ToSmokMuzyki copa is a big big meanie stinky poop head October 10 05:56 AM
Comatorium. lol you?re a bitch October 10 03:32 AM
pizzamachine I'm glad to help man, everyone deserves a chance. May 28 02:29 AM
Deviant. Your best bet is to simply check back periodically until it has gone through. Cheers May 28 01:14 AM
Deviant. Sorry for the late reply man. Generally the wait for an approval on anything is never that long; aside from myself there are 3 other regular moderators so there's generally always something on. Every now and again it might take upwards of 24 hours or so, because we also do have lives (especially on the weekends!). Unfortunately we don't notify when the change/addition has been made - with the amount of requests that come through daily we simply don't have the time May 28 01:14 AM