Soundoffs 1 Album Ratings 85 Objectivity 54%
Last Active 10-18-11 12:01 pm Joined 10-18-11
Review Comments 93
iron maiden, death, depeche mode, u2, metallica, tangerine dream, black sabbath, deep purple, judas priest, pink floyd, control denied,
 | TheFonz123 yeah man thats just how i role, i rate things based on how much i like them, not how much others do. I think people get cuaght up in the objectivity too much. like if you rate suicide season a 5, i disagree but i respect your being an individual and saying that. THat being said, i dont dislike master of puppets, or i just dont love it,it doesnt stick out for me. If i disliked it i would give it a bad rating and 3/5 is not a negative score, rather it's lack thereof
 | Cells lol you gave liquid swords a 2.5