Soundoffs 8 Album Ratings 430 Objectivity 94%
Last Active 01-11-12 3:03 am Joined 04-25-11
Review Comments 264
Rhinocervs, Hell, Ruin Lust, Arizmenda, Vile Gash, Luciation, Burzum, Darkthrone, Fell Voices, Ash Borer, The Body, Mayhem, White Medal, Sump, Abuse Patterns, Church Whip, Horrid Cross, The Haunting Presence, Gorgoroth, Thou, Rippikoulu, Bathory, Electric Wizard, Sleep, Arghoslent, Axeman, Nuclear Witch, Leech, Akitsa, His Hero Is Gone, Blodfest, Immortal, Sump, Neutral Milk Hotel, The Rita, Elu of the Nine, Ulver, Vatican Shadow, Cremation Lily,
 | rasputin no it doesn't have any particular focus, the first round of releases just happened to be along those lines. i plan to put out stuff from a variety of different genres. no concrete plans yet, there will be another issue of the zine in the next month or two and hopefully i can sell some more of the current stock and start working on something new. there will be a sludge split tape sometime in the next 6 months (if all goes according to plan)
 | AngelofDeath Yeah, it's still pretty quality even though it's not quite as straightforward. I'm sure the new album and split with Thou will kick all kinds of ass, regardless of what they choose to do.
 | AngelofDeath Nope. But I felt the unspoken vibe, haha. Enjoy.