
Reviews 7
Approval 94%

Soundoffs 20
Album Ratings 352
Objectivity 64%

Last Active 07-19-16 12:05 pm
Joined 12-13-11

Review Comments 714

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  • BlueSwan hello hope things are well with you sir!
    May 12 10:30 AM
  • WatchItExplode There some novelty hearing this kind of music with a female Londoner accent but it's still just rocks
    June 4 12:10 AM
  • JustinKing Hell, yeah, my dude! I'm stoked to see what their new album is going to be like, too. I know James was saying he's really nervous for how it'll turn out, but given their track record, I know they'll make something worth being in the top albums of the year.
    April 1 05:25 AM
  • OwMySnauze Also check out the band Escape From Echo Base. Think you?ll definitely like them.
    October 23 08:08 PM
  • OwMySnauze No problem man, glad you dig them. Their earlier singles are the best imo
    October 23 05:40 PM

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