Throwing away all rawness, stripping away as much black metal as possible and going full force on
atmosphere, Passage isn't exactly the direction I wanted Alda to go in but it was kinda what I expected. The
instrumentation and atmosphere are both beautiful in their execution but it isn't memorable at all. The record is
also quite bloated with 5 tracks equating out to a runtime of 50 minutes. Passage is a good record don't get me
wrong, but in the end it just seems like Alda didn't know whether to go all out abandoning its metal roots or stay
true to the bands previous formula. It just seems unfocused.
EDIT: After a few more listens over the course of the last two weeks or so. I have had a little change of heart over
this record. It is still unfocused, yes, but honestly the acoustic passages are very soothing and the record
absolutely hits the nail on the head with the atmosphere.
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