Soundoffs 3 Album Ratings 19 Objectivity 53%
Last Active 12-29-10 6:58 am Joined 12-29-10
Review Comments 84
| TheEnigma With a name like that, you better actually play the marimbas. Also, if you haven't figure it out, you don't reply to shoutbox posts in your own shoutbox. Go to the users' profile and write in theirs. :)
| Marimbaboy4 Man I'm gettin off of here. Gotta grab some sleep. Peace out.
| Whambulance Good! It's so effing good. Spencer's vocals are so beastly. I'm listening to Death Cab right now.
| Marimbaboy4 NVM it's not on my iPod. I'll listen tomorrow.
| Marimbaboy4 Lol it's whatever. Never have listened to the album a lot. I'll start listening right now.