Average Rating: 4.32 Rating Variance: 0.20 Objectivity Score: 42% (Poorly Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicAgalloch The MantleOpeth Still LifeUlver Bergtatt - Et eeventyr i 5 capitler4.5 superbAgalloch Pale FolkloreDeath Scream Bloody GoreFen WinterNecrophagist EpitaphNecrophagist Onset of PutrefactionProtest the Hero FortressThe Ghost Inside The Ghost InsideUlver The Assassination of Julius CaesarZapruder Zapruder4.0 excellentArchspire Relentless MutationCult Leader A Patient ManDeath LeprosyObscura DiluviumSoen LotusThe Raconteurs Help Us StrangerWhite Ward Futility Report3.0 goodBring Me The Horizon Count Your Blessings
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