Gluttonous Mastication Of Embryonic Remnants



by XfingTheSullen USER (61 Reviews)
December 17th, 2023 | 21 replies

Release Date: 2016 | Tracklist

Review Summary: It's so much more than just eating babies bro, you have no idea.

Ok, so this is a slam album, of the "filthiest" possible variety. The kind where people call the music "disgusting" and mean it as a good thing. Slow for the majority of the time, not as groovy and upbeat as some other slamming bands can be, with burped unintelligible vocals and pig squeals to convey the twisted horrors conjured up in the minds of these friendly Greeks. I definitely understand how the sum of the parts can create a certain appeal for some people, as otherwise there wouldn't be tons of similar bands popping up like mushrooms after rain all the time. Covidectomy, Toiletectomy, Neuralectomy... take your pick (not even kidding, all these bands exist, and they all sound pretty much the same).

But what really sells this album for me is the title, theme and presentation. Just check out that beautiful cover art - some maladjusted, overweight, basement-dwelling neckbeard with relentless conviction in his eyes, chowing down on some babies in the maternity ward - having previously eliminated all the staff, so as to not have any interruptions to this completely normal activity. One often might want to say "you can't make that *** up", but here you literally must make that *** up, because no one in real life has ever attempted to pull such a stunt. It seems so pure in its psychotic desire, and yet so absolutely extraordinary that one can't even imagine anyone actually harbor such fantasies in real life. And yet that's exactly the story that the title track of this opus, Gluttonous Mastication of Embryonic Remnants tells us - one of many equally messed up scenarios, but this one definitely sticks out, even due to the choice of wording itself. The dude doesn't just want to eat a baby, he wants to masticate it. Gluttonously. I mean I sense a bit of an oxymoron here if I'm to be completely honest - it's important to chew your food properly, sure, but in case of compulsive, cannibalistic fantasies I would imagine the guy would want to swallow as fast as possible rather than you know... masticate. And yet masticate he does, gluttonously even, until his neckbeard-covered jaw can't take it anymore. What a rewarding resolution - just try to imagine what he'd tell the cops once apprehended after massacring the entire maternity ward and chowing down on all the young 'uns there. That's probably the true value of slam death metal right there - you can vicariously live through scenarios of such unimaginable depravity that they're just ridiculous, and would have zero chance of happening in the real world. I mean, the protagonist of the title track here makes Albert Fish look like Mahatma Gandhi, 'nuff said.

So yeah, if you're ready to fall into a pit of absolute filth and disgust that will make you doubt whether you're even capable of appreciating beauty anymore, this is an album for you. Brutal death metal is like a black hole, the deeper in you go, the harder it is to escape. At some point you cross the border of "palatable" - music that you can still enjoy as full-fledged music, rather than "ironically". But at some point, what's an "acquired taste, to be listened to sparingly" turns into "omg those St. Anger snares are sooo brutal". It's then that you know you've been lost. At that point, Embryectomy will be quite appealing, although it's still not quite as good as stuff such as Subterranean Existential Warfare by Diphenylchloroarsine - that album takes it a step further and really brings some artistry to this "filthy" and "disgusting" aesthetic. Otherwise, you might be best advised to stick to slam in a more palatable form with more "normal" vocals, so "cleaner" bands such as Ingested or perhaps the good ol' classic - Devourment.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
December 21st 2023


Album Rating: 2.0

Gotta hear this asap.

April 19th 2024


Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off

how was it Hawks?

April 19th 2024


Album Rating: 2.5

well-written and hilarious review. i love how the last couple sentences of the first para seem to sum up both the appeal of current slam/bdm and its one egregious (yet hilarious) drawback: the sameyness.

second para really had me crackin up

also: "Brutal death metal is like a black hole, the deeper in you go, the harder it is to escape."

this is so true!!

April 19th 2024


Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off

I know right? after a marathon of this slam bdm that felt damp and moist and phlegmy I felt like I couldn't enjoy normal music again anymore, luckily this passes haha

April 19th 2024


Album Rating: 2.5

totally get that. i've been on a big slam/bdm kick lately. there's something numbing about it that's so addicting

April 19th 2024


Album Rating: 2.5

and you're so right about the ridiculousness of the titles. the way they always add those extra adjectives and adverbs to make this already heinous act sound EVEN MORE HEINOUS!! m// lmao

April 19th 2024


Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off

yea, my guess is their next album is going to be titled "Energetic and Brisk Violation of Incapacitated Toddlers" or some shit haha

I had an idea for a song with a similarly ridiculous title, but it'd be more of a Cannibal Corpse-style song. "Quad Barrel Shotgun Simultaneous Discharge Point Blank Headshot"

April 19th 2024


Album Rating: 2.5

ENERGETIC and BRISK, lmao I’m actually dead. Brilliant.

Couple of my faves: Artery Eruption’s ‘Gouging Out Eyes of Mutilated Infants’ and Ecchymosis’s ‘Aberrant Amusement in Cadaveric Vomitplay’ like, aberrant?? VomitPLAY?? Lmao

And dude your title is amazing! Makes that one moment seem like such a long journey lmao

April 20th 2024


Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off

I just always thought it would be funny to think what would happen to someone's head if it took the brunt of all four barrels of a sawed-off, pretty sure the head would explode lol

August 14th 2024


Album Rating: 2.0

how was it Hawks?

Not good thats for sure.

August 30th 2024


Album Rating: 4.5

I adore this album

This is what slam is supposed to sound like

The production is perfect, the drumming is impeccable, the vocals are neither too loud nor too low, the riffs are full of fucking monolithic brutality, there is so much bass in it and it never gets boring, not for a second. Genius.

Even the samples are tasty

Inclined to 5 this

August 30th 2024


Album Rating: 4.5

Fuck it.

August 30th 2024


Album Rating: 2.5

this is a 5, but that Agonal Breathing album is a 1??

August 30th 2024


Album Rating: 2.0

Jurtz bro 5 for this is WILD.

August 30th 2024


Album Rating: 4.5

Sorry can't stand Agonal Breathing

August 30th 2024


Album Rating: 4.5

This might be my favorite slam album, second perhaps only to Obscene Majesty

August 31st 2024


Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off

if you think this is a 5, I wonder what you'd rate Diphenylchloroarsine - Subterranean Existential Warfare. most ppl agree it's like top tier slam and way better than this

August 31st 2024


Album Rating: 2.0

This album sucks even for slam though lol. Me and Jurtz usually agree but man I can't get behind this one lol.

September 1st 2024


Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off

I just tried to be open minded tbh. I'll say tho, this is probably the only genre where pig squeals and leaking faucet gutturals actually fit somewhat. It's really ridiculous when people try to bring them into more accessible genres with sharp production

September 1st 2024


Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off

I just tried to be open minded tbh. I'll say tho, this is probably the only genre where pig squeals and leaking faucet gutturals actually fit somewhat. It's really ridiculous when people try to bring them into more accessible genres with sharp production

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