Baha Men   Who Let the Dogs Out
very poor
Release Date: 2000

 Ratings (50) Give your Rating

1.0 awfulsapient | June 16th 14

Did they actually ever find out who let the dogs out?

6 Bumps | Bump

0.0 Ethics | September 27th 12

WHO LET THE DOGS OUT!?!? WHO???? WHO???? WHO???? WHO????

4 Bumps | Bump

0.0 | September 27th 12


2 Bumps | Bump

0.0 Nerdurosis | April 24th 20

Y'all crazy this shit still smokes.

1 Bumps | Bump

1.5 very poorbellovddd | August 3rd 23

got bitten by a dog today so fuck you for letting the dogs out. cunts


0.0 praise jimmy EMERITUS | January 14th 14

Dog-approved since 2000.


1.0 awfulWav0fmutilation | September 29th 23
1.0 awfulBlitzPhoenix98 | March 28th 21
1.5 very poorEl Olam | January 29th 20
1.0 awfuleesdesesrdt | September 28th 19
1.0 awfulNikola Tesla | September 4th 18
1.0 awfulDoofusWainwright | July 4th 18
1.0 awfulTotengott | January 21st 17
2.0 poorVOTED most underrated user (2016, 2020) | July 14th 14
1.5 very poorlecube | July 8th 14
3.0 goodethos | June 16th 14
2.0 poorPowerBlitz | May 7th 13
2.0 poorheadphones | May 3rd 13
3.0 gooddeathproof | March 14th 13
1.0 awfulZantera | March 12th 13
2.5 averagechayka | February 20th 13
1.0 awfulTheThirdChildren | November 27th 12
2.0 poorSharenge | October 5th 12
1.0 awfulejb | September 10th 12
1.0 awfulKbusch123 | July 28th 12
2.0 poordiscovolante | July 8th 12
1.5 very poorSirob | March 7th 12
3.5 greatelephantREVOLUTION | February 22nd 12
1.0 awfulLiNaK37 | December 6th 11
1.0 awfulFishTV | February 14th 11
1.0 awfulCatharsis9012 | December 23rd 10
1.5 very poorCutMan | July 27th 10
1.0 awfulSmevin | July 1st 10
1.5 very poorThePalestMexican | April 25th 10
3.0 goodZestyCactus | February 24th 10
1.5 very poorninjacat11 | December 1st 09
1.5 very poorgocsa666 | October 11th 09
1.5 very poorSkyler | September 3rd 09
1.0 awfulYotimi | June 17th 09
2.0 poorUncleSombrero | June 8th 09
1.0 awfultaylormemer | February 27th 09
1.0 awfulCommanderKeen | April 16th 08
1.0 awfulJulio Babilonia | April 8th 08
1.0 awfulthebhoy | February 5th 08
2.0 poorLifthrasir | September 4th 07
1.5 very poormmbernie | August 23rd 07
3.0 goodIluvatar
1.5 very poorNuMetalMania
1.0 awfulColonel Cognitional
2.0 poorjimay333
1.5 very poorLiberi Fatali EMERITUS

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