Average Rating: 3.97 Rating Variance: 0.80 Objectivity Score: 63% (Fairly Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicDarkthrone A Blaze in the Northern SkyFuria Ksiezyc milczy lutyMayhem De Mysteriis Dom SathanasMgla Exercises in Futility4.5 superbAzarath Blasphemers' MaledictionsCultes Des Ghoules HenbaneCultes Des Ghoules SinisterFuria Grudzien Za GrudniemFuria Martwa Polska JesieńFuria PłońFuria NocelMasseMord (POL) Let the World BurnMorowe Piekło.Labirynty.DiabłyOdraza RzeczomSybreed The Pulse of AwakeningThy Darkened Shade Liber Lvcifer I: Khem SedjetVader Tibi et IgniWedrujacy Wiatr Tam, Gdzie Miesiac Oplakuje Swit4.0 excellentMgla PresenceMgla GrozaMgla With Hearts Toward NoneNon Opus Dei DiabelParkway Drive AtlasTerrestrial Hospice Indian Summer Brought Mushroom CloudsThy Darkened Shade Eternvs Mos, Nex Ritvs3.5 greatHuman Serpent Inhumane MinimalismImmortal Diabolical Fullmoon MysticismIn Twilight's Embrace LifebloodThe Halo Effect Days of the Lost3.0 goodThy Darkened Shade Liber Lvcifer II: Mahapralaya2.5 averageMechina Venator2.0 poorBloodywood RakshakMechina Siege1.0 awfulFeminazgul No Dawn for Men
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z