more melodic guitar lines, the voice of Alle is still one of the most instantly recognisable ones in the scene. rVery good release indeed, my first gem of 2015.
Red City Radio The Dangers of Standing Still
Rise Against Revolutions per Minute
Many consider this THE definate Rise Against album. And I can see why. It features the known treats by RA: the driving beat, the political inspired lyrics that do not fear to have personal issues as topic as well. It's very solid, and features some great songs. But it is oddly enough my least played Rise Against album. Nevertheless, I think this is great work, and owns quite a few bands and records out there
Rise Against Rise Against 7"
Shai Hulud That Within Blood Ill-Tempered
Sights and Sounds Monolith
Sparta Wiretap Scars
Sparta Porcelain
Strike Anywhere Exit English
This is another one of these "They do not re-invent the wheel, but do their job pretty darn well". It's music rooted in Punk. It features nice guitar melodies, not too fancy bass lines, solid drumming, a singer with a raspy voice. The topics of the lyrics are political/regarding social matters from the first to the last second. Not every line is uber-original, and the messages delivered are nothing that has not been here before. But, like I said, they still do their job very well. Kudos for that. :thumb:
Strung Out Blackhawks Over Los Angeles
Strung Out Agents of the Underground
Such Gold Misadventures
Such Gold The New Sidewalk
Really great progression from Misadventures. On first listen this one leaves a sort of teethless impression, as the vocals are really toned in style. But the instrumental side more than makes up for that, they really stepped up their game.
Sunny Day Real Estate Sunny Day Real Estate
The Black Atlantic Send This Home
Former Shail Hulud shouter Geert van der Velde amazes with a rock solid debut-EP that ventures into the Indie/Singer-Songwriter area. He shows that there is more to him than just screaming, and that he has an amazing sense for melodies and relaxing hooks.
Definately looking forward to the full length LP.
The Blood Brothers ...Burn, Piano Island, Burn
The Blood Brothers Crimes
A bit chaotic. Especially when it comes to the vocals. I mean that in a positive way though. The combination of whacky guitar melodies and the dual-vocalists with different vocal ranges gives them a certain something. This album was a bit more catchy so to say, being easier to access. It still has this raw chaotic twist Burn Piano Island Burn had
The Carrier One Year Later
The Draft In A Million Pieces
The Fall of Troy The Fall of Troy
Solid album, but somehow something was lacking for me personally. Still, this owns a lot of material out there, though the recording quality is far from perfect. Some songs just worked better as re-release on Doppelganer. For me at least
The Fall of Troy Manipulator
The Gaslight Anthem The '59 Sound
The Hope Conspiracy Death Knows Your Name
The Mars Volta De-Loused in the Comatorium
I always found that the Mars Volta albums are somewhat of a trip. Sometimes a good one, sometimes a bad one. What it is lies in the eye of the beholder. Still, the musicianship is good here, I think that is for sure. The changes and different parts in the single songs are interesting, especially on songs like Eriatarka. If you can get into the slightly whacko-jacko arrangements of this, it's good stuff. That might take some time. It took me weeks, if not months to really appreciate the album...
The Psyke Project Apnea
This Is A Standoff Be Excited
Thrice The Illusion of Safety
For me the most ferocious record. From the start on at a good pace, the overall feel is quite Punk/Hardcore, but a lot of the riffs and leads reind of Metal here and there. The lead guitar parts are what makes this a lot, as they are top notch. The others are not bad, but the guitar is what gets you the most. A good mix of kinda dark and happy songs. At least in a way.
Thrice The Artist in the Ambulance
The follow up to "Illusion of Safety". It seems overall darker, regarding the mood and instrumentation. The crazy leads of IoS are cut back a bit. Nevertheless features some of my most favorite Thrice songs, like Artist in the Ambulance, All that's left and Under a killing moon. Maybe the last record of Thrice that dwelled in the realm of Hardcore-like music, as they completely crossed the boundaries to the realm of Post-Hardcore with Vheissu
Thursday Common Existence
Title Fight Shed
Touche Amore Parting The Sea Between Brightness And Me
Trophy Scars Bad Luck
Unearth The March
Verse Aggression
With Honor This Is Our Revenge

3.5 great
36 Crazyfists Bitterness the Star
36 Crazyfists The Tide and Its Takers
Solid effort from 36 Crazyfists, but this album is somewhat lacking the "new things". In a way, it feels like a redone "Rest Inside The Flames". Still, it definately has it's moments, like "The Back Harlow Road".
Overall it's ok, but I would have expected more to be honest
A Wilhelm Scream Mute Print
AFI Sing the Sorrow
"Sing the Sorrow" was the first album I got to know by AFI, and so far it's my favorite. What I really like about this album is the combination of Punk like tones combined with an epic aspect. That comes from the multi-voice choruses, string arrangements and similar aspects of the music. The musical work is quite solid, though not overly extraordinary. What makes it good is how all the instruments work together to set the mood of the songs.

What keeps me from giving this a higher rating is that I sometimes feel the songs sound too much the same. It might be epic, but at the core it's still inspired by more simple Punk like music. Here and there riffs and structures seem recycled, which spoils the relistening value for me to an extend.

Still, a very good 3.5 ot of 5 from me.Fun to listen to, though not all day and night long
Alexisonfire Crisis
Armor For Sleep What To Do When You Are Dead
As I Lay Dying Shadows Are Security
Ash Meltdown
Audioslave Out of Exile
Billy Talent Billy Talent
Billy Talent Billy Talent II
Comeback Kid Wake the Dead
Comeback Kid Turn It Around
Danko Jones Sleep is the Enemy
Deftones White Pony
Down-Stares Cobras And Matadors
Fear My Thoughts The Great Collapse
Fire in the Attic Crush/Rebuild
From First to Last Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has a Body Count
From Plan to Progress Ink Stains & Incidents
Gorillaz Demon Days
Hatebreed Perseverance
Have Heart The Things We Carry
Heaven Shall Burn Deaf to Our Prayers
Hot Water Music The New What Next
I Killed the Prom Queen Music for the Recently Deceased
In This Moment The Dream
Incubus (USA-CA) A Crow Left of the Murder...
Incubus (USA-CA) Morning View
Most of the songs here are quite relaxed. Just listen to Are you in? for proof. Which does not mean that it lacks edge. Songs like "Nice to know you" still drive forward pretty well. The more mellow work dominates though, like Are you in? or Whish you where here for example. A good mix and the quality work you would expect of a band like Incubus. Last album to feature Dirk Lance on bass... =(
Incubus (USA-CA) The Morning View Sessions
It Prevails Capture & Embrace
It Prevails Stroma
This album is getting more shit than it deserves. It's definitely a grower, and while not as instantly memorable as the predecessor, it still shows a technical prowess shining through. I for one appreciate the drumming a lot more here, as the same double bass pattern is not reused every other song.
Life in Your Way Waking Giants
Lostprophets Start Something
Lostprophets The Fake Sound Of Progress
Machine Head Through The Ashes Of Empires
Maroon 5 Songs About Jane
Misery Signals Mirrors
Modern Life Is War Fever Hunting
Morrissey Ringleader of the Tormentors
The voice. This was the first Mozza album I checked out, after hearing "You have killed me" on MTV. I like the overall sound, which various somewhere between Pop and old-school Rock in a way. It's a nice listen for driving or relaxing. Good one!
NOFX The Greatest Songs Ever Written (By Us)
It's NoFX. It's a single collection. It has good songs. It has bad songs. Who would buy this? The die hard NoFX fan. What has the die hard NoFX fan in his shelve? Probably the NoFX discography. Which mean, he already has all the songs present here, maybe except for two or three exclusive tracks. Are they worth it? Not in my book, this is a rip off on the fans. Still, they write decent material which is why I still rated it 3.5
Nothington Roads, Bridges, and Ruins
Poison the Well Tear From the Red
Rise Against The Unraveling
Set Your Goals This Will Be the Death of Us
Sick City Nightlife
Sum 41 Chuck
The Gaslight Anthem American Slang
This Is A Standoff Be Disappointed
This Is Hell Sundowning
This Is Hell present honest and entertaining interpretation of modern Hardcore with their debut "Sundowning". Though some riffs sound a bit like the same (eg: Here Come The Rains and The Polygraph Cheaters), the band makes up for that with energy.
Like acts like Modern Life Is War or American Nightmare? Chances are you will like this band as well. This shows how Hardcore should sound: energetic, powerful, honest and close to the audience.
This Is Hell Misfortunes
Thursday War All the Time
Thursday Five Stories Falling
Thursday A City By the Light Divided
Title Fight The Last Thing You Forget
Unearth The Oncoming Storm
Verse Bitter Clarity, Uncommon Grace
War from a Harlots Mouth In Shoals
Waterdown All Riot
Quite a lot has changed since their last release The files you have on me. Melodic singer Marcel Bischoff left the band. And after trying to run the thing with one vocaliist, a new guy was 'hired'. With him an older edge has reurned to Waterdowns music. All Riot is much rougher than the melancholic precessor, and has more of a Hardcore touch to it.
The songs sound harder, the both singers compliment each other quite good. Melodic parts are often found during the chorus, many of the songs feature a break-down like part. Though that is nice, it's at the same time a big con for the whole album. Rather quick you get the feeling that most of the songs are constructed after the same formula. Some songs show different approaches, like My hopelessness and me with it's dischord like guitar work. But around the last third again a breakdown-ish part kicks in, like on basically all songs before. This could have been better. Lyrics are a split edge as well. Some are quite interesting and/or funny, others pathetically clichee (Yes Recruit, I'm looking your way! "We are a drop out generation, this is a war on everything"? Oh please, this must have been a joke. Especially the way it's sung)
Summed up: This is a good step forward compared to their older material. Still, I'm always left with the feeling that this could have been more. Better than The files you have on me, still lacking something...
3.5/5 overall
Zero 7 When It Falls

3.0 good
Alexisonfire Alexisonfire
As much as I love "Watch out!", as much do I dislike this album. There are two great songs, ".44 caliber Love letter" and "Pulmonary Archery". Those have nice melodies, interesting guitar work here and there. The rest sounds awkward though. Partly because of the mix, partly because its just not my thing. Diffrerent with the follow up though. Gotta love that one
Anamanaguchi Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game - Soundtrack
Aphex Twin Windowlicker
One of the most innovative electronica acts I know. Windowlicker is probably one of my all-time electronica favorites. The beat, the flow, the groove, all sparkled with these weird and interesting sounds, including sex-noises. REALLY good stuff!
Beastie Boys Hello Nasty
Boom Bip Blue eyed in the red room
Bullet for My Valentine The Poison
Caliban The Undying Darkness
Compared to their previous album this one lacked a bit of the energy. It seems quite soft here and there, moving more and more towards the "Killswitch Engage"-thing, with the constant change between melodic and screamed vocals. It's ok, but somehow lacks substance and edge. Could have been better
Coheed and Cambria From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
The latest episode of the Coheed and Cambria story. BUt after all the anticipation the band stirred with interviews and with the lead single "Welcome Home", I could not help but feel disappointed with this album. Somehow it did not feel as great as it should. There are nice songs, like "Ten Speed", but overall... not as captivating as their previous works.
Converge Axe to Fall
Donots Better days not included
Foo Fighters There Is Nothing Left to Lose
From Autumn to Ashes Too Bad You're Beautiful
From Autumn to Ashes The Fiction We Live
From First to Last Heroine
Funeral for a Friend Hours
Genianalus Goddamn Motherfucker
Gwen Stacy The Life I Know
Gwen Stacy show a promising debut with "The Life I Know". Their mix of Hardcore with slight metal influences can entertain, though it has flaws as well. The breakdownish riffs sound very alike on almost every track, and seem repetitive. The band shows potential in the melodic moments, like on "If We Live Right, We Can't Die Wrong"
Up to now, it's quite generic. Future albums will show what the band will do with the potential they have
Hatebreed Rise of Brutality
Hatebreed Supremacy
Incubus (USA-CA) When Incubus Attacks, Vol. 2
Nice DVD, the acoustic session is great. But the concert itself had poor visual quality. Which comes from the lighting in the hall the concert took place in. The sound quality is still good though, and the set features a nice mix of songs from SCIENCE and Make Yourself.
Lostprophets Liberation Transmission
Quite epic, very very catchy, an album full of potential singles. But somewhat this records lacks the moments that made Start Something so enjoyable. Some songs sound like Franz Ferdinand rip-offs, others are just a bit too cheesy regarding vocals etc. This is the logic development of the bands sound after Start Something in a way, not the one I wished for though
Memphis May Fire Memphis May Fire
This is a debut EP that shows promise and is fun to listen to. The mix of Southern Rock elements, Alternative Rock and Post-Hardcore works quite well, including elements and influences from Everytime I Die and Van Halen. The band knows when to step on the gas, and when to slow down. Nice.
The production is solid, and makes a good impression over the 19 minute playtime. The band won't have it easy though, as there are quite a few bands that play at least remotely this style of music. If they can gain a big enough audience to remain will the future tell.
NOFX Don't Call Me White
Papa Roach Infest
Poison the Well Versions
Rise Against Endgame
Scary Kids Scaring Kids The City Sleeps In Flames
Silverstein Discovering the Waterfront
Sparta Austere EP
System of a Down Mezmerize
Taking Back Sunday Tell All Your Friends
The Blackout Argument Remedies
The Bled Found in the Flood
The Fall of Troy Phantom on the Horizon
The Used In Love and Death
Unearth III: In the Eyes of Fire
Waterdown The Files You Have on Me

2.5 average
3 Doors Down The Better Life
AFI Decemberunderground
This seems to be a completely Love/Hate record. I read articles in magazines how much this album rules. And how much it sucks. Similar here on Sputnik. I am more on the negative side. There are nice songs, and you can tell that they wanted to push the direction of "Sing the Sorrow", but somewhat failed during the process. Which results in the feeling to have a rip-off here. The songs just don't get me the way "Sing the Sorrow" did. Which is sad actually, as I really like that album
Atreyu Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses
*barf barf, barf barf* That's the first thing I connect with Atreyu. Yes, you can spot the singer pretty fast from a crowd, but it's more funny than good for the music. I did not really like the guitar sound on this album either, it was... strange. What gives the whole thing the deathblow are the lyrics. Sorry, but there are other bands that do the exact same thingway better
blink-182 Blink-182
blink-182 Take Off Your Pants And Jacket
It was fun when it came out, but even back then not really. I loved "Enema of the State", but by the time this came out I was out of the immature puns and humor, and the music was too... simplistic. Except for maybe Travis' drumming, the musicianship is very simple. Not many fills, varations or anything like that. The album still had it's moments, but that was not enough to keep me interested more than maybe two months. At the max.
Box Car Racer Box Car Racer
Disturbed The Sickness
From Autumn to Ashes Abandon Your Friends
There was a time where I really liked the stuff FAtA do. But you grow out of some stuff, and the process was put on fast forward with this album. Where The Fiction we live was not really that diverse or innovative, this one was just... horrible. I don't know, there were only two songs that I found half-way standing out, the rest was mediocre at best. The musicianship and song-writing just lack.
Limp Bizkit Significant Other
Before this album I knew no stuff like Nu-Metal and all that jizz. I liked and loved it, not knowing better. This album was a really fun thing back in the days, but after the hype swept away, it got old fast. There are decent songs on this though, that are nice every now and then on parties or in clubs. But for more it's not really suiting anymore
My Chemical Romance Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
P.O.D. Satellite
"I was young and did not know better..." Looking back, this is what I have to say about the time I listened to this album all the time. Like with many bands I listened to in the time around 00/01, the music was quite exchangable and not really the most innovative. Not yet playing bass or diving more into the not-so-popular stuff, I did not really notice that back then. Today, with more insight on how interesting, simple and yet effective musicianship and songs can be, while at the same time being original... this just falls behind.
Rise Against Appeal to Reason
Story of the Year Page Avenue
Back in the day when I discovered this during my extended Pop-Punk phase, it was fun to listen to. But it got old quite fast, as the material is more or less catchy but not something you have not listened to dozens of times before with other bands.
Taking Back Sunday Where You Want To Be
I had a very short phase where I was really into this band, but the songs and albums could not really bind me the way other bands could. Partly because of the cheesy lyrics here and there, partly because of the reoccuring arrangements that seem to be replacable with ease in a way. It's not the worst in Pop-Punk that dwells out there, but not really the best either for me.
The Used The Used
Many favor this one over the 2nd output of the Used, but I personally never really liked this one, except for "The taste of Ink", which I love. Odd enough. On many spots I had the feeling all that could be done was put into the songs, like big string arrangements. Less would have been more here
Underoath They're Only Chasing Safety
Yeah, I know. Many people love the band and this album to death. I do not though. I enjoyed songs like "Reinventing your exit" for a while, but overall I find this album too generous and exchangable. There are, for me at least other bands that do the thing better.
Velvet Revolver Contraband

2.0 poor
Comeback Kid Broadcasting
Hawthorne Heights The Silence in Black and White
To put it simple and straight forward: There are simply bands out there that do the thing better and not as cliche. SPeaking of the instrumentation as well as the lyrics. And foremost the lyrics. "Cut my wrists and black my eyes". Angsty cut-my-wrists-lyrics was redefined with this band. I can see why so many people can relate and connect with the music and the lyrics, it does not change though that it's sub-par. Well, and that others do it better. =)
Limp Bizkit Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water
I quite liked "significant other" back in the days. It was something new, and quite hooked me. The follow up was a huge bummer though. It seemed a bit uninspired, not really original. Musically it was ok, but Durst kinda kills it.
Trivium Ascendancy
Though I'm into modern Death Metal/Metalcore-ish music (a lot actually), I can not really stand this band. Yes, the solos are good, but overall the songs lack something to really tell them apart. Not to mention the vocals. I thought I had heard the worst barfing with Atreyu, but these guys are really competitors for that place. I can see and understand why people love them, but it's not my cup of tea

1.5 very poor
Linkin Park Live In Texas
Something like a rip off for me. The songs sound too overproduced and clean for live versions. You might as well listen to the regular records then.

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