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Last Active 12-22-08 6:21 am
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12.17.08 The Best Top 11 Of '08

The Best Top 11 Of '08

'08 sucked as a year, but ruled as a year in music. I guess that's like '68, though. Here's to the albums that will rule during WWIII
1Bon Iver
For Emma, Forever Ago

True indie album taken to the fullest extent (serious social exclusion) with a fine taste for instrumentation.
2Have a Nice Life

Home recordings show where we are in the digital age: on the crest of a permanent DIY takeover. This album also totes song of the year: bloodhail.

A complete piece of art and unbelievably conscious of the present demands for a critically-hailed album. Only downfall is their inability to make their presentation as rewarding as their ideas.
4Extra Life
Secular Works

Pushes the envelope for artistic and musical sensibilities.
5The Flashbulb
Soundtrack to a Vacant Life

One man, 31 tracks, and more inspiration than most professional soundtracks. Needless to say, I hope Benn Jordan never loses his perseverance with new bipolar meds.
6TV on the radio
Dear Science

A glimpse into culture via content, though their sound stands almost irrelevant, this endeavor alone is a true annual success story.
7The Dodos

Folkiness and experimental decisions with passion galore. It's a bittersweet year when this isn't in the top 3.
Dragging a Dead Deer Up a Hill

Foreign influences and mass ambiance allowed such a tender touch that only Beach House gets close to recognizing. This album, as a whole, is a giant quilt of feelings as enveloping but more intimate than Untrue.
9Girl Talk
Feed The Animals

There's mainstream and there's underground, but their are fresh springs that spit from the bottom to the top. Feed the Animals didn't do that; Night Ripper has that honor. FTA completely celebrates and outdoes itself (ie lalapalooza)
10 United Nations/Cynic
United Nations/Traced In Air

'Fuck you' brand punk attitude with a fresh look at many interesting assumed ideas when it comes to making a band, cutting an album, and, hell, even naming songs////////Rebirth of a complete metal album. Really this would be much higher in almost any other year.
11Vampire Weekend
Vampire Weekend

Pop princes of '08 with a handful of selling points besides their delicious pop. Don't fill up on their context when the production is this crisp; the only element that may make VW turn into "vampire who" within 18 months. In other news, The Killers still make music.
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