Lish Prah, Okalinu I Vyzhenu Zemlu Ostavlya



by Silenius USER (66 Reviews)
June 28th, 2008 | 16 replies

Release Date: 2000 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Run of the mill black metal, Blazebirth Hall style.

Vargleide are one of the less well known Blazebirth Hall (a group of Russian bands comprised of several core members like the LLN, or the more well known Norwegian "Black Circle") bands, and a continuation of the more popular Forest, featuring several prominent BBH members. The second known release of these Russian Black Metallers, they really do not offer much new music to the BBH scene, and are very run of the mill if you are familiar with Forest, Raven Dark, Branikald, etc.

The musical instrumentation is fairly simple. Guitar Bass (not to be heard though) Drums and Vocals are present, no keyboards on this one. Guitars are highly distorted and generally bash away at simple tremelo riffs that have the occasional interesting melodic moment but are generally very standard and extremely basic. The drums blast away and usually have a double time feel created by the large amount of snare hits in the drum patterns. Vocals are deep and almost guttural, resembling some of the more powerful Russian Black Metal vocals, and fitting the themes of war on this album nicely. The guitars would be helped greatly if they didn't sound like every other demo tape quality guitar out there, because the riffs are far from attention grabbing or inventive. The whole thing relies on the atmosphere to be there, because Vargleide are not counting on you being interested in the guitar lines or drumming.

The atmosphere is however not really that great. I haven't heard the CD version of this but the tape is typically under-produced and has a somewhat raw feel to it. I would prefer on this particular album if the rough edges were smoothed just a little production-wise. The higher register guitar parts sound pretty good and fit nicely with the vocals, but the lower parts are very indistinct and noisy, and sometimes really bleed together with the cymbals. The vocals always stick out of the mix, but have little variation and are almost monotone, though they do have a good full sound to them.

What really plagues this album is that there is no reason to check this out other than being interested in what Forest's continuation sounded like. The band doesn't do anything badly, everything is solid and in place. Unlike similar bands like Darkthrone, however, this band is not able to produce the memorable riffs needed to carry this album. The repetition of standard black metal riffs and forgettable production does little to help the album. It's good for a few listens and has the BBH sound similar to Branikald and Forest, but I think most listeners will probably stick to those two bands. This album is just an exercise in standard black metal.

In general the album really doesn't do much to further ones appreciation in black metal or do anything to expand the genre. This is just one of those albums that you get if you're interested in the style of related bands and are fine with this band being a continuation of those bands. I would recommend everyone check out some of the bigger names in the Russian Black Metal scene first, and then if interested hunt down this album. It's one of those niche albums that needs some context to be fully appreciated. 3/5 For being very average but achieving it's goal of being that average band that is rudimentary and solid in what it does.

//Does contain NS lyrics/glorification in case that is a problem for you (although the lyrics are in Russian so it's not apparent from just listening to the CD)

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June 28th 2008


Either that is the most ridiculous tracklist, or I'm just not aware of the language.

June 28th 2008


Album Rating: 3.0

It's Russian and as far as I know sputnik cannot render Cyrillic characters so we get this instead. ;)

June 28th 2008


Haha. That is certainly one of this site's issues. Ah well. Decent review.

June 29th 2008


Man, I though I was well-versed in black metal. What the hell is Blazebirth Hall style? Good review BTW.

June 29th 2008


You can still get albums on tape?

Nice review. I would probably finish it off with some type of conclusion; nothing fancy (I will vote after). It just feels like it ends too abruptly.

I will give these guys a listen.

June 29th 2008


Album Rating: 3.0

Added ending and put in a little explanation for BBH.

July 1st 2008


Listening to Forest hurts my ears, but production aside the music was decent, like a 2.5 or 3, but with the production they're more like a 1.5 or 2. I'll look into this but I will be expecting more of the same.

July 1st 2008


i actually got pissed off reading this and every sentence (exaggeration) has an acronym.
what is "LLN"
what is "NS"

July 1st 2008


BBH have like, 2 good albums I've heard total, won't be checking this out.

Listening to Forest hurts my ears, but production aside the music was decent, like a 2.5 or 3, but with the production they're more like a 1.5 or 2.

Well you did check out a bad album, Forest have ONE good album, Like a Blaze Above the Ashes, if you think the production on that is bad you're a black metal pussy, plus the music is actually damn good.

what is "LLN"

what is "NS"

LLN is Le Legions Noires, a group of mostly shitty french black metal bands who formed a little club, Belketre are really the only ESSENTIAL band to come out of them.

NS = National Socialism, i.e. NAZI o/
This Message Edited On 07.01.08

July 1st 2008


Album Rating: 2.0

Massive difference between NS and Nazism.... yes Nazism would fall under NS but the two are not interchangeable. Especially since none of the BBH are Nazis at all.

July 1st 2008


Nazism is a type of National Socialism, they aren't the same exact thing.

July 1st 2008


Massive difference between NS and Nazism.... yes Nazism would fall under NS but the two are not interchangeable. Especially since none of the BBH are Nazis at all.

Nazism is a type of National Socialism

Actually, you're both wrong.
Nazism isn't a 'type' of National Socialism. The terms 'Nazi' and 'Nazism' were actually derived from the German words for National Socialism (Nationalsozialismus), so being a Nazi and being a believer in National Socialism are, by definition, the same thing.This Message Edited On 07.01.08

July 1st 2008


So basically Nazism is short for National Socialism?

July 1st 2008


Yeah, pretty much. I'm aware that these days the word Nazi can take on a number of meanings (grammar Nazi etc.), but essentially it's just a shorter form of National Socialist.

July 1st 2008


Album Rating: 2.0

Oh ok, I thought Nazi was just the term for someone that followed Hitler's ideology

September 30th 2011


thought this was decent

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