Reviews 92 Approval 92%
Soundoffs 36 News Articles 8 Band Edits + Tags 230 Album Edits 1,747
Album Ratings 815 Objectivity 87%
Last Active 05-06-20 5:38 am Joined 11-10-04
Review Comments 4,964
 | MO miss you bro m/ hope all is well
 | BSX Are you here??
 | MO Yea, the shugg are eternal, forever and always for me. If I'm listening to random albums and something from Nothing comes up I literally just have to follow it up with the whole album. Glad you feel the same way heh. As for Deathmole, it takes a couple listens for sure. But definitely give it a thorough listen, there are lots of subtlties thrown in, lots of great riffs too. Would make even the mighty shugg proud. Keep rockin' bro m/
 | MO not sure how much you've heard from this year, but I found this and I think you'd dig. track 4 is a monster, give it a whirl if you find the time