5.0 classic |
Burden of a Day Blessed Be Our Ever After |
I spent two entire months of my life listening to this and only this. Kendal is definitely the highlight of this album, dispersing his soaring clean singing amidst his perfectly suited screams in a way that leaves you almost wishing he'd sung a little more but knowing if he had the album would be a little less perfect. |
Carcass Heartwork |
Mayday Parade A Lesson In Romantics |
Every song offers the emotional ride of a bad breakup in the most accurate way possible short of ripping your heart out of your chest and stepping on it. And it's great. |
Mayhem De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas |
I can't describe why I like this so much. It's one of those albums that just left me in awe. Perhaps because it encapsulates everything it means to be black metal. |