Album Rating: 3.0
These guys always deliver. A top 10 band of all time for me. Very much looking forward to hearing this.
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Yay! Jom review...will check on release.
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nice review Jom! had to check "Behind the Blood" after name-dropping Priest like that.
this is a band I've not explored fully, but I have always enjoyed what I've heard.
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Album Rating: 4.0
One of my favorite bands of all time. I'm beyond stoked for tomorrow.
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Album Rating: 2.5
i've found the last two albums so, so boring
i can't put my finger on what's so different about this, the fall of hearts and dead end kings but man, dead end kings is so much better. i put that on and i'm immediately absorbed - excellent riffs, hooks and energy. i'm just not getting any of that from these last two records at all.
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Album Rating: 3.5
Dead End Kings is awesome. The Fall of Hearts is easily my least fav Katatonia tbh, haven't heard this but I'm keeping my expectations low.
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Album Rating: 2.5
i'd say this is a bit better than the fall of hearts but i still think it's a bit placid. it's one of those records where i have no complaints if it's on but by no means exciting or engaging. i'll give it another couple of shots.
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Album Rating: 3.5
I'll keep that in mind. I have a feeling it'll at least be a 3.5 for me, hopefully. Dead End Kings, Discouraged Ones and Brave Murder Day are the absolute best albums from the band for me. So I hope I dig this, gonna listen to it after I get home tomorrow.
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Album Rating: 4.0
The Fall of Hearts is better than DEK smh
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Album Rating: 2.5
me and spag have the same favourites cus we baes tho
the fall of hearts is bloated and boring but u still my bae
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Album Rating: 3.0
I like how you've chosen albums from three distinct eras of the band.
FoH is better than DEK [2]
This shapes to be a hard 3.
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Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off
not available on music apps yet...damn...I'm willing to give up from listening to this now (1st world quarantine issues)
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Album Rating: 4.0
The production on the singles is so, so good.
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Album Rating: 3.7 | Sound Off
I haven't really liked these guys since Night is the New Day, but this review has really caught my attention. It's really a shame you don't write more often. I was going to eventually check this out, but you've convinced me to move it to the top of my list.
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Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off
if this is anything like last year's Swallow The Sun I reconsider to be all in again X)
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Album Rating: 4.0
I'm pretty excited although their last two records were just...good. Nothing beats the great cold distance for me.
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Album Rating: 3.7 | Sound Off
I'm still a fan of Viva Emptiness over everything else. Especially the remixed/remastered version.
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Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off
"I'm still a fan of Viva Emptiness over everything else." ahahah shit! I owned that CD! I don't know the band's discog but that album is carved in my heart. Luv Willie
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Album Rating: 4.0
Yeah, Viva Emptiness is also pretty amazing.
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Album Rating: 3.7 | Sound Off
They released a totally revamped 10-year version of it with a better sound and even new arrangements, keyboards, and vocals that makes it way better.
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