Reviews 1 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 2 Album Ratings 431 Objectivity 70%
Last Active 10-30-11 6:12 am Joined 01-26-10
Review Comments 171
 | silentpotato im workin on it. got em all bookmarked and s***, makin my way down the list. got so much catchin up to do, just finished listening to all the s*** i haven't given a run through on my ipod but ill deffs give u the word when i get around to them
 | Counterfeit k good. but seriously i am actually leaving. peace kid hope you get grounded by uncle jom too
 | Counterfeit haha way to go man disappointed in you your mother is pissed.
 | Counterfeit nuttin brah but i forgot completely who this is fill me in negro.
 | acADHDemy we can re build him WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY