Soundoffs 1 Album Ratings 2028 Objectivity 63%
Last Active 03-23-12 1:40 am Joined 12-19-11
Review Comments 35
10.13.12 | BLACK METAL!
Ash Borer - Ash Borer
Bathory - Blood Fire Death
Beherit - Drawing Down The Moon
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Coldworld - Melancholie
Dark Funeral - Dark Funeral
Dark Throne - A Blaze in The Northern Sky
Deathspell Omega - Paracletus
Dissection - Storm of The Lights Band
Dornenreich - Nicht Um Zu Sterben
Drudkh - Autumn Aurora
Emperor - In The Nightside Elipse
Gorgoroth - Pentagram
Hate Forest - Purity
Immortal - At The Heart of Winter
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Naglfar - Vittra
Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns
Passage d'Hiver - Passage d'Hiver
Sacramentum - Far Away From The Sun
Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times
Silencer - Death Pierce Me
Summoning - Stronghold
Ulver - Nattans Madrigal
Vinterland - Welcome My Last Chapter
Vordven - Towards The Frozen Stream | KotoFtw
10.13.12 | Owen - At Home With Owen
Suis La Lune - Riala
System of a Down - Toxicity
As Cities Burn - Come Now Sleep | americanohno
10.13.12 | You may or may not like one, a couple, or all of the following:
Uncle Lucius, "And You Are Me"
RIYL: My Mornng Jacket, Band of Horses, (Newer) Black Keys
Shovels and Rope, "O' Be Joyful"
RIYL: The Lumineers, Sons and Mumford, Thrift Store Cowboys
Ugly Valley Boys, "Double Down"
RIYL: (Old) Old 97s, Johnny Cash and the Tennessee Two
Those Darlins, "Screws Get Loose"
RIYL: Those rockabilly revival bands, Wanda Jackson | Sniff
10.13.12 | Dope - Die MF Die | americanohno
10.13.12 | music videos for the recs if your lazy, plus i'm bored so whatever.
"Yesterday" by Ugly Valley Boys
"Keep the Wolves Away" by Uncle Lucius
"Boxcar" by Shovels and Rope
"Be Your Bro" by Those Darlins | Lambda
10.13.12 | Gatling - Beforemath | Sniff
10.13.12 | List of lol-bad bands to listen to:
Narnia | ncbest32
10.13.12 | Thanks guys:) | ncbest32
10.13.12 | Keep the recs coming guys:) | necromechanical
10.13.12 |
10.13.12 | focus - focus 3 |