All That Remains
Victim of the New Disease



by Robert Garland STAFF
November 12th, 2018 | 143 replies

Release Date: 2018 | Tracklist

Review Summary: [Not] Everything’s Wrong.

Metalcore purists at heart were shocked to hear of the passing of All That Remains’ guitarist Oli Herbert. Having laid the very foundations of the band’s framework alongside vocalist Philip Labonte in the form of The Fall Of Ideals and fizzled shortly after that. The sheer quality of All That Remains’ music suffered greatly, never picking up the same steam, save for the occasional stand out track.

2018 is an arguably big year for All That Remains. Despite the fact the band lost its guitarist mere weeks before the album’s official release, the record’s singles showed surprising promise. “Fuck Love” brought back memories of The Fall… days, not just in stylistic fury but also in quality. The riffs, the screams, the furor are well placed and it would seem that All That Remains were making a comeback at last. It was a feeling short lived unfortunately as more of the band’s less than middling content arrived in the form of “Everything’s Wrong”. Now Labonte’s cleaner vocals have always been one focal point of what’s “wrong” with All That Remains’ soundscape, but it’s the cheese and over saturation that make one problem so significant. “Everything’s Wrong” exemplifies that very point, drumming the listener with the same problems found within A War You Cannot Win, The Order Of Things and the aptly titled Madness. It’s just a wonder why it took until the band’s ninth outing to demonstrate the sounds fans have been begging for since ...For We Are Many and The Fall of Ideals.

Admittedly, there are a few gems here and they may even go as far as saving this album from being a complete waste of time. But here’s the rub: for every track that redeems on the All That Remains “legacy” there’s the likes of “Everything’s Wrong”, “Just Tell Me Something” and “I Meant What I Said” that try their hardest to railroad what would otherwise be a concise, organic (and well received) album. Victim of the New Disease is a package complete with the best and worst of what All That Remains can offer. As much as the fans would love to give Oli a free pass, it’s hard to dismiss this album for what it actually is. The late Oli and co. present equal parts cringe and fierce heyday quality with both sides of the proverbial coin that becomes increasingly noticeable on repeated listens.

With any luck All That Remains will call it a day on the back of losing a primary songwriter while on a slight comeback in terms of musical quality. It’s certainly sure that Victim of the New Disease will not be the band’s master stroke, but considering what we’ve had to put up with these last few years from the All That Remains camp, I’ll take Victim of the New Disease with a grain of salt.

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Staff Reviewer
November 12th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5 | Sound Off

It is what it is

November 12th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5

Good review, if a bit short.

I do disagree pretty strongly on some points - notably on tracks like Everything's Wrong, Just Tell Me Something (my personal favorite), and I Meant What I Said - but you reasoned it well enough.

Staff Reviewer
November 12th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5 | Sound Off

Good review, if a bit short.

It’s about the average length. There’s also a lot here that’s been said a few thousand times before that just really didn’t need a lot of depth.

Also you won’t find me adding filler bits like “highlighted tracks”, “individual track ratings” and other cop outs that readers should be able to identify in the review itself.

As for the tracks you mentioned, they are easily the worst offenders here.

November 12th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5

Side note: I am a little peeved that this pushed my review to the wayside, but that's a petty crime, I can get over it.

November 12th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5

@Nocte: I can certainly see why they would be, but personally I'd say Fuck Love and Broken are my least favorites. Then again, I never like putting an album's lead single on top of the list for favorite songs off the album.

Contributing Reviewer
November 12th 2018


Album Rating: 2.0

1000000000000% chance that this blowz.

November 12th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5

@Hawks: Only way to find out is to listen.

Staff Reviewer
November 12th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5 | Sound Off

I am a little peeved that this pushed my review to the wayside,

I wouldn’t feel bad about it personally. It’s just the contrib/staff default flagging thingo. Yours still has the bulk of the discussion (at this point). It’s also not a crime ; ]

I mean if it bothers you, try your hand at the next promotion cycle... new contribs get their reviews newly flagged [i think] when they ascend.

November 12th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5

It doesn't bother me that much, but I guess I just was happy to be on the front page for as long as I have been. All good things must come to an end.

"Petty crime" is supposed to mean "not a big deal" furthermore but yeah, it's not actually a crime.

November 12th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5

Another side note: In just three days this has become my second-most played All That Remains album. That's after the massive binge I went on after Oli died, too.

Staff Reviewer
November 12th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5 | Sound Off

I mean I see your rating, but 2018 has so much better than this 50/50 drivvle. I find it hard to comprehend just how anyone can rate this so highly - even after reading your review.

November 12th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5

@Nocte: Understandable. For me, this was definitely a grower (I started at a 4) and its softer moments easily help it for me. After all, The Waiting One was my favorite song from For We Are Many. There's just so many subtleties on the album that really help it to me.

Contributing Reviewer
November 12th 2018


Album Rating: 2.0

Damn this actually isn’t that bad at all. I mean it’s def not a 4.5 but it’s kinda solid.

November 12th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5

I don't expect most to view it as favorably as I view it, but that's a common occurrence for me.

Contributing Reviewer
November 12th 2018


Album Rating: 2.0

Yeah I mean this is like a 3 prob but it’s way better than I was expecting lol.

November 12th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5

Yeah, a 3-3.5 is within the expected average for an album of this caliber. I do prefer this to some of the more acclaimed albums on Sputnik, but that's just my ass-backwards taste that relies on melody and relatability more than anything else.

November 12th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5

It's not quite as hot of a take to 4.5 this than it's been for me to 4.5 other albums that aren't generally viewed in that light, so I'm happy about that.

November 12th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5

5.0 classic

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November 12th 2018


Album Rating: 2.5

I can't even with some of these 5's. XD

Contributing Reviewer
November 12th 2018


Album Rating: 2.0

Most of those 5’s rule even though Obituary is the most overrated dm band ever.

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