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| TheSpirit's 2016 Listenin'
some recent 2016 jams that have been kicking my ass | 1 |  | Jordablod Promo
Black metal for classic/progressive rock fans. If King Crimson died and then you resurrected them a hundred years later, they would probably sound like this. The superficial aesthetic is all owed to black metal - the gritty production, the guttural rasps - but the songwriting is ambitious and the playing, dexterous. All this being said, it doesn't "feel" like progressive black metal, so it doesn't fall into the trappings usually associated with such fare.
https://ironboneheadproductions.bandcamp.com/album/jordablod-promo-16 | 2 |  | Lotus Thief Gramarye
It's labeled as post-black metal, but that side of the band really only shows itself in brief bursts. Overall, it's very ethereal, post/psychedelic metal with female vocals. It's very dreamy and lush, and thought it can be a bit long-winded at times, is still very good.
https://lotusthief.bandcamp.com/album/gramarye | 3 |  | AUM Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum
Primitive and cavernous death metal from France. They sound like more concise Incantation, so that take as you will. Not groundbreaking, but as far as death metal goes, it riffs hard enough.
https://ironboneheadproductions.bandcamp.com/album/aum-om-ah-hum-vajra-guru-padma-siddhi-hum | 4 |  | XII Boar Beyond the Valley of The Triclops
I can't say I'm generally a fan of sludge/stoner/doom metal (or metal'n'roll as they call themselves), but FUCK, this album is so much fun. As an outlier of the genre, all I can say about Beyond the Valley of the Triclops is that it's a raucous good time. It's groovy,dirty, and has a very "punk" feel to it, which adds to the enjoyment factor considerably.
https://xiiboar.bandcamp.com/ | 5 |  | The Venus De Melos Fatty
Great math pop/rock in the vein of The Speed of Sound In Seawater. The hooks throughout are infectious, and musically its complicated but catchy.
https://thevenusdemelos.bandcamp.com/ | 6 |  | Phobocosm Bringer Of Drought
These guys call themselves ambient death metal, and I guess they aren't wrong. There is a certain level of atmosphere present, though it doesn't feel pronounced enough in my opinion to warrant any level of extra discernment. Oh well. It's really solid death/doom.
https://darkdescentrecords.bandcamp.com/album/bringer-of-drought | 7 |  | Rhizome (USA) Demo
Pissed off and straightforward female fronted hardcore. It's a lot of fun.
https://rhizomesf.bandcamp.com/ | 8 |  | Black Earth Diagrams of a Hidden Order
Absolutely horrid and unsettling blackened noise akin to Sutekh Hexen. It's not just some random black metal bashing with jarring static transitions, but really well-composed, thought-out, mature, which makes it even more frightening.
https://blackearthband.bandcamp.com/album/diagrams-of-a-hidden-order | 9 |  | Liquicity Escapism 3
This past year I've gotten much more into this liquid stye of drum and bass. There are a few duds, but for the most part, this compilation is well worth the listen.
https://liquicity.bandcamp.com/album/escapism-3 | 10 |  | Wvnder Precipice
Super catchy pop-punk/indie/alternative. It has hooks and serviceable lyrics which is all that really matters with this kind of music.
https://soundcloud.com/wearetriumphant/sets/wander-precipice | |
09.22.16 | more colorful than my usual lists | LotusFlower
09.22.16 | i can relate to 2, and the album art for 9, 10, and 1 look absolutely lovely so I will listen to them. | Archelirion
09.22.16 | I definitely wanna check 3, 5, 8 and 9 based on these descriptions.
With the End In Mind is still kicking my ass tbh | Maniac!
09.22.16 | fucking elitist. | Futures
09.22.16 | i know you love black metal have you heard show me a dinosaur? | YakNips
09.22.16 | 2, 3, 6, 8 all look dope gonna have to check
you might like the new clouds collide album, it's not really my thing | TheSpirit
09.22.16 | 1 is by far my fav thing here so errbody should check that. I'll check out clouds collide thanks yak | Sinternet
09.22.16 | 9 is legit | ScuroFantasma
09.22.16 | Awesome list, going to check a bunch of these | Atari
09.22.16 | Whoah, gonna check 10. I loved Wander's debut, didn't realize they changed their name | Gnocchi
09.22.16 | Nice work man | HazelMotes92
09.22.16 | 1 is pretty great. Gonna keep an eye out for their full length. | Hawks
09.22.16 | I need 1-4 and 8 so hard. Will jam them all within the next few days. 6 rules. | Storm In A Teacup
09.22.16 | I love you spirit | TheSpirit
09.22.16 | I love you too ❤️ | Maniac!
09.22.16 | YOU ELITIST FUCK | TheSpirit
09.22.16 | YOU PLEBIAN FUCK | Maniac!
09.22.16 | ❤️ | TheSpirit
09.22.16 | 😘 | DoofusWainwright
09.22.16 | The cover of 4 smh | BallsToTheWall
09.22.16 | Need to hear 2 first. | TheSpirit
09.22.16 | Yeah two is up your alley |