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Last Active 02-23-21 8:12 pm
Joined 02-14-18

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Biggest letdowns of 2018

Albums I had high hopes for....then PLOP.
Erase Me

They went out with such a bang, and then they had to come back just to leave one last disjointed turd to soil our memory of them. Spencer thought Disambiguation was too "wEiRd" and nobody liked it (wrong) so he made a radio rock album and Dudley just let him. Come on man. To be fair, half the songs here are good. But the bad ones are offensively bad and I can't believe they will forever have UO's name attached to them.
2The Plot In You

I know most of you guys don't care about metalcore. I hardly do either at this point, but I've always been a big fan of anything Landon puts out. Happiness in Self Destruction was one of my favorite metalcore albums of the past 5 years and I had high hopes, but he dumbed-down the songwriting and actually let someone else produce this record. Two big mistakes.
3Death Grips
Year of the Snitch

I was so stoked for this, but very little interested me to revisit. I actually only truly remember the singles, which is sad.

I guess I didn't expect much because Eminem just isn't that good anymore, but even so, this was disappointing. One of those records that gets more and more annoying the longer it goes on.
5The Wonder Years
Sister Cities

I kinda feel bad putting this here. It wasn't a bad record. But holy hell did it grow off me FAST. The songwriting is more disjointed than most people realize and good lord why is the production even worse than NCTH?! Most of the choruses were forgettable and Soupy hit a new low with his melodramatic shtick.
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