Azarath   Praise the Beast
Release Date: 2009

 Ratings (38) Give your Rating

2.5 averageits fkn snowing | December 20th 21

slightly better just for sounding more like behemoth


3.5 greathexfix93 | August 28th 24
4.0 excellentOxide King | October 1st 23
3.0 goodaaronrgw | August 3rd 22
3.0 good"Be Like Water" or broke like an oak | January 8th 22
2.5 averageRancidShrines94 | February 7th 21
4.0 excellentCavalierjan19 | February 2nd 21
3.5 greatPouletteNoire | October 30th 20
4.5 superbConfessed2005 | October 17th 19
3.0 goodWolfe | August 6th 19
3.5 greatPikazilla | June 14th 19
3.5 greatMohammed | November 2nd 18
3.0 goodFear | December 9th 17
3.0 goodLord Pork | September 2nd 17
4.0 excellentReviewc0re | August 21st 17
2.5 averageGazAldo | July 23rd 17
3.0 gooddesecravity | June 25th 16
3.0 goodportableheadd | November 30th 15
3.5 greatdvd0bvb | September 21st 15
4.0 excellentDis_Con_Nec_Ted | May 28th 15
4.5 superbthemadavenger | February 28th 14
2.5 averageGetOutOfMyHouse | November 25th 13
3.5 greatmacrhybopsis | August 29th 13
3.5 greatVinesOvThorn | June 8th 13
2.5 averageVanSchuldiner | March 29th 13
3.5 greatCorporateRape | July 9th 12
2.0 poorAndYetItMoves | May 8th 12
3.5 greatxeraya26 | March 20th 12
3.5 greatev0ken | February 25th 12
3.5 greatgazanga | November 23rd 11
3.0 goodkrig9412 | June 30th 10
3.0 goodDemagogue | May 14th 10
4.0 excellentPhotographerAsh | May 10th 10
3.5 greatGhostK | April 9th 10
3.5 greatimmolator | October 4th 09
3.0 goodZoo | September 29th 09
2.0 poorlobby | September 6th 09
4.0 excellentAnthracks | May 6th 09

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