| | Ratings (39) |
Give your Rating |
2.5 average | Atari STAFF | December 11th 18 | What a massive disappointment. The only album from them I haven't enjoyed. I have nothing against this more stripped down style, but this is more boring than captivating. Just makes me want to go listen to better neofolk by the likes of Tenhi or Sangre de Muerdago
1 Bumps | Bump |
2.0 poor | shanks | December 4th 18 | Bought this as I really enjoyed the other three albums, but sorry this is pish. Just boring folk singer and some twangy strings , no atmosphere , listened all the way through and its all the same.
Bump |
3.0 good | JoneHK | January 27th 25 |
5.0 classic | Blaidd | April 7th 23 |
4.0 excellent | Aranox | October 1st 19 |
4.0 excellent | YMII | December 28th 18 |
2.5 average | Wolfe | December 4th 18 |
2.5 average | neikos | December 2nd 18 |
2.5 average | Elynna | November 24th 18 |
3.5 great | Pho3nix | November 23rd 18 |
3.0 good | Jeejee | November 23rd 18 |
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