
Reviews 28
Approval 95%

Soundoffs 92
News Articles 3
Band Edits + Tags 20
Album Edits 59

Album Ratings 496
Objectivity 78%

Last Active 03-09-15 12:18 pm
Joined 07-18-10

Review Comments 21,108

shoutbox » all posts 
  • ToSmokMuzyki fart
    December 18 01:17 PM
  • Hawks Miss u. :[
    September 17 01:42 AM
  • CaptainDooRight hi bro how are you?? can i share my new trvth album with you? https://trvth.bandcamp.com/album/inordinate-and-surpassing
    December 12 08:47 PM
  • Xenophanes Is Mezz still going strong?
    December 6 09:40 PM
  • Hawks Yeah a lot of people from back in the day are long gone by now. Some still around though.
    November 20 01:57 AM
  • Hawks Hahahahaha I feel you. But you know....working, paying bills, all that fun s***. Nothing out of the ordinary lol. Good to see you around though bro. :]
    November 18 03:18 PM
  • Hawks Where the hell you been bro?? How's life?
    November 16 05:16 AM
  • CaptainDooRight haha ok just curious cuz there's a guy on the game with the user name Tyrael as well
    October 20 05:18 PM
  • CaptainDooRight Wait do you play a game called strife?
    October 18 04:49 AM
  • Sowing How's it going? Lvu
    October 17 10:13 PM
  • Hawks God damn dude it's good to hear from you.
    October 17 04:15 PM
  • Hawks Where you been bro? :[
    March 20 07:14 AM
  • Sowing I'm guessing you've heard the new Coeur de pirate by now
    August 29 07:19 PM
  • Sanders Sorry Ty, not been logged onto the review site in months! Nah he'll just try and rile you up with it, he's not into life-ruining these days. How's everything going apart from that?
    January 11 03:22 PM
  • Sowing New Marina April 6th 2015
    December 15 12:14 PM
  • Sowing Sweet...what about the rest of the album?
    November 29 06:07 AM
  • Sowing Yo bro I know you like sexy girls and beautiful songwriting so check out my new thread about Keira Knightley and her music. You'd dig: http://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=152201
    November 1 06:08 AM
  • toxin. Haha yeah, but KC won't get a 2nd season because there was some ridiculous controversy about the voice actors pranking someone. It was actually pretty mean lol and I think that killed good will towards the show, sadly. Free! panders to a different demographic (i.e. girls lol) really well so I'm not surprised it got another season
    November 1 03:07 AM
  • toxin. Hahaha, Shinji is a great character though, if whiny as ****. Asuna... not so much. But yeah I meant more that her art design is pretty lol. And Hana was nice but doesn't really compare to that last arc of Second Season with Kaiki as narrator, though it's still fun. And ooh yeah Madoka is a treat, but IDK I really didn't like Code Geass so YMMV there. Despite what people tell you, CG is brainless fun, like Transformers or something. And yess Inaba rocks, too bad KC will never get a 2nd season :(
    October 30 07:17 AM
  • toxin. Lol Kaiki really is the best girl tho. Do you watch -Monogatari? That final arc with him narrating was just fantastic. And damn no worries, she was pretty damn close to winning best girl anyways but Kurisu is def a worthy queen. And yeah I agree, Asuna is lame but I will admit to having rocked her in my avatar a few years ago, not sure why lol. Her design isn't bad anyways, it's just that she's set in such a s***ty story lol
    October 29 07:26 AM
  • Sowing Damn man that sucks. Talk to me if you ever want to or need to.
    October 29 12:03 AM
  • Sowing Days) really helped me get through some s***. Either way though, I'll be sure to shout you when I write an angry rant =)
    October 28 11:27 PM
  • Sowing You should take it up again! I mean you don't have to write to become a contributor or something, just do it cathartically. I know it sounds pathetic but writing reviews for this site (particularly during my late user, early contrib
    October 28 11:26 PM
  • Sowing Hahaha sorry! I'll write a scathing review soon, it's long overdue!
    October 28 11:03 PM
  • Sowing What about salt? lol.
    October 28 10:55 PM
  • toxin. nice taste right back at ya!but i must say... i voted for kurisu in the final ._. holo is my #2 though!
    October 28 05:00 AM
  • Sowing check my recently rated albums :) I decided to not be so cryptic this time...review will be out within the next 36 hours, just putting the finishing touches on
    October 28 12:04 AM
  • Sowing So T-Swizzle and I have something in common then? ;)
    October 28 12:01 AM
  • Sowing You'll see!
    October 27 09:37 PM
  • Sowing Yeah man and she's like, drop-dead hot too. Imo, of course.
    October 26 03:51 AM
  • Sowing Did you end up getting a chance to listen to the rest of the EP?
    October 22 09:51 PM
  • Sowing Is that you that posted in my shoutbox, without a username? Not sure what kind of glitch that is, lol.
    October 15 09:15 AM
  • theacademy frooooooot.
    October 14 12:31 PM
  • Crysis I might, but really only if no one else does. I've got to review the new Horrendous first but who knows when that will be as a I have a lot going on IRL.
    October 14 10:24 AM
  • Sowing How have you been, man?
    October 13 10:43 PM
  • Yuli Aw, I see. I'm always here if you need someone to talk to, man.
    September 14 05:56 AM
  • Sowing Isn't 0 ****ing gorgeous
    August 23 01:16 PM
  • Wolfhorde Agreed. But there needs to be a twinkle fairy, too.
    August 17 02:28 PM
  • Wolfhorde Deception. Not cool, bro.
    August 17 01:52 PM
  • Wolfhorde Yeah but I've got Noctus on both FB and Skype so.. SHOULD I ASK HIM?!
    August 17 01:17 PM
  • Wolfhorde Wolfie? Who are you, Noctus?
    August 17 12:10 PM
  • Wolfhorde Speaking of which, Westmalle, St Bernardus, Chimay and Delirium Tremens are just ridiculously delicious.
    August 17 10:48 AM
  • Wolfhorde Sweet digs, looking forward to it. I can already see us jamming twinkly s*** while drinking awesome beer when I come to Belgium.
    August 17 10:47 AM
  • Wolfhorde Just because I'm picky doesn't mean I hate everything. I mean, feel free to shout me some more shenanigans. Right now I've got time, plus I just cleared my media library of stuff I checked out but don't listen to
    August 17 09:32 AM
  • Wolfhorde Plus I'm not always a nazi when it comes to femvox.
    August 17 09:15 AM
  • Wolfhorde Tegan And Sara are alright, Eisley is cool, Paramore's old stuff is okay. Feist and St. Vincent have some cool stuff. The rest ranges from "not necessarily my style to I need to be in the mood for it". I have been digging Kimbra's first LP and Banks as of late. I've also been coming around on Chvrches. Janelle Mona� is cool, too.
    August 17 09:11 AM
  • Wolfhorde I guess that works, too. Thx
    August 17 07:51 AM
  • Wolfhorde wut. maybe FB would be more reliable. sputnik's features can be buggy as s***.
    August 17 07:50 AM
  • Wolfhorde Come on man, do I have to slug thru yo ratings.
    August 17 05:50 AM
  • Wolfhorde Yo, do you have somer POWERFUL fempop shenanigans? Like, as in - "strong vocals" and stuff. I would go and search myself but since you're pretty much the authoreteah.
    August 16 07:10 PM
  • Sowing Haha me too. More or less. I ruined friendships over who I'm currently going to marry - my best 2-4 friends decided that because she's an ex of a friend in our group that I should be forever shunned. Haven't talked to any of them since 2012 and I don't even care...much happier now than I was before. So...meh, friendship is overrated, especially when they're fair weather friends. And the sham friendships with girls following relationships has like a 5% success rate lol.
    July 23 08:15 PM
  • Sowing I just hope we can remain friends
    July 23 08:00 PM
  • Sowing it's not you it's me
    July 23 07:57 PM
  • Sowing Haven't heard it yet and probably won't bother. Unless I hear something that suggests they've made their music interesting again.
    July 23 07:54 PM
  • Sowing You used the G-word, so I'm forced to check it out now
    July 16 12:38 PM
  • Sowing Thanks dude that means a lot.
    July 14 10:08 PM
  • Sowing We had trouble getting started with the planning because life was so busy... But we managed to set a date for next July :)
    July 14 09:47 PM
  • Sowing My job of teaching expelled students and others who are trying to transition out of a juvenile setting. Just me and 20-25 of them. 8 periods per day. Hell.
    July 14 09:07 PM
  • Sowing Damn that sucks. Luckily I've never been through that but my gf has, she could have died from it when she was a kid. So I'm jst glad you're okay. I'm good because it's summer vacation for me, but in mid-August my life will be hell again.
    July 14 09:03 PM
  • Sowing What's up man how have you been lately? I'm trying to slowly but surely catch up with people since my return lol.
    July 14 08:58 PM
  • BigPleb Ye, got my Senns on and everything :/
    June 19 11:11 AM
  • BigPleb Its just flat dude. Was jamming CtS before and it really put into context how disappointed I am with the new record :'[
    June 19 10:52 AM
  • BigPleb That's where I got the 320 from dude, so it is legit?
    June 19 10:49 AM
  • demigod! sounds like a recipe for awesome, will do thanks for bringin it to my attention
    May 27 08:50 AM
  • Willie I might. I've got Anathema, Arch Enemy, At the Soundawn and D Creation that I need/want to review.
    May 21 03:13 PM
  • Rev lmao
    May 18 10:46 PM
  • Rev ay ty did you hear the new bansheebeat single yet?
    May 18 08:03 PM
  • oltnabrick i was just giving you a compliment!
    May 5 09:11 PM
  • oltnabrick nice top 10 most played on last.fm
    May 5 07:14 PM
  • scissorlocked meh, I just find it pretty decent. surely better than Age of the joker though
    May 1 02:35 PM
  • scissorlocked c'mon bro, that edguy album isn't that good! ;)
    April 29 02:56 PM
  • BigPleb You ok Ty? You seem to be a bit on edge today? :/
    April 22 02:55 PM
  • osmark86 we lived in Waterloo/Braine L'Alleud outside of Brussels. must say I had a great experience myself. remember going to Antwerpen like once and digging it.
    March 27 02:48 PM
  • osmark86 nope, expat. my family moved there when I was 9 and I moved back to Sweden when I was 19. thinking about going back to visit sometime in the future. it's got a special place in my heart for sure.
    March 27 07:48 AM
  • osmark86 didn't know you're living in Brussels. was my hometown for 10years man.
    March 26 12:58 PM
  • Wizard Not blatantly ripping off riffs note for note. I swear I hear "Crystal Mountain" and "Perennial Quest" riffs all over 'The Collective'.
    March 23 09:57 PM
  • Wizard Why were you laughing at my comparison of Scale the Summit ripping off Death riffs? You know I know what I'm talking about ; ).
    March 23 01:04 PM
  • JokineAugustus Sup Loras
    March 15 07:04 PM
  • BigPleb Haha I had to! a Sputters temperament is different to that of a 'normal' person.
    March 13 03:11 PM
  • BigPleb You are so chill dude, for a sputniker :]
    March 12 11:38 PM
  • BigPleb Grim dude, same but get to jam in work so can't complain.
    March 12 11:30 PM
  • BigPleb Hows your day been bb? :]
    March 12 11:26 PM
  • BigPleb Hiiiii :3. Erm no dude, not big on BM but I'll check it if it Belgian's hard!
    March 12 05:19 PM
  • BigPleb Hi Mr. Belgian :]
    March 12 10:20 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts Well, it seems the orientation is getting more and more recognition and people are becoming more comfortable identifying as asexual so it can only hopefully get better! There are a lot of forum groups on line dedicated to asexuality, probably a lot easier place to find like minded people than just around town right now. But yeah, seriously so much respect, i have no doubt you'll find someone who is on the same page one day
    March 11 07:56 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts Haha im pretty good at presenting, just let 'er rip. But yeah i remember we talked about asexuality long ago and you said you identified as such so I thought of you
    March 11 07:52 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts did a presentation on asexuality for my psych: sex and love class last week, much respect
    March 11 07:43 AM
  • Sanders No worries pal :) glad you got an extension! Now get down to work :p
    February 6 07:40 AM
  • Trebor. It helps to learn how to be alone before getting into a relationship
    February 4 10:22 PM
  • Sanders Ahh dude, we all have these low ebbs of motivation. I've been that way for some time. It's tough but you have to try and battle through. There's always light on the horizon :)
    February 4 10:19 PM
  • Trebor. Gotta find a girl that doesn't suck and that also wants to be with you. It's rare but they're out there
    February 4 09:40 PM
  • Sanders Have you got an extension? Any particular reason you can think of that stopped you from working?
    February 4 04:14 PM
  • Trebor. I was pretty ****in depressed before I got a gf
    February 4 03:05 AM
  • Trebor. Why are you miserable about your life?
    January 31 03:39 AM
  • Sanders urgh! that sucks dude. Well either way I'd try and avoid anything with the girl that's messed you around, leopards don't tend to change their spots I'm afraid :(
    January 31 01:04 AM
  • Metalstyles I'll be waiting anxiously! Also, I noticed you haven't rated any Iron Thrones. If you haven't heard them, you should give their EP The Wretched Sun a go. It's really good progressive melodic dm, and it has one of my all-time favorite songs on it, "I Once had The Crown".
    January 30 11:47 PM
  • Metalstyles Hey man, I wanted to ask you, do you know of any ambient/post-rock albums that would have a similar sound to the last track on the new Mechina album? I absolutely adore that track, and would like to listen to something similar-sounding.
    January 30 06:45 PM
  • Sanders No such thing as posting too much! Ahh I wouldn't worry about kurrpt. He's just a grumpy bugger who amuses himself by winding others up. How do you feel about this new lass compared to the old one? I'd try my best to avoid the one who's screwing you around, particularly if this new lass is nice and is interested
    January 30 04:33 PM
  • Sanders Oooo, interesting. What are you thinking?
    January 30 02:31 PM
  • Sanders you need to post more in the forums
    January 30 02:22 PM
  • Trebor. I'm burnt out on sput too, I'll likely start posting rarely once the semester starts. I've been doing better than ever man, spent most of the last three days with my lady friend, starting a new job soon, school starts in two weeks. Good stuff.
    January 30 12:44 AM
  • Trebor. My join date is 2010 but believe it or not I didn't post my first comment until february of 2011
    January 29 11:13 PM
  • Trebor. Sup dude. Just got to 20K I see
    January 29 11:00 PM
  • Sanders Haha I know, bit ridiculous isn't it! Means I can cover the European time zones though :) ahh how are you holding up? I've been a bit off myself the last week, hit a low point. Problems with the lady too, check the L
    January 15 12:00 PM
  • Sanders Hey up Ty, how's it going? Guess who got a cheeky promotion over on the forum side? ;)
    January 15 08:38 AM
  • Sowing Then project that confidence as best as you can into real life...you'd be surprised how a little confidence, even if it's a little artificial or forced, will go when it comes to friends, girls, and life. I used to be so shy and self conscious that it was socially crippling...it took many years and didn't start until college, bit eventually i broke loose...of course, i didn't have any diagnosed issues, but i believe you're strong enough to eventually put that s*** in your past
    January 5 12:19 AM
  • Sowing Is that something you develop? Can you curb its effects by developing a better social life and making more friends? I'm one of those old school people who thinks "mind over matter" and that you can really overcome anything. I'm not downplaying it though, i know it's real. Things could always be worse. Just try to focus on what you have going for you and build on that. Follow something that you're really good at (even if it's just reviewing music!) and use that to build your confidence
    January 5 12:14 AM
  • Sowing Jeez that sucks dude. I'm sorry things aren't going better...you'll have to forgive me, but i forget what apergers is...my life is good but stressful. My job sucks the life out of me.
    January 4 11:52 PM
  • TheSpirit I hear you man. I haven't been able to write for awhile either just because of certain circumstances. But just know if you ever change your mind there is always a spot for you on PTC
    January 4 10:35 PM
  • Sowing What's up man how have you been??
    January 4 10:14 PM
  • zaruyache Dick "Magic Ears" Knubbler gets all the music first because he's a well-known producer.
    January 3 07:35 PM
  • Sanders That's a sweet track pal, big fan of that sort of stuff :)
    January 2 12:36 AM
  • Metalstyles I do like their newest a lot, but the shocker here is that it was the first (and currently is also the only) album I've heard by them haha.
    December 15 08:01 PM
  • Sanders yeah dude, don't give her that satisfaction. You sound like you're doing well with this new lady, so I'd carry on with that!
    November 25 06:16 PM
  • Sanders Haha cheers buddy, fingers crossed tomorrow goes well! Don't get too hung up if there's not much going on love life-wise for yourself at the moment, these things tend to happen when you're not looking for them :] just keep friendly, keep chatty and someone'll come along!
    November 11 11:46 PM
  • Sanders there for you, so don't shy away from that, or other people with similar problems!
    November 6 07:22 PM
  • Sanders How severe is the aspergers? I know it's a s***ty diagnosis to get, but you should try your hardest not to let it define you. I know a few people on my course with it, and they're going to be doctors, no doubt. How you handle these early stages will shape how it affects the rest of your life, and if I were in your position I'd be trying my damndest to work out the best way to move forward in spite of my diagnosis, not think about how it's going to hold me back :) there's a load of support out
    November 6 07:22 PM
  • Sanders maybe I use the term "Ahh man" too much...?
    November 5 11:30 PM
  • Sanders Ahh man, that sucks, but to be honest it could be much worse :) at least there's treatment available for you, and it's pretty effective!
    November 5 11:30 PM
  • Sanders Ahh man, your friends are your best way to fight this kind of s***. The best advice I can give is to not shut yourself off from them. Do any of them know what you're going through at the moment, and if not is there one of them you can chat to? As for me, I'm currently navigating this awkward tightrope between two girls, whilst organising a halloween party tonight, and looking after my ill housemate! It's all systems go here haha
    November 1 10:51 AM
  • Sanders to change and it'll all work out for you. It's good to see you around on the forums too, spend more time there! what else have you been up to recently?
    October 29 07:13 PM
  • Sanders hey mate, sorry to hear you're going through a rough patch :( the upside is that now you've got some idea of what's up at least you can work through ways of sorting it out, so you never know, it may well work out to be a very positive step in the long run :) I've been on antidepressants for 9 months or so now, and they've sorted me right out, so don't get too down over being diagnosed with stuff, and don't let it define you, just crack on with life as you were, but just add in the stuff you want
    October 29 07:12 PM
  • slep oh, she's a musician. thought she was like an actress. i'll check her music out sometime.
    September 9 12:06 AM
  • slep sorry to pry, but who is that woman in your profile pic?
    September 8 04:07 PM
  • Sanders ahh man, well it wasn't to be! She's probably going to regret that decision, but at least you didn't get involved with a lass who wanted that much commitment that fast. What internship do you have to get? Tricks are good here thanks, just moved house, been on holiday for a bit and now have to get working for finals next year, but my inherently lazy self is struggling to get going!
    September 6 07:56 PM
  • Sanders Ahh man, how old is she?! She can't have been with the dude long... How are you doing over it? You should come back to the forums, chad's mellowed out quite considerably recently :) how's tricks?
    September 6 04:32 PM
  • Wizard Seriously though, I see myself 5 years ago in have of these kids and I can't fathom for another minute why I defended the worst albums by my favourite bands.
    September 4 05:58 PM
  • clercqie Hmm in dat geval... :p Ze zit op Sacred Bones, dus kan inderdaad niet slecht zijn.
    August 26 08:23 AM
  • clercqie 15 euro, met die dwaze reserveringskosten erbij gerekend. En als jij daar nog niet van hebt gehoord, hoe zou ik dat moeten weten? We hebben het nog altijd over metal hoor. ;] Zal wel meevallen, normaal gezien.
    August 25 01:28 PM
  • Crawl Nnoitra!
    August 17 10:33 AM
  • clercqie Haha idem, maar normaal kan ik gratis gaan. ^^ Alst zo is, wil ik gerust prijs van een ticket splitten.
    August 13 02:11 PM
  • clercqie Staat tussen de tourdata van Deafheaven zelf. AB heeft problemen met hun site. Ze moeten het nog aankondigen.
    August 13 01:33 PM
  • clercqie Deafheaven 24 oktober in de AB, you in? :D
    August 13 07:10 AM
  • DumplinNuggs Know we've been bugging you about our EP, but noticed you didn't rate it at all after you dl'ed it. Its totally cool if you hated it, but your opinion is always appreciated greatly, good or bad.
    July 25 08:17 PM
  • Baphomet Truth be told, I find few things to be sexier than french spoken by a girl. So, yay. Sup man?
    July 8 11:48 PM
  • Baphomet False metal authority sounds right. Also, that chick is mesmerizingly pretty.
    July 3 07:09 AM
  • xVision Hey man, any 2013 bm you like? cause I'm really digging Sunbather, and Agalloch-Ulver is for winter in my case haha
    June 2 04:34 PM
  • clercqie New Deafheaven is probably the most accessible bm album ever! Really love it!
    May 29 04:27 PM
  • ViperAces ha, i knew she was familar. thnask
    May 29 10:16 AM
  • ViperAces hey who is that on your avi?? she looks familiar. plus didnt you use to have a different name?
    May 28 08:44 PM
  • bobosucks Sweet thanks! We just put up a better master of it the other night (5/24), be sure to grab a new copy if you got one before that.
    May 28 08:27 PM
  • bobosucks Hey dude, figured we'd come to you first... we (Mt. Meridian) just released our 2nd EP. Are you still doing reviews? If not, do you know any other reviewers or contributors who might dig it? You can download it at our bandcamp, www.mtmeridian.bandcamp.com. Thanks!
    May 19 01:01 AM
  • Sanders Whoa whoa whoa, why the name change?!
    May 12 12:15 AM
  • clercqie Ja, ik doelde gewoon op de invloed die er in zit. ;]
    May 11 12:47 PM
  • clercqie Over Black Metal gesproken: heb je die Hessian plaat al gehoord? Ruig!
    May 11 12:05 PM
  • Gyromania thank you for noticing that. it's about time i got recognition for my modesty
    May 9 09:04 AM
  • Gyromania probably because of my inherent magnetism and overall charismatic nature, not to mention my stunningly well-kept body
    May 9 08:57 AM
  • slipnslide http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcJWjKFZTLM
    May 2 05:31 AM
  • sniper i'm a music major
    April 30 06:01 AM
  • Maniac! Whore
    April 26 12:53 PM
  • Atari I hear you. People may think it's harmless to joke about but unless they've been overweight themselves they really have no clue. I had quite the beer belly before i quit drinking and all my friends gave me s*** so i know how it goes.
    April 24 10:04 PM
  • Atari I know it's easier said than done but **** what other people think about your weight man just ignore them that's their problem not yours.
    April 24 09:56 PM
  • Yuli Me too buddy, me too haha. Thanks for checking up, though-- it's more enticing to do older reviews when I know people want to read them.
    April 24 04:58 PM
  • Wizard Snoop Lion, are you serious? I was just snooping (hahahaha) you ratings and I must say, I would usually pass by most rap/ hip hop/ snoop dog s*** hahahaha.
    April 24 03:26 PM
  • Yuli eventually, man. s***, this week has been by far the busiest week in quite some time. I have so many reviews I want to write, but I also, y'know, need to write this ****ing massive 12-page paper for my Metaphysics class, etc etc.
    April 24 02:46 PM
  • clercqie Ik heb ondertussen eens die wikipagina over Black Metal doorgelezen, en het lijkt mij toch niet zo tof om in die scene in Noorwegen te vertoeven... Will do, merci! :]
    April 23 10:19 PM
  • clercqie Het is niet iets waar ik ganse dagen naar zou luisteren, maar met koptelefoon is het wel een album dat een zeer omineus sfeertje oproept. Ik kan het zeker appreci�ren (muzikaal dan).
    April 23 10:03 PM
  • clercqie Gaat ge nu naar Groez btw?
    April 23 05:16 PM
  • clercqie Vet, kga er mij vanavond es met bezighouden.
    April 23 04:25 PM
  • Metalstyles haha, well, I've been staff for some time now, but thanks for the late congrats :)
    April 22 09:54 PM
  • clercqie Geef mij eens een goed startpunt, en ik weet het u te zeggen :p Awraait! :D
    April 22 06:04 PM
  • clercqie Ja die ook :p En dan nog wat brol dat ik fantastisch vind en gij haat (Frank Turner wooo) maar soit. Komaan, ik ben ook blut, maar kheb mij toch al een ticket besteld (leve Mastercard). Ga gewoon mee ;] Ash Borer moet ik nog eens beluisteren, zou ik het goed vinden?
    April 22 05:43 PM
  • clercqie Goesting om mee te gaan naar Pukkelpop? Brand New, Godspeed en Cult Of Luna!!! :D
    April 22 04:11 PM
  • Yuli it apparently makes me infinitely more likable-- my shoutbox attests to this.
    April 22 06:27 AM
  • silentpotato sounds like isis is that just me
    April 21 07:55 PM
  • silentpotato you'll ****ing love this; http://sudatsuga.bandcamp.com/track/sacred-suhn-sweet-leaves
    April 21 07:28 PM
  • Trebor. Sent
    April 20 06:58 PM
  • Trebor. Gimme your dropbox email I'll send it to you
    April 19 10:55 PM
  • silentpotato pahahahahaah good
    April 19 12:40 AM
  • Trebor. promo
    April 17 10:24 PM
  • greg84 When did you become a troll? Sorry... I missed that moment.
    April 17 05:37 PM
  • tempest-- I know right ain't she just the greatest :')
    April 14 05:05 PM
  • CaptainDooRight You can actually use any instrument, anything that can consistently increase in sound and produce different octaves of those sounds. The purpose is to train you vocals to execute whatever you demand out of them so pitch matching is key.
    April 11 10:08 PM
  • CaptainDooRight ....your range on it and practice matching pitches as well. So first go through each letter in the alphabet and go through your range on the keyboard starting from low to high, then back down backwards. After that choose different sounding words doing the same thing. This will teach your throat to gradually open up as well developing your throat strength. Also practice acapella lyrics as well. Hope this helps :]
    April 11 04:20 PM
  • CaptainDooRight ...successfully. From there, build on it. First of all, tone come from imitation. If you know exactly what you want to sound like focus on that. If you want to be diverse, which I recommend, then it'll take a little more work but it's worth it[again that's if you want that]. Start out a low decibel level and record yourself if you can. Have some lyrics handy and work on annunciating them correctly. Also work on scales as well. This might sound weird but if you have a keyboard work within....
    April 11 04:08 PM
  • CaptainDooRight that's an interesting way of putting, but cool I like the term. Well, to get that powerful or forceful feel you need to work on projection. Frank Mullen of suffocation gave some good advice before such as how you accentuate your mouth, the way how you move your lips and how far you open your mouth during the exertion. Also, it shouldn't be hurting, you may be too forceful on your throat beyond what it can handle and you should never strain. You need to create a base for what you can do.......
    April 11 04:01 PM
  • CaptainDooRight Sure man, when you say 'these kind' what exactly are you referring to. Because you mentioned you can do high shrieks which mine are in a way. Are you talking about the tone or the mid-range? Some tips are to keep practicing whenever you can but its like a muscle so allow rest too. Practice in the shower, when you're driving ect. I have more advice for you but first be specific so I can give specific feedback :]
    April 11 02:35 AM
  • DumplinNuggs hey man, you reviewed an EP my band released a while ago (Mt. Meridian) and we just released a new song the other day. Would love for you to check it out! mtmeridian.bandcamp.com
    April 4 03:50 PM
  • anarchistfish damnawesome picture btw
    April 4 03:02 PM
  • anarchistfish still no love for the original? :(
    April 4 01:59 PM
  • anarchistfish what do you think of this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XD9AoI11cSc
    April 4 11:57 AM
  • CaptainDooRight sweet bro, and nice that you 5'd ensiferum's s/t, one my fav folk metal albums eva
    April 3 10:14 PM
  • CaptainDooRight nice prof pic, new al is done - http://trvth.bandcamp.com/album/black-horse-plague
    April 2 06:54 PM
  • clercqie Weet je al waar? Ik heb pas stage in de zomervakantie, ben eens benieuwd hoe dat gaat zijn... En dat vak klinkt erg - ahum - boeiend. :p
    March 26 04:58 PM
  • clercqie Ah sucks :[ welk vak? En hoe komt het dat jij nu al examens hebt?
    March 26 04:31 PM
  • clercqie Succes met uw examens! Ik duim! :]
    March 26 02:43 AM
  • clercqie Tjah, druk met taken en volle dagen les enzo. Maar kga morgen skippen want kben nu nogal zat aan het wezen :D Kwestie van de week goed te starten! :p
    March 26 02:42 AM
  • clercqie Ey kerel, lang niets meer gehoord. Cva daar? :D
    March 26 02:09 AM
  • Gnocchi Works out pretty well for you : ]
    March 25 11:34 PM
  • Gnocchi If you only knew : ] I'm also writing one for that Serenity album too
    March 25 11:30 PM
  • Gnocchi But i wanna : [ all well : ]
    March 25 11:26 PM
  • Gnocchi Dude do you know if there's a stream for the album, it's not tech released yet so I can't post the rev
    March 25 11:12 PM
  • Gnocchi A Solid 4.2 : ]
    March 25 10:01 PM
  • Insurrection Yea he hates me for some reason but im def gonna give him s*** for it lol
    March 25 09:57 PM
  • Gnocchi I'm so reviewing that album lol, huge guest lineup
    March 25 09:57 PM
  • Insurrection We are dude i just have to kiss as much staff ass as possible so i picked piano lol. Besides at least you were in the running, i wasnt even part of the competition
    March 25 09:51 PM
  • Insurrection Noo im sorry i almost picked you though :'(
    March 25 09:44 PM
  • omnipanzer Sorry, you've always been kind of out there (open) about it so I didn't think it would be an issue.
    March 25 09:19 PM
  • Gnocchi Lol, will do man. I missed out at entry level
    March 25 09:06 PM
  • omnipanzer I didn't know that or I had forgotten.
    March 25 07:45 PM

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