
Soundoffs 1
Album Ratings 17
Objectivity 40%

Last Active 01-24-17 9:57 pm
Joined 01-24-17

Review Comments 2

Average Rating: 4.41
Rating Variance: 0.27
Objectivity Score: 40%
(Poorly Balanced)


Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name

5.0 classic
Billy Joel Songs in the Attic
Black Sabbath Mob Rules
Marillion Script For A Jester's Tear
Marillion Fugazi
Marillion Misplaced Childhood
Marillion Clutching At Straws

4.5 superb
Black Sabbath Live At Hammersmith Odeon
Cheap Trick Dream Police
Iron Maiden Beast Over Hammersmith
Toto Toto XIV
Lukather, Paich, Williams and Porcaro what could be wrong? A great album from a great band.

4.0 excellent
Black Sabbath Live... Gathered In Their Masses
Black Sabbath Live Evil
Black Sabbath Born Again
Marillion Seasons End
Marillion Fuck Everyone and Run (F E A R)

3.5 great
Cheap Trick Bang, Zoom, Crazy…Hello
Marillion Holidays In Eden

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