Reviews 3 Approval 57%
Soundoffs 23 Album Ratings 0 Last Active 06-12-12 10:21 pm Joined 05-23-12
Review Comments 614
| Apollo herp herpity! herp de derp!
| Cells Not normally, why u ask?
| xstaytrue18x of course, that other guy a poser **** who stole my name i came up with it first im the original brah!
| MeatSalad I don't care that you're going through s***, I'm just laughing at you, especially more now that you're posting in my shoutbox about such a half-assed troll post.
| xStayxTruex No balls to even reply to me. I'd be embarrassed too if I was wrong. Goodbye, Alex.
| xStayxTruex Not an alt, trust me. Here's my problem. You're a little bitch, literally. Back in that thread, when you were asking for honest opinions on your album, I composed a comment telling you exactly what it was that I disliked about it. I didn't insult you in any way, but you flipped and didn't take the criticism so well. If you wouldn't have been a dick about it, I wouldn't have been a dick to you. Bottom line, I was civil and you weren't, and for can **** off. And Tanner.
| Anthracks I forget exactly. I think the band just lost interest, or maybe they didn't garner enough excitement when they announced it to think it worth it.
| Storm In A Teacup lol that's not bitching I don't take this site seriously like you do dumb ****
| IdiotequeCigar Dude, why the **** did you rate wings denied a 2? that s*** is golden
| wacknizzle Are you serious, the recording makes it almost impossible to hear the notes. I can tell the screaming is good tho. Listen to Blaze In The Northern Sky, if you wanna be low-fi that is what you should be going for. The music does have potential but your hiding behind the recording so much that I kinda feel like your joking with me.
| KSK1 And your opinion on Counterparts is irrelevant to me. You like Dr. Acula.
| KSK1 I never thought you were Ashli. You were the original owner of the Kellerdeck account am I wrong?
| MeatSalad You're losers for answering questions nobody was asking.
| Eclecticist Yea dude I am not reviewing the album. But no worries I dug the s*** out of it. I thought it was pretty unique.
| Project quick research shows that apparently Dinosaur Comics' creator allowed them to reprint a comic in that programming book. and now the confusion is gone!
| Project unfortunately i don't program at all. i just really enjoy Dinosaur Comics, and that is T-Rex from that webcomic. sorry to disappoint.
| OnlyAnchors lol i dont even really know what youre talking about man. i WAS referring to that one alt "martini-kisses." s*** was funny for a while then it got old namsayin? but anyway rest isnt really my thing but im not one of those users that flames the **** out of them.
| Spec So your name IS from the Horde song! Knew it!
| SgtPepper Well, Im glad we're back on track. And thank you that very kind of you to say. Keep me posted on that next album.
| SgtPepper No worries. Though I dont tolerate anyone accusing me or slandering my personality, when they dont know me. I can see why you thought I was referring to you, but the truth is I was talking about Keller- who i thought was a member of the band. But anyway, I still see you as a friend here on sputnik, I hope you feel the same.
| SgtPepper No i don feel that way at all. Also I havent lost my faith in you nor was I ever blaming you but Keller. But as said i dont like conflict over trivial matters. Anyway, mate. I hope you guys do well with your music, I mean that. I'll even review the next album, to show I have nothing against you, mate. I hope you have nothing against me.
| SgtPepper I also suggested to him (and you can even ask him) that he should write the review in a few months, when people begin to cool off on the whole Rest thing. I suppose you are not to blame but Keller really did some damage for you guys here and the only way it can heal is with time. To stay off the radar for a while then come back with your new album. Redeem yourselves here with something something bigger and better.
| SgtPepper I wasnt suspecting you, mate, i was referring to Kellerdeck- who is known to be erratic. when Keller first asked me to write the review she claimed to be a member of the band. And its not like I stopped Eclecticist from writing the review. He didnt really want to write it to begin with because he would get neg'g and berated- and he's right. As you said, youre band has gotten some bad rep here, and that review will only add to it.
| SgtPepper Glad to hear it mate. Also, I spoke with Eclecticist who was being pressured by Keller to write a review for your band. I advised him to not write so as to not stir up anymore negativity to you or your band. He took my advice. I hope you or especially Keller wont be too upset. Anyway good luck with your band. I saw a lot of potential in your debut and I wish you and your bandmates the best of luck.
| taxidermist Ah, sweet. The whole keller thing was annoying, hence the rage. I don't do that much on the site, but goddamn that annoyed me, haha. No animosity towards you dude. Godspeed.