Soundoffs 5 Album Ratings 566 Objectivity 67%
Last Active 11-10-18 9:53 am Joined 11-10-18
Review Comments 1,176
 | DoofDoof Will be checking your pie for signs of non prog and metal
 | DoofDoof Fair enough, I had only notice you s***post about a couple of bands again and again. Are you planning to slowly put up all your ratings here?
 | DoofDoof Why as a ?metal and prog? are you so obsessed with The National? They are not metal, nor prog. And you are a ?metal and prog?gy moggy
 | DDDeftoneDDD You did it with the video bro? I m absolutely amazed. There s some awesome passages that I only caught with them playing or having fun in the video...guest vocals are something awesome to notice on the video. My aoty atm if not more.