Album Ratings 23 Objectivity 57%
Last Active 05-28-10 1:42 pm Joined 05-28-10
Review Comments 0
Against Me!, Algernon Cadwallader, Alkaline Trio, American Football, Ape Up, Bayside, Beastie Boys, Beatles, Bert Jansch, Big D and the Kids Table, Billy Bragg, Black Flag, Blink-182, Bob Dylan, Bomb The Music Industry, Bouncing Souls, Boys Night Out, Buried Inside, Cap'n Jazz, The Carrier, Champion, Charles Mingus, Charlie Parker, Choking Victim, The Clash, Comeback Kid, Converge, Crime In Stereo, Daitro, Dashboard Confessional, Dead Kennedys, Desaparecidos, Desmond Dekker, Dizzy Gillespie, Don Caballero, Dropkick Murphys, The Early November, The Effort, Elvis Costello, Embrace, Explosions In The Sky, The Fad, Fago Sepia, Flaming Tsunamis, Flogging Molly, Folly, Four Year Strong, Fugazi, Gaslight Anthem, Get Up kids, Giraffes? Giraffes?, Godspeed! You Black Emperor, Gorilla Biscuits, In My Eyes, Jawbreaker, Jawbox, Jay-Z, John Coltrane, Johnny Smith, Kanye West, KiD CuDi, L'Antietam, Last Lights, Leftover Crack, LEss Than Jake, Lifetime, Lil' Wayne, Littlest Viking, Loved Ones, MIA, Make Believe, Mewithoutyou, Merchant Ships, Miles Davis, Miineral, Minor Threat Minus The Bear, Mississippi John Hurt, Modern Life Is War, Modest
Mouse, Mogwai, Mos Def, Motion City Soundtrack, The Movielife, Neil Young, Neutral Milk Hotel, New Found Glory, NOFX, None Mor Black, Notorious BIG, O Pionerrs!!!, One Up Downstairs, Operation Ivy, Owen, Owls, Paul Simon, Pete Seeger, Piebald, Pietasters, Planet Smashers, the Pogues, Radiohead, RATM, Ramones, Rancid, Refused, Rehasher, Righteous Jams, Rites of Spring, Russian Circles, Saves The Day, Say Anything, Set Your Goals Seu Jorge, Shai Hulud, Slackers, Small Brown Bike, Smiths, Snowing, Social Distortion, Softer, Sonny Rollins, Specials, Starting Line, Street Smart Cyclist, Strike Anywhere, SuicideMachines, Suis La Lune, SUM41, Sunny day Real Estate, Taking Back Sunday, Ted Leo, Tera Melos, Thelonious Monk, This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb, This Town Needs Guns, Thursday, Tigers Jaw, Tiny Hawks, Title Fight, U2, Underoath, United Nations, Velvet Underground, Verse, We Are Knives, We Are The Union, Weezer, The Wonder Years, Woody Guthrie, Youth of Today, 33.3,