Reviews 21 Approval 85%
Soundoffs 12 Album Ratings 2633 Objectivity 84%
Last Active 05-14-21 5:28 pm Joined 11-17-08
Review Comments 4,251
| ArsMoriendi Pretty neat dude. Won?t lie: the vocals remind me a little of Gordon Gano
| Feather No hate towards the singer! Just felt that it became a bit too front and center when I think they would have been better served as just another layer to the overall atmosphere. the guitar and keys were ace.
| Feather I love the pianos and guitar and the overall mood it evokes. The singing is not really my cup of tea. I feel like it would maybe benefit from less, more subtle vocals pushed a bit further back. Enjoyed checking it out though!
| cycosynner Instructions unclear, actually quit breathing forever, am now suffocating
| JohnnyoftheWell Hi hi sorry, I've been a mess with this lately (getting back on it!!!!) - if you mean "Sheen", can confirm I GOT IT lfg