Average Rating: 4.04 Rating Variance: 0.35 Objectivity Score: 54% (Somewhat Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicBob Dylan Blonde on BlondeKamasi Washington The EpicLovesliescrushing XuvetynMazzy Star Common Burn/Lay Myself DownNico The Marble IndexPure X AngelSlowdive SouvlakiSongs: Ohia Mi sei apparso come un fantasmaStara Rzeka Zamknely Sie Oczy ZiemiThe Lemonheads It's a Shame About RayTiger Trap Tiger TrapVashti Bunyan Just Another Diamond Day4.5 superbAscending EarthlingsCass McCombs A Folk Set ApartCraw CrawDemigod Slumber of Sullen EyesDura Silver/LawnsFalse UntitledFather John Misty I Love You, HoneybearHave a Nice Life VoidsKevin Drumm and Jason Lescalleet The AbyssLeviathan Scar SightedMeg Baird Don't Weigh Down the LightMorbus Chron SwevenMorne AsylumNick Drake Bryter LayterNico The End...Noveller Fantastic PlanetWonderful album. A brief glimpse into a retro-future. An ideally distant world.Old Man Gloom The Ape of God IIPerfume Tree FeelerPro Era PEEP: The APROcalypseThe energy, the feeling, the teamwork between those people...damn. Extremely enjoyable listen; beats and stories are amazing.Queen Sheer Heart AttackRaspberry Bulbs PrivacyHeavy hitting and powerful, covers a raw, pure punk presence that is hard to decline. Well composed and structured, this album is a menace.Ride Going Blank AgainSabu Palo CongoSt. Vincent St. Vincentteen CarolinaTemple of the Dog Temple of the DogThe Chameleons Script of the BridgeTiamat WildhoneyWeyes Blood Cardamom Times4.0 excellentArca MutantBaroness PurpleBattle Trance Palace of WindBeach House BloomBob Dylan Under the Red SkyCattle Decapitation The Anthropocene ExtinctionDean Blunt Black MetalDeath Scream Bloody GoreDeicide DeicideEarth Phase 3: Thrones and DominionsIntronaut The Direction of Last ThingsJesu Everyday I Get Closer to the Light from Which I CameKelela HallucinogenLoma Prieta I.V.Loma Prieta Self PortraitLuna LunaparkManuel Gottsching E2-E4Neurosis Given To The RisingNeurosis SovereignObsequiae Aria of Vernal TombsSatan Atom by AtomShearwater Jet Plane and OxbowThe World Is a Beautiful Place... HarmlessnessTy Segall TwinsTy Segall Band SlaughterhouseWinterfylleth The Divination Of AntiquityYellow Eyes Sick With Bloom3.5 greatBeirut No No NoApart from the minimal vibe and shortness of the album, it has the same charm of other Beirut releases. If not so strong or impressing, it's a very cozy listen.Belle and Sebastian 3.. 6.. 9 Seconds Of LightBloc Party HymnsBoris NoiseDeafheaven New BermudaDeath The Sound of PerseveranceDeep Purple Shades Of Deep PurpleDeicide LegionKeep Shelly in Athens In Love With DuskMgla Exercises in FutilityNeurosis and Jarboe Neurosis and JarboeNico Camera ObscuraNite Fields DepersonalisationParquet Courts Monastic LivingSkrillex BangarangSteve Winwood Arc Of A DiverThe Chameleons What Does Anything Mean? BasicallyThe Dear Hunter Act V: Hymns with the Devil in ConfessionalThe Softies Winter PageantTropic of Cancer Archive: The Downwards SinglesTy Segall ManipulatorTy Segall Emotional MuggerYoung Thug Slime Season 23.0 goodCut Hands Festival of the DeadDean Wareham Emancipated HeartsFoo Fighters Saint CeciliaJason Lescalleet Much to My DemiseKuedo Assertion Of A Surrounding PresenceSweet Cobra EarthThe Fall Middle Class Revolt2.5 averageMetallica St. AngerVeruca Salt Ghost Notes
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