Reviews 19 Approval 84%
Soundoffs 99 News Articles 6 Band Edits + Tags 14 Album Edits 105
Album Ratings 536 Objectivity 69%
Last Active 11-21-12 3:23 pm Joined 04-19-10
Review Comments 1,503
| kildare Shoot me recs if anything industrial comes along you think deserves attention. It has to be one of the quietest genres on this site
| kildare Thanks for the benefit of the doubt! It seems like overselling is riskier than over-criticizing on Sput for some reason, so I tend to debate harder the higher the number goes. Yeah, it's apparently been good for him to work alone. I looked back over the non-Fulber albums, and he had help on most of those. And I agree it was a "good surprise", especially following on SP break up last year
| Oceandrowned Glad you found something new for yourself besides some *good* and *bad* music. If you want to have a good conversation, feel free to hit me up there! Have a nice day!
| artiswar lmao those last 3 Ministry albums were soooooo bad, like wooowwwww
| Flugmorph most are famous anime songs that aren't actually Flares, only the first one is also on her album, Atelier.