
Soundoffs 45
Album Ratings 10259
Objectivity 80%

Last Active 03-15-21 2:43 pm
Joined 05-30-19

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  • NexCeleris Took me a while to find a truly good one you hadn't rated yet, which was kinda depressing but also restored my faith in humanity. Anyways, think you might enjoy Putrid Evocation - Eternal Gloom: A Void of Agony and Repugnancy. Loved every second of it. Please don't 1 it. Thanks!
    December 17 12:34 AM
  • someone Well that name alone sounds like sth I dreamt up. Will do, thanks aplenty
    December 7 09:15 PM
  • Feather Whaaaa I saw people engaging with a band member on the thread. Didn?t know whether they were a user first or just stumbled upon Sputnik discussing their music
    December 1 06:54 PM
  • Feather What a great rec pika! This interpersonal album is off to a hot start. How?d you discover them?
    December 1 05:59 PM
  • Spec ya know that rude condescending attitude isnt gonna get you promoted around here anytime soon
    November 26 07:46 AM

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