Reviews 17 Approval 90%
Soundoffs 14 News Articles 1 Band Edits + Tags 0 Album Edits 1
Album Ratings 214 Objectivity 61%
Last Active 11-10-21 4:31 pm Joined 06-04-16
Review Comments 2,535
| evilford Yeah I have heard rip the jacker it was p sweet
| Hawks I have not buddy. Will get on it!
| evilford I've been good man, how about you? It really has been years!
| Rowan5215 shoot staff a message in the meds thread my dude, the mods should be able to or combine a review for ya
| GodLovesUgly Awesome, I'll check it out now. Yea I'm not sure why The Foundation is labeled as The Resurrection here. Also it's always great to see some love for Southern Hip Hop, a lot of people sleep on it.