Attack Attack!
Someday Came Suddenly



by McDiggitz USER (10 Reviews)
February 1st, 2009 | 366 replies

Release Date: 2008 | Tracklist

Review Summary: I always wondered what would happen if Norma Jean raped Daft Punk.

These guys are damn good. I have good hopes for their future. They need to drop that auto tune in the vocals, but other than that an interesting, well crafted album. It's not the best thing I've ever heard, but the potential for greatness is there. The question is, will they take the route for creativity and breaking boundaries, or will they opt to take money.

Hot Grills and High Tops is hilarious and fun. Sounds like any Lil' Wayne song with a little screaming in the background. Classic and makes me like them right off the bat. 5/5

Stick Stickly starts out with a nice contrast from the intro. I love when a band can switch it up like Attack Attack does here, and do it well. Just stopping and changing has to be approached in a certain way, and they nail it. I will admit, I find the clean vocals annoying as hell. Listen close and you can hear the auto tune on his voice all over the place. That means 2 things: He can't hit notes well, and his engineer doesn't know what he's doing. And if they do it deliberately, well then it's just cheesy beyond belief. If you use auto tune or melodyne correctly, I shouldn't be able to tell you did anything at all. But other than that, the song is generally heavy and very rockin'. Thankfully the clean vocals weren't the bulk of the song. I will say, over the electronic, it DOES fit. But over the metal, it does NOT. The auto tune is a synth effect and blended in with the metal, it sticks out like a sore thumb. 4/5

Bro, Ashley's here starts out very hopeful. I like the heaviness of the intro, the dissonance is great and appropriate, but then they drop into a very pop-punk riff with that auto tuned vocal again, and that, for lack of a better word, sucks. It changes it up between the heavy and soft a lot, and the heavy in this song is tight. The screams are powerful, the guitars interesting, the drums fun, but the clean in this song is just cheesy. But that outro riff is SO fierce, that it saves this song from a possible 2.5/5 score. 3.5/5

Shred, White, and Blue starts out strong and just keeps it up for most of the song. It keeps throwing punches and great riffs come out of no where. Even the singing is appropriate. I think this is one of the best songs on the album. Heavy, and the synth on this song is nuts. Fast, and out of control. 4.5/5

Party Foul is another action packed extravaganza of a song. It keeps the energy high through out the whole thing. And thank god, the singing was nil on this song. The breakdown is legendary. This shows a real creative side to their hardcore. Yes Pretentious Music Kid, hardcore can be creative in and of itself. It doesn't need to be cross-genre to be creative. The synth is minimum, but I think this song gives a real taste of what they can do musically within only one genre, and that gives me real hope for the band's future. 5/5

What Happens... is hit and miss with me again. Here, they do not switch between styles as well as before. The lighter stuff seems like it's just throw into the heavy stuff. The riffs just end and begin with no semblance of order, rhyme, or reason. Not a huge fan. Breakdown isn't even worth the wait. Funny title though. 2/5

Interlude is a synth heavy, well, interlude. Normally I would skip said interludes on just about any album. But I like it. I don't care how cheesy it is. I'm down with Daft Punk. As long as it doesn't have some spanish woman singer over it with too much processing, I'm down. It's good to see hardcore bands like more than just hardcore. 4/5

The People Elbow reminds me of Death Kult Social Club a lot. The vocals at the intro are very like francis's. I don't know if I like that or not. Obviously FATA didn't have the synth line over it. But here, AA keeps it fast paced, but the breaks in the song are a little abrupt again. Not as bad, but a few places could have been done better. They need to find a way to fit the pieces better. But over all, not a bad song at all. Just not the most original. 3/5

Kickin Wing, Animal Doctor is a great reference to Joe Dirt. And what a song to do tribute. Starts out with lots of punch and style. Good change ups, good energy. I really like when they stay heavy. The talking thing is a bit, meh, but most of it is just a faced paced, barrage of breakdown like riffs, shredding, dissonance, and a bangin' good time. 4.5/5

Dr. Shavargo Part 3 is decent. Musically it's a little boring. But, it is catchy enough in a lot of parts to keep you listening. I wouldn't skip it, but I'm never going to go right to it either. Solid, but nothing remarkable. The electronic break into the heavy ending was a little too much ballad cheese for me. Not epic enough to make it good. 3/5

Catfish Soup is kind of what you'd expect as the last song. Kind of the most head-bobbing track. Well written, lots of change ups, good creativity, and lots of epic qualities. I still don't like the auto tuned vocals, but it doesn't ruin the song. I love the piano break and the synth strings into that just huge breakdown. Great things happen on this song. One of the top tracks of the album. I'm all about just epic songs. And this tips the scales with its great transitions from soft to burning in no time flat. This song was not written, but crafted. Well done, boys. 5/5

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Comments:Add a Comment 
February 1st 2009


Album Rating: 2.0

"I always wondered what would happen if Norma Jean raped Daft Punk." - Thank you, so much, for conceiving this sentence.

I'm not afraid to say it; I LOVE this record. The hip hop intro is great (reminds me of the intro on Infinity On High, although it's less self-absorbed than the FOB release), the Interlude is sweet, and the finale is fitting. The screaming highs are really good but the low growls need a little bit of work. This band is just a joke to a lot of the naysayers, but, like the reviewer, I see potential (especially with the lyrics being as solid as they are). This Message Edited On 02.01.09

February 1st 2009


I always wondered what would happen if Norma Jean raped Daft Punk.


February 1st 2009


I always wondered what would happen if Norma Jean raped Daft Punk.

It would sound shitty, like this band?

And how does one rap Daft Punk?

February 2nd 2009


1. Hot Grills, and High Tops
2. Stick Stickly
3. Bro, Ashley's Here
4. Shred, White, and Blue
5. Party Foul
6. What Happens If I Can't Check My Myspace When We Get There
7. Interlude
8. The People's Elbow
9. Kickin' Wing, Animal Doctor
10. Dr. Shavargo, Pt. 3
11. Catfish Soup
12. Outro

No thanks

February 2nd 2009


Album Rating: 1.5

So this was kind of funny at first...then I just came to the realization it's 99% garbage...and it sounds nothing like if Norma Jean "raped" Daft Punk at all...

February 2nd 2009


Garbage is certainly the right word to describe this mess. I say mess because I refuse to call it music.

February 2nd 2009


Album Rating: 1.5

this album is nothing but shit.

February 2nd 2009


Pretty sure this band sucks.

February 2nd 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

Haha you all are really cute. You're supposed to critique the review not the album. You can still like the review even if you don't

like the album. And you judge an album before you listen based on track titles and band names? Wow, that's... absurd. But to

each his own I suppose. I'll be content giving things a chance before I write them off, folks! But cheers anyway!

Oh, and "raped" is the past tense of rape. not rap. The past tense of rap is rapped, not raped. :D But good effort.

Love you guys! Thanks for the feedback for those that take it serious.This Message Edited On 02.01.09

February 2nd 2009


Album Rating: 2.0

Oh, you'll find that on Sputnik a lot of people aren't familiar with words and phrases like "objectivity" and "point of view". Many also seem to think that if they dislike the music you've reviewed, and a few others dislike the music you've reviewed, you, by default have no taste and are likely a homosexual. You see, on this site, music is either categorized as "s**t" (bad) or "the s**t" (good).

Have a nice stay.

February 2nd 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

Well one would expect such things. The biggest demographic for music is, sadly, adolescents. Unfortunately, they also haven't developed enough of a pallet for music. but you win some, you lose some. I appreciate all feedback. Good or bad. Let's me know how the general public feels about certain things. Always interesting to see that. But usually never surprising.

February 2nd 2009


Album Rating: 1.5

Unfortunately, they also haven't developed enough of a pallet for music

i blew loads rofl'ing

February 3rd 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

even the interlude kicks ass!

February 3rd 2009


Album Rating: 2.0

Reddannihilation, you so eloquently proved my point. Props to you!

I love how you people sit around and act like it's a chore, an annoyance that bands like this are gaining popularity. For one thing, that is a total cliche' and you're being pretentious. Seriously, how original is it to say how much you can't stand a rising genre? Get over yourself and go listen to whatever **** you consider good - your Coalesce and Botch. This Message Edited On 02.02.09

February 3rd 2009


Not a genre faggot, subgenre.

February 3rd 2009


Album Rating: 2.0

ahah! That's what you come up with? "subgenre" and faggot?

Oh, that's sad.

February 3rd 2009


Album Rating: 1.5

I don't see what the big deal is with getting upset over a rising subgenre (which is in this case more of a fad than anything). Even if you consider music like this fun or whatever, the fact of the matter is there is very little emotion, or even thought, that goes into the production of it, thus very little meaning and value can come out of it as a result, which more or less defeats the purpose of creating music in the first place. I'll agree that there are times when fun and rather pointless music is almost called for, but its the fact this "subgenre" has exploded so quickly and grown so much it's almost taken over most peoples perception of what post-hardcore and metalcore is due to its shear size and exposure that makes most of us so irritated with it. We care quite a bit about the meaningful and emotive side of this genre, and that side has been all but buried recently under the gigantic mounds of formulaic crap produced by these bands, so excuse us if we get a little perturbed from time to time.

Figured it was time for me to be pseudo constructive for a bit. The more you know...This Message Edited On 02.02.09

February 3rd 2009


Just another Post-Harcore band with synths and screams

February 3rd 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

Thank you, Marksellsus, for disagreeing and not once using any form of the word "gay". I find articulating a point much more affective than attacking the speaker. Though, to say any music "lacks emotion" is kind of ridiculous. All music, whether you like it or not, gets emotion put into it. Because you don't relate to it, doesn't mean it's not there. I find the swells and crescendoes of songs like "Breathing Room Barricades" to have a wealth of emotional content, but people will obviously disagree. I'm just glad you did it without insulting me. Thanks you so much.

Oh, and Redd... How exactly do you know how old I am?

That's what I thought.

February 3rd 2009


Album Rating: 2.0

What I don't understand is why you have to let people's misconceptions over a subgenre get in the way of you enjoying the music you love. You might have your reasons for disliking something, but I guarantee you plenty of people find literal purpose to listen to bands like Attack! Attack!. You don't have to agree at all - that's not the point. You have to be like people of opposing religions. You have to agree to disagree.

Also, the whole "you're a fag if you don't listen to the music I think is good" thing is a little tired.

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