Kevin Rudolf   In The City
Release Date: 2008

 Ratings (34) Give your Rating

0.0 cirq | November 22nd 09

this guy released a cd? i thought he only made that one song with weezy. song is catchy though, dont know about the entire album though


2.5 averageebay | July 13th 09

it's not that bad..... a couple of the songs are pretty tight


1.5 very poorkingsoby1 EMERITUS | January 13th 09

Terribly generic dance rock. I don't know how this album has anything to do with being "In The City", except that it has Nas and Weezy on it. Don't even bother.


3.0 goodhaley lynn | June 1st 23
2.5 averagejsaf7 | July 20th 19
1.5 very poornsarver | June 2nd 19
2.0 poorMatthias812 | March 14th 19
3.0 goodSarah | August 4th 18
1.5 very poorBilbodabag | December 8th 17
2.0 poorPieceoffshit | April 27th 17
4.0 excellentShamus248 CONTRIBUTOR | April 18th 16
4.5 superbParkersCannon | March 4th 16
1.5 very poorTimmyHotch | January 26th 16
2.0 poorJared Floryan | February 4th 15
2.5 averageabhishektripathy | October 21st 14
3.5 greatmiljesus | May 23rd 14
2.5 averageIneedabettername | March 14th 14
1.5 very poorsithlord416 | March 11th 14
2.5 averageJMNewcomer19 | February 24th 14
3.5 greatItzpostle | December 19th 13
3.5 greatSiriusgamer | May 14th 13
1.5 very poorShimana | March 11th 13
1.0 awfuldeviousdave | December 19th 12
2.0 poorZacharyHansen | May 9th 12
2.5 averagewarwickavenue | January 4th 12
2.0 poormylucidpandawalks | June 2nd 11
2.0 poorJakegx8 | May 22nd 11
3.0 gooddday624 | June 29th 10
1.5 very poorhydeyomoney | January 29th 10
3.0 goodDinoX | January 3rd 10
2.0 poordrMalicious | September 11th 09
1.5 very poortaylormemer | September 2nd 09
1.0 awful1buzzy | April 19th 09
1.0 awfullucati | February 15th 09
4.0 excellentJoshyPoshy | February 12th 09

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