
Reviews 5
Approval 94%

Soundoffs 4
Album Ratings 641
Objectivity 76%

Last Active 11-14-22 11:53 pm
Joined 11-14-12

Review Comments 2,747

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  • ValarMorghulis I'VE ABANDONED MY CHILD!!!
    December 31 12:04 AM
  • fr33convict don't mind me, just admiring the dw kit in your profile picture.
    December 17 05:02 PM
  • Emyay its all good bro i saw you responded. i'm very sporadic with my sput usage, so i just wanted to make sure my true intentions got through. i know you weren't really pissed or anything
    December 14 06:50 PM
  • tempest-- Quickly whipped this up, it doesn't really sit right, but it's almost 4:30 in the morning. If you want a better one, just shoutbox me again, I'll do it tomorrow :-] http://i.imgur.com/cD1KMZj.jpg
    December 7 05:18 PM
  • OmairSh Yo you might enjoy my latest list
    October 28 09:20 PM
  • someguest Thanks, haha
    September 26 06:55 PM
  • treeqt. we gud mang
    September 16 12:43 AM
  • ethos LOL it was already featured but i appreciate that you took the time to post it in the meds' thread
    September 16 12:29 AM
  • ethos thanks for the compliment/feature on the list : )
    September 15 11:39 PM
  • ButteryBiscuitBass Sounds sweet. Rock the s*** out of it.
    September 6 01:18 PM
  • ButteryBiscuitBass Of course I do mate! Cheers. You too. What's going on with you then?
    September 6 11:50 AM
  • DecayingMajesty :D
    August 29 12:18 PM
  • DecayingMajesty Hi dude. Def check out Lustrous glow. Its really good. :D
    August 29 11:55 AM
  • Underflow Hey, was wondering what your favorite post-Fragile NIN album is (excluding Hesitation Marks). Also, is it taboo to bring up an artist's other works in comparison with other projects? I always figured the entire discography of an artist was relevant, especially with the styles between NIN and HTDA being relatively closely related.
    August 27 04:43 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell I genuinely think that Burn the Witch would be a cool band name (and it doesn't exist on the sput database, so all free), your call though; what style are you?
    August 16 10:26 PM
  • DecayingMajesty Omen :)
    August 16 09:59 PM
  • MyNameIsPencil Something tells me we'd get along :p
    July 14 03:05 PM
  • DragonHeartstring you go to the albuim ratings of the album you want to rate and click dig this i think. I dunno tbh man
    June 9 01:12 PM
  • xxm Great Taste In Music. Thank You And Have A Nice Night.
    February 12 12:03 AM
  • Polyethylene Yeah they're pretty average in my opinion, some of their (early) material is kinda cool though.
    January 25 04:11 AM
  • Polyethylene Cool, verdict? If I could rank discographies they'd get a 2.5 or a 3
    January 20 12:48 PM
  • Ecnalzen Every try out Dead Letter Circus?
    January 15 11:34 PM
  • hankdee27 Haha, yeah my profile pic is a contradictory statement, I was just angered at the way people bully each other on here, just because they can. I could have said it in a way that was more professional, but the posts on that review were kind of the last straw. I shouldn't have lost my cool, its the internet, what else should I expect to see but people arguing with each other consistently. By the way, that profile pic is not a statement I fully support. I just found it to be funny at the time. :)
    January 9 11:03 PM
  • andcas I try my best.
    January 7 12:39 AM
  • Chortles I'm from the US, why do you ask?
    January 5 03:43 AM
  • Ecnalzen Never really paid attention to the drums for Karnivool, I will have to give them a closer listen, maybe with some headphones. I play guitar, so that's where my ears usually go first when I listen to bands. I think they sound the most similar in the vocal department, but I think the instrument styles have some similarities too. I started listening to both bands around the same time and when I shuffled them together in a playlist sometimes I would get their songs confused, lol.
    December 31 09:59 PM
  • Ecnalzen Lol, you never know with people on this site. That would be awesome if they did another album, I really dig both the albums I have by them. You ever listened to Dead Letter Circus? They have similar sound to karnivools Sound Awake album and are also from Australia.
    December 28 07:02 PM
  • Ecnalzen Ha ha, your post seems sincere so I will take the compliment! It looks like we listen to some pretty similar stuff, except for dem metal bands.
    December 28 07:05 AM
  • bullymong Thanks dude. working on another one right now
    December 20 03:52 PM
  • Gwyn. Male
    December 12 02:37 PM
  • JokineAugustus Cool man. I know its mostly metal. Im trying to expand my tastes a bit so if you know anything good to rec, I'll try it out. Metal will always be my favourite genre though.
    December 2 06:11 PM
  • JokineAugustus Sup dude. Late welcome to the site. Stay long and don't get too disgruntled by people on here.
    December 2 05:54 PM
  • bach I know, bro.
    November 16 03:06 PM

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